Minutes-PC 1952/01/07t •z `
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~i1~Ly tf811
enaheia. California
~~s9 7. 195~
x0. 159
OP 9b. LOS
exaar~s aan
SOUTfi Sfi'~cE~T3
~ 5i-52--b
x0. 1496
It2BOTS3 0! E~GOLAS l~PIYI~ OP '!ID! CIiR PLA1~I]tti f~0sI83I0H
~ ".~v
• Bsaa3ar ![eeting of tbe Citg Plaanfn6 Comai~sicn vas called to order ~t 2s00 ;
o~clock P.M. by Cbs3rsar- ?l~oaapson. a qnoram being preeenti.
Chairawn '1'bospson. Commisa3onsrs ~aaur. Ho~yolro. Rintce2. Sc2mmacher. ~Sctratte. ~
9ti~srs saQ 1[angsll. Alsa present vsre llr. Oordoa ifhitnall. Pleaaing Consnltant. ,
~ tor a portion oi the Meetiag, 1(r. Eeith lhirdoch~ C~ty ddminlstrator.
Ca~iseioner Hapgood.
Yl~ first order oi bnainese vas ihs aparo~al oi tbe )siant~s of the lSeetinge of ?
Da~ce~abc•z 3rd. 100h. sad 26Lh. as vrittsa. IIpoa a motioa by Commi~sioaer S~e~re,
~,~~...A„~~A lr l~.nwm_i~aiNxaw G)m~n.~l~~s n~ ~,.~M1~1~ E/~~ ~i_ia Mlwnkr~ v~w~ ~~w~~~~is :.~
Pariance Bo. lj9 ~~~ +sPproved a~ the Meetiag held on December 10. 1951. 'bnt
xsa sstnraed to the Commission b~ tha City Comncil for reconsideratioa ia ei~w
of ~erbal psotests zecel~ed~ at the City Conncil 1[eaLflng.
Nx. Boland Msir a~saia sppoared be!'ore t~e v'oaiseioa and aor propoee4 so move hfie
present strncture to the loca:ion yhom on his plot plan. aad stncco the froat
aaQ effis, xith Lhe ezcepLion of the garage doors.
Althnngh tl~e CoamiAeion does not l~avo architectnral control. it rwe Y~1! thsS
the cbabge~ pr~sent~d sbaald De ~atisfactory to the residents oi Ehe area as it _
va~ apparent~ tl~s ~ o! the baildiag rether t2~ea the.IIB~ that wga ob~ect~?~
to at ths pre~ions ~aring~. ,
The Commission r~nt on r~cord ti~st the ac'Li~sa taYea on Dscember 10, 1951~ confr,rme :~
::.~. ~.i: 2c6v: :oYr::a~o..:: .:: rM~dw'~-~~~ ~ ~t~ ~o....A. ~~t :.~".~~ .~:~~~~'a.. ~._ l.~w -
not c2mng~ t.ke!r a~~eiez oa R2se epprosal ~+ven th±a V~~3eY::~ 34ww~rk~.qt ~',ste.
Commimeion~r Hapgaod entered tbs lteetina at 2:32 P.H• '
The ?irat Pablic gsarSnB yse opsned on tl~e pstitioa filed by C. A. Zimmermana to a
rec2aesity th~ propertT a4 th~ santhwst corner of South Los Angel~e ~reet and ;
iteat 3onth Street. 'Ph~ imsdiatm L'S~ propos~d by the epoaaor oi the petition ia +
to erect s Food Marlc~t !or Lh~ sal~ of iraits and ve6etablle~. groosries. meat and ~
deli~at~ssen aad o~her relatecl r~tail prodnet~. vith aa ad~qnaxe psrking are~ Lo ~
2~and1. all peopl. creaing at she proposea .tors.
1ir. 7.9~rmer~saan appeared before the ~Comiedon ~S anLlinsd hie plan~ tor the uae j
or ths pro~perty. ~
l#s. Arlbar M. Ernse. S1Q Sonth Loe Angeles Street, ovaer ot praper4y on the eaeL
side of Lo~ ~ngeles Str~~t. belir~a S2iat both sidea of atreet shonld be sone~
~e F2. l3eneral Bnslnsea Zon~. - i
Hr. 7wo Ostdick. 121 llsalrthnr lfaaos. aad ltrs. 0. lf. Maid~ 115 l~acArtlmr Manor. j
voiced th~ir ob~ection~ to the reclaseificatfon dw eo the noia~ naa tratfic thwL ~
ronld be creatsQ near a rssidsntial di~trict.
Al1 pr~sant hs-~in~ bsea 8iv~a t~s ogportnaity to teatity for or against the re- ;
c~aeeification, Lbs h~aring ru clo~ed natil the Second Pnblic Hearing schednlsd
ior l~tond.r~. ?~broart 4. 1952• '
A 14via~d TentaLive Ksp of i`ract Bo. 7.4y6 ~ra. preasnted to the Commirsioa. Thie ~
trac! So locat~d n~ar the eonth+reet corasr of 8orth Neat Str~et aa3 Barton Street, a
aad ia propar~d by Dr. S. H. 3enten aad 1Sr. Je J. Artor. vl11 coataia Se~en (7)
I.ota oY apprazf~ato3,Y j~4 acr~a ~a~ch. !
Cs accouat ot 2{~~5~' r.rcees fes ~±se protaation sad eer*ice trucks, it rae mo~ed ?
by Comm+3ssionsr Bapgaad. seconded by Co~issioner Sc~her, aaQ carrieE.. that ;
~w~ A~~~i ~P~~~N~~ ~~I !R.~w! Rw~ 7lIFf~. l~. ~ rn~~ gn~~a~!k tJ~ fl~,~ ~tc=rlalnn
oi Carleton Avemss to ~oia tha liorth rr.-'!. ~~ant4- etraet. na-neaed, in the 9nbdivieioal
E&CL~33I?I- The Second Pnblic Hsarina ras opeaed ua tbe 8eclass3f1cat2oa of "3)og Lennels" from ?
CATIOB 0!' ~he preaenL C-2. 4eaeral ~t~srcial Zone. to !I-1. I~ighL Manufactvring ~one. Ao
E~EigBLS pnblic testisorq ras prssenS~ for or agaiast this 8eclasaii±cation. so apon a
sotion b~ Qo'loaion~r '8moaer.. soao~ed b8 Coaissionmr l[nagall, aad earriad, it
rras v+ot~d to recw~sad~to t~ CiiT Conncil. Dy Bs~olntion Ro. 9. Serles lq$1=$2.
L~at ~~ic ~~Bag~ ~~ la Lhs .C~3::.ouce. 'Asa ra~~ aa :~ a'...;=o ~:.a~ :sa ao
follotias -
aZl3: 00lWISSIOHSRB: Ganer. IIa~ggood. HoSyob. Ri.ntcel. Schmoacher. SchntLe.:.:,
• 9tm~era +~ad Mnn6a11.
ASS1N'P: COI~[I83I0~S: Hons.
HINUTE? ~e BPfaULAB 1~'TIBfi 1ffi,D oN Jd~ITABY ?. 1952 - Camtiao~d: (P~e 2; -
}[~'1'HOD OF
Ths 3econd Pnbiic H~nring erae opea~d oa t3be '46~tY,e~ e4' Aoti~jia6 Fs+oper3y demsrs ;
rith Ragard to Variances and Zoniaa Clfsa~es'. IIo pablie testimo~ nss p~ssaated ~
for or agaiaet +fhi~ absag~ ia Ordi.aoncs so. Tl~+, w~,oen a~ririaa ~~nfoa~r ~
Holyoks, seooadad by Commissionsr Sc7sntts, ~d arri~d, it tias ~ote1 fia xa~~ :
to ths City Conncil by Eesolation Bo. ?^~. S~i~s 1931-52. t~at tMs Oa~ita~ae~ ~
Ohange ~o~ edop~ed. '
Tsa :a:e aa :~ a~avo .r:3aa « as Yollo~rx:
AY~Ss OOI~ASI93IO~St Aaner. Bapgood, Ho~jobe. ~iate~el, ~el~er. Sclmti~.
9t~ers and ldanga~l.
NOA3: OOMMT9SIOl~t3t Bane.
eBSBQiTt CO1+II~tI~SI01~Ss Hone.
r-+p~IQ~~e ~~ ~0~34L11~ ~3~~~4 ~9nr1~ ra~ i-+~+~n~ wn !1r fb~.iwaw ~~~ t:. r~~'~ a~~ ~ .
~AYHIS. STC. mi~~ibls ~xteneioaa of Cornics~, ~aqs. Belt Comras, SilL, Ho~ttr~ss~s, etc..
may eztend or pre~sct into a"reqnirea sids yara• in ~1ao~ of pssssat pro~isioa
psr0sining only to e"Side Yard*.
No pnblie testimoay vas prsseatsd ior or a~ain~! this pe+opee~d e~e.
Commis~ioaer Schntte did not Ssvor lhis cl~a~,ro us ~~eliRes tbet ~es, rsc.
shonl~. be al3oxeQ to eztand pra.ctical~ to t~he ~+a,6partT 14a~.
A moLion aae made by Commissioner Bintc~i, saaxs.dsd b; !~s 9~asrs. and
cArried~ that the C~ami~sion by 8asolntiam ~. ~?. Scles i951-~2. r~eo~ to
the Oity Couaci]. that thie Oheag~ bs 3acorpos~a~ed in O~+IIia~n ~. Tl~F.
The vots on th~ abov~ motion xas as follow:
AYSS: QOMMISSIOHZBSs (iausr, Hap~ood. yso~oloe. °~iII.te~i1. Se~eBer. ~ers an~d
.4.v~~i.rQi ww~+i~v~vr~r.~rQi ~~y~~'
PEaHI8ITI0N The Seoond Pub21c Hesriag nao opensfl on ~ f~am~e in /s~fli,a~~ee Fo. T14, pro-
OF H]~SID~N!'IdI~ hibitiag He~identisl IIses in t}is !i-2. Beay l~an#'a''.~~°:~~ Gr,i~. fe o~ agp~ared
PBOPmmT7 I~ to tesLify tor or agaiast tbis C3~g~s.
ld-2. ~11VT •
lIAPQD'ACT[~IH(} Upon a mottoa by Comeissionsr 9ommer~, sea.w«lei. fir Ce~dr~sia^sz Hep~,ood, aa~
ZOA~ carried. it xae vokea to recommend to :~s ~ity ~'~~moeii. ~~ Zte~ointiea Be. 22,
8erie~t 1951-52. that this Cluags be ineosporstsd ia ~eIIlaa~oe Si. Td~. eobfsct
to c~iag aub-rrsgraph {a) :a rer~:
(a) ARy roaidentiel ns~ pro~ided Lbst a~c21ia~ oBsII b~ p~xa+JCl~d a~ tl~s saa~
lot or percei of land on rhich s tactorg is ~e~ed aedt s~rls d~43ng sba12
be naea exc]nsively by a responsibl.m ~os at s~r1k imstorT, aa3 his iani~.
and ameadina snb-Pa~'8Bs'aPh ~6) to r~ads
(6) Trai3~rs, vhen nse~ for homan haDitation, or trai~ ~.
The ~ots on the foregolAg motion xas ss ioliaw:
A2~3: COl~BAISSIOlP~3: Ganer. IIapgood, Ha~ato. %asoel. Se~saebsz. Sebmtte.
~~l6 i~ ~1•
H0~8t C01~lI98IORSHS: ~oas.
ABS~'P: COMMISSI01~3: Nons.
~STABLIS~D The Second Publia Hearing on iizin6 t~ 2~t lin~ baildia6 se~bei:~ere ma-
lRON'P YABDS oonforming iroat line ee~-becke aziaL m! t~ pra~L t5s~e.
1[r. ~Mhitnall drer- a diagram oa th' blscl~sasd. r~ s~s~ed mcar tbe gr,or.t ~arg
lines rsr` arri~ed st vith reSerence to Ll~tieal ~a~sss aa Lts.
N~ one appeared to.~eatity tor or sgaiaa! t2~s C~.
IIp«a s aat3ea by Qommieaicz~r s~~. ~:~ ~ a~'..~ b-~. s~
CiuPseu~ io an~ voo8is a4 PcCC=~~=~s T~ ~; w_sst:rti. :,' si: ~~-~ -:~ .=r == L~
Clty COnnQll that thie CBaa~ge be aiade ia Os~im~aae 30. TJ~
The vote on the above motioa xae as Sa23r~rs:
AY~S: COMMI98IOHffitS: Qausr. Bapgood. Hol~ab. ~8fata~l. Se~aeb,er. Selmtte.
• summarr sad l~na~i.
~OESs COt~4ITSSIO~S: Rons.
a~s~r: ca~issioa~as: ao~.
~LE4TIOH OF This belag the date ior the gl~c~ian ad tl» P,a~laa~s Alliuas fer LIs~ emoiaa
AT1~T(!1CpR o~eM ()1~~~wm~~w Tl~w~n~~w~ ~^17aa f~~ wisrN~ N t~ fWa~~ / w~a
u .~ i -r.. +~.+m..•
Oammi'eionsrs Tho~apean aad 8aasmars ~ru~ ~tea. 1fr. ~hita~ii att~d as ?eYler.
The eouat oi ballota shored !!r. Sn+~er~ el~ctrd l~aiea~ S~ t~c Tanr 19~2.
Nomi~t±oaa rtlro aest ±a orQrr iar Y3re-~±-~., ~L ~~ eas ~_223 :g ta ~t,
sQ that the tilTing o? tlsi~ oYfice ras ~el~ ons antll t~ee ae¢t aeatis~.
Commieeioner Munga~7.1 Mas re-elscted xo ~srrs as ~ta,r; ~a~r t~r r~r I9~2.
~ --~..-------- --- _ -------- ------------_ __--_ _
~,:.,. c- ---------------
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ _:_ ~
~ ~ ~ =
MINOT~B ~F ~tEQULSE M~TINa H~LD Og JAAUARY 7~ 1952 - Coatinued: (Page 3). ' ~
~' ~~'
A Tentative Map oi. '1~racL No. 1941i vas preeeated to the Commiseion. oonaisting oi i.
' 10 lots. ta the wes4 of preeent Damon Avemie. j
1S~ It vsa moved t;:Commiesioaer Holyoke. seaoaded by Commieeinner Hapgood, aad
carried. that aqy reaommeadation oa this tract be h~ld over natil Lhe aezL meeti.ng ~
to soe xhat uas oould be made of the balaacs of the p;r~,azt~ in Lhe area ~
AfiF,1~A IT&EI3
The Commiseion ad3onrned at 5e16 o~clonk P.M. uatil Konday. Jana~ary 21. 1952 at s
. 12 AND
AND AD 2t00 o~cloalc P.l4.~ at ahl,ch time consideraLion rill be givan to It~aa 11. 12. r^~
ver~ saheduled on the Agenda for Jam~ary 7. 1952. y
1 ~71Y~Am grn~ mhv ,°'3v'aPi ~u~iia; aeB~i
s~ on ~i'v-Booy Siue 3ards on lots other tbaa re~ereed ~
YABDS OA Cffi~. corner lots", Mae opened and rrao he1Q over tor i~rther conaider~.tion st the ?
TJ1~N COBNER nezt Hegular Meeting of the Cammissioa. ;
~ ~~~~~
` '
- ~
----- .. __
H. ~ . ltuagal , cretary
.~_-- -- - . --- -- ----..~._..--- .,