Minutes-PC 1954/04/193 _
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Anahefa, calitorais
APr37. 19, 199+
~tHQ'ms of ADJOIIBIO~D BEavLAR M~rzaa o! TEL ciTY Pli>~ ooaNlssia~
f ADJOURa'8p An Ad~onraed 2tF,~~ular beefing of the City Plsaaitla Caasdssien was called to ardsr
~. BDf++ULAR at 2103 o reloak P.Ni. oy Chainmaa Szmmere, a gooraa being present.
PR'8'SPfRT CIIAIRMAH 3UMNO~iS, OOMbCSSI0HRR3 Anew#. (iavtrs ~~. Biel, ' affi lktagall.
MI90TH8 The Minates of the Begalar Mooting of eprii ~, iy9a•. were sppravea as priatcst.
VABIAHCH POBLIC E~ARIHa. PRTITI03 enbmitted by lLOT JAl~ CBAId, 10032 Berpor Boolesaa3,
H0. 228. Anah~::izt, as Lessee, regnesting peffiesioa to operate a Baai Hstats OlYiea st the
shows address. Ho one appeared Sa favor or in opposition to the ~~ of this
YABLt1HCa. T~ HB~A8I8(i ifAS CIDS~.
Vpoa s motion by Commissioner 0aner, seconded by Coaaissio~ser 4hoapson, aaa carried,
it rate voted that by BSSOLIITIOH H0. 65 - SS81E5 1933-~, sai3 vAal~li0. 228 BB
~ y MAST~fE PLAN Pt~LIC ID6AAIBQ. This Tae the time set for the firs! Arblie Seari~ om the Proposed
j i{~~ ', OF STB~;TS Master Plan et Streets and Highra~ys. The Plea as advrrtiaed is the JL86tf[ BQT.LSTI3
& EIOHk*AYS. o_* April 8, 1954, brought to the Meeting a amber os ci+~e~ ~~~-rstG•' ~ Lis gra-
r posed plan.
Chairman Summers e~laiaed that it Tres the duty oY the PLrsrriag Ce~sien tm torso-
late and adopt shah a PLAB within the ^Sphere of Intirmee' of Ambein. me PLAA is
neoeasarily long range is scope, looking to the tuxnre as tar as poss~le, also _
anticipating, ae mush as poaeibls, the tatnre g~+orth et the City of Aaaheia.
'~ Mr. Ted 8ime_1, 9161 Magnolia Aveaae, preset st tbs Lasi~, nos fatergtsd is the
r i widening of Linoola Avenue, stating that at present, it res a vest' sate him doe
T to narrowing darn to s tyro-lane road. Iatorsat~ioa~: ,h,~as it that ~.;~~w Ava~s is pro- '
_{ ~C:ttd to bo=oms lab-*oQt r~a~~ t.y er^. ~+e+~ =~-rw ~.•.w.-.~ ~..w ~-~..-•.~t
having had the widening of this highway amdar coasidesstioa ter a lei ties, amd Mr.
'~ Rimers weld like to ksox Than it is anticipated that such ridsoing rritl take place.
Mrs. Lloyd Porter, 8001 Bnalid ATe~e, was 3atsrgted is the area st iFast Ls Pales
~ Aveaae and Bnelid Aveaae. It rnu^ esplsined that rasa toe Proposed )iestsr Plea is
F ~ adopted, all building set-bac1: Sines moat coafoa with the esimtoal sidth nt these
streets before Banding Permits say be issasd.
%~ Mr. Hrio Ninger, 9001 Linooia `sae, ran interested beesase of the leeatiem of his
!,f _ residents, situated at the northeast corner of Lincoln Avesoe sad lfa~olis Aveaas,
" sad beosase of the oontempl.ated increased ridtns of said o9gmgys, oom ~,iaoo3a =
~~ Avenue and Magnolia Avemte would pass through his hoses. _
It vas a8ain stressed that the MASTER PLAN eonstitates long-:auBs plasaing, sad that
it would be several years before ii is campisted.
Mr. L. E. Moffitt, 9101 Ball Bond, was interested 3a the Ball Bead psvposed lOO-toot
?;~ width, relative to There it weld eztemd to the east. It was eo~glainea.thst a bridge y
wind be iadiaated across the Santa Ana River at the east cad, bat that the Anaheim
`' "Sphere oY Intlnsme^ emds at the rest beak.
Ho one else appeared before the Caami.asien. S4ra ii"a~a°"sv rsa closed as3 the required
SIDCOHD PCBLIC HEA&IHQ rill be held on MaSy 3, 195+.
` BEYISION OF A Revised Proposed Trailer Part ~ectioa of the A3LBYDSIl~iC1PAL COZE Tae prgentsd
}i ~ A,M.O, WITH tt- the Commission. This ryas taken up by ~ emd eeveri ~+~~ ~.e.s*~+r, z
;, ~; REFRREHCE ~~ These will be ooasidered at the Regular Meeting at !Iq 3rd and PQ$LIC ~A~a will '_`-
'R.'~TT•w be held on May 17, 1954 ~d June 7. 1954. i
PAB&9. _
~ASTEH Commissioner Thompson brought up the gneetioa of resoniag tae Lsrstea p:operty,lying J
tJ PBOP&STX along Borth Citron Street, to the Bt3, MUiB'Z~ l.LMaT ~SI~lIAL ZtRR. IIader RBr
~ CLASSIFIOATIOH H0. l-52-~"3--15 the balaaae of the p:+oprgty to the rear ~~s realassi- i
~ tied to Bra, MIILTIPLR FAMILY B3SI~HTLd3. Z00~. It was the eomeemsos et opinion that
the Commission institute proaeadinga to conaldsr the reclasaitication at that portion .~
"-'^" along Borth Citron Street from Brl, 3I8a1~ !A1[II3 ~Si11°m:'IAL L0~• to ~3, MffldlIP23
~Y FAMILY Bk32nEHTIAL 7A1~. A date for P~LIC EtdBI'B~ as ~iase 7. 195{F vas set.
~, ADJOUffiQl~9T The Meeting edionraed at 3145 orcloak P.It. /~
Y. I~i.L,
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