Minutes-PC 1953/06/15'; ~
61Sy Aall
Andieim~ Oslliorn3a
duae 15, 1953
A4~TpUt~D ~a dd.~curaed Regol,sr Meetiag oi the City P1813ai1]g Oommiseion ~ras oallea to orbsr at
BEf~Ul,11S 2s20 0~olook P.M., by C2~airme-n Snmmers, a qiwram being presenL.
PEES~ OEAIBI+~ SUlY4~R3: OOtA~tISS10]1885: >neet, (iansr~ Sohumsclier. Sohntte and Munge~ll.
Commiasioaer 8spgood eaterad the Meeting at 3t02 o~cloak P.M. City d8mf.nietrator
Mnrboah ~rss preeemt durin8 a part of the A4eetiag.
A89~T 00l~fISSI0H8R.S BIUTO~I+ an~d TE~I~SON.
HI8Q7~S.S The Kiantes o! the 8egnlar Meeting of J~e 5. ~ 1953. ~!e aPP~v~ aa priaied.
~bASSI~'I- 'Fhia vas the tlme eet =or tha Second Pnblia Hearing oa the propoeed ~Ll1SSI8'ICeTIOB
QATIOH H0. o~ a atrip oa ~hhe vree~Z ei3e o~ Suu~ Eas~ Strae~~ +:on +rsa °,r3. Z'~+T~IzI S".Fl:II,° ~S3-
p-52-53--18 DSATIAb ZOBE~ to the P-L~ PAEtSI~-7~AND5CAP~ ZO~.
At the lsst Oity Counoil Maetia~ held on June 9~ 1953- the qneetion of the P-L~
pAgg~6~-yp1~SQ~6P~16 Z0~ ras referrerl baak to the Commisaioa Yor turther aonsideratloa
as to the peraen~aga to be allovred for PABRIIi~; the peroenta8e to be allorred Yor LAlID-
SC9P~ an~3 the SPECIFIC~ITIONS as to the TYP'E ot I,andscaping reqnired.
aiv• i7J•
~D. 19~F.
IIpon a motioa by Commisalones Sohntte~ seconded ~y ^_ammisaioaer Anest~ ana oarried~
1t v,as voted to table ~C7,A3SIFICATION ~0. 8-52-53--18 uati]. !'arther atn~q ia made
oi tho P-L~ PAFiBf~-7,A2~SCAPI~ ZO~.
Thie vas •~he tima eet for the P~I,IO ~A&~b on TARIA'~CE A0. 193. re~l~Bt~ by ~T
arir~a-~nea ~re efSe.z6~.~.u0^..: .,C.:~.°.9i 17s~,.n+w~sk Raw~a!~ Co3l.°rar.~_~ ~?_ g~'3~g4~9g
y .._......, ~ os vwaavi ~ aJ) ~..~~ v~ ~ ..r~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _.
to erec! TMO (2) 0~'8'IC,~ BIIIIDI~S,for tvo Dentietr. a~c fik-e aorthvrest aos°nd•r oi iieoy ~
Cypress Street a~ Bort,h Paim Sbreet~ the pmperty is presently sonea as &-3. MIIyT]PI~ ;
Mr. Pinkert appeared beiore ths Coanniasion and pre~ented a~loC ple~n and elevatioa
akatcL o! the propoeed layor.t. He stated one Deatist xonld occapy eaah bnildiag aad
t~t OSP-STI~T PABH~ia ~rauld be provided ia ~the rear portioa oi the lot.
Mr. H. E. ~znold~ 515 w•et CyP:eas Street, rould lik~ ta 2~avs the same set-baok msia- '
tained by ths Snb~ect Property as the other properties sl.oag Kest ~rprese Street~ -
aamely. nSne (9~ iost. F
Nre Nillia~ $. 3ahrank, 3~7 ~Torth P3ae S~reet, vor.ld also like tn have eaid eet-be~ok
a~inte~inod, `
Mr. $. 8. linrgatt. 319 ao~ P~ stree~, Was not oppoeed to the graatiag o! the ;~
VAEIdNCE~ provided the baildinga ~rere oa~upied by ethical deatists. i
Mr. 8'rank Miiler~ Bealtor~ represent;;ng the purchaesr. Mr. Pitilcert;r, stated tl~at the ,
property ie pressntly soned sa Br3. anRl as each, a Maltiple IInit Apartment Building i
oeu13 ~e erectea oa the lot rsith only a Yive-foot sids-y,~r3. :,
AfCer aonterea~ss vit2~ the v~arioas property oanare, a compromiee vra0 reaohe~i Nhereby :;
the sSdsysra aet-back nould be v,even (7) feet Kith eevea (7) leet betrreea the proposea =
baii8~ Whiah wa±~1Q have to be conaecte9~ 3ss some ra~ e~i~h a"braeze~re-p°. ~
7~e Hearing we-e oloeed. _~.
IIpoa a moti.o~n ~y Co~iseioner Schatte. aeaonded by f7o~iesioner Sahum~oher~ aad csarr3ea ;~
it was voted by ~soi,vTio~ l~o. 53 - s~s 1952-53. to 8~t `':-~Ie~tC~ Ho. 149~ anb~ect ~~
to the foll.owfng caaditioas: ~'
l. A Side Yarb B~tnBack on Weat Cyprees Street o! Seven (7) ieet. ;;,
2. Tl~st the dietsnas batween bnildiaga be rednce8 to Seven (7) feet. '>
Tha4 SIL~ES et+~.l be ~.i~~~ed to not ovar ~w (2) squaxa seeic fa area. aoa'r,a;s~:~;
tho nama sad ooaupatioa oi the ocaunan~ o~ the premises.
'Phst a bn~per goaz~d be iaei~7.led at 4he aliay so fi,hat sll PASgI83 ehal.l be on
lot ~ith no aaaese to the alley.
Thie ~-s ths time set Yor tha P~JBLIC ~AA~ on VI-SIA2iCR N0. 194 ~ petitioaed Yoa by the
8STH0Z BAPTIST QSIIHCH, ae owaer~ ltalter (iooden, as Snt'•rsr3se3 A~eab, reqceat3rg per-
mieaioa to ereab a Suaday Sehoal 8nilding snd aQ8ltioml OlPioe apaoe, oontainiag
12~000 eqnare Psst, on a pornaa o! Lot 52. Originai Oity Lots, hsving a ~roatage oi
1s5 Zce: aa !les~ 8*e~±~y a~ 126 teet daep, a~i inrther requeeting tl~at PAI~IIG 8E-
QIIII~8T3 ae eet iorbh by Zoniag Ordinnnoe 80. 774. b• MaiveB.
Mr. Nalter 4oodea introdnee3 Mr~ 8erbsrt 3tabber~ se the Spokeemea.for t~e Ohnrah~ rrho
tliea eEstod t,~st ia their opiaion tih~y xare n~ot ohanBiaB et~9ti-hi~o~ trom the preaeat eet-
ap, . ea~cept to move tha preseut Snndetiy 8ahool from the aeet side of Sonf.h I,emoa Stxeet
to +,1a9 bu4lding thsy ~repoea to ereat oa eaid I,ot. The pseeent looatioa ia s he~sa:+a
~o t~he ahiidren 'beasu~e af 2~ar3ag `~a arase I.em~a Strast.
r~ ~ ~ ~
~ 4e~ s~n ~A ~ ffi~ J~ 1 1 - Con ianed: PA4~ 2
g~ ~~ i~ee~ 8sadford, appeared be~ore the Commiesion sud atated t2~at he rias in iavor oi
~. 3~. 3s*ia6 t~e P~ P~S~ ~ enforoed. Churohss sre iaterastcd, ia obtain-
~~ ~g ~~sbers. aa3 Ct~arohes vith tha beat pa.rking aress are the onss tLa~* are goia8
- ~o g~
Er. ~ ststed tbe-t 86Li,!lAB~S. ~ust east Qt the Chnrah ProPerty, waa furaiehiag
~~S v~ ot 2p psrl~Ciag spaoes in the rear o! their property~ oac1~ Suadayr. It vas
~~ ~~t {~e pm~,.ah~s_-~tb~n;ioas e-rs to sell the preeent Su~9as Sohool property'
Scz limdae~s paspoaes•
~ p~ a psob3.e~ to aaar prnepeative pnrahaaer eiace enah pnrahaser wnld '~ave
~~~ ~g space aad na~nA ron1Q be aarailable oa this lot, it the preaent
3er3y~fa~ rafas thereoa. Commisaioaer 5aaaytie r~~ari ~Y,a~ ~c fe2i; 4hes Churoh
s~na]d watsfb¢te to the CiSy-0vnsd Parkiag Lo~s~ la aa dvAh aa tha3 aana~ob provide
~ ~ themselves.
1€r_ g~sB~eert state~ tbat st eome t~ture time th~ Cbmrch might be riliing to ooatribnte
~O t~ C!~ Parking lota. 'd'he Heariag aas cloaed.
~em a mo~3o~ bT Co~i.ssioaer Schumacher, seconle~ by Coumiseioner (~SUar, aa3 aarri~+d,
~.es ~tea ~~$ 1~ • 5~- - S~RIFS 1952-53. to 8~~ VABIA&C~ffi H0. 19~. .raiviag ;
~~g~~ ~q~g vith rsgr~rd to ths 8ethel 8aptist Ohnrch propsrty.
~e~ ~•=•_ ~s ~ tiss ~~t =or the tirst Pablic Hesriag on the ~CIdSSIFI0ATI0N oY the ;
~ g~~ ~~o~r o! gor+~ FaaE Street aaRi ~Baet Center Strset~ reqnbeted by ~. 8. YARN~S~.
~3.-~ ZI04 ~ C~r Straet. Ths praPart9 is preeeatly soned ae &-3~ MULT~I,~ FAMIb7 R~.4I-;
~ily ~3i~ a~ Ehs petitioa rsqn~ste tlmt t,hi~ bs al~eaged to 0-2 ~ 0E'R~RAZ CO1~Rr
GLy ~~ m as to pssatt the erectioa ot e S~per-Service 3tation.
i ~...O..w ~ww flr~~7~4~~ ~
~~ ~.~ ~c ~ Aatl~or~e~l.. egeat sor ine ovaer~ aYyeaa~a. ~o....a
~~~ ~sy ft is pmpoeed Lo mo~e the prsseat hoas irom ths Sn~+3eo: Property and ~
~ s~~ Stistioa. aad beiag loorstod aorosa tha atreet from a H6:,;,hborhoob i
g~ G~ta~ oa a bns~ stxeeS, ssid Snbsect Property ehonld bs eo resoaed.
~~ ~f~iC, 2~j aort~ Ssst Street, ~o reaeatly campleted an Apartmeat Sonee on
~~3 lot nort.~ eS Esat Center Street~ on Bortrh EseL Street~ ob~ected to tha ia- '
~ttOa o~ s Serv~ice Ststioa at thia sita.
~ p~ &~ ~ DePalds, oraer ot an Apart,~ent Scnas at ilol 8~aet Ceater stree~~ vofoed
Isis ab~eetions .
~~ ta L. ga~e1;~ I11 Aorth B~at Street~ vofce~ her ob~actions to *,•he proposed
. ~i
~ g~~~ r„s aloaed. '!he Seaond Pablia Hearin8 Nill be held on Taesde,,y~ July 7~ ;
l~j -
~I- '!~!s as ~ ti~s set for the Hrat Pablic Hearing on the proposed REOL6SSIFIOATION
~~. ~~~e propeYty o~mers oa the neat side o! Soath Jensa Street, batween Weat
~-2! 3~fs gag S~s~est and. iTeat liater Street, asking t~e-t their pro;~erties ba resoned fmm
g•*4+• e~sra~ tor or a~ainet the PrnPcseB. ~CLASSIb'ICATIOg ~ ezaept trao reeidenta ia
~~ ~rs oa gantlz Eeah Stseet ~ who atatec7. tLat they wnld like to eee ichir et~ee~ "
~~,~. ~e gearing Mes alosed. 7he Seao~l Public Heariag to be he18 on ~iae- i
~: ~T ~`9 ~~•
~,~gg_ '~s ~saa ~as t3a~t sat far Lha 9'frst Pnblic Hearing on ~CI~ASSI''ICATION !~. F-52-53-21
~~. filea bT ~3~. SFSSOS, as Antboriaea 9gent, 408 Santh Broadway. Saa~a Ana. Cali3.. ;
~.+e}-~ rqmeactiag ths~ Zots ?'Co i3. 1aclnsive, Bl.ook 8. oi the I+orelei Tsaat~ be reole~ssified :
ieas Br3. l~fa YAKELT Bffi~TLLL Z0~7+1, to C-2, '~' R6T+ COMN~RCIlS ZONE. s
A~atba ~aa sPPeared 'oafora i,he Caafl3esioa rs~ ststed. t~+st 3eaira;l, Petrcisam uorpora- ~
~ g~s~ !~ eseat w Slipes-Sartfae S~ation oa theae propertl;a.
~. ~is Faiasr~ 1004 lss4 Center Street. s~peared betore ths Co~iesion ob~eating ?
~ S3e gr~~ ~CLA.SSIFICA4'IOH.
~~~. gelaeht~ i408 Esst Csnter Street, appesred beYore the Commieeion and eta~ee!
~ ~ ~tea;~oa oonldi devalvafia ~heir property.
~. ~a st~,ted t~at an eppraisai rise meuls and e1lo~rod tbat thie property it resoned
~1 l;~, rnn~d "os reealnelL at donble ito p:a$~t ati~•
~ g~ ~ e~e~~~ She Second. Pablie Hearis6 r111 be he2d oa Taes~.ey, J1il.Y ?.1953
' ~ -- - _ . _ _ _ .. .. .. ~ ~"i
, ~ • ~, - - --------""
s .., ~
~ ~;
. ~ ~
, r?'~ _ ~-,~ee~~ ..,y: ti~.~ -~.,`,~t.. ,- ,
. `
~' I
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~~
HIgOR'PIS OF A'DJOU~D H~+AB !~&T~ FRL~ Ji~3 15. ~'~53 - CoAti~oed: (P~H 3)
PA~~t3 Only the ifret item oa the praposed ~ 3n P~ ~IB~TS rss considered~.
~~`~ IIader SSCTIOB 9200.9 - C-1. ~ ~LL ~. ~~red $-a (1). The pree-
~~ eat teat e1~e11 be eiimiaetai aaa tbe 4~» ~ snbstit~ta3a
(1) Ia areas desipste~ ~or ~C-i~ itsea, it mas~ bs establtsbe~. beYore a"IIS$ A8D
~Cr.QPAA .~ ~Ca~9~ S}16~1 ~ ~i~ld~ ~t i~' 1'jC ~B~II$ STO6 1]1 9CCO1~OnCe
yith the provisions ot Sxti~a g~00.1~, esa bs pss~id~d. (Ses Sectioa q200.10
ior ezceptions an 7+os bageles Street am3 !l7e~tt~z Stseet).
Th.: reqnirea tro pnblie luarSxygs ~ U~ ~ald. s mtfoa ~a msds b~ Co~isr
sionor Bap~oob. aeeox~.ea by Commissiams ~st. a~ earr~l~d. tbst by E~SOL9'PIObT &0.55-
~' +77L 7Jf irw sw.° aa.~"'o.~,o v° '.~... ~....M a.: ~-aa8lnt uTRTI!TOtT. M71~~ LC
recommer,de8 to the City ~L'.
The vote oa above B~SOI,UTI43f'aD. SS -~ 19~3, raa as 4oZlorat
AT~S: COI~AlISSIC~: Aaest, Ssnex. S~OOa. S~eeher• S~atte, b~~ers and Nunge-11.
F03S: COMMISSI0~8S: Bona.
A'3SI~AT: CObAfISSI0~8S: Biateel a~d 4t~a~psoa.
EOMi~YA City Administrstor ~hu~.och appeased bdase t~ Ib~4ss3oa relative to the Bomaeya
~`$I~ Drive Aanexation. It baa beem pmposed by s~nbdiviasr, to affiez a portion oi I+ots 3
AR~F~TYOH an3 4. Heoos+d ot SIIr-eys. Book 1, Pa~e 55. Co~ty oi Oraoge. St~e area propoeed is
locatea aasterl~ fram Bosth ~nr193 A~~a ~ lSes ~ Bn~eya Drive oa the nor4L
anQ the psese~t City Limits north ad lfest 7m Pmlara L~e. oa the aonttc. Pdr. btnrdorsh
ezplained tl~at the poliey oi t3xs Cit~ is ad~xse t~ aa,4 Pfec~meal aaae~-tioas oi
comparatireZy smsll acreage, ~ir3i ~ tma. t+o craste talsada oi ~tnaorposated
~ tn,.,.~t..,.. !,. *h. C..,.+~tv_
. .. . '___~~~_+ ~ ~~ '_ y_
~ The above propoaea ~aaesstivn might lesoe s~ t~ bloet tFirther snneastion6 to
the ess4 and to the north. ~is postion wa?d be ~e3 as "vainbabitea territ,~+ry"
affi rrhil~ it ffi,~ht ~'..ala,y 4~e 9obdisl~,r~ to Law ta Malt tor aa ~ectioa~ abich is
aeceesary rhsrs tertitorp to be a~ed 3s dea3~-ied as •fal~sbitedR. ft roald sppear
tl~at ia the iatereet~ oi ~ood ~7am'~g, t~ said prapose:. Anaesatioa be held. ia abey-
ance uutil s lhrther caa~asa a? t~e ~i~g aras ~ss bee.-- completed. A partl,a].
~arvey elwxe t5-sre is sPparent iatersst ia a~oesa3ia~ oi t~ progertiee to the eaet
an:l north.
IIpoa a motiaa by Co~issY,oner Sebatte. s~eaoand b~ Ca~~isafomer ~neat. ea3 aarried~ it
vas ~otea. Lbat the Corraisaioa ~ars not a+eea~, ~ ths Yty Cenacfl. the propoeed
Boameya Drire daneaatifla as pr~ ~, #a stcn of L~s iact fiamt there might
be s tcead~eey to bloet tbtt,bsr saaeaticsss to t3a ~asf a~ ta the nort~.
P-I,,PABg~a Mr. Murdoch esplafaed tvst L•be Citr Ca~eit is SanoraSle to tl~e P-b~ PABSItiCi~-7d1BD-
I~&ND9C/IPI&Q SCdPISQr ZOI~, bat wnld liios to !~ l~rs ~+es+ea~#a~ e? I~A~SCAPI~ ead PABSIBCi de-
ZOAE. iiaed~ aleo ths !~P o4 L1tOSC6Pi9G al~oa3d be deiissa, i~rther, ~at P~DOISIOHS. if
a~p-, can be msde to see t~st sae3s I~~,S'~ L as3ataibed.
The Secretary ras iatrocted to oa413ae t~ers pr+nLioms aad to preaeat them to the
ADJOII~QMENT The Meeting ad,1anraed mt j:lfl o~e1~r3~ ~P.3[.
B.. H. I~GtLI.s Secsete-ryr
:.~A04~D •