Minutes-PC 1952/02/04~3,Q u~i7
Aaaheim, Califora4a
?ebruery 4~ 1952
g~pTffi pp ggG~7.Ag I~BT~t? 0? 2~ CITi PI~Affi~1~6 COl@iISSIO~T
A Eegalsr )leetiag oY the City Plaanit~g Co~sissioa vas callea to orber at 2:02
a~clocl~ P.II. by Chnirme+a Snmmers, a qt~crnm bei~pg preaent.
CHAIElfAN 5~era. Co~aissloners Bintcele Sc2~aaaheT, SobnttO and kaaBell.
ConanllBat (ior3on Yhitnall and City 3dminiatrator Mur~oah Yere aleo preaent.
Commisaioner ~iewer aatered Lhe Meeting at 2:09 o•!alock P.K.
Commiss+loaer 7~oapsan eatered tY.i Reetiag at 2si1 o~clock P.H.
Commi.aatoaer H~lyal~e e~ abeeat dne to illnese e~ad lwspi'ts2isstioa.
~ v+w-,.__a .,t gby g~~~oga of danuars 7th and Jaauars 21, 1952, vere approved
as Krii~tsa upon m~tian by Commiasiaaax Sc}~acher. secoad~d a~ Cas~:safoW~iutcel ~
aad carried.
~CLASSI7'I- R'hie vse the tiae eet tor the Second Pnblia Heariag on the Reclassifioation o3 tha ',
CATIp~T pp +~ aonthrest cora~er o! I+os Angeles affi Sonth Streete Yrom Br3 ~ t~sil.tiple 8amily Besf-
SOIITEW~ST COH. deatial Zone to C 2. Gemeral Com~erc3al ~oae.
OF I,OS AAi~ffi~ffi gs. C. A. Ziaermsaii,oimer ot the pr~ert;, appeared beYore the Commisaioa and
~~~ atsted tlost he proposea to eell the property ~or a lbod Harket, rhich v-ovld not
'~~ bA S m018Y 586~ mD 11~E37k~ ~Ti7tZZt~ ue ~-~j.'~ eia3 Qii~iviove :o~s:.'~p ::••~~ h~ iw~ai~e sA
on the gremis:s. Iaa~ wnld be deet~o the 81tg to complete the alley from Weat
Sonth to a'11eYl~eBlat the ree-a of 1tacArthar Manor.
lAr. L. C. Yhiteheed. 114 ltacArthnr lfan~or~ appeared before tha Commieaion asid voioed
his ovmsition bacanse oi the tsaSfic aagle. Ii t~e alley ie pnt through Yrom
Sonth Strest. people naiag the IfarYet might me~ce more nsa of HaaArthnr !lamr. ne
atsa stated,tbst he belie~ved other prnpexty oa Los Angeles Street mlght be acail-
. able !or thia nse rhich ie alsea~T soaed Yor such's uae.
1!r• 0• M• lA81d, 115 vewi,.~t,._„ ~loY. BlStb~ t~hat t116 gTb~~3:.6 'vi thi8 chane9 Yotlld
inteacfere vith tLe pritasy of resr yarQe aa~d it You7.d also create a traffia 2~arrrci
for scl~ool childrsn aa sccoun~ oi the increaeed tratfic.
Nr. }lang~ 107 YacArthar iiat~r st,3ted tl~t the property should be left in Rr3 as at
praseat. Also. ii a ltarbet ~rere allomed to be erected, thare might be undeeirable
~arl~iag atter the Store aloaed.
Aa no one else otfexed to es~reas an opiaioa, CE~airmsa Snmmere aloaed ~the hearing,
$~,tiag t2~at da,e to 7he leagth of the /lgeada betore `~he ~ommiaeioa, a-ct.on on eaid
hearing dau13 be taloen later in the aeet3ag.
VARIAgGE s PoTolic Sesring tias held oa the veritied patition ~mitted by Charlee aaa Elaine
P&TITIOH Braddt 825 Yeat 7a Palme~ Avenae+ Yor permisaioa to eztead the present Trailer Park~
1~0. 1b0. aL thia eddresa, z5o reet ao t.ne rear sad thareby add 25 Trailer Spacee aad the
neaessnrY sanii~ar9 facilities.
Itr~ Bsa~ appeared betore the Co~isaioa and statsa tLat hia trailer sites are
larger tbaa reqnired b~r 1av aad tlmt he espects to bave the Yineat Trailer Park
ia llysbeia vith blaok-togped streeta. playaouad faaiiitiea ior ohildren~ eta.
Dnring the psst yeRr, eight patrona of hia Trailer Park 2rave pmrcbased homes in
A~sheim. oa bebalf oi herselt and
lSrs. H. &Rason, 808 Yeat Bo~eya Drive~ apoke/tor H. x. Yoet, 80$ Neat La F'alma
gvenne~ ayner a? the s2.~o~ni~ p=agert~ to the ea.st a~ the preseat 'TMrei2er Park,
,sad rLo oonaiders tLeir property euitable tor Snbdivison~ a.-^3 they thereiore oppose
a fnrther estensioa oi the 'Psailer Par~
Y..w• ~a ~a s~?8~.d„ti'~ 1~.6~ K~S~G B411m6~11 DT~V9s CSIIIBT O~ ~18 ~TOp81'tr$ tr0 ti~l8 MBBL Ol~
the preseat ?r..32a: Ps~. opposed t~ha ~aafiivg o£ the Q$riauce. as thsy rar.l.d ~~o ~
3+~:.~ :~+e+~- at sama thture time a~d fsel ~at aay itt~8het:eztensioa ot the
Trsiler Parlr wonld ae~a7.aate their Ps"a2:~ •;:..: ~
1lrs. C. F. Scbmidt. T12 liest Bommeya Drsve, opposed the grauting of the Yariaace
awa desired tLnt prapert~ i~ k~e sres be retained tor reaidential u~e.
COI~tISSItB~t ~ eatered tlse lteetiag aL 2:35 0~clock P.M.
Hias R.•~ea~an~ BesZtor, atated tk+at ahe ba.d eold the property to Alr. Bradd origi-
na12y. s~d LII3g =r~ ;as vs1 iaa rars ~ oeen operayed, wr. ~radd ehonld bq
grantetl tbe Qariance.
Yhe heerl,ng rse cloaed rith actioa to De taken later ia th3 Meeting.
°` .
~ ~ ~ ~' •
H~TOTES OB BF,GiTI+gE NILETIDTG ~i~ BESHQABT 4~ 1952 ~ Caatiaa~3s (Page 2)
pABIAtiCD A Public Hearfn~ ~ras held vpan 1~he veriPiad pe~ition snbsitted Dy l[31tan and
PETITIO~T Marie Sell. sa o~+aere~ Mr. Corl bemck~, as I~esa6e, ior pesmisaioa to Sastsll
S0. 161. 45 spsaee ior Trailore xith the reqnired ntility ~~9~;~ oa tLd sontherlT por-
tion ot the Sell~s property ia l,ot 12, Kiles BanehQ.
Mr. Sell appeared beforo the Commisaioa aad ststea t~nt he }~ed operated a Yssfler
Court ior over tvo yesrs and his teaaata bsve all beea s Sine clasn oi peogle.
The~c~ ie f~ tk4 ~~~ Sitee amn~,~+ aro~ t~~ n.r~ +~ ~- ==° '= `=-::w..
~t the t3me the origiaal Pariaaca xss graated, prog,erty oimen ia tbe Ticiaity
riad. a c2~anae to ob~ect. Preseat Yari,ance covarei the vbole is+~ntsge o~mea emcspt
28 feet~ and mor~ Conrta covid be built at present.
Mr. H. ~. Benne~y~ 824 1Pest Bomaeya Drive, atateil tbat Bo$~a Drive at ths pseseiil
i- b~.°33c h.;.-. :.-3 ~or :h..- •: L~::.e = - .,a,.'-.~y ~a;~ wa'y, ::. iaei
wide. and more Conrts rronld add to tha praeent conditions. Peela t~st Boane~a
nriva ehould be kept ior reaideatisl parposas only.
Mr. W. 8orrers~ $34 Victor.Street~ stated tbnt he move3 to Aaabei~ to get a~
from a Trailer Park in inglewood.
Mr. Baymoad Eleia~ 596 Yictor Street~ orner oi Subdivision Bo. 1$63 on the narth
aide of Qictor Street, the rear yarQs ot rrhich xonla bach vp ~Lo tbe proposed
Trai2er Park~ believes that the granting ot the Yariaace Yorrld hart tbe sate of
hia property.
Ntrs. C. F. Scl~midt stated t~hat the property ia oY nore beaefit to As~absia as resi-
dential tYisa ior a Trailer Park.
Mr. g. ~. 3tevena, 530 west 8o~eya Drive, sLated tt~t ho r~nld mt ob,~act to
Trai2sr Sites along Eomnays Drive~ bnt the-t to the rear L~.-y ~esuld intertere vith
iae privacy oz nie rear yarp,.
Mrs. H. L. Banson~ 8D8•Weat Bomaeya DM~e, tiondered iL tl~s Cnm~isaioa lleabers
]mow vhat tha rear of a Trailer Park looke lil~et
i~P. a. :.. Zxi~~aa~~ ji2 ~ies~ Q~.cior Street, did aoi~ oeiieve iasre is a need ~oa a~
espsasioa oi Trailer Parks and Jelieves tbat graatiag o! the Tariance vcmZd de-
valuats the anrrouading propezties.
The heariag rrae deolared el4eed vith aetion ta be taken lster in the aeetia~;.
TENT~2IVE A Teatstive lSap of Tract DTo. 1$ZW~ vaa preaented to the Co~nission. ihis tsact
MAP OF TBACT vould be an axteaeioa of Damoa Street trom Pythias Aveaoe veaterlJ to the g. p~
FOo 15WF B. B. traoks~sad rill aompriae 18 lots. Aa Lhis trnct rill csras 160 feet o!
Oity-or~ned property~ Mr. t~lurdoa~ stated t2~at tha City ~ronld dsed t~e portioa oi
lsad aeceasary tor Lhe street, 1Y the Snbaivlberc vill got ia :he isprnv~eats.
The Snbdieidars are E. $. Morria and $. DsKa.
A motion aae mede by Commissioner Sohette. aecoaded by Co~i.saioner Schmecher,
rsnd carried~ that the Subdiviaion be approved anb~ect to isprn~Naeat oi the Oit~
vortion of the etreet and the neoeseary engineering reqnire~sata.
FINdI, MAP OF The Biaal,Map of Tract No. 15b3~ looated on 4icitor Straet aad consisting oi eig~t
'A'BAO'~ A0. (S) lots~ wae approved upoa a motion by Commissioner ~~*+~-^her~ seconded by Coa-
1~6~ mieal.oner '17wmpsoa~ and carried. The SnbdiviQer ia E. F. fleia.
BEOL633I8'IQA- The qneatioa of reclaaeii'~iag the properLy at the scath+rest co~r ot lieat Sonth ~
TIOH 1f:~::S6iJ~P8'"iSEreet sna South I,os Angelea Street, rias brou~l-! ~!or diacnssion bs Y~ Commis- i
~$~~ ~S sioa and upon a motion made by Gommisaionar ltna~il~ aeca~,ea b~r Co'dasionar ~
A14t~ffi,~S STS. 3ohv.tte~ tbst the Eeclaseifiaatioa af t2~.is property iroa ~~~ ~tfipie-?asi7,y ~
Ree~d,en~ial Zone to C-2; (iensral Commexai.al Zoae; a]~nnYd be sade for the fo].lo.r~,~r ¢
resaonat - -
3. Thia prnperty being Zocst~d. on Son'th I,os Aageles Street ia a logical Iocatioz ~
ior bneinees.
2. ~ot enough aQditioaal aoise ronld be arestod. ot.har tbnn the preaeaL tratfic ~
aoisse~ to bother aessby seAldeata.
3. A Church is being erected directiy Ya the vsst oi this properq. ~
4. It ia poasible tt~t the Park:~og Ares on this psbperty conid be nsed br the ~
Ohuroh !or thsir Sunday Servioes~ it Lheir om parki~g ases ~rsro coapletely ~'
The vote oa the above motion was as lollcvs:
9YES= COMMIS~IOIC~HS: Schntte and Mnngall.
bt0&S: CO1+D+iI3SI0~8S: Uansr~ Bapgood aad Thnmpsoa.
NOT QOTIHQs CQ1~IIdIS3I0AER5: Hinteel aacl ScBumacher. ~
ABS~R'P: COtAAISSIO]~BS: Holy~ke. •
The motion belore the Commisaiaa did aot aarry aa~3 no otLer aotion baing ;ats~o-
dnaed~ the Commisaion is in the pcsition o! takiag no sotion oa t~is HeclaasiYi-
~ -r-------.~~---- - ---- - s .
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
t ~ ~ ~
~ =,~
HlI19UT~S 0~ ~GULB.Ti I~TI~IG F~ID ~BSOARY 4. 1952 - Contin~aed:
(Pase 3) ~
Code oi th.s State of Califorais ;
SOLtJTIOI~s The ado~tioa of tl~e ±
~I~'ION ta ±t. s2~-11 be bs $eso- ?
I 90T~ OF 180T 3~SS TBSB TifO-
Mr. Whitnall pointed out that vader the (i~ver.~ment
under SeaLion No. G5218 - ap~ '1'0 8E ~mp'~ED BY A
rras gaesea by the 1951 5esaioa oS the
oAE3ANCH ThH Commisaion returned to the consi.deratioa oi Variance Ho. 160. Yor the ad.dit3oa=
N0. 160 oY 2$ Trailer Spscea on Weet La Palma Avenae; a motioa vas made by Commisaioner
(AOTION ON) Hapgood, eeaoadeQ by Commiseioner Schumacher~ that by Hesolntion Ho. 14 - Serizs :
1951-52. the Comm~iseioa approve the Application Yor the aflditional 2$ Trailer Park s
Spaces Por the following r~s..ones
l. Ereeen~ Trailer Par& hae beea in operation aevernl yeara. -
c. E~ ia not ab~aoeat to a resi.dential zoae at Lhe present time.
3. There ia a aeed for more Trailer Park Spacea for people coming to ~aaheim
ior emplo;~meat rrho may be usiag brailera. ,
The vote oa th.e above motion was as Yo13.ows:
gyES t CAi~RdISSI0DIERS : Bapgood an8 Sohumacher.
NOES: COlQdISSIO~s (iauer, Rintael~ Schutte~ Thompson and Mcin~11.
A]3SffiT: CONQ4ISSIONESS2 Holyoke.
Therefore the aboe~ motioa was lost aad i,he granting oY the Varianoe va-a doaied.
YABIAITTCE The Commiasioa ret+sned to the aonaid.eratioa of Yariance.No. lf.~ for 4$ Trailer
N0. lbl Park Spaaas oa the properby oP Milton aad Marie Sell on Bomaeya Drive.
i._.. a.a ~ ~...o~~~~e~n~uw ~Phna+snnw
(ACTION ON) A motion waa maae oy "u•ommiseionaa S~u~+..o• ~ aec:.~..a- o.. -- - z---
tY~e,b by Eeaolut3oa &o. Ij - Series i9~i-$2~ the Coam~iaesaa ~.pr=a°e t=e ~=S! 9 -
of this Variance for the following reseons:
1. There is a aee~i for more Trailer Spaces f~r peopla who vrill mork ia the
a.err pl~.nte in d~aheia. `
2. That there has beea a Trailer Park on a portioa of the property sinaa 2q4$. -
3. 'that eome oacupeats of theae Trailer Park Sites may bqy homes ia Anaheim. -
The vote on the above motion was ae follows: ~
aYFS: COMMISSIOBEBS: 3ahi~.ofie~. ~
NOES: CO2~Q4ISSIOHEHS: (isauer~ Bapgood~ Rintesi, SehntLe~ Tbompaon and Knagall.
Theref~re~ the mo~tion r-as loet and the 6p:~~liastioa Yor this 9arianae denied. ;
TEAII~ PABg Mr. Whitaall stated that Lhere were nea•Orilinanaee in the procese oi being pro- ~
& SILLBOAHD mulgaLed Yor Trailer Parks and'alao certain cl~aagea coatemplated in preseat ?
pRDINAN't,.~~'S Billboard Ordinanaes. and E1~at~ ii the Commiasion so authorizeb, he vonld pre-
pare theee ordinaucee. The Commieaioa requeeted that he prepare Arafta oi the
tvo ord,inaacea.
10-~'OOT The propoaed 6mendmeat to Zoaiag Ordiaance No. 774 t}~st Side 4arda on tne e~reet ~
SIDF YAItDS aide•of aorner lots tbat are not reveree3 corner lota, be increased 4.0 10 ieet. ;
This propoaed ameadmeat aas originally proposed by Mr. Murd~~ch~ City A~.miais~rator '
erith the idea primezrilg o! giving better sight.diatanoe at atreet intieraections
especially in x 3 2-~aea. It wae tse oonseaene of opiaioa oY t;sa ~o~isairn tl~st
a 10-f00$ eide yar8 wou7.d dePrive ~~e progerty osanar oY .aa ar.r.': 3~ '~ a~?e ~. ;
a mot~on wae made~ lLOr-ever, by Commiaeioner Bapgood~ aeconded by Commisaioner ;
Mw~all, that by Heaolution 16 - Seriea 1951~52, aPP~~ be givea to thia chna8e ~
+~+ the Or~ipanae apecifying 10-~ooi ~ide Yarda. a
The vote oII this ~tio*r. t?ess as 4olloxs: `
AYES: COMMISSIOP~RS: tiauar, Bapgood and .~^ 1. ~
DTpFS; 001+~lSSSI08~BSi Biutcel. Schmoeoher, Sohutte and '!'Iwmpsoa. ~
The motioa ~id not aarry and the Zoning Ordiaanae being a part oY the ~Instas Plaa ~
and no trro-thirba vote oY the eatire Oommipsioa being recos~ded~ the matter stsads d
thati ao actioa wae talcea.
PETITION 8'~D~I A Petiiioa aas ifie~. ~~~~ ~~~ =! =~ ~~"""'--~!i; !~!vO ~ tura reYerred it to tho P],s~
pgppEgTy pS~AEBS aiag Commiasiox- tor reoommeadation~ Yrom oertaia propes4y o~a.e+ra on ]4sat
OH EAST OffiQ'FE8 Oenter Street rec;;testing tBat their properties Ue Rcas3dered for cbeage to
gTH~ET G-~:~ Qene•ral ~.;~~+.:aroisl Zone from &B~ BesiBsntisl 9gricnltural Zons.
Dates Por heariags aa this petition were eet for Moaday, Narah 3. 195z aud tor
Moaday, April 7~ 1952~ at 2:00 0+olook P.M.
s;~ -- -- - -----~-- --- -
.. -----: • -- ---- ------ ~._ ; ~.__.,_...~...,~~~ .- ..
bfI~tITES 0~' REGtTI,AB 1~E&T2HG ~LD FEBHOAHY 4~ 1952 - Continue8: (Page 4)
~ C01~4+II35IOb~8 SCHIITTE retired from the Meeting at 4:40 o~alock P.M.
~ RECLBSSIFI- I~ise Thelmca Ee~an reported to the Commieeioa from the Honeing Ccmmitte tliat::~heir
~ CATIO~T OS ~1a,n's.:Por abditioaal property to be BeolaesiPied for R,-3 IIees were not complete~
~ ADDITIOHAL however, it was decided tLat the Chamber of Commeroe Eepreseatative an~i tha Plan-
~ FBDPEBTY E~OE ning Commiesion~s Staff ~ work together aad preseat a m~p to the Comaissio~
~ &-3 IIS~S at an 9d~ouraed Eegular Meeting aet for Monday~ Februarg 18, 19$2. at 2:OG o~oloak `~
~ P.M.
~ Caffiniaeioner Ht~pgood preseated a plan spnaenrstlby the $xiksat I~ocke, Inc. ~ xhereby ;
~~~T theyr proposed Lhat the Oity abandoa Sroeger Street Proa Esat Santa Ana Street
~ ,' through $o East Water Street~ a~so the resterly 10$ Yeet oY the alleye south uf
r;as% 3anya i-na and aorih o£ aaei~ waier 3tireeis. ia retura the YLvikaet Compartiy _
~ ~ ` will put in a 20-~oc~t alley from Easb Santa Ana Street to the alley north of Fast
Water Stre9t. Prnvision wiil aleo be made for eervioing the preaent sexes liae _
~ aioag Kroeger Street runniag into the alley sonth ~4 Fast Santa 9aa S±~eet.
~ ; The maps a~d request were received too late for consideratioa prwious to thia
;~ Meeting~ eo that 7,his me-tter will be worked up ia detail by the Staff and preeeated •:
; at the Meetiag to be held Febrnary 18, 1952•
',j Mr. Tsy2or oY Anahaim Mutusl Citras Products Compa~q appeared before tl~e Commiseion i
~ protastizrg the ataadonment of the street, atating that they would be unable to get `
truaks into their plant where they Yiad oaly a 20-foot alle~ to nee. He aleo stated ;
that PaciPio Lighting Company also opposed thie abandonmeat.
! COMMISSIOiJER RIIITCEL retired from the Meeting at $;0!) o~clook P.M.
-'~ ~
Mrs. T. Turek~ ~50 Rorth PhiladelFhis Sbreet~ appeared before the Commisaioa and .
~ TI027 OF NpRTS stated that a petition ia being oiraulated among the property oxners oa North
PHILADF,LPffiA Philadelphfa S~reet between Wilhelmiaa aad Norbh 3tr~eta for a reclasaificatioa
;_j STEEET BE~r1EIIN for a posa3ble chaage from E-1, Single-Family Besidential Zone to &-2~ Two-Family
WIb~I,FtI1~A ~ Hesideutiai Zone. ~
, NOHTg STHEETS Mre. Turek rrae ia5ormed that xhea the petitioa ia iiled it arould be givea con-
:., eideratioa by the Commissioa.
.~ FIHAL MAPS OF Fina1 Maps o~ Tracts Nos. 1428 aad 1429 were preeeat~d to the Commission. These :;
TEACTS gOS. are the tw~~ traats of the Haha-St. John Co. property located oa East Center Street :
~ 1428 .~ID 1429 aad oomprise 86 aad. 47 lote~ respectively.
~'ue irib maps were app7iroved upon a moiion by Commi~aioner ^ihompaoa~ secoaded by '
~ Comraieaionar Schnmacher, and aarried, aub~ect to ceryain eaeemeata required for %
:a nti].itiea on Trpct No. 1428.
Kj SALL ROAD ' Tlin Commisaion aonsidered the 8a11 Eoad. Annexation xith eertain adde~ portione ;
%'~ ANNEXATION sonth ;,~ Ball EosQ betweea South Weat StTeet and U. S. Hi~vay 101 Mith a Qepth .
"y of 660 Yeet~ aad added that portfon between the S. P. B. &. aad bhe A. T. & S.Fe.
~ F~q. for a depth of 660 Peet and .aztending the line a].ong the A. T. & S. Fe. $q,
~, southerly uabil it meete I,ewia Stireet ~ad thea eatending northerly along I+ewis
~~ Street uatil it meets 8a11 Eoad. ?
~~ IIpaa a motioa by Commieaioaer Bapgood~ aeconded by Commiesioaer Sahumscher~ and
csrried~ it xae voted to recommend the Ball Boaa AnnesaLi~a with the eddltioas
as noted.
'~? BESFD~iiAI~ Reataio~ions for Beeidential Uee in the M-1~ Li,gnt ManufacLur4ag Zoaes ahould be ~
r; RFS'PBICTIORS eatablished and at the Meeting to be held on February 18~ 1952. ~tee ior the ~f
~; IN M-1. LTdHT required Riulic Hearinge aill be aet. 1
_ ~ r~: Z~~~ a
'~ 6TI,AgTIC A letter xae reaeived by the Commiesion Yrom Fraa~ Me._«t+~~ owne= c± :h„- ~~:*~,w„AmI~' °~
:i SUPPI,Y C0. SIIPPL? C0. Thie oompar~y plans to erect a building enpply atore on 7,otie 4 a.ad $, ~
i Block 8, Villa Traot, iooated at 1006-1010 Weet Canter Street. They propoee to ~~
` carry a full liae of Plumbing H'izturee~ Electrl.cai Fiztures~ L3ghtiag, Buildere~ ;~
~ iTardvare and Paiata. Tho~ intead to bnild a$tucco~ brick and plate gxase £roat
building with a shipping dook. ~
~ Becauea some of the materials they pmpoae to eell xould be etored outaide of a ~
r ~~~l~iwv ~ ~ ~e v~~~w99sew~~ ~..h.r: .~.hn ~n .w~....~.. ..y... ~ a ~TIC4~ 7, e___
~- -~~ ~ •~-~e ~ •••••••• ~o .... .o. o.. ~.Sa6 i::....c uo.va~o a y8a=mii~ c&~ti
•, ~ w^ -
be gaaated. ~
; P.BELIMINAAY Mr. Jeas MedariR, Realtor~ presented a Prelimiaary Tantative Map of the property ~
~ TEgTATIVID at the southwea~ aoraer of Sonth Weat Street sa8 Wesb Sroaduay~ rvhich he propoaes
MAP . to subdivi+~e for M+il.tiple-Bsmily DweZlings. The 41rst atep wonld be to ask f~r a
~ BeolsaelYication of thia property. Thie will be ccnsidered rith other gropectiea
; nor uader ooaaideratioa for &-3 ReolaeaSYiaation.
`~ _
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~ ~I~L~BS OF BE4ULRS 2~TIIQa ID~1LD FyBRUARY 4~ 1952 - Con~;3nued: (Page 5)
~ 90. CA,LIT. The Sonthera Caliloraia Planning Coagrees in coa,jnnctioa rrith the ~naheim
a P~eS~IIG CyamDer aP Commerce voill hold the May Meating 3a Anaheim.
; ~~~ Mr. Moeller suggested tl~at sa thie year ie the T~renty-fiYth AnniveraBry of the
Anaheim Planniag Commisaioa~ eoma epecial note ehould be made of !h3e occasion
at the torthooming May Moeting. •
Chairme~n 5nmmera appoiated Commisaioaere Thompson, Hapgood ad Qauer to ~:~E csa
a Committee to xork rritb the Chamber oY Commerce on a n~,program fa:~
~ thia Nay Meeting.
~ AUJJO~T The Meeting a3~ouraed at 5:43 o~cloak P.M. uatil 2t00 o~oloak P.M. on Monday,
! ~'ebroary 18~ 1952.
~glf ~/
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. ~P. M~ ~ earetnry
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