Minutes-PC 1953/06/01~`;
~v~lH/~I .;L,
i M~S
~ 4d8IA8C~
t AD, 19~~
N0. 187]..
Git~ Ssli
1nel~eia~ Catitornia
~ i, s953
M~ Oa' H~+sB ~ OY 'PS8 CI3! PI~3SI~B OOOQQSSI~
A Bagulsr 1[eeti~g oi the City P7saai~ Co~iasioa vns called to oider at 2:20
o~olock P.M.. by Cbsis9sa Sl~eras a qaor~ beia8 Pres~t.
OEAIBFlAH St'7l~Il~RS; OO1~fISSIO~QiS: ~aest, Asasr~ ~intcd, Sch~aaher, Sch~stte,
'Pbompeoa anm I~lanBsll. Coamisaioaar Hap,~ood. eaterea ths ~~ing st 2s45 o'aloct P.1[.
'ms Kimttee ot the 1td~onraea Eq~ilar Neeti~ig oi lter,~ 18. 1953. a~^.ire sppro~ed as priated.
7his raw the ti~e set !or t~e Poblic HenriAg oa 9~8LfCi ~G. ~yl. rt.iclt ~sd beea re-
~~••_~+e•~ "_,•~ ::, t~ t~: t~: s M,;,E ::.~`.~ :~. :p,~a yropsrt~ ia qaes~ioa bad ~een
a3ra ia the prev3aas Sr'C~~ IDTI~T.. S~ss ===-s~_-_ res reqnmsied 'by a~H Y. aOLi,.
116 via Orvieto, Berport Beeah. Calitorais. aatiag ior peraissian to bsvs Lota 8 to '
23. Sa Traat Ho. 1873. v3:h tivstages smd~ ths aiaiaa oZ 55 taiot. S~`'.a I~ots wuld
aoasi~t or 53.53-~toot sro~s ~rith s aiaia~ ares or s,uo eqmare seet sn each lot.
80 one agpeared for or agaimt 4be reqveat !or e~ Y1RIAiCi. ~e
Searia8 rss closed.
IIpo~ a motion by Co~niasioner Sc*~--~~~. seeoa~ea b~ Coa~ias3oner Aneat, and oarriea.
it rss ~o4sd, b8 ~II4IAY H6. 49 - S~ 195~-53. to arant TABIASCB H0. 191. vith
Lote Bos. 8 to 23, 3aolnsiTe, la Sraat ao. 1871. to baTS ls+~ata~ oY 53.53 feet and
ta e-pprove Temt~stive lte~p oi ssaet 30. 18?l, snbject to ~oginsering Beqniremsats.
BECLASSIB'I- Thie wsa the tims seb !or tLe Secoa~ Poblia Be~ariag oa ths BSCLASSaICdTZOH o! certaia
! CATION N0. arese in the ~ioiaity oi ths B~race lFaaa Sc~ool aaa oa Yest 7s Palma Arenos.
~~ 52-53--1$ llr. V. 8. Shepbssd. 214 E~er~een Stxeet, aq~nearea ba~ora the Coemissioa relativ~ to
the properts recemt]s aaanired h~ #he Chriatian ses.~,ea c~„~.~_ - s~ ~ S„~ :•_.:y.~ ;
, ~ #i~ Co~fsaioa rega~dfag psriiag ~aail.i~es. Hs atats~. t~et. sltbot~gh na plaas bs~e
~ yet been me~3e. the parkiag Manld bs located at the resr oi th~ Charch Bniidiag. -
~ Bo one slee eppesrod at the 8earing relati~e to thL ~3~1?ICARI08. 'Phe He~ring
~ ~tas closed.
C;.~iiaa:oner Se1m~Ee snhmitted a a~ti~n. ~ian ras sx:+aded D~ Coa~iaeioner f}aner~ a~ ?
csrried. it vas moved t~at b~ ~SOIA4~Da 7D. SD -~ 1952-53. ths Ooaisaioa reaom-'
mamd. to the City Conae4]. ths ~T.dSS~fCdTDQY oi tbe ioll.oariag aress:
i. stnrtiag at a goiat os the resterlg rS~t~•otrw~ ~fas ot Yorth Pata street 2J6.75 '
• fee! de~ir~ im~ lfeat 7s Fa7aq a~mom aaa vsster~ 109.34~ leet lsom Horth ~aln f
Street; thsnae ~rt3~saly aPP~~telT 233 i~: th~mo~ nort~ester7y aloag yhe ?
y ri~t-oi~ lins a~ Yest 7a Aat*s A~emte s distaaas oY g30
8g l
t ''
en~e ~ont~iy so2 s~t: tn~d ~t~~ ~.a¢ r~t to t~ ,~teriy ~-t-or- :;
vs~ lsae os tuo aua~: themcs aloaa thss :i~ao~~ lsa. 78.94 rset aaa z6o _
tset~ t~hsnas aastsr],~ 20 Seet; themcs mrtbsrl,T 263.a5 =~et; Shemcs sonthesster~y `
348.14 lsst: th~aos saathbrl,! 215.20 ieet; t8eaes essterl~ 211.10 feet to ths s
poiat oi beBiaaia8s be oLaaged lro~ B~,A, ~S~HIC~T~LL ZOl~, to &.3.
2. Stsrtia~g st s poiat on t~m ess~T right-o~~~ lim of YorCh G_~roa Stree~ ;`
200 teet a~orth of Is Ysras Street aaa,a~iag mrtbsr~ aloyg the assterly
ri~-t-ol-wey llae oY Horth Ci~xna S~ts~eet tor a distaacs o! 170 iset ~rith a depth
oi 116 leet. 'be ol~e-~g+sa !~a Srl, s~7i ?111tII.T ~~i'L1L 7.0~, to 8,•2 ~ q'lfp_
P6iIIb7 RBSIII66^ileL 7A~; t~s bs?~e oi t*~ i.oataga slosrg Sorth ~y,tsoa SLree! -;
to Mest la Ra~s A~anaa to rss3n as ~tl~ soaed Rrl, S~ P~KILT HffiI- .
~TW+ 7A1~.
3. starting at a point 1136.8 test ~s+oa t~s ~resterl~ riglat-oi~ra~y line oi gorth Palm ~;
SE~es~ an +,~. .:.~.x,..:'- :~..z.. ,.~ ~ ._ ...._ o ~
tii ~i~• v~~ ~~ro 8a iv~i ae ssaaal a98SHk~>; LIIiIIICQ l~~P~ ?
lp 3g3 fest; theaiae vestarl,T SQ635 ie~s ~ s~4*~~ ~3 ±cet; tha~a ~ob.25 ~
ieet eaetsrly bo ths poiat ot baginni~qg, be~ cban~ed lsoa 8,.,~, ~SID~SISy.~f}HZCUL- ~
Tt1ReL zon. to ar9 ~ 1~ra~e7s B~z sss~~iaL m~.
'l~e v~te on above IDC60I~'1'IOB ZC;.
$ir- u5~ 1932 ~3. ras as 8ollovst ,~
LYSSt t~Yl~ISSItt~s ~neat, Hensr, Bintaal. ~~ Saio~#e, Snmmers. ~ompson :$
s~ 1[aa~]l.
N0~3 x COt~tIS5I0~3: Hon+a.
~.~ noT• vh~xa: co~sssio~es: a~. `~
~ .~
i' ~
~ ~
- ~~
...._.. ....._.
.... ~_ -. _ - . - _,
~.~en . ~. ., _ ., .. . _ . _.
, -----_-.---.-_-_ _
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
• {'.
MIBUTlCS OF R'~6ULA8 t+~TI86 HELD OH JQ9E 1. 1953 - Con~imae~s IPA~i 2)
HEC?~ASSI9'I- This was the tims set tor the Seooad Pnblia Bearing an tl~s d t~
OATI08 N0. area bouaded by Tract No. 1120; ~sst Broadva~y (rhea e~tm~sa~; ~e 3~sao~m Se~m1:
p 52-53--16 and East Center Street.
• Mr. ?!~ E+. 8ailo~el.1. 12C+0 8e~at Ceater Streat, ronlll li~s !o s~e t~s 9ots ~ss~ ~s
e~stenaion oi ~sab Broadeay ke,p! as Brl, SID~L~ ?AKIlS 7~52~ILL ~.
Mr. MaDili ~ of Honded Homes, appearea betore tlse Co~isaiom a~ aSaia ~oi+oi ffis
ob~ectioas to any soniag Bnt Brl along ~st Bx~sdiisy.
Tha 8earing vas oloaea.
Oommieeioaer Solaitte made a motion. aeoonlled b~ Co~issioass Sei~, smi ~arzi~,
tbe-t bs B~soLIITIOB Ao. 51 - s89I8s 1952-~53. the oo~issio~n s+ano~ io s~s 6Yt~
Co~aaiY t~aL the pxopert~ in thie aren along ~st Braad~ ioz s~t~ssd 3a~ 300 ~
103 ieet ~ be reaoaea from the &-g~ BBSID~T~A~~GBICtA3~ ~, to ~3, S~ ~
BESIDENTIAL ZO~; the area along Ee~et Oeater Street !o: a 8~pt~ oi 1?$ ieet ls~a ~
oeates liae oi Ee~st Center Street. be reson~ea troa Br~, ~.
to C-1, ~Ia~OB800D 002~4+~RCIAL ZO~; and the balaaae ot t3s z:vs be ssao~i ts~ ~-3,
RD83DP~TTIAL,AQEIOIIL'1'QBAL ZOl~. to R-2. 71t0-BAt~III.T BAS~ Z[8~.
The viote oa abo~e ~SOIATIOH A0. 51 - s88~S 1952-53, y-s as ta33~aa
AT~St COMI~QSSIO1~BSi .Auest. f~aner~ Bap~oo3, Rtn4aelD Sa~r, ~be, 9~sas,
Thompeon and Mns~gel7..
80~3 t COMAiIS3I01~BS a Bone.
ABSEBTs COMMI33109~BS: None.
S~CI~A3gIFI- Thie ra~ the tims a~t for ths Sscoffi Pablic Heari~qg oa ~SS33~C'~.:3~ 3D. 1~.+~-1?
QATION H0. oi the ares boaaaea by ~sat Yermoat Avemie, Soath 71ast Sta+eet. 3asc ~u7.1 ~ad ai 2~e
,'~7L~77~~+! S• r. n. n. srauae•
P1r~ Sorard °aun3er appsared before the Co~ieaion aaa atat~a3 lys aos in ~Fae+~~ ei ~
Nlre. H. F. Isbel, 895 Sonth ~at Street, s~tatsa t~st a~ vss aor snt3~ t~as s
portion of her property ebonl~! bs sonsa as P-L, P ~.
Ths 8earing vas olosea.
'Jpoa a moaioa by Qo~aiaeioner Hapgood, aecoa~ea b~ Comodssiames ~, ~~ld, .
it vas Tote:l t2~st the Commission reoommena to ths ~it~ ~ei1, ~7 ~~• $t -'
s~ 1952-53. tl~at the arss bonadea by t~e sonth ~~a~ li~ ers ~t ti~oFt
A~enne; the rsat right-of-xay lins oi Sonth 7sst Strseg; t~s msth s3~-~-~ 2l~s ~
oi ~sst 8a11 Boaa aa3 b~ the eastarxy rightroi~ey lias ot ~s S. :~.~., w:+s~i
irom 8~-A~ ~SID~4TW,-9~HICZJLTQBAL ZO~. to li-1, I,I~' ~~, a~ap~ s =
atrip 50 teat ride along the soath righb-oi-rsy lins oi ~as! Taao~a~ l~~- a7s~a6 ~os ;
vest righl-oi-xe~y line ot Sonth Esst S#reet am~ s slai3ar s~ 5o i~s~ ~i~ a~a~ ~e ;
north right-ol~weWr-lins ot Fast ~e11 Boad, bs rssonsa t~ ~e ~,i, ~
A(48ICUL20ItSL 7A1~~ to P-b~ PARBI~T(i-I~A~SC9PI8a ~07~. x
Ths ~rote on sbove ~SOLUTIOB B0. 52 - SESIB3 1952 53, ~s ~~~=
dY~Ss COMNR83IO1~S: Auest, 4aner, BaP~ood~ Bintcel, Sc~ase~, ~t~s, 9~as. -
Thompeon and Muaga7.1.
1i~~3s COMMISSI0~8St Noae.
RyCI~ASSIB'I- Thie Maa bhe tims set ior the Fiset Pnblia H~nrin~ ~n 3D. ~78. ;
CbTI014 1Q0. by whiah it ie proposed fia resone a atrip oa 3oni~a $s's 3ssee"s smss's's; ac ~s ~es•- ~
7~52-53--18 ly right-oi-ray lins o! ~sst South Street exteffiiag mrl~sr7,~ ter a ais~o~ a~ 79~ ~_
tee4. from Wu Preseat'B~-3, MQl+T87~ aAMIL7 H~IDSR~IaL ZdiB, ~ li-1, I~ ~'
IRd Z0~ sad P-b, PAH$~1Q-bABDSOdPIBC~ ZO~.
A letter vas reoeived isom lirs. Aadre~v Pai+soa. ltr. aad D(r~. ~ha~,s~a~. oew~is d ;
P~Perty to the aort~-- o? *•he proposed rezonia8s Ps'o~t~6 ~~• a
Ms. panl,(}oabel~ 620 Santh S~sst Strseto a~pesred betore t~s i~~test3mg t~ a
rezoalag i.n tl~at hs ia bnildin8 s Singie L7~milp 8ss t~e sts+os~ a~ ~
. pects to bnild three more. Back ot !he Siagle 7'sa1lT~o _~ ~ s~ d Saa1~ :
Ee~et Street xili bs &-0 Zonea properLy. Hs alao sLatad~ ~oa's ~rs. ~3ag, a~s ~
eoutheast aorner o! Ee~at Ssats Aa~ Streab aaa Scath ~sa! SLi+eet. ebjee'bea ~ tie ~o- ;
poeed resonia8. _ _ ;
hYrs. s~. ~. 8mitih. 75~+ Sou~h Fast S~rsat, a~3~`,a,. `.a `~ ~~~ ,~,~.~,.
~ Mr. ?rank Miller, Hee~l~or. stated tbat ha ]md tro ~sp~e~l.t~ ~dl ~7a~'~. dl~n me
- ob~eatioaabls ~ea4urea, tl~st vonld like to looats ia t~is a~,. 3t ~as ~.~ ~t ';.
~: they rroyld 1aad,eoaps in Sroab oY thoir p3anta.
~ tdr. (~oabel e~a~ed. the~t it the propoead 5~-=oat stsS,p ~ras ~~sm~a~~. is ~a1~ ~
~ semove soms ot his ob~ectians.
~ The ~earing vae aloee~ and the Saoon3 Pabl~la Hwari~ ~i~i ~~ aa amoQ. ~ s,~. -
~ 1953. ;;
- ~---._... .- -- . _- -- _ _ _-----_ _... ____ --- -------------
~;;~ ~--- , ---- . _
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
• j
.~lIPt1T~9 08 B86t1LA8 1~6TINQ ~~ OB JOA3 1. 1953 - Oontiaaieda ~PA(~ 3)
.CONSID~d- Bscauee~c-~~a1e~'t~~lt~ead~t~to be coaaidsred at the dna~ 7.5, 19y3 ~oarae~
TIOH O8 Meeting. Pnblic Heariag~ rill be advertised ior the l[e~Ling on Tueaday, dnly ?, i~3
BAYltODID and for ths Begvlar l4eeting to be held oa Nonde,y. Au~ust 3. 1953. to eonsider t3is zea-
6Y~. 8e N0. Sng on the proposed induetrial property aoqnired tl~rough the proce~~ oi tlns ~CL
I•.~fON gas 8'.~E~' !~'IQH to Ehe ~i~; of ~~s.eim,
B~PI9~ The Rs~ieed ailbert Street Aanesation con~idsred at the Hqq 18. 1993 ![eetiag, nss
f3ILBEST ST. again reviexed becauae of a poeeible legai point raised by the City Attorne~ ~tter
ANN~CATION such review. upon a motioa by Co~ieeioner Schnmacher• seconded by Commiasir~nsr ~ap-
a a .. . _a : ~ .. ...,.ed to .. e.,.w :a :».._ n:... ~~..~,:: .~. _ .~
6v~..r a :.. ..a: ~....s • .. ..r ~ r~~~
~eviss~ GS1Dem~ SCraeLwl4aa~be aoae:~era3v:4~ anaera~~oa ta .~a ~3:y.
ZOHIgd Commieeioner Thompsoa bronght up the queetion oi tima elements in conaectian xith
OHDIHANOA VARIAIQCZB as nox etated ia Zoning Ordinance No. ??4:
&SVI3YOB8 ~~ ~A Varianoe hearing mast be held within for4y (~0)'d~s iolloring the Sili~g
of euch Application." This provisioa ia not ont of lina dne to the necesei~y
for procaseing the Applicatione and the gablishiag oi saae.
b. ^Not more thaa forLy (40) d~ys iolloring the hearing tLe Co~ission sl~all
annonaae its findiags, etc."
Oommi~aioner Thompsoa believea tl~;at the Commidsl,on ehonld arrive ~t a d~c~.si~m
oa the data of the Heariag. the 1-ppliceat r.onld thea lmor immed~atalT ~e~bsr
or not hio '~arieaoe request bae beea granLed or be6a denied.
d. "!'olloring the acLion thereon, unlees rithia txenty (20) dqpa an appenl iras
the dec3siaa a+ the Commiaeioa ia ~triting is file~'."
Commiesioaer Thompeoa believes that 1! the Applican'c desires to sppeal Sra~ ~e
deai~ion ot the Oommiseioa, thie should be mebe by the Applicaat oral~y st s3~e
ne:t City Conacil Maetiag snd suah Oral Appeal vou18 reqnire an iaediate ~ear-
ing 'bq Lhe City Conncil at the ~ame meeting aithont an~q read~erlisina o! ~s
4ariaooa. ~'(SEE NOTE B~I+O~P).
Since tha City Attorney ie pre~ently working on a revislon of tLe eatirs Beelion -
in the Ordinance devoted Lo 9AAI~N0~3. the 3ecrstary rss SnrLrncted to inqnix~a v~et~er
such time revisions an~ procedurea. a~ above ontliaed. conld be SncorporaLed in ~
Commieeioaer 'Phomp~on a2eo brovght up the q~nest~on concarning lot ~ridths a~ s~ated
that ha wonld prefer a miniaum lot xidth o! eixty (60) feet ior lote in t~e Br3,
3ingle lemily Sesideatial 2one. It xas pofntea onL tt~t in ~he paroposed rs~isea
SUBDIYISIOH ORDINANC~~ the minimnm requlremeat Fcr iot ~-ldth in the Brl 7ans. 3s
oisty (60) feet. It ie hoped that this 3tTBDIYISIOB OEDIFABCE ae~y bs pnt i~o ~Sse~
at an early date. ae ib l~ae been uader aonsideraLioa aince tha early part ot 1~1.
AAJOUBI~(E1QT The Oommieeion ed~ournad at 4:06 a'clock P.M. to meeL at aa M,~onraed l(~etls~ an
Honday. Jnne 15. Y953. +~t 2t00 o~ciock P.M.
•AT ths time the origina]L aavartisemeat ia publiahea~ dstes wa28 bs ae! ~or ~
henring ~ the City Planning Qommiasion and for t~'e City Ocnacil at ita aezt
meetiag following the meetiag oi the Gity Plaaniag Commiaeion.
. , _ .
E K. 1[[JBa6LL~ cretary
~~ ~
APPEOV~D '~~u..u ~S. ~ '7 f 3 . ~
U ~
-~, ---.--- ___-~
~ ~ ~ ' ~
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