Minutes-PC 1952/10/06..
- '~
3 ~ '
~~ ~
City 8s11
~aatiaim, Oslifornis
Oot~ber 6, 19~2
i ~iQ~$
; i1~~'1'Y~1Q
M~0'Pi4 Oa ~IJS l~I'~ O! S~4 CY'!!' PFd~F'F3~ COffidI3SI0H
L Begalar Rms4lag o! +i~ Ci#~ P7aani~qS Ce~i~sien ~s aallmd to order at 2t0$
o~olock P.M. bT Chsiraaa S~sas, s qass~ Es3ag prssent.
CBAIBHIIA SOl~S, OO~SSIG~RS 8a1~, Bi~te~1, Sch~saher, 'l~onpaoa aad Mnn~s11.
CO'~.•'ISSIOffi BAPIIDOD ~d t~e lieetias st 3:~$ o~aloolc P.K.
CQi~Q~tI8SI01~E83 GJ1~8 aaa ~.
Tbs ltiante. ot fibs E~olar l[estis~ of Se~t~ber 8, I952 rers appr~ved se vritten.
BECIJSSIlI- This ws~ the tiae set ior t~ S~oa~ Pob33a Baering on 63~s p~titloa o! t~he ms~ority
CdTIOa B0. ot ths yroperty oraera on Saalh ~ S?,rmst betYe~a ~aat Sonth Street affi Ssst
4_r~l.. L9 0 4~vuva~ ~~~~~ ~sa~ a~a n= ~~ ~t~ ~ a~_a_ a_ tlri iT{7~
' s'~-JT°/ w~ ~rr~a~ ~e~jw~.~rp . ~+~+~ w ww~ 'yav`,+oi sies uo ~u`~6i~-
~~~~~ g~ia..w~~~ ~. },o gr~. ~;~e g~~' geaidea.tial Zon~. This
B3CLA3SIa'IQli'IGB wald isnl~ 7ots 11 to 2a, iaelnsive. ot the SCouth Street Traat;
Lo~e 2? to 36~ ~Olnsilbp Ot ~0 ~~Zl~ ~Gt ~II402~ ZOtrB J tiG $~ ~1141110'Ir~~
iri ~loclc 1. oS t~ d. 7.leyd tbors Sobdi~isi~a, aad b~ts 1 So 4. inolnaive, in Block
2. oS tbs J. I1o~d lbora Saba.irisioa.
Ho ane appsnred tor oa e~s~ist this ~CJi~SIlIC~30S. Ths Hesring rsa elosed.
A motion Nas ~e b? Ca~oSssioasr ~ol~o~ts, seeoaded b~ Commiseior.er ScLnmacher. and
oarriea., tbat tbe comisssoa reoomeaa* bg ~I,II'tios !~. 11 _ s~ls 1952-s3, t~a the
City Coaacil tbst t}iis B~QiSSIIFIC~tI~ b~ apprond cbaagia~ the ar~s isom Rr2 ~ TMO-
Baulni Has~ mod, so ar3~ aeo~ri ~ s~sl~srle~ zoH~.
Ths vote on the abore ~OY ~. Il - S~~S 295?.-~, ras ss tol2one:
A1~S: CO1dMISSIA!ffi1Ss Heimlos, ~ia~!_ c••*,•~-••~•r~ ~ra: Thomcaona ,anA Mn:+o.t1,
- 1FOZSt COI+ll+IIS3I(~38@.i: Ba~ne. _ _ -- - -
, dAS~T: COIII~lISSIOTSBS: Qrme2,'al~oo8 a~ Sehatte.
? 52-53--~+
'~iis ~ tb.e t3as sAt ior #hs S~eond. Pob11a Sssri~g~ oa the BiCSJISSIBICATIOB ot the
properly s~ nort~hssst oorasr ot ~orih t(est aa3 Yast Qypresa Stsee4s~ requea~Ciag s
oaega$ or zo~ r:+c~ ai, s~ Fax~ ~8s~~ zo~~ ~o a,.2, TIf0.!'A!(II,Y BTSI-
tdr. 3L~phsn flallaghsr, 328 ~orlh lfest St:sst. sepnsenting Lhe propes~y orasrs in
the sres. appeared bsfor~ icbs Q~slssioa em~ stst~d t.aat the Petitioner plans to
baild a Da~lez D~raliia~ on h!s propaia aa~ that ~aiQ Pstitioner baa ao iateatioa
of eellin6 the paop~rt7 to ~ho Aaabeis ffaica Hig~ Sabool.
xr. dohn He~, 306 ~orth rest Sts+sst. tiut t~e praposed r~soning to Br2 or 8nb~eot
~P~7. vonld ae4 aa s basta be#reea the Se~ool PNperty snd ths ~iae Siagl~
Family Soms~ to the aoz3h.
l~rr. Berths Aastin, 31A ~ort~ Yest S~~ d~ed to go oa recorcl ss baiag in egr~e-
meat ~rith t~he tirs! t~ s~eloeas.
xne nearing tiss c1o~e~.
A mction raa aeds by ~ssionez Seh~sr~ar, seco~ed by Commissioner H.iutcel. #~t
the Commissioa s+avoa~ead. 'b~ HL4D7AFFI4a 10, ~2 -~ 1952-•53. to •8he Oitg Covaail
7~st thie B~C7.~S5IPIGA3IOI bs a~p~~ed,"e~angia~ the soaiag on this lot tram E-1;~
3I~6I3 ?1~MIb2 B34I~i'LL t0~. to B~-2,, '!~-~ B~SID~B'PIAL Z03tE.
Commiseiansr Thoa~~on statad tmt ii tLs Hig,h Se.~ool needed thia proper~y~ nox xe~a
fhe tims to aeqnir~ it be~ors tZie mm~ertm~ ~ 3sgx+as~1 by t,]u aflditioa o~ e b~llal~g.
Co~issioner Bintcel atsfi,ea tdost it tLe 8i~ Seboal Board rss ~Ei].1 intereatea in
this propsrt~. •.3sT tionld pmbablf lraes Led a repr~seatati~e st lhis Hesring.
Qomnisaionsr B~l~ke statea tht tlre pxvpery ro~id bav~ to D~ reaoned ta Bf2 to be
ws~t by the Sal~ool.
THo vote tatan oa Lh~ ao~ion esrsled.
Zha w~a on t~e a~,-.:: ~ D. i~ - ST~&i s 3g¢-j3~ va~ as follows
.~TES: CO~~SI~.E~:: Bo3~e. ~3. S~c~ar. s~ero~ '~hospoaa emd. :~ungell.
8bE8s ODI~lI83I4y&ffi: Eoss.
AES~fITt OD1~RFi~.SYO~frSa 8~om~r. Hsp~ood imd Se~tte.
VAHIAIQCE Thie xas the tiiw set for t~s P¢blie B~aslrg oa tha TiBLIi~Ci P~TITI01~ H0. 169.
B~. lA sobmi~t~ bp Yer~oa P. S~. I20S ~es4 ~hiaatoa As~~ Monbebello~ Calitornia.
as •• .-;*.,ot 7ota 1 to 6, iaelasiw. o~ !Ts~+s ~o. xZ45- rsqaoeLing permiseion tor.r~-
an.. .:, presaat Sroatag~ ot t~o~~ lats i~oa ~ les~ to 56.50 ieet. The property ie
1•..•. ..•: at 90~ to ;'~ Sonlh 7~s ts~gvLa S~t. nffi is prtlosnt~y soned as ~3,
Ks: ~ • -":~ ~1WIL4 ~S~tL ~4~.
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Kum~s o8 a~ovLea. ~r~a ~r~n oc~osas 6~ 1952 - Contiaa~d: (PAQB 2)
V9B~Cl4 l~.a~ ~ 8arry '~. Leanan, 437 SonLh Claaaiaa Straat. aPPesred bdor~ tJ~s Ce=issi~a aaa
N0. 169 praeoat~d a p~titioa ai~ed by 51 reeidents ia the wres proLeatii~g t1~e a+adnctioa in
(Coatimied) lot 01sa. H~ al~o stated tl~at they wre opposed to Hnltipl~ l~arages openin8 on to
ths alley.
Mr. James S. (i~aler. 931 Sonth Clsnbina Street, etsted thst >psrts~t A++~~ ~
along I+o~ AnBsles Straet oTe•r ~ne story Sa height ronld ent oti light,~a~ ~r to
the ree-r of thair homee.
Mr. Stneere sfistsd tbst ii t~~e lots re~me-in ss st pres~~. hs vonld ~nila ~+~+StorT
Apartmeat Buildia8o~ vhioh r~e vonld'be allo~l tu do b~ th~ prodsloas oi t3~ ZcniaB
Or~inanae, in ordaa to mtm the beat nse oi t~e pi+opsrt~, bnt it t~s 2o~s ~s~ re-
dnced ia sise, uader the Zoniag Ordiaeaa~. the lar8e4t ~mits poseiblo on t~s lots
ronia be ~ip7.~3i8 ~ rhi~rh vonld only be one-story.
Dr, Burrors; 9~6 Sou~2- Los An?~~s Streat. ~tsted tbat m assnranc0 cou1Q 1s~ 8isea
that onttiag dorn the lot siee ronld liffit th~ bnilding height.
Th~ Zoning OrQinanaa - NSeotion 8- C-4~-c: 1Ther~ w lot 2~ss aors tma ~i reqnired
minl.~am of sis tlwusand (6000) eqvare i~sx, bat less tbaa trsln tboa~ ~,~~
eqmrs ieea, thers meyy be one additional drelliag uait ia any per~itte~ ioa o!
bnilding or buildiags. ior ea.ch siz hnndred (E:.D) sqarr~ teet ia ~meess of th~ rr-
qnired eiz thousaad (6,000) sqnsre ieet." '
Ms. 3tnewe atated tbat they proposed to raa the aerer lins to thss~ lsts aaa th~t
the property oxasrs aaroes the e~lley roold b~ abie to oo~sat to this 21a~ at s
very aominal aoet~ and ha v+anld pey ths oost ot the asia liae.
'Phe Hearing was oloaed. Ths Cou~iseion ooaai~er~d o'sasr oruansea aaa tis~n Ceae
back to oonsider aotioa oa this 9A3IABCE.
Ia Lhe meantim~~ it appesrea. ti~at dnriag a conterenae bet~eeea ths e~mer oi t~sss
lote and some oS the proteute-nte. tbat som~ oi the protostnats lad c~ansed t~-eir
minda re~e~rfiiag ine 3oy eis~e.
tlpoa a~::cn b; ~a~!»~±~~•~ '~^z•^^-, eeooffied bv Commisaiomr BintcelS aad carriod,:
it vao ~oted by the Oommiasioa to reaomme~ to the City Coaaail, b~ HSSOIARIO~ ~0.
13 - s~RIES 1952-53, tLe-t the 9ABIdBC& ba grsatea, snb~ect to t~u tiliag ot a 9+~b-
divieioa 1Nap.
The v~ots on ths above EESOI,IITIOH ~0~ 13 - SBBIT~S 19$2-53. ~s as iolloras
A7~St COIHA~T83IOl1~BSt Holyoke~ 8aitcel, Sohmm:soher. Saa~sr~, ~o~soa saa l[aa~slle .
ABS~QTt COMMISSIOB]~.4: t~suer and Sahntte.
VAEIANCE Thie ras the ~3ms ae! ior the Pabli~ Hesriag on Yarl.ance Pstitian Bo. it~~ Y"eqnsst~d
R0. 170 by Yiols C. Bsil. 128 Chsrry Street. ae ovaer oi the propsrtT at ths mrlh~nst cor
ner o! F,~st Osater Street aad Horth Placentia Avemu. Sor per~2aeioa fo ea~ct s
TBIP3,~7C Di(~LLIBa on this lot which is preaeatly soned ~a &+A. B~SID~IlL-L AGHYt~L-
~As~l ~~1\b~TY~ hwfnrw thw Cemmiesion a~ etsted tthe~t sl~ pro7posed to ~o, aa~el~, ~
to erect a TFIPLES D'aI~LLIgb aad dedicste leuod aloag Esat Genter 3treet aad ]forth
Plncsntia Avenas for the intnre ridening o! these tro atreets.
Hre. 3. 8arteohs, 111 HorLh Placeatia A~enne. appe~rea before tbe Co~isaion aad
etated t2~st they bed eo1Q th'lo property to Mrs. Bsil vith the stipnlstioa 't~st o~
a DUPL~Z rou3.d. be bnilt on the property.
Mra. Panl Milliamson~ 1943~ lf~s: Caater StreAt, +~ppear~ baYora t~s Oo~isaion aad ~`
tbw~s~ thst the~ arera plsnnin8 to build a DIIPL"3~L on ~ a~ ~o ~~~a ~ aeonld
like to eea anly a DUP7~Z ereotsd on ths oorasr.
Nra. Eail stated tl~at there xon13 be on~ ~ntraace ~-a oas strset aad #w aatsaac~s
on the other atreeb.
'Pbe Heariag r~as olosad.
i~otion uae msd.~ b8 Oommissioner Schnmacher, seaonded b7 Co~aissio~or k~ea~ll. Lt~at
the Appliastinn !or the t~arie~aoe be grantea b~ B~SOdA4I0a a0. 14 -~ 1952-53.
sub~ect Eo the dediaatioa o4 ].aad along last Centsr SLraeO sad Yorth Mecaatis _
Aveaaa to the Oity o! enah~im tor tha intnre vidsn3n6 oi thsss tw str~ets. ,tter _
dieoueeioa by ths Oommission, ~~s ao~ioa aurried. _
'Phe ~ota oa th0 sbov~ ~SOLT1TIaN 1f0. 1!i - SSSI&S 1952-53. ~+~s follo~+ra:
AT~Ss C01~4+IISSION~HSs HspBood~ Solyoks, 8intical. Sc~c~s, 9a~sss,:.~oa-a~d
lhmasll. -
AOES t CGKM~: SIO~R3 t 1Toae. ';
ABSE9'!t QOt~B3YS3I08~ASt dew~ aad ScL~atta.
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MIBUT!'S 08 R~(iIILAS 1~TIBt~ ~I~D OCTOEEA 6, 1952 - Coatimied.: (PLLt~& ~)
TEBTA~I~S A T~ats4lv~ Msp of Traat No. 1682. loaat~d at the northr~st aoraer of So~.tb Ci~raa
tdAP TBACT Strset and ltest V~rmont Aveaw~ ras preeeat~d !o tlu Oo~iseion. Th~ Shbdi~illor ie
A0. 1682 Mr. Bs1ph Hss-s, aw~ th~ traat ronld coataia 25 lots.
IIpon s mo~ioa by Cammiga~oner Solynla~ e~aoaded by Commiseloaoa 8lntael~ and oarri~d, `
it vss vo~ed tme-ti bh~ T~nta.tivo Msp oi Traot Ro. 16~2 be sppro~ed enb3~at to Engin~~r-.
iag 8eqniremsnte aoveringt
1. Sewrage 3. ~ppm~ by S~ste Highray A~partm~nt
2. Draiaag~ 4. Str~aighteaing ont anrve oa norbh~ra por~4on oi atreet
by lengLh~ning radiue. '
T~HTATIPE A Tentntiv~ Msp o! Tract E;'~. 1627 xae prasented to the Commiseiou by ths Pianning
LIAP TBl1CT Co~isaioa o! the City ot ~x7.lertoa. Thia traat is located siong EaoliB Arsm~w, ~
rn,. io27 ~i~tve:~ Gra6ge0~i~orrp6 i-ad nane%on i.~remiee, and couisins jn2 lois.
The Commiseioa rreat on reoord as approviag the trev : aa eho~ra irom a~ I,sad Ur~ stan~-
poiat, but beaenee oi aot having iniormstion as tc ,he agro~ment r~gsrs.ing tho cammoa '
bonndar~ 1ln~ betKeen P~illerton and Anah~im, srk~d tLnL th~ Map be ref~ra~d to th~
City Couacii for ite informs~ioa snd a~y- ihrther reoommendstioa~.
HE4TJl9SIlI- The First Pnblio Hearing vas held nn the P•tition for ~C?,ASSIlICASIUH o! ths pro-
CAi'IOB A0. p~rty sC Ohe sonthtt~t~~ Corner o8 ~ast Sonth 3#reet irom Br3~ MULTIPIa BAltIb7 BESI-
B 52-53--5 7~IAL ZOB~~ to i~-1 ~ bli~H'P HdN[J8'ACTQEI$0 ?AH$. Th~ ares wnld hsw s troatago watr
~re-rd irom th~ A.T. & S,F. Railres traak~ oi 210 Y~et,
Hr. Fraalc Mill~r, Hsdltor, and Mr. !'. Petsrsoa, probabl~ parcl~sa~r oi the prop~rt~. '
stated t2~st a Botogre~vnre Plant rould ~e araobed on th~ site.
80 one app~sred agninat the BBCI,A332FIQATxOA. The Second Pnblia Hanriag ri].1 bs
insid on i~ioxriayp ~osooe'r Z"v~ i9j8, a~ ZicvO o~oioa~a i.'ri.
3cv3~D g~viaad ~wte~~in iYIsp of 'iract ~o. 3648 rAe preseated to LLe Commi~eion. IIpoa s -
TT~ATATIY~ motioa by Commiasioner Bolyroka~ e~oondod by Co~issioaer Schumachsr~ affi oarri~d~ it :
t+1~AP TBACT ys~ ~~~ed to hold thie Map ovsr uatil th~ Ad,ionrnea M~etiag ~o be hild oa Monday~
N0. 2648 Ootobar 20, 1952.
CH11Na~3 A4ter disaneaion on Oh4ae 4tema~ it ras agreed thst the Oammieeion ahc-nid r~qaust
t,~e ascy stcornep eo ~agg~et the phraseology on Itsms (a) aaa (c) ~,a sa,.is• th.
Commiseion aith reYorea~a to oertain phasee oa Item (b).
C0~ Discweioa on ~S~3DIVID~ ~p brovght ont ~ha queetioa regarding rh~th<< land an-
CHA1~t4E nazed to tha City shonld be reoorbad ae B~-1 ~ SIgdL~ Fl-MIbY RBSIDEBTLIL ZO~, os a~
F„Il~ ELSIDEBT:A~AfiBICUL~PITBIIL ZOHE. It rae th~ -BOa~~ame oi opinion tl~at it laad
snbdi~ided tor Br'1 IIS~ oanld be made antomstia from B~A~ that it rroald be better to
aon~ lsad ann~aced to the Cxt~ se B~A.
Pnblio Hesriags wre eohednled oa this me~tter ior Hondqy, Oatobor 20. 19,52, aad oa
rionday, novem3e"r J. iy7~- ay ii~v o~aioc"s 'r.M.
CONSIDF3xATI0N it rae moved by Oommissio~er Holyoke, eaconded b~ Qo~issioner Hapgood~ aad
0~' ZOHIAf+ ~~R carried~ that the renr ono-ha].f (~) at the Mitch~ii property st ~ewt Oaater
&1L7' OF MINIffi~LI, Street awd Horth Enet Street~ ehould remsia eua pr~sently ~oaad, nsmely; RrA~
~R'P :~ IIse Yarisno~ Perm~ ' Applioa•bloa No. V P-628, eras s~terred to the Co~i.seion b, th~
SIT~ Oraag• ConntT Plann C~mmiesioa, relativ~e t~u a propoaed ait• !or s~TPOST on t~s .-
veet eide o! ~$~roa~ treet approsimately 900 feet eonth oi Oraag~thorps Aveaas.
Thie ia tho >~':,~ of tue abandon~d Fullertoa City Dnmp.
IL vaa moved by Co~miseioaer Boly~oke, eeooa~led by Commieaioner Sohvmaoher, and carried y
tbat the Comroiseion go on •reaorb ae epproving this propoaed site ior s ffi~POET. :
MAS~ The Maater Plan Por the area bouffied by P],acentis ~ien~~, ~et Qentar Street~ Soath
Fast 8traet and ~sot s:~ata Ana Street~ sras eet Yor Pu~lia Bearings oa Moadey, Nore~a-
ber 3~ 1952~ e.~ oa 1Hoada,y, Deaember l, 1952, ab 2:00 o~oiack P.bt,
ADJOUBRMffi8T 'Phe Mestiag ad~c~rnad at 4:57 o~alook P.M.
oolook P.i4.
APPBA9ED ~/~4 ~ . ~ ~~Y
until Mondei,y~ October 20~ 1952~ st 2t00
&. M. HOB~~L7,, 8 relrRrv
r ~ u