Minutes-PC 1952/08/04~ _vf~! ~ ~ ~ ~
~~ ~ ~
~'= City Hall
~"i~~ Aaaheim, California
=~:°~ Anguat 4, 1952
~ '
~IRtPPE3 0~ ~III~E'~°'!*•,.'~L' Q'! 2~ OI'!! PLA.~7SBt4 CQAIIdISSION
~'~ B~f3ULAx A Eegnlar lleeting o! the City Plsnniag Commiasioa vas oalled to order at 2:05 o~clook
~;.; 1~ETIHO~ P.M. by C}~airffin Summers. a qnQr~m being preseat.
CHAIHMIAH SDA~, COMNISSIO~RS Holyoks, Biatcel~ Schumsoher~ Thompaoa aad Mungall.
~ COI~IISSI0~58 HAPa00D entsred the Meeting at 2s"}~ P.M.
'~i COMMIS'SZOb'3S (~AV~B enterea the xaeting 2t19 P.R. aa3 leit the Heetiag at 3=30 P.H.
Minui~ • ~~_~at~.. I T 7 1 i7G~ ••w
~ iii~iee of iae ad.9oar~ae~i ~-~r neo....6 a. ..~.~ 2~, Ja.f w~.~ °YY:v• ...v
This ve-e the bime set !or Lho Hnt Pnblia Heariag oa ths petition of the property
CATIOH A0. orners on the aoath side oi ltille Drive b~tvsaa Borth Phila3elphia ew~ Borth Claudiaa
l-52 53-=~ Stre~ts, reqnesting t~st th~ir propextisa bs r~son~d lron R-1~ SIBtii.~ ?At~iIbY BESI-
D~6iTIAb ZOI~, to &-2. 41F0 YAI~[S~,i ~SID~HTIAL ZO~.
No ons appesred ior or a~sias~C ihia Beolasaitication.
The Hearing ras closea rith the Second Pnblic Hesring achednled tor Sept. 8, 1952•
BBCY+ASSIlI- This ra~ the tias ee! !or the ?irst Poblia Hb..~sing on the petition of Srnca B. Ivee,
CATIOB 1~0. 407 Bsst Borth Street, reqwssting a reclsasiticaLioa oY his property et this addreas
8 52-53--2 Srom B~-2, TIfO-D'dMIILT BSSIffiATLIL ZOl~~ to C-1, ~Ia~OBB)OD OOMI~SCLiL ZOb~.
N~ nna aanasted !or O! ttP~1IIS4 this IIeClsealtiC8tloII.
~ ~ A.9._•~.~ ._,~ alo¢e~ ~rith the second Pnbiic H~ariag achednled for Sept. 8, 1952.
YABIAHCffi Thi.a ~ras tha tim~ s~! !or ths Pablic Hesriag on ths Yeritied Petit3on at John L.
A0. 165 Hobles~ 2300 Ysst Is Palsn d~e~ for permisaioa to erect aaothsr house u~on the
property at the abo*e addrese. Tlu lot is 193 lset ride Dy 300 ~eet deep an~d is
presently sonea as &--. F~SID~TIAL-~48YCIILTQBdL ZOHB.
Mr. Bobloa app~sxea Aetore the Commiaeion aid stated tl~at the property at preaent rrae
too largs to kesp ia good ooaditioa aad that he propoeed to cn4 it in tw and bnild
an~other honss oa the other portioa.
~ r.~~~Q.3 ~..~r Triiv ~~ Y~S~~.9~J~flw~~ Si:iili~iiiiZL-i~ ~Vw.7~~~ ~~ LLiw~.~r~~iPi~..~~ rJ~~~ri~ ~~~~
carriea, thst Lhs Commiaeion~ by BESObUTIOB H0. 5- SZSIBS 1952-53, aPP~ve the
graa~iag oi vABIA~CB H0. 16$. anb~ect to the toiioxing coffiitioni:
1. 'f~at ths nev bnilding to be eracted contorm to the ~seo;a,i ee4-baake o! lwmee
in the vicinity.
2. That no bnilding be ereated on the propert~ o~er 160 leet lrom the center line
~: ~.: : a °-v'.4~- :--...:^.s.
3. 'Phst s Bscoa~3 0! Snr~ey !!~p be filsd vith the City oY Anaheim and xith the
Coaaty oi Orange, ~horin8 the d.l~ieion of the property.
Tl~e ~ots oa the abo~e BLSOLU'lIOI ~. 5- S8$~S 1952-~3, vas ao ioiloxs:
ATESs 0014~IISSI01~BSs lian~er~ Bap~oo3, Bolyolce, Bintael. Sahmacher, Suamere.
R'hompaon amd Mnsgall.
HOffis OO1~II+IISSI0~8S: Boae.
ABSR6~P: COl41ISSIO~BSt Sclmtte.
°O'*...1:'.w.°. r;^,.^~'==Sc~ e~naidsred the Peitser prnnertv a# Rhe sonthssst eora•r o! ~noli,A and
PS'PI'1:~8'FOB Crescent A~emaea, sad by a motion oi Ca~isafoaar HolyoYe, ssconded by Commiasioner
A~'PIOH Mut~ll, ana carried. i! ras ~oted to reao~ead to the City Conaail that this proparty ;;
be cor.eiderea for aa~esatioa to th~ City~ and desi~atea ae CBFSCBAT A98H~ ~iEXATIOH. ;'
, ~
TffiTATI4~ A Tbntativs IfsP o! 4raa4 So. 16~iii. ntilisiag the progarly of the groposed ~B~CSC~NT AFT. ;;
Ati6E=ATIOH~ xas prssente3 t.o the Co~isalon. 'l~e Snbdi~ider ia Gsorge H. Yardley~ Jr.~ ,L
B0. 1641F oi Dovae~ Csliiorais, ana the tract ronld aoatain epproz3mstely 88 loi~s. -
IIpon a motioa by Coaissioner Holyoke, aeco~ed by Commiesioner Thompaon, sad csrried~ ~;,
it vas votad tbst the Teatative Nap oi Traot So. 1644 be spproved. oub~ect to the
i loiioring comitioaas ~
1. Aaaazatic• ~'~
- 2. 8n81aeer. ,,~ especiall.y drainege sad se~e. _~~
:` 3. 8earsanga~snt of ?,oto Hos. 65 an3 66. ,
~ ~:. ~se:t3o .:y~:: & -S ~-'.aa ~:_s~t t~ t~ ~~#. :
5. .Appr~val by SLe Stste Highray Depsrto~nt. `t~.
-, :~
::~ .
. : f'~._ '
~ ;.
~ ~ ~
~ ~
~~ 1~
'~TAT298 A Tentative Msp oi Traat No. 1635, loaa.ted oa the east aida of BTarth Plsceatia Avenns~
MAP TBAOT vas preeanted to the Coimniesion.. This property ia a portioa ot ths proposea lfara Aa-
80. 1635 nesation and aoataine 96 lote. The blibdividere are BI. 1!. IIffierhill eaa Stasrt S.
l~ooQe~ baEh oi Loa 1ingelee~ Calilorala.
Upoa a motioa by Co~irsioaer Holyoke, seaonded by Commiseioaer Bintcel. aad carried,
it rrae voted to approve the Teatative Msp of Tract Ho. 1635, ~nb~eot to th~ fo~loviag
1. Aane~tioa.
2. Engineering Heqnlrementa.
3. ChaaBee ia Namee oi StrAete.
pBpT~CH The propoaed c1~snBee ia the Zoni~orr Orclinanaet
CHAR(+88 (a) bight Mamitaaturing Zone;
(b) Parking Requirementa:
(c) DePi.nitioas.
Thase matters were disauased aad tha Commieelonerr aere asked to arin6 ia .soncrete
snggeeliona !or the Seconb Publia Heariag aa~Sslpteaber 8, 1952.
0~ffiAWC~ Dstes oi September 8th sad Oatober 6Lh, 1952~ were set !or Pnblic Hearinge oa CHAHOS
CHANf~~ 08' O~IHANCS - $ECTI08 1$:-
A= ?icR,
3. n°,.~._..~ _
(g) As~r iaad rhicL l~as been her0toiore or is ~nba~qnently r.ibdivid~3 iato
&~1. Single Familg Besl.ae~tial IIss, sl~all be anto~tica)1~ resoaed
irom ite origiml alaesificatioa to the abovo clasaificatioa vitLont
go3ng throngh the prooednrea o! hsarin8s~,
IIS3f PERHIT IIes Permit Pariemoe No. II.4.-588 ras received tron the Orar,ge Gonaty Plisnain8 Co~iB-
YA87AB0~ 1Q0. sion, and related tn the drilliag Yor oil at the sonthrest corner of Ball B+oeB aad -
U.V.-~8d P~~...^au6ia Aveaue.
4pan a motion by Coamniseioner Bintcel, setwnded by Commissionsr Sch~m~cher. ana
aarris3~ it ~e voted to recommend to the Orange COUIIY~y P1annlr~s Co~issisait}nt ths
parmit be granted. ~
AD~TOUBAMEIQT The Meetin6 adiovrnAd at 4:30 o~cloale P.M.
AE: TRACT Refer to Mim~tes oY Regulor Meeting heZd September 8, 1952.
No. 1591
B. V. lI~IQd1.L~/f5earetarY
A2pE09~ : . 0 ~ V ~