Minutes-PC 1953/05/04~::..
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BIIli}19'IID~ Ci81.~OT13~9
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~0'~ OP B'~fiill+AB !~E'PIHG OB '!'~ CITY P.T~ANIQIHQ C01~4SISSI~H
Fi&iII'WIR A~egolar lieetis~g oY tha City Planning Commiaeioa vas oalled to order at x:10 o~alook
?~E'SIHt~ P.R. by Chsirme~a 3~msrs. a qnoram being praeeat. .
P~SB~iT CBAIBi~t~B SUl4~RS. CO}~lYSSTOH~BS: (ieaer~ Bintcel, Schnmaaher~ Sohntte and Mungell.
Ths nsv ancaiatee~ to tln,~ Co~iesion, Mre. Yera B. Aueat, vaa introdaced to the Com-
missioa. Har tsrm oi oitica vill oommence upoa aompletioa of the bQAOIA STE~ET
AHBEZATi~ti to tus City.
Commiasioaer Brq~ood entered the lteeting at 2s43 o~ciock P.b[.
Commieeiaaer Tho~psoa emterea ths Heet! o ab 2:4~ o~~?o°,.~ P u.
aov_...TtlR~Pe ~0.~ va..._~__ w i.ti~ a~.~~.~ :._ a~ a a a~ S ~ .
v....a iaao raaana~as 'va r+ae awg.a~o-a asod~aT+6 3a a~aii ~ aS53. re~b approved as Frinied•
VARIAACS This raa tLe tias set tor tha Pnbila Hearing on 4ASlJ18C~& a0. 190, enbmitted by BOB
H0. i90 0. BBOO~tAlt, 10E~2 Oraa~e bvenue, aaaheim~ reqnestiag permiesioa to erect a builaiag
to be nsed for a Yelding Shop~ an 1[-l, Light ManuYacEuriag Uee. Tkfa propezty ie a
por~Lion of 7,ot 3+, Anabsim ~tenaion~ located at 141g iieet Center Street.
Mr. Broolmna appeared beiore the Commissioa a.nd atatea tbat he ia requ3red to move
~~:•'=`, Sron his preaeat locatioa at the cornar oY Sonth Helena and Oale Streate, becauee the
~ Narco Y~nstriea Compn~ is tsking over hia preeant qnarters.
?S e~ gei3Ee~ aa~ t.t~t 6hsre are other b4-1 IIsea in the vicinity of the pmposed
loca.tion.. Ths Bearing r~a cloaed.
IIpon a motion br Commissioner Sclmmaaher, aecoiule~d by Commiasioner Sahntte, cuu]. oarried.~ ~
it rsa ~oted to graat 9ABIABCB B0. 190~ by RESOLUTIOIP B0. 41F - SEEIES 1952-53.
EEC'..o„S~- i~$ var Q~a $i~6 ei~$ s'~dF ¢~, Ss~o~i Pub3.ia ~stS.n~r on %he propoaed ~C3,~SS~3CeTfOb
CATIOH H0. of tha Yest side of Sonth Lemoa Street bet~reen iTast Sontih Street aad West Vesu~ont Ave.
? 5~ 53"1~ 14rs. Alma !'~yer, 41l. Ha~p,Hhire Aveane. ag~i+arred before tsr Commiesion and stated that
sbe aSill ielt tLe-t the propoaed rozoaing vould depreciate their property v~lnes oa
Hr~pehire Ave~e.
Mr. JcHa 0'Saae, 113 Yest Chestmit Straet~ appeared before the Commiesion as orraer oY
ths property at the corner o~ Ment Qermont Avemr,a and South I+emon Street, and etatad
that he bad a small house on the rear of hia lot and. desired to sreat another dwelling
~:; oa the iroat. 'Phere are at preseat thrae lots in the area reith t~ro houaes on esioh lot. ~~;
f~'.~y eiz lota vit2~l:onses on the re~r of the 2ote, and one vacaat lot. Ereatiag ner houees
oa the 2roat oi the lots ehonl.d improve praperty values dn the atreet.
Mra. Jsnsnn sad Hr. Hiller~ orners oY property on South Lemoa S~Ereet, espressed desiree ~
t2~s-t 4hs ~CLASSIlIGATI08 be grantal.
Mr. James H. Piter, 893 South Lemcn Street, stated tl~at ha owaad the only vaaant lot
in said aree-. sad wnld liks to erect a preaeatable Daplex oa thie lot.
~[rs. A. Csrlson, 819 ~onth Lemon Streat, etaterl t1~aL they l~ad a very emall honse oa the :
I rear oY their lot aad ron1Q like to bnild an attractive Single Fami].y Home on the Yront.,'
Hrs. Hilliams. 20-+ Neat Sontdn Street, ovas the property at the oorner of Woet South
Stxeet ~ Smxth I,emon Street. aad vonld 1Skg to build Duplea Dwallfnge on her property.;
~ ~ie fHesring ~as cloaed.
i IIgan a motion bs Comc-issioaer Schutte, seooffie~d by Commisaioner Schumacher~ and ca,^ried,;,
! it vas vote8 tlsat by HS.SOI,UTIOg N0. 45 -- ~S 1952-53. tha Commisaion reoommead ~o
t! the ~ity ro~mcfl t2~at this BECI~ASSIEI~ATIOR bs granted.
I Tl~e ~ote on above R~SObD'PIOH laD. 45 - sES~S 1952-53, ~s sa iollowes
AYES: COMHISSIO~a 4aner, E:ntCe?, Lo*~c~sr, ~..~tte~ S•~~~e ~ M~x~e11.
~ HOffi: Cd14HISSI088BS: Bone.
ABSffiiRs DOI~ff•lISSIO~B.4: Hapgood and Thompeon. <~
BECI~ASSI]'I- Thia vaa the time se! ior the First Pablic Eesring on ths proposed RECLASSIFIGATIOB
~.1TI08 N0. ~D. p 5a, $3--15 of tise srea snrrounding the ~EdC~ MANN 5CIDOL with the follos~tag -
B 52 ~3-15 e~eeptions: ;
A- 1. R~t area at tha soathveat ooraer of Neat I,n Fa1ma Avenue aad Aorfih Palm Street~.'~
greseatly soned ae &-2, Tf10 FAMIZY BES~'ZAL ZO~H. .9
2. 'rhat ares at the nor4.2wsst aorner oi ?~- VernO 3breet and xorth Ci~ron Street~ ';
consiat3ag ot 200 ieeb oa Bortl~ Citron Street affi 412.80 feet on 7+e, Verae St., ~
preaent~y soaed sa R-I, SIHOLB FAMII,Y 88SI~TJAL 201QE. .~
3. ~t sres a1o~ Borth Citroa Street Yrom 1/est 7~ Palna 9venue ~atendiag along ~~
• the easter2y ri~t of ~y line oi Rorth Citron Street a distsnoe o~! 839.3e roet ~'
aa3 2sring a depth of 120 fee~, aad whiah ia preaently soned ae &•1, SI~aLB .~
YAKI~'t 8~3~8TIAL ZO~HI~'. ~
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~ a~~s o~ a~cr~x ~T~a a~r.~ ~r ~. 1953 - co~ts~a: eas ~
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~; ~C7,AS3IFI- B- 1. It ia also propoaed to realaseify t3mt ares ezteading along fihe northerly
~ CATIOIP N0. righb-ot-vay line of iPest 7a Palma. Av~enue to ttia City Liffi.t I+ine~ and bona~dea
~=52-53~15 on tha Eaet by fihe City oY Rillerton propert~; oa the Horth by a liae extended
{Coatim~ed) 1leaterly alo~ the Sontherly bomdsry ai 'lsact Ho. 1236 to the City bimit bine;
~ theaae Santhsr tu Nest 7a Pales ~c~as, preeentYy aoned Br,d, BffiIDEATIAI.-
, aaaic~,~ zo~
'''-___,_ T~6TATIPD
~ 8a. 1833•
Mr. B. A. Hex~mea. 1031 Boi•th Citm~ Straet, sgpessed betore the Coffii.asion ia Yawr
A letter l~ad beea reaeivad fs+om 1rl.oreace 8. '~ylor, 124 Veat aonrth Street, Ios Aagelea
13~ Caliiornis.. ovaer ot one aare at ths oozaer ot Yest Is Palma Avemie and Nos~h
A~a~~ CL-:: ~4 1~ 0~~.~~ ~~ i~~w DP/~T.~CQ74TPI~fA~~.
vav~v~ am~dvr~ v •
$la`l0o ~~38o'4+~Lg'e i0i `v}lo ~a~Si "y'vov3 ~°w+a~J~` a~a~vni*.wa° i3i 5oiti SPeB ~8 3`uFu'oe3~ u$8
Chr~stian 3aienae ahmrah oY lmhei~n. vas acquired s i:»ntnge oY 1?O teet along North
Citron St.:•eet, 200 feet north o4 Ia Qerae Street! affi it is a~r proposea to rezone
this por~ion ot the froatngs an 8orth Citron S#reet Sran ~3, to &-2 Zoae. to permit
~r'the eetab~.isHmea~ o~ ihid Chnrch.
The Hearing vsa alose3 aad the Second Poblic Heariag r111. oe hald on Jvne l, 1953.
Thie wae the time eet ior the S`l.rat Pablic Heariag oa the propo~o~ HBCI,dSS~'ICATIOS
1QOe F-52-53--1b, deacribed as the aree betreea Bast Ceater Street and the fntnre ez-
teasioa oP ~ast Broadr~y, ~,., ~~ on #he ~st by the bi~o2a Schooi and oa the lfest by
Traat No. 1120, Ysrom &,A, BSSID~T~P2~T~AfSAT~II~SL ZOLFi. to C-1, ~IGF~OB~OD COMt~- i
pIAL ZO1~, ior a depth o! 175 ieet imn tha cemter line oi Saet Ceater Street~ and the _
balanca ot the property sontherl~ to ~ast Broadr~y as B~2, 4Y0-FBMILY ~SID~HTIA.L ZOAE. '~
Mr. A. E. Bobertson, 126$ Eaet Santa=Aaa Street, appeared betore the Co~anissioa aa
owner oi sis (b) aorss on the sonth side ot 8ast Broad~, affi ob3ected to the propoaed ~
B~OLA33IB'IOATION vith re~ereaae only to the Sx~oatage oa gsat Hroadtiay. Thia shou~.d be '
rete~ined gs E-1, SI~I~ BAI~SILY_~i,S~TIdL ta be ia lceepiag vith the hansee to be built ~
to the eouth. Ba preson~ed a lstter sigie~ b~ other property oraera to the sonth, aad
iatsroduaed Mr. MaDill oi &~aaecl H~ses, s~o have lmder optioa all Che prnper~ies oa the
eouth eide of Broad~y. Mr. 2~7aDi11 preseated a lstter from Bonded 8omes esplaining
`,hat 8'.H.A. loaa v~s].oes srtr•rs~ccea ~~ Y354.oo to $SOO.oo ii Br2 Zoning exiats acmes ;:
the stseet. He in ta.-~a ~a:~.;.a~ ~r.I~aov~6ft~e S.H.A., ~cto ata~ed iu sa unot_°icial
aapaaity~ that thia would be trne.
Mr. Baberteon aleo preseated a letter sigt~ed by tw property oraera east ~Y the I,iacoln ::
Sahool-~ reqnestiag t1~at the i`~tnra soniag ai that p:~erty shonld also ba krept as R-1 -;
~ronting oa Eaet Bmad~Q. ?
Mr. H. Brueger~ 1248 Baat Center Streot, atated tbat the Daplez Drelliaga he propoaed ':
to bnild on ~ast Broa3ray wnld be attractive and aa ssasi to the 4ity. '-
The HBaring ~aae oloaed and the Secona. Pablie Heariag xft2 bs hs2d oa ~Tuaa 1, 1953.
'Phia was the time eet Yor the Firat Pabl.ia Heasing oa HBQdSSIBIGATIOA A0. 8-52-53--17 ~
ooveriag the area bouaded oa the Horth by ~ast Tesnoat Ave~ne; on the Ee~at by Sonth
~ast Street; on tho Sonth by 8a11 Baea., aad on tbs Ysat by the S. P. E. B. trsaks,
rhiah area it is propoaea to reclasaity Yroa B.~~ IaSIT~l7dL 11~B~ICUIl~U9AL ZO~, to
M-1, LIaHT MAIItJFbCTIJBIN(~ ZOHB, rith the eme~tioa o! a 50-loot et~rip aloag East Vermont ;
Avenue, Sonth East 5trest sad Bal~ ::a:, viliah strip riZl ba rsclaaaitied as P-L~
Aleo, it ie propose3 to raxone t~a are~ atong the Ysster~q right-oY-rsyy 2ia~ ot Sast
Street and eztendiag aortHsrlg Sram East ~araoat ~iaaaa a diatance oi a~prozimately t~
6T5 ~eet, preeemtly zoned as Br3. to P~L, PaBgl~l#-7d.~;isCePiHa Zo~ Yor a depth oi 50 ~t.:.
Nr. AouarA Pannisr a~eared befora the Co~iasioa; uati.~,e ior information regarQ~ the :
P L~~i lr'II~.O tlBH Oi~i~inri TA II3Pl A~ ~19 ~8 YaL18I ;Ea •
8 petitioa ras ~raseatea by the property o~ess veat oi the railroad tracka, oppoeing 3
the B~CI~A.SSIBICA~'IO&. ,
Mre. H. F. Fabei, 895 Sontli Best Stree$, varld liks io keap a portioa oi her property at ^
8mst Street °..~ 9ermoat Avegue tor a residm~ees ~ich is ao~r on the property. ar~ pe~ 'j
haps sell the bslanae tor indu$trial nae. She ras ad~ised to teii the Planning Bngineer:;.
hox maah oi her aoreege ahe plaaned to retain a~ the P-b ZOHIl6 ~'Bo SEb~fg~ a~b~~ _<
The Hearing vas oloeed ana the 5eco~ Pnbli,c Bearing vill bo held oa Juas 1, 1953. <;
A Tentative Map ot Treat Bo. 1833 ~s prestated 3o the Co~i.~sioa. Thia tsaot coneista i;
of 29 &-0 I,ots, asid is located aonth o! Sract ao. 1420 oa itestaont Driv~e. T!~ Snb-
dividere are MhieldF,n aad Scbols. '
IIpoa a motloa by Co~i.esioaer Schnmac~er, secondea by Coamissionss ~lnaga7.1, and aerried~ ~s
it ore~a voted to approva !he '.emtntive )f~ o! '~ract ]to. 2833, snbaect to Eyogiaeerlag
8equiremeats. ,
`; utRrtTras ny+ g~TLAB 1~ETI1Qa ~LD lRAY 4. 1953 - Continueat Pb(iS ^~
~: :~
. TE6TATI11~ A Teatstivs Map oY '1'ract T~o. 1843 ras preeente~ to Lhe Commiasion. ~Ss tract. aa ;_~
~ ~a~ ~Cifi d~'vl(+i~ 3'v~'i6u8 Oa' ~J~ 1+3`v6~ 'vi w.~G2l +.v: .a..:• 67 ~S QOl~~1Btrl~ 8s ~~il r~9 SflOjfj~~L$ ~!- -;:
~~' 110. 1843. tern . The Snb~ivider is H'BA8EDI8~ INC.. 5360 Is~nherehim Bonlevar~, Borth H~ll~wnd. =Y~
~~ Califoraia. Thie tract ie located st the northeasi coraer ot Aaaheis-Olive Boad s:d =
/ Placentia Aveaue. ~ ~
tTpon s motion by Oommiseioner Mungali, aeconded by Commissioasr Sclmtts, s~l csrriea, ~
it vas votea to spProve the Tentative Hap of Traat Ho. 1843 ~rith the emceAtioa of Iot `
No. 6~, en8 the Tract as s~ole snb3eab to Eagineering Beqnireeea~s. Dstailea plaas .
ior I+ot Ao. 67 ~+ou13 have to be en~ittid; ~md this ea3d aree ronl~ be ~ab3~t to
„ tiling for s ~CLA3SIFIOATIOB.
TE9TATIVP{ A Tentstive Msp of Trac~ No. 1$$9 w~ Preseated to the Co~isaioa. ~is tract, aa
MAP TBAOT shova, consiets oi 71 I,ote~ ana ia locatea oa 1Pest Ia Palms ATemie $net wat ot ~rsct
N0. 1859. A0. 1Ci91. Tlle SuDQ1Y1Q9T 1B D~ANi iiuiw~~ 1nv.~ ov/ sro3nas~$id ~'snies~ ~u$'s ~, C''.~'-
iiornia. Several cnav~es in yais in€,p i~'i b8e~ pra~ ~y ~a S;,s~, r~f~33~ '. ya
introdnction of aa alley parallel to the north of Is PE?zros A*eane. Yhich ~ri]1 nsceasi-
tate some rearre~agemeat of the street pattern, a~ alno tar Lhe r7,deming of Is Palas
'' Aveaue at thia poiat to 50 Yeet frnm the aenter line oi the street. ~e S~bdiTider
agreed to make the snggeeted cl~angee. •
IIpon a motioa by Couuniesioaer Sclmtte~ aeoonded by Commiasi~nsr Scl~aaher, aaa carried
it was soted to spprnve the Teatative Map oi Trac~ Ho. 18s9, snbject ta tbe tolloriagt
1. Changea ss ahorra by the Commisaion~s StaSf.
2. Anneaatioa Lo the City oY Anaheim. (NOTEs The norfia ~ortion o! this Sract is
(not nov in the City of Annheim3-
3. Engiaeering Requiremeata.
TENT6TIVE A Tentative Map oi Treot Ho. 1812 was preeeatea. to the Commission. Sais t~eat is
v~n ~.~` ,~~M~r,t g, ±h~ +±~,.~hwngt gnrani oi Be.ll 8oed. and 7~arn. Street. sa~. ecIIeist OS 101 IotB.:
N0, 3.812. The SubQivid~re ara ELl~B E. EVEB~TT aad A. D. 4I1mLIS(#, 10262 Victsria A~eane. F~ast
Hhfttier~ Cs2lioraie.. . . -
~Tpon a motioa by Commiesioaer Thompeoa, eeconded by Commiasioner 2fim~e11, mad carried, ;
it wae votecl to hold up approval oa thie Map until i~rther st~.,y caa be nade ot the
eurrcundiag area. The area iawlvea is a portioa o! the BALL H06D 3Ii~SATIOH ~. 2.
'~1QTATIV~ 9 Tentative Mep ot Tract 1Qo. 1364 Mae preesuted to the Commisaion. ~is tract is
2dAP TRACT located ~t ~uth of 4cea~!e SEreR~ ~n ~~ ~s Pa7.ma Ava~. ~sa sabdiviai4~ oe~iafs ;
N0. 1964, of 16 I,ots ~ the Subliivider being RAYMOI~D M"iLLEB, 7681 Acaucia street, da~eia, Calit. ~
Upoa a motion ~y Oommfsaloaer Schutte, seaondad by Coam-isaioner ~od, aa~ esrried. `
~ it was voted to appro9e the Tentative Map oi Tract Bo. 136~i, snb~ect to ~aeerin8 _
Bequiremeats. _
T~NTATIP~ d Teatative Map of Traot Ak. 1817 vras presente3 to the Commisaion. ~ia ixsct fs !
MAP THAOT loaated at the northorest coraer o4 611bert Street and Creeceat Ava~, aad conaists oi f
N0. 1817• 147 ~ta. The S~.ibdivide~r is MILLUM I~DSDAi,E, 12017 Sonth Paremount Banle~a:d,
Dovaey, Calitornia.
Upon a motioa by Commiesioner Thompsoa, seconded by Coa~issioner Bintcel, aad carried, ;
ib ras vobed that thia Map be stadiecl further by the Co~nisaion~a StaM, a~ s rs*ieed ~
Map be agaia preeented whea ANI~XATIOA to the City 2iaa beg~m. '
T~TTATIV~ A Tentative Map oi Treat No. 1$91 waa prese~nted to the Commisaion. 4~ia tiact is '
MAP iBACT located at the northrreet corner ot Manc,`iester Avenas a~d S~ia].id Ave~us. ~e Sobdi- ~
1Q0. 1$91. vision coaeiste ot 14~F I+ots ana Ehe Snbdivider 3s PAUL P~. $33b Dar4ee Aoado Pioo, ~
California. The Snbdivider raas repreaentea by Mr. Jarsy Armonr, vho etated tL~t the -
Qitq Engiaeering Deipartment had iasiated on an aliey nest~o 3nclid ~veaaa,e aa3 ~a"s "
thia m0ant a reviaion iu the aize oi l~ta, oaasi~og 7~ots Bos. 46 to 1]~$ tr~ be less t~an `~
the minimum oi 6,0'~0 eqnare ieet. although thay a311 ba 60 to 6L1.5 ieet ia Yldth. fla 3
acooua.t of ~he Qepth o2 97 ieet ia theae ip~~; a~~t-back oY 20 ia~t i+~ z~m~eted in -
place af Cha requlreS 25 Ses~ b~ bhe Or3~.naaca. ~
7~an13g~ upon an amenaea motion by Commiaeioner Thompaoa. eacoaded by Commi.ssionsr
Espgood~ and aarried, it wae voted tl~at the Snbdivider be reqnired to ap~ ~er~- ~
AN~ES on those t~o paiats affi thst the e~pumvel ot the l+far be contin~eat ~oa t1~a ~
grsating of eaah n98IA1Q0~S. ~
COMMI33IO~R (~ALUI~R ~TIHPID FBpM '1'~ MEET~ AT 4s13 O~C7AC$ P.1[. =
TF~Z'ATI11~ A Tentative Msp oi Traat Ro. 1825 wag Preaeated to the Co~isaioa. ~is tz~at ia ~
M6P TSAOT loaated betrreea Liber~y Irsna, Fomaeya Driva, &~moad Ave~e aad Sas~ 7a Pnl.ne. A~raae, ~
N0. 1825. an8. aoneists, ae ehova, a~ 122 I+otgo 4he Subdi~ider is T~ A86~7~ t7~~QC'PDO~ 00.~
~937 ~7. Ca~on 8onlevard~ San Diego~ Csliiora3a. Y
Upoa a motio~,bY ~iaeioner Spl~utte, aeaoMetl by Commisaioaer Sclm~aher aa~ carrie~~
it rras votedl~iold rorwl of ~4e'"#ap over untii the ne~ Meeting at rMc~e tisa 3t ±.s
ezpeetied a 8evised p eaill be presented ~i,oh vill inclmie #,ha sonth~at cosmr ot
~ ,, Re~3~mond 9venne and. Hemae~qa Driee. - - - - ~ - -- - ~
-- •-- ---- ___ _ __ ------------ _ __---------. ___ _ _- -• - - ----~---------
~x ~ Y
MINUR'ES ~F REGD~A& I~ETI~ ~LD MAY 4. 19~3 - Contirsiea.: (PAQE 4)
• Nn. 1871.
g0. 17Q.
A Tentative Map of Traat No. 1$71 was presented to the Commiasion. This tract ie
looated at the narthweet ooraer of South Olive S~reeb and ~aet Vsrmont Aveaae~ and.
conaiets oi 23 ~TIPI,~ F6RtILY BESID~JJTW+ IATS. The Subdivider is ffiJt~TF. M. xOI,I,,
116 Qia Orvieto~ Ae~rport Beach~ Calii'oraia.
IIpon a motion by Commiesioner Schumacher~ ssconded by OommisBioner Thompson, ar.d
carried, it ras veted that the Subdivfder apply ior a V6BI9NCE for the reaaon tbat
Lote Aos. 8 to 23, inaluaive, are vnder tha miaimum riath of 55 feet at~twugh thes~
lote oontain an aree~ oi over 8~000 eqnare iee$.
Mr. IsPerae Aoqnet, a representative of the Subdivider~ appeared bePore the Coromiseioa '
ana atated that they would ba vriliing to remove every other lot liae, Lhne making the
I,ots under 8leaueeion 107.Ob feet widei the previons mobioa vas therefore reeolnQed
by a motioa to th3t ePPeat made by Commleeioner Sohu~bte, soco~ded by Commieaioaer
Eapgood, aad aarried.
IIpon a motioa by Commisaioner Hapgood~ secoaded by Commiseioner Hi.utcel, and carried,
it rras v~oted to approve the Teatative Map o~ Tract Ro. 3.871 as revised.
I,ater iaformstion aeaeived aiter the Meetina wee~ t2~at F.H.A. would aot atlov loans
on thie type of lot~ eo the Subdivider t~as adviead to apply f4r a QAEIAIQGE.
A letter ras raceived Prom Mre. Viola Bail askiag tor an extenaioa of time bey:.r.;, the
ai~o-moath periob, wh,toh xi11 eapire on June 7, i9g3~ on YARIANC~ N0. 170~ for the rea- :
soa the~t they bave had eickaees la the fa,mi.ty~ iacluding the death oP their danghter~
bnt ttiat they atill intend.to bnild on the I,~t oovered by the YARIANCE sometime in th.e :
near fnttue.
Ogoa a motion by Commiaaioner Thompeon. aeconded b~* Commiseioner Haggood, and aarried~ ~
it ras voted to grant a ai~-(6)- month extenaion on VABIANCE N0. 170. "
P-L, PARBI~-The additi~a of SEOTION 9~00.2~. - P-L, PAI~ffia-LANDSCAPIHC~ ZONE to the ANA~IIM t,!ODTI-
I~Ai~SQAPI~ CIPAi, CODE~ xaa discussed. Thia SECTION would rae~]. ae folloNe:
20~ SFATION 9200.21 -~P-L° P~IH(a-T,A~SCAPl~ ZOI~.
A. - IIS~i F
1. This sone ril.l be need in oonaectioa ~tith "C-1" ~ aeighborlwod wmmeroial':'
Zone= p0-2"~ f~eneral Commerc3al Zone; NM-1", bight Manufuoturiag Zone; ;
~,~ and pM-2a, Heavy Mannfaotnriag Zone, ana sba].1 be reservea for Parking ~
f~;•'~ of Automob4les aad Landecaping.
2. Ho bnildings mey be ereoted in.thia zone eacept sa an~rance ahalter. -
9. The depth of this zoae ma~ be variable or irregale~r dependiag upon
etudies of the property by the Planaing Commieeion. "
4. This zone mnst be developed either aa epecified ia Seatioa 9200.14
(2. Parking Requiremeata - b. (1) , or suitably I,anB.eoaped with la~vn, s
treao, ehrubs~ eta.
IIpon a motioa by Commiseioner Bnpgood~ eecoffied by Commiesionar Hiutael~ and oarriea, '~
it vae v~oted by 8'~SOLIITION N0. 46 - S~RI$S ~.952-53, to reaommend to ths City Council
t~at the P-b~ PA~ffiii-7~ANDSCAPINO ZONE be added to the MIIATCIPAT, dODffi.
The vote on above BESOLUTION N0. 46 - SER1~S 1952-53. r~as ae Yollore=
bYLSs COMMISSIO~BSt Bapgood, Hiutael, Sokcumaoher~ SohuEte, Swnmere, Thompsoa and
N0~$t COHMI3SIO~1RSi None.
AESE9Ts COMMISSIO1~BSi t~suer. _
Tha Meeting ad,j~ouraecl until Mand~*~ Mt~ 18, 1953, at 2=00 o+alock P.M. ~;:
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