Minutes-PC 1953/03/02i , _ ~.,.
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Oity Bs13.
Am~heia, Ca3.i~'arais
xaroh 2. 1953
x~s~s or ~c~aa ~r~ w,~ ~ cia ~~+o- ca~~sioa
BEf~UI,AB A gegnlar Meeting o~ the Ci~,/ Plsaaiag ~issioa vaa ealled to order at 2:10 o~c7.ock
MEElIAG P.}I.. by Cl~airmaII Summess, ra qmozoa belmg ps+esant.
P~SEHT CHAIHNAH SUI~+~BS, CdHNIISSIQ'~BS: aep~sad, Bintael~ Sc~*~-~*er~ Sc~sttte, Thompeon
and l~e.nga7.1.
MI80TSS The Hian.tee oi the Ad.,~onrned Begolar Meetiag o! Pebroasy 16. 1953. vers aPP~~~ '
aa priatad.
~AHIAH~H ~ Thia ys~ the ti~ set for ths Pnbiic Bearing on thra Peiitioa sa~ittea by Kr. and.
H0. 184 I~tre. H. S. 8rasger, 2248 31sst Center Street, reqnesltiag pe~isa3on to ereat tMn (2)
Daplez Drslliags on their Property tsioz• oa ~t Bsbadxay.
Mr. gra~ger appesrod. beiore the Coaffi.ssion aad ststed tdmt they ovne3 a~*osia~ataly
three (3) screB betwian Bsst Camter street sad Bart Broed~~ aa~l desired to bnild
tro (2) Duplsz Drslliags !or iaeose Propesl,~.
i~1rs. lf. L. Bainbol't. 123~ Bsat Chest_: Stzeet, asted r~ther th~ raar yards wnld
laae on Chsstmit Strset. S~s rss iafomd tlist aa per ihe plsa rosked.oat by the
3tatf, Chestaat Stsyet wnld tarn to the n~rth befors astamding ssatwax~, aaa elimi-
ae.te dovble irontage lots.
The Hesriag Mas cloeea.
IIgon a motioa by Commissioner Scmaacher. seco~ by Coanissioner Hiatcei,, aad carried.~''
ie aas ~tea tr~ usor~rioa ~o. 35 -~~952-53. to aaat vaxreatcs ~. i84. s,~~ect ;:
to the dsediag oi s iort~ (40) foot strip along East Broadwe,y tor ~he videning of 9aid ;
atreet. and. tae siling oz s 3e-~sd o£ :3nrr~y sf we sro (cj Inis io os ca$ irom ihe :
Pi'~Pertp on ~ohich ths tw (2) DaPle~ Drslliags ars to be erecte8.
The vots on above H!'S07~U'PIOB Bo. 35 - SBB~S 1952 53. ras aa toll.oers:
AY~S: OO1~Il+IISSL~I~: Biatcsl, Seha~cher, Schatte. Sm~ers. ~-ompson aad. Muaga~ll.
HOffi: CQKMISSI9~E~s ]toae.
ABS~T: Cdlil~[2SSIOHStt.S: (ianer. -
AOT ViDTII9C~: 00l4~LSSI01~8: Bspgood. ;
VARIIIRCE This wsa the time set ior the Pnblic Beariag oa t,~s Petition snbaitted by aHIB'lITH '
A0. 185 B~DS. GOSST~CgIOS CO..snbdividers o~ ~ac~ I~. 16i8. ri~sreby per~iesioa ia reqnested s
to placs the trontryar~ set-b~ot-at trenty (20) ieet instead o~ treaty~-tive (25) feet '~
ae reqnirea in aa S-1 Zone.
Mr. Jemsa R~ollina appearea as the aafi.2aorise~i agent !or 8ziitith Broe., saa stated
t1~at the dept~ o! the lots (1Q2 iest) wa11 m~t pez~3t the desirea resr-yaril deptli '
dne t,o the lsrgs aiae o? ths Zwnaes - 1260 ta 1320 sq. it. lloor sres, the honeee
beiag dasigaea tor aat-oi-doors li~iag ia ths raar. ~e sfderalts ars to be bnilt
aeact to the cnrb rhich rill give a 2$-ioot la~sa ia tront a! the hcases.
Mr. Jeti Palia, 757 Herth Bast Street. appaarea beiore the Comoissioa affi stated tliat
he v~aa iatersstea in 2ro~ the se~bscl~s oa Eest Borth Stseet rere ostabliehed. Hs vas
iuformad t2~at on lots iaciag on 3ast Yorth Street, tl~s aiaiaus irant yasd set-back is
25 fset, dth amaeptioa oS revugse~ carasr 2,ata ~a '~a ~eq~.ed aet-back vavid be
ono-2~a7.! ot the reqnired tront ~as+~ or 12~ lsst.
1~r. Or~s]. Starmea. 1107 Baa~ Yos#in Streei~, si~s"se3 ~haf ~:rs;~ 8~it~-on ass~ Borth
StrseO, tte 1~sd to at~r bect the rsqnired 25 ieat! .
R4-e on1F ob3action tffit the peay-le ia the as+es has~. s~el,ates to the fonr honses oa
East Horth Sta~eer, vhiah tae~ a~ :isa s~ ~:~ 3:rs:a.
l~lr. t~. ~. ~a, ~i'iy iaai ~c,r'sa ~'saee's. oojeased To ibe fac"s ii~ey ais aoms oa ihe norya '
sids ot tha strevt wnla ~ool~ iato tbs zi3s ~s af the tsact boaea. He wnld 11ke
to see tha bonsea faae SasL ~ortk StPest. Be prsssn~ed s pro~qr fron Hr. E. N. ~c-
I.snghlia, 812 ist Yor~h Strest, ~o o~ms the psopert~ disectl~ to tbs ~rest ot the
Sbbai.~ision, aaa ~o compls3as ti~aC t~s ayar ~ar~ of ths ~rssterlT 2wuss oa HortY
Street wald isas ialo his ta~ont ~asd. -
. Ths Bearia8 xas clos«1 a~d ao actioa ras tske~ pen138g l~rthor stv~q of the sitnstlon.
The astter xil7. ag~-ia be bra~it betoa+~ ti~e Co~issiaa st aa 3d~anraea Regul,ar ltoe~3ag .
to ba ha2d on ~aa3xr~~ l6G3Ch 3~e Ig~s a!t 224l0 0~ ~} P~.~!.
oA8It~0~ 'Phie ras ths tims s~t for !he Pobl4,c Seariag om T~BIl~fa Bb. 186o the PSRITI03i enb-
g0. iSb mitte3 bT JAlfS5 !i. DIIBFY, 933 Yor~ Bla~~ims Strest. reqnes~iag Per~ission to erect
a'FS* IKtBLLISa rith fiee ~5) 6asa8~s aad s~o I2) i~a~SS oter t~s 0arager.
~ ~ ~ ~ -
~ tl ~ ~.
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MIND'PES OF B~t~IILAE M&ETIS~ ABLD OH HA86H 2_~3 - Coatianed: (PA4~ 2)
oABIAACB The property ooasiata oP I+ots S~ asd 13 oi ths Olemaatia~ Strest i~ect amd is loeatea
So. 186 at 303-305 aeat La ~ evemn,e.
(Contimxed) ~r. y. !. Enohamn, ?1}2 Norbh Los Angeles Street. appeared befors tLe Comia:sioa as
tha anthorised sgeat of the owaer~ aad stated tbst these tw (2) 1¢;,s ~~ ~~ ~ s
• singie lot xarxla be auitable ior Hnltiple ~lamily Drsilingy ynt not s~lable Sor Siagie
Bamily Dwalliags dne to the'sise and ahspa o~ the lots.
Mr. N. Bebley. buiidsr. sketc}~sd a plot plan of propoasd bniidiag,~s~
Mr. C. Beiner0. 214 West La Pslma Ave~ns~ ata,Lea, t}iat he is dis~eetl~ acsr~ss the stsest
and ha r~o~nld ob~eat to ~w-etory bnildings oa the tront oi bhe lot, bnt ~aa it tiss
esplsined that ths tvo-story portioa rould be on t~e allep, he be~d ao !~r objee~.~
ions. The Heariag xao olosed.
IIpon a motion ~y Coaoml~eioner So~tts~ eecoffie3 by Com~issioner ltaa~,?~1, tbst qBI-
~E~ g0. 186 bs granted ths rot• Yas s~ Sollows
A7ES: CO1~tI3SI0~if3i So~rntte~ Snmmsre,Thompson a~a~ }t~tl
g0E3: COI~IISSIOHBBSt Edpgood. Bintcel and Schoaocher.
ABS~T: C01tMISSiO~Ss (~ansr.
TI~~ n ~~~~~ ~L..L~J LL~L J.t~ ~~_aJ_~ 'rV ~~~
~~o~w Ya+PV' VLlO 170i103~ ~i~ lOBTr ~~v r~isl ~
o! tro-thir~.s o! the totsl Msmberahip oi the ~r~iasioa.
A poiat of law ~ras raieed by Commiasioner ~xompsoa rs~Siag v~st~er s tro..t~st~a
vote oS the Commiasion vas necesaary to appx+o~s cr diespps~ro s~ari~~
'Fhe Searetary vss inetrnoted to get ~ rnling is+om the Ci~ dtto~e~s ~o repprtad
ths toilovings NIInQsr Seotion 65218 oi ths stst• de.e~..mt r.a. _ p,~ ..,. ,~
The Chsirman rnled t,~at s trA-thinls vote ras nsosssar~ dne tc tbe iaet tlst thy -
praatioe 2~e~8 bsea need =or the past year or year aaa s ~s1.i oa ~~
1t requeet to the Applioaats the-t they etn~,y the 3.ots ia~ol~ad to s~e bov se,Ay ~iti
oonld be bnill, ii not over oas-atory in height. Shey stated Ll~t loar (4) conld be _
bniit rhioh wuld be eatieiactory to f,hem.
IIpoa a motion by Coamiesioaer Sohatte, aecoffied by Co~l,saioner c•.~ +~..•* ~
osr~ried, it res ~oted by 8'~SOLUTIOa No, 36 - sffi~ 1952 53, tA g~at Te8I0iCE lp.186, ,
anb~ect to rsstrioting the buiiding to a ybyr (4) ~nit ~~t ~~ ~~~.:
story ia height. -
The vote on abo~s ~OLUTIO~ 800 36 - S&R~S 1952 53, rss ss ioliorss
AY~St COHMI~SI0~8St 8~-pgood~ Bintoel. Sala~osoher, Schntt~, Svs~sr~, ~~
2T0&Ss QOMM138IO1~BSs Boae.
AE3~TT: OOMMISSI08~lt (iaaer. ,
A itLrther rnling by the Oity Attoraey, after the D[eeting r~s d~onsae~~ b~t ont
tha lsot tl~at a 9ARIABC~ doss aot oLaa¢w the lfsster Plsa~ of ~ich tbs Zom3ag p:+3i
nanoe ana Map are a porLioa~ and there~ore the ariginal ~o~ion oa 9A,iiA~ B0. 186 -
~ronld have osrried. :
VASIA~TQ~B dt ths reqneet o! the ApplScant~ EO8E8T H. Q~AST~ the petition ios T~BIA~i ~
N0. 187 .
ras xithdraxn.
BECLASSIB'I- TLis xas the time aet tor the Se~oad Pnblic Heariag on t~he BDCLiSSDTCdTD~ ot' t~s
CATI~~T H0. Triangle at !he Interssction oi Esat Ceater Streeti and t1~e Aaa~ia-0]
in Boaa
~~.~'S~' .
Qtt00$OIL D,}~-t• 1~• L~~i'~$~ ~• S• B'QH~6 R11~ ~i,F+ $~~$~ ~OT i C~gr ~I~ al< _
i~AgT11~IQMT~ ~AL~~~II*_TC"..5.*+ .'a~:i~ :~ ^v='s ~ w.....w .......,•._
SCra a7aauvy wiar~am.iat. i.wta. -
~ 1~Sr. bee Symoads appeared before the Commiaaion bnt ~ad aothiyg thrt~r to s~d to ~ ?
testimony ofier~d at the First Hasriag. ~~
No oae appaared in oppoaition to the BEC7~ASSI!'ICATIOB. B~s Faaria6 ~~].~~~ :~
'~poa a mobiaa 3~ Co~3e.3oaeP Sap~oOd. ssooadea by Coaissioaer Scbverhez, a~3 aarriea:~
it xas rowd !yi ~~I6B:;H~.:~-.9?~IB~RI3S 1952-53 ~o rsoo~eaid ta tba Cit~ Coaacil ~
t}~at thie B~OI,ASSIA'I01l,TIOA be graatbd.
The votie on above ~SObU'PIO~ ~0. 37 - Sr~ 195z-53. va~ sa iol7ors: ~
AY88 a OONA~lI39I01~8S s Sspgood, Bintoel . Salmmaoher, Sc~tts, 9~s. S~a~peom s~ ~
tfimgall. ~
r8s~3: COI~I3r~8Y0b~iHSS ~one. ~
~ _._ _ _ _. _
.~. -
---- ----- ._ _ _ ~~
- ~r- . ~, . . ~:~_-_ -
This lar re~s pnseed by the 19$1 Session oi the Ststs 7.eei~latos~.
M~19IITES OF EE(~III,dS I~TIHa ~LD MAECH 2. 195'~,- Continuedt (PA(~E 3)
CaTION ~f0.
~ 52-53--1i
This rsa tha bime eet tor ths Sece*!~ Axb?io Hearing on the BEGLASSI!'IGATI08 ot ti~r!
property at the northeset oorner of South Ioe Angelee Street aad Bsll Boad. reqnsetea
by Mr. De~viQ S. Colliae. The parael aontaias spprosimstely 1$ aarsa; it is prsseat~y
zoaed ae ~A. ~SIDEIQTI6IrAGEIC~JLTIJBAI, tiy Annesstion. It ia propoaed to zoae the ~or-
tion lying along Sonth Loe Angelee Street ior a Qepth oi 50 teet es F~b~ PJ88280-
I,AEDSCAI'Il~ti 20R~ (it and when eidopted), the ~est saeterl~ portion !or a 3epCh ot 2y0
teeC ae 0-2, (iF~1E~BAL COM2~SCIAL ZONE~ aad the balanoe oi the property.eztenain6 eastr
r~ard. to the Sonthera Pac3iio Railroad tra,c~s, se M-1~ LI6HT MA9IJlACTQR~ ZO~.
Bo one appee~reQ in opposition to the proposed 8EC7+ASSIpICATION.
The Hearing rrew oloeed.
IIpon a motion by Commi$eionsx 3chumaahsr~ second.ed by Co~isaioner Sclmtte, affi carried
it wae voted by BBSOLIITION g0. 38 -~~ 1952-53 to rsaommend to the City Conncil
to grant the BECLI-SSSZFICATION sub~eat ta the adoptioa ot ths P-b~ PAR8I8~--IJI~SC6PD~
ZO~, ancl the dediaation ot 20 feet for the fntare Kideaing of Sonth Ias AnBeles aad
10 ieei Pur yne stt~e v1Ge~:u~ ~t Y,a].~ P~a~o
The vota oa above ~SOLUTIOa A0. 38 -~~ 1952-53. ~s as lollor~e:
a7~: COMMISSIOBEBSs Hspgood. Eiutcel, Scimmaoher~SOhntta. Sbmmere amd Hungall .
~t L~?!!u~S?Q~~a ~e~ee
~853~''i's i~h4iISSYOiIDHSs tianer aud Thompson.
BECLA3SIFI- Thie vas the time set ~or the Second Public 8earing on tY~e HECLASSIFICATIOH o! ths
CATIOH N0. area bonaae~l by lfeet Vermoat Avenne, 3outh Los Aagelsa Straet. Weat Be-7.1. Boad sad
~'~52-53~~ s~th I,emon Str9et. 8inae it vas eetabliehed a~ the Firat Heariag tBat ~Ir. B. !.
8'lyna dosired that his propert;/ ba aoned ae C-2 ~ aF~RAI, COMI+~BCLIL, it was nsaesaesy
to make oertain a2ie~ngee in the proposed soni,ag~ it vse therefore recommended by the
Commiseion tl~at the BECI+ASSIi'ICATION shovld be re-advertieed Sor Pnblic Heariaga. •
g,., g_ s, J~npa am}ga~4d betere the Commiesioa aaa reoneated that hia vranert~ bs
plaaed ia a C-2 C1asalYioation.
A 8evised Map ehoxia8 this ares vrill bo made and the BECl~i3SIFICATIOB proposed !or
the area re-advertisal xith the Birst Public Fearing echednled ior Monasy, 1larch lb.
1953• ~~~e Seaona Fnblic Henring oa Moaaey. April 6. 1953~ ~h at 2s00 o~cloct P.M.
F~YI~W IiEt Mr. Basaom ~xsD~, ~Lt North Partoa Street, Seata Aaa~ appesred before the Commiasion
IIS~ AT 1222 rrith refereaoe to the IIS~ oi property at 1222 Borth bemon Street for IIse3-'Pst~c]c aad
H0. I+Et~B Trailer Storage. He eEated tl~at he deeired fio nee only the resr portioa oi this pso-
S'P~ST perty for Storage purposes and tbat thsre Kould be no diamnatliag of trocks or eqai~
meat. Ths Hee~ring rras oloaed.
Upoa a motloa b~ Qommissionsr Thompsoa, secoaded by Commisaloasr Schatte. sad carried,
it was voted tbat a licenae be graatsd to Mr. ~. anb~ect to the proviso tbst all
Mobile eqnipmant be atored 300 Yeat back irnm North Zemon Street.
'ffiPTATIVE ~ Tentative Map ot Tract ~o. 1?$8 wae preeeated to the Co~isaion. 7his tract ia
MAP TBACT locatea. at the aontheast coraer oP Harbor Soulevas~ sad 8a11 Boaa. s~,d coneista oi
N0. 1758 117 7,ots. The developer is EASTMCAT DEV~LOPt~6T COBP.~ i5th Street aad IrQlas A~eane~
/ gexport 8eaoh. The aonthe'rly portion ot the Subdivieion is in the Caaaty.
Vpon a motion by Commisaioner Hinteel, oeeoaded by Commissioner Solmt'ce. and oarrie~.
it vae ~oted to approve the Tentative ldap oP Tract go. 1758, snb~eot to Sn,ineering
Esquiremeate aad annemtion oi tha~ portion not nov in the City.
TEATATI~ A Tentativa Nsp of Traot Ho. 1794 ras preeentea. to the Commiseion. 'Phie tract ia
MAP TBACT loastecl at the northeaet coraer oY I,iborty I,aae aad East Ia Pa1ms.A4eane, aca consis~s
R0. 1794 of 14 I+o~s. The Snbdivider ~.a Delmar Pebley.
There ie a poeeibility that several ather paxtiae may xaat to enbdi~id.e aear thia tract ~
`~ an~d there might be a conaeotiea betxeea thie tract and the tracL e~t the northveat cor- :
~ ner of aaaoia Strest snd a~ast ia Fa3.ma dvanne. j
upon a moyion o£ Cammi~afvaeP T~o~~oY, ao~~s~ L,~ ^,3~3asiaaar Sa~..:ar, : -
osrried, it rsa voted to approvs~ the Snbaivielon, enb3eat to Sngiaeeriag Beqnirments x
and annasatioa to t~se C3ty. -
The other oanere ia the sres vere aotified tbe-t if they l~d aaythiag ftirther to oSer ~
regarding t'nrther snbdivisioa, the Commieeion rrould coaeid.er same at its Reetiag oa ?;
~iarah 2b. 1953. -
TEBTATI9E A Tentativ~e Msp n! Traat Ao. 1795 wae preeented to the Commieeioa. Y'his traaQ ie loe:a#-~
MAP TBAOT ed. betweea Hanoheatar Aeemia e~. Honaton Street along the vest eide of ~lin. eve~s. ~
T H0. 1795 The trac~ compriaos 92 I,ats sad t2u Subdividar ia 3~TEb DE~EIAPE~T C0. a
IIpon a m~tion by Commiasioner Sohntte. seoomied by Commiseioner Hapgood, and carried, ~
s it vas wte4 ~o approve Teatative Map oP Tract No. 1~9y, s t to 8ag3aeerirg Be- ~
c: qn~a~emeete a.tt+A. annesation to the Cit~. ~
r ADJOIIBIQMEST The eting onraed at j:3J P.M. nntil Monday Marc 3, a~ 2:00 o+cloclc P.H.
1` dPPEOOED s ~ ~A~ %L , / y J ~ _ _ ~ \/_~'~!'! ~~ti~ - _ -_ ~
_ ~ ~ ~
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