Minutes-PC 1952/06/02C2Ly He12
~naheim* CallYornia
~TuAe 2 e 1952
l[7~1J'~4 OF' Bffi~Ak l~E'PIH(~ OB '~~QIi?..Pf~~BB~riBdiQ[ISSIOlf
S~Q[JLAB , Begalar ![eeiing oi 'r~e City ~A„~~ Commiseioa vas aalie3 to order by OHairmsn
I~ET~ Sn~srs at 2:10 o~clocls P.K.. r~ qooram being preseat.
P~5$BT CHSIHtt~Z SDtt~BS. Oos~issioaer4 Asner. Solyoks~ Bintasl. Schwmaoher, Thompsoa snd
a~r~Eeith issxa:do ~ prsseatduring a portioa ot thetMea ing ~• City ARlmini-
ABS~B'P COH~QS5301~8 SC~lfE.
xi~ t7tll~ISSm~? ~B ~~red to.bnve the ls3matea oi the Heetiag ot Hay 5. 1952,
aasaaed to specity hie res~ona for his aegetive vote oa Reelaaaifioations F-51-52--15
aad ?-¢-52-1.$, m~ely, tivst ia ss Bnah sa theee t~ro Eeciase•itioationa x~rs inetitn'Led
by t3-e Co~ission~ 4~a o~msr~ migiit poea4bly not ~ve been apprieed of the proposed
Beolaaaiiicatioa ot t~eir pm9ertisa, is epite o1 the YsaL tl~st bL~AL HOTIC95p voeare
pablishea ia t~s nsrsgepsr aaa tl~st they vsre also natitiea by ma37.~ eecaad olees.
The ~timntee oi lte4g 5, 1952 are thn8 hereby amsnded. The balance oi the Hiautes vera
applbnea as Yrittea.
BBCI,A.SI?I- The aation oa $eclssaitiaatioa Po. p~1-52 11 Iaaa been ~eld osar irom bhs Meetiag oi
CATIOH ]I0. Nqy 5, 1952 for s sLnt~ Ai ths ares a7.oag Xsst Ia Palma Aveanu vith referenae to the
l-51-~2--11 tl.ight pattess of ths Heiiport Iaffi!ag gield. A Sta~f Esport xas prepared ontlining
the ayqniravsnta ior the liae of tli~ht rand the height liaitations for buildings and
pover poles.
l~Irs. S1~e L. SeLsidt. ffi~-tiest Booneys Driva, preaentea a petition sigae3 by 89 reei-
Qents oi t.~e sres. r~qasstfag Rhe raooval of the Haliport Landing Fiold from ite prea-
ent locatioa.
C6ai~an Stissara stitaa tbat lb~e nrasoatl.ae of this netitioa +ronld bave ng A.irsyt
besrina on the Bao1as41Yiostioa ot thia area.
I[rs. Sc~i~dt ata~e!i t2~st they rould liics aa_~?3 B.l.~~olasaiYlaation oa their prnperty.
}ta~s. D~ Parsoas, 7~ itest J~lfanas Street. appeared befora the Commiseion anQ etated
tbst ah~ li~es directly at ths rear ot t2u Heliport and is alsrmed oi the poasible
daagar of crashss aad dsnger to the childrsn. Sha vas remi~ed that thia had ao bear-
ing oa ths heari~g for Beclsssifieatioa.
Commissioner Bol~oln iaqn3red if she xonld l~ave aqy ob~ectioa to an Br2 or Br3 Claeai-
licstioa in t~s arss. She bed aons.
ltrs. lFaoai Salla. 106? ~orth Pe~s SSreet, f.nqnired vhether the Heli~ort bould hsve aay
bearing oa 'sns aec3sssi3icaiioa of a~er pmperty. She was told that it wou3.d bave na
bsaria~, bnt tbat th~ Coamiesioa ras caasid=r3~g the compiste araa.
~oai~aioner 4hoapwn ag~-ia brov~t up the qneat3on - Ua~lor xhoes parmieaioa doms tha
Heliport operatstr,gmd asked f[r. Hardoch it hs con1Q gi~e an anawert Mr. Murdoch atatod
tHat Iu conld gi~s no assa~rsr at this time bnt presnmed tHat the City Couacil mnst have
Led it uader considerstion st soms time.
She Seariag Yas closea.. Sa~ar is the 1{eating the Eaclssaitiaation vas ope~ned for dis-
ansaion b~ tLs Co~iasion. Commissioaer Holyoke snggeated that Yictor Street oa the
aorlh side sl~onld hs~e no lorer clasaiftcatioa t1~4 Br2 aad that ~oseibly a stri9 along
Xest 7.a Pa1~s dv~ ~niel be leZt as BrA~ sad the balanee oi the ares zoned sa &-3.
Ai#er s diecnsaion oi bonaasries ior ths varions aones~ a motion was made by Co~iesion~
er Holyoke. aecon~ed by Cosmieaionar Schu~cher, and carriad. tLat by Hesolution No.33-
Sur~ea 1951-52, tha Coaiasion reoommead to the City Counail fiha =olloring EeclaeeiPi-
ca~ion o~ tve ares 3aTOlved nn3er Ro. 8-51-52--11t- Startiag at a D0~ll~ avD~'OE~m.3tQ~,°
3843.8 2ea~ va~b of !~e csater ~i~ of sorth Palm Street and 33~.bi1 fsat ~rom the pro-
~ pertT line on Yeat Bommeya Dri~e; thenae ifeater2y a~iatanae o! 9# feet; theace ~iorth-
»..~~ ~ ~s~s~~~ ~e vr a~s_ s~......~ ~~~::5~» ...6 . ., i. .__,..
y.~. .~ -. y A i~..o~8Tw`a ai /0 .~7'r aeor; $~12~CSO SOt1~Ti}lEx'1y
a aiatana~ oi 61~ 4aet; #he~sse ~asterly a diat~.Re ot 106 Seai~; theace Nert,~rl~ a
~distsaee o~ 418 test; Lha~ae Eest~rly a 83atance oP approsim~tely 706.94 teet; t~henoe
Hortbsrl~ a diatemce oY 126 ~est to the poiat of beginaing~ ~nd Y~a-t thie eaid area be
soaed aa Br2, 'lf~D-gd3EIII ~.4I~FAL ZO~. Tha a•c~e- to the sonth o! m line drarn ~-eet-
er1T lro~ tl~s rear o! tlse santii iots on Msst Jnlianas Stseet ~o the xest oity limita.
s2~a71 b~ le~t as prYSmt1~ saned. nasely, BrA~ ID~SID~ATIAL-Al~BICIILTUBAL ZOlIE, and the
-balaace o~ ~hs sres be soae~l as ~-3, tttiLTS~ i'A1tILY 88SID~8TIAL ZO~.
95s ~ots ot the OoaissSoa on ths above Bssointion Bo~ 33 - Series 1951-52, was as
AYS.4t ~DlU[ISSIO~S: linner, Hnpgood, Holyoka, ~11~ 8lntcel, Sohuma~er, ,Suanmere
affi 'lbospson.
aO~St ~t 80~.
~t' GQ14~ISSI0~.3i Schgtto.
~ ~ ~ " - ~ ~~° ~` ~
M~ux~s oa ~:a~am.s$ a~a~asa ~r~ ~ 2. 1952 - Contianed: cpac~s 2~
EECLASSIBI- The Hec2aeaifiaaLioa l~a. 8 51-52--12. on aa Earth Pl~entla Avenus, on t.Yse ccst side
CATION 1Q0. oY the street~ betxeea ~h~ Anaheim-Olive Boad affi F,ast Hor~h Street. ~rhich ~d beea
a-51-52--12 held over irom the Meeting oi May S, 1952, i+as egain considered.
Mr. J. F. Bnrgesa, 431 DTorth Placeatia Avemu, preaeated a petition irom 20 property !
ovaers ia the ares asking tLat t~e property be leYt as preaeatly zoaed. `
Mra. Ruth d.. Eamm, 195o Eaet sycamore Streat~ requeated that t~e $oning be nnc2~nged.~
The StafY Report ehored that the proparty on the esat aide oi North Placeatia Aveaue ;
appmzimately more tl~aa l~alt vray to B~st Sycamore Street vronld onl~ot be barmed
by thie Beolasaiiioa+tion due to the preaent deveiopmeat, kwvever, aince the original
heaMngs, 34 acres to the ~at of ~ha praseat aity limits consti~ntea a territory
phich has reqcuaLed to be anaeaed to the City oi Aaaheim. 'l~ia terrttory,'a~ pro-
posed for aunemtioa, commeaaea o.n the n~rtb side ot the Aasheim-0Iive Boad sad ez- ~
tends a dietanae of approzimste~y 1350 Seet to the aorth. ;
Beaauee of said proposed annesation~ a motion ras made by Co~issioner Holyoke~ ~
asconded by Qommisaioaer Eintcel~ and csrried, tbe.t by Besolntion Ho. ~+ - Saries '
1951-52. the area be left sa presently soned~ na~ly, BrA~ BBSID&~'PIAL-6t~;RICin'PUSAI+ ;
ZO~~ untfi anc~ 4f~e as s progo6ed p~ Pa: a~a snb3ivtsioa aS the 2effi ia presented:
Tho vote oi the Commisaioa oa the above Eesolntion Ho. 34 - Series 1951-52. tias ss
AYESs COMMISSx9~8S: 6aner, ~ngood, Holyoke= Rungall, Eintcel, Schnmacher, Summers;
aad 'l2wmPsca. '
ABSSNT: COMM233ZOB~t3t: S4hntte. 1
BECLASSIB'T- This aas the tima eet Yor ths Seccnd Pablio Bssring on the Beclaesitication Ho. 8
CaTIOn ra. 51-52--20, to clumge ihe aoaing on Borth Sabina Streat sa9 ~-orth Panliue Street, ,
F-51-$2--20 betreea Eaet 1lhilhelmina Street aad baot Horth Street. ls+om Rrl, OHF.-FF}IILY BL~SI-
AEHTI6L ZOD~~ to &.'2. 1110-F11tdILY aESIDEBTIAL ZO~.
No one appoar0d !or or agaiast this 8eolasaitication. 2he Heasing Yas aloaed.
A matiioa rras msde by Commisaioner Schn~acher~ aeconded by Comm~asioner Ganer~ a~
carri~ed~ that the Commiaeioa reoommend by Hssolution Ho. 35 - Serias 1951-y2. to
the City Conncil the BealasaiYiaatioa o! Horth Scbiaa aa~ Horth Panliae Streete. '
betNaea Ea-et ~/Sih6lmiae Street ~ad Enst Horth Street. frow Brl, Siagle Family Hee!- ~
denbial Zoae~ ~o Br2~ Y![8-FAly1ILY B8'.SID~HTIAL ZO~. !
The eote oY the Gommlas3oa on Lha sbq-a Besa:.~t3oa Ba. 35 - Sor#es 19g1-S2~ vas as
Poliowst +
AYffi: COtQ~SISSIO~s Qaner. Espgood~ Holyoke. Mnngall, Eintcal, Schnmacher~ Snnmers
and Tbompson.
BECI,ASSIFI- This was the tima ae! !or ths Second Publio Hesring oa the petitioa Yiled by ths s
CATIOB ~0. progeri,y oxaera oa Sonth Phila4elphia SSreeL~ betwaen 3ast Palenaie b+amie end the
F-51-5~--Z1 Viei~ht,Sreemaa and McCloughaa Subdivision. tLat they bo inclnded in the Healassiti- ~
oa~ion of the abooe-named Snbdivision~ lrom Br2, TIfO-BAI[IT,? SESIDSIQTIP.': ZO~~ Lo ~
Bo one appearad Yor or agaiast thie &eclasaiticatioa. '19ve Hearing ras a?.osed. i
. A moiion ras made oy Commiasioner Bapgc:+d~ eaconded b~ Co~iesiob~s Knngall, aad 1
earried, Ehat the Commieaioa reco~em to the City Co~meil by Besolntioa ~o. 36 -
Seriea 1951-52, the BeclassiYication oi So~~tii Phi].adelphia Streat betvsan Fsat ~
Y8leacis Aveaae aarl the lPeight, Fraomsa am. HcClong~~oa SbbQivisioa~ ~rom Br2 TtiO- j
~~ktlbY BESID~1tT26I. TAl~~ Lo Rr3 ~ n"b?,TTP7.~ F.SFiIZT BSSEE~iTf6L 7A8E.
The vote of tha Commfsaioa on the rsbove 8esolntion Ao. 96 - Serisa 1957.-$2~ vaa as E
tolloxes :
A'4ES: COMMISSIOREFi3; t~uer, Hapgood, IIolyoke, l[uagall, 8intcel. Schamacher~Summera
and Thompeoa.
1 HECLASSISI- The srea bo~mdeQ b8 ~orth k'es~ Straat~ ~Te$'~ La Pa2ma AF~, #,~ Ya~~ Ci,;g L~ts
CATION N0. ~ Wsst Borth Straet, bad been Coneidered !or Bsc3.assf!'ioation ia Angnst, 1951,
i F-51-$2---1 bnt no eotion wae takea.at that L•ime. The mstter vaa a~ain bronght up tor aoa-
~ eideration at thia Neating ard aYter disaaesion_by the Conmiasioa, fi,he conseaeue ot ~
~ opinion appesred to be t~hat the property eLou~d. be left es aov conad aa3 aontrolled
by 1-ariaaaea as enbdi~visioa plaas e~re prsseated. Ho fo~ai ~~~g .r~,~ +.~~ ~ ~
' Ghairmsa Summors ruled Lhat.~or fihe preesnt~ the sonl.ag abonlQ r~.ia as nox shom ~
` oa the Zoniag liap.
'. .
~~ ~_,..__.~----~ ----------~------ ----.~__ -- ------.~, ~ _~
~ ~r e ~ ~
1~I8QT~5 OF T~ 8~V7+6B 1~ETIHG ffi,D JUNFI 2. 1952 -_Coatimied: (P~E 3)
AECI+6SSIFI- This wae the time aet Yor the 81rst Pablic Hearing on the BeclaseiYioation o~ 20
C6TI0~ N0. aores at the n~ortheast coraor oi 8orth 8sat StrseE saa EsaL Ceater Strmet, Yrom
s-51-52--22 $ ~-~ aESr~n~riaL-e~aicvL~ zo~* to a2~ a~ oo~ao~ zo~.
Miee Thelma HeaBan~ B~e3,1to3t. :ePregeatatSve oY the ovaer~ appeared betore tha Com-
miesion. She preeented plaas for complete Shopping Ceaters as have been bnilt ia ;
Palo Alto and Ia 8absa, Califorain. and eiplained t,~at they proposed to build a
aimilar Shopping Ceater~ but that their plana ior thia particular propesty rers not
ae yet aomplate.
Commiseioner Holyoke neked tl~at conplete plana be presented before the SeconQ Public
Hearing vhich ia acheduled to be held Moaday~ July 7~ 1952~ at 2:00 o~clock P.M~
Mr. Steveas, ~ap:aeanting EOPIDID HOA~S. rrhich is Pu~tiag ia a Subd3v3aion oa the
praps:by ta the r.a~th, es~s°a. to ~o oa reae±~d ee p*oteetlag ag~imeb suypthing but
gTw~s~ ~r1lMII,g ~WEdI,Ig(~S beinu establiahed aloaB the south aitae oY Ee.at Adele Street. ;
S letter ~rom C. Frecl Smibh, Qeaera~. Partaer in 8ondea Homes, a~ddressed to the Com- ;
miaeion~ covereil thia eame protest. ,
~Sr~ d~ g, Altxi,ne~ 1272 East Ceater Street, appeared beiore the Co~iasioa in favor
o! the Haolassification.
The Firat Pablic Hearing was cloaed; the SeconRl Public Hearing to be he18 Monday~
July ?, 1952~ at 2t00 o~clock P.M. ;
RECLAS$I~'I- Thia was ~he iime sei for t}~e Sirs~ Publ~.a. Hsaring on the petttioa ot A. H. Sh3pkev. ;
CATIOIQ ?Q0. 306 gorth East Street~ W. H. Hntton~ $1? North Yiae Street, and Mra. Sarah Hntton, :
F 51-52~23 703 Nort~ Clemeatiao Street. roqneatiag the Reolaasificatioa oF thair propertisa at ;
the northeaet coraer oi Horth Ee-at Street arul East Sycamore Street.from Brb~ BESID&B-;
~a: ~nnrwr~rmne~t ~~v~ ~~ 0-1 yTVl1T_7! _Ti81~tTT.V ~TI:CT111CNT7AT. 7.Q1i1C_ ;
~ii+ss+~a~v+++vv+iavw~ ~f °
Na one srn~eared ior or agaiaat tinia HeclassiYioation. The Heariag wa cloeed. the ~
Seaoad Public Heariag Ki].].'de held ea Monday. July ?, 1952. gt 2t00 o~olock P.M.
~CI,ASSIB'I- Thia rras the tims e.et for the First Public Ee~sring oa the petitioa oY the property
GATIOg N0. orners oa Sonth Bose Street betveen Eaet 8roadMay a~ ~aa4 Sante, daa Street, re-
F-51-$2--24 qneetinB t,hat their groparties be changed from &-2, TbiO-FAMII,Y ~'SIDENTIAL ZOHE, to
Ho cne appeared for or egainst this HsolsaeiYioation. The Hearing xas cloeecl, the
Second Pnblio Hsariag ri12 be held on Mondsy, July 7~ 19$2~ at 2t00 o~clock P.K.
~CLASSIFI- T'his vras tha time aet for the First s~nbiia Searirsg aa Che pexition ot SreB ~red:tca- ~
CATION N0, son, 9521 F~set Magla Stroet. BellfloKar~ Oalifornia~ reqneetiag the ReclassiYication
F-51-52~25 oi hie property at the northeast aoraer of Eaet Yeumont Aveaue aad Sonth Ora.nge St. ;.
Mr. Medaria appeared before the Commiesion se the anthoMsed raprsaentative oi the ~i
owndr and stnted that a rell-knoKn aompany propoasa to build a plsat on this property~
at onae sua vrill empioy 80 40 100 people wfth s year ronnd.peyroll. #
The Heariag ~aae cioaect with the SeconB Pnblio Hearing sbY-eQnlod for Monday, Jnly 7. _
1952- at 2=00 o~clock P.M. ~
VABIANCE This xae the time set for the Pnblic Heariag on Variance Bo. 164, reqneeted by H. ~
N0. 1Ni M. 8rlnker aad Sos~ 1655 South ,Yan. BTeee 6vemie. I+os At~91ee, Oalif~rnia. Jmes Fledaris ~
aa anthori~ad sgeat, for permiasian to divide the p^operty deseribed ae eztendin;d
~„_,x {hp ~;~aw~,t e~itv liaita oa the oenter lina of Wa.f ?:~ Fa,lms 9veaue a distaaca ~
oi 902.30 faet Raeterly; tb.eace 5ontherly a dista~e o~ 9:''..SO Yeet from the ceater ..
11ne oi Neat I~e~ Palme- bvem~e; theace Weaterly a dietance ~•rI y02.30 ieet; thenae ~
;~~e „*_,r1~ ~a~ ~he ?-*eeeta~., ait? limit line a diotance of 978,$0 lest to the voiat ~
oi beginning~ into B~-1, Siagle Family Besideat;ial I,ots ia aonformsnce xith Ordinsaca ~
1Qo. 77~+. '~ p~pe~T ia preseatiy aoaed aa BrO. 3U9UHB~R-BFSIDE~4!IAI+ ZC~. ~
&lmiaiaLrator Murdo::: evg€ested tl~a~ the ontire area nhonld be ooneiderea Por re- ,
aoning. Mr, Marbooh had not beea preeent at the Heeting rhen the discueeion oa Lhie 3
aree~ xao tBlcen up uader Beaigee'l~ioatioa Bo. ~'-51-52--1. i
Commissioaer (isuer ms,bo s motion~ eeooaded by Commisaioaer 9chumaeher, and oarrib.. ~~
thet by R~eointion Ao. 37. Seriee 1951-$2~ the Oommiasion reaommead, to the City Cona-;
c±l that thin Yarianoe be granted. ~
The vote oi tha Oommiseion oa ths above Reaol.ution ~o. 37 - Seriea 1951~52, ~e
reoorded as iolloxes
AYESt COMMISSIO1~H5t Gauer~ Hspgao8~ Holqoke~ Mun8all~ Sintoel~ Sahnmac~hsr.8ammere ~;
and Thompsoa.
1QOESt (701~4~!I83IONF,BSs None.
AESEt~Ts QOMMi9310NE8S: Sahutta. '
. i ~ ~ • ~
...1'( , ~
_ Y~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ MINtTTES OF 'P~ BE(~UI+AE l~ETIBQ ~LD J~TE 2. 1952 - Contimied: (PAQE 4)
~ ~ fi ~'~
~ aESIDE9TEAL ADMINISTBAT08 MQRDOCH reqneated that the proteation,QL intrnsion of resiasatisl
IitTILDIAti IN ~uuildiaga ii-to an ~rea soned for M-1 ~ LIOHT FlANOFACTUBIElb ZONE, should be eet up
l[-1, LI0ffi' fn Ordinanae No. 774. In~uatrial areas are ia need oi proteotioa r~aidet abaorp~
i MAN[f8'ACTOH- tion by other uaee. In~dustriee are the li4e biood ot the aommuaity to a large es-
i IAfi Z0~ tent and zoning aan and ehonld aeaiet ia keeping sites evailable Yor narr factories. ,
r Commieaioner Thompson ststed that daellings ehcu7.d not ba slloxed ia an M-2 Aroa
irom a health stsad.poi.at, bu~ qneationed the lega~].ity oi the Commieeion to.limit
a property oKner~e rights where a health ha$ard 3e not involved, and euggeated that
au opinion be obtaiaed irom tbe City Attorney.
----~- A motioa was madR by Commissioner HoZyoke, eeconde3 by Commiseioaer Biutoel, snd.
~ oarried tHaL the Searetary be inetruoted to prepara Fs&.STBICsiOSS and advertise eame
for public hearinge aftar obtaining frnm the CiLy Attorney an opiniou relative to
the legality of auch actioa.
TffiTATIV~ A Tentative Map of Traot ~To. 1$97, aovering the area coasidered ior Recla~eeitics-
MAP TBACT tioa under Varisaae No. 1H+, rraa preeented to tha Commiseion,
N~. 1597. tTpoa a motioa by Commiaeioner Schumaaher~ eeconded by Comsnieeioner Bintoel, snd
carried, it o;as voted to approve the Tentative Map oi Trnct No. 1597 upon the
folloviag aoaditionss ,
i i. StTaJ~C~ ~a 8~,3naering B~uirsmoata.
2. SIIBJECT to final aativa on oA~tFAnG~ n~7c, ib=1~ oy the Ciyy Gouaaii.
; This tract xill b~ loaated at Loara Street aad.tieet I~a Palma Avemxs~ aad will com-
priae 91 lots. ~
~ • T~NTATIVE A Teat~tive Map of Tract No. 1420~ located oa tha aouth eide oi Burtoa Stree~ weat
MAP TBACT o! North Weet Street~ camprieing 78 lots~ wae preseated to the Commission. Ia as
' N0. 14G0 muah as s portion oY thie SubdSvision is in tha County, but will ahortl~ Le aanezed
~ to the City, a motion rrae msde by Commiesioner Thompeoa, aecoaded by Commiesioner
xiutcel~ and aarried, that approval be given to Ehat portion now ia the City and
that approval be given to that portion ia the Couaty when eame ia referred to the
;; Comm~egioa by the Couaty Planaing Commieeion.
i~ , BIIHRb14 Sx. A map oi a prnpose3 aaaezstion ountaining that portian oY Lot $ not ac+w ia ta~h City~
~ A~EATION aad Lote 6 and ? of Aaaheim Homestead Tract~ on the south sida of Surtoa Street rras
; preasatsQ to ths Commisaion.
~ • Upon a motion by Commisaioaer Hapgood, eecoaded by Co~iasioner Holyoke, and aarried~.
it vas voted to recommead to t~e City Couaail that bhie area be coasidered for aanez-
? ation to the City. The area conbaina 22 screa.
, SQ6CIA ST. A Revieed Map o! a proposefl 6unezatioa starting 660 feet IDASTli of 6cacia Street ez-
ANNT.YSmT(1N ko~Aino 4Twatartv ~alnn¢ Er~.at Ia Pfslma Avenue Eo the S8nt8 Fe Bailvav tlanka: thanne
~.~---- ----~ --------~ -----~ _ . _
~orth to Oraagethorpe Aveaue; theace Es~tir7~-,?to EayaanQ 6venue; thonce Southerly
along Baymond, avenue to a poiat 660 fget eouth ot Burton Street; thenoe ~saterly
sl.ong thie line to a pais~t 660 feet asot oi Aoaaia Straet; ~henae ~eoutherl~ along
this line to ~ast La Palms Aveaue~ wae presente8 to the Commiesion. `
Upon a motioa by Commiasioner Mungall~ aeconcted by Commisaioner 8iutcel~ anrl csrried~'
it rraa voted to recommend to the City Council tl~at his area be coasidered for anaez- i
atioa to tha C1ty. The area aontains 290 aoree.
WA~ A map af a proposed anaesation starting at the present aity limits oa the Aae~heim- ~
ANH'EXr1Ti0N Olive Rood aad gzten!liag Essterly approsimately 102$ feeb; thence ioortherly approzi- ~
ma~tel.y 16~0 ~eet; theaae Weaterly approximately 1000 £ee+t; i~hauoe Sou$herly approsi- i
a~tei~ ~350 _*eet to the point oi beginning~ was pras.eated to ~he Commisaion. ;
IIpoa a mouion by Commiosioaer Holyoke~ seaondeQ by Commiesioner Schumacher~ and ~
~ oarried~ it rras voted to recommenrl to the City Counail that this area bo coasidered
SoT anne~tion, x
' HOUS:''1N ST. A&ev:aed Map of a propoaed Aanesation lmoora ae the HOIISTOI~ S'P~ET A~CATION vrsa ~
~EATIO~ preseate3 ;o ;,:.~ Commiseion. ~
tTpan a motioa by Commiseioner Biutcei~ aeeonl~ed by Commiasioaer Sahumeahar~ and ;
I aarried~ it aras vo:ed to recommend to the Cit~y Council that thia ~n:ea be coasidervd ~
~ ~
Yor annesation.
____._ _- , __- --__.... . _.__..___..__.___.____. __.. ___. ..._......
. :u -- ~
~ pp ~Fg g3~yag y~d4'~p ffi~ JiTSE 2 1952 - Continueds (PAQ~ 5)_
gBryS,~ 1- Beviaed Rentative Nap oY Tracb Dio. 1565~ locateQ at ~a~t Ceater Strae~, PlacantYa
~~Yg o~eane aad geata Ans Street, was preeented to the Commigeion. Siaoe a portion of
;~ ~g• {~ t~~ ~ ia the Citv ar~ the balanoe ia the Couaty, ~ mobion ~s m~sde by Com-
~D. 1$65. aissioaer H~1yoYe. secanded by Commisaioner Mungall, aad aarried, t~e-t appsoval be ,
gi~ea to t~nt portioa nor fa the City~ enb~eat to ~aBineering Requirementa, an3 that ',
~ppro~a! be given to t~at portion ia the CounCq sehea it is referrAd to the Commisaion.
y~ ~ ~~ge Conntiy planning Commiseion. The Couaty port3on ie ia ~„he proaeae of ,
befn,g saaemed ta tt-e City. The 8nilder 2Sa BOHD~D HO1~S eaa thera are 251 lota ia
~ce smc¢iviei6s.
lX~E-S~I9~ A ibatativs KaF oY Traat Bo. 1618 rras presanted to the Comciseion. Thia tract is
l~iP T83C! Iocate3 oa Bss4 Borth StrCO1~A&Yt ~6ri01+ CreneLaw 8oulsrard.yI~oa~BAz~el~ea.~an~itihear
3'D. 1618. is tYte ~B'!S- DEVBI+OPI~NT ~
Sii~J4~f~8~Q'S C41-ti8~II6 ~6 ZO'L8.
IIpoa a~tioa by Commissioaer Holyoke, seoonded by Gommisaioner (~suer, and carried~
it raa voted to 2~old racom~ea~t~sn`a~ t~-ia t~t ovar Yor eagineeriag coneideration
ae~ _*cr~?ser atudiea o2 the moat suitable layout with reference to the ad~oining ai~ase
Ofl~ BD~DIfG
(t~m"'~iaw5~" ~
f~ll~ ~.-
Oa Nay I. I?~2. tdr. iihitnall oxtered a defiaitioa of a buildiag ior coneideration
o~ the Car~.+i_aion. Diacasaion oi this definitioa brought out the Yact that 12 aLill
d23 not sat •*~F*_~ai1y take csre oi certa3n oonditione which the Commiasion desir9d ;
w N, w_, nw..kh~,. ~~~~~lQratioa aill be given tc thia Ord.inance aha,nge at the next i
A petition vas Preseated to the Commiseloa by 89 reaiM~nte 1n the aree. requeating
tt,at thn ~el.fcouter Ien~ting Field be ~ramnved from the present location to a more
snitable affi aafer area ia the commercial sectioa oi anaheim or eisawua.-a . '.
Upoa a moLion uy v~~lesioaar ~2~~~-~ g°~~^~`-'~ b° ~~eaioner Haugood. and carried~:
i~ ~ yo}~ ~at the gecscet,+-ry acknov-ledge receivt oi the petition and bhat the
snbject be giiea cenaidarati~a a~ tha Meetiag of July 7~ 1952•
Conaidesation o! proposcd Ox~3in~nceisco~r~ '~+~~ m~leht bedava lableaYoreaecom-d '
ovur ~or a fnt~ure Heetizt8, ~a f=
prrheaelv~ aiaaaasion oi these snb3ects.
~~z~ea Dst~o,Y~rth Psls 9treet. N~~t i~s Palas ~venas and gorth Citroa Stre~~~
oaa t~. srst~ s~4.~;aY;lf~st ?a,~a2~-,.Li~~ ~u ags7la brcW~t ~!or ooneiQerstioa.
l~rs. ~a. 8. Jolisnist. 1001 ]for~h Ci4roa Stree4. ana ltra. 8. 3. ltorri7~1. 1015 ]~os~h ;
Cits+os Stswt, ~r,~sia opp~as~d be~or~ ths Comi~sion to protht a~r sonia8 e-loag ~fortih~,
Citsea StrMt ~moept tor Brl. siagl~ ~il~ B~~Ldentisl 1+ots.
~r~ ~mt~ siat~d il~at hs sight ooneider la-viag w portioa.oi his land aloag Borth ~;
Cltsba Sttvs3 as Rrl. s
~es a:otion bT Coioissio~~r Solyol~IS, s~conded by Qommi~aioaer Bsp~ooQ, and o~rried.:~
it w~etd tliai ihs area bs 1~li as at pr~~~a~ ast11 a ooaorebe plan !or ~he sub- ~
d3v3aioa ot tbs L~d i~ Prn~aled !o tl~ Oomissioa. ?
'ms 1[~stia6 at,~ara~ a0 5 t43 0~ cloo]~ P.M. ~
i-~ '
~ W~ MUNaALL, cretary '
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