Minutes-PC 1955/07/18_
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sniy 18~ 1955
City Hal.l
Aaahsim. CaZitoraia
ia"u.~u+'$ 0~' TS1 AD.lOII~ ~~ ~G ~'~ CPllr Pb@ffiI&€ CA~liQS33l3b
ADJOIIB~~ 1'h~ Ad.iwraea Be,~n3ar ~se~ia6 ~ t~ F1s~ai~6 Ca~,missioa ~ras call~ to or3er st
~f}QI+-8 2i15 o~alook P.l~I. bT Q~aiman 8a~sss• •~°°~ Being praseat.
M~TIH4 ~
P~+S~9T C~I~UIS 9DlDQ~BS, O~I~ ~t. C~me~. ~°1s ~ar. Schntt~~
Typmpson a~ ~1•
CW~IIffiIQ~S H~oa amtes+~ tbe a~stia6 at 2s40 o*elod~ P.1[.
Ct~S3I0E*.~8 ^sc.~sr.t#,~ 3~f'~ +~ ~Y~S at 5:0~ o~el9aic P.1~[.
MI8QTa3 ?h~ Miantss oi t~ B~slar RNtin6 0~ ial~ 5. 1955 ~ aPPraved as pMnted.
~PISM a'0~ rwu.3v ~:~:~.• ~~ ~ ,•~ er~r~a~ ;_ ~I~C= 124 ?~t 6eater Street. i
SP~OIAL IISm Aae~eim. Calitorais, s+~qasstiab ~s~oa t~ eaastz~t a 34 Bea Qoavat~ecea~ 8ospital '.
PP~SIT at 1¢2F :~.at Cemter Streeg. 4~ ~;s P~~~T sone3 as Brb. ~SID~AiTW,
6f~}BIOOI+9iJ8~T+. . . ~
veaieacs ~to.
M ;:
l,irr. iT. J,. xe~olek a~sss~3 3d~se #~ C~.issioa tmd atate3 Ebst it Mss Propoesd. to
ereay s Hospital ~rith 3~ bed~ tor Comalesesat gstieats ~ost ot Yhom xonla b•
bedriddeas. it is piopossd !o sst tb ba31dl~ ~sct 7~ ~•e~ from ths sidaxalk.
Any trattia along Ceatax Strss~ s~ea3d mt d.~e1ub t~eas pstirnts. The Iwspital
xi11 oa~er to peoP~a ~~ ~°'~tioas tbst dQ not oare to efi.a~ longsr
ia a 2+le~ior 3ospitel aad s~ P~imt' is t~as~ a~ zest on aar.nnn~ of Heart
Conditions aa8 so 4ortb.
Mre• I+Yle Diggins, 156b ~ast Cea~ Si:set a~ ~• '~~a ~ig~ 1444 ~a^.t C~e~eT
Strest, ~e~. ~~~~s '~'~i'°d ~~ ~° ~ssioa staliag thst th~y xer~
in Ys~or oi grantis~g a~pseisl ~ra Ps~it !or this l~osnital.
14ritlan proteat• Yere s+~eiaa~ a~i~t tlr a"'saat~ of the i~oapital !nm Mr. aad Airs.
Jamos N. ~iehtsr, lU2 Iasch s~~ Za:r.h Strsst~AnaIseim~ Calitolraia,~and 1[rree~t~.
Mr. sad l[rs. ~. G. t~ristisas
HIY• S~ Y• ~1 1'Su ~t' Cm~= Stps~'i~
~0 9as a~PeL~ ~~~ s~+:est i~s ~rsatfasg oS the SPeaial IIee Permit. '~
~118IbX+ YAS CIt3S~. . ,
ppoi~ a motion by C~.iamer JnMt. seoom.te3 bT ~ s~io~ne~{S~c~n~Ch~~tea aad a~~ '`
i~ ~rae votea ~Y ~9~ ~: 6 - ~ ~955 5~
Speciat IIos Pe=ait issoea tor t~s ooa+st~ipa ~~{secorb. a Coas'slascent Hor-
p3Sa1 ss ontliaea ia tiss P3sas idnfeh ar~ s part
~IO ~~. p~ ~~ ~~. ~S~r~ p. 0~0ffiL~. 2119 Catalpa strasl;~
Aanliein, Calitornia, aa o~a~ez. SODSGS COE6'~ CO.. L2o5 Sonth Mnia stseet. Ssnta
~, ~~~~, ~~~~e3 1~at. s~,nesttIIg pa~iesioa to srec! a eae-bedroom
Dcgle~ Dro?.lin8 on 7ots 17 ~ 18. Bi,oct 1. ~sm~srlie3a ana CPP~im~r~e Snbaivielen~
irirther 8eoeribed as be3~s8 iro ~-~'s eosnes ~: °•:•:' -.~ C.~?et~= SS?ee~ee Th~
proPeT~9 is preao~s.tly sanea as 8,2, ~0 IVQE? F~S~IdL.
tass. OiBcr.:.s31~e a~~ s9Oa'~'be~'orM t~s ~oarfsa3oa aa ='rPreaea~.~iro ta: ha:
~other vho 3'~qoesteQ. s~arlaaee Sor s Dap1a Dre3Zia8 #o De aonatruc`ed oa iha abova
aeacribed propsrtY• S~s s~st~i tart t~ ~sll baass 3a froat xas beiag re~odel~d
rr3 ~St #ha fl2~ ~~e ::ln os~aetian rit$ this bonss L~l ~esa reoo~ed. It is pro-
poaea 'ho bni:3 s Dap~e~c n.~~~i~ ~i~ ~:sca ax~ Qsrlstost 5tr~set yhioh d~d. end9
at thia point.
t~re. $. S. tterner, 1?Q~ ~ St~est. ~da~. Calit~raia, sPPeared bsiore th~
^ammisaioa ob~ecting ~o t~e ~tt~b o~ t~e~ Z°ri~e~ ~ P~°8°nted a petitioa signed
Ly 1.9 ra9idemte in the artls meotest4m8 t~e ~an~ af tBs Tariswoa. T~ ~ARINa MA,s
IIupn a motios b~ ~ssina~a' ~tnie~is aaeoad°a ~~isaioasr Schnmscher, aad
aar^iad. i: rsa ~L~ ?~, ~~ ~o. ?- S~fE~ Iy55-7o TA 6~t 4srianae IIo. 385•
Aae to ths iaat t~a: 43:s a-'~' ~s Pse~au+T soaed as Pr2* TKO ~NdEI,7 SESID~I4TW+
a~d its P~1~9 ~~'3s ~~II.T ~S~STLL pxoPert~9• ~t v~a feit that any
ner atraatsiru o~s t=o a'~^~:'~1~ ~~ ~~~T t~an ds~7'aat• ths preaeat proPa~ty.
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-~ xu~s oa ~ Anm~n ~s t~xffia ~ o~~ ~z $ ~~ 5~;~_: ~. 2.
~~ - -
~;:~` PA8IAl4C~ 190. P'IIBLIQ ~A8I1~. PB2ITI0~ snbmitted by ASTE08 H. S~Y~ 4?1i Bort~ Ssat L~treet~
= 386. &~aheim, California~ reqaeating permission to ca! thrao lot~ irom tho sonth~aet
corao~ oi ~ast Syosmors Strset aaQ Horth Esat Stree~ aaa also requeat'~.~g a xaiver
; 04 the 70 toot trontage raq~iroment. She sab~eet pr~perby in preseat2.y aoned ss
'. 8.•1, SIS(~I~ BBMIbY ~SI~ITIgT,.
Mr. 6rthnr H. Shipkay sppeared bsioro the Qo~isn3on sud atatert t2~at he deeired to
,~ ont the lot at the sontheaet cornar oi SaaL Syeemore Straet and Nor~~h Ssat Street
where hio preseat boms ie looat~d fato three paraels. ~ia thras .'.ats dill iacs on
;~ 7Dast Syoamore Staeat. ',Cwo oi th~s lot$ ril]. Hava 6~ t~o~ Yroatag~ aad the other
`! rri1Z bava 55.T3 ioot fron'~•~age. 'i'~ H&~BISb tlAS C7,OS~.
IIpoa a motion by Commiaeioner Sohume~her~ a~co~ed by Co~iseionsr Schntte~ and
oarried; it wae voted by I~SOLUTZOS ~0, 8- 3~ io~~~~ tr ~„_c v~e_„~„^e ra. 386
eub~eat tos
1. The deediag oi 5.25 feat to the City oi 6aeheim tor tLe xidening of ~ast Syoamore
5't'iP89t. e
2. The paymant of $2$.00 per lot tor the aoqniait3o~s oi ~usrk aa3 recreatiaa sitae.
3. Tha Yiling oY a Heooxd oY Surv~y Msp vith the ~ity o! Anaheim and the Conaty ot
4. Engineering P.equiremeata.
3~. West Ademe Boalevard, 7,oe Abgeles 16~ Californis, as o~.er, ALEEHT EB~T~ 327 Sonth
I,emon Street, bnahdim, CaliYoraia, sa bnthori:ed ~gont, raqueetiag pernies3on t~
ereot a Bood Narket witfl O~P-Saie ~iciwor Dqpt. on I+ota 10. 11, i2 sad 19 of Tract No.
1843, asaept ths xe~ter3,y 35 Yeet o! Iot 12 aad t~eept the ~reaterlq 20 Seet of I+ot
19, f'artY-er described ae 2015-2025 Ana~heim-i)live Fwad.. It is presently son~,i ae
Mr, Ma Alieter aa one of the oxaers of the eub~ect prooerty, atated tbat sinae thia
Sh~opp~ng Ceater xae Piret contemplatea, th~ soning had been cLanged several times.
Mr. Ma A13ster vae iniormed that thia tiaa not the case and tLat it raa set ap to~
C-1 ~&CIG~OE~OD CO1+II+~8CTAL ead thst thia aoning l~ae never beea rsvised. ia this
psrticu~ar caae. the Yarian.ce ia nee3ed to aeli liqaor fa s, C-3 Zoas.
Mr. J. ~L].lea~ 14002 Anaheim-Olive Baed. ob~ected to the grant°ng of the Yariaace
etating tbat for yeara 2d i~a8 been trying to get a IQqvor I,ioenee for his property
bu~ Y~ad ad-var been abie to 6e:~o. Z~ vae broug}i$ on~ hovever, that he does bave a
beer and xiae liaease.
Mr. T. Teaedale~ 8511 Pleaentie~ Avenne~ appeased befor~ the Co~isaioa aad etatea
tl~at he haA reBided at the corner o! Placentia dveaws aad Anahei.m..olivs Boad tor 39
yesra ard that he was oppoaing the grau4ing of the 9arisace as he felt that ther~ are
eaough biquor Stores in tlie City xithont pntting ane ia near c bran! nerr snbdivisioa,
'ru"e ~~n'+ iauu'v`v~ s6 `vh8 y'v8ni`vi'a y`aiz3s~g2a os'~ $i~ ~F3j}Oi''y~t'~ BtGted thBt, t~8 bll}~~IIg
Mou1Ql bs a Market ~rith a pr~rtion oi the stor~ set asic'l~ Sor t.be sala ot liqnor an9,
t~^„b $itese ~7uld be a~TaB 3$'~+ ~~0~2 zanYa3.s #s tw~' 8~ufi•n~no. '"'n'm t~r'stcii~ ffAS ~rIA.S~, ;
''J'poa a mo~ion by Commiseioner Sahntte. eecondea by Coa~eisaionr.+r Eintc~l~ and carried,
it wa~ mo4ect by BESOLUTIOA N0. 9- SEBIBS 1955-56 t2iat Yaria9ce Bo. ~88 be d~nied.
8ne to the Yact t~s~ ths area aar set Qp !or C-1, 2~II(~Df1RIDOD 001~B~IAy,
CABI6NC~ ND. P~LIO HEABIAG. P~TITIOB snbmitted.b~+ SO~a S. HAHV7B, i03 soeth Clemeatia~ Street.,
389a A~3~.e~so Ga3i~ora'as. r9qes~t+ t,8 ~•_*_~±:e±en tr a+!+s :~*_'P a 2~t SMa ~^45-3~:ts :':st °a,`~ •
S~reet ead requestiag a waiver of the 70 loot lra~e reqnirement at the ordias~s. :
~.'he aub~eat psroperty is preaently soned as 8-0. SIIB~R f~SIDII9'~7~.
T,'o one appesred for or a~ineb ths gr8ating of the Yarisace. ?~ ~AB~IHI} Wd3 CI,08~D.
Lipan a motion b~ Commiaeioaer Sohumacher, seconde~ by C~ie$ioner Solmtte, _~
carrsea, it nas wbea. to grant varsa,nce so. 389 bF 88so7~mrioH ao. lo - s~e~s 19K5-56
eab~eat to:
1• The ~ymsnt of $25.00 per lot 'or khe ae,~,~isitioa oi pnx9~ aad reerestion eites.
2. The tiling oY a Record o! b~ir~rey lisp ;-ith tha City of daaheim aad the Conaty o~
3. ~Ingineering Eequirememts. ~
h .. ,
~ ~ ~
MIN~l'ES OF Tfi~ dU~T0UR2~'~D 88tiIII~AFt N~TYNG~ ~LD 08 Jt7'-+Y 1~8 ~ 1955 - Co tia~i - Pi ,~„~~
VARIAHC~ A0. PUEbIC ~. PBTIfiIQA snbmitted by DHli1~(A&, BII,T. dt~ DIOg P~I~fY. 800 Weat North
390. 3tree~~ ~nsheim, California, requesting a rraiver af trhe 70 foat froa6age requir~ent
ia '~'raat Ho, 2799, being a enB3ivieioa oi a poriion o~ I,o+~ ~ oY fi~he Orchani Par7~
Traot~ 2luther 3escribea as Yt+~ating oa tds~t Sonth Street be~twaen Lemoa Straet and
Sonth Holena Streeb, The sub~eat propeaty i~ preaently sonec~ ae Brl. SI14QI.8 pAMII,Y
Mr. Delmar Peblsy upp:~ared be~ors ths Commiasioa and statod tLat the lot4 ia enb~ect
Tract go. 2799 ra~ld a11 be ovsi t~e 720o sqt,~re Yco~ raquirement but some o~ the
lots e~oald have to be under the 70 fao~ ~rontage requiremeat on account of being
able to eaonnr,,ieallg anbdivide the property. T~ ~68I~fi WaS CIASBD.
IIp~n a motion by Commieaioner Thampeoa~ aeconded by Commi,ee~oaer Knvgall~ and
car'ri~d~ it r~-s voted by BESOLtJTIO~i H0. 11 - s~BTES 1955-56 fo granb Yariaace Ho.
YASIANC~ N0. PIT9I,I0 ~I1P(i. F~TITIOR sabmittsd by 8. I,. MARTIN~ 1439 ~aet $road,re~y, AnaheSm~
391. Oalifornia~ r~questiug pesmi~sion to cut oSf a lot 75 feet by 130 ieet irom ths
eouEhwest coraer oY the east l~alt oi Lot 9~ ~eim ~t~nsion. The proparty is
praeeatly claaaiPied as & A, BBSInEATIA7~ AQBICIIL'PUEAL~
No one appeared. Yor or a(,ainat ths granting of the Yarianoe. TIDE ~AEI~ NAS CI,OS~.
IIpoa a motioa by Commisaloner Tl~ompeon~ seooaded by Ooaoniealoner Aneat. and carriea,
it wae moved that Varianae No. 391 b• g:~anted by BESOI,IITION H0. 12 - S~SIES 1955-56
enb3ect to:
l. The psyment of $25.00 per lot tor the acquis4tioa of park anb reareation eitee. '
2. The Siling of a Becoid,oi Survey Mup vtth the C3by of 1lnaheim and the Conaty o!
~ 'PABIANC~ 9t±.
f 39~.
~ 393.
PIIDI,IC ~ABIMa. P~TITION aubmitteil by H~IILTY EN6I~tIHt~ 00. ~ 1085 Bos~h Pslm
Street~ Ansheim~ Califoraia, se oxner. li. K. Mi7 PA880$~ 1085 gorth Palm Street,
Analieim~ Californis, ae Antxor3s~d 9gent. reqnesting a waiwr oa t+ots 37 79 of
Tract aoo 2?23 ot the ?200 equare toot reqnireme~t. This tract is loastea at the
eouthxeet aorner o~ Eas~ Syoamore Str~t sad North ~et Strset. The anb3ect property.
is preeently aone~l aa ~3. MOLTIPI,~ aAMI7~T BESIDP~TIAL.
No one appasred for or agsinet the grsntis~g of this 4arianas, rhiah vae neo~•seaig
becauee tl~e Oity s~qnee:,e~i a liae-np of Boae and Bush $treeta.
IIpon a motion Dy Commi.saioner Auset~ s~aonded by Commiasioner Thompeon. aacl csrrimd.
it vas voted thst 4arisnae No. 3ql be granted by F~SOZUTI014 1Q0. 13 - SE8~8 199$-~6
sub~ect to rseiex b~ tha.C3ty Conac3l ia ora.er to determiao tre bypo of aWalliage
to be erected on lo~a 37=73.
PIIDI~IO ~IIQa. PBTITIOB enbmitted by NBB. CLYnL1 E. BCHLUND~ 10231 Sonth 1Peat
Street, A~aheim, ttaliPorais~ ss oras,r, BAY M. JO~P3~, 2419 North Parieh Place,
Bnrbank, Oslis'ornia, as'dutnoMaed 1~~t. reqnestiag p~rmiesioa to erect sad opersts :
a Serviae Ststioa at th0 acrbheaab corner n~ Vfiastoa Road and South ~fes~ Str~st.
~,e prpperty Se pregentiy zonea ae &,A, R~SID~TTL~L A(~}RI~iJi,TQM~.
St wae determine8 tbat this p3ece oi property ia ia tihe RAIaL HiD6D 80. 2 A1~SATIO?i
e.nd therefore n,ot ia the Oitg o~ Aaaheim and that a Yariaacs epplioation maet be
~u3.e to th~ Orange Conatv Piaaaine Co~ieaioa. Al rePnnB Qt ths petiCion fee das
recoma~nded by the Co~nisoion.
I~v:~dSSI~'i- r,~~S~ "°'...~1lRIE(1• PETITICII ~.`.ai.~a: b~ °AP..~,91'TI:S ~?!~S~ IE~.~ '_1f3T ~nahcL~"==~
OA2IOIP 80. Road~ Anaheim~ CaliPoraS,a~ requesting tbat Lhe southeaet ooraer of Horth Plewenti~
B 55-5~1. Aveune and Eaet Is Palma dvemie coaeisting oF 967.30 feet on Placantia avsane and
630.75 raet on Eaet La Pa7.ma Avemw ba rsolasaYfied to C»2. a7~RAF~ COt~IAL.
The property is preeently alasaiilad as C-1 ~~Ia~088~OD OON~BCIdZ aad Br,d,
RffiIDEN7lIAL al3&ICII'.,T(TRAI,. :<
$4 oae svpeared Por or agaiast the Braatl,ag of thia Bria].aesificatioa Yor a 04+~nw~isl
Saoppitig Cea~e7~ a$ 41ne son~hheae~ aorae~ oi ~foryh Piaoencia gveane aad ~e-eL I~s Paimo =
Avenue. T~ ~A8I1PG WAS CIABffiD.
IIpoa a motion by Camm3eaionex Thompeon. aecoac:sd by Oommieeioner Mangall, and oarY.
iecl~ it rrss votmd to 2~old up the propoeed Reolaa~it'icntioa nntil WLV Bsvie~ Tenta'-
tive Mspe o! Traote 249]. an~i ?~92 ~re enbmittai to the Oommiaeion.
~ ~ ~x ~ -
~~: ':;-fi
~ M~4~3 08' T~ ADJOU~ ~(~V7,l1E 1~TIB(i ID~LD OH JII~Y 18.~1,Q55 - Qoatianed - Pece 4.
ri ~CI,ASSIaI- P~I,IO ,~ARIH(~. P~.TITIO~ eabmitteti by b. W. W1~8~ 11022 Broadray. ~aaliein~ Cali-
~=' OATIOB N0. Pornis. r,questing that •L1~ eonthesat oorner of Eroadrray and ~nclid 6vsan~ b• rr-
~. ~'-55-5~. a]mssified to C-.~ D~~~08IDOD QO2+lI+~18Q2lIL wi.th the snaeptioa o~ the aoraer with s
~° Rat~ntag~ of 150 feet on bobh abreets. The praperty ie preseatly alaesiYi~i ~s E,A, ~
'~ ~s~r~-s~ aaaiaoL~.
: Ms. 8obertv~n. a resltor repreaenEing th~ pnrahaeer oY snia pieae of property~ appeur- •
;~ ed befor~ th~ Commiaeioa anb presented a- petitioa oi~-el! by th~ oraers oi property in
the ares ia favor of the 8ealaes3tication.
'i._ Mr. Olark C. 8nrgees apgeared beior~ t~e Coamiasion and ats4ed that he hed. onLy
~ oae uee ia mind at prseent Fo~ ths 5 a~res~ name],T, a 8~er 9ervioe Station oa the
_ coraer o~ PJuclid and BroaQway. Ths balanae of the pmpert~ might be itsed ior tAal-
;_':i tiple 8'amily Essidential lots rith s aertain amounis beit~g rotained for oths~r aomme~
`c~ ~ ciai. rmterprisee. rn"~r t~~K~~• iiAB CLt7S~<
~:~ ~ipoa a s~ation 7,~ Commiegioaer bu5et~ ae~aonded by ~om~niseioner Sohumachar, it vsa
:i moved to reoommend to the Oity t7onaail fhe~t EealaseitioatiQa 160. a 95-56-2 be deai«i
~.j beoause ao epecifio or definite pians aere preaeated.
=+ The Chairman thereupoa allowed Eh~ hssriag to be reopemecl for Mr. Bnrgees who stebed
that i? tha Ca~idsiot~ aesired oompiete ].e~yout~ thie wmil.d be saail~sbie Sor their
- neat seot~. Upon s mot;o: b~ Cr~~±as±o~= Se~:tts, s~or.~ell b~ Co~ca3oaer
Thampeoa~ ana carried~ it rrti, moved tbe-t Beclaeaii'iaatioa No. F-55 56-2 b• haia ~n
a'~ayanas untii ths meebivd of Augnet i~ 1955.
P~C.~d33IZ'~ PiJSLIC HEAEIP4. °~"1'ITIOla 6uL,z, i.YY~ ~y1T i~WY'f0i1* BILL dt~D DZ~ P~BLEZa 80d ~~s ~ n°bi~sh
CA'PIOH HD. 8trceb, ~mheim~ Oaliforniu~ requeatiag that I,ota 1, 2, 3, 4 ana ~~ s enbdivision
~'~55~5b-3. oi I,ot 8 ot the Orobarb Park Traat~ 4:v iots b~ing a part of Trac~ Bo. 2799. b• re-
clasaitied to Rr3, MtJI+TIPI,~ FAMILT B~SIDENT7AL. The praperty is preesatly zoned as
' B:1, SI3AdI~ F6IiILY R~52DB~TYAL.
Mr. Aslmar Pebl~y appeared betore the Qommiaaioa and e~lainad tt~at h~ aa8 his
brothera d~eired to l~ava I,ats 1-5 of Tra,ot No. 2799 ~alaeei~ied Yor Mnltiple 8amily
DKelliage. Thse• dK.~ilinga rronlb b• ons sto~ in tne Yront xith aa aQditions). apRrt- -
memt ov~er the garages in the seur. J1n all~yray xi:!1 b• provided eo that these r~13
be no aeceae to garagee Prom Weet Sonth Streat. ~Ce properby across the etreet ia
j $oned ae B~-2, 41t0 FAMILY HF3SID~DTTIAL and 8..1, SENaLB FA~iILY ~ID~&TUL ana the
I propert~ along 3outh bemon Strseb ie soaed ae Br2 oa both aides ot the atreet. The
1 lots orill be Z32 feat deeg whiah ~ronid meke them ideal Yor Multipie Family Drellinga. ~~
.j Mr. Meaahsm~ 82Z South Hslena Street~ Mr. H. S~isn~ 828 8on~h Hele~as Str~et~ Mre.
~ J. I~. Salaets, 838 South BeZena Stroet, Mr. J. A. Strobel, Jr.~ 832 Santh Helens
3brse~~ ~Ire. D. ~'. Oual~a~ 823 Sonth Helena SEreet~ a~d Mrs. B. F. Fra~ncis~ 819 South
Helena Street appeared ba~f~re Ehe Qommfael.on in opposition to the granting of the
• A petition nas also presente8 eigned by 19 paople inolud~ag t~ro ohurahea ia the aren
opnosisig the grauting of th~ Reolataifiostion. '1'~ ~lfARIBC} @fAS C7~OSED.
_ IInon a motion by Oommisaiont~r 3ahumcher, eeoonde~7. by aqmmieal.on~:• Awpppoao ~
oarried~ it xae moved tl~at Reclaseifiasti~n N'o. F-55~56-3 bs held ia ebayaaae uatil
~~ tha Regu]ar Meeting of August 1, 1955 aad that ths 3tt~t~ prepare a Nap ahowiag where
the people opposing the 8eclaesiYication reeide.
TEgTATIVB The Tentstive Map o3 Tract No. 2799 was preeented to the Coa~iesioa~,. The snbdivider +
MAP OB TBACT ia D~IddAB~ BILL A1~D DIOK P~LDY~ 800 Meet ~Torth Strset~ Aasheim~ Qaliforai.a. The
w~+~ ~~oo. tz~,r.t ia ?cc^~~~! ca YTes~ SOL'Lh SL*eet 3et~ea Eeuts Tes~a ~..~~ Soath ?r.lm BtM~~s
and oompriaee 3++ lota.
~twt,s veted'
IIgoa a~.otfa~ by Oommisgioner Sahnmaaher~ seconded by Ooma~.asioner Hapgood. and~
, oaririe!! ~Lbe,t thu Tantative Map oi Trect go. ~'199 he- sppxoveli anb~ect tos
1. ^^ss gr,ym~t e¢ ~2~.6U ~es ZoS ?or EYi~ P..DQtlS9~~,S4*!. 9S QBTZC ~*+~ *_~or~+st3o*? e±tes.
• 20 ~°i.I~sez'lag Re(yuirerR~ltoe
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' ?~~ QF ~~D~O~ ~TIaH I~ISi~ ~7~ Ql~ J[TL7 1$. 1955 ~ ContianeQ - Paee 5
~~l iS~ :. ei~ a~ ~w :ariaace So. 22k2 ~ras receite~ trom the Orange Couaty Plaaning
~~L3CE Gadssios aalda~ ~or a rsaomeadstion.
m. ~.
ffis 3s ior t~ ~n3~t oi the aaisting Trailer Puri located oa the weet aide
oi Pal~a Str~et aboat 600 feet north ot Ball Boed Por 12 aitdi~Cional Trailer spaces.
IIpom s mtiam'bt Ca~iseioner Scl~cher. seoonded by Commisaioner Espgood, aa3
aarried, it ~aa wted ta recomead to the Orange Coua+,y Planaing Coa~ieaion that
iTse Yar3aace eo. ?2:2 be ~nted scb3ect to the gianting ot at least 10 Peet along
Pala Strret !or t4a~ strset vid~ning.
00~lt II4~ •~ nf IIse rariaace 80. 223~F rss rooei~ from the Oraags County Plmnning
7~iITS'~ ~.st.a3~s.. ailwe t~s s 3•••,rw...as~~w~
~i ~ ~~'.
~$ is ior sa additio~t IO acrea to ~ need Yor pai'lcing ia aonneation rrith tha
20 a~ss alrea~ ~ted oa IIse Yariaace ~io. 2048 !or a Neighborhoo3 Commercial
tTma a aotina b~ Ca~ssioner t3saer, s~conded by Co~ssioaer 9uest. and oarried,
it yas tate~ to xeca~ead to the Oran~s Conatp Planning Comarission tLat thi~ IIe•
Yarixace bs deniea. in vieer ol ths tact ti~a,t the Citv oi' Anaheim reaently granbed
s Taria~cs a~ Eateiis ~veaas b~treen Yest snd !lalan~ Streete tor 40 acrea for a
Cerme_.eia : .)e~7,~p~snt.
Zt ~e,s ~ tM2.ing of t.lbs Coaafsaioa thst ii the 10 ecree tor pai'king rere gsanted,
s poxtiaa os 'siris aig~$ bs ua~ed~ 4or s6di4ional. iuuiZdings.
lY6DLL '3~e l~s~olis ScI~ooi Diatric~ is amking pro~iaiona Yor the aoastructioa oi an
~SlOb ~ry Sctaa'.. oa ~e ss~rtlmrast carner o! t4agnolia r:-nri Csesoen0 Avenuae.
DISi~:TC! ms P~P~~Y is deaczmed as:
'~ soatbRaat q~artar o? the sonthesst qvarter or the northeset
qe~srter a~ Sectioa 12., Rb~mslsip 4 Santh, Bange il West of the
Saa Hsxaasdiao neridiaa, in i;~s Conaty oi Orang~, 3tsts of Cali-
=.)pam s a~tia~ b~ Ca~issioaer fisner. seaonded by Ooami~eioaer Ttwmpaon~ aad oarrie4,
it ~s ~otad to a~ox~Te the abovs cits for an elemeatarlr ec~ool,
~DJO~ ~s asstias ad~o~sed at si~5 o~alxk P.![.
,F_-.~181:~ ~ / / rJ