Minutes-PC 1953/04/06.~: .
~ ~
City Ba7.1
Aaaheim, Onl'~~o~=
~-pril 6, 3~53
B~IILAE A Regular Meeting o! the City Planning Commiaeion ras oallea to order st ~.2D m~
1~1~'THd P.b1. by Chsirman Summ~ra ~ a quornm beiag preeest. ~
Fffi~33~QT OBAIB!!AB SUMN~&S, COt~tI33I0N~BS s Qauer, Hintcel. Schntte. 'rLompsoa sad ~31.
COMMISSIOREB EAPQOOD entered the Meeting at 3:05 P.M.
AB3~14T CObtMI3SI0R~B SCffi]MAC~R.
MIHOTIDS The Mimitee o4 the Ad~ouraed 8egular Meetiag held on Mnrch 16, 1953. ~~ ~
ae printed.
HUI~S AND Commieeoner Sohntte made a motion that the readiag o! the ~+95 A~ ~ ms
BEf}III~TIONS diapensei ~cith. Hotion aae aeoonded by Commissioner Thnmpaoa~ and carri~.
Commi~Bionar Thompeon referred to Seation 2402 (b) of the AAA~IlI1~ICT~ 3~
liated ae "No. 5n uadar nBIII~.S AlID HFAIII~T?OgS" vherein it sLetes t~at, *~ L'La3amaa
of the Planniag Commission ehall Yiave no right to vote ia the deliberations srI f(~
Commiasion ezceypt in the caae oi a tie-votep. Thia wonld appear to p7sce s~raat
bnrQea un the Chairman in the case oi n tie-vote. saa it aleo depri~es the ~Laiimm~
in a aertain seaee~ from ezpreseiag an opinioa oa snb3ect msttara betore t~e ~
Upon a motioa by Commiseioner Thompson~ eeconded by Commiasioaer Selmtte, as3 ~~^~"~+,.
it xas voted tnat the Commiesicn recommend to the City Conncil t~st the ascomd ~axs-
graph vnder Seotio~.: ~402 (b) be etrioken Yrom the Code.
IInii'ss ~Ho.'.l~Fp _of ~HIII+~3 ~&D BE(iIII+A'^IOBS°, the qnestion rsa raiaed as to a~ ~~-
viaed Teatative Mape shovld be preseated to the Commiesion, and it ~s ~he ~m
that a~q Hevieed Maps xith radioal cbanges ahould a$ain be preseated ~o ~~.
IInder pBo. 12~ -"YABIANCESp , it xas eetahlished +~ha,t a voice vota eon]~ 3-e ~ssd am-
lesa a Roll Ce-11 Yote xaw reqnested by the CLafrman or aRy member fl~ t~s fion~L_~~~
It rrae moved by Commisaioner (~suer~ seoonde3 by Commisaioaer Sclmtte, an3~carrSe~,
that "Hoe. 12, 13, 14~ ancl 1$" ur,der pRULRS :12~ BSQUL~TIOHS~, ce adapte3.
VARIANC~ Thia xas the ~ime set tor the Publia Hesring oa the 9sritisa Petitioa oi 8r. ~..
N0. 189 C. Jonea~ 18$0 Esst Syaamore Street~ requeeting permiesion Lo erect a Seven ~ 3ma~
Concrete Bloak Fenae along the rear portion oY hia property a~ part+•?„v a3a~g ~e -
eide yarde.
Mr. Joaee appeare~ be~ore the Commissioa ana etatsd ttiat iivo (5) resr lots s'bax s~ses
the rear yara of hie property, ~a. t~t irom t~ rioor le.~.s os tbe ~~ a~ e.o~ °
ed oa theee ].ots, a eia (6) toot 4enae rrould not be high enoogh to insare ~~
t~a rear ot hl.e home. Eahn-St. John, the SnbdiviQer, affi Y. $. ~'alt, ~is ~
to tha esat, are in favor of allo~ring him to erect tha eavea-Soot heigh~ 3eaoe. 51~33
leace will be entirely oa hie oxn property. The 8earing vas closed.
IIpcn a motion by Commisaioner Thompson~ seaonaecl by Commiasioner Se3ia~~, ~ae1 ea~rrEea, '.
it waa voted to Srant the Va:3a^csy by RESOIATIOH N0. 44 - SBEII~S 1932~3. ,
~CI~A55Z8'I- Thia eea.s the t3me eet ior the Second Pablia Beari~ tc+r Becla,~~itieati~ a~ ~e aa~
CATION N0. bonnded bq Mast Vermont Aveane~ South I+os 6agslea Street. Ball Boad s~i ~~ _
~'-52-53--12 atreet, and xhich it is propoeed to realassify to C-2, GSl~BAb ~~. ~dtt~ -
a$0-foob strip reeerved around the oute'lde !or Parktn~-I~ndscspiag, on ~ica ~e :
bnilainge caa be conatructed. `
So one appeared ior or against the prapoaed Heolaeaitioation. The ~si~ a~ ~'~^~ _
IIpon a mation by Commissioner Sohutte, seaonded by Commissionsr Gansr, a~d ~^~'+~~ ~~ '
1. ~p~lr~ r i a aw ~~ ~!ss~,.,. 3
~!a voyad `vy aa+SOLUiFC~ ~0. -.2 - SE3I&S „a recos~. ~r ~ '~ -
t;ine area be reclaeeifiad as showa on the Map. ;,
The vote oa above RTCSOI,UTIOH H0. 42 - SF1~S 1952-53, vae ss tellovs: ~5
AYSS: CO!dMISSIOt~: f9sner~ $lutoel~ Schatte, Summere, Thoapson s~ 2f~s13. ~
n`vm3s COMMISSi01iTHSt Bone. ~
ABSENT: CO1~fI8SI01~BSs Bspgood aad Sohn~acher.
BECLA33IFI- Thia ras the time set for the Second Pnblic Hoariag on the Petitian of ~r. rT. ~.'~m~g ~
CATIO& ~10. 13522 Eaet ge,tella Aveaae, reqne»iin~ 4ba~ ~4s proparty sti 1521 - 2~i29 ~3 ~r a~;~~
8-52-53°-19 be reclssalfied from RrA, R~STDENTIA~--AaBIC[JL14RdI+ Z~~, to ~-3, M~ ~~ ~
DH&TLLL ZO~. No one appeared tor or againat the propoe~ reclaseixiea~3+om. ~
i~-e Hearing vras clsaed.
IIpon a motlAUUby Qommiseioaer aauer. aecoffie~ by Commiasionex Sc~m~ am~ ~~ ~W ~
was voted by aB~86~iU'PION ~0. 43 - S~R.I~S 1952-53. to rec~mmend to the ~l.i.y ~. 3~
the above desiS~atsd. property be reolaeaitied. Yrom B-A~ BB.SI~:dTIAZ-9r_~'!'~R- ~. ;
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MINLJTE3 OF BP:QiTLAB I+I~TIN6 f~1LD APRII, 6. 1953 - Coatianed.t PAf3~ 2
a~crrassisi- 'rhe voEe oa above E~SOLIITION 1~0. 43 - SE&IES 1952-53~ +~s a: soiioves
ceTioa xe.
~_r~y_5~13 AY~St COMMISSIOHffiBS: f3susr~ Bapgooa~ Eintoel, Schutta, Snmmars, Thompeon aad Mungall:
(Contianed) ~~s~ ~~I33IO1~ES: Nona.
' AES~A'Ps COMMISSIOmmBS: Sohumaahar. ,
HECLpSSIBI- Thie wae the time aet for the Firet Pnblio 8eariag on the petiEloa o! the ma~ority
CATIOH N0. of property oxnere on Sonth Lemoa Strea~E bat~oeea Weet 3outh Street and lPeet Vennont
~'-52-53-~14 Avenne~ requestin8 tbat their properties be realaseiYfed from E-1~ Singl,e 8'amilq
Besideatisl 2~ne, to Rr2, TPIO-FAMILY ~SIDENTIAb ZQ~.
Mr. Sd. B. Blieiewia, 3~5 ~Pehire Avemie~ appeared bafore the Cortmdeeion protestiag ~
the resoaing o! thair propertiea. 8e preeented a petition eigned bg all the property ;;
ovaers oa Bampehire Avenue~ proteatiag the reaoaing of thair propertiea to B-2, T1-0-
It wsa poinEed out to 1Nr. Blisismiz tYrat the IrEOAI, NOTICE,ae publYshed aad mailed~ ,;
reterred only to the area sloag the ~T_ eide of South Lemon Street~ aad did not in-
clnde any rafereace to property oa Aampohire avenuo.
Atre. Alma Fryer, 411 Hampshire Avenue, iaquired as to vhether the~ oonld protest Lhe
propoaed realasei4lostion~ and vise ia4ormed by the CLairmaa that ahe hei~ that privi-
lege. i
Mr. Sam Dalmoat~ 406 Esmpehire Avemxe, appeared before Lha Commiaelon and remarkad tl~at:
they Lad•attendad City Council Meetinge and rrera told that tha eeoond turn-arouad oa
~smpshire Avenue would be elimiaated by the Oontraotor~ that houeee oamparable to
theirs rould be bnilt on tha traot at the end oP Hampehire 6venue, but this appeare
• aot to be the eaae. Theae remarks bad ao besring oa the preeeat heariag. ~
The Hearing rrae oloeed and the Seaon~d Publio Hearing vtill be hela oa Me~y 4, i953•
TE6TATIt1E A Tentat3ve Map of Tract No. 1999 we.s p:eeeated to the Commiaeion by the Snbdi~rider~
IdAP TBACT Mr. Pat Boden, 80i ~aet 8'ifth StFOeti~ Santa Ana. The subdivieion Se looated on ]~at
N0. 1599 Vermont Avenue ~ust vreat of the Engineering Corporation~e ne~r plewt, and oontaina 21 ~
lota rrhich are praeently $oaed sa &-9, MObTIP7+'~ FAMILY RblSID~NTIAL ZONE.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompsoa, eeconded by Commieaioaer Mtmgal2~ aad oarried. ~
it uas voted to spprove the Tentative Map of Tract No. 7.599~ snb~e~t to Engineering i
Requirementa. ~
COD~ A Essolutioa, No. 39 - Seriee 1952-53, PreP~~ by City Attoraey Tnraer~ v-ith refer- q
CHAN(iE enoe to the e~rolnaion of Eeaidcotial IIeee ia an M-1 ~~IaHT I+IAN'JFGCTURINQ 70NID, rras
diecueeed at length.
Upor, a motioa by Commieaioner Hapgood, seoonded bz Co~iseioner Thompeoa, an8 oarr'_ed,.i
it xae ~oEed that Lhe Commiseion rithhold approval oi RESOLUTION N0. 39 - S~RI~3 1952- ;
53 ~ iLe preaent lorm. The vote of the Commiseioa oa the aotion ~o iriihbo'13;.sppro~al ;
Aa .R~SOIA!1!I01~^~0.::39--8~ms 1952-59. x~-e as =oiiovrs:
AYESt COtA~lISSI010EIiS: t~aner, Bapgaod, Riv.tce2~ Sahutte~ Summere~ Thompeoa aad Muagall.~~ _
ABSENT: COMMISSIO&BBS: 9ohv.macher. ~
~ T~T!lTIFE a Toatative M~+ of Trect No. 1822 was preseated to the Commiaeion. Thie tract ia
MAP TBACT located oa Houston 8~roet approzimately 2300 feet beet of ~olid Aveaue. The SubQi-
N0. 1822 videre are ariffith Pros. an3 Paul Pieroe, 605 North 1Bast StreeL, Anaheim. The traot ;
ae preaented aontaiae 193 lota. Mr. I,arry Armour appeared before the Commiseion as ?
tho repr~eea4ative oi the Snbdividere.
Tha TrsoE, ae shorra oa Ehe Tentative Map, is laid out xith 20-foat front yard aet- ~
baoka~ r1~h no pro~ision made for oonLimiity of aertaia etreete to the east aad west ~
i oi the traat. Ths Stsit YsaQ p~epared aa albernats plsa oi the area whiah appeared ~
preterable from the City~e etandpoint. F
6 motioa xas me~e by Commiesioner ~auer, seaonded. by Commiasioner &iuBc~el~ to deny ~F-e y
approval of the aentative Map of Traot No. 1822. ~
Mr. Armour agread thst he ronld meeb aith the St,sff and the Tyngineering Department and 4
try to prseeat a Map that w311 be sat3sfactory to the City. _
~i'ha motioa snd eeoond rere thea Mithdre~ra by Oommieeioaers Onaer ru~. Eiutoel~ anb the .;;
mnttsr held in abeyaaae uatil a f'utwre meo'~ing. .~
CODD CgANQE3 The COl'38 CHABaES ooveriag "PARKIN(3 R~QUIR~IR'S~~ and a"BUII,DISG" , aad CODE ADDITIOH ;b
A1QA 00~ pP-L, PABiCIA(i-LAND30APIN(# ZOHI~"~ , ware he18 over until the Regular Meeting en ~loada~, ~
R ADAITIOR Nlap 4, 1953• ~
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KISII~A~ pF ~ZII,AB I~ETIRQ ~LD APxIL 6 1959 - Coatimued: PAQE
~CIJISSIH'I- Mape of propoaed reolassiPicestiona oY the area betaeen the I,incoln School and Tract
.^.ATIONS No. 1120~ and betvreen Eaet Center Street and vhare Yuture Broadvay will extend; and
the area arouad the Horeae Me~nn School and aarose I+s Palma Avenue were set for Public
Hearinge on t~y ~. s~1 June 1, 1953.
SALZ H06D The propoaed C~RRITOS AVENIIE dN1~TI0N approved at the meeting of Mzirch 16, 1953,
APPS7(dTIOA has been cancelled aad ~ subetitnte anaexation, coveriag a portion oP the area to be
~~~ 2 ~~ Se the AAT.T, gpA~ aRNE7CATI0N N0. 2, rias preaented to the Commiesion. Tliie area
is roughl9 described as starting at a point approaiaiately halYvrav betr~een 101 Highray
aad Harbor Boulevard on the preaent City Limit Line sad extending Southerly to a2~at
rrovld be the easterlg~ exteasion of Winaton Hoad; thence Weeterly along this exteneioa ;
and along Kiaeton Roail to Nalant Street; thenae Southorly along Walnut Street to Cerriai
tos Aveane; theaae ~Peaterly along Cerritoa ~venue to Loara Street; thence Northerly
along I,osra Street to Lincoln Avenue; ~hsacs a2ang tha prese:et C3tg LimSt L~ae to the .
point ot beginning.
A motion naa me~de by Commiesioner Thnmpeon, soconded by Commiasioner Riutael, and
carried, that the Commieaioa recommend to Ehe City Council that eaid BALL BiOAD At~NEX-
ATION 1T0. 2 be considered ~or ann?aation to the Citq.
QABIARCES Chairman Swmnere oalled t,Y-e Commisaion~s attentioa to the Yacy that the ZoninB Ordi-
naace No. 774. ae it is pN~•~~"~t1Y r~itten. states that the actioaof bhe Planning Com-
mieefon oa VATtIANCES is '~ "~'~ =~ ~eee ~~PP~ ia filed xithin tr-enty (20) daye. It
fe embarraesing to bave a PetitSoaer r,311 the Cbairmnn and eba~e ~t~at aftor a VARIANGF ;
hae been graated by the Commisaion to flnd tbat at the uezt City Couacil Meeting tYiat :
the Conncil has he18 up the graating oY the 9ARIANCE, tor one reaaon or another~
_tt~gv¢h no apt~eal hna beea filed. IY it ia the deeire of the City Counail to review
the Yindit~ge of the Planning Commiasioa, ana %uero aeP,~aiui~ ~~zid ba uc ab~aati~n bs
tha Plannin8 Comaiseion, tnea ihe City A~to~ay should be ±natructed to ch~nge the
Oidinance at o_ncg aad clarify bhis sitvation.
ADJOIIRAN~NT The Meeting ad~ourved at 5~25 o~clook P.M.
g. W. MUNO , SearetarY
APPE04~ ~~ ~'~ ~ ~3