Minutes-PC 1953/01/05 i ,;
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A11tlt10~~ C~~fOPII~/3
J~ 5. 1953
~ oF ~va.aa a~~sG or ~ ci~r ~a~ ooa~uss~ox
~II~BB A Eegular Meeting af the City Planning Commisaion rva8 called t~ order at 2:1k
~'rTI~ o~c:o^!- p,u, ~~a ~M ~:L~SB~ a q¢oru bei~g preseat,
pBES~9T CHAIRlIAN ~ES~ C0~9~AISSIO~RS Geuer, Holyoloe~ Eiutcel. Schnmacher, Schutte.
'i'hampson and Mnc~gal7.. Ca~issi~er HapgooZ ea-teTa~ :he M~tizsg aL 2:55 o~ciock AoMe
t~ilU'L~5 The Miautea of the Keetiag of necember 1~ 1952. rrore approved as pz~inted.
VABIl~1CE Varience ~o. 1'j8. filed by l+~ed S. Jones~ 112 South Yail sironue. Motttebe2lo~ Calif.~
N0. 1~8 requeating perasts$ioa to erecL a Duplez Dw~eLling at 1105 SouLh i+os Angeles Street,
ras otought up for conaideratio/'~n. .lctioa on S,hie C-arisaca Y~ad beea held c:a: f:ao
Y4C i'WaYiil(~ 4~ ~MW~WL A~ i~jG•
Since ths laet 3Aeetiag. a plea of the propert~v ia Lhe area xas drawn ahow`.ng his~
tha propertfes might be cut up for aubdivieiona. Copies were meiled to each pro-
pert,y oxasr vith a Pequeet for r+rittsn co~eate, and the onYy vrrittsn c~nents
recoived vrere from Dr. H. Je Tik~er~ who asked the.L hia pa~operty ha left sa present~y+
zoned uatil snch tims ao it could be zon~ed for EITSI~'SS US~~ aad frdm B. F. P'~ynn~ ~
rho oppoeed th~ grauting of t,he Varisace~ and requested that further atudy be mads
a~ ths area with a Mew to mainteiniag the value of his groperty Ss believee. tt~at
if MI~,TIPL~ F~ISIH3 ia allowed to encroach in the area. the vatue a~ his praperty
rrould be materislly redtaced.
Mr. F~ynn before the Cor~isaion and atated ths-t ~. Tikker and he rrero the
ov~ners of 8 0~ ths prnperty in ths area, and neitural],y rere the moat vitallq i~
tereated in Lhe development of the area vrith samething 41~at Mould not depreciate
the value c~ t~hsir properties.
Mr. .Jones appeared be~ore the Co~ission aad atated tlmt h~ did aot believe that a
-n•^,.~' -..z ~23:~ »culd ~,.-~:ate t~e :^~,.'.~:..~ cf !~!~. F+~~ s ~~e~rt~~ .
The &ear3ag r+as cloaed.
A motion r+as made by Commiesioaer Schutte~ aexnded by Com~ieaioaer Ftiutcel, that
. t2ne Co~isaion by H9'.SCILUTIO~ 1a0. 24 - s~~.s ~952 53+ ~~~ ~~tion for a Vari-
ance to sllov a Duplea Dwelling to be erected ~t 1105 South Loe.Angelea Street.
C~nisaioner 'mompsoa pointed out tl~at all of thie praperty vrae zoar,i ae R-4~ whieh .
allrn+s Mnltiple Dwelliage ~j- the Couat,,v. before annexation to tha City.
Ca~isaioner (3auer statad tbat he does not believe that bueineas r+ill dsvelop ia
this area in tha near future aad queetioned 1~Ir. F"lyaa v~ether Singie Family Resideacei
~rauld be satl~actary to him.
i;r. F3yan ataLePi, *~sat if f~e area could be developed ~+riTh higl~cLiae home~s wiS;~
arrhitectural coatrol. it rrould be satiefactorq.
The motion to T~tY 9~RIANC~ ~TO. 178. carried.
~-e vote oa abova FtF~UTI~T D1D. 2~ -~ ~952-53• wae Ae follaws:
AYES: COP4aSSI0~BS: fisuer~ Sapgood, Ho~yoloe. xiutael~ ScY~wae.cher, Schutte~
9u~ere. 'lhompaoa aad Mungall.
~ES: CO1~lI5SI~BS: None. •
ABS~1T: Wl~SSI~'it DTone.
W~ ~his was ~he time eoL for the B'iret Public Hearing on the CHANC-E in the A~iA~IM
CHA~F M]NICIPAL CO~~ ~rt~cle I%~ Chapter 2~ Section 9200:11 -
6- UuE:- Prohibititag Beaidential Ueea in ea K-1, Lig~-L Manufa~tnring Zoae.
No one appeared for ar egaiast this ~6A~E in the CO~. The Bearinq was closed ar.d
the Sscaad Esariag is to be hald cn Mor.r3sy. F'~br,3ary 2. i953•
~ Propos0d CHA~ ia PAffiNG ~'q,UI~NTS ~rere preaented to the Co~niseion and die- '
~ ceae~d~ ~b3~s ~~~; ~te~a vrea~e e~~ %or Feba~sx~; 2~, aa~d ltaroh 2, 1953:
C'v3~ Defiaaiirsa aF a"'~ii's.i'iIai~"^ -$tiee ior Public neariaga were aet =or ?eoruary ead
cs~tc~ ana t~arc~ 2. 2953•
Qaairmsa Sau~ere offered the felloxi~g defiaitioa:- "BU;LD~" - A permaasnt
at?~ucture hao~ng a roa~ aad enclosed on all eidea."
FZ+ACN'~iT"!A Bezoniag of the Placentis:. ~venue Annesation eont~h of Seats Ana Street, reas aet for
av~ Public Hearinge oa Febrtiaiy ~d end March 2. ~953•
Wti~ m in s ce~iiriBII ~`t'OLi ~~ "~,r~~i+BTt~ ~x-.,o: a aa ~: taa St,-se8 ra~itestfng a ehanga iaZ 8iw~o ~
STREET 1QAl~ nams from ".B[~T~ S~~~ t,o "N1ES~1'1' ffiIVE" betrroea Borth West Stroet end I,osra -
Street~ waa presaated to the Commieaioa'by the Cityr Couucil. -
Bpon a moCie~n by Co~amieeioner Schutte~ aecar-ded by Comniasioaer Schumacher~ and
, carried, it raae voted to reca~mend to the :ity Coua~cil that "BI~TON S'~ffi" be -
~c~^~ed `~ r~~ to ~w?"'.5'i~iqT LR:9E°. a
, ~
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lQBJ~ QF F~«wtII+6S MsE'II~G ~LD JAMJ~Y 5. 1s,~3 - tantir.ued: (PAGE 2)
• ~SItI~ : _Thls ~ras Lhe time set for the PYrst Public Bearis~g on the Petition Yor a aeclaesifi-
L`iTl~f-~.- cation of aa area bouaded bY South Dicksl Street~ West South Street aad South Lemoa
?-52 }~--6 SL.~ast~ ta bs us~d as a slte for the~p iacog~7. Church.
eared before th~e Co~iaeion ae Truetee for the Church and ouL-
liaed Lheir plana for the prapertq and aeked t,~at the BECLASSIFiCATION be alla+eed
ia as much ae Lhers are other churches to be located in Lhe eame g~aeral are~•
The p~operty is pressnt~}r zoaed es 8-1. aad the reques:ed zoning is for Br2.
f Ho one appeared ia oppoeitioa to the granting of aeid ~'~SIFICATIOA.
lhis Birst Pliblic Hearing vrsa closed with the Second Fublic Hearing echeduled for
Mon~sy. :~'ebrusry 2. 1953•
A pa~oposal tc ennez an area at the aortheast corner of Brooi~-urst aad ihauchee~er
wte~ *o ~~+e CQmmisaion.
00~ ~ ,
Aveanea, conaiatiag of appro5iim~~ei~ i~ ~.,ae, ~ g
Upoa a motion by Coma~iab.oner Schumacher. aecoadsd by C~issioner Eiut,cel. that the
BBOQ1~18ST & Co~-ission reca~ead to thd City Council that Lhe northeast corner of ~ookhursL end
1lA8Cffi~ Alancheater Avenues be coneidered for aane:ation to the City.
AVENtJ~S Co~ieaioner Holyoloe offered en amendmeat to the motion. namely, t1~at the property
directlq to the east be obtained and included with tk~1e eanexation~ if posaible.
The amendment aas eecoaded by Co~issioner Schumacher~ an4. the motioa ae amended,
2 b Tantative IAap of Tract Na, 1721 was presented to Lhe Co~iesion. This tract ie .. .
rtF.oast corner of Brookhuret and Mencheeter 6veaues covered by
d f
l(AP ~iAC
l~. 1j21 e no
the abave propoaed aaaezation. The tract contaias 125 lote and the Subdiviaera:are
~ifell~e and Sona.
LTpa~n a mo~i.an by t~a~miseiouer Holyoloe, seconaed by Co~miasioner Schumacher, aad
~ carried~ it vras voted to approve che aen~nL:va '.~ ~••"'"'~«^.~ ::c• ~~?~ ~ ~,=~=~ec~ tos
1. i;omp3eLioa oi ennas~tfa~ o0 4,ha C~ ~.
y Eaee-
eT Uti
t brDt
to ~j to permi
of I~o e
nd ~uetmeut
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STR~ET An outline of proposed S"PRII~,'T SET-BACB LI~'.S for future vridening of atreete and
56T~AC&S roada xithin the Mnheim Spher3 a~ Influence, r+as preaeated to the Commiesion.
Detailed discuseion wss held by the Coffiiesioaere.
A motion was made ~+ Co~iesioner 5chutte, seconded by Commiasi~
t~k~at furthor atudies be madis l~p- the F,ngineering Depar
area be~ore Public Hearings are held. Sicudfea to 'be coa~~~6~ed bafara the nc-t
Eegular Bleeting of the Commisaion, if posaibls. ~
OJ1~I,1gC~ e the time set for the I'liblic Searing on o~d~ ~• 179. ~b~tted by
Zhis xe
190. 179 ,
Albert C. I~'TPER. 929 North Philedelphie~ Street. for permisaion to operate a
Hadio sad Televieioa Rerpair Bueiaese ia his Garage at the abova addreas. The
~rooert~ is ~eeea0ly zoned as Rr3. 1~IIA.TIpLE FAMILY ~SI~i'L'~AI, ZC~.
~ So one appeared for or ag+~inat the ~aating ot eaid VAk~.eo-ti~c• Severai oi inr•
aed the Petitfoa iu favor of graaLing the VARIAN(~.
d ei
s ne
aad a latter hed beea received from J. 8. Soholz recom~~udiag tt~at Lha BARIANCE
ba ~anted. The B~earing was cloaed.
5~mmissioaer Riutcel~ aad
Upoa a motion by CoQUnissioner ,churoacher, aeconded ~y
S~IES 1?
~IO1Q ~C. 25 -
carried, it wsia voted by ~SOLU
sub3eyt ~o Lhe Petior.ai co~ining hia buaineas Lo the Garage as preaont]y
~. 179
~ .
located on hia property.
Y°r.~ ~ '"~^.,- ~ o°.~~ te ~.~++!~s the aren bounded b_v L1~le. I,a Palma. l~aol.ia aad Msn~ester
AB~ATIOB Avennes.aith the axcePtion of thst Portioa aloag Mancheater Avenue rrnicn ia in-
cLtxled in ine a~J +~~ :•~ ' •' Q'~• ~~Pr=~~~ 4~'~~~teln 90 acree, wqa
presanted to the Ct~miesion.
. Upoa a motion by C~ieaioaer Muagall. secondsd t~- Ce~isaioner Thompaon~ ead cerried,;
it vas voted to recommend to the City Couucil lhat the abo~e srea be conaldered for
annezgtioa to the City.
Coa~iasioner Th~peon pointed out tl~at something ehou].d be done to include such
aaaeasLions iato the Anaheim School Dis4ricte~ in as much as bhe achool ~~ax money
derived would otl~,erv~ise not go to the Anaheim Schools.
E::ZS'~D ~~lsed mea~a~ive idap of iTflC't r~o. if»~'S~ ivus~a: o~~~...~ •,.~-"~•.~°°+ C~r~nnr nf ~QnStt~
T~gTI~E T~ast and gast 5ycemore SLreeta. wsa presented to the Commiasion. `t~ie iracc con-
~tAP T9ACT tiaine ~'7 I+ot,a.
~. 2648 tTpon e mottoa bg C~mniesioner Eolyoloe, aeconded by Commieaioner Eiutca?. aad carried, .~_
it vaa voted 8o a,pprove the Teatative Map of R.`eact Ne• 164$ e8 re+vi8ed. ~
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~- lQ~S C~ I~G',d~8 ~~LB J619IJA8Y 5. 1953 Contimted• (PAGE 3)
. ~~~ ~' 'me Sallarin~ Offfcers. ~.~ter bei.,,g d~y n~~~~;, Kere electsd to aerve the
~It~e'6 F~ Ca~ission for Lhe Yesr _ 19~j~;
'~ ~ D ~' ~I'+riifi - - - - - - BALP~ S. SIkO~Rs
- ~953 - ~tc~st~ras. - - - s. a. sca~rrr~
° ~~ - - - - - a. w. ~c~tz
si~30~ Sbe 1[eeti~B ac~~oura~ed at 4:q5 o~clock P.K.
• . cretai9
~ e~vsD ~ ~, i ~1~•3