Minutes-PC 1954/03/15~
.:~ ~
t~abe~la. Os23to~'~s
lia=ah 73. 199`
.1[I1QQTffi 0? ADd0U88~D H~UI+AR 1~ETIS(i 09' 4'~ tfY'PY P~AB~TI~fi OOQ~[ISSD~
ADJOURHED Aa Ad~onrned Regolar Meetiag of t3se Oity ~~^_=t~ Commission was callsd to ord~
o m,~,v, ~: ?,~4 wle~tnnt,~ g=]~.i bg ChsirD~sn SumIDesa: a qvorum be17G~ Ptesent.
PHESENT CEbiRHAH SUFII~HS~ COMMISSIO~SHS Auest, fiasuer, 8lntoel. Scffi~c~er, Se~ntte affi E~3
MIHUT~S 4'he Miautee oi the Hegnlar Meating of Harah 1, 195~, Ye~ ~PP~~ ~~~-
HECI~dS3IFI- PETITIOA of C. b. ZII~, 809 Sonth I+os Angslea Strest, Sos s~-,2 8~IlI~lI~
CATION Nt~. of Ehe property at the southweet coraer oY Mest Sonth Stsbet aad Saat~ yos in8al.as
~'-53-54--16 street, table!! at the Meeting of March 1, i954. ws b~on~s ~.
Sinoe tha previona Meeting~ Mr. 2immermana had verballT reqnssted ~st t~s ~I-
FICATIOH be chsa8ed to C-1 ~~IOHA08~DOD OOtQ~BCI!!Z ?Al~.
Dne io the .4acE that the original motion reierrea to a C-~2 . i: ss
the aonaeneus oi the maJority oP the Commiaeion t~st this aetion mst be ~etd a~am
and Si l[r. Zi~eraiana wiehed to ohsnBe hia raqneet, s nsr aatioa ~n13 ~vs tu ~
starte3 sad advertised so that the oppoaeats to 3&C7+ASS~'IC-TIOY a¢!~t be a~l~-
oP thie reviaion.
The original motian of March 1~ 1954~ made by Commisaioaer 8aaer. Aeemmae~ lrt i~a-
miasioner ~intoel ~ rras uox acted upon and aarriad~ tl~st b~ ~DSI~ ~1. 55 - S~'S
1953-54. ths Oommiseioa recommavd to the City Council ths! B~QiSSII~iGilIDl ~. ~
53--5~--16 ~ ~I~u.
Ths ~ote on abova ~sOLVTIOH H0. 56 - SSHI~S 1953-5~+. ~~~~~=
ATSS: COMMISSI08EHSt Anest. aaner, Eintael, Sahnmscher. Snmssr~ aad ~1.
1Q0~3: COidFlIS320~S t Hoas.
AESI~NT¢ C6MNIISSIOIP&RSt HapBooa aad ThomPson.
NOT 9C~TIH(i: COMMI3SYOH9HSt 9ohntte.
Oommisaioner Sokatts e~betsiaed from votiag as he balia~ed t~at tbs l:esdssi,aa +s3~ali
have aacoptea Mr. Zi~ermsnn~• verbal reqneat !or a 1l.~ter elassitisstfa~ d~sat _
going 4hrough the formslity o~ 3liing s nev rsqasst.
CODE A motion ~ras made t;{ Commiselones Anaat, ~eao~~ b7 Co~issi°aer Aa~~ ~"~''~=~"'
G~AN(~8 tbat actioa ba stacted to delete Pars-grsph C vader S~CTDOB 9Q~.1~ ~~~
(P`uture MU&IOIPAY, ~bDE. This Seotioa aoncerna fn~vra sones ss sho+ia ia 3~~«a~ 3~ r~'~
Zonea) OifSaial 2oning Map. A Pablic Hearing ri11 be held ipril 5, 193~. :
pp~ A motioa rree 'mde by Co~iasioner Aneet~ seaondea by Co~i3sioaer B~1, sa~ ~ai~
CgANa~ tLat a~tion ue taken to aban8e SBCTIOH 9200.11 oi the ALSiIl~~I~i~L C~ ->- ~
.,.~ :a,,;.~„~ ±,~,~_ ttc$ ~anm aaia Saotion a~d p],seinb it ia S~ 9~-
(Trailer 48 - `i`~6Ii;~ ~,
CamP) 13 - IIntCI,93828'7~A II~~. A Pnblia Hee~rin8 vill be held am aP~ 5. 199}
OHABGE IN The BS°QLLT34~ 140. 51 - S~SI~S 1953~5y' yae ps~asntea to the Oot~dasion, ~is ~-
S'1'R~+ET NAN~S LUTIOH coaoerne the o1~amBiag of S'~ST HA~ ia Tract Bo. 164$.
IN TMCT H0. ~a a motion by Coffiniesioner Schntte, second~d b~ Coffissinasr S~, ~
1~F8 ce,rri~d. the readiag ot the Besolntion ~ss~s r~3vea.
tTpon s motiion by Commieaiouar Scuu.~.+ s: ~:a..cw~ b; r-~isaLoa~s ~, ssd
oerried. it Mas voted to a2~em8e Lhe STBEET HAI~S ia ~r~t ~+• 7~• ~~
~e previouslg aoted uPoa at i~he Ad~onru~ 3isgu:a= TM~s~~S a~ ~~~ ~~ 1~, ~
the vote recorded at thst time.
OBAN(i~ 't~e t9i~y Oour~o~ ,a:~::~.' ~o ~e Cit; pln~~+„~ Commission certs3a ~Sds of px~$
AQEPlT14 to be l~aora as iue ~Beai~ o," ~:w' ~'~e~rnA~ ~~ x~n~ls, ~ 7oazs Streat, 3.la-
.~ATIOB aola Aveane, Arookhurst Street aad Eall Hoed. This ProP°s°a ~°i~°`t~ ~~
IIpon s motioa by Commieaioner Sc~~r, secondea by Co~mioasr ~aest. a~ °~+'
it waa voted tbat the Commiasion racommend to~.the CitJ Coaaei3 tbat the absw 3r- _
ecribed ares be coaeiaered for ~d=~~ ~~ `-r= Q=~%• -
CARL 7.F1~10~ Mr. Car? Lemalos sppearod betore the Ooa~iasion yith rsl~raaes io his gmP~-~ d
npITCH 9NA a~pproxims~ely 3 aoree to the rsar ai h!e 2wms at ~S lfor~a ~i"s~a a~x,r~. ~~ =:
ppTTa apyF mind boilaia8 .~a1d aareege into a"Pitah sffi Patt" tiolt Comrsw. Bs ~s t°13 ~ '
COII&~. thie w~~ be e QSD permi4ted ~er U A C 7+ 6 S S I F I B D II S? 3 i n t h s ~~~
:~ ~~ 3~ngc,~rq xp~ him ~o ~'ils s Y~BZ~iC~ ~L21~ilI~~
and i$ai io wi,'v~.. .. -
~ ~
~ ~ ~
..~ _._. _..~. ,, .....,.,, _. ..._..~~.~.__,...,~,~,4....,.~..~.>._n, ,,..s.~:.>,~.~,,.v.:~.,...~,~...,,,,,.,~ _ __
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
F(I~s Q8 g~Jp~p BBf3ULA~ ~ETffiG ~LD 7d68CH 15, 1954 - Coatianed: PAL~~ 2.
s AHD HIt~~
; ~ATS.
ARC~ 1~0.
'Phe MASTES Pl+dg OF STB~TS APD HIG~IAYS waa again aoasidered~ and upon a motion by
Co~isaioner Aueet~ aecondecl by Commiesioner Sahnme~oher, a~l aarried~ it vas voted
to set'the date of April 19~ 1954 xor a Pablio Hearin$. the M~-p to be ohanged bafore
pnblishing shovia8 Brookhnret Street as SO ieet irom Nan~aheater Aveans to Bonstoa
Stres~, and the Aaal~aim-Olive Boea from East Ceater Street to the Sants ~aa.2tivdr ss
ioo reet.
Qee Variaaoe Permit Applicstioa No. V1f-1150 was reisrred b'y the Oraage Connty Plaaaing
Co~ieeion.to the Commisaion.
Upon a motion by Commiesioaer Schutte, aecoadecl by Commiseioaer Bintcel. and carrisd~
it was voted tLat the A1QAF~TM CITY PLAR2J~G COb4+II3SI0N wuld not 3avor graating tinis
YdItIARC~ because of prnpoeeQ annezation in the area.
The tollnving 3etber rras ad3reasea to the OBANG~ COUHTY PLAAAIBa CONA~ISSSION, aadar :
data o! Marah 16, 195~+, ~Y the Secretary:
flWith referena~a ~o ~v~~ la~~a: of ~.w :~, 3°:LL rege.rd~~ IIee 4ariaace 1'ermit -
Applicatioa No. IIP 1150~ this rsa conai~ared by the Aaeheim City Plarmi.ag Commiasion
at an Ad~ourae~ EeBale-r Meeting held on Msroh 15. 195~• '
Th3a property ie iaalnded ia the proposed Orsnge Avenne Anneaatioa sud ad.i4lns
aaother anaesatioa ~mown se the Liaaola Aaaes~stion.
It is psbbable that ths I+inaoln Anne~.tion and thia portioa of ths OranBe
Aveuue Annezation nortt~ ot Liacoln avsane will be resoned apoa aanesatior to t~l-1, ~
Light Naunyactnriag~ vrith a bntfez sone oonsieting oi our P-b~ Parklag~I,affiacapiag
Zoae. Th{s ~~].1 reqnire all bnildiage to be eet beck sisty (60) laet from the pro-
perty line.
The Cnmmieeion desirea to go on rscos~d ae oppoeed to "sYioe-etringi~g" aommercial .
businees aloag I,inooln Avemie, whore rell-deai~teQ ehoppinB ceaters rdth adeqnato
parkiag iacili0les xi7.1 better serve the purpoee.
The Commi.saion recommande tl~at thia IIsa Yarianoe be denied.p
The qneetioa o4 the City acquirinB the H~`3T PROP~RTY bonnded by ~orbh Ciyton. iiae0 F
liilhelmiaa, North Palm aad Weet Sycamore Streets. for s iritnre Civic Center~ rras
Qisanesed eome time ago an~ at that time Mr. Murdoch stated bbat thie Wovld hsve to
ba bndgete8 beoauae of the amount iavolaecl.
TJpon a motion by Commiesioner 9chumacher~ eeoonded by Commissioaer Riutael~ aad
oarried~ it ~rae votea tl~t the Commiasion reaommencl to the City Couacil tbat pro-
viaioa be made ia the 195~55 ~8et for the purahsee o! eaid property Yor a l~tnre
Civic Center.
ADJOIIRNME6T ~e Meeting aa~ournea a~ 3=50 o~clock P.M.
~ a~aovFm• C~~~ ~ ! ~J4
f, '--~ --T--
. 11..MUS(~ , SeOrete.Ty
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