Minutes-PC 1952/10/20s
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AL4h91ID~ OE~11lOTatB
ootober 20~ 1952
ADJOUBI~D Aa Ad~ouraed BeBn].ar Meeting o~ the Qity Planaing Commieeioa~tiaas aalled to order. at
BSalII+AB • 2t11 0~olook P.M. by Chairmaa Swauiera, a qvorum beiag preaeat. Mr. !fiudnoh~ City
kSB~PINQ Administrator, rsa preeent duriag a portion o! fihe Meeting.
CHIlIA1~lAH SUMI~IIEB.4~ OOMKI33IOHEHS (~aner~ &~lyoke, Siutoei and Mnaga-7.1.
COMMISSIO~R BAPd00D entered the Keeting st 2s46 o'oloak P.M.
The Minutee of the Hogular Meetlag o~ October 6. 1952 vere approved. ae prin~ed.
'~HTATI9S A Teatative Map ei Trent Ro. 168j rtas presented to tha Commieeion. This traot ie
NAP '1'E11CT located at tne aortheaet aorner of Ea-et Permoat Aveaus and Sauth Re~et Straet~ and
H0. 1683 contsias 24 ~ots. The Subdivider ie Eastmoat Development Corporatioa, 15th Straet
and Irvine Avarme, Coata Meea, Cslitora3a.
A motion was mode by Commissioner Hclyroke~ ee~anded by Commiasioner Rintoel~ and
carried~ that ~ha Tentative Map oi Tract Ho. 1683 be approved snb~ect to EnBineering
'FJ6HTATIOL A Tentativs Map oi Tract No. 1691 rras preaeated to ths Commiseioa. This trect is
lU1P TBACT looatsd oa the aosth eide of Meat I~a Pal~a Avemxe west oY Horth 14est Street~ and
H0. 1691 r.aatsiae 5-1~ lote. The SnbdiviFierr are D. E. Fdvaras and Joha D. Ard.e-is.
A motion was made by Oommiseioner Holy~ke~ eecondsd by Co~iesioner Mungall, an~d
carried, thst apprnval oS the Tentative Map of Traa4 No. 1691 be held ovar uatil the
Heeting of Fovemberr 3~ 1952~ to eae if a better la~ont oi eL•reets and lote conld be •
ffiTATIP~ ; A Tsatative Map oi Traat No. 1686 rras pree+nted to tha Commieeion. Thie trsat is
lsAP 4BACT " locateQ at the northeast oorner oi Nest North aad Loarrs Streete, ancl oonte-ine 4~ lots.';
H0. 1686 ~s Snbdivider is Paul L. Piarce, 4336 Dar2ee Hosd~ Pico, Calitornia.
A motion ~ras mm8e by Commisaioner Holy~oke~ eeoonded by Qommissioaer Mungall, and
oarri~~ fi,s~at the Teata4lve Map oY Traat No. 1686 be approved sub~ect to En8lneering
1~8.ST S,A PALMA Mr. Mnrdoah bronght to the atteni~ion oi the Co~iasioa tl~st t};e City Qouaoil had
AHI~Zl.TIOS reterred to the Commieaioa a propoeed aanexstion to be lmorm se t~PE3T LA PALMA AR1P~C-
B0. 2
~ AT20H 1P0. 2. Thie area ie deecribed rnughly ae et~ntitg at a~~t 3$ .7$~ e~e e~ ''
t 1920 teet eaat ot the ceater line o~ Efualid dveans
a po
fee~; thence southerly 56.7 iee~; thenae ee~eterly 566.Q7 feet; thence eoutherly 2p~
ie~~; ~~aQe easterly 409.2 lest; 4benoa northeriy 451.80 teet; thenae eseterly 495.~+ ;;
iee~:; :~enos northerly approzime-tely 198 leet= thenue reaterly spprozimatsly 186 ft.; :~
th~o~~ eonth~resteriy apgrosimateiy ~~6 ieeb; thenoe aor7~heriy appro:imstaly 176 ieet; :
theace eonthweslerly 446.9 ieet; thenoe aortherly apprn~tely 18 ~eeti thenae ,rest- '
erly 637.1 teetz tl,ence noutherly 181.1 l0et to the poinE o! beginniag.
A motion xas msae by Commiaeionar Mungaa.l, s0aonded by Commisaioner R.iubosl, aad
csrried, thst tha Oommiafion reaommea~d to the City Counail 4hat the above area bs
oonaidered for anaesatSoa to tha City.
CommiRel.onsr 1}aner brought up the qu~stion oY 3ohool Diatriot r~gsrdiag thie anaez- ;
stioa, which ~rou].d Iie in tha Orav;ethorpe SoLool Dietriat. He propose3 tBst tho
Subdividers slyonlQ petition to have it iaal~ad,ad ia the Anah~im Sohooi Diatrict~ in
as w~ as eame t3ma in the nsar iutaro, a n~ s:.hool vouZd bs necassary to 8erve -
Lhie ares.
B8CL63SI!'I- This vas ths tims aet !or the Secona Pablio Hesriag oa tha Heoleeeit:eation o! ths
CIlTIOB H0. area n~zE 'to the s. T. ~~. a. Re~ilmad trao'ss on ihe eonth side of 8aat ~onth Street. ~
B-j2-53-5 So ou~ app~e-rsd 4or or sgainst iche Heclassiticatioa. ~=
Fir. Praak MtllAr premeated plene of Lhe tml3.dir~ propoeed to be ereeted on Cha prn- ; 'i
perty. y
,~ nwtion ~ras am~6e by Co~iaeioner : '•+sel, c~eoonded by Cor,:misaioner Aplyaka, sa8 `'`
•,~+°*!~_ ~~'~ ~h~ C.4~'~l9iea; by F" .~.~IT.IOl~ A0. ls - S~RIE3 19~2-S~e racommencl to :t
th~ ~it,r p;a~u-ail t2ze ~ExI+ASSIg'IOATi:~a -' the esstarly 210 Seat ot ths Dreyfue I,and,g :
ly~ag saet o! Lot 5 of Mteight~-Breem~ ,~SoClougtian 3+~bzlivisioa~ beia~; ths aouCaweat ``
oorner o! ~sst Santh Street and fsor~ e-ng~ Street ~ bo rs:oaied Yrom B~-3, M[TbTII'L'~
~ ;~
~'Ai~ILY B832md19T'W, Z019E~ to '~:-1 ~ I:~Pub ?lAHtTI'dOTURi~d ZO~. ~;~
~hs rota oa sbow H'~SOL4'FI08 II0. :l9 - S~BI~S I452-~j. vss sa folloxr= `'~
' AY~S: COH~IISSI01'~RSt 4av,or, 5apgood. Holy~oke~ Hfutaal~ Summeae an3 Hungc~l.l. „~
50~3: ql~tISSIO~BSi ~one. ,
A'~Yffi~T: OOI~4dI35I0~a Sohunac~er, Schutte aad ThompeAn. ~
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' ~ 0! ADJOII~ 1~8Y'I9f~ ~I~D oCTOBEB 20~ 1952 - Conbiaued: (PA(4E 2)
{ -
t~ CBA~GB This ras tHe tia~ s~t iox the Fiset Public Hearing on the proposa: change in CODE
~ " A1~ 9200.2 a3~isaifyiag a11 anne~ations as a~R.~ in plaoe oi pRrl". Thia will prevent
~. ~t1DI'PIOffi iadiscrimiaste cet~L3g ep oY aaaaud praperty iato SZ1~GI.~ ~'6H2bY 3ATS which might
iatertsss vith t,he proper layont oi f'atnre etreets and vrill limit the sress to oae
hanae per aese nntil snah tim~ as the lana ie eubdividad.
'!he aecond ohangs ronld bs the addition oi a nea SEO'PION 9200;20 ontomatioally
?lsoIIl3$ tlom pRrA~ to aB'•lp 811 land 8Abd1vlded !OS SIA(~I~E' FdMII~Y BJbIESo
= 1'b.is ~ril]. elimiasto the need ~or holding three hearings. tvo by the Commieaioa and
one by the City Conncil~ thue elimiaating the advertisemente and mail notifioatione.
-. ;
~" Ao one appeared ior or against the GODE CB4Nf~ OB ADDITION.
~ Datea of December 2. 1952 emd Jaanary 5~ 1953, rere eet for coneidering ZOHE CEAAaES
~~ in ths ares oorered b~ the PI+ACEHTIA AYENUE and BBLb ROAD At~HERATIONS.
ADJOU~ ~e xeeting ,ras aa,lonrned at 3s3o o~clock P.M. uatil Monda,y, October 27. 19~"2~ at
, : 2:00 0 ~ cloclc F.M.
&. M. MUHbALI,. Se retasy
i ~
~ tlPPBD~ Lf.ni-• ~, / ~J 2.