Minutes-PC 1953/09/08' ~... : .wEs: '~ ~ I ry ` . - ~` } ~ I ' .................,.~ . ........................_ ,....., ~..,....,.......w. . ,.... n-ne.n...a..+.wu.ar..o~w.evrnxeceh'...__ __ cr.,-.~!n.o~ !L'A:s~~_' . .. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WA' ~ ~ J r. ~+~ ~1 ~ R1pA~fP.''+e~+rfs ~~ "ga ~'~ REGAI+AR bffi.TINa PRAJSENT ABSENT MI1CiT'~S ~i~av~rES o~ ~atrr~ r~TS~ra og m~ ci~r ~_~~ ~~ A Regule.r Meeting of the City Planniag Co~miaeion ves s:n31s~ ~e ~' r~t 2~ s°e~aci~ P.bt., bp ChairmE3a Summera, a quornm beit~ pres~. OHAIB2dAt~ SIIt~FtS; COD:l1ISSIONERS: 9ueat, t~ausr, ~intcel, ~r.3~ ~nfl ~- CO:~tISSIO$EASt Bapgood, Sohntts aad Thoapaon. • The Minntes of the xegul.ar Meet'!ng of At~ast 3, 3.9~3, ~~~ ~~"'~"'""~ pARIANCB Thia weie the ~ime aet for the Publ.ic Hea.ring on the ~e~ii3,ed ~~~ T~ ::0. i>j iii. H i =°.:7,:°.e ^, ?2~A Fy,at Qantar Straet. S~d ~lT~ W. 3a. ~"11~+7~l3 ~~~ ~ Street ~ requeat~n~n permisaion to erect Dimlea~ D~ae133age ~~' ~'"~ ~°-~ upon the proposed exteas{oa of Esat Broadwa~. °y .._, , ----, , .. a ~..,~,.,.e +~ r...~~~fl„ ~ ~. ~ t:5~ ~~- MP• 11rt1..pt71 lI31lL 141• ~tlvnoai o~iyv ~vu ...+..-.. aired to erect Dnplex Dwelli~s for Il?COb~ to ofie+s~ t3e s~~~ ~.~ ~~-a' ~ bueiness on the propertiee. Mr. Fa~aager presentea ~3a~.u ~o ~~~ the ty~e of building prngoaed. Mr. J. McIDil'1., repreaentiag Bonded Hones, the prapesed ~di~v3~.s' mf ~ a~a~g' a~ the south eide oY the propoaeci extens3on oY Ea.st ~rosd~„v„ ~~c~. ~~' 2~C.t~r_ of May 4, 1953 ~icing thelr ob~ections to resnII9sg ai t~ ~sn~ "^~*r"'~ +~' ~. TWO-FAMILY RESILIENTIAI+ ZOI~E. Thia letter and o`hers vi13 ~~~~ 3~r oovering RECLASSIFICATI01~ A0. F--$2-~3--16. Mr. A. E. Hnbertson, 1265 East Santa Ana street, algo ~oi~d ~ o~y„~.s"'*W.~ ~'r ~ gra.nting of the propoeed PARIANCE, and stated that Dan3,~ D~r173z~ '- ~ s~ .a~sl~ 2ower the valvation af Sing3e ~'a-~ilg Un' ~s in ~~ ~r.~. Mrs. Krne~er stated that Dapleaea are l~cate~ in t3ie 3~et~sr ~~~~'+~~ ~~~ apparently such Dwellinge l~ave not lorrered tha ~e1.~~. The Hearing was cloeed. Upon a motian by Coramiasioner Mn~ l l, aeaonded by Do~iss3aa*~' ~p ~"~"*"fa"~. ~ t!~e voted bv RESOL4TI6N N0. 13 - sE$IEa' 15~3"3-~, '~o ~m'~ 'll~~a~!' 3L~1_ Z,,~'. ~&faet to the dedication to the City of Annheia of a~ortp ~~D~ ~~ ~"..x~ '~ ~~ way to be used for atreet pnrpost~s. VAR7AIQCD Thie wae the time aet for the Publtc Hea,:ing zmon the. ~veri~i~d ~",.~ ~.-fi~ Fiy N0. 202 OSCA3 E. MA~16~~ S881 Earbor 8ov3.evaro,, reqt~eat~ ~'~~_~ ~~~~^ ~"'-~ ~ his property on East Ssnta Aaa Street, lecate~ nn t~e aort~ ~~.s ~ 3~'~~ : easterly froi +,he center line of Sonth ~ast Street. '11R~ ~xar~~ 3s?~' ~ - as R-A~ RBSIDEIQTIAL-AGF~ICIIbTURAL. ' Mr. E. bray, 1266 I7a.st Saata baa Street; Mr. J. A. ~OCis~m7~„ ~--~.r' ~~~~~_ F` t•ira. E. ASayer,127~ East Sante bna St.; 2~lrs. D. ~. Dsgan, ~3.~D ~sy' ~5~. ~t: Afre. P. ZindorP, 12~"2 E. Santa Ana St.; sa~3. 13r. 1. ~. ~. r~'•rrsffi ~ 3aa ~t.. ; avpeared before tlie Commiasion in opposition to the ~~3 ~~m"~.ts ar~i~ a 6G-~t ' frontage. since the emallest lot along th3s asea im~e s:r~mvi ~~^~ ~~~ - wider~ and the homea that bave beea bnil~ are a13. 3~a ~ w~ Mr. Mang was not preaent at the Hearing. The s'iearin~ vsa ~'+~- Upon a motion by Cor,tmiesioaer Biutcel. second~c7. by Lar~+3^as3smss ~*'~~•'i'^ t~ ~ moved that 4ARIANCE NQ. 202 be grauted by ~50I~TIDA 3~D. 3# -~'_+;;~~, saIT~e~t : to the A~pli^•ant cutting the 264 feet o~ frontag~ 3~a 3?s~ =-.-." ~is? ~°F' ~?~~ ~i~a - woulc~ give each lot a width of 88 Yeet, and also tlsat a~34+d3~,~ ~~~x f~e C=~Y ' of a etrip 5.25 ~eet wide along the Yrontage 3or t~e 3n'~nx~ ~r'~~<~--~ c~'Sea~ ~~aa ? Stroet . and the f~ling of a Becord o~ Survey ~rit1~ the Z`i~,.q at ~ a~& C'a~g af vPnc"'~n. = Co~ieeioner Auos~ oP~ered su aae:.daseat'-to t.':$ ~='30 ? ="`*;^°. °''~''~'~' =° °-~''~~ ~: ` ~7ommisaioaer Gouer~ $hB'ii $~lA Z~ r33v °:,,~,-a Ys ~r~ '~ =*_ ~^~ ~ '~ ~ T~.?~ ' R min3mum width oi' aot less thaz 75 feet. The mo~iva as ~ x~^"'"~- VARIAPtC~ Tl~ia was the time aet Por the ~ublic Hearia~ oa the ~z3~ae~ ~"3~'~*' ~~Ce~ ~g No. 203 ALVtN S. ljAItNETT~ 1916 Eaab saata ana. Stiroet, zesnestiag ~m ~r ~~'.t~ at hie property frontiug ou Fae~ Santa Ana Strasr. ~~~~ ~~''`~* 4~° ~ 18~ ecree, preeently. zoned so &-9, RESTn'a~umtaT ~,EILRII.~"'C3~ ~~ m~' Cfi~e ~ Ir~te will be 95 feet~ 145 teet aad 80 3eet, respe.."'bives~y. ~4r. Barnett appearod before the Co~ isaion anid sap7~:.n~d ~t ~*~'~~"'r° 'c.._'~' ~ Lrra- peity to the rear x~ould be subdivide~ ait~ an sntrxia~+ ~t 'h ~~Sa~. No ene elae appeared for or agains~ the ~;ra3ti~g s~ ~'E'^Z° ~'-a ~_ ~~ The IIes,xiag a+sa cloeed. ~,a,.,~,+z?+~ a9dE ~s~r~'~si Vnca a motioa by Ccmr.~isaioner 8uest~ secondea ~? Daffininsirmar - . ~ _ _ __ _ .._ ~ _ _ _ _ rc, ~_-_...__ - - - ~~ ~ ~ , ~L + ~~ ~ ~ _ T. ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ n ~ btIItUTES OF REGUI~R tdEETIlQG ~I+U SEP'1'Et•~ER 8 1959 - Contiau~cl.: (P~E 2) _ P' ~ v~xu~*cE ?~o. 203 ; (Contimted) PARIAtiCE N0. 204~ to graat qARIAiQCE 2~. 203, snb3ect j it was voted by 3.~SOLIITION N0. 15 - SERIES 1953-5~+. ~ to the ded'ica4lon of 5•25 Yeet along t~ie frontage for the ~ture wideniag og F~st San'ta y' Aaa Street and the filiag of a Eecard of S~rvey Map with the City of Auaheim aad the Connty af Oran;eo = This was t2~e time aet for the Public Hearing on the veriPied petit3on subaitted by _ G~ty P. saa b8~tI8 A. I~(-W96~~ 829 West Wilhelmin~ Street~ requesting perai.saiaa to - erect a Duplex Dwelliag at the eoutheast corner o! South Olive aad Esst South Streeta. _ tdr. Lawson apyeared before the Commission asu7. it was poiated out t~at 10 feet uon18 :- have to be dedicated along South Olive Stree~, wbich ~rotld reduee tua width of t,lbe 3ot : frna 60 feet to 50 feet. Mr. 7,awuoa etated thxt tho Duplez he planned to build vovld fit oa the rednoecl lot. - No one appeared a~e.inat the gran~ivg oP the VARIA~CE. I'he 3earing was closecl. _ upoii a ai+~+on y Cc•'.^=~a~==°'-' g~h~~ms~.Gher; seconded bv Coamisaioaer Rintcel. and c.arrle3 _ it was voted by ~3SOLUTION NJ. 16 - SIlRIH]s 1953-$4~ to grant YAEIA~CE ~b. 204~ snb3ect . ico the dedication cY a strip 10 feet w3de rslong South Olive Street te the Cit? of .Anaheim fox tlitare atreet raidening. FLCLASSI~I- This aas the time set 4or the First Public Hearing on the ~ropoaed RECLASSIFICA*PIUH oi ~ CATIO~'?T0. the propertq an both eidea of South xesh Street between Weat Santa Ana Street and West 8-53-~F~i Water Street~ requeated by the ma~ority of the property owaers. They bave reqneete3 that their properties be rezoned from Ii-1, SIl3f#LE FAASILY 3~ESIDENTIAL Z03'E, to ~2, - TWO-FAMIZY RESIDENTIAL ZONE. : rirs. Z. E. Heyiag~ 535 South Resh Street~ apoeared before the Commfsaioa and stated tilat me.~p of the lote have a eme17. honae bu,i].t on the resr portion, aad if the zoniag, wore changed~ it would bhea enable the ownera to build ne~o homes on the Ymnt oS the lots thereby improving tl~e appeara.nce of the atreet. 140 one e].ae appeared for or against the proposed reclassiYicaEtoa. '~.he Heaslag vas clcaed. Tkie Second Fablic Hearing will be held on Mondey, actober 5, 1953. ~ BECI,ASSIFI- CATY~N R0. ~-53-5~+--5 =`i ,`•~1 :i I '~ `i 4 - ~ _ E ~ This was the time eet for the Firet Public Hearing on the Petition enbnltted by Mr. F. We ~LLIOTT~ ~2 South t•leat 5treeL, requeai~ing Lhay hi.e properiy,ioacs'sed a~ i''~a~t'ii - 1427 East Center Street. be reclo.csified fro~ E-A, It~CSIAEN7.'IAL-9GRICIILTOAAZ ZOHE, to ~ C-2, 4ENERAL CONQ•~ItCIAL ZONE.~, Mr. Elliott appeared be£ore the Commisaioa and atatad tl~at fihe property for naay years " ha.s beea an oraage grove~ buL, on eccovn~ of beYng Iocated on a na~or h''~.'-.~tr, d:.3 ~_ grnvea ia the ar~a are being abandoned bocaus.r.• of being operated at a losa~ or beiag subdivided, he beli.eveg that the property should be rezoaed fur other Co~ercial Vses. At the preaent time he bas ao apecific uses to offer. Mre. S. W. Archer, 1498 Cedar Streot, appeared before the Co~ission in oppoaition to the propoeed realasaification~ and preaented a petition Yrom 81 property owaere in the area.. tdr. P. S. Engebreteon, 306 Poplar Street~ appeared before the Ca~ieeion oppoeiag ~e reslaeaification; alao Mr. R. E. SHanks, 1~+} ~irch Street~ xho wnld r.ot ii'se io see bueinese ec+ close to the echool, as ths childrea mi;ht be ruanlag acroos the highw~,y to the atorea. Mra. Lyle A. Diggine, 1506 East Center Street~ appeare3 before the Co~iasioa. Yevo~ ing the graating of the propoaea. xeclaasification as her property ~ronta on Fast Cen- ter Street. and should also be reclassii'ied.. Airs. A. J. Belsnger~ 1511 Eaet Ceater Street~ appeared before the Co~issioa ia oppoai- t~on to the reclaasi£icatioa oa account of tra£fia l~azarda it may create, especiall,v wivn rep„a~a to echaol childrea. The Hear3ng ua.s closed. The Se~o»cl °ublic Hearing will t~e held on October $. 1953• ~ 9~D2~~NT The City Couacil referred to the Commisaion a proposed :.nange 3a lot eizea in the Cit;, ~ Tp COD~! restrioting lota to a minimam width of 6$ feet an3 an. asea oY ?200 sqnare Ys ~. ti ~ i f:i ~ _._~, 4 j '; F i- K4~ A letter waa received by bhe Commiasion from Mr. S. W. Joxde,a, Chais~us, Hous3~g Com- mitteu of the Ana~.eim Ol~amber of Comaerce requeatiag that the City Plean3ag Commiseion iake no action on thia 8esolut3aa until ~ their Committae kas 2iad. ~ oi~ac$ ta 3ac~ inte the merit of such eizes ane.fronta~es fron a houeiag etand.poiat. F~tr. b. P. Nichols~ 8225 Sonth Gilbert Avenae~ appeared before the Coaaniss~oa aad atat.sd that he believed a blankot ruling tibat all lots ia the ~ity aboald coffiorm to tho 6j-~ foot Froabr~ge eaxi 7200 square 4ee,t~ would be detrimenCal ~o the Ci~. Moat Snhdi4ldera a~ preaen~t are eutting lote ar'lthbabonti 60-foot Yroatagee. N;r. M~Bizuioq~ Seamrerer Engineerin~ Co., tlhittier, iaqnired if it was posaib2a tbat ~s requiremeat would be made rotroactive 3a view o£ ~he men~y subdiviaione at gresea~ ua~er coneidoi~ation wi.tr ? esa frontage ~ad area tl5an ~hat P.r~+aaci.• .. . . ... .... . _ ... . .......__._ .. .... . .A . . ~ . . ... . . . . _. _ i_ '~~, :'~ ;;~ t~iIlQIITES OT' RE4ULAR M~,TIIQG ~I,U SEPT~F~Ii 8. 1953 - Coat±.aued: (PAQ~E 3) 9biETIDt~ffiQT It was the opinioa of the Commisaion t2iat thia requiremeat could not be ms.3e retroac- '!'4 G4~E tive, althongh all Subdividere presenting mapa have been told t2~at the City Couacil ia : (Continued) consideriag auch a cha.nge. Mr. Miles of 7,os Angeles, owaer of 28 acrea on 8omneya Drine~ etated tbat he belieced. suah a ra].e mi ;ht be diecriainatory c+.nd ti,rould aerte,inly cauee Subdividers to b~ pesa . 1~naheim. Anaheim is gAtting new industries and ehonld f`urnish homes that labor caa purol~ase. Further actioa on this proposed change~~•~as held up by the Commisaion uatil aomplate atw3les oan be made of t2~e areae within the City aud in the Anaheim Zone oY Iafineace. TEATA'xIPB A Teatative Map o! '1'ract 1Qo. 1421 xas presanted to the Commission. Thie eubdiviaion is MAP TEACT bouuded by Cron~ 6vaaue, k'slant 3;reet. Ball Hosd and the S. P. x. 8. tracks. The Sub- EC. 1421 diaidar id CV?mTg u_~ren~~: 1~f3~q Oentury Eovlevard. Inglexood. Ca]~ifornia~ snd the tract containa 116 lots. Upoa a motion by Commisaloae~c3a?sumecher. secaadad h~ Ca~:.ssionor Mnag~all. aad car:ted, it xae voted to approva the Teatative l~fap o: Tract No. 1421. sub~eot to Engineering He- ~xi.a°ementa snd that thn preaeat lot rith a house uvon it ba inclnded in the Tract and given a Lot 1Jumber. '~TdTIVE d Tentative Map oi Tract No. 1620 wae preeeated to the Commieaiom. This su~division ie M6P 'FRACT located beLraen Nalnnt Street and South Weet ~treet on the north eide of Bali s'toad. The bi0. 1620 9nDdividere-are SHIELDS 8~ DOYLEe 203 Sonth Clandina Street. liaaheim, and. the aubdiviaioa coataine 85 lote. . Upon a motioa by Oo~suioner Auaet, eeconded by Oommissioner Schumacher. anRl aarried, ~~ ~:a~ aoted ta a~rcre ~Y.a Ta;La~ive Map of Tract Ho. 1620, et;b~ecL La En8lnaeaing 8e- quiresente and that the LOT merked. "ftot A Part Of This Subdivisioa" be given c, wmbar. TEH_'.",T~9E A Tentative Map oY Tre-ct No. ~959 wae preeented to the Commiaeioa. This eubdivieion ie ~![AP TSACT locateA oa the south side of Eaet Santa Aaa Stree~ approzinaZel~ 2000 iest Yrom Sou*.h ~ND• 1959 Placentia Avemie aad extende eoutherly Lo Eaet South Street. The Subdivider is L•he AUST2N STDATEYAN7.' C0. and the Tract contains 46.lots. • IIpoa a motioa by Commisaionar Muagall.~ eeconded by Commieeioner Aueat, and carrieL.~ it vrae voted to approva the Tentative Map of Tract No. 1959. sub~ect to Enginaering Re- quiremeate and that thoee parcele marked as "Not A Part Of This Subdivieion" be given lot anmbera. CHANa&3 IN Due to the fact the~t TracL Hoo 1648 hae besa recorded with eone of tha esme etreet STREET NAt~3 namee ee ia Tract No. 135b. it wss poinLed ouL by the Stafi to the Commiesioa.Lhat TBACT NCi. there vrSll be a certaia emonat of conflieion in fiading theee ~treets. 1648 pp~n 8 moLion by Qommieaioner Schumacher, eeaonded by Commissioner Aue~t, and carried, it ~ae v~ted that the Commieeioa recummend to the Citq Council thatt• Leonora Street be cbanged to Eastaood Drive; Juniper Place b6 changed to ~lmwood Street; Poplar 3treet be cl~engeQ to Ferrnrood 3treet; Alberta Straet be chauged to 61em+ood b.oe. aad Hemlock PI~ace be chanxed to 61em+ood Place. TSAT6T2PE A Tentrstive Hmp og TgseEe &c,s. 19'v$ eafi i96o was presented 4a the Qommiseion. Theee : KEP OF Tracte are bonaded by Burton SLreet, Acsaia Stree.t. xomneya 'Jrive aad eastarly oY Rey- . TBACTS NOS. moad Aveaue; the combiaed Tracte containiag 24$ Lot+a. The 3ubdivider ie the xA~I-ST. =;; 1965 ~+ 1966 J0~ CO1+II~~7t. 219 Harthorne Boulevard, Hawthorae, Californ'ia. ''~ It won18 appeax~ tl~at those Tracte might impinge upon :be •pi~oposad nerr Freewey which me~y < go on the eouth eide oi Burtan Street. ~ IIpoa a aotion by Commis~ioner Mungall. eeconded by C~ffmieeioner Riutcel, and carried~it ~ rae vo8ed ~hat the TenJtry.~~lve Mya~p oi Tracta No. 1963 aad No. 1966 be xeferred to the City,~ ;~einsar to be ~QSBB4 •Yy•~ V1~0 SYSVB Hi~x~q Ds~:mant ar; :a a~eLh^r t::..^~c '":ac~: a.21-~, ,~ bc ~n Lhe path of the propoged nep FreeMqy. '~ ls~IDZTT023 TO ~he propoead addltiea ta th6 '~'7a'+°~1:3`+ ~'.~.'UYJ:CSP6L GODr• SEOTIQ!~ 9~4U~14 (b~ 4, irith re~fer- '~ 3.M.C. 3SC. enca Lo HON-CONP'OEtdINQ II3153 estsbl4s~ed by the Oraage CounLy Plaaniag Commiesioa Sa -~ 9200.14(b)$ areae that are subeaqueatly anneaed to tha City of Aaahein, wae eeL for heari~n on :~ Moaday. September 21. and October 9~ 1953• .~ ADJOU~'EHT The Commieeion ad~onraed at 4:50 o~clock P.Fi. uatil Ftond::4y. SepUenber ?1. ~953. at ~ 2:00 0 ~ clocts P.M. ±~ ~~ ~ ' ~~' >~ ~ ~ E. . MQN(iALb S cretar~ s ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ePPxov~n ` ' /. ~ ;r ~ -'-'-- ; ,,, . ~~ _ _ _ ` _. _ _ _. _ . _ _ : . ~ , _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~