Minutes-PC 1953/03/16 x:.: .: .~:` . .: ~
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City H~7.1
Anaheim, Calitornie~
Marah 16, 1953
Aa Acl~ovrned Re~ular Meetiag of the City Planni~ug Commiasion rras celled to order at
2s05 o~clook P.M. by Chai•rmaa Summera, a quotwr,.being preaent.
CHAIAMIIH SOb4+~HS. OOM2dIS3I0NER5: Gauer~ Rintoel, Sohumacher~ Sohutte, 'Eaompeon and
The Mi.mites o! the 8e~ilar Meeting of Maroh 2, 1953, vera spproved aa writb~n rith
t~e er.ceptioa t]~at the~v~osd °r-ould" rrae aheaged to "could" on page 3, line 4~ aad eo
'= i
H[T7,ES Al~ Chairmsn Summare opened the qneatioa oi SUL~S A2~ PBOC~DtTB~ FO$ T~ COD4~IISSIOB xith
PBflCSDII~ tha folloti~in8 re~srks:- "During our I~iarah Seaond Meeting a qneetioa wae asked qnestion-
7~08 'P~ ieg the deaision o! the Chairmsa vhea he deolsred a Variaaae motion loet beoauee there
CO1~tISSI08 wae less tLan a 2/9 me~ority for the motion~ thsre xae however a eimpie ma~orlty o!
fi,Iwse Commiegioaers prssaat, Yor the motion. Aftar the qnestion the CYiairmaa etated
that the BEA308 for hie deola~ration vas t,~at a 2/3 vote bad baea requirea Yor some
time oa Qarianaee. dYter a roport from the City Attorady rrhich eeemed to clear ths
sir a little and thoee iatereeted tiad disanased the Variance Fnrther~ a nax motioa
was made~ aeaonded and osrried~ by 2~3 vote, that graated a partial Pariance. Sinoe
thea the City Attoraey hss etndied the lars ead, here is the reenlt:-
i let. '1'Lat a Yarianca does aot change the Master Plan~ so does NOT ~QVIBID a 2/3 v~ete.
2ad. 'Phst our City 3oning Ordimaoe providea C2~at the Planning Commission may eetab-
lieh its ora rales oi prnoedura.
3id. Tyat it ie agt le to requira a 2/9 vote oa a Varisaoe.
4th. Tbat thie Planaing Commisaioa bsa Yor eome time required a 2/3 vota on Variances
aad that this procedure l~ae been adopted b,4 nssze aad therafore i~, Legal.
Borrever the Oity dEtoraey e~-s thst thia Pleaniag Commission shonld make a dealare-tioa
of polioy, at thie time, and thea procede to a!lopt some rnles of procedure aad rednce
them to vriti.ag so tha-t said prnaedurea rri7.1 be a matter oY public recor3. Therefore~
until vritten rnlee o~ procedare ara ~atabliehed by this body. ~re sba7.1 oontinne to
require a 2~3rde me~~ority vote oa both raoisasiticatioas and Variaaoes.a
Beoanee oS the ].arge atteadanae ia the aailienae, further diecueeion on ffiTL~S AND PBO-
C&bIIR~ vras pnt oiP until other items vrere diepose3 of.
YAEIAHCE This rsa the tlme eet Yor the Publio Heariag on YARIANCTr N0. 188, iiled by STEP~6 J.
H0. 388 'P~LISHA, 909 8outh Lemon Street, requeeting peraissioa to ereot t~ro Daplez Dwellinga
oa his property at tha above aQdreas.
1Po oae appearea !or or agaiaet tha Varianoe. The Hearing xa4 cloeed.
IIpoa s motion by Commiaeioaer Thomp~on~ seaanded by Commieaioner Sahntte~ and aarried~
it ~ras vioted by R~60I,UTION R0. 4d - SEEIES 1952-53 ~ aa~T vas~c~ ~o. 188. enb~ect
to the folloxiag ~onditions's~:
l. The dediorstion to the Oity of Anaheim ot 5.25 feet along tha fmat of the propextq
Yor the iti~iaxe xidesiaQg o8 Sout~ &eaaom S~r4~at;
2. The iasta7lation o! cnrb. aideralk au~l psrknay.
The vote on above BBSOLIITION N0. 40 - SEBY3~S 1952-53. wae ao folloxe:
9Y~8: CO1~SI33tOHBRSt (~a-ner. Eiutoel* S~humachar. Sohntte, Sum~~e~ Thompeoa aad
ABS~(Tt COI~SISSIO~Si Espgood.
~HS07,!-SS~I- This Nae the tims set !or the Firet Pnblia Hearing on tha B&VISED BEC7~9SSIFICIlTION H0.
CATION H0. F-52-53--12~ covering the area bouaded by South Los Angelee Street, Ball Hoad~ South
Ia-5~.53--i2 bemoa Street and Nest Permont Aveune, rhiah it is propoeed to reclaeeify to C-2, QENEAdI~
~ CoN1~RCW+ Z0~ rrith a 50-Yoot xida strip around the' boua3ariee as P-b~ P.9.R8I~-I~ABD-
SCAPIHC~ ZO~. Ho onm appeared for or against the propoeed BECLASSIB'ICATI08. The Hear-
Sag rss aloaed; the Secon~ Pnblio Heariag vi].1 be halb oa Mondt-y, april 60 1953.
ffiCLASSIFI- This xas the time set ior the First Pablic Hearing on BECLA33IBICATIQN N0. ~'-$2-53--13,
C~TIOH H0. reguested by S. H. i~UL4~Y. 13.522 Eaet Satel3.a ~a~ue~ eaqneeting '~v~~ ~ie praperty de-
-5z 53--13 soMbed as the soathveate~].y vortioa of I,o~ 6, Aaaheim Sateneioa. rith a irontage of
k 123.9~+~ teet om IDsst Centei Street and haviag a 8epth of 407.32 Yeet Yrom the ceater
~ line o4 Ssst ~anter Street. be BECLASSIFI&D lrom RrA~ B~SIDEHTIAL-9(}HICULPtJBAb ZOA~ to
s Hr. Mnlvey appeared before the Commieeion and etated #~t~at he desired to 3uiid troo Tri-
~ g3•~ ~..~.::~ r`~:,~6 .: ~`,.:6 ~.:vyo :s. .°.8 G:w oyj,eaav~i sSa.iTa6o ~ue 'b~'ivL'ooSL'ZvdTY~~.
F Tho Hearing wa.e cioaed. The Sgcond Pabiic nesriag xill bu held on MoadaY, b~rfl 6,
~,., 1953. ~ -~
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: F[280'!aS OY ADdbIIB~ B~QITLSR ~EP~ IDlLD OB MABCH 16. z'~?ti, :',,~,~:.~:;;,c?;4.=.;,~;.;~,; . (PA4~ 2)
• ~. 185
wiF 438C4
xo. i599
' `~~
rABIAHGB A0. 18$• re4neated by aRIFBI'1'H BflOS.,, '::;~u ~arsa~ Boad, Pioo, Calitoraia.
aad on rhich ao aation vas takea at the llsroh 2~ 1953 Meetiag. ~s agaia openesl aa a
Pablic Heariag. The reqnest ~ for a ohsnga in FBDHT-~ SER~BACffi OH TBACT ~0. 1618 ~
lrom 25 lee4 to 20 Sset~ dns to the large siss oi the homes to be built oa thsse lote
aad tbs isot t}ist ~raet Ho. 1659 ~rect],4 to ths eonEh l~ad beea permitted 20-foot set- ~!
bscks das to pressnt sstrbeab on ths streeta.
'.&e only oppositioa to this cban8e ooaoerned fons lots abntting F~st ~orth 3treet~
~rhich rovld bars siQe yas~s laaing oa ~eat Sorth Street.
)tost oi the prop~rt~' a~msrs Detresn the Sants Ba Bailroad 6raok~ sad Rorth East Street j
appeared bsiore tbs Ccnadseioa snd stnted tt~t the houaea to be bnilt on theae lour
lota shonlb faae oa ~i• Aorth Street.
Ks. F_±~±7 t.-~m.~, regreeenta#ive for 4riffith 8soe,. atwted tl~at theee iole rera not '_<•.,i
iargs eaovgh to tnra t,~u honses st right ~e. ~e also etated W~at tLey 2~ad pur-
cbased the Bomist baase to impro~e thea~pNe f Borth Street~ and eaid house l~as beea
mo~ed s~ey.
Commiesioner Thompsoa ob3ected to tha SuUdividere~iabl~g tro key lota ont oY property
oa l~sst Horth Street slreedy bailt upoa.
~[r. Jsss Me~rie, Bealtorf remerked that the tormer property ormers did not ooaeider
the City or poeeible street pattarns xhen tha parcela eere eold oi'P by metee aad bonads,;
Cbnireaa 9nmmers stated tbat the oaly qnestion before the Commission ras the granting
or aeaial of tlie coaage from 25 ¢ee4 40 20 Yae~ t~r the front yarb setrbacks.
me aaariag rns closs8t.
IIpon a motion by Co~iosioner Thompeon~ seaonded by Commiasioner Hiutoel, and carried~ '
it tias ~cted by ~SOLII'PIOH H0. 41 - s~al~s 1952-53 ~T YsalsBC$ No. 185, ~~~u,
sincs the I~iap oi Traot Bo. 1618 1~ it~:prssaatrlerm d'Sd.:nol;poive b~fo,~~t-thit 8odyr.
'~e vote on sbo~e HFSOLUTIOH H0. 41 - S&EIES 1952-53, was as follorss
SYSSt CO1+lFIISSI0~83t (~aausr. Hintael~ Schnmacher~ Schutte~ Summers saa 3'hompioa.
1lOBS: COKMISSIOD~B3: Mungnl.l.
AES~T: OOt41IS3I0~BS: Bspgood.
Pat Bo~Lea appeared botore the Commisaioa rs1aL•ive to Teatative Mn~ of Trac~ Ho. 1599
aau stst8d P,3~a~ s~.ef: ~s :as ha:a~ grap~re¢d 3ss 2tzse s~2Lh a~ggeatia~ !rom the Commis- •'
sioa~s Statf. Thia tract xill be looated oa E~set Yermoat Aveane near the A. T. & S. ~'.=,
Bailvay tsacks. Action heid in sbeyancs natil completed map ia preaented. '
TESTI-SIYE Coasideratioa ras again given to the Teatative 2Aap of Tract Ho. 179~?~. An alternate
IIAP THACT plaa vsa preparea by tha Stati, vhere'by the laaa-lookea portioa oi the property +~o
1W. 1794 the north of Tract Ho. 1?94 omitd become a part oY Tract 1Po. 1994, nnd thia xonid
mate it iadepeadsnt oi ?ract Ho. 1~94. It vili bs aecseeary tor the propertiy ovnsrs
`~ to get togeth~r vith th~ o~Ae~ oi Traa~ Ao. 1394, Mr. Millar and oome to an agreemant
betvsea thensel~es.
IIpoa a motioa by Co~iesionar Thompeon, seao~ed by Coamiseioaer Sokutte~ and oarried,
it vss ~oted tLst the City Cou,:_cil be laiormad tl~at Teatative Map of Tract No. 1794 ie
sstidactory as prsseated, sn~d W~at it a Qomprahensiva Plan ia not preeented to the
~ CitT ~ooacil ttSth reterenae to the land-loaked parcel there appears to be no reasoa to
~ vithhold approval of Tentatfve Map of Tract ~To. iT94.
'TIDl1'ATIttE 'PeatsLi~e Map~ o! Tracts Ho. 1802 aad 80. 1803 ~rere preeeatod to tha Comnissioa. Theee =
E1tAPS 'PBACTS Tracts ad~oin Traat Ho. 1721 at the northeast ooraer oi Brook}mrst Street and Mancheater<
HQ. I8Q2 L !leencr. gsst 8e~r1iei3e-s ior Trea~s Ho. 18U2 affi Ho. 18fl3 sre 4lells sad Sons aaa are ~
IBO. 1803 alao the Subdi~ibers tor 'Pract Bo. 1721. There vill be 78 I,ots ia Traat So. 1802 and ~
i ~ 4raot Bo. 1803 ~d11 coataia 114 Lota. i
I upoa a moyioa oT i:ommieeionar Sc~moacher, eeconded by Commissl.oner Mungall, and carMea,;~
~{ •_~ ~Re~ t~o ~reve f~ ~'aat~tive t~gs ef T*a.c~e ~?o. 184g ~,r,.a :?o. 1849 as psaaea~sd~ ~
snD~oet to Zngineerfag Baqniremente anri the aompletion ot Aanezetion Prooeedinge. ~
BIJLFS ~+OB Tha Secretary wa ia~trncted to prepare a 8~t ot Bnlae ior the aoaduct of the Meetiags ~
PBOC~IIBS ot the Commission, end theee vill ba disanesed'a~t the Meetiag oa April 6, 1953. ~
=GIID~B4 S'P. A propo~ed ~tioa to be kmarm ~ yhe GILB~RT S'YBF~T ABAEEATI88 rsa preeeated to the '
l~88BXd'PIQH Commieaioa. 'Eai.s aunesatioa is rougbly deeoribed sa tse ares bounded on the Mest aad '~
j Sorth by ,th ~°POH A9Eb1U~ A~TIO~. ~fest La Palma Avemu and t~ilbert Sisreet= a tea- :~
{ sare parcel st t2rs north~sst aorner of Megnolis Av~ane and Neet i,~ Palme- Aveuue; all the.'
~ area bonadea by tRsgaolis A~smue, Creeeent Avenne, (iilbert $trp~ and Heat 7+s Palms Ave.; ~
ail the sres bo~ded by the SOIISTOH ay8H08 A~ATIOH on the north, Qilbert Street. 11eet ~
7a Pe1ma Aveone aad Srookharet Strse~ iaalndiag the t~3aa~ulsr parcel at the northeaet ~~
corner ot Meet 7~a Pa1ma Avpane affi Brooktmrat Steeat; slso tl~e aree bonaded by BOU3Tp1P
'o°rSv°'~f°a 6a°°Pr'r3TZva' as~ i,~a ~iarY,i~ a8!'i ea~t ~ BgoakhaFe~ ~4r8e4 arid iieey Is Paima ~lven~o. ~
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I~By'1'~S OF AD~flII81[~ H19Q~LdH ~IE~ ~ y2BCH 15_ 294i - Cxst2aaed• (Pil~ 3)
~ 6I1~Effi ST. IIpoa s notion b~ Comnissioaer Bintcel, seooffiea b? Co~sissioasr Schamsoher, and
~ ABHESATIOH carriea. it ras ~otea to reoomemd to tt~s Cit~ Couacil tbst this ares be aansibermd
;. (Contimied) tor annamtioa to t~e Cat~.
. ~ C&BBITOS d
; proposed anne~tioa to be ]mora sa Lhe CEBRiiOS a~~ ~IOH ~s prcaeated to
F A9ENt7E the Coanlaaio~. me aanem~tion is aescribed as all the ares !n the Conaty between the
r d1~IATIOH eaet right-oi~~ liae ot laciid sveane, t~e a~rtL right~of-rs~ liae oi Cerritoe Avenue
aad the rest ri~t-ot~re~T lias oi Soath 7+os Jlrgales Street tLst is not ~rithia the oo~
. porate liaits of t6a CitJ oi eaabsia at preseat.
~? f lTpoa a ao~goa by ~omiseionar Binteel~ secoaded D~ Co~Ls!onsr Saha~c,her. aad carried
3 ~ F
K it ras sat.~d to seoo~ #o C~s Cit? Coaaci3 t3~~ ~~~ be cons3dered ior aa~ ~,a~-
~~ i tion to the C3t~.
~~ i
y~ ; 1U~SEIDA 3'1'S!!S ?. 8. 9, sffi 10. on t~ A~- ~srs bald o~r aatil the lteetiag oi April 6, 1953.
"`; ; eDJOVR~B3' The 1lsesing ad,ioora~d at 5:15 0~clodc P.lt.
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