Minutes-PC 1954/05/03asty a~.~. Anaheim, ca].srorns8 t~av 3~ 195~ ~. r~~a~: PR~S~NT ABSEl3T 141A V i~.W67 BEOLASSIB'I- CATIOR N0. ~ 53-5y--2o `;I ;1 ~ ~ ~l ,1:I .MIAIIT~S OF HE(~IILAE MEffiTIL~f3 0~` T~ OY'~Y PI+ANNINt~ COMMY33I6N A Begalar Meetin6 of the Oity Planning Commisaioa ~raa called to order at 2:10 o~clock ~ P.M., by Chairman Suamners~ a quaram beiag present. s CHAIRMAN SIItA~H.S, 002~II+II3SI0~1BS Auest~ Eiutoel, 9chumaoher~ Schntte a~i Mungall. ~ Commieaiaaer Thompson entered the Meetir.g at 2t30 0~olook P.M. Commieaioaer (~usr entere6~ the Meeting ~t c:38 o~cioag P.i~. - Qommieeioner Fapgood enterad the Meeting at 3t4$ o~olook P.M.. , OONQ+II3SIO~s -- None. -x ~._ •r,....r.... ..a ~~~ eas a a~,lns Monti~a nf 4iri7 70~ 1954~ +aera rmnrrnped na •~•O 141YKYVO V ~«~~j~w~~~ ~.vp.~~~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ - priated. ' :l P~bIO ~ASINa. 8eclseaifiaatioa Petit9an Yiled by C. A. ZIMF~&IBNN, 805 Sonth 7ros ~ 6ageles 3treet, raqv.esting realasaifiaation oP the property st the eonthxest aoraer of SOUich i,os nu~a+e~ S~Peet and 5~88~ Souy„h S::aet~ Y:am °~i, t~JT.,TIPI.E FAMIbY HESZa.~..'~ ' TIAI+ ZOBS Eo C-1. NEIa~OR~OD COMA'~BCIAL 7ARE. "• Petitiono were aubmitted bq aix property ownere on Midw~y Manor and by trrenty-two other property o+~,nere ia ths area, protestiag the propoaed reclassification. The petitioas were^'~n f~ll to the Cammisaion by the Secretary at the requeet af the - opponents to tha recZasaification. The following peraone appeared "pe~sonai}~S befora the Commiaeion. in oppoaition to said reclaesifit;atioa: Mra. T. T,. DeVelbise~ 100 MscArthur Manor; Mra. M. 8. ReEd, 113 MacArthur Manor; _ hir. H. a. Mang, 107 Mec.ArtYa::~ bianor; btra. B. N. WhiteheaQ. 114 MacArthur Maaor; and Mra. F. Littrell, 121 MacArthur Manor. THE I~ARINa WAS CLOS~. Q,;~ ~rried. ,~it was cher r S hum i i C : , one c a ac omn Upon a aotion by Commissianer Schutte, seconded bq voted thet by RESOLUTION N0. 64 - s~ttT~S 1953-5~+ the Commiesion recommettd to the City Council the.t R1~77(;LASSIFICATION N0. F-53-5t+~--20 be approved, eub~ect to: 1. The erection of a 6-foot solid maeonry wall by the owner, along the aouth eido of the properiy from South Los Angeles Street weatward to the alley. 2, The deeding of an (?-£oot ~trip along the weat eide of the property for the widening o° the present 10-foot a].ley running aoutherly from Vieat Soutn Streei:. ! The vota on the above RESOLUTION N0. 66 - s~s=~s 195:-5~'+ Wae 88 follows: ~ AYES: CO'riNlISSIONERS: ~ueat, &iutcel. Schan~cher, Schutte, Sum~e:e~ Thompson enfl ~~ ~ Mungall. NOES: COMMISSIONESS: None. ABSENT: COFASISSIONER3: t~auc~r and Hapgood. fi { s~CLAS5IrI-„ rUELiG i~iiRIIr'G. RequseL by HOME.R H. P'C1r~I,IlA, 76~1 Acacia Street, for the reclasai ca- . ~1 CATION N0. tion of the southwest coraer of 6ca~is Street and Pinewood Avenue from &-A. RESIDEPTIAI.: ;t{ F-53-54--21 AGHICULTURAL ZONE to C-1~ NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL ZONE. ~', `4 ~:g '~~9 l.l r."j , ~ ~a i? `i ~ _ _ ;'~ ~9 r~ ~ ci tl ,,I -~ ~'=?>. ,; ~: ' Z!" '~;,;. . . No one appeered for or againet the propoaed recless4fication. ~ Mre. Thalma. Murphy. Healtor. volunteered the informatioa thnt Mr. F1Ale:'e eon aaa a victim of polio and confined to a wheel chais. In order to enable thie pereon to make ~; a living that the proposed reclessification hee been requeete8. _ T~ ~ARINa WAS CLOSID. r Upon a aot3oa by Comaiseioner Schumacher, seconded by Commiasioner Eiutcel,and cru~ri'ed.' it wae voted that by REISOLL''1'ION N0. 6Z - s~xi,~s ~953-5k~ the Commiesioa recommend to ~ the City Oouncil that RECLASSIFICATION N0. F-5}54~--21 of the north 30 feet of the ~ S~sb~ect ?roperty be approved, sub~ect to: ° 1. d building line'~set-~aok of 25 feet muat be k~pt from Acacis Street and 10 feet ; h~ Fir~ewaad :~,~er,ae. - 2. The dedication oP 10 feet on Acacia Street ior the fuE+.2re widening oP thia Street..1 3. Providing for Off-3treet Parking on the rear portion of the RECLASSIFIED f'ORTION ~ ia accordance with the proviaions o: the AN.AHEII+I MUNICIPAL CODE. 4. The filing of a Record of Survey i~iap of the corner lat a~ the sout~ect aorae: o~P Acacia Street and Pinewood Averrue. ,~ The vote on the above RESOL't)TI021 N0. 6q - s~iES z993-~1+~ was ae followe: z AYES: COt+~i?SSIONHRSt Aiutcel, Schumacher, Schutte, Slxmmera~ Thompaon and Mungall. ~ NOES: CO1~fISSI0NER3: buest and f3auer. ~ l-BSENT: COMMISSIOI~rRS: Hapgood. ~ ~ . ~ ' :~ _.._. _ .____.._ . _ . _.-- ---•--- _ __.. __ . __.. ~.~ _ . ,._ ~.._ . - -- , - --- ~ ,_ _. ~ _ '""' - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ KINOTES OF REGIILAR MEETING HELD MAY ~. 1954 - Coatiaued: PAGE 2. RECL6SSIBI•• PLTBLIC ~ARINf~. Action inftiated by the Comrriasion to cha.nge certain areas from &-A, CATIOH 80. HESIDENTIAL-AGRICULTURAL 20ND to H-1. SINGLID FAMILY R197SIDENTIAI, ZONE. The areae in H.~}54--22 question are ae followe: - 1. That area north of Eastwood Drive along the east side of North Eaet Street and along the aouth side of Eaet I,a Palma Avemxe esat of North East Street. 2. That area lying weaterly of North East Street between East Wilhelmina Street and Eaet North Street, westerly to North ~9ush Street. 3. That area bounded b~ the north eide o: ~est North Street, the A. T. ~ S. F. x. 8. tracks, the eateneion of East I,a Palma Avenue, and North East Street. No one apoeared for or againat the proposed reclassification. T~ HEARINQ WAS CLOSID. IIpoa a motion by Comnisaioner Auast~ aeconded by Commissioner Schutte. and carried. it ; was voted by FtESOLUTION N0. 6B - SERIES 1953-54, that the Coromission recoauaend to the City Council that RECI,ASSIFICATION N0. F-53-5~+--22 be approved. , The vote on the above Rb1SOLUTI0IQ N0. (~$ - SEFt2ES 1953-54, was as followa: , aYES; COl41ISSIONLRS: Auest~ t3auer, Schumacher, Schutte. Summers. Thompeon and Mungall~ °CES: CJ:~"?:SSI~?~....'T?S: *?oae. ABSE'NT: CQNI~SISSIONA~tS: Hapgood. NOT 40TINa: COMMISSIONERS: Riutcel. &ECL9SSIFI- Pt1BLIC HEARING. Requeat hy P.AYMOND E. MILLER, 7861 Acacia Stree~, tYiat the area along ; C1.TION 1Q0. the westerly eide of said Acacie. Street at Eaet I,e, Palma Avenue and ettending n~rtherly; =°-53-5+--23 e die~e.n~a oY b60 fea~; ~ora or 2sss. £ross the center line of said ~'ast ?•e Palme 4ver_ue? be reclassified from the R-A, RESID~ITIAT,-6GAICULTiJRAL 20NE to the R-1~ SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZO?JE. ~ No one appeared for or againet the propoFed reclaseification. THE I~ARIN(3 WAS ~LOSID. `: Upon a motion by Commisaioner Aueat, eeconded by Commiasioner Schutte. and carried. it ' r+ca voted by RESOLUTION N0. 69 - s~i~g 1953-54 thet the Commiaeion recommend to the City Council tht~.t RPCLASSIFICATION 1.D. F-53-5~-23 be approved, sub~act to: Recorde of Surveve to be filed with the Citv of Anaheim and the County of t Orange on any lota cut frcm thie property. The vote on the abone RESOLUTION N0. 69 - s~tttES 7953-5~++ Was as follows: 4 AYES: CONUfISSIONERS: Auest. f3auer, Riutcel, Schumcicher, Schutte, Summera. Thompson .; aad Mungall. ' AOES: COl~AiISSIQ .P~.RS: 2~ons. ; ABSENT: COMMISSIONE~tS: Hapgood. ;? HECLaSSIFI- PtJBLIC HEARINa. Requeat b,y LUCILE L. I,EWIS, 10617 Kinnard Avenue, Los Angelee--24, ~t CBTION N0. Cali£., that tYae triangular parcel of land bounded on the north by Manchester Avenue, `? F-5}g4--24~ on the weet by tiilbert Street, aad oa the south by West La Palma Avenue, be reclasai- ~ sied from Tt-a. Rr,SiDr.~"i'ZFsi-aGRii,uL`itTRisI, ZOi1c^, to ci-1, LZG&'i bii~i3(Tt'nCTiTi2Ii:G ZOi1~,. ~ Mr. George Schneider appeared in behalf of the proponents. and Mr. Jack Yeckel of the ~ Carxiation Compas~y, etated that they deeired ta purchtiae aaid propertv for Dair,y Msrni- -i facturing, Proceasing. Selling, etc. 7 No one apneared in opnosition to the proposed recZassification. THE HEARINa t4AS CLOSIDF Upon a motioa by Comnisaioner Schumacher, seconded by Commiasioner Schutte. and carrieda it wae voted by RESOLUTION N0. ~0 - sExIES ~953-5~~ that the Commiseion recommPnd to ~ the Citq Ceuncil that RECLASSIFICATION N0. F-$3-54--24~ be apvroned, eub~ec~ to: ,~ I. The deeniag to the City of Anaheim of a Lwenty (2d) !'oot atr.ip along Weat I,a f °:~laa Avenue for the futere ~ideniag of thie street. ~ 2. The establishment of a P-I,, PARRINQ LANDSCAPING SONE aloag West La Palma Avenue. The vote on above RMSOI,UTTON N0. {C - s~iES ~y53-5~++ Wa8 as s"ollowe: i AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Auest. bauer, Riutcel, Schumacher, Schutte, Summers, Thompaon and Mungall. { HOES: C02dAtISSIONERS: None. { ABSENT: COMMISSIONER3: Hapgoo~. 3 BECLASSIFI- PIIBLTC ~'~ARING. ltequest by C. DON.eLD and MARY M. HOOPES, I810 ~ieet Loreae 8treet. CATION N0. Whittier~ Calif.~ that the northwest corner of Weat Ls Palma Svenue taad Brookhurst a=~3-94--25 Street, be reclassified from RrA, BESIDENTIAL-A~3RICULTpEi6L ZONE to C-2~ fiEN~ftAL COM- MERCIAL 20NE and G1. 1QEIO~ORHOOD COMMERCIAL ZONE. The 3tate Highway Department has informed the City that a portion of thia property ie to be acquired for highw~r purposee.. Mr. Hoover appeared before Ehe Commiesion and atated that ha believed the State only wanted the propertq aloag the north line, en3 that the balanue would et!11 be euitable for Commercial Uee~. -~ _.__~.____~ _._._.___.._.__---____...____.....__...__..___.____._.---_..__...__.__ ~ ~ ~ ~ s i • ~ , ._--. _ _. ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~~ ~ !~ !~ E~3lII,d$ I~ ~ M3T 3 1954 -~ontianed: P6G$ 3• . , ~Ili tipo~ a eotfoa by Co~isaionsr Mnagall, seoond~t b~ Caml6sia~; Eiatael, ~sl c°rriecl. ~dli~ ~p~ it ~as ro~te~ tbst this HSCI~ASSII'IC1iTI0N APPLIOATIOR be held up '~mtil the Meeting oi t~t~~~ ~` ~~ ~~~ g~ i~ry~ ~~.i~ha mee~ntime~ aoataot the State H3ghea~Y Department ~ A g~atat~~s Map o* Tract Bo. 2I97~ looated at the sontheaet corner oi Souaton Avenae ~{+ ~,,••; aa3 Bzesol~ar~~ Stree#, aontainin8 17~ lote, rrae preeentecl to the Commiesion. Thie ~e ~m= ~.r_t .~ or+?4 -~~P a~rtion oi T:act No. 209~. The Subdivider ia the H. & K. -- pfi~S'ffiCSKOE CO.. 2di Bosemsad Bonlevard, Teaple City, Oaiitoraia. ~oa s motion by,Comffi.eeioner Schumaaher, seaond~a by Commissioner Schutte,aad carried~: ft res wted '!w sPProve the Teatative Map ot Traat No. 2197. eub3eot +;ot i• ~`n.+aa`~...:.e s~ giwmi wvi4:~Si~ Ouu3 82~8.~C$S1.^ot S~TeB~ ti~ E!i~ ~Cte~l Q~ ~ f9Bt• 2~ edj4stment ot I~ot Ho. l.17 on tha eouth side to line up rith Lot No. 118. ~~ She gsyrment oi $25.00 per lot Yor.the aoquieitioa of Park and Recreation Sitea. 4. ~eriag Beqnire~enta. '~ 15fP '~~ SD. ~. 'ffi'~'ft~ ffi i~ _ 11E1. 2?~.I. ~ 3 ~ ;~ . i: ~ ~P '~3C! ~B. 1Q~3 ~Z~. ~-~ A'leatati4s Map of Treot No. 2201 vas preaeaztea to the Commieeion. Thia TracE is Z~tad aear the northveat coraer oY Brookhvrst S.raet s.ad YJest ~ PaLna Aveane. Siaea s reply l~ad not beea reaeived from the utate HiBh~ra,4 Departmen~ (thie Tract ~~ ~4~ ~ae ~anta ;,na Freaway) ~ a motioa tm.s nad.e oy Commiasioner Sahatte, aeoonded ; by Co~iscioner Aaest, sad car='jed~ '~hat the TemtativDe Maar~meatTraot No. 2201 be held , np catil s reply s reaeived from the State High~y dP ~0 2eatstive Isecpa oY Tract Ho. 2211, marked "STUDIES ~A~ aad 'BK, were preaeated 40 .~ ~~ss~y. ~STIIDY ~A" coatains 25 I,ota, rthile °S'1roDY "BN ccntaina 2? Lot~i. The ; Sob~fsiders sre the JO~S BBOS.. 147 San Qiceate Boulevard, Be~erly H113s, CaliY.~ and tTse trrat ia loaatea at the northKes^~ aorner oY West I,s Palma Aveaue ani North Weat St. ? Upoa a eot.i9a by Ca~issioaer Schntteq aeao~da3 by Commissia^_ea Sahwnacher,ancl carried,' it ras ~oted to aFProve "ST~Y R8~ T~'~`~~ ~ 0~ '~'~aT A0. 2211, anbJeat tot 1. Ths dedicstion 4o the Qitg~ oi Anaheim oY 20 xeet a-iong wesy ye. ra~ •••ow~-~ -~. street ~rideaia8. ~~ ~ Q~~g~~ ;~ ~ka C:ty cY Ps~~e3m oY ].0 feet sl.ong l~orth West Straet iox straet ~tidenln8. 3. qi~e pay~ent oY $25.00 per lot ior the aoc~uisitioa oi Park and Eecreabion `~itea. ~. Bagineering $equiremer-ta. ` Zeatati~e t~a~p ot 9cracte=~i'i~.1993 to 1999, inaluaive. rras pressated to the Commiseioa. ~ ~ess 'Fsacts are loasteci at the aortheaet corner oi Bomaey~ Dr;.ve aad Du~lid Avenue~ ~ contsia a tola7. oi 24b 7+ots. The Snbdivider is CABL M. bUQB C0. ~ 821+2 ~Teet Thirb o- • ~ anael ae ~&~~yiQl7nis. . .s.+w. ~ C ~v---- r ' 4jpoa a ~rftioa by Coma~i.eeioner Schatte~ eeconded by Commissione~lnsive~e approvedit ~: ~ss ~oted t2~st the TeataCive Msp oi '1'raate Nos. 1993 to 1999~ s~~~ac so: ` Z. SEs dedicatioa to the City ai Anaheim oY 10 teet ior the videning of Bomaeya Drive,~ 2. '!h~ dedieatioa to the City of Ane~heim of 20 feat for t~he vi8eaia8 of Ea~olid Avenae,; 3~ Engiaeering Heqnirements. p~y~ ~~a-'(}. This vae the time aet for the SE001~ P~I,IO ~ABINf~ on the AIA9TTER PI+AN ; cu Ss~'3 k8!! H*~S. `; lio ane apgesred Yor or against `„i~e propoeed M6STEH PLIIN. Tffi+1 H99RI1Qa WAS CLOS&D. , IIgon s~osioa uy Comm+r,alaae, .'.r^•s:, ~~o"~e~ bg Commltlutnthe Coawieeioareaommend~tot ' rss .stea :n~t ~~soz,o~rzox ao. 71 - sEa~s i953-54. ~~ J w ~e~ `~at ~~ ~A.gTEE PI,9..a OF S7~ET3 A2ID HlaflMiAYS s:, outlined on the NAS'1'&S 1 pyiA ~t~F, bs adopted.. ~e sote oa dbova gSSOyDTIOH A0. 71 - SERIES 1953-54, xas as tollowst ~ ~: ~pp~[IggIpaERSt Anest,(~sner~ Bapgood, HSnEael, Schumaoher~ Sahntte, Summere. 5 9nomPeon a~t'i t~iungall. i ~: l~:~SST_4~: Aone, t ggg~tg: COD[t~33I0]~BSs Noae. -~ •~ ~ E ~ $ :~ ~ rp~ . ..._..._: ..... . . . _ _ -' .'.: .. .. . ~I/p _ _ _. _.. _.... _ ._._. ..... .._...".__"_ . ~.. ~ ~ P811S ~ ~~~ ~~ t E ~ k. ~. F- ~ ~~~ ~IDD~ 0~' ~3 !~'~'r ~D l(dT 3 195~a - Contiaaedz PAOH 4. .~ :~ t ~BAI~+BS FeixtLer diseaniQa ~as ~sld apoa the Revision ot Section 5100 of the ANA~IM MIINI- PABH ~- CBAL CODl, aad it ~s d~eidad tbat wns parse>a nba bas bad eaQerienoe ±n :;aing 9ISIOB OF ~II.~ PA~, aad aiso s 4BAIF~B Pd,II QPEBATOH shazld b• iavitad to oao o~ the 3d1.C. S8C- ]Iestia~s ~o lbst t~e 19o~sion aight be bettar i~ormed beiore mak3sig Yina], the 2IOa 5100. p:opesed eLeus~ea ia this Section of tbs 00~. EDaO~ ~s Coaissiem sd~a~ned st 4:50 o~clock P.l~I. aa8i~]. t~lon@.e1T. ~Y.17, 1Q54• at 2t00 o~e1o~ P.II. . ~!. ~t~AI+L Sacratary ~' nT ~, AYsB09~D• ~ ~ ~ E ¢ pc i ~ --` ...-----~ , a ; ; z : 5 1 i ; 1 "v 3 I ~ ~ i a ~ ~ A ~ ~ ~ f~ ~ :-,~ ~. ~-f' ',J