Minutes-PC 1954/03/01~
Oity Ba11
Aae-he3a, QaliYornit~
1~laroh 1, 195~+
~Ul+AE A 8sgnlar Meetiag oi the Qity Flsnning Comu~ies.ioa was oslled to order at 2:14 0~0l001~
, 1~18TTAa P.,H. ~ by Cl~airman Snmmere. a qnornm being preeaat.
~ PH~SEtiT (f$AIEElAN 80l~~ COMMIS3IO~EBS Aeee+, (iaaer, Siatcsl o Sc~her, Soh!~tte e*±~ .,r 1~ _
~ Oommiesionsr 8apgood enterea the Meeting at 2a50 o~a].oak P.H.
~ MI81TTE8 Ths 1{inntea oP the Ad~onrasd Begnlar Meeting of lebrusrT 15. Z95~~ were approvea
. e~s pria'Es~.
VARIAAf~E P~~,Yti ~d18IHt#. Pe§i~ian ~rom L~ 5T. BBAIi&, 335 Weat Horth Street. Anahsim, ior
1P0. 223. pes~isaioa to srea0 s~ Tr Dedroom Eoms and asrags oa Lot 15. Tract No. 601~ at 335
West Horth Stree4. l~o .ens appeared st the Bsar3ag oa bebali of the 9pplioant.
(9ddrese in
~ L~ ,~~ lQr. Hsroi& Smilsh, 812 Aorth D~akei Street~ appesred beiere th~ ~3amn~saion and prw
y(~~ ~~ seat~d a pstitioa Bi~ed bg 26 reaiQeato in the ar~s oppo~3ag the grantiag oi the
y3~ pl~) Ye~riaaoe. He etated tLat ~hs gse~atiag o= the VABIAI~OS rovld break dorra the praeeat
Z-i 2oni~g~ aac. t/~si iaere wnid "oe iaedia~ely other requssts ia tl-.s ares~ ehonl8
thss vaaie~ci ~ aau~.
i~r. C2suda 5~soa, 32~ Park K~qa i3re. Cheeter Shirk, ~07 Par~ Ita~rs Mrs. Bva Sawyor..
80-~ NorWi Selaua Strseb; Atr~. Sars !~. blarphy, 809 HorLh Diolcel Straet= voiced their
ob3eotioaa ta tt.r- gran81a6 oi th~ Y1ffiIANC~.
Z~§ters rere reoei~ed from Albert b. Raymo~d.. 805 Horth Hslens 3traeir ~ a~nd 3dolph
'lbms~ 315 Parlc xay, ~oiais~g t~heir oD~eatfons. Ths ~ASI~ was olosed.
IIpon a sotion by Commieei~aea (iauar~ meeoaded.by Oommissioner•Aaeeb~ a~3. asrried., it
vas votea ~2ist by ~SObUTioB Ho. S~ - 3ffiIFS 1953-54, ~e dppliestioa !or VA&I1~CD
N0. 223 8~ D~iIED.
~AHIAIQ~ P~IC ~A8I8C:. Petitioa trom BAYMOBD b. J~LI~T~ 926 Son4h Es~t Stree~ ~ reqnestin~
H0. 224. permiseion to ereot a Tro-Story Dnplez Kith ~isreges below on Ehe abov~e desigmted
property. The lot is 7$ ieet by 211 feet sad is pre~ently soa~d ae Br2. TWO-FdttIIS
BESIDaBTW, 7AHE. 'rt.ere ezist on the proper~y st present 2 8ingle hmily ~vslliage.
Bo one spp~srell !or tha Applicant. Beither did a~oae sppesr ia oppositioa to tl~e
graneiag of the petition.
Ona prote~t by letter ras recsi~eQ frnm ~e]. J. Sohaner, 314 Sonth Pf~et Street.
The ~lARI8t3 vas olosed.
IIpon s moiion by Commieaioner Sohamacher, aeaonded by Commieaiaaer Aneet~ and osrri~d~
it Nas ~oted ihat by R~SOI,IITI08 R0. S+} -~s 1953-St+~. 9~-1PC~ N0. 224 8ID f1B61~'~.
RBCLASSI!'I- PQBbIC ~dBI~6. Petition enbmittod by I. F. S80bL~ P. 0. 8ox Z98, Santa Ane~~ Ce~lif.~
Cl~TION A0. requesting that tha property se represr,ated by Tentative Msp oi Trac~ No. 1530, b•
F-~3-~'}i~1~ r4olsseified to 8-1, ror Iato 10 find IJ. ~ along Ee-sL Sroacivqqi the~t the aest txo lots
to the north~ ?.ots 9~ 12 be reelesaified. to Rr2i 4he-0 Lata 3 to $~ Snalusive~ and
I~ots 13 to 18, iclasi~o~ bs reolsasiti~d to &~9t til~at Lot 1 be realaasified to 0-Z.
_ ana Lot 2 be r~olassiffsd to C-1.
Mr. Le~ SymonBa. 1236 as~t Ceater Struet~ sppea,rsa betore ths Commiaeion repreaenting
M~i Tz !; R*n?J7 ~ vi~n rs~ ~~~Rwri kn a~n~]!~r '~i ~@E'8?So ~! B~StwA thnt r~th ~i ~iLn
grawiag ana Ehe fron•.~ag~ ss ~horn ~n the Zoning Map propoeed as !'UT~ G-z:~ aa~d ths
=aot that this sonia~ ~eas deaigaated on the Hap rhen the Tr.aat aarosa the street v~e
be+? ~. k„~ ~I~83P'I~9.mTn~n .H~.,ia ~~ ga~~ed:
Mrs. bpie Diggias, 1$05 Esst Oea4ar Straet;~Mra. I+. :9ssLiaa~ 1528 East Ceater Street
(t~a presenC os~em ot P~he y::.Far:y ia q~ea~io~-), ~Sre. Tbera:a ~-a1p, 1'''' :lao~ Caut~.
Strest. ~poke ia farror ~_* grantiag ~Dhe B'~QLd38ia'IQJlTI01~3.
r11~• Va~~ 11• ~i{i~~OF'~ .LVI~ PV~~ *o`i4Y SMAqOV~ O~OPI~V ~~V~a W~'a WWa~^J4.~P~M OMM Ni~~
seated s petltion aoata~taia~ 96 aemes !d oppositioa to the grantiag oi tb.e R~OLASSI-
F10ATIOlfB. He mtated thst ~ribh s Sboppiag O~ntsr ~t ~st Ssreet and an~other sE
Pisosntis Avenne, ther~ sppe~rsd to be ao lbrbh0r m~ed !or Commerois]. ~aterpriaea
sloag ]ls~t C~nter Stroot soress Yzom a traat ot Sl,a6x,e Bamily Homes. 8o f~uthaz
sbate3 tLs! hia l:ome ~ronld be directly soross irom th~e proposed lot, the otu Khiah
he believed aoald be developed ~rith a 9ervice S~ation anR this wonid depreaiats his
propartr. He aeked. ii the ~CLASST!'IQATION ~sere ~an•ted~ tl~at 3iis proper0~ a~leo be
ol~anged to.(~snerai Commerciel.
trlr. lf~. A, fieeBe~ 1'ft~ ~Ae~ Biroh StTeet~a MTeo SOwdad "oi,eutoYt~ 1$90 ~e~c SiraB SbreeL.
oppoaed ths ~rraatiag of more Commerol.al Zoalag oa ~soti Oeatar 8treet lrom a s+atetg
paint oi vi,e~a, l~Irw. Stantoa bas lonr chilaxeoi att~ading Linaala 3~hoo1 and rith moro
C~2~m?rR~.~, ZJe~r, ~h4 hssa~ to ~he ohil3ran oon1Q be gra-ter. Au~arentlv #here d:s:~,
stii~ wmpie opsce availiabie for Commera3al. in the Oxo Shopping Osntere a~~ ~ast S~reot a
•.~ and Plaeeatis Avonue. ~
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~tIliIITES OF H~f~UI,AE I~ETT]IG ~LD WdHCII 1 1954 - Coatinuedt pAfi3 2.
~CI+A88I9'I- 'Phe ~'JlBISa xas ad~ouraed nntil the arrival oP Mr. arall. ths ~pplio~-t, rho re-e
~ATIOB 80. s~eoted to appesr wt eu~ tiae.
? 53-5~+--15
{~nt~~) ia ahs m:..ntime the Commi~aion ga~e coneideration to B~CLASSIFICATIOA ~TO. 8'-53-$q-..16
nt the ClOS- o! Mh1Che Lhe HSASIIf~ oII ~ASSIlTQATIOH ](0. P-S}~~,K rgg w~n=an~A ~
a].thOVBh 1~lr• ElRll 31aA npt sY ,~st appee.reds HT~ SymDads theII statea th6-t tlle propOSed:
deTe2opmeat !o~ ths C-2 8eclsasiiication wnid bs a modern MoB31oi1 Serviae Station
sad for the 0-1 BeoLssitioation~ ~ sffi11 Batsil Stora. ths nstnre o~ xhioh hs Qid
not lmox st this time. 'P~ ~ABIHQ NAS CLOSED.
IIpon s~otiod by Qommiseioaer lneat. sear.uded by Qomniasioner Bspgoo(l, aad oarried~
it ~ras ~oted :5at by RZS07+~TIOIf A0. 'j~j - SQti~3 1953-54~ ~L tlie Oommi,~eion recommand
~~ ~~s ~if8' Cou9Qal :Bs4 B&C'ut-SSIPYGeiYt3a ~. F+-53-5t+--15 81c D3HS~.
Ths eote oa abo~s ~SOLIITIaH 30. ~S -~1fRI83 1953-yF. xae ss lollo~r~t n
AlESt OOMbtIS8Y0BEBet Ansss~ f~sner~ Hapgood~ Eintoel, Schnnncher~ Sclmtte, Sommera `
and Muageall.
'_m^!+~ b!+~"~*.3SZ4~8.4: w~ ;
11BSIITt CORF;ESSI088RS: 'Phompooa.
REC3JISSIFI- P~LIC ~a. Petition ~aDmitted Dy 0. 1'. ZII~tAHF~ 805 Sonth I+oe Angslee Stroet~ ;
AATT~A 1QA~ ~~o tl~ a~~~~±~,tlon ot the prspe:rty at ihe aaathveet oor~er oY Son4,h 7~oe
~'-53-5~--16 Angel~~ snQ Mest Sontfl Stzeets~ preseatlg soned sa &-3~ Maltiple Samily Reeidoatisl
Zone. Mr. Zimmsx~mna appenred before the Commiasioa and stated tbat hs Yonad at the ?
laet tim~ hi~ preperty rss denied redisesiiiaatioa. thst r~at~,q oi the pereoas ui~s+~ :i
Lhe petition opFoeizg eams wnld not ~re sigaed bad. th~y ]~no~ra eal ths circnmetanoes. ;
lfr. Boetick~ HealLor. apoke in favos oY the propoeed reclaesification, etating thesC ~!
bueineee r-as aow oa tteo of theae coz~aers and there wae a need at the preeent tima for ~
more comnercial locatione. ?
Henry Mang, 107 1dacArthnr Manor. presented a petition containing 43 namee of persone ~
opposing the reclaeaiiication and etated that they did not want bueinese ao cloae to {
their reeidential propbrties.
Mre. 0. W. hTard, 11~ !lacArthur Hanor; Mre. NThi.tehead, 114 MacArthur Manor; Mra. Jemae ;
I,ittrell, 121 MacArthur Manor; Flrs. Atez 9mee, 11$ Weet Dal.encia Avenue; Mrs. Mary E, i'
P.eed. 113 Waet ~idvay FAenar, appbared beiore the Commieeion and etated condltioae have i
not changed since the laet time it wea proposed to reclnaeifq this property. At that i
time, a Market Mae proposad and this time a eimpla C-2 Reclaseification is requeete(i ~
with x~o enecific V3& for Lhe property epeciYisd. A general C-2 Eeclassificstion would .~
ellotr r~e~}r undeairable busineeeee which might be a de4riment to the propertiee. ~;
The ~ARINQ was closed. ;
Commissioaer (3ausr ~ade s motton. secondad by Cammies3aaar Riutcel the Iti,CLAS3IFICATI01~e
xo. F 53-5l+--16 Es DE~IIED. ~
Commieaioner Schutte mede a motion seconded by Commiseioner Mungail that the above F
motioa be tabled until the nezt Heeting to be held on Monday~ March 15~ 195~~ at 2:00 ;
o~clock P.M. 'Phia motioa carrie~d.
T~NTATI9E A Tentative I~(ap of Tract No. 2121 wae presented to the Commieeion. Thie Lract ie s
MAP PBACT •located at the northweat corner of Eaot Bomneya Drive and Baater Streat and containa ~
N0. 2121. 5o Lot,a. The S~Udivider ia fiE:lEC~E I,. HALL~EY CO•. INC.~ 1124 South 8everlq Drive ~
Los Angelee--35. Cal3fornie. 3
IIpon a motion by Commiseioner Schntte. eeconded by Commieelotter &iutcel~ and carried. ~
it wea voted to approve the Tentative !~lap of Tract No. 2121, aub~ect to the following: t
1. Completi~a of Annesation to the G+_*•~ af s^^*-iW, ;
2. Bearrangement of the norEh tier oY lots to allow s ~treet ta the north for ~
dzaineZte purpoeee an8 future development. ~
3• Eaeementa for utility purposee. ~
~• Payment of $2$.00 per lot for the acquisitioa of Parks and Recreational Sitea. ~
5• LngiAeeriug Requiremente. 3
TENTATIVE e Tentative Map of TracC No. 2149 wae preeented to the Comwiseion. This tract 3e ~
MAP '1'~tACT located oa NorLh Citron Street, ~net eouth oi West W1lhelmina Straet, and conta~ne ~
R0. 2149. j Lote. 'Phe 3nbdiv3der is ENLPH MAAS. 10~ Sonbh Los Angelee Street, Anab.eim~ Calif. ~
IIpon e aotion by Commisaioaer Schutt~~ eeconded by Commieeioner Riutcel, and carried. ~
it vrae voted to apnrove the Teatative Map of Tract 1V'o. 2149, sub~ect to the folloNing: ~
1. The obtaining of $-.foot easements from the property to the nozth for utility ~
2. Peyment of $2$.00 per lot for the acquieition of Parks and Recreational Sites.
3• EnBinaering Eequirementa.
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~ 19IYatTT~3 OF Fiis4ULAR ME3CTINQ ~CLD MABCH 1. 195~+ - Contim~n~d= PA6~ '~. -
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~ 1hENCES The Commiasioa adopted PSSOI,UTZOB ~D. 52 - S~I~S 3q5}~ rq~fa~ tIxe erection of
; ~'enoee end Walle,upan a motion by Commissla~r Efntce=. seeo~eE tq Caaaefesfoner
~ Hapgood, and carried, that the Coaissioa x~ema tc t~e Cft~- Co¢xi2 t2~at the
s suggested cbsn8e b~ in.cc+rporatad in t~ TM'~3C*~SLT- ~. ~ct!oa q200.14.
; Thia c}~nge was coneidered at Lhe 8d,~oaraed ~ax i~eesimr IDea¢ ca aeor¢nry ij. 3yjw.:
f The vote on above RE89LtTPI01[ H0. 32 -~ 3?~}~ ~es zs fo3Boars:
: 9YES: COI+ASIS3I027ffiS: Aneat. t~aner, Bs~ood. 8lnteel, Sr~~~, Schnite. St~ers
f and }lnngall.
; iQOF~3: CO1+~.ASISSIORa'8S: None.
ADJOTJRI~IldENT The Commiseion Ad~ourned aL 4:35 a~clock P.13. ~til ~omdag, 1larch 15. I~. at :
2:00 o~clock P.H.
3. Y. ""~"-_: * t,-rF
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