Minutes-PC 1952/05/05~~
°z_ yiZ~ ~i
. ~911~ ~~Ola1i
~ BIs9 ~: 1952
~ 8~8ErB ~ 8eg~ala~r Ke~ting ot ths City Plaaniag Coemisaioa ~as ealled to oad~r b~ Cbairaaa
1~"1'I8a Snmmers at 2t26 o~oloat P.N.~ a quornm bsiag prssmnt.
;~ PS~SE6TT OBAIBNAN SUMt~R3. Commieslon~r~ Solyol~e, 8tatael. Sa2m~sch~r aad llmo~ali. alao pr~~mt'
'(, rere Goa~nltant tioi+boa Ifhitnall and Cit~ edainistrator Eeit~h >. M~udoch.
Oommi~aioner Tl~cmpson ~atezed ths Kestiag st 2t40 o~aloct P.N.
~ Comcsissioaer Bspgnab satered. ths M~etSag at 2s$0 o~oloct P. )I.
~: ~'P COI~QYfI83IdBBHS Oaner utd Sch~stte.
,,~ HI8IIT~3 Ths ltiantes o! ths NseOiag of Aprii 7, 1~~2, xer~ appro~ed ss vrritt~a.
9AAYA1q08 This ~o tl~,s tias sst tor the Pnblia Heariag oa bhe Yeritied Pstiiian of Jaass S.
F0. 161 Dnity~ 933 ~~ Clemeatine s~sest~ as ornsr, tor psr~iosion to bn31d s ltio~YfsailT
Lws11 iag at 303 MesO i,a PaSms ~venns and 939 Borth Cla~tins S~t. mes~ tro l~ots
vere o! reaar!! bsfore ths adop~3o~ o! 0~9asaos Yo. ?7~F and bseaass of tLsir sise wnld ;
bs nasnitabl~ !or tro Siagle 7'e~mily Drslliags bnt it ao~biaed wald b~ aaitebl~ Sor s
fh~l~ 1~l~j17.~• ~ii nvnar rwatA~a A~eirf}~,y ~0 {~p .a.L'+1. Q4~ ~I.~~~ ~~ ~y.
Ao ona sppesred =or or egaiaet the granti~ oi this YarSaae~. ~ Eoariat ras aloaed~ ~
IIpoa a motioa ~ Commieeioner Mungall, seeonded bT Comesissloaar Bintee]., affi aarried.
~hat by Besolntioa No. 24 - Seriee 19A-52• ~~~saioa approTS t3e Appilcatioa
tor ths rsssona thatt z
1. E~oeptione~t airoumatanoso sad oonditiana ars appliaat.i~ !o the 9ob3sct P=epsr~.
2. The propsrty,•is QiraoLly aaross trca 7s Pal~s Par*:. rhioh is comi~errd an Br3 IIs~.;
3. Th~ graatis~; oi ths Ysr9sncs wnld pesmi4 no hea~ier ns~ of the prapsrt~ tbsa is 3
..,,~' =0~..~..~...
~li VSfiB o31 f~! 8L01! Si30111QS0II IiYY t19 Z8u0Yi3
AYES: OONMISSIOBmHBs Eapgood. Sc~s'.qoke, Binto~l;.BaL~ahsr, 9~osn~ '9~o~~on aa~
Kungall. i
~3 t COhQ[IS$ I0~8S s Boae. #
ABS~R't COlIMISSI01~B8: Gawr aa~d 5ahntt~.
968IA~C~ This Mwo t~s Oias as4 !or ths Poblia H~sring oa t,h~ Yuiti~d P~titioa o! sdras+~ lf. 3
H0. ib2 Steiabrinl~. 527 Yorth Swbina stree4, as oKner. !or p~raission to scDdi~ three (3) ~
lots tron ths pr~perty leoabed bst~rosa the aorth aad south por0toas o! IIorth Sabi~ "s
3treet, betxeea ~at S~oaeor~ SbHlt etind 7ia~t~ Y1~*~?+~~++~ 3t.x~1, ~ gi+~ga~ 3~~e ~
Nill be 51.5 l~ent by 103 tsst. ;
No one wppesr~d !or or ~gainet th~ gsantiag o4 ths Yariance. 4hs Bsariaa w oZosed. ~
IIpon s motioa Dy Oommi~~ioasr Bol~sl~e, seoondea by Qomffitsioa~r Se~~oc~d~, a~na casri~d~
t~t by R~~oltttioa Ao. 25 - Seri~s 1951-52. tL~e Coaalssion app~`ro tLe Appllostton. ~
mb~sot to the iolloriag oonditionss n
1. Tbat a Sabdirlsioa lfsp bs liled. ~ ~
2. Thst thb Petitioasr put la sll strsst aad allq ispro~nts am al~o th~ ~
ntili~~- s~quirensat~ oY the City o! Anaheia. ~
Tha ~o$• a~s $na a~sva &esoia4faa ~r sa £oiidRet ~
A?3'3: C01~(ISSIOb~BSi II
d~ Holyoke~ Bintcel~ So~~acher. S~osra. iboapsoa ard ;
+~~~ • 7
a8389(Ts OOM1~Y~~30~5: Osnsr sa~d Sahntts. - ~
VARIA~CE This ~aa the time .et tor tLs Pablio Be~ring on tl-~ Yeritisd P~tiliaa o! Dorot~ PasDo~r
H0. 163 7b~, 1416 lisst Ceat~r SLreet, as ornsr, !or per~isaiaa ~a ~~s td~ ~~l.ae bulid-
in6 Mhiah is presen~ly ueed as a~ublia Diaiag Boom aad li*iag qasrtsra st ths abon
ltr. lbra sppeared ~e4ore tl~e Commiesfaa ~d asplsf~ed tBa~ thsfr bnsia~ss as g:~orina
and t2~st Shey ronld lilcs io bnil~ aa afldibion to th~ pr~soat bnilbiag, t3a4 thq ~s~e
air~ady pnt ia additionsl par]dag at ths rear to a-ecosaoda'~o 60 a~rs an~o^obi2~s.
Nr. 1~lnr~.ooh brong~ro~p ths qnestioa ot allewiag t,~s catirs propsrt,~, 7ob 3+~ 5, to be
~ soaed ~or C-2 IIees~ dn~ to t~s pro~eotsa opeaiag oi sast Bseaain~~ ~ioh isoat~s viil
prnbsbl~ bo reosxced tor 8esi8e~ntial II,sa.
Bo oae appsared ia oppoei0ioa bo t~ ~rmblag oi thio Yariaac~. ~s Heesiag ras closed,
Ll~.. L. A..~~~~f~~wr ~11.~~.~~~ ~2~1 ~ •• ' a____
~i~ ~~r~wr r~ wrr~~oa~vro~ wry.~vr~ Cw ~wi v~ wa~ai~waMa ~1j~pO~l,~ O~ 4i~'y~~
tl~at by 8esolntioa l~o. 26 - Series 1951-52. the Omamission appro~s the gssatiag oi this
Appiiastion, aab,eot 6o ths lolloviag ooadition~:
1. 'Pbsti no baiidiag be bnilti lsso t,~sa 60 Yee~ froa t,~s eeater lia~ At =ws; C~ntsr gt~
2. Tbat ao bnildiag ~zt~md mor~ tban 160 l~~t ts+~ th~ h~oat Pa~ap~sxh lins.
3. 'uw-$ ~ar,'~a'r~ o~ ga~itiic~d o~a ~ baaaaos o~ i+o~ ~ am~,
4. '~ti aa ~d~qw-te eaeeraent b• graated !or s sev~r lias sbor,s ~s ~t Cabstsr Straa4
~ ta~ontage. ~
~''-- - - -~`'
. ,~ ... . . _ -~-_>--._. y.4-
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
%Y' u~s 08 B~T.rB& -.,e ~3 t~Y 9~ 1952 - Cbs$i~u~: ('d4~ 2~ .
YABII-~CB Th~ vate on t2~e abots Essolntioa vsa as foilore=
~o. 163
toonts~aa) ~: co~aassio~aass ~~~ooa, ~~~o*_g. ~co~., so~r.~r. ~~~~, ~~a ~
8071Ss CO1dMI3SI088ASt RQaa.
gBg~9Tt COltMIS3I0l1~8Ss t~sner and &ohatte.
~O7,Aggi- 4his da,e ths tius ast !or the 7'iret Pablia Hesrin8 ca the petitioa ot tiis ss~orifa ot
lIGATION. propsrty ovners oa ~orth Sabiaa Street betxsen 8a~t Y~'+~~~~i+~ Str+~4 vna ~+t IIarth
!'-$1-,52 20 StreeE ~ reqneatiag t,hat their properties be 8ealsseitied. irom B.~1 ~ ~iagle 71~17~ Besi-
dentisl Zons~ to Br2, Tvo-Bemily Heaidentisl 2one. Also to bs ooasida~ Mon7.a b~
gorth Paulias Street in ss m~aah as the propsrty o~rasrs oa Borth Togelos S~s~et ban
petilioned ios 4hi~ sem~ Eeo1e-saiiicatioa.
1Qo one sppesred~ =or or agsiast tl~s EecLeeiiloe~tioa snd the Heariag ras closed. ~e
Seoon~d Pablio Hesriag rill be hslb an Juae 2, 1952, at 2s00 o~cloat P.M.
ffiCLASSIFI- ~Siy ra~ 4he tims eet t~^ the lirst Pablio Sesring on the p~tition ot th~ a~o:il~ ot
CATI01~ l(0. ths property o~t-ers oa Sonth Phi7~adsiphis S4r~ei~ f~om issi Yaleaais At~a~u~ 4outil to
!-~$1-52--21 6he Neight Frse~aa and 1[o0longi~na Snbdi~ision. that thsy be iaclnaed. !n the Eeclssai-
tioatioa of the above-bamed 8nbdirieion aad thst th~ir proparLiea bs resonea ls+os Br2,
Tw-1'amil~ Beaidentisl Zoao, to E-3. lhiltipZe 3'amily Eesidantii~l L'oae.
No one siapeesred ior or a~siaat this 8ealasuitiaatioa and Lhe Heariag ~s oloe~d. me
3eooad Pablio Eesriag rill be h~ld on Jane 2. 1952. at 2t00 00oloolc P.K.
BBCI~ASSIB2-• Kr. Jese Medaris, Bssltos, appeared betoae the Commisaioa aad rw;wstaa tLst hs bs
CATIOa 8~:. given peraieoion to ri.thdrar hig reqneot Sor Hsaiiseitioation (Ho.i'-A 52--9~ of ths
B 51-52--9 D~Pe~Y at the aonthveat aorner os eeai broadaeay aad Scnia ii0ay Strsati, dns so appo-
sitioa irom properSy o~rnere i,a th.~ aren.
- motioa nas mde by Com~:osioner Ti:.o~soa, neoos~ded by Comni~sion~r Binticel, aad
aar.ried~ ~st permisaioa be granted to irithdrar f,he petStioa Sor ee-id B~alasaitieatioa.
TaRTI-TIV~ Mr. Medaris thea pr~eQa~ed a Tentatfve ita-p oY Tt,~aat 170. 1607. eo~prlsiag 24 Sisgl~
MAP TBACT Famil,y Aroiiing Iat~t~ oo~sriag ths property at •:~he sont,hr~at coraer oi Neat Broadwq
H0. 1607 affi Sonth N~st SEraet ri.th Lhe azoeptioa ot tha trontsg~ on Yest Bmsavsy.
`~ IIpoa a motioa by Co~lsaione~ Schume~cher, seaoad~d by Commissioser Thonpsoa, aad
oarried~ tbat tha Tenta4lve ldsp at Traat No. 1607 bs approve~ enb3ect ~o Eogineer3s8
~CLASiSilI- Thie rss lk~e tiae seE ior the Seaona Pablio Hesring on ths praposed E~classificstion
CATIOH HQ. oi tha propsrly rsst o! ~orth Palm Street betresa Bomne~as Drivs and Mssti 7~a Palas A~s.
8-51-5z--11 go one appesred tor .rr agsiasti the proposed Beelaseitiastioa.
Mr. I~[ardoch brovght np the qneatioa of resoniag bhis property to Hr3, ~P~~17Y nsdr
1Pest I~ Palma Avenne, oa acconn~ of the Heliport, loaated on t~Yu prop~rty of ths Cit~
oi 8~,illertoa on Mest 7a Palms Aveane. At preseat thie is nsed !or mail deliver~ !or .
ths City oi 9`aliertoa saa the City o4 daaheim, an~l it ia proposea this 7lsll to in-
atitnte Helioopter Pseeanger Sarvia~, It at~ Br3 Zoae rrore aliorred ia t,his aonih seo-
tion oi the area~ it wuld provid~ ior the allowaaaA for posaible ereation oi Trn-Story
Dxelliags. xhioh might be a he~aar~ to Helioopter Operation. ~
Qommissioaer Tbompsoa qnestioned the validit~r o! the permit tor tha Hsliport a4 ihis
loesLioa aad iaqnirea i! it hea ever bean roterr~ to t,he Commidsloa. As !ar as eonld
be aeoertsiasa, it haQ never been na~~r coasiderntioa bT the Commiasion.
Co~iseionsr Hinlcel ste~teQ thst the mstter slwnld be iavosti$ated betore aay aotiioa
is takea. 'Phe Hesring was cloeed sud the qnsstioa ot Bsolssaiticatioa hsld ovsr vatil
`„he ~estia~7, a: Jnas 2, 1952-
~CLASSIF'I- ~ia wse the time ae~ !or tho Seooad. Pobiic ffeariag oa Eealassiti~tion ot the proper#;
QJITIOIQ B0. oa the east side of ~arth Plaaon~Cia Avenne betreea tho Anshata-t}13ve 3~s3 rffi 3~.st
p-51-52--~ ~Tort~ 8treet Yrom &,A, Eaeidential~Agricnltuxal Zone, to Br3, !l~ltigle 9aai]y Besida~
tial 2one. ~
i~irn. ~m. ~amm.~ 1950 &sst syoa~s~a straet: Mra. ti~. GrL.'ith~ 915 Bo:.h P'~sa::~ ~sa.
aa~ ltr. J. !'. 8nrgss~. 4~31 Nos~h Placentia dveans, apper-recl be~ors th~ Qommisaioa ob-
~ectins to ths Heolaseiiioation. Th~ Hearing xas alosed ~ad tlu ~stbor held o~ ~
'Cil thA ltesti~ ot dnas 2. 1952• at xhioh tima ths Ststi vill pra~ont s]14p ar3 lfa~
!Loe ~* ~~'!9 AsYiA.e
~ • '
~ BEC7~SSI~I- T}iia ras the time ~et Sor the 3soom Pablio Hee-ri~g on ~hs propoeea Beo]aseitiaatien
! C~4I~~ SU. o~ th~ e-xsa boa~ad bp ~'a~t Syaamore~ Street, Hosth Orauga Strset (~.S.g S.~'.B~qr), ~ast
! Y-5],-$2-13 tiypsesa Strset sad ITarth Fsst Streat, from &+l, Re,sideatia7.-,igrianltura7. Zone, to Br~s
i HalCiple ~'smily Bes3dea~isl Zot-e.
~ , ,__ ,., „_ v,,..-.-- ~- ,'---.
~ ~0 One appe~res ior or 8~&ri$iY"r `~8 pI`6~66~a ~vGaweGa~aG~~av~~ ~'..'v ..A.~.d ao~ vav~w~
~ ~
~1. __. . _ . __ . ~.. --'_"1~`-----.~_~_~_.._.r~..--'_..,,. , -~ - t._.`
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
HI80Tffi OF R&6vLAE 1~E7" .~G ~i,D 1~IAT 5. 1952 ~ Contimmed: (PeQa g)
B~CI~A93L!'I- IIpoa a mots~n by Commiesioaer Hapgood~ aeoo~ded by Commisaloner Binkael. end ce-rried.
Cl~S'I0~ ~TO, it Kaa vo~ed b$ fleaolntion ~Tc. 27 - Series 19~1-rj2, to reooamead to the Oit~ Couaoil
~ 51-52--13 fiae B~eole-esifioaiioa of tnis ares.
«Ont~°d~ The rrote on t~se above Reeointion rrsa as foliorss
AY9'Ss CO1~tISSIOH&8St Bapgood, Holyoke~ Biutcei~ Schnmaaher~ Snmmera~ Thompeoa end
ABSII7l: C01~[ISSI6~8S: fianer and Sohutbe.
B$CI+ASSIpI- Th3e ~rss ~he time sst ior the Secoad Pnbiia Hearing on tohe prnposecl Beolasaificatioa
GlTIOH BS9. ot the o.res begianing st the aortheaat ooraer of Traat No. 724, ezteading in a Hortherl;';
~ 51-52--14 directioa 388.25 feet slorg North ~e-st street; ~h~as Yeeterly to North oraage street
(A.T.B~ SLL~.~-)i thenos Sontharly a. distanoe oi 388.2,~ ieet~ more or lesa~ to the
aorthre~t coraer of Traot Bo. 72w; theaoa Saaterly to the poiat oi begianing, irom $-i,'
Besideatial 9grianltural Zoae, to &-3, Multiple 8emily Rnsideatial 2ons. '
]fo onr e-ppsas~d ior or egainat the propoeed B,solsaoii'iaatioa. The Hesriag vas elosed. ;
IIpon a motion by Oommiaeioaer Ee~pgood. seaoadsd by Commissioaer Sohuoaoher, ewd oarriea~
it~ras votsd by BesoluCion Ho. 28 - Series 19A-52. to stio~ommead to ths City Couacil 't
ths 8ealaeaitiastion a! thi~ aree.
'Phs vo~Ee oa the above Eeeolution xas sa iollovet
AY~Ss COlU~lI~SIOffiS: &spgood~ 8olyo3ce~ Bintcei. 5ahvmrcher, Snmmers~ ~omoson and ~
Mnagsll. ?
A8S8~TTT: COlR~lISSIOl~BSS asner aad Schutte. :
BBCLASSIBI- 9"~._.ia r~s the tims eet for ths Secona Publio Hesriag oa the propoeea Bealaeeifiostion a
CATIOH B0. o! the sres bouadsd by ~Peet 8roadway. Sonth Citron Street.T~est Santa Ann S~res~ and
l-S1-52--15 sonth Palm Street~ iro' E-A. Ee~ideatial-Agricaltural Zone~ to Br9. Multipi~ Pamily ~i
Essidsa0ial Zone. '
Bo one sppesred tor or agsia~t tlie proposed Beolaasitioe-tioa. The Searing ras closed. ;y
IIpon s motioa by Commiesioaer Biatoel. seoonded by Commissioaer Sohumsaher, aad carriedi
it wse vobed tbst by Sseolntioa Ho. 29 - Ssriee 1951-52, to reoon~mend to the City ;
Conaoil the Beolaasificatioa o:' this area. •
The vote oa the above Bevolntioa was ae lolloYet
Alb9t C014IISSIO~HSE SsPBooa. Solyoke, Rintosl~ 8ohumariher~ Snmmers~ aad linap-11. y
. . , _ . ~,
ASS~BTt COM+li3Si0HZ8S: Qauer and 3chntte. ~
SSC7+ASSIFI- Thi~ Ma-a the time soE ior the Seoond Publio Hearing on the proposea Beolseaitioation r
CATIOB H0. oi Lhe sras begin~ing at tha northeaet oorner ot the alley ea~t o! South Clawdins `;
l-51-52--16 Strest at ~ss~ 9ormont Avemu. and sx~ending 7lsoterly along Fast 9ermoat Ayanne a dis- ~
taaae o! 336.38 teet; thence Bortherly a diatanoe oi 428.3~F leet~ more or lees= t~enoe ~
Weatsrly s disteace o! 336.38 leet; thence Sontherl~ e- diatsncs o! 428.34 iset~ more #
or iess, ~o f~hs poSaB of beginniag. ?risa R-2. Ts~a-Fa~ily $asibsntial Zone~ to ~3~ ~
tlnltipls Family Eesidentiel Zone. ;Y
Bo one appeared tor or agsinet the psopose~ Beulassiiioation. The Heariag ~ras closed. ~
IIpon a motion by Commiesioa0r Mungall~ seoo:-ded by Oommiesioner Boly~oke, aad oarried~ ~
it ase wted thsti by Hesolntioa lfo. 30 - Series 1951-52~ to reaso~end to ths City ;
Cooaail the BealsssStioation o! thie erma. ~
Ths v~ote oa- the abov~ Besoiu~ion xaa sa folloMa: j
A7S3: COidlQSSION~HSt ~pgood, Holy~oke. $igtael.. Sohumsohar. Summera~ 'moa~peon and ;
~uagal1• ~
80ffis COMMI33IOH~BSt Hoao.
A8S81~Ts CONAlISSIOH~RSs fisues aad Schntte. ~
~CLASSI9'I~ This rrae the time set for the Seaond Pabilo Heariag oa the propoaed 8ea].seaifioation ~
CATSOB ~0. ot the srea begianing at the eonthree~ aorner ot Forth Palm Straet and ezteadiag M~s~:~:~
t 51-52--17 srl,y a fli0taa~ce o~ 1156.?2 feeti; tl~enoe San:herlp a ~.et~r.e o~l 839.39 Seet; thsnee
~e-ater2y a aistanoe o! 414.04 ieat; thenae North~rly a distaace of 338.`~F ~bete more '~
or leee= theaas D~aLerly a dietsacs of 685.25 Yeet; thenas Bor4herly a d3at,~aas ot ~
206.?5 lea~. emospt that portion ot this srw- avnea by ths Aaaheim Elenentsry School
; n!sbsio~f rr+ID R-~ ~~i*~?°- ~mlly ~esiaea~l~"~ane, to Br3. t~s].tipl.e 3~~ Bss!.$.antiai
llre. 1fm. a. Joliseaint~ 1005 Horth Citroa Street~ s~ Mra. HaroZd E. MorMil, 1015
aox~h 4ltron Street~ sppeare3 beforo tho Oommi.seion proteeting fi;ne c8eaging oi the
ases ~rom Br2 *o E-3 Uoe. The qe~29~e~iOD, 6~ CZl3 fib~£p$F~ 8~ 80 eu~ePed in4,o 4he pre~poeai ,~
8ealassification. The HOarinB was oloaed,
1 ,
. ~
~ __ _____.__i_". "__'__..........._... _......__ . ........ ...... _ _..____"'.._'..'".__........"_-_'"'._."__...._"___'..__"_'_'- '_'.; y
~ ~ `~ . ~ ~ ~
~'~[D.~~iS O! H1B~s8 1~E'!~G ~I~D MAY 5. 1952 - continuodt (P6GE 4)
~ ~ ~CLSSSI?i- , aotiAa r~as 'sde by Coc~isaioner golyoke, aecoaded by t`,ommisaioaer Hspgood, ~t the ',
~ C~IOY ~D, asya'siasia sa nor claaeitiecl, ;aamely~ &-1. Siagle Family Ee~sidentis7. Zons.
?-¢-$2 1? Coadsaioner Sho~psoa qnestione3 rhether by so doiag. tha Cc~mmieaioa might not be de- ~
T (Coatianea) p~~~ the ps+operty ovasre of the nse o! Lheir properEy. siance an ares ad~aaeat Co s~
~ aebool eite !s nsoally zoned as &-3. Commieeioner Bolyobe'v~itil~dreM his motioa aad ~
4 Casmisa3oaer ~ood his aecoa~, an~ tlie matter xaa held up pen~ding ttirther atudq oi ~
; +t~e p:oponed Becla'sitiostion.
EtCLSSS~I- '~3s rss the tias aet ior the Second Pablio Hearing o! the propoaed 8eclassiiiostion
CJ4IOT I0. ot the ares bogian~ag ay yhe nort,beast coraer of R'~act ~o. 26B aad ezte~iag Northsrly ?
~¢-~ 18 a d~.ai~nnae along ~isian$ S~rset of 6$8 feet; thaaoe Westerly a dietaace of 658 feeb; ~
theooe SontLsrly a disfaa~c• of 658 feet; thaaae Eaaterly a dietsaca of 658 Yeet to the '
point of bsgianing~ tron RrA~ Besideatial-Jlgrionl6nral Zone, io 8r3, idaiiipie iamiiy
Hesideatial Zone. ~
Eo oas appcared tor or agsinet the proposed Bsclaasitioatioa. The Heariag ~ras oloeed. '
IIpoa s~oii~on bT Coamissioaer Sch~mecher~ seoo~ded b~ Commieeioner Mut~gall. aaa aarriedi
it vaa vot~ by Hesolntion Bo. 31 - Ser3.an lqji-52~ to reoommend to the Oiiy Couttaii ~
ths Beelsssitiastioa ot tLia srea.
?hs wte on the sbove 8esolntion was as taZioxe:
~s ~p~*:+~: ~ggooQ. Holyoke. Bintcel, Scbumacher~ Sna~merg and Muugall. ~.
AB~: COIMLSSI0Y38S: (ianer affi Schntte. '
~CUSSSIIY- mis rss the ti'e set for the Second Public Hearing upon the petitioa of She me3ority
CJll.~ ~p~ ot ths property ovaere oa Borth Topeka Street betxeen Bsat Wilhelmiae, Streat aad Saet i
_.,.. -- ~- -" 5~.~ n_~ c~.,ai e~e~~ i e Y
F~ SZ-~lq 807'.frQ ~T.TQaL~ lOQnQBLiLg LO6`L `4iavii 1+Yvyoavaoa v:~o:.:.~. -~~ ~-- ---~
Basl.aentiai Zoae, to Br2, 'l~o-!'amilyr Eesid.eatial Zoae. %
3n one appee.rad tb: ar agaiast t,he HealasaL'iaatioa. The Hear3ag ~vss closed. ;
IIpon a~tfon by Com:.issionsr Bapgood~ secoadea, by Commisaioner Thompeon,and asrried~
it ~s votea thst by 8eeolntioa Ho. 32 - Seri~a 1951--52, the Oo~niasion recommend ~o ~
tho City Conaail the Beclsssitioatioa oi this srea. '
'~es ~ote oa the above Heeolntioa vae as Yollous:
•2~5: 0014QSSI0~: Bapgood. Holyoke~ Rintcel. Schwoe-oher. Summere, '."aompaon aa:
~BS: t7034{ISSI02~8S: Sone.
~t: ti0~4ISSY6asti3: i?~aaar sad Scauti~a.
?IId~ !!AP l Hmi Nsp oi ~iact Ho. 1602, comprieing 8 Lotg t,~ be a~bdivid~ed by Dr. J. Vf. Trozav.
'~dG'P ~. oa Hid~ 1lanor, Mas preeented to tha Commiasion.
16Q2 IIpoa s liotioa by Commiasioaer .Twl~roka~ secoaded by Commissioner Enpgood, aad oarried~
/ it raa wtad to reaomme~ appr.roval oi Trnet go. 1602, anojeoi Lo ~ngineering 8equire-
lnUiL 1{-P A linal ll~p o! Traat Ho. ~559. comprioiag 32 I~ots to be anbidivi8ed by Shiaa ~ Bleia~
~ACS lip~ or Bnttomiood aati &-Ythora StreatB eztending ia a northerly airection lrom Fsat Syoa-
3559 ra'ta S~•'ea~, eaet a~ Horth ~-st Streot~ aaea prasante3 to the Co~ieaion.
1/ D~ion s aotioa by Commisaioaea Hol,y~oke. aeconded by Oommissioaer Sohnmaaher, and
carried, it rsa votad to approve !he Snbdi~isioa Map of Traeb No. 1559. enb~eot to
~giaeering Beqniressnts.
1~.~'1BALL 1(r. IQ-it~tl ats~ed ~Caat hi~ saiwicea as P2anaissg Co~-o^v~t,~saffi hr~! Sor t~e ps~-e=~ tse
beea Lssainatea b~ the City Couacii as o! Me~q 15, 19.~2. but t~t he ronld be avsilable
ter ~,ries to f3~s Commiaeioa at as~ time. Be presented t~eo ~iaal metters ior coa-
sids:atioa b~ t~e Co~iseioat
1. •A Dediaitioa of a 8ailding" ~rhiah ehonl(1 olarity thie de~initioa.
2. • 1'entsti~s DraYt o4 s Trailer Park Ordinsaae.
Mr~ S~itnel2 the;~lr,du, the Oammigsioa ior the coasideration and oooperation that they;
I~sd 6itsa to hia aad the pieasure he has i~ad ia wor~ing ~rith the Oommisaion. ;'
'~e Meetiag ad~onraed at 5:29 o~alock P.M.
- 1~~~
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B. . Rungatl. e rotasy
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