Minutes-PC 1953/02/16i u _
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`~: anaheim, cAlsfornia
Febrnary 16, 1953
; ADJOIIRN~D An Ad,~onraed Begular Heeting oP the City Planaing Commieaioa vrae called to ordes aL
~; ~~$ 2z19 6?alock P.M. by Chairman Snmmers~ a qnornm being present.
; MDETffi(3
> PBESffiT CEbIBMAg SIIMN~BS~ COMMISSIOI~ES: l~anor~ Rintcel~ Schnmacher, Schntte~ Thompaoa aad
. Mungall. Commisaioner Hapgood eatersd the meeting at 3:G5 o~clock P.M.
, MINOTES OF' Th8 kli t p n* 9'nhrnarv 9 t0~? .._ ~„h~ .a Cu. :..~°~w ~r~w ~~u e ..
?~z.9_ -~ - _ ~, r`r..C.... I1R. ...u•,.y v,~ aaLTuT~x~ S""~El V
T~ 1~ETING "ofESTMOAT LBIYE~;~ shoul,d l~eve read:- "Upon a motion by Commieaioner Bapgood~ second~d
OF P'EB. 2, by Commiesioner Bintcel~and carried, it was voted by BESOL~'1'ION N0. 2ti - SEEIES 1952-53,
1953 t~e.~ the Coamission dec2are its I~TIIQT ~0 CHAPC~E T~ NAME OF BII&TO& S'PAEET 'PO WESTAtODTT
DRIP~ and to hold a PIIBI,IC BEdEIAG oN FEBRUASY lb~ 1953.
The vote oa the above BffiOIiJTION B0. 26 - SEBIES 1952-53 wae as followet
AYPS: COMMI3SIOI~BS: Bapgood, Holyoke~ Hintual, Schumachea, Snmmers, Tho~.;eon aud
ABS~P: COMMISSIOHEHS: (iauer and Schn.tte."
, MIPTUTES The Miantes oi the Regular Meeting oY Bebraary 2~ 1953. xero approved with tha abo~e
auoted change. :
VARIIANCE :"sia Variaaoe was coaeidered at the Meeting of Feoruary 2, 1953 but no actioa was taken.
A0. 180 Mr. Harmon W. Snamaers requeated a Yariaace to permit him to cut tvo (2) lote from a
parcel at 1646 Fast Center Street.
The Heariag wae reopeaed and no one appeared ~or or against the granting of the VARI-
AACE. Tha Hearing was cloaed.
~~ Upon a motioa by Commisaioaer Schumuchar~ aeconded ry Commisaioner Schutte, aad carried,~
it was voted that by BESOI~JTIOg AOe 30 - SERiES 1952-53~ Y~IANCE N0. 180 be grant~~
sub~eat to the following reqniremeatss
~ 2. Dedication to t~a City oP Anaheim of a tea (10) foot etrip ior the Putnre Wideni~ ~
~ oY Eaat Center Street.
2. The ~iling o! a Becox+d oY Survey Map vith the City of Anaheim and the Couaty of
The vote oa the above ~SOLUTIOIP NC. 90 - SEBI~S 195~-53 wae ae fo11oM-st
AYES: COMMISSIO~BS: v.~ner~ Bintcel, Schumaacher~ Schutte, Summere, Thompeoa and
ABSEN7.': COAQ9ISSIONEES: Bapgoc+d and Holyopc?.
VABIANCE Thie xas the time set for the Public Hersring on the Petition of Harold Berl`s , 110
2t0. 182 Eaet Center S~Lreei~ as oxaer, requestisag permiea~oa to uae the property at ~,1~} North
Manchea~er Avemie, described as a pArtion of I+ot 34~ 4n~heim Ezteasion~ eituated on
the east eide of MancheateF Av6aue between bincpln Avenue and West Center Stseet~ for
.hcr sita to arect s bnflding 2musing therein tha Mann:actnra o4 Qarments. The pxaper~y :
is presaatly zoaed as C-2~ aeneral Commercial Zoae, and. the proposed IISE is M-1, LIaHT
iir. Barlin appearea beicre the Commiseion aad atated t2ist he ia operei~ing ~he same type "
of busineas at 114 East Center Street a..~ has had no complainte as to aoiae~ smoke or
other auieanaes. This aew location vrou1LL a11o~ him to enlarge his buainess which ie '
not poaeible at the present loaatioa.
No one appoared agsinat the ~ranting oY the 9ariance. The Hearing eras olosed.
Upon a motion by Commieaioner Schutt~e~, aecosLdea b~ Commissioaer Schumacher, and carried `
it Mae voted ~y ~SOLIITION N0. 31 - S~nIES 1952^53 t~t the Applicatioa for YARIANCE
S0. 182 be giaated aub~ect.to groviding improved Off-Straet Park~ng for emploqeee of
the pzoPpaed Plaab.
The vote on the above H&SOI,UTI01~ N0. 31 - SF,aIES1952-53 r+ae aa folloKS:
ATES: COMMISSIO~&H.4t (~e.uer~ Hintcel, ScYmmacher~ Schntte~ Summers, Thompsoa azid =
MnnBall• ;
ABSE9T: OOM1dISSIOBEHS: Hapgood ana Holyoke. s
~ .rr .... ... . .. _ 1 . . . . . . . . . .. K' .
~ ~
-~ ~
>, ~
aanavTas o~ a~aova~n ~avze$ a~r~ra ~v s~~ is_ iss~ - coat~aa: (P6GEi2
~'AHIAIS~C~ Thia ras tha time set far t~e Pablic Besr3~ oa TABId3~ PSTI4I~ 14C; 183, snbmitted
N0. 183 by Frank Tau~ch, $08 lteat Chestmm~ St=~eet. as urnar, reocesti~g that the Parking Re-
ouirementa as cpecitied in t7ae AmT~~*~ !~ZC~ L~~f3, Sectioa 9200.2~. bs set asido
to permit a BeBnty Parlor at this a@dress.
Mr. Frank R'ai:ach appearea be~ore t~e Co~ion aa3 stated thiat ha bad aold the resi.-::~
dence~which is on a very amall 1ot, ior tt.s opezat34a ef a Besnty Parlor. 'Phe propex~
ty ia nox soned as C-2, General Co~eac3al. 5e slao stated thfs asle vss made ri.thont
reaiizing the Par~3ag 8eatrSeti~nn$ in f,~s 1188~ 1~ICIPeL CO~, since thsre caa be
ao OfY-Street Parki~ on this properl~. ~t t8sst~t $tree; beiag a°Desd-End~ Street
there ia a ame~ll smsnat o4 ~rrsfSic sad ao oas a;oa~arld hei~fooa~abyoae ar tro cars
parked ia Proat o! t3iis rssiaeac~.
Ao oae appesred a~sinat 4he b~raati~g ei ~~~*=*+'p. !Ws ~esrf.~ sras close3.
Vpoa s motion by Comffissioner Se3atte~ seoonded b~ Q~~fssioner ~~*~whsr~ ~ carried
it was voted t2~aL by S~sSOLt7TYOH D0. 3~ -~ 2952 53. 7A8I65Cf HQ. 183 be granted.
The vote cn the above BSSOZ~4'D0~ ~. jt -~ 1gS2 y3 ras as tol.Ions:
AYES: COMMISSIOHSBS: tieaer, 3iatee2, ~, ScIIatta, S~,ers, 'P~ompsoa sad
ABSS&T: COMMISSIO~BS: Be~gaod smd ~lyn3m.
EEICLAS~IFI- Thia xas the tima sab Sor the Second ~ublic banr3~ oa t~e srea~ Boath oY Bsst Santa
CATIOa N0. Aaa Street propoaed to ba cbnage3 to &~0, 9~~~S~H'tlsL i'Ol~, as reqneate~ by
~ 5~r53=~-7 the ma~ority ot ths pmperly ornara ia t7de arua.
Mr. Arval Morris appeared beiora t~e Co~al.ssioa a~ statad that ltr. Shlera, rho ovna
the property directly to the soaY~ ot t3~e ~orris 9abdi~isinn ~na givea t}.°ls property
~o ui.in io ssou.ivi:ie ~io a-'v sisa 3ois ~m a asoasaie aoaa~ sisa reaLi~i.ctioa Of 1200
eQTldTB i8et.
Mre. Wi~:liame, owaer oi tt~e pr~pertty to tbe esst oi' the Bnrnatt property~ stated that
ehe now xonld like to h~vs hsr praper~ ~•+•.~~a.a ia :3e B~-O Zon3nE.
Mr. Morris praseated addiliomi sigast~+ss of ~ o~ers ia the are~ reqnesting
H-0 ZONYAa. ..
The Hea~ing vas cloeed. and carried,
IIpon a mo:ioa by Comaissionar Sc~atte, seo0c;s€ed b~ pa~issioaer giatceZ~/it waa ~oted
that by BBSOLDTIOH AD. 33 -~ 195~"53. to s.aa~ aa B-0. S~AS.~H3SIDFBTIdL ~ the
8P~ 99 9~X~ fl~ ll~s ~li i i~r7 ~~w~i~ ir~i~ FG ~:~~~..~•i~ ~: i~++~ e~`. e j36'~.II4r 3.5$ ~
feet from the canter liae ot Santh ~sst Sti+eet aad e~tmding Basteriy along the Sonth-
erly right-oY-ray lins ot ~sst Sauta A~a Stzeet s distaaee of 2t66 feet. nore or leas; ~
theace Sontherly a ais#aace of 2fi2$ ieet, aQre or ?.ps; ttence Yes#erl,v along the
Northerly right-oi-yay line a distaaee ot 2166 ieet, more or less; themce Hortherly a
aietence oY 1628 leet to the point of be~iab.
Bleo~ starting at a goint 3$8 Sse~ S-~ ~~ter 13se ot Sonth gnst Street and ez-
tending Esaterly along t~Ls Sonther],g ri~}.~!-ye~ iias a? gs,s: So~;.:e. ~treet a diatance
of 2299 ieet~ more or less; th~ce Soatiur7~ a distaaee oS 370 feet; theace weaterly a
diatance oY 475 Seet; :hemc0 Santber~y a 8istamee cf I40 Seet; thance ~festerly a dist-
anee of 1635 feet; thence For~erl~ a d3siamee oi $0! ieet, mors or less, to the point
o! beginniag.
Any iote in the ~oPe ar~ ,rui r«~~ $~~ f~~ of 75 sest ana a msnsmnm
e~ue~re iootage in each lot of 90D0 sqmre tee~.
The ect~ aa ths 3*a-r ~_,*~'.r~.,.e Q.`. ~~..~ ~-~3 ~ r~ o'u~ns:
6 ~Y*'..5: C4!^SISSIOH~ES; ~~sr, ~a'.,e~, -=~•~~-~~ Se3ent4e, S~ers, ~nonpaoa and
~ .:~--,..Y.,,-~' 3.
AOES: COMliISSIO ' '': Bone.
AESE&T: C01~4~fISSI0BI6BS: ~o~ aad Bmi~ote. -
kECLASS3FI- Thie xae the time set ior ~hs Hrst Pnblie ~~ ~~~F3ZCAMOg ot the erea
CATIOH N0. bouaded by Sonth I.e~cn Straet, Yest Te~at .,ire~e, Soath 3,os bngeles Street sad Meat
~-52-53-L+12 Ball Eoea. reterred to the Commiss3an bg t~e 4Yt. C~oaeil. -
Mr. Fred S. Joaes~ 112 Soath ~ail Ave~ms,I~atebello~ ampeared betora ths Com~isaion
and stated tl~at he ~arored the soning sa si~o~ on~ tiee asp a? hie Az'aPertY - namelY - ~-
&-3, MOLTIPLE F9MI~Z B~SID~'Id~. alan8 S~ Zos 1n~eles Strast, aud Brl. SIH(~l.~
FAMILY HESID'BNq'7~T., to ~he re~r. -'~
Mre. S. 6.. Pietrok, 238 Yasb Yermnk gs~sra, iaqaired as to ~fiat the :Pa~Be~F ~o~ -
South Le~mon Street might be nsed Sor, ii zoaed as C-1~ ~!%3p~EgCIAy Zp~q :'
It wsa stated, tha~, it the ares v~ers de~elnne3 *or ~I&~DB~O~ ~T~S, there stight
be a pe.rkin~ area. acrosa Srom ~ pxaPea~,T• ~
. i
. ; . -. ~ .
. ,:
~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~; 4
4:a ~ }~
~ MI~iUT~S 08 ADJOUENED R~'AVL6E 1~4CETIDTa ~LD SEBBIIARY 16. 1953 - Coatiaued• P~
~ BECI+6SSIFI- Mr. E. 8. Blyna~ 9891 South I~oe Angelea Street, stated t2~at he vonld go along vit~
C6T20N R0. C-1, NEIa~ORIDOD COM~RCIAL ZOAE~ 1Y sll of h3s property vere a reclassitie~?~ ba:
i F^52-53--12 t~at he xould prefer C-2, 13E1~HAL COMN~IAb ZO1GINa oa hia proparty. Be stated tba!
(Continued) at~y developiag oa hie property would be done by himaelt and rrould De in keep~.ag ~rith
: preserving the value of his large resideace.
Tke Hearing wa.s closed. The Ssaond Public Hearing vill be held oa March 2, 3953.
: REVI&4f OF Th~ prnperty aad IISE of same, at 1222 North Lemoa Street, ras sgaia brcvght up ior
? PApPERTY RE'PITY-~ on the compleiat that it was bei.z~ used for a Junk-Yard. The area l~ad baem
' AND IISE AT inokadioFer by esveral ktembera oP the Commieaion.
1222 1QOBTH ~a a mot3on by Commiesioner Gauer, eeconded by Comramissioner Sc~her, aad cariei,
L~~~ ~m' i's wPS vosdd to aefer act•ion until the Loeeee o~ the pre•party, Mr. Bascom Huah, agpes~
ed beiore the Commiasioa and thst the StaYf prepare a Eeport o;n this property su~ on
the property operated by the eame party at 1001 West Fourth S*reet, Saata Ana.
IAARA- " An area to be 3movrn as the IA6&A CRESCEN~ ANI~EATION vas presented to the Cammisaio~n.
CRESCERT This area will include that portion between the kfesterly City Bonndaries a~d betre~a
' ANREXATION Manchester Avemie and Weat La Palma Avouue, aot presently in the City nr being uaa.ex~
9nnezatioa Proceedinga.at preseat.
IIpon a motioa by Commiesioner Mungall, aeconded by Commiasioner Schnt{e, and carried,
it was voted to reoommena to the City Counail that thia srea be conaiLered a'or annes~
tioa to the City.
, HA't~808- / An irregular-skiaped area betweea West Yermont Avemie, Barbor Bonlevr.rd. Ball Boad a~
VEEMONT MxnchaRtwr Avwnun; tp ba 1Seufpn na the HAHSOR..4FAMQRT AIJNiCRAmTAIt~ ~e rrega„t.a ± rs.~
AN1~EX,dTi~1Q Commiesion, a more ancuratQ dgac~iption o~ !usirl grgg ia e+,~h:a ~fl ~,~„e ~~~ «~, _.~`
oY these ~Iiantee.
IIpon a motion by Commiseioner Schumacher, aecond.ed. by Commissione= ~pgoa~, a~ v.-~:..,,.:
1b vcae voted to racommemd to the City Council tl~at t~is area~ deeigiated as the ~-
9EBMONT ~Ri~%ATIOR~ be coasidered Por annea8,tioa to the City.
CHARGE IN Thie vras the time eet for the Public Heasing relative to the Petition preaenLed by t'tu
NAF~:-BBBTON property owaera on Eurton Streei, requesting that the atr~et name be c.'~nnged ~ram 3'i~~
~'~0~'1' No one appeared for or agaiast this change. The i~earing vas cloeed.
DRi4E vpon a motion by Co~ieeioner Schutte, seconded. bg Commiaeioner He;pgoo3, and cx~rried,
it was voted to recommend to the City Council, by BESO~IITIOH B0. 34 -~ISS 1952-~,
~2~at the aame of nBIISTOA STHEETn be cbanged to nWESTMOHT DBIV~".
Th~ vote o~a the above ItLSOLIITION N0. 311~ - SERIPJS 1952-53 rras as Yollovs:
AYESs COMMISSIOHEBS: fiauer~ Hapgood, Eiutoel, Schnmacher, Schntte, S~mere, Tho~
and Muagall.
CODD ADDI- Thie was the time set for the Firet Publiu Fiearfng on t'.o proposed P-b, P.BESIHG-
~'~~a- Ho one appeared xoz o.r against the proposed ADDITION Lo the AAA~:~ai HQHICIPsL COffi.
~S~'~ The Heariag o-as closed aith the Second Public Heariag ichednled for March 2, 1933-
' "~.PISED TEN- A Hevieed '~'entative Msp of TPSCt No. 1696 was presented, to the Cou~ieaiaa. ThiE 2rac!
TATIYE M!-p will oontain 42 lots aad the Subdivider xill be Arval Morris.
e 1 i'B!-CT H0. ~~a a motioa by Comm3ssioaor Sehntte, secoaded b~ Co~iss:oaer G~auer, afld carried,
~ 1696 it vas v~oted to approve tho Ttevised Taatative Map of 2ra.ct No. 169b. snb~ect io Ba-
giaeering Requiremente.
~ H9MODE7+~D Tbe Searetsry vas„isstrnc~ed.to,forrard a letter to the City Conneil congrai'.a2at3ag
COUNOIL ~hem on tkie imp~rovement°oi'~iie"remo&eled Conacil Chamber, especially vith regarb to
CHAl~EB appear~..acs acd 3mprovea scoueEicse
ADJOtJ~Q1~T '!he Meeting ad,'jonraed at 3~55 o~clock P.M.
- . N. MIIS(i~AI.L, retary
isPPROYED • r ~ r / y .1~.~
_ ~. _ _ ~ . . . .. . .. . E ..
,. _ _ _ __
j ~ , 1'ebros~y~ 16. 1953
psaage CamtT Boutulsry Co~is~iam~
s CoQZt Hooe~~
S~mta lnas C~litornia
'~ ~danignsd progoaenta ProPceo ta oirau]u~e a patition for the snnsza-tioa of 4ho
iyersinattor dascribed territory to tha C~ity ot Aaahei~.
'~ pzopo~al for the ansaxstioa o! eaid territor~ to tha ~1ty d 6naheim is hererith eub-
~t~ 1;0 ~c+~ p,-rssosat to Sootion 35~002 oi the Qoveraneat Coda, ~ad you sre kind7,4 re~
_~ gnsated to report to ns xith respeat to Ehe Qefiaiteaee• and certaiaty oY th~ 'PsoPoeed
F tioa~ciarias.
f 3bs boaadas iae oi Lhe terri~ory ao prop~i~e& oa '~a anaexed to the ~lLy ef pna QZm are de-
scri~ed as folZorat
A traat of la~n& iyia6 withia l+ots 28 sad 29~ Anaheim Rxteneian l~lsp by willism
Hamel~ Yilad in Boeerder~ oifioe~ 7+os AnBeles County~ Caliroraie, Deaembor 11~ 1$68 and
more particnlar2y deecr3be@ ss lollaKei
E Bs~inaing at a point oa bhe eaisting City I+dmite liae~ oaid poiat being Lhe Y~
1 aorner oi Barbor Sivd, and Hai~ &l.= theaae s 89°46~3~01 ~eat mors or lea~
f along the northsrly rigt-t-oi~rwa liae oi ~aid Ba11 $oad ta a po1aE monv~aated by
~ 8~~,~h p~ps and di,so se~rbsd Ir,B, 485 aa shoxa oa Reaor.d o! Snr-ey. reoord~d
~ ]fsrch 1. 194~0 oa Posa 38, Book 3A. Miacallaneona !k-pe of Osange Conaty= ~heace a
i tR°~~'~0~1~13~?.~8 ieet. sore Ar lesa, slong a lot line oz aaia ~eaord oz ons~:~ 0v
` s poinr moam a~e`d by a oas iaah pipa aad dieo marlaeQ ~L.s, tirs3° :~r'~ar~ ~,!S41°r
! u^ g wiong a 2oi liae 214~1 leai mora or less~ to a point.shorn on Heao~e3 ot Sn~•
f ~e~ reaordad July 17. l~Dool~ 16, P~ge 12. Hisesllanaow itspe o~ Orange Co~f~y~ ~
E aaa aoavat~a b~ a 3/4 inah ~:~oa pips and dieo marhed "L,~+ 223A"; tLeaao B]b°10'
' gt?^ 11 1 ies~ to aa argls poSat also aoa~snt~a by a 3~'~ 1~ah isom gips aad diae
' arslosd'~"= theao~ lT 74~17~30" iee~ mora Ar less bo s poiab of inter-
i eec~io~ rith tH~ paterly rSght~•e~aray as of Hwrbor So{tle~ard; thsaas aortdurly
F a},eu~ ~aSd r~ght-o!-+r+tiy lin~ ~jQ„~eo! !o a l00 aorner ae ~hown on said B~aord o£
s,~r.~a r.cora.a ~n~y i7, i9~6 ana ~m~re.ntisa by an a:1ei thenos aiona t~s .ont~er~
' iins oi ssid iat 8 74~17i30' x,,,;U~'~.,~eet 4o th~ Sonthvast ooraer of wid Lot
E a~nasnt~d bT sn sslsj ~heno~ s~on8 £~i waterl~ liae oS said ?,o's e 35~6'i~" ~
96 l~et to 1t~ Yortlmat aorasr monummnted b~ an asle. t~heaoe a~n8 ~ PlOPePt~
~$'g4olqt~p•,~~Ms~~ test more or.lsss~ to s lot ooraer ~hora on B~aorb ot
8arhy rscoa~.s4 , 1940 ia~ Book 30 Pags 38 Itisoeilaasane lbps ot Orang~
Co~t~ and =oanaeateQ b? a 4" z 4" $•t~• post; theacs 8 3$Q46'~50" ~. ~0 =~et more
or Ls~, alaang a lot line ehom oa srid Reoard o! Snrvey to a polat` m~d by
s 4°a 4~Sit ~o~t; theaoe so~athweetierly. f~et more or lees alon~ tha soatherlT line
ead ssid lias oztended oY t}~st ~F„89 ears psrael lyiag at the aorbhreet oorn~s o!
?ot 28~ ~naL~ia Zzt~snei~n Map by xilliam Bsmsi, il.lsd !n Beoord~era Oiiiae, bos
An~el[~s Cc-~ty, Daoember 11~ 1$68; ~heaae to s_~ iataraeation vith the aor4h-
easter~ ri~t-t-ol.~rap line ot 4he Saa~ e a re~~Manahester dvenw) s~ ehoan m
Calitarais Sta4e DiTiaioa af HighMays righio•of-+iray msp a~ BoACi BII •~ OES 27~_r
Ye^a~4 A~em~ to Chs~a A~enne, dated Ootobor, 7.y41 eaid poiat slso beiag loos0sd
tl§ fa~t aozLheaeter2y~ aeaenrea aL right aaglms, irom the monuseat~d asnter lia~
ar uiQ lfeachsst~sr Arsna'i bhsaas 8~1~Ox~03" Y aloag aaid right-of~ay iina, 660
fs~t ~ore or lees, ta the exis4ing eonth bouadary liae o! the Oity of ~nahaif'~CSnce
n" i~eaataslg aloa~ ~he existiag c11tT 7+inite bine ~" 3~~G more or lseo, to an angle
~ paSat; thenaA aontinuina e2eng ehe esis:Sag C14yr I~La t,~ne eonthea4~ersy 0~C~:~a.
aare or lew, ~o an angie g,aSs-it o~s-,~a ai: ~sa:.o:."„T c~atr: ~ c?~ eei~ ,_!~;
~pit.~ I,ta~ '~+'~et more or 3sM~, to another anala point; t~ncs oaatimiiag alon8
~na Cit~ ~dai#~ line sonthsaoter7,y~l~ fest.more or lee~. tio 8a augL poiat; theane
contiaaiae alon8 0he Ci~$ Lldts 7Srue sonthwet4ar~+ 49~~0 iest aore or 2sui~ to an~
other argle poiaL; thenar aaatianiaB along the CiLY~ ~outherly 598~~~
zss~ mm8P8 aP 2a80 !a +.hs go+~t o! bagianin~.
~ ~ R~S~Gt~13-~SLl2~~.~~!!.g