Minutes-PC 1954/06/21,,. `. --_.~ e..y ~Z~. Las ±a : , SCa:S:tsr. ;~ Jsme 21. 19~F A~ .T,n..o,~n orturr~-Q, !m8'PI~ OT' T~ CSTX Ix6 0010[ISSIOI ~ ~DJOII~ An AQ~onra~d B*Balsr lt~~tiaB oi tlu CitT Plaemia6 Qea~i~d,oa tias a~tie~ to oa~r 8]~GIILdS at 2=16 bl111obk P.l[. b7' Clf~irma Sm~ers ~ a qnosas b~ia~ pr~s~t. IOI~Tl~G PE~SSiT CH~IB1Ulf 80l~ttS. 001[t~I8SI0]fA~S ~itss0, Es~good• BinLa~1. Soha~oh~r~ 'lbo~Pwn aad M~li• 1ESA8g 001~iI88i01~t8 fa~R affi SOfiOTTS. u..trmQc '~~ Nian~sa e! ~he 8sanlar Re~tin8 e~i J'aa~ ?. 1954 ~rsr~ aPPre~sd as priat~d, cban6ia~ ~,~~ •&-0~ oa lin~ 17. pag~ 5• ~ ~7~I0 ~ABI~G. P~~ition an~a~t~d by YIBQi~ H.. 1f~T~8 H.. snd P~378 MABD. 20i9 ; ~t C~ntar Strest~ reqwstiaa psruission to erua~ Daildia6s and ectabli~h s ti~a~ral ', yss~ snd Lffiac~piad Bnsia~~s oa lrot 85. ?raat 300 1843. locs0~d st th~ aortlua~t asr o! llos~h Plaoenti3s 6~era-~ ~d S~t Ceater Straet. _ one ~PP~~ !or or agsia~t the 8~~iaa o! th~ TAIiI-TCS. ~~iABIiG lU3 CI48~D. a ~ ~~~..a~a - ia ~- aotioa by Co~isaionsr solmsso~er, ssaoffid b, Coaissitrses ~.. ~•o• •~••~•••:•. ; ~a. ..tea ~ s~so~rrioa so. 8~ - s~s ~9S}y+ suat v~awras ao. a35 ~a aa~sa~. ; i~~o! fo dr-~lopia~ tlr l00 ia aacordanae dth 4h~ lalont Pr~saatea.. i ~ lI+IC ~• ~titisa ~nb~itt~d bj a3~1!'PCA d. BLW~ 894 Yor~h Olive Str~~4. rr is41n~ gar~i~eica to orsct a Siagle lfsz!]y D~~lir3 ~s.~he troat por~iQ~.Qt Iot 26; , ialc 8~ ei th~ Oarrell Sabdi~si~oa. looat~d at 72T Sont~h ]YeilT Strest. at psesan4 ~ ~re i~ • wal.l dNl].iai on the rauc ei ~aid 7+et troatila~ on ~ast SosLh Str~~t. ~a a~tiea by Ooamiesiea~r Bi,n~e~].~ sooo~.~d b~ Co~dssioa~r Sehuseh~s, and osrri~d,~ b~eot ~o Uu srsatijea o~t aet enr ~(2)~bedsoo= drsiliaa~oa the~ ai po~~ ~ z Lw~ ~aa+s: !F '1'~ts~i~-s ltqp oi Traot Yo. 2082 Mso Ps~~entea to ths Cormi~sioa. ~la gsaot io <. osted on 1(est Is PaLa dveaw. ~wt awterYr ~t lraot ~o. 2258, wa ooataims 185 ; ts. Ths SaDdivider is ths ~L'Pi F~II~OSI~ 00., 1Q85 torth ?alm Strest. ~sisi~ lii. ea a a~ti~s bT ttomml~ssioner Tho~soa. saoona~d bg Co~ai~eYoa~r ~wst. affi osrri~d. '. rew vot~d to appsove th~ Tentstive Na~ oi Traot Io. 2082, sob~~et fos a I4 Ths strwt~a~ the;v~st ~d oi ~aLl ~aE s~naaia~ awria aad ~oa$a 3s saorn ss r. ~ loet ia rLd~h. 'Phia uut bs iaoressed.tw 60 te~! aed the ~abdi~id~r oi this Tsaet .~ s~a es Zrao4 ]ro. 2zSs mn.t ..ea si.s an .aditioaal t~roe t3) soet. ; S~e pa-ysent o! ~25.00 psr 1et !or t2ss aoqnisitiea o! Pas~ aad 8oora-ti~os Si~h. ~ ~ ~gia~eria8 8sqnirementa. . '~eatsti~e ?fa~p ot Tracb Bo. 2270 re~a prssa3~ to t~ Csmmi~sioa. Shia 4sad4 ia -osted ~onEh`ot lt~st ~o~eys Drin dir~a~ essi oi ss~ot ]fo. 1859• at~d sslA i~ao4 - -. 22T0 ooataias 29 Lots~ ths SnbdiTid.er bsing `hs SYJL'Pi ~iGi~ OD., 1085 ~rth Palm Stirast~ /lnahsia, Oaliiora~. - wa a sotioa bT Commi.eeionsr Mna~ga].1 ~. seeond~ b~ Co~e~.ssion~r ~at. am earri~d. ~ E vas ~oied ts appro~e the Tentwtiive•.l~sp ot 'Psac! ]lo. 2270, snD~ea~ tot ~ . m. ps~..~e or $zy.00 p~r iot ior the aoqnisitioa ot Pul~ ~ad Rearention Site~. = Sy ~ - ~agjneatiag 88Qttirem~a4L• ' '1'~ntsbive Ib~ ~~ 'Praab Zo. 2235 ~s pr~se~ted io t~ Oo~aissloa. wis ~as is ,Y oost~d ~osti ~~h o3 i'r~ots 1802 ~nd 1803. aiaa bord~r~ oa Torth ]teaah~ater ivenw. :~ hsrs b~ia6 3~ be4s ia esifl ~raot. 'rhe 9nbdirld~r i~ '~8. d. i~A1fi~SS, e/o JeLa !. -. obsrtis. 1020 Q~hs~-ti13y~P~a~d~ M~ot I+oo bngsl.ea- 24. Oalitornia. zi k- E~vaa ToE~d ~proie~Wu 'l~~aeii~ 1Qsp etdT~i~ot~Zo.~2235 rsab~~ to:~ ~~• ~ . ~u-t ,*~ mavo s minimn~ araa ei 6,000 sqmre tNl. (l~ts lfoe. 29 a~d 91 : wrs mder seadL rea~tirea slai~). ::~ , Rh~ payseat oi $25.00 per lot ~or #he ~eqaisitioa et Par~ ~nd Hea~eastioa Sitw. ;i. ~. ~n8ineeaia8 Baqais~s~n~s. ~ _ _ ._ - .. . _ _ _ _ _ _~ --.,_:::----,,-.<_ _--_. - - , ~,----- •-- . . ~ ~ , '.~ - ___ ~ . ` ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ • ~~ , , ~ : ~ k ~ ' ~ ~~ 0! 1D~TiD~ BEQU LlB 1~ET80 ffi.D ~~1. 195~i « 4eJ1~i = ~ .~Ca ~ ~ ~ . '; T~BSATt1T~ A~ents~ive Map o! Tsaat Bo. 2254 xe~s pr~senbed to tha Ooamissica. The Ts+aat i~ ; NAP S'BACT loa-t~d aesa Rtu ~ontl~set oorner ot Fas~ 9oa~ont l~e~o~ a~ Sonth aast Stre~t, aad ; 80. 2259. aoat~ias 93 I+ots. ~ 7he sn~diTid~r is the Bd~ObAt DBV~T~OPM~T 0~., 3r+3 BsutLora~ 1f4. ( ' Barthora~~ C~-litornis. ~ ,; " IIpon a aotioa bt Comm3eeioner Sotrm~oher, ssooad~d by Qomoi~sioasr ~wat~ a~d. oarried, ~: ~ 14 ras ~ot~d to ap,prove the Tente,ti~s }le+p ~i Traat ilo. 2259, eab~sot tot I l. Th~ svntherly stireet o! ssid. Tract s~sani~ esst ~ad reat to Ds iaaresasJ. to Sist~ (60) leat. !t 2. !'h~ pnyosnt o! ~25.00 per lat tor the eoqni~ftioa o! Parl~ effi Reoree-tioa 810ss. ` i 3. 7ingimeeriag Re~quiremeats. : T~~ASSD'I- Th~ PnDlio H~arS,a~ oa ths ~ClJSSIlICATIO~A o! th~ ar~a iaolnd~n ~a t~s IAARA A~-TIO~ ; CATIO~i A0. luld ewr iron eh~ H~s03a6 et J~ 7. 1954. Naa age-ia~ reop~d ior ~aaasi~dsration. ; Z 53-`~-~-27 lW ons sppesre~ !or or e~aiaat the pro~aard BEC~lSS17INTI~. ~~AR~ ~ OLOSIII. Ae psr th~ M~1' ps~~e~ied. ie is prepoee~A io reo].e~esliy. ios ths dopth oi ono lot, earrondina is8~ soLool bonade-ris~ ~t th~ ~o~i~hra~t ooraer of ti~st Bor#h Street ~l Lewrs Stirse4. to ~Br00A Oa~s-l~mil~ ~7200~ Snbarb~-a &asidsntlsl 7o7u~ ~hs balaao~ ot tl~,s iMr wk~ ~Aw /.~ T~,..~iS~ Qi: ovTwb~~i a°irrwi o~`rive`v~ `ra`i~V vi'd r~ y i~ ~v: :w~. ioDi- j soa~ Dri~s, rostld be reolsoaiti~d as ~&-0~ O~-FAI(II,? ~9000~ S~IDSBTLT, LOYE. '!'~ erea sonth o~ ~~sbaoat Drin~d~rs Ee~srl~ Yfrin xili m~et Lowa~- Straab~ is praposet ~ to bo °8-O~ ~ad soath to ih~ aoe~~s road s1oa6 i~u i'r~ea~ to bs ~1ir00p. 'Ph~ arN aloas iha wa~ ~3~d~ o! 7+sara 8tr~eb troa Or~~oent A~enns to Bsterl.~ Drf~s ~nl~ be ~S-A~ tos t1~e ~l~olh et ~ae 14~5 ~ffi beloe~ Be~s].7 Daiee eeo~2.d be' ~?~±Oo. f lloag Cra~o~nt A~emo~ oa OL~ aorlh And sonth 434~~ b~txess ~nalid A~u s:-d. I+osrs E Str~~t. alth tt~ emorpLiea o! th~ wnlihreat oorasr oi Cr~~cent ~oe~ne and 7~esra Strest. ~! ronld be soa~ sa ~8~:00" !or th~ depth of ons iot. !hs asew behind th~ ~ire~ tisr oi lots oa the ws~ sid~ o! 7+owra Street bsfi+~sea CrseoeaR A~enne e~nd the h~su~y ios a dapth ot s~prazi~atoly 560 leet roald bs °E-Ofl~. wi.~`a ~.Lae ~'-.roaw'w'v weG`v i'v ~aia :`'ib~i0 iti~ttL `Di aari~. ~ L11 mi th~ i1lAa a0l~h Oi th! tSM4 L1AT Ot lObs OII ~h~ aOTtih flde pf OrefOe~ft ~Teaw~ b~twsn ~aolia Aiem~a~ ~nd I,oa..~w StrssO is progos~d tor ~&•1~. . IIpon a~ot3oz '~ Q~~l.ee~s.e~ 'd~~eea, eeAO~led by Qo~.1.ealoa~r Eiu~eei~ :~S ~.::e3, ; it w~s ~oted D~ i~SOLIITipH DFD. 86 - SiB~S 1953-5~- ~4 ~~~saioa reoom~nd to ~; Oity Comail tt~a~ 4hs ar~s inaiad~d in th~ IDAIt~ 8S~T ~-TIWI bs s~e3sssiti~ as ' ontiia~ above. ~ nn.~ a~ ~.--~ +^an..+~~we inw e[ w~ww •..r~. ~ ~ saw iv~~ vfi wrv~v +~uv~n+aava ~v• vv ~ ^ '~" a77r7- ~i ~/ I0110~2 • ; •2~8 t QODQ~IISSIOII~IiS t Ansst, Espgooa ~ 8it-toel ~ Sohaaaoh~r, Sn~rs, ~eoa aad , ~ Ifia~ea.l. SOABs COMMI33IOl~ESt gono. ~SS~fTs 0011MI88Y01~88t (ie~ner and Sohntte. ~ " DIS~Yi~ The srew, as ~Ya oa ths Otfiaiel Map, ox tLe groposed BISY~Y'LABD ~8l~SdTIOH~ rei~rrea: A~ATIQB b~ ~hs Cl.ty Qouaait to t}-s Oommia4loa, ras ooa~ider~d. .., IIassa es wo~ios bg Commissioasr Sohwo~oh~r. ~eoom~d by Conoi~eion~r.BsBpod• am. oarri~d; ib as ~e4~d tbst 4hs Oommis~iea reoommend io th~ Oit~ Couaeil tb~at ~~~ ~TIOY se aL~rn sa bh~ Oiticiai lteq~ b~ eosaidutid !os aaa~sa~ioa 9o tL~ City ot ~e~h~ia. N=SS 'au wr~a,ss ~ewa oa ~u Ottioial Nap~ of th~ propesed Yiei' ~DI•~EATIOa~rderredi ~I~S. ~y tiLo CiLy Coanail ta tha Ceaai~sioa ra~ aoari~t~rrd. ~ ~*~a IIpoa a aotioa b~ Ce~mieaioa~r ~wo~~ seoorid~d b: Qosnis~ioa~r B~ood. aad earried, it ! rrs ~ot~d t~at ~ Co~i~sio~s r~eo~emd to tihs Ciq Oon~cil . tLat tl~a 1fs8T ~ E Al1~ATI0a a~ shorn oa tLs Oifieial Mnp bs oonsidered !or aaassatioa to ~ Oit~ ei ; ~nahe3~ . S~?PP~ ....C6~idas~blo di~onssioa ~s ~eid re3s~in to tlu aost snit~bls leoatioa ios a t~i6hbo~' A8~ I~i . bood Sboppiag Qe~stes to e~x~e t~e a~ede af ths wa0h»~~ teotioa oi ~a~eis. Yo ; 30iJT~3T da~iaft~ Bit~ naa oeL.sblis~l. al~hots~ awarsl vera ooaaider~. ~P,he~ ~',~~.s af 38CTI08 peseibls ioosbioni rill bs ooaeiderad by the Qonmi~sioa. , ~D~TOV88l~1' m~ xsstias +4lonxn~ea s~ 4:35 o'a~ p.x. ~~Q~= ~~~~~~! s u ~ , ,_ .. ..-~:~. .~r-a~~ `GL'-CXX~_e 8. 1f. 1lOlG ~ 8eorst~rg