Minutes-PC 1953/07/20~t
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N~O~ Oa ADd~~ ~*~ ~ ffiD J~ 20. 1953 - CoatimieQs (Page 2)
Bo ons a~ ior or a~iast ths proposed BECI+A3Sa'ICATIO&.
IIpan s aoti~x b~ l~ssioner ~?~+~*.~r. eeaondecl by Commi~sioaer Mungall aad
uusi~d. it w~ted tbat ~ BffiOIA7'IOH H0. 3. ~S 1953-54. the Commiaeion
reco~e~d ~o i~o~ ~iiq ~o~ci2 tbst tlbe HSCLRSSIBIG6T28H be granted.
Eae ~ate oa tbe ~Dovs ~?VlIOH ~. 3. ~~ 1953-~+. ~a ae ioilo~rss
ATESL O~QSSIO~: S~B~oe~d. Bintcel. SaLmmeaher~ SChntt,~ Stilmmsrs~ Thompeo~i e~nd
~ffi: C~!lLSSID~ii4i Yon~.
A~s~_:OOSQQSSDO~: aasst aa3 Qau~r.
~I,ASSII~'I- ~is vss the tiae s~t for t~e Seco~ Paiil3c Hearing on the petition received i'rom
C1-TIOB B0. Ga~tim Sioscs. rwloestiag tbat lots 7-13 inclnaive, Slook S, of ths Loralei Traat
d SG-S~i b~ rscLssixie~ ~'aoa ~.j~ T~uiip~e ~amuy ~osisamii~i %oae~ 'ra t;-2~ ~emerai
~cia1 ~oas ta p~rsit ~~reaticg of a SerPice Slation.
ISrs. Sis~lon a~ppssiad bdors t~,e Co~issioa ead stated t2~at reaoniag 4heae
pr.opsrti~s to C-2 wnld aRainste ihe psoperti~e ia thi area an~ thaL Esat Ceater
Slxest. on ae~o~t oi t~at'tfc. is not snitsb2e ~or rasidantial nses. The
Sertiee Sistion r~]1 eecapT 150 Seet aad Lhey have acqaired 180 Yeet eo that
t~har~ vill bs 30 iest of apaae io She nearseL ho~aes.
A pdtitiaa w s~eesi~ad br the Co~i.asioa rith sigasLnree oi 39 praperty ovmere ia
ihe as.s P='o~t~6 ~s P~Poaed resoniag.
~. Bsam1~ Gibbs. 9t29 lasst Caates Straet. atatal tl~a+ hs believes~ the time l~ss aot
Set oa~s, to t~th~r eo~ercialise Sast Ceater Street and. Eheretore~ he opposea
tbs E'~'IL~'wS3FICl~.
~'. ~. 3ara3sr, Ta Tniiu til3rs 5erest, ~mer of ~aree (3j iat~ ia yue gropaesd
~CI~1i~iC,-!~, ststed, f! xe~assi4icatioa is aot grsated~ hs doea not propase
~o eaae! ]loltiple ~fsailg $eside~eces oa his P~P~~7.•
~se Baaria6 ras eLosea.
ifpaa a sy: .;., ~'~dss'~~r 3ia~c~i. seco~ed by Co~isaSoaer Thompeoa aad
oarrYe3. it ras wt~ im raeo~eaa to tha City Conaail by ~SObIITION N0. 4, S~BIES
3.5~}$~F, tbat t3s p~++nnpose3 HD'~BSSIlIGATiON be deaied ior th~ ep~cific use ae a
C~w. Sl.t~ay
~e ~ots oa ~. atiaw ~~R~ ~. ~~ s~8~s ~953-5i+~. •~-s ae soiiore:
1T~S: Cq~QSSI~S: 8~@ood= Biatc~I, Schnmsher. So2r: , Snmmera, Thompson aad
BOBS: ~IBl~: Saa~.
A8SS6l: C~QSSII4I~S: Ausst aod (ie~a~r.
~I~SS~I- ~~s tbe ti~ set !or th~ 83nt Pablic Hesring on •.ae propoeed BECLASSIFICATION
CdTIOH Hp. Silea b~ IIrbin II. 8as~em, 559 sont~r Cle~mtiae Strest~ on the triangular piece
F 53-5~-1 of paopaxtT loeated at SsT'bos ffi~d.; Sonth Palm 9treet; and Ball Hoa~. The proper~y
i.r m~r so$ea as Brl, Be~3d~t9at-,8g.-iaoltnral sad it is requeated that it be *eaoaed
to-C-,2, fiemerai Qbmazelsi to prrmit s A[ot~7., S~rviee Stst3oa and Store Building.
- Bci.'One a~ar~d tar or a~siast l~he proposed AF,CLASSI8IC,ITION.
~s Heas~3~ ~as vlo~d a~d the second hearing xill be held oa MOIIdliy~ Avguet 3~ 1953.
R~C7~dSSYrI- ~~ tbe tiau est tor ths Yirst Pablia Sa~riag oa th~ petitioa ~iled by ~irtie
OA'PIOA FOa ~.e~„ 482~ ~a~• Bld., Za_eleMOaa, ~].itornie-, reqneptlag ths4 a la~rBa
~=5}5ti~2 tr;aagalar paresl a~ 7a:d boonded by welant Stres~; Maacheeter A~enne; and West
Son~h 3trset ri~ tiis ~cegtioa a tl~e mrtherl,y 4Wb.7 :eit aaa tha sonthr~eeterly
cos~sr non,sistiag oi a~zi~mstelT 5 eares. ba reclasaitiod from M-1~ Light Meau-
waw~~ab ws'i .~ra! v~~i i'S 4'~."s++'~y ~.ij~.~.w`~.::~+9 w": ~.v r0'~"'~'~v .~ b2L'Op~.°. '~~°.^1;~~° 9'~h(::-
71~AII ~i0 Oe Oni1~Tr~ .
Eo one sppasred far,or aBsiaat the proposed B~CI,SSS3?IOATIt3S.
~e genr3ag ~as closs~l aaa t~e Second Eearl.ag rill be held on Mo~, bugas~ 3, Z95B.
• BBCLASSa3r': ,~ts ras fi~ ttee set tor the ~irat Pablfa Hearing oa ths propoad ~C7rASSISICATIOH ~
A-'lIOH ~D. OF 4~ ~It~ H~ ~~ I~DS S~i and Bosth_ResL~;S,4rpst and Feqmoad AvemLe,
8-53-54-3 soqois+~ b~ !tr ~caeis Stsest ~neaatioa. It is propoeal to reclaesl~~y tho arsa oa .~
3or~h 7.evoa 36r~t oa ti~s Sonth sfds o! Orangethorpe Avsnne ta ~[-2, Heav~ Nenufao- ;
tnrina Zon~ di~h ti~e Toa3s~oce oi tbs ar~a-som~3~e~s-t~l~ bight Mannfacturing Zoas~.
vitb, ghe ~pt~oa d tlM ta~a~e oa atl strse~s ~ah rill be resoaefl to R-L~ i
parH~g Lads~g3a~~rP~~sis ri13 permit no mimntactnring bnildinga~to be bnilt '
na.rrrs #e t~s pnop 60 isat. 'Phis area an;omntically bocame &-A, Reeida~
ti~iealtn~a'1 ~ a~. ' I
33r. P. ,'~$l~ia~ ~1 Sa~xo~3 Ase~ espreaeed. hiaree].i ae in fs~or o! the BECI,ASSIB'I~ ,
~yp~ m#~er aa ~aqr3.a~tioa ~ ths F. Z. Paskiag iendsasping Zoae.
15r. ~art ~lnlfoa ~asRSea ~imaiY as a~sinst aay ~i 2 on 2iorCh Aemon SLree's, nnlees ;
-._..;-,.__.---- . ----- _.,.,....:.~.-~-,~~..,.:~...
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~ ~
Mna~r~.s o~ ~an~ x~av~-a r~T~a ~n ~ ao~ i953 - con~inneas tPegs 3y
ft ie poseible fos' the Oity oi Anahsim ta ecreea a17. poadble plaata that mighL
rieh to opsrate ia this area.
Mr. Zbm Quayle~ repreeeatfag Rorthrop AircraYL, etated tbat their nev IasEramant
Suilding now andsr oonstraatioa he-s to be dast free snd ia rpite oi their ;dr
~-oh±3g ~ eto. ~ t.he O~Y ~'e~ ?1~sts saoke aa~. ~nat hot~her thpir pa+~een.t ope!~e,tion~
in their prssent p]ent and !bw nex p~.a.aut ~ril]. be still mor~ aritical.
Mr. lt. H. Piakjsm. 2763 Out~aet Drise. I,os 9~,eles~ reprss~nLing the o~raers oi 40
satba in ~hie area, deeired to sae M-2 elimSaate3 irom the ares.
M:~. R~y Desbls. 12372 Orangethorpa, ezpreeeed liimeelt ma eppoaed !o either M-1
or M-2 Zoaiag in t~o area.
The Hearing Nes closed and ths Second Eeariag vill be held oa Mondsy, Angust 3. 1953
.h 1R6ter ~esa ~eve~~ed. trom ~a Qity 2t' ~1;L4x~an Pl~nn~aag Co~iaeioa in vhich it
was etsted ~2~st aa per an a~greemenC bstreen the tro Plauning Qommissioas. it rae
agre~d to pub n entfer e4ri~ slong the Hoa~th boaa~dass of the Aaacia Street Anaazatioa _
betweea Worth I,~maa Street sn11 B~ymond dvenne~ ia as mnch ma ths R~llerton ares to
+1+~ :~~~ .~.~ SQ_^.~ *?S ~89~i~nL~ ~?!lE~4lL~98e
It appeared tLst tha Commiasion ronl.d be ~rilling to change tl~at portioa ~isvlwsed !or
AS-2 to M-1 ia isoe o! the oppoeition develoged aga~inat ths '!-2 7.oaing.
'~he S~arete-r~.rse iaetraoted to !i~ onL St a:~ a~xaga0 caa ba made la the prepoeed
Zoniag beYore th~ Seoond Heariag~ xithonb re~dvertiaiag same. .
P-T,:•PABgIRa A Eevis~d Seatioa 9200.21 - P-L ParMng-7and~;spiag Zoae ~caa preseated to ~he Com-
7.Y~SC~PIAa missfoa ior coaeideration.
ZO1~ Cartr-ia ohaages vere anggestsd;
;.s. C~anged tu read~ pThie area e2~a11 be plantod vith laYn and/or
t7 nv,s~ ~~~ ~h~).1 bp r~,~1~4d bv the ovner, r4th enitabl~s tree~
eet e~L intervals aot grakter tl~an 2$ lest. She typa o! trees
and hedges to be plant~d. aba7.1 be ss apecitied by tho anaheim
Saperinteadant ot Parka.
7. Chemged b,y the addition of %tor ~ery 100 ieet or lesa.a
IIpon a motion by Cor~miseioner Schutts~ eaooadei by Commiesioasr Thompeon and oarried~
it wss voted to reco~snd to 4hs City Connoil by BE.SOLIITIO& H0. 5. S&8~S 1953~54,
that a P-L, Parking-7~endacaping Zone be ~idded to the &ie~heim Idnaicipd7. Code.
The vote on ~he aboQe Rl,SOLIITION 1Q0. 5~ S~BITsS 19j3-r}t, vas ra lolloret
AY~S t COt+~tISSI01~ t Bapgood ~ 8intcel ~ Schnms~cher, Sahntts, Suam~r.~ axd Mnngall.
CHAHC?E OF It has pro~oaed t2~at fi.he name oi Heyynwad Avenue Yrom Sast Is Palms A~emie to thA
S'l~T NAME prASSnE City Zimits ico tho ~iorth be nl~nged to Morth SasL Street.
Uomniaeioaer As.pgood made a motioa ~l~at the Cou~is~ioa reco~eaa this oBsngd to ths
City Couaail. Thie motion vss aecoaded by Comdissioner SohnmscL~~r an~ aarried.
CHAI~EB OS IIpon a sug~e~•Si~n by Commiesioner Thoapeoa~ t~a Searetsry rae instroated to ~rrite a
00lA~SHOE lettsr to ~ha Obambe~ o! Commdrae on the Bn1leLin~ sA Plaa os Progress for 4reater
SULISTIN Aaalieim~p tl~autcing the I+aad Uae Committes !or thsir pnblication and ths tima th~
kiave spenb on p3~nning. .
CHIC~J FABMS Obair~n Smm~ere seked the Co~issioa to aonsider the possibility of eaiabliahing
WI'iHIN '1'~ ohiaken Ferms with~a the corporale ].imfts oi txe Oi.ty ot Anah~im. ChickenF,and eggs
CITY ~IMITS e.re a neaee~ity anl a ple~e mnet b~ louad for thia~tape of nse.
- I ADJOU~BHT The Mm'ting adbonra~ a~ 4s16 o~aiock P.M.
-,. -~
z. a. n ~rnIw, 3ec,rqasa7.
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