Minutes-PC 1952/03/03CiLy 8e11
6nsheim~ California
Atarch 3, 1952
RE(~IIId-8 A Eegular MeFtiag of the City Planniag Commisaion vrsa called to order at 2:W~F
AtEETIgG o~clock P.M. by Chairmaa Su~ere, a qncrum being preaeat.
PBDSERT CHAIHMAN SDDASERS, Commiesionere (ianer, Holyoke~ Bintcel, Schumacher~ Sc2nztte~
Thompaoa and Memgall. Planniag Consultaat Qordon Whitnall wss aleo present.
MIAUT~S tiith refereiuse to the 23fnute~ o£ the ~djaurned xegrlar MeeLiug hel~i February 18,
1952. ~~asioaer Holyoke called atientioa to the fact,the N6P preseated as a
Tentative Map of the prope:Cy at the aouthweet corner of Y1eat Broadway and South
W~a~s$ 5ireet covig no~ be approved as 3"TFNTP..I9E MAPn aince it oarried ao Tract
1Cumber, and therei'ore could. only be coneidered and approved as a~~~TTbTYVE
SBFITCH OF A PRDPUSED SIIBDIVISIflNn. With 'this eLaage ia said Mimites, they were
approved upoa a motion by Commissioner ScfiutLe~ seconded by Comnisaioner Riutcel~
and carrfed.
MB. GEOHvE Mr. George Easton asked to appear before the Cou~ission with :eference to property~
EASTON coasisting of 6-2~3 Acres~ which he owna oa South Barbor Boulevard~ between 8a11
Hoad. and He,tells Aeenue. This gmperty~ being mlthia one mile oP the 6naheim
G±±3 ?•iaits~ he bel3evea comea within the Cityr af Anaheia~a ai iax'Iubnce. Mr.
Easton stated that at a recent meeting of the Orange Conaty Plaaning Commieaion~
they graated a IIee Pariance for a period oY ~hree (3) yeara~ allowing an Auto-
mobile &epair Garage oa property diractly to the south of his propertg. Since
he desires to cffer his groperty for Subdivision IIse~ he believes the IIse granted
the ad3oiniag property makea it unsuitable for hia rnirnnaw~ Aa r.Hp rr,,,,..e~
~r~~~~ ~~..~~
wovld ba located oaly ten (10) feet froa his southerly ~roperty liao. He Yurther
etated tl~at said Variance vras grsated by the Orange Conaty Planning Qommissioa
over tha reoommendation oY ite Varianae Committee rhich racommended that the
petition be denied.
Upoa a motioa by Commiseioner Thompaon, aeconded by Commiasioner Biutael, aad
carried~ it rras voted that the Secretary be ina~ruated to write to the Board oF
Supervisors of Orange Countq~ asking that fi~al action upoa this eaid Yariance
be held up until the Anaheim Commiasion could visit the propoeed ~i~~ an~i make a
tTSE REYIEW Thia was the time set for the Publia Hearing oa Uae Beviex to arant Sneaia~ Permi~,
ATLAIZTIC Mr. H'raak Martin~ owner~nf the Atlaatio Supply Company~ appeared before the Com-
SUPPLY C0. miasioa and atated that he :,ished to atore Cast Iron Pipe anRi Fittinga~ Soil Pipe
and Galvanized Pipe~ out in the open on hi.s property a~ 1006 - 1010 Weat Center
Street. He would eacloae the property on three sides with a solid. wall ezcepb for
thA ~atea iato hie property and a.aother gate at the rear approsch iato the alley.
The entire lot will be blsck-toppod.
Dir. Ralph Maa.s. 119-B 5outh Illinois Strcet, appeased before the Co~issioa e~nd
preseated pkwtoa oP hia bpartmeat Building on South I211nois Street~ and of the
Atlaatic Supply Compa~p~s aites at 9?9 ~'ast valley Boulsvarci~ E1 Monte~ and 1,5607
Sonth'Atlaatic Boulecard, Compton~ and atated that he opposed the starage of aqy~
material in the opsn as the same could be eeea from his apartmeat Building directly
to the rear of the propose8 storage property.
2dr. t~iartia agroed that if aecessary, he would. keep all materials under cover.
Commisaioaer Tk-ompaon asked Mr. t3artiz. if he wonld store all materials ~31~siQe a
buildinn: Mr. Ma.rtin atated that he would.
Hr, LutLer °eblay ~:.28 Souyh nest SYTG~Y~ o`,ated ~.v,~ ne was opposed so a~y outeido
Mr. Frank Gatea~ 1014 Weat Center Street~ asked Por a definitioa of s building.
Mr. Whitnall read from the Zoning Ordiasnce that a building ia ~'A permaaently
looated etrnctnre having a:ool;(all Yorme of vehicles~ evea if immobilized~
COMMIS~IONEE BAP(300D eatered Ehe Meeting at 2:$0 otclock P.H.
After dfacueeion as to method of procedure~ a motion was made by Cormiisaioner
(3suer~ secoaded by Commiaeioaor Mun„~xll, and carried, that sinae tho Applicaat
has agreed to all the conditiona neoeaeary Por thta 8etail Bueinass~ nu Specisi
IIse Permit is necessary~ lwwever~ the Applicant agreed to the ~ollowing condi-
tiona which musti be met: ~
1. ~reation oY a aolid wall noE laea tman sia (6) feet high or a bnildii~g wall
encloeing thQ oropex'Eg~ ease~t ior the aeaees~+~ ~Las.
2. That all ~aterials wi.I2 ~e ~+.~red t,~ a building.
3. '~1~at the entire yard surface be blaok-top~ed.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~~
MIBIITffi OF ~UI,AB MEET~G ~LD MARCH 3, 1952 - Contiaued: (Page 2).
BECLASSIFI- The Firet Pnblic Hearing on Eeclaseification IIo. F-$1-52--7 covaring the property ~
CATIOH &0. aa deacrfbed by the Applicants ast '
~-5~.-52--? nAll property ~roating oa the northerly side o~ East Center Street from East Street <~3
to the wester2y bounclary of Tract No. 1178 far a~epth of 200 feet and all property ~
~roating oa the southerly side of East Ceater Street Yrom a point 763.$ feet east 7
of the ceater line of East Street for a depth of 210 feet and for a varying depth ~
of 290 to 0 feet Yrom said poiat 1595 feet to 9aalieis-Olive Eaad°. ~
The Chsnge of Zoing would be from the preaent "FtJTUBE C-2~~ Claesification to C-2~ _a
(ioaeral Comu~ercial Zone. ~
Mr. Altwine, 1272 East C6nter Street~ would like to 2~ave his property zoned as C-2, y
an~d atated there are et present 1$ bnsineas placea ir- the described area. ~
Mr. Z~iard, 100 North Placontie. 9venue~ would oppose zoning of C-2 aloag Ceater Straet.'y
a~ See]s +~at the propertv owners ahould be satis~ied rtith eome higher Classifi- ~
cation t}~aa C-2. i
Mr. Sck~a,Yer~ 1940 East Center Street, expressed himselT as in iavor of C-2 Zoniag. ~
2dr. Mulvey, 162$ East Canter Strest~ believes tba,t C-2 Zoaing shovld be permitted
iu ae much ae the Zonin~ Map ia now claseified as °FITTfTRE C-2 ZO1~~~ and that the
time hae aow come for additiona7. Commeroial Lots along Flast Center Street. a
Mx. Millard. 239 Evelya Drive~ ap~eared in oppoaition to C-2 Zoning along East
Center Street,aince at present a Subdivison ie Seing built having lote along
F,eat Center Street for Besideatial IIee. ~
Mr. gingam311, 131 Evelyn Drive~ preaented a petitioa signed by 74 property ownere ~
ia the aeighborhood opposing the granting oY C-2 Zoaing along East Center Street v
and out7.ining their reasone on the petitioa. Mr. gingamill read the reasona Yor ~
their o~poaition, to the Commisaioa. r
rirs. B. G. Mitchell, of Beverly Hills, owner o£ a large Frontage oa East Ceater {
,Street~ rras intereated in l~oving the s4fect the propoaed aoniag would have oa the c
t~ea of theix property. It was pointed out that there wou].d be ao cl~ange ia taaes ;~
unless the owners ~ncproved their proparties, which uow are ia Citrus. ;
Mr. Whitnall pointed out that the present ~oning of E~-A, Heaidential-Agricultural ;
ia a traasitional zoae anci tbat before any rezoning can be considered~ two stepa '
mnat be takea:
1. Development by a Master Plan. Thia must conaider the •rhole area or there
might reault having property in the resr that cannot be properly plaaned ~
for ~u.ture uee. '
2. Zf ~ of t.hs p*o~erty ia aubdivided, it msy be claesified outright for
C-2 4sea.
Conaideration would be given b~ the Commisaion to anyone preaenting specific plana. ~
tdr. Mutvey stated that the properties east o£ the Cemetery Road are already 4e-
Mr. Whitnall pointed out that these were not developed. in accordance with a Master ';
Plaa, eo conseqnently, apotted throughont asid developmeat, are portiona to the
rear o~ frontagee ia which the land is isolated. ;
There being ao fnrther discneaioas~ this Hearing was closed. The Second Public
Hearing on thia m!-tter ia to be held on Monday~ Aprfl 7, 1952~ at 2:00 o~clock P.M.
~~CLSSSIBI- Thie vas the Firet Pnblic Hearing oa the petition of the ma~ority of property
t CATIOIJ S0, owners on North Phila3elphia Straet, betxeen Er~,st Wilhelmina Street aad Eeat North
~ F-51-rj2--8 Strest~ Por s 8eclssai£ica~ion of their propertiea from &-1, Siugle Family Beai-
deatiaZ Zone to B-2~ ~hro Samily 8eaidentiel Zone.
5 *Ls. ~et*_e '!'~rek, ?50 ?~or*h Phi?ad.elnh~a Stxeet, epoke for the propertv owaera
~ st~ating tl~at tlaeae lots are r55 feet deep so that two homes coul~ be placed on
each lot vrith pleaty oY privacq ~or eacn iamiiy~ e1so~ tkiat iue uiyy needa ren%ai
~ propert~. Several of the homee alreaciy'6uilt sre oa the rear of the property and
~ were ao placed with the hope tbat aome day* another houae could be built ia Front.
It might impro~e property calues if a,ttmcbive homea xere placed on ~he Pront of
auch lota.
There being no furthe~ diecusaioa~ this=~iring was closed. The Secoad Public
Heariag on thie matter ie to be held on Moadey~ April 7, 1952, at 2:00 o~clock P.M.
,~ ~GGL9SSI9'I- This wae the First Publio Heariag oa the requeet for ~ec2aeaiPication of the pro-
GATION ~D. perty a* the aouthvrest coraer aY West Sroadway and South W~at Street, Yrom H 2,
8-51-$2--9 Two-8amily Eesidenbial Zone along Weat Broadway and H A~ oa~the bnlance oY the pro-
# perty~ .c E 3, Mvlt3ple Family Hesidentiel Zene.
~ Hr. MedariE~ xeal~or~ appeared before the Commissioa snd c'tabed that he wau2d like
to ch~,++~e bia ~rooaeed plans regarding this provArt~r bp reaervin~ the propertv
~ a.loag South West Street for Siagle Family Eesidenoea only~ with the ezception of
~, the one lot at the caraer of West Broadway sad South West 3tseet xhich ia no~c
' --~~ '' -~ vr~-------------•--------._.._._._._~.------------• -~i~
~ PP . ~_ ------ - - -." '
MIlqUTES oF RDGUL6H 1+~STIB: ~~ o~ F~H 3, 1452 - Conti~ed: (PeBe 3), I
EEC7~ASST~'Y- 9~q '!cr +~ ~ g•_,~•~~s•a subd3r!s3.ow c~ ~_ ,+~ec2 icr a S nrl~ FA~.~g Hesi@eace, 3Y ~
CdTIOa 1~0. the pns+cbasar so desires. Deed restrictions vi1Z be filed vith tFie Subdiviaion lde.p ~
~-51-52~-9 Ms. Hilgeatald, 1025 Yest BroadYay, atated thst he ~ beea ~aatacted by some of ;
(Con~inued) the property o~mers ia the neighborbuod. ~dso ogpose a~y rezonin~ of the property
along OTtlat Broadvay. ~
Mr. Nedaris stated tbst neftha! he-nos_the gs+~~'~r"sy omer xished i~o bave any coa- ~
troveray over this devalopoeat. aad :bat it tt,~ several property ovaera desired °
tha.t t.,he property along Yest Broadvqy reea3n ss preseatiy zoaed, it v~vld be left ~~
ia the E-2 Zone. ;c
Commissioner Holyoke ~roe:ght uo the gnost~ ot s aossible acceas road from the
Freevay to sezre th~ aecessary utilities on acoose~tt ot the chsnges necessita.ted ?
:,y the Free~eay. ~
Ao furthdr discussion teiag Yartl~cosing, th~s ~aring vas closed. Thb Second S
Public Hee.ring oa this ~ttez i$ to be he2d on 3dce~sy, 3pril ?, 1952. at 2:00 P.M. ~
BECLASSIFI~ D~.i.u aas the Firat Pnblic Heeriag oa the reqnest for the Beclasc;i~tication of the ;
CATIdN N0. propert,y at the northvest cor~e= oS Son~ :°a.lm Street and ~Test 'Permoat 6vemie.
~-51-52--10 l~x. $eYph Haas preseated a Teatative 2~p oi Taia pxYrposed Snbdivisioa chRnging the
propsrty tmm BrA, Besideatial-Jlbricnlt~aral to &-3~ ltattiple Family Eesideatisl. '
Ha did not ask Sor appro4ai oi ths ~. paading action on tiie HeclassiYication,
bta,t eYYered tt ~+~~ ta ia3lcate u~a: he pxic~osed :a 30~ 311 lots facing South ~
Palm Street and Yest Vermont Ace~e, vanld Le li~ted to oae-story atrnctures~ ;
xhile tbose on the rear lots~ pight b$ txo-storyr. drehitectnra7. Control and Deed ~
Reatrictiona vill be filed vith the ltaqi~ if B~lassitirstion is ailowed. {
Th~ere beinz ne fnrther diectLSSion. t~is A~*~+~ ras closed. The Second Pub3~~
Hearing oa this matter is f.:~ b~ held oa 24ondsy. April 7. 1952, gt 2:00 o~clock P.M. '
8 Conaty IIse Permit 8ppli:estion Ho. IIP-~82, vas referred to the Commisaioa by the
Oraa~e Conaty Plaaning Comai.ssioa for the Sstablishnent of a Scrap Stael. Iron and 'f
F;illiag Sto~k-piling Ya.-3 an :he sas: sj:e a_° Lasfa Street sbont 460 feet aorth o£ ?
th~ 5onthera PaciFic B.B. Crossiag oa II. S. Hig~ 101.
A motion vae made by Commissioner 4ba~saoa, secoaded by Commissioner Schumacher,
sad carried. #,bat the Co~sission recosaead to the Oraage Conuty Plaauing Commiasioa~
tbat thia petition be denieZi oa the ~toaada tbat ~is ia not a desirable type af ~
buainess a~ tY~at sltnough this area v33I ~v¢at~lly be aoned as Manutacturing~
by Sntrodncing thia type ox bnsiaess, ve might je.opa~ise the ares for more de- '
airable types of bnsineas 2nte:. i
'~TATIVE A Teatative 2~fap oi Tract So. 1300. located oa Gnnden Grove Bonlevard near Weat
M6P OF TBACT S+,reet in 6esaen Grove, ~s snbaitted ~to txie Coaffi3aioa by t~e Orange Couaty
xo. 130o Planaing commssason.
Up~a a motion by Cozmmiasioner Favgoad, seeo~e8 t,l Co~issioaer Gsner~ and carried,
it vas voted tl~at Lhe ~oa~ission hna ao cimagas or recomaendations to oYfer with
regar~ to this enbdivision.
REC7~SSIFI- A petition vas preseated.by ovaers a~ praperty on Bemeya DMve~ reat of Palm
CATIOH OF Street to the ifest Cit;y Linit Line. ast3ng tbat their property be ck~nged from
PROPERTY FOB the present Clasaiticatioa oi BfA~ Besi~eatial-Iigricoltural Zoas to B-3. Multiple-
R-3 IISE Famf.ly EesidentiaY Zona.
Bearings vere set ~or ApriZ 7ie sad iiag j, ly~'2, and S,e~sl Hoticea to be prepa ed.
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A i:raat o! lar~t ~jiug ~-l.thia ~actionsl iaotisno 4,5i6 aad potiam~ ~8- am 9.
laMmehip ~- 8o~u~~ R~r ?A ldeha 9~aa Efe~dino~ ]~sa~ aad MerSdi~ atri l~eo-
Is3Ar~1 s~~Eia~t l.r Sbr~n~hiP !. 9ot~'hty 1L~S 11 l~st~ gan ~srnrrl'd1~wi 1!w aed
Mer93i~a, ~ p~u~f.au~s~r7,y' dsndribed ss toslos+~~
B~~`,~+af~ at a poSnb ea fi,ti~- taeet ai~ 1lmitt lias o~ sbs Ed~r o! ~1~s2~ ~hidt
gsiab !s al.ao ~~ac~!~^~ .ex~ier of Ia A~l~m Avstnne a~nd Eno1lQ Awnw; t~b~aa
ao~,er3~ a2eng tsiad West ay.ty limi~a I3~.s ~eh liaa !s aLo tbs rast s~l~t~o!
e~r lia~ ot,b'~ai.f~d Awpnr~ 270 lbst ~F.a ia poim~~:tbcaae ~srbpr]a on a 74a g~ra7,-
~~o it~a atntsr 9,ins o~ u~3sa i~m~ saa ~4v fini ne~ierer.y- id~eos a~a~.d
~adicul~r],~y a dl~stana ot 3i694 tleet, maae or lses~ io a p~lat on tbe sast
pnbpe~ty l.ias oY ~ patro~l ~].s~d described as the Wept 10 aare~ of i~ 8I4~
ot f~ 9ti~ o~ 8~cti~ +~, Rbwnshig b 8euish, ~e~ads l0 wss~~ tl~sae r~o~er~,T ~B
aald ~ast po~oysrby li,a~ ].~09~ lbatr ~aa~e ar ler„-~ to tbe ffo~Ehsast ~+orner o~!
aaiQ pnroel c~sioh ~~ar ~ss nlec ?M 9nut~aat sorn~r oP Elii~ psra~l oY laad de-
sa~ila~d ss t~ Jdsa~ 10.16 acros e! tbs 1~'r}' ot ths 9if} ot said S~ation S! t~s~os
ooaEitraitf~ +Ri,ong thu oaast pz'cna~y lfns of soidl tiuat 10.]b aares and eald
].i~ extsnc]sA~ a disto~o~ a! ].e36~ li~~ aar ox lssa~ ta a po~i~ on t~re aarlh
~ y.~vF•~qy 3f~e of' ~otsat~m 9~rwtj t~hesw ~stsr7~ e1o~ the rat~ s3~str•o!=
w~r l.ia~ oP Aon~ta~a S~sL a distanoea! 1~690 lleeZ, en~s oor 1sss~ to a;:~~•,~ •,~
t~s: ~tt rla3~fira1'-wy ].ins o! B-~oa9~onnti~ 8~t+~st= ~Ot+eaa~ ewvt~rYy aLsu~ ~s tisst I
~~•~t-~~4 3l~ie ot' Hccal~nnst BF~t 40 tMst, mame aa~ le~y to ~ aaarLhwst
oarner o!' l~ol~mret 9~rset affi Saueton Arem~s t tl~aos ueabsrlp alona t~ ~th
ri~ptaos~r.; 13s af' 8cm~f 4vsrar~ 3i0s0 l~et awra car 3ssa~ t,o th~ aa~aah
o~en~r o~ Boms~,`d;o ~~nd N~nabsaws Awnws; tbeAee m~hv~a~~~ elo~g t~ ao~-
mssteatly s~tr•os` .ap~ 1l~s aP Naabhsster Av~ae~ n dia~ta~nae a! 45.70 lbet #.o tbo
aort~Lw-t~ ooa~a~ o~' MandteeZar afad !l~alla A~sa~~ 'F,h~nos sa~rther]y al~o~g f~
eaat rs~.''"'•~oS•+~' l.f~ o~ ~olia Mis~e ~3 lrs~ty r~oati or lsaa, tso t~ ~h
11ao of t2A~ ~~.! !be 19f~} aE' Sso~3om 6a T~ahiP 4 aarulh, Rav,g~ lli 1re~t~ tbsnos
wabs~]y a1a.:s ee3d toosW 1lt~ 30 llwt t~o ttw wsst Notioa liae o! ~d B~aCiom
6~ ~nos aentinnina ~wsl~r]y alaaog t~h~s aorLh ].l~e of tbs SB~ of t~e 11~ at
la lb~mrbip 4~i ~~ 31 West~ 1i190 tleeti soaee aa~ 1ssu, to a paiat oa ti~
narR~eaatsrl~ ri~S~q lin~ df 1+L-ao1»atrar Jlvesms; th~AeR, nair4h++~x~e~13- ~10~8
u!d rl~tt•oP~qr':lin~ ~. i+s6~~ more a~ lsss~ to a po1n6~ on tbe wst liae oY t~e
~~ or ~h. ~ c~ 8.e~i+Oa is ttienoi ~ur~jr r?a~ ~ia ~.t liae to . poawti
an b!~ souR~le tight-ot-~T ].i~ ot 8ret+~tharp~ Avr~r~ t~saas wat,~rly a1m~ sai,d
aauth right,.ot-v~ lin~ aacl a~3,d lia~ axts~ld, ls~t5.6 3~st, moa~ aa~ Lses, to
th~ ~st lim oP tl~ A~ ox 9~otl~ooa lE t~ria ~out~srly alo~ng siild ~ a~of.ioa lis~
5S0 itiaL~ ~ o~ ]+~a~ ~c- a poi,nt ~GO~! tbe~ sautbvaetsrly jlroai f9u esul~rwat
~orop~r~7 lins ot' M~aabssf,~r Maemr and a~v~d a~ rS~ft aaglea tharst~o= tbrne~
earthsastsr~jr o~~ag .~ ~ paaalle3. to tbs sa~8 son~t~eaterl3' P~P~~9' lin~ ot
l+haah~sM~r A~emie :~~Al 4~ teet porp~ndidu3ar ~luswto~ to a po~rk oa t1~e ws4~r1~
x'l,8htrof-+aey l~toe si~ H~N-11e~ ~mrf 'tlseuas 16 d°39'ad" 8~lotig tLs ~wat~r]~ lto~
~! eaid ldsgnoS3n A'vp~u~ a~iiotaAOS o! 1 6tA 3~str m~ a~ 3eas ~o a pt-3~L, snld
polsn being 11 dp34~00~ fi 5~1.90 ll~els ~~ S~2.1~Z4" if 9~ tiat l9~a~ t~w so~t~wat
aos~asr ot 9ra~ioa 6~ ib~q~e~lp 4 Soafh~ Aat~s 10 Wsstj t~a~ 1~ N9°21~xCN ~ 929.1~
I~ ~~ ~~~ I~'P~Y ~ia~ o! ~tw Leds d~sdsd ~o Celv~o J. MS~ (3~/
O~j and said pera~ Y3m~.~Legd~d vrsb~r7t~~ to ~t+ ~L poiat ia aaid linrf
~noe eo~samdA6 a~a+6 ~~~~+ I~Pu'*~Y iiab, s ay ~i~;~ ~ a o.~a F~ w
~lse nar~b~~'aoararr ot Rai~d land~~ thsnas sa~ui~trtsl~r alon~ ths ~aei'~sr~Y bom~y ~
~ ~ "~'w~a~w ~.~w`.."~ti.w ~ +.:: -~.*° ~..^**t. ~~"~~A~ ,~ ,.~., .~t~ ~i+~~e rx~rt~~! ~ .eq~l~gt~e ~,r'e ~,.
~ ~ ~fl~~3 ~' @~!~ 4~l8~l2'~' ~~ #A A ~41~ 4~ ~ ~~! ~#~4~"4K~ J
1l~as ot Yw P1~]sas Awrn~rf t~b~aa rasfis~p ~~d qouth ;3~t~at~I 1L~ ft~1~
l~st, aara aa~ ]e~rs~ t,o a pol~t aa~ ~~wst rl~gh~-o!'-~q- lia~ of 4311~ 8l•s+eat;
t~e~a ~r~,y 990 l~ast~ aoav aar 3s~, aleu-g sai+d iwst xi~t-ot~q- liae aad
said liw a~e~4rd to ib in~orwstlaaoi ti+ith !~s iou~h~sbr7,~ r3~+t.~o~~a4Y ~
o! Manahs~s'E~s~ Ilro~nw~ ~heaao asrl'~S~-at,~r1~ a~1.oa~ ~aiei aow~h~sat~ryJ ~t,.ol-+iq
1in~ A90 ~, ~ oar Ls~, t~o R poSuE o! Suab;l0ot,~~sr xltls !be sonOt-~s]y _~oa=
fa~~aa ot ~ w~ litia st t~ li~ai 1ff ~uaotis o~ td~ S~s~ 34.65 ~+~ of: t~es ~
ot' ~ Sii} of saLl 9soCioa 6 j tlraar ~rrYY alonB +raid seut 3la~a aad ;its ~ao-
t~.,.~m ane ~..~; .~• ~ ~~y ~o a ~lx~ ?_?~ ~~ ~.+L ~ ~ e~+...~ =~
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ad~qr line ot.~ieton Avetros to n poiat on the r~at rl.g$-t,•ot-~ lias ot ~roo~c-
hmra~ Si~ntj thsnoe aoatinnipg alamg a~siS T~ara].1~1 linm .~x6elodsd~ • distaaa- oF
3s360 lbst, ao~a• aar Lrs, to a pait~t on t,~-e vedt FaoPsrt~' lis~ of t~ta Y~~t 10.Z6 -. .
aar~s a~ Lh~ 11~ eit t~s Si~F~' of 9ection S, Tovnship 4 Sonf,h, Rs,ngr 10 Waet; td~ta.~t+
sdnl~erly along eaid rest po~psrtY liae 1~t~0 llsst~ t~ora or .La~~ ~o tl~e aouth-
Nst c~o~ner of s~aid ycoPs~Y. v3~tah aas~nsr is ~lmo ishs norChs+saE arreer o! t~he.
tibst 10 aares ot f.~s ;':d} o! tbe t3if} oP safd $eotioa ~f ~henee aonZi~iu~ 1,365
~set, ao~ or 1r,o_s, along the w~s8 P~omrt7 1La. o! tbs eald 3fes~ lt~ ameas ~d
a.+ ~:~ _.r~~a a.. ~«n<:~k w~ 4.1~s p~nn~t riel~~.o~'~ntav 14lb o~' Ia Fa1196'~MY1711Y 1
ow.~a aaao w_wor...+ .w ..-..i...~. -v _ . . .
tbsnee --,~sterl3r a7.~„g t,~s said e.ouLh right~=oP-++e~y lias of Ia Pala~a Aaem~s 4~is-
ta*~~as o! ~f3~0 1Yist, ~ or ~ees, to the point of bsgia.+~ing.
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