Minutes-PC 1955/09/06i •
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September 6, 1955
City Hall
9nahein, California
The P.e„ular Dieeting of the City Planning Coanniesion ~aas called to order at 2;07
o~clocl~ P,':, ',;, C?i.IP?:~i' Su?~_•StRS, a quorw~n being presont.
C°.AIR2IA,N SU~•~RS, CO?1iI8SI0?TERS: Hapgoo@, Riutcel, SchiL:~,cuer, Thoa~~on and,
COB~SISSI02aER Gauer entered ~he ~eeting at 9:50 o~clocl: P,?i.
COhIIdISSIOTTERS: Auest a:ui Sc'~~:ite.
The t•Iinutes of the Re~u].ar b:eeting o£ 6ugust 1, 1955 and the Diinutes of tse Special
Called t•ieeting of August 24, 1955 were approved as printed.
,VARII~`TC~ PUBI,IC ~1BING. PETITIOr subraitted by b;.RS. EllITH J~tL~~~S, 2.29 Ee.st Adele 5treet~
N0. 1~05, Anphein, CaliFornia, as oamer, requesting permission to rent the building whic2i was
foi^.nerly St. Mic:~el~a Parish :3a11 furbher described as I,ots 33 and 34 of Block C
of He3.nann and Qeorge~s liddition £or Dancing Classe~ during the da;ttime hours and
an occasional renting o~ thc• hall for individuals or orga,nizations, The propertv
is nresen~~y :.aa2d aa ~g, i-iLZZTI?I~ iA%iIiY ~SIDr T1T~i,.
:~o one appeared be~c:e ~:~e CJNuission regresenting the an»licPnt.
2•ir3. W. L, Reevea, 414 2~orth ~nily Street, ~na.heira, Cali3ornia and h?r, G, ?d. Williaas,
41Z North Philadelnhia 5+,~•ee+,= ~ia.heim, Ca.1i~~r~_4, ar~e~red befare t~e Car..-:,iasicn
stating that the;, Here not opnosing the grantix~ oP the 4ariaace eacept that it
Mi~ht create a trafYic hazard w:th cars parked in front o~ their properties. TF.E
~?''•A.TtIIICr Wt1S CI,OSr^~D.
?Tpon a motion by Comaissioner Schumaclu~r, sec~nded by Coznnisaioner Aapgood, and
carried, it was voted t!~.t Pariance Nn, 40$ be gx~nted by ?iESOI,UTION N0, 26 - SERIES
295K-K6 for the tea~hii~ of Ballet ~;3.~cing during the d~.S*tine hours end the renting
of the building occacio:ial.ly to private individuals or or~anizations and t:~a$ tne
r.rea ~:fhere tne 5t. ?'.ic'naeZ~s Church was originallv located ba used Yor of~-street
VARIAIQCE PU5LIC ?iE~RI2~G. PETI^_'I02T aubnitted by T~OS. J, LAYII,ESS, JR. ~ Calan.a.r Co., P. 0. Box
i10, 406. 42t:•, Anp.heim, Califorr:ia, es owner, requesting permicsion tc eha.nge the minimam Yront
yard setback and nir.innn re..^.r parda on certain lot~ in ^_'ra,et No. 2821 located sonth
of La Palma Avenue beti•~een 2•ta~olia. and Mayflower rind tl~at a YrAIVER be granted for
60 foot £rontage and. 6000 oqua,re Yoot lots.
Ro one appeared £or or against the granting of the V~,ria.nce. TF~ F~AEIRG t4dS CI,OSED.
Upon a motion by Com~isaioner Scliumacher, seconde3 bv Co:.zaissioner &iutcel, and
carried, it was voted by RESOLIITIOA N0, ?_7 - SE&IES 1955-56 that Varisuce 2~0. 406
be granted sub~ect to:
1. An 8 foot easenent aloi~ t:~e weat side of Tract No. 2821.
2. A 10 foot eassment alon„ the eeat side oY this tr~ct.
3. L~i7.1 inprovemants along l~La.yflower Street and West Ie. Palma Avenue.
VdRIANCE P'~LIC ~+1RIi1a. r~TITIOrT aninmitted by ~It3 PtZC1rL Ttr~S CORPOKATIOItS ~ c f o Irv9.~
N0. 407. Schneider, Times Building~ I+ong Beach, California, as oi•mer~ ERREST H. LOCI{WOCD,
4252 Atlantic Avenus, Zon,; Beach 7, California, aa Authflrized. Ageat, reouesting
permiesion to operate a t~SOtel and Cocktail I,ounge in con~unetion with ihe C1ock
Restaurant at the nort~en~t corner of Harb~r Boulevard and Katella avenue. The
property is presently zoned as R-A, RESIDP11~1TIAL AG?tICtTI~TURFLL.
Air. T,ockwood appeared before the Commisaion e.nd outlined. the requested Variance
change in which by the acquiait'on oY :nore Zand a biotel was added to the original
pZ~ns end in order to i,ive ca~l~te cervice a Coc'~tail L~u~-~ge wa.s add~d to bi~e
gant~,........,. ~'acilitie~. T?~ ~?.I::C~ i~fw" CZOSFA.
' i TJpon e not'oa by Cor.ir.iiasianer Schumacher~ aeconded by Commissioner Eapgood~ and
•~a~ c~.rried, it was moveft by RESOLUTION 170. 28 - s~.~rs 1955-56 to grant Yariance No.
407 subject to:
- ~ ~
_. . . _... :.-- . .. .;.,. ~ ;. ..;,. . ,~~~~~ .: .._.~. .._..
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~ biI14UTES OF T~ ~GULBft t.fEETING FL~LD ON SEPTTEt~BER 6, 2955 - Continued - Pa~e 2.
1. T'ne inatallation of full improvemeats on Harbor ~ou].evard and Batella Avenue
407 crhich will place the cur'~s ~+7 feet on each atre~t from the centerlinea.
- (cont.) 2. Tlie installation of a 3£oot wall in front of all parking a7.ong either oP
=` these atreets ta»oring down to 1 foot at the entrancea.
- 3. Sidewalka may atart at the ineide of the curba i£ the applicant so desires.
4ABIAIQCE PUSI,IC F~ARING. PETITIOFT subr~itted by PbpL J. ~AIC, 16752 Fast Santa. Clara, Santa
N0, 408. Ana, California, as oi•mer, requeating permiseion to construct and operate a Donut
and Coffee Shop on the south side of Lincoln avanue apnroxiLnately 290 feet east of
Broolchurst Street. The property is preaently zoned as RrA~ RESIDENTI9I. aGRICIILTtTRAI,. '
A3r. %naak appeared before the Commission and outlined hia pro~ected Donut and CoPfee '
Shop and atated that at the rear of hie property it ie expected thst a Market will
-- be erected and that a11 four cornera at Brookhurat Streot and Lincoln avenue are now
:~ being used for Commercial Usea. T~ HEARING WAS CIASED.
'~ IIpon a motioa by Commiasioner Thompaoa, seconded by Com[nisaioner 8lutcel~ and carried,
~; it was moved by RESOI~JTION N0. 29 - s~xiES 1955-56 to ~rant variance ~o. 4oe eub3ect
~ to :
1. Olearing with the State Highway Department with reference to the widening of
- Lincola Avenue and. establiahing building liae aetbaeks.
' 2. Providing of improved. oPf-etreet parking as shown on the plana presented.
, N0. 409, Houatoa Street, Anahei.ul, Galiforaia~ as owaer~ DOIQAT,D D. WDLLS, Srsme Addreas, as
a~zt2~a:isad Agent ~ requestis~ per~aissioa ta fns ~s7.1 an3 opera.ts s Filliag 3tatian
; at the southeast coraer of Orange Anenue and.BrooY.huxst Street, 180 feet on 8rook-
hnrst Street Ymm thc centerline oY Orange Aveaue and 200 feet oa Orange Avenue
£rom the centerline of I3rao'nhuret Street. The proparty is presently zoned. as F~1~
:~ir. Donald t•7ells ar~eured bofore the Commiasion and stateil that a Service Station
' was being erected at the northwest coraer oY Brookhurab .°;treet and Oraage Avenue
; a:3 t?~a.t they proposed to lease their property for a bTa~~>r Station and ereat a wa7.7.
on the eaet and south sides surrounding the atation. .
~ i~ir. J. g. Pieper, 1004~2 Or~o l~veaue, Anaheim, appeared beYore the Coamiisaion and
j etated that his property lies next to the propooed station and he rrould like to
Bave assurance that a fenc ~ would be erected. TF~ I~ARIidG WAS CIASED. ;
i ,
Upoa a motion by Comnissio~er Thempson~ aeconded by Commissioner 8lutcel, ai:8 ~arried,-
it was voted by RESOLUTIOM N0. 30 - sExlES 1955-56 to grant Pariance No. 409 sub~ect
to the incorporation of iull etreet improvementa on Brookhuret Street which will
malce the curb line 41 £eet from the centerline of ~he streot and oa Orange 6venue
which vrill make the curb Iina 20 feet from the centerline of the street.
'';:~BIANC~ PLBLZC ~.4Ri2;6. PETITIO,I submitted by BJWr11iD CiR~ITI~aAe]b?, 500 Soutil Walmit Streot ~
_ 1{0. 410. Anaheim, California, as owner, requesting permieaion to erect and operate a Service •
Station on I~ote 78 and 79 03 Tract No. 2402 baiAg tlie northwest corner of Orange
Avenue aad F3uclid Avenue. The property ie presenL•ly ~aned. ae B.~1, SING?~ FAt•tILY •
Mr. ~inaingham appeared before the Commission and stated that at the reque~t of the
Ciyy Council who deniecl h3e Recle~siYication withou~ prad3udice he was now, accord3:.~ :
to t2ieir instructiona, requesting a Variance.
- ' bixe. g. T~ Zi~mnerman, 10912 ~range Avenue, 6naheim, diroetly acrosa the etreet~ atated;
tY~at ahe was in favor of ,,ra.n8ing Lhe Variance fox tha Service Station. T~ F~ARINC~
~ Upon ~ motion by Comnisaioner Schumacher, ~seconded "uy Gommissioner iaompaon, ano
j carried~ it was voted by I~SOLIITION N0. 31 - s~ES i955^56 to grunt Variancr.. No.
f 4i0 auoject to:
1., Putting in the full iTrtprovementa on Fhiclid Avemte vrhich will malce ti_e curb
line 41 feat from tkie centerline of this atreet.
'--_F 2. On Oran~e Acenue the curb line will be 20 ~eet ~rom the centeriine cf thie atreet.`
_ ,~
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1~Z7'~ 5~' ^~ ~-_.~3 ^~"`r'-r* =~" 0'S S~~R 6 1a55 - Contiaued - Pa~e 9.
q~~ 3.~-~ ,,-~ ~r~._-,~. ~ s..~~,e~ ~sy LYI$ A. DIC~IlRS, 1506 Fest Ceater Street,
~~ ~~_ ~,~ ~~= w:,. :__~-~~.~ ~„~,sa: ` CF.~SBA p3Eg ~T3.°TES., IF80 Seuth San nicenta Bouleva.rd,
~ s,. ~re ~., ~?= ~ as ~atsrized 6geat, reanesti.~; permisaion to erect a
~~..~. 5? ~ac~~-„~ ~ac: ~o. 23~0. said si~ to be located J3 ~eei from the
,~~~ ~,~' ~„~ S;.~t ai :a s E Soot gronnd clearance. The prnperty ie a part
~~i ~~ s-m~m=-,~;,~g~, t~e scnth s3de oi the stroe~ between Cemetary Roud aad
T.~-w~. ~;..~~ _,,;--:=~- ;~~~ s~ as ISQ6 rast Center Street. The property ie presently ~~
~ ~ ~. ~"'~`'_ . --. 31~L~~T6EA?,.
;;,ID ,~ ~~~ ~ar or 2~st tf~e ~ting o~ tae Qari.a.nce. THE ~ARING WAS CIASID.
~~ ~~:~ ~j ~CS~.•.,~ 3•~11~ seconded by Co~-issioner Hapgood~ and caxried~
3~ ~~,~ ~ g~„~.T-~ ~. 32 - S~PSBS 1955-5~ ~~t Qariance No. 411 aubject
-,~ ~~~~ ";~.'-~- ~e ~-~'{"T~" size oi IO b~ 25 teet.
~~ e~ a~- 5e r {o~ =ar a~ nericd o~ 6 moaths or less.
a~: ~ ce {..a:_-~ a~ ~ri'th t~e Hs~Idir.g Depart~ent.
- ~_ m~ ~~~e 5:.~ Ce-~~ mast apnesr on every eigs erected.
~. S~ s~W je iu ;ee~ ~-~ aP ~a :`,~trcf-~..~'-~e of any etreet or highway.
~ I ~~g; ~~.,~~.e~ec;~~ c~ ke stz^~eLs, the sigas anst ba set back 25 feet.
~ ~,~5. ~`a?~- ~+~ s ~ Yaat grs~ eLee.rance.
. ~ ~. ~ ~ee xr s~~. T.~? Qe ~2~.C0.
I _~ ~~ ~~Q _~z- ~e ~eaitted -or directionaZ signs advertiaing only tracts
, .y~.~ - ~ ~e F ° : _ _: {~ts ci 3raaei~.
ynarx;cr~r ~:.~::..:u', _^~-•''"'=. ~iw ~ `"_ ==°~ =~ ~= B~ ~~t 77~'1 South Qilbert Street, Anaheim,
~;,~ _~~..~ ~?i*g ~d7 P3~t~ South t~raad Aveaue, Buenn Park~ Cali£ornia, .
~' ~' ffi ~,~ ~{~_~•.~~ ge~sission to erect a Mrectional Sign 12 ~eet by
. ~ _~y ~ ;,~ ~~~ ; ;,t ".~.c*~`er Ave~ae ~s.3 G3lbert Street. The property
, ~ _ 6~v- ~~ aa 3c, °.~LTL~^2AL dGHICVL'iRBAL.
~_ ~T~ ~~~ ~~-~ c~oz-e tIze Conmisaioa and atated tba.t traffic comiag Yrom
~~~ ~~~ ~a y~ }~ ~t,~ Ara F~reear~y 3~d no way of l~ting where to
~,~, ~~,_ ~ur ;_~.~ g~ +here~fore a Directiona~. Si~ at the freovray and
Z~;r-.~ W~r.,,~..~; ~-?~ ~_rect t::e~ to t¢rn at Orangethorpe Avemie approximately one
„~_n~ s~:~ ~^~ '.~ _~~~:~ . ~.... .r~t ~ :s= ;i: S C;; SID.
:~ ~ ~~~~, - = w,-"s±,~ ~Oansoa, $e~onded. bv Co~iasioner Scluw~acher, and
s~:-~a, ;.; s~ -n~~ ~7 :-5~?sTZOS ~0. 3j - S~S 1955-56 to grant Pariance No.
'=-'~? J~a ~':°L_...~'_c~. :;~ _or a period o! 5 yeru-s.
y~~~ r-~ --~~-- ~'*~-. _~"'~:- r,.a~tted b~ :BS'D Y. ~;~'O~s R$7 Avocado Street, Anaheim,
-~i~ ,..,.~~,~ ~, ~~, ~vi*~ peraissioa to erect a~tultiple Vnit Dwelling on
Bo. ~13• ~--~-
~y ,n~ ~~. ~~ _-~.> a~r aes~r~e3 as 832 Sonth Philadelphia Street. The
,~-~,~- 3 ~a*-`_~,- ~: e~ as '~, '~'0 FASIILY RES ~ ;li6l,.
su ~~J= °Wf'.'~ -~'r r-z'r:ir~ +,~~ wa`~3iiC a~'<`aa~~:.b~ II~ Q:.B ~'J'~'Q 4TB9E`Ilti EO renresent the ~
~ d~ ,~~.~~ ~ So~=,~ r^~~;elphia Street, 9na~ieim, appeared before the Com-
,-+~~-„- ~~e¢ a~et;t~u ~~~~ ~F =S~ '.:~s i*+*^ed;a.ta prooertv ownera in the
~.~*~-=W- ~.+,~_;~ ~a ~a,.--~..:.~ oY the 3ar'ia.ce. They are apparently eatisfied with
~~s„~-_, ~. $ds~ r~ c~-da~ oi this aoII1IIg ia the area.
~.,,~,~ ~fi~ ~g~~ g~ gors,~ ~^•.i2adelpaia Street, Anahein, appeared beforo the Com- i
~s~~ ~.=--,_ ~~~,~ ~~."se nixt't'ainie a'smilg I3-aellia~~-s just sout~ o£ them
~~ ~~k ~T~o?:;~a Street has iacreased io a very great extea~ asd ~ho ;
~~,~. ~,;;~,~ -?;;~?Q 3a~?j *.}xe2liag xoeild further increage thia traffic.
'~ ~i~'r 9T34 ~~' ''-'.~.D° .
g~ g~+~ rg i.~ssirs:..~: ~~:.3, -~.:~ec eg C.dt~.~is8i0~ei '"ho~gsoa, ~^.3 carr3ed,;;
_ . .~ ~~ ~ ~~--;r~ ~, ~ - SSBIFS 1~9$K-~6 ~o denY Vasiance :Qo. 413.
_,._~.,. ~~_-„~ -z-r.,...,-_•;- ,r.~ :~~.s ~ j. cs+a~g & ~~'P~.'~S ~ (Placeatia Park) , 324 SoutY~ t
T''t:~'":~"' _~ .-.._ _-• _~ CalLorais as avner RICH:.Ai: SIaNS I'_T4. , 1730 ~ast
Iv^J. ~3~+. -~*._cw ~_ ~: -'e'rE--. ~Ls, : .
~~,.~ eLL,.~~ ~~ _~: ~ Ca?i~or~ia, as A~thorized Agent, requesting permission
y~ ~„~W ~"_*~c~•~ ~L-~tiana2 Sigr. adverL'ising houses a.nd lots ia Tract No. 2350 ~:
¢,;a ¢~ ~=e aa~e~,a: Cc%~~„er Street directly opvosite I~arch 5treet on the south #
=~ ~' ~~~ z~ee~.
_... . . _
. ~,:, _ ,~~ , -- -.,F..-. .-,.,_--- --
~' ~ ~ ~
; t.i~av~s o~ 2~ ~~aa i~^~;G ~ 08 ~,~ ~_ ,~_ _ ~.-~~~ - ~ ~
!: 9ARIA~?CE 2•+.r. P. Z. Evans, eu2 of the owwuers Lf ~t So. ~'-~a, ~e~..-e~ z~crre t.fie Qos.~ssioa
2~0. 414 R^d stated taat e Directic~a? S~. o~ ~s} r-~.^~a- ~:~~~ ~---~-- r ~~.=.~ect
(cont.) tr~ffic to their tract :•i~c: ?s on Srth ~1ac~~~ =:=P~ '~ ~'s~*~ ~}g ~r~p~.
Upon a motion by Corsaissi~ner '.•~na~13, seran3e3 '~r ;.a~.:~'-~r ~3cd, a„~ carried~
it was voted bv xESOI~'_'IOy :,'Q. 33 - SE3I~5 1~; 3~ ~~~~, T~-°s.a,ee 40. ~~~ svo~ect
~ to the same 9 conditioas listeo. under Far3.a~x r~. '~3? ~
~ VARIANCE PD'BI~IC ~ARI~'G. PETITIG,'T. snbnitted'b9 FO~iTi ~ 3D3~ 3~.. ~~Ta~~ ~Ll~vaod,~~Ia~,
' IJ~. 415. Bur?~ank, California, as ourner, BIC~'BI~ 52t~;5 ~C., 3~3 ~~ei~. ~tree~, Loag .
~ Beach, CaliYornia, as Autlwr±ze3 3gent, =ec~~~ ~^--°~~.*-~ tzs eree~ e 2~~merary
Diroctional Sign 12 by 16 Yeet to adrertise ~.3~e ~e ~' 3~~ a~ Y.s~r,ses == Tra,ct go.
•~ 2426, said sign to be lorzte@ oa j„Y.s eas+t s~e ~=~-;~_~;. :~-ee:, ?~ Qeer sant8
,.~ of Ball ~oad.
~,I Thia k~as held over nntil the':ee;i~ of Seot~~ 1?, ?~=; ~_~•-~~t„{f:-~ c£ the
applicant was present.
~~~ USE PARIANCE Count3* II~e Variance l~o. 23G~7 was refe~~ ~~,~ L~ ~~ ;;;,--:- ~~~ ~y,,,,,t -~fo~
N0. 23~.'. Yor a reco~eadetioa. 't'hia ia for a~a33es ?~~- ~ ~~ ?~~ a= ~e arest side of
`;; ~ Gilbert S treet , 150 fee ~ so-~t~ of 3aL 3oaL.
~ 2•".r. Cecil C. Vlright apoeaaed before t~ ~~ssie= ~~se~'_ ;°~:. c~ acea~g c~ the
' surrounding propertiea he believed t?~ay #~ ?orz~_~= ?---~? _e ~~s~c~rd fo° a
Trailer Park. Ee r~7.so stated t?~a~ fi~ev ~:3.$ ~e ~?'•'f ~ s~t.-~°g t~t sgace~ ~o--,?d
be rented onlg to adults ;~owing that t?~e ''~es '3;~?'~--= Ca~cfss{aa oras suoosed
; to °'rriZer Pa«?:s ~.. ..uc: ^s^.,,..~y:a~ r?^+, ~.-~ -~,..__-~' =a ~:c~ "sc w^e Sc: noI i*aa-
. _-- °_--
'I es ,yot ha,ve tb be tr.+as*~or~ed to ax~ fror_ ~„3~e :~_-~sy s;''~-o'_'.
~:i .
{ • ~..ri~^cT u1SC'155~0^ ;ii. ...... .....:£a T, ~j.-.-a ~ mri,Ar...--.~_ _..x a_n_
~ ..-~~ -,~. „~ _ , .. SS 4~= .,._.~~~ _cY~w~ ~1~ .w~SB~Qt.?~
Schw±achor, and c~rrie~L, t~at t?~e Con~asiaa rspT~*' ~ Ye C~*..~-e Cc~~- ?Iaaaing
Con.ii ~.^,ion tha.t Use F~•. i~r_ce 2~7 bs graate3 fn. z T'~~~•~ ~~''~ ;= aecardy ~e ar~t~
, ti18 ??~.8118 presented 21]L~ S1LD,~,CC'~i ~'A t~ ~.~_...^.c,~ D" ?.~~' _'E~sa, 2J~ °~ 'Y~ t.~a p4 ~Ciia .
; ~ Aventie and the ir.sta7.la;ion o~ f.il.l ia.vrorene~~ ~3:j- ~.e -~e~t.~.
~', : Dilfi181'?VrJ rL'.DiJiV IIC~.LLi~~• r'rl:~lli? $uOW=Yt~ ~ ~"~.~+1 ~ 1 ~ ~~ ~~ .~:GC M~$Y I(Ytd ,
' ~*I~. 4~16. Streot, Santa ~., Cali=o=~s, ~~$r, ~r.~s`~ ~-~_._ ~u: ~~ s Serrrice
Sta.tion a.nd also e. 7't:~u-Stor;~ 60 TJnit'~e1va~!~o:p? ~..-? ?e-:.~LL. ~, ~~ ~~~~t
i corner of Ea.rbor I3oule~ani and I'i3~~ ~r'~ a?~~ ~~:~ ~~ ~,~ ~~~~t ,~y~~r
~ ~£ Section 22. 'Phe prepert9 is pres~t~,v zo~ed as 33, -~~"~"'-~E3: 3C~cF~T'~VAgL.
~ 2•ir, Harvey Hiera appear~ ba~'ore the Co~ssio: ~~::~ a~_cLr_r~e af t~e 3ervice
S ~ation which is ns~~ectad for tha srtheas~ ec~~ ~' ?'L=a~- ~'--=-re ~ r'ssr+~~- 4~~cI8-
! f card and a Plot Plan ahotri.~ the locatioz ar `.~ 7:~~e: ~ ~s~ ea t~~ nro: e:~E~.
The en+ire aro~ect ~:hen coanleted w3L r~res~i =.~ i--~~~ ~~jFfr,Qflr?r a:~i xi;?
I be in lcee~ing with o~hezs in the area. ~~!~!C- :~ ..:~:~_
Upon a, notion by Co~aissioner S~?*~...+~~~er, secn~a? =:- '~-~~~.: ~~~saa, ~
carried, it wae voted D~ =SiJOL'Jl ~i% i~. ?o _ •~-,~ +v= === ~ ~4 ~~•~ce Lo.
416 aub~eet to the ~I15't2S12ii,iOL' of ~a11 im_^_rcr~P:~~ .•- =.4*?s_r =-:Ie~rt~ a~ `tidwa,c
Dritre and the buildin;s to con°orn t~ f?~p C~a~_
?UBLIC HEARING. PrTITZOP. ~r.itted 3c ~'r,ET~_'^7 ~L~~T'r ~,., ?~~ ~rFJi Fa?~ Street,
~ ~ Nn; 1L17; An~nhe4m~ Qe14fp~~~, `.~ ~.._.,~, r~ w eft! ~ac~, ,.z...z!._~G,~, e; ai:i.:?~iisev. sF~ea~& .
requesti~ a WAIYEB ~or less ~3an 70 ~oot ±Yo=~.-~ ~"'~~+ 5-a-e teej e° Iet area
in Tra.et No. 2A20 located bot~ceea Ia ~a3.na 3-~~ ~~`~^a. T_'±-!aea Cg3 ieet esst
of «est St:eet. ^tne ?~ronertv is aresentl,v za^~ ~= 3-!, ~~TM~~ P~.*iELg ~5L'~'IdL.
1 f•Sr. G. S~T, t~c P~ersoa ame; red refore the ~c~ss~~ ~ ~~~e? `~t t~e a~-fi^;stra,ter~s`
~~ ~
~ Office l~d stated ti.at aaner~.tion ~oas un3ervs~ '_ ~ a-~ ~~'~r~c~ II'o. 2820.
~ A*, the En~;ineering ?ieet~ he~ oa A~.s} 3g, ?a ~, 31 ;- s~'x '-'^~~ rc aPP~cia.I
i c fletjoii could be ta:_en u~'sii t~e start af aa.~t.~iar -:~+a=~.
f In or.ler to clari~'y L•?~j s state^a^~t bv w~, x,e ~+.~erss, a-uu ~-^ amss ~e 1~ Co~siss,aaer ~.
~ ~n~ood, seco~ded b;* Gor*:±ssio~er ~^~s, ~ ~.._~~, y =a?~ ezer :'ar*~rce ~o. 4i7 "
"_.~, r~.z±d the consider~tion o£ the "_'enta'tise 2~ oS ^_'.~c~ ~. ?''~'+ =~ t~e F[ee~ia~;; ef
~' Ss»te:lber 12, 19~$.
, i
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2~?IPIU~S 0~' THE PEGULAR hiEETI:;G ?TELD ON S~'~~BE& 6. 1955 - Contimied - Pa.re ~_ -
': VA,RIA.N(:E PUBLIC H~A.RIMG. •P!~,TImIOId subr.iitted b9 EDWAxD J. 90!}rZ, 1262 Cleatrod ~~~,
2?0. 418. A:usL•ein, CaZiYorni~, ~a o;ylier, requestir.b peraission to ar13 aa2 azi33ti~ya3 ~x~
to the prnperty at ;24 F~,st Center Street ffiovn aa I.ots 12 and 13 o.f ~1~;'-~ ~~' `:_
I,orelei T±~act. T.he property is presently zoned as B.-3, 2:TJI+TIPI.E F32•`.LTY ~~T~s,.
Due to the length of the a~enda and as no one was at the hearing repr,es~~~ :~
applicunt, this Variance was held over uatil the 1•ieeti~; o~ Se~t~ber 32, 1rjj,
: 9A8IANCE PUBLIC ~'~ARINa. PETITI~N submitted b„ tdARY IAU T~LBOT &'iIIl~,, 10011 Sonth ~ca~~,
: N0. 419. Orasige, CaliFo^nia, as oerner, requesting permisaion to divide the 3ot lvi~ b~
Liberty Lane and Roser,.ont Street into two parcels~ one iot to be 60 b9 130 ~~,
f the second to be 60 bv 126 £eet and further descri~e3 as 1093 Z~~ertY ~.e.
I~Irs. Srum appeared be3ore ~lie Comnda+sion and atated that she wisiied to cos~-.si
a house facing on Eose~nont Street and tha.t her motser ti•ro.;13 occn~~ t.he ~res~w
~Q house faci~g on Libartd Ie.ne and. that the reason £or ~^A..+~ ~he 3ot faci:.g an
~~ P~osemont lar~er uras that sho l:a.d childreA and needed nore _olay~roua.d a..~. ~=
snuil.ler lot facing on I~iberty I,e.ne would be easy for l~r nother to ta~e s~.re a~.
~ In as much as the utilities come in from Bosemont Street a:~. ~iber~* Iane, ~-~
' ~ppeured to be no particu].ar reason why the lotn i; this block IIav not ~r ~~.:~?
•::i lengtfla. T~ ~RI2tG ~~IAS CIlJSED.
*,Jpon ~ ta~~tion by Coraaisaioner Schvma.ciier, seconded by Co:~icsioner Ba.p~e3, ~rl
carried, it was voted by RESOLUTI~N N0, 37 - S~.??ES 1955-5b to grant ~ar~~ce ~~.
• '~lg aub~ect to:
; i. The pa~:.°nt o* $2~.00 per Zot for the acquisitio^ of Park n~d ~acr~j.=o~ ~=°.~-
f ?., The filixig of ~. F.ecord of Survey t~,p with the City of Anaheia an3 t~ Co=~ ~
s ~ Orauge.
~' !, pARIANCE FiTBLIC T~'•AFcI.~G. PETITIOII ~ubmitted by ~~JALARTT 2n~i0:i L;C., 621 South lQal~~ =j-+sew,
' PiO. 420, Au.~l,~im, Califoz:i3a, ~.s ot•mor, ORANGE COU.iTY ~~'.S.':'~PS, 2'02 5oatli ~~~1~, 3~_~
~ Ava,, Califoraia, as Aui;horized A~ent, requesting per^~ssion to e:ect a T~n~r-
Di,rectional Sign at tho southea~t coraer of Walr.ut Street ~ n3 Ball ~oad ~~ ~-ca.-~=~
; ttie ~irst uale of l:ouae~ and lots in Tract No. 21~2.
~ This 'Tariance waa cancel2ed in a~ rm.eh ss it wss fc~~sl }~.at this are~+er~r ~s ~~"'~~
~ under ~uriadiction o£ the County.
;~ PUBLIC HE~+~ING. PETITI02+ eubr,iitted by PRUL'ENTISI, ID~b~S, Ti;C., 11+371 3as'~eira-.:~ s-r~
'~ ~ CATION id0. Road, Ananeim, Ca~iforniu, as owner, requesting tha.t tile sout~esst corter a~ ::+~
J ~-55-5~-1• Placentia Aveaue and East I~, Palma Avenue consistin~ of 967.90 reet oa P].ac~:~=~
Avonue and 630.75 feet on ~r=at Im Palma bvenue be recl::~ai~ied fro~ C-1,
. CO!•II~~RCI:1L and R~A, RESIDEi1TIAL AGEICUL?'G~4i, to C:-?, G~~.~L C01~R~iCI~:..
• Afl no one was preaent to reoresent the applicant on tiiis ~eclassi3ica~i~ ~.nd ~.~
~ t0 the 18nFbh Of t~h9 aUenda~ 1t L+&8 deoided t,0 '1~1d $1~3~ oveT tLZt31 +~:n8 ~:-E!'~~.-~ ~
Sente;:bar 12, 1955 and noti~y the applicant of this ac~io::.
RLCI~e1SSIr'I• tTJ'~siIC ~I'i;G. F^r,TITIOiT su'oii~it~e3 by E. fi. a"E~LS~~ iji: D., 23t1 ivortia ~3~ ~izmm'Y•,
CATIOTi N0. Analsei.r.i, Callfornia~ as o~•mer, requeatiz~ thst the are3 on the sonth si~e a~'7F~
F 55-5~-E• ~°11r~. •°-~emte bet~•:een iior~h Citren 3treet and iioria ?~.~ Strse= ba rac3~._~__~
3rom R-3, D'fUI~TIPI,E FA2~iII,Y RESIDENTIAL and Firl~ SIIiGT~ ~'AdYT~? ~S ~sa K~ ic ~i. ~,
' Dr. E. H. Kersten appe~red before the Coffiniasion and presented l~achitectnral ~+a~-
~.nEs of the proposed o3fice buildin~e to be used for a'.'~ical Ceater to'+~ 3~saa~
~,~ iiprti~ Citron Streo$ ra,nd. 5`ieai 7•,, PaZma Avenub.
' t~,r. ltc Ginnis, 931 1To~th Citron Street~ Anaheim, ap~e~red bnYoav t~e D~~issi~a z~i
. pro~ented a petition o~oaing the granting oY the ReclaES3fication Sor t~e 720 3e~
° uer~; c•a :lorth Ci',;ror. StreEt t•,'_•.ica is prsr,ent?,; ~o~~ ~~ ?-1, SZ~T? ~'""?''P ='~s_
~ TF"_?TIl:Z erd stcted t1L~.t +?~o e~itire street with the ~~e~?~tion of t~iR r•c+rnr.s ~+ ~7.'±~t
¢ ttn t•titn 5ingle Ftu•tily Dmel? ii~,;s.
~ ~
y Air. George t•!c iv~air, 934 Morth Citron Street, Ana!~eim, alco apveared bdore ~.?~s ~a~
mission and stated tl~;.t '_ie lv~,d eeveral lota for salo vrhich he fal~ ~aau1~ ?~e ~~
~~-_---.~, ciated by lettii~ axW type uf Commercial Eaterpriaes ~o in oa Nozth Ditren S~.
Vpon a motion by Commisaioner BcYnuas.chr.r, seconded by Cor~ieaioner ~intcel. a~. a;~..-~-
iod, it ~aaa ~oted by F~SOLUTIODT N0, 38 - SERIES 1955-56 to reca~e•~ to ~'~~':-
Cnlmri7. thF±t Raclaani.fi.rtnti~ri No_ F-55-56-6 be atrox'oved snbiect ta:
. ~ ~ .. -
i '
.....,..., __ . ....._ _.. . ... . . ..._..: _ .....A: ~.,,., ~. . :..,...,... ~. ,:..;.._ _.,.-,-;. ~ . ,- ~ . .,.., ,., .,__~._ ..._ .
'II:?ZJTt.'S Q'G+ mur pc+,,,GrJT ~g 2+~+L;m Tn VL~T. M sm 'n~v G ~.., ~
_ .L'.,. .*~.~ 4. S.L'~...~.. „ ].955 - aa~~aua3 - Pafie c
BECLASSIEI- 1. At pr9sent on 2lortli Citron Street for a deuth of 120 ±'eet to re:nain as
CATION N0, presently zoned, r.emely, R.-1, SINGLE FAt~fILY RJSID~?TI~LL,
~-55-56-6. 2. The balance of the pro~noi•tv be reclassified to C-1, ?1ETGF~ORHOOD COD4~RCI~
(cont.) except 190 feet on42rotirth Palm Street and 150 feet on S~fest La Palma A~er.ue
for :ahich a Variance ~•r~ll be granted for a Super Service Station, a C-2,
G~RAI, COh4~ItC?A.L LT "5..,~'.
3. ~ill stree~ implb4er,.ent9 ~rith a deed to tiio '~ity of 11~u~.heim of 20 feet £or
the widenir~ of S4est Ia~ Palma Avenue.
4. The dedication of .~.25 feet to the City of AnalieiM for the 4tzture ioidenin~
of rTOrth Citron Street.
The vote on the arove Resolution was as follovre:
AYES: COb41ISSI0PYERS: Gauer, Ha,pgood, Riutcel, Scliuraacher, Summere~ Thompaoa
rr.d I•4u~a11.
\TOES : COi~iif SS iON~nS ; 'rio:~e.
A~S~P1T: COb4dISSIONERS: Aue~t aad Schutte.
CATION N0. V.9TTDFlZAtIDE, c~o Harry S. Aroter, 6399 4Til~hlre Boulev~.rd., RooM 512, Los Ange'_Pe 4£3,
~-55-56-7•' C~1lfornia, as u~•n:er, Hl1RRY S. AP:'ER, S.~e Addreca, as Aut?~orized A~e..t; renuestint*
that t~e area Uounded on t!:e r.orth by the Houston Street Freewa~, on the en.st b;~
Plccentia Avenue nnd on tlie ~rest by Crpress Streot '~e reclasaified Yrom R..A, RESI-
T,EidTIAI~ .~G~ICULR'iTFnL to G-1, _?EIQIDOAsi'OQD COP~~tEP.CTslL to erect a Shoppir,g Center.
;,r. Hari~ Apter appea.red bo~ore the Cor.m3ssion and prenented a Plot Plan for the
rroboaed Shopoing Center irhich Iie atated ~,rou1d be sinilar to thoae developed. by
3'ar.~ea Rapoport a:ul As~ocia~os in S~~ittier, Californiu and ~~lest Co~ina, He alao
8tRt8a. ttl8t ttli3 project ir~u].d be started shortly after the :~classification lua.s
had finad. approvW. by t?:e City Council and tY~at it wz~,a not a promotione.l or
specizl.ative typs of devoloynneait. THE F.EARING ~~fAS CIASED.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, secandod by Conraisaioner Schwnacher, and
carried~ it wa.s voted by RESOLUTION N0. 40 - SERIES 1?55-K6 to recommend to the
City Colmcil t:~t Reclassifj.~^.tion No. F-55-5~-7 be e:~proved sub~ect to:
1. The inatallation of f~tl ir.rpnovements on C~presa Street and Placentia Avenue
cahich will be l0U £oot ':ight-o_°-woy3 ~~itF~ the curba '~Z feet from the centerline
,.r ~Q+,;g ar...eets.
2. Cleo,rance must be obtained frora the 5tate Hi.~hway De~xirtnent before building
per:~its can be ~;rasi~ed.
3. T'ne ~iling of Staudarcl Deod Restrictions of t2ie City o4 Anx~eim for 0.1,
mlie vote on the above ~tesolution was as Yollows:
~1'ES: CO1~Q~fISSiOIir~RS: tiwuer, Aapgood, Riutcel, Scinunachor, Summers, Thomnaon avd
?iDES : COb4iISSIOiyT~.liS ; ;;one.
dBSF:?T: C02,II,IISSIONERS: Auest ruid Schutte.
RECLASSI:I- PUBLIC F~IYG. PETITI~3T ~ubmitted by L. D. JdEG~, 11•'=$ Coast HigYiway, ~nuna
CATION N0. Begch, California, as o~raer~ t•i. YOSHIZAbI~ 10042 7'.,~.~..at 3roaclwa.y~ dnahein, Ccil.ifornia,
F-55-K5-9. also as owner~ requestin~ that Ir~te 4 and 5 of Blocl; B of Tract No. 13 lying on the
east side of Broo'r.hurat Street from Orange Avonue ou t:ie south to Broadwny oa tho
north with a depth of 335 ~eet be reclassi41e3 fror~ R~i, I~SIDw'TIAL AGRICUI~TUFtAL
1dr. Grz~].lagher, attorne~, ap»e;.red before the Co~uicsion a~ Autnorized 9gent for the
agplicants requeating ;;hia Roclassification. He sta~ed tl~st other variancea have
been grnnted in tho area ior Commercic~.t Jses and Lhat ui3 clients intend to start
building a Shopning Center ~aithin a ahort time if tne Reclassification is approved..
s~._ T T T ~~. ~~ ~~~nu vvC Y4LLU i V nlr~A~ n ~vT ~~u v::b
tnt'~ ++• ++• ~oo~oS yTv i. Eu . i 1 Rando:j.i.6 O ~1^v y:vNC.r ., C.^. ~.
area which wocld coafsVa mini.r,~um of $750,000 inveatment.
1-fter disauasion by t;ie Cane:~iaeion, it was felt tY~t in •riew of other ReclasfliYicat-
iono '.'nving been granted, bho.t ~his alxould be hanc7.led oa a ruriance basiu in whicb.
ca~e if conatruction is not ~tarted wit~iu 6 months, the Variance beco~es voicled.
r~ ~
F~ ~f ~
' tiQ,,,~-~-~ pF T~ ~GUI,~R 1~ETIidG ~I+D ON S~TEl+~ES 6 1955 - dontinued - Pai:e 7.
; g~C's:,SgLWi•- :~:r. 3ae,oer s}•ated t::.tit 'ae ~~tovld be satis£ied witiz a 4~riauoe instead of a Rec3a.asi-
C3'"IC~ ~. ~icaiioa. Tfi~ ~1.~IF:s T~1~.i :,I,OSED.
=,, p i: ~ 5-3.
Ep~t.) tfoon a notioa bv Coaunissiorer Thompeon~ Qecor3ed by Co~miasione•r Schumacher, and
c~"ried, it xas voted by RESOLUiION N0. 41 - SERI~S 1955-56 to grant a Variance u•4jj ';
_or t~e area.between Broad.~•r~.;; snd Orange Avenue on the esat aide of Brookhurst
i S~reet for a deoth of 335 feet for C-1 Vsea sub~ect to the inatallation of full
S s~reet irsorove~eata on Birooklaust Street, Orange Avenue a,ncl Broadway.
~~;,-+J~~"~s£'~° ~•e tdeetiao a~'journed tit 5:4~1 o~clock P.M. until Se~teaber 12, 19~5 at 2:00 0~ ,
c2oc:- P.~•I.
~ R. ~V. I~SIT;IGA?~1,, retary
~.~~,. ~ G ~ .rf
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