Minutes-PC 1955/09/12~ „ .Y ~: , . - - - < ~ --- - _ . ~~', _ '~, . '~~' ~-` ~ : o . . . , :r ~ ~ ,~- ~ ~ ; ~, i ~ September 12, 1955 ~ City Hall ;, Anaheim, Callfornia i TiII?II"ES Q? '!'~ ADJOB?~.=yJ ?~ULaR t~7.'I?dG 0~' THE CITY PI..42~2iIITG COh1MISSION % ADJOORLIED The Adjouraed He~s2ar I•'.eetin; oF t~e City PlaaninG Cor.u7ission wea called to s REGIILAR orde~ at 2:14 o~clcc~_ r,I:, by CHAIR~SAN SUt~tMERS, a quonua being present. `= 2~TLNa ~ : ~ pgESENT C&~Z~~4A~ SU~, C02~!ISSICi~BS: Biutcel~ ~chu~acher, Thompaon and Dlvngall. ~ COa~SISSI02uH Haproo@ e~tered the meeting at 2:40 o~clocl: P.td. ~ GOt~ddISSI01~ Oaner entered the aeeting at 3~30 o~clock P.b;. ~ 9BSE21T C01~SSI~J~~S: .lnest aad Sc~tte. qpgI6170E PUBLIC 3~A&~G. ?ETITI02x s+a~aitted by PONTY & ROACH, IPTC. , 548~ North Fiollywood Way, Ap, 4.15, 3urb„~k, CaliYornis, as o~er, RICEb1Ai~ SIGNS INC., 1730 Eaet Anaheim Street, I,ong Beach, Califoraia, as 8ut~sorized 6gent, requesting per~iasion to erect a Tem»orary Direc~icral Sign 12 bv 16 feet to advertise the sale o£ lots and houaea in Tract No. 2425, sa±d si~ to be ~oca.tc~I oa the ea~e side of Broolrhurst Street~ ?50 feet south of BQ11. Boad. ~ T4TC li~-S H&ID 4F~.~3 ~Il'.: "'~ '.•~'~'TING OE SEPTEM9EH 6, 1955. There ia sgnareat2y sonsth;~~' Yaulty rrlth the description of the property innolved regard~ this si~ varia~ce which hae been asked for 750 Peet south of Ball Road on the east side o~ Broo~r~t Street. uie owner oi this pra: erty ~aa.r~ bofore the Co~iseion ~d stated that no perc~is- sion had be~ giv~ to erect a si~n on her property. TF~ F~ARINa WAS CLDSED. i;oon a notion b; Co^=.fssioner Tfwmpaon, seconded by G±m~isoioner Riutce7 , and ca.rriad, ' ~t u~-as cated ~o ho'!d ~*? Qarisnce Ao. 415 until the a~nlicant furnlshea the Commisaion : wi tli tre aro?er a^.d acc-~:r~:te loca.tion as to where this sign ie to be placed. The ' next ^eetir.g 3s t~se 26t?z of Se~tember. d~g~~ ~~.~ ~-?~?__,s*'i,~. P~`I^_ZC~ sub*aitted by RF~LTY ~TGI:T~:II?G CQ., 1085 North ?alm Street, ; Np, 4.17, Anahe~, C.^-'-ifor~ia, as o~•~er, G. Vl. MC PF~RSON, Sano Addresa, sa Authorized Agent, reo~esting a ra?cer ~or ?ess thau 70 ~oot £rsnta~e and ?20Q aquare feet of lot area ±n mrsct 80. 2820 2ocated betweea Za Pa1ma. Avenue and Romneya. Drive, 699 £eet east of ~s 1~est Street. The prcnertY is presentlv zoned as R-3 ~?;LZTIP7~E FA1~;ILY RESID~TTIAL. - ^_'HIS HsS n^3ITJ 09ES ~0!•i "3E ~•~TING QF SEPTEF'IDER 6, 1955. ~~ the recuest of the sg?Iicant, this Variance wo.s held up until the Meeting of S~nt~~er 26, 1955. p~g7~~E pp$ZIC EF~G. PETITIO~i subnitted by ~9AFtD J. VOI~'PZ, 1262 alenwood Avenue, Anar- fi0. 418. hei.^.~ California, as oaaer, reqLesting permission to ad.d one additional office to the prn~erty at 924 F~st Center Street Imova- as .Lota 12 aad 13 0~' Block A of the I~ore? ei 'tswct. '~e nn~v~'t,r is presently zoaed as Rr-3 ~ b'RTLTIPLE FAMII,Y RESIDENTL4L. ^m;s ~°„~s ~* ,,, ~~ ~r,,.~ ~ f,~rixa o~ s~m~Ex 6j i955, I 1 :~ 1 ~ ~:. ., s.= ~~. t;r. Yoltz apoeared before tae Commiasioa and atated t2~.t a Variance ha,d been granted bo the previeus ovicer or t~~e property, D:r. John O~I{ane, for one office. :•ir. '~oltz, the nev ermer. stated t~a.t the balance of the nerr honae ~~n.s not sati.afac~6xg for dyte],i±ng gnrQoses x.^d t?~a.~ he wovld like to lvxve per:.tission to rent another office in the ~nildi:~ ~ar a Stractural Engineering 0££ice. ^_'~ ~A1tING WAS CIASED. IIxn a~tion b;: Ccn~is~ioaer Hiutcel, seconded by Conmiisaioner Schumac~er, and rz~'^ied, it ~s roted b; RESObIITION N0. 39 - SERtES 1955-56 to grant Pariance No. 1~Z8 s~abaect tc arovidi~, ir,c?sroved oYf-atroet perlring on the rear of the lot. COIIT?TY USE ~ co~ of th~a IIse °.~~fr,.nca ~o. 2357 was received from the Oran~e Covntq Planning vAgIe1~C~ ~o~issio~ _'a: a:^<co^c:.3: ~ioa. ?:r. 3a~oncl 9pe~.r a~neared ~e~ore the C~smmission Nv. 23>~• and siatai tY,~~ ~ a- ~ r,~w ~~ a:ect ~??s3bhba:~ed Coxmerciel Shopping Center lo- cateci. at the sonthrrest coraer of West Ia Palss livenue and North Eluclid Avenue. L'pan s~otion b? Co.-y*iss3oner Schumacher, aeconded Uy Commianioner Riutcel, and casried, it vas voted to recoseaend to the Orange Cou.nty Pl~,nning Commission tY~t Vse Variance ~o. 2357 be Lraaitod sub~ect to: ~ . . _ _ _ _ __ _. __ _ _ - -- --- ---_ - - - ---------_:_~.-- ... . ~ ~ ~ t•SIPdU"'F.S 0~' THE ADJOURNED F~GULAR ~~ETIN(3~ HEI~ ON SEP'FEt•ffiER 12. ? 955 - G~Rtiaued - Pa~e 2. COUNTY IISE 1. Increasing the o£f-atreet parking area to agrae ~aith the Sta,ndard Daed VARIBNCL Restriationa (Item $) of the Cits oY Anaheim, which ~pecifies 75~ mnst N~. 2357 be used Por off-street parking. (Coat.) 2. Iastallation oi ftil.7. street imnrovemente on both Viect Is Palma Avenue and North Fha.clid Averaie iahich are 100 foot ri~htrof-k~a,y atreets. This requires t}ast the curbs be set at 41 ~eet from i;he centerline of both streets. REC:,ASSIFI- PwLIO HI3ARII3G. This &eclasaification was held otier ~rom the ~Seeting of July 18, CATION N0. ~955. PETITION submitted by PRUDENTiAL ~tdES, I2dC., 1~F371 Anaheim-Olive Road, Anar ~'-55-~b-1• heim, Calif~raia, ae owner, request3ng that the soui;heast corner of North Placentia Avenue and Flast La Palma Avenue coasiating o£ 907.30 feot on Placentia Avenue and 630:75 feei an L~a.a~ 7Ja Palma, Avenue be reclassified to C-2, GENERAI, COMMERCIAI,. ~h Someti.~e ago a requeab was received Pmm PRtJDENTI6.L BOhIES, IP1C. ~ to reclasaify 150 ~'eet by 150 feet at the soutliea,st corner of F~et :.a Pal,.-ia A~enue and North Placentia Avenue to C-2 to persiit a Sarvice Station and sout.:erly from this varcel rsnother psrcel with a frontage of 240 Yeet on North Placen~ia Avenue with a depth oY 170 feet vras reclasstY3ed to C-1, TTEIti~ORF~OD COb41E&CIAZ. *dr. 3arry I.. Scholer~ President of Prudential Homes, Ir.c., appeared beYore the Con- ''313Jjp11 9Sld atated ±hnt ~tney crere buiZding over $00 hor~es in the area a.nd. th.zt 3t ~•ras their belief t:.at n Shonning Center erected of a nleasing architecture vroil.d be in lceepi~.g with tlie ch3,racter oY the homes which the;/ rre:e building and that a Shonminf; Center wo•ald be an asset to the neighborhood. There is no shonping area erithin 3~~ a~ a mile and there is no service atation contemplated for the aroperty. This are3 uncl.er pro~?osal coatains approxiu~ately 13.96 acrea. T~ F~ABT.~TG ~VAS CIASID. Upon a motion by Commi~oioner Thompson~ seconded b; Co~nmisaioner Hapgood, and carried,` it wa.s voted to recor.uaen'c ~o t'~e City Council ~rith the consent of tho applica.nt tYiat bs RESOLUTION ri0. 42 - SERIES 1955-56 that Reclas~:£icution 2to. F-;5-56-1 be approved ' £or C-1, ~TEIGHBORHOOD COf~L~ItCIAL inatead of C-2, GEI~"i~1ti C02•fi•~E:CIAI+ as requested and subject to: .l. The filing of Steudx~rd Doed Restrictions of tiie City of Anr~eim. ?.. The iastallation of full atreet improvements on 2torth Pla,~entia Avenue and East La °alma Avenue, the curbs to be ~1 feet fror:i the ceaterline of the atreet. Tne vote on the ab~re Resolution was as follows: ~ ~'!~S: CQATMITSSIO:~ERS: &~pgood, Riutcel, Schvzvzcher, Susmers~ Thormeon and Mun~aZ,l. ?ZOES: CObiAtISSIO?3ERS: :?one. 11BSEITT: COA4•'IISSIOPTF,RS: Aue4+,, Caser and ScYritte. TENTATIVE '!'!ie Tentativo idap of Trwct *To. 2569 was presented to tlio Commieaion. This tract ia MAP OF loc~.ted on Sunkiat Streot north of Araheim-Olive Roaci and containa 119 lots, The TRACT i0, aubdivider ie PRUDFuTTIA~ HOl•fES~ I'iTC., 14371 An~heint-GliTe Hoad, Anak:eim. Culifornia. 2569. Nita the deciaion to lnzt Centor Street through at its uresent location to the proposed, Pomona F:eewa~* allo~ns the tra.ct to be built as originally projected. iTpon a motion by Consisaio: er Sclr:mecher, seconded by Cor.uaisaioner Thomnaon, an~~ carrie3, i~ was ~ata~ to apprave the Tenta~i•re *!ap o~? ?~~ct :?o. 2~Sg sub~ect to: 1. The pa;T.~ent of $25.~0 per Iot £or tho acquisition o£ park aud recreation sites. 2. En~ineering Requiraments. • !~i~TATIVE The Teatative b4a.p o4 Tract No. 2821 uras vresente~ to tlie Cammisaion. Thie tract is j.R4P p~ 1ec~ted ~t the southare~t corner of ~Vest Iss °alma Areuue and Disyflower Street. The - TRACT I~O, suudivider is THObAS J. LAt1LESS, JR., Qalama.r Company, P. 0. Sox ~F24~ Ai~aheim~ Cali- pg21. fornia. 'i'he tract contrino 18 lota. ~ TR,..n ~,nn+;nn hv Cnnm=nginngr Lfiinval_7,; ae~nnderl bv Cor.imiaaiqnwr HraoennA~ anrl rxrrier7~ ; itVt:~s ^roted to~annrr,ye the Tentative t+tap of Tract :To. 2821 sub ject to: Z. The payment of $25.00 per loi =or tue aaquioition of ~a.rit and recrea~ioa ei~es. ~"_ a .n.. '~ `vu^o `v o^v` j. t`L'L~ ~ IOOL ea.eer.ter.v LO U~ YivVl(iou taivia6 i.uo ~YOOV Siuo 'v~ ~• 3. A'full easement o£ 10 feot along the easi, side o£ the tract. t 4. ~7.1 street improvameuts along ~9eet Is Palma Avenue and I•iayflower Stroet. ° 5. Engineering Requirenents. ~ `9 .E~ ~ t 1' =~ ~~~ • I~~ y~ {.: ~ .. ~ .. ..._.__.. ~ n . . . . aZ! ".. A, >' ~~r &r i;'. ,.. ~: z s TENTATI9E ' I,uLP OF ' TR1CT N0. z838. ' VA&IAVCE ~~ rTO. 32a: ~ u biu TTES_ OF_TF~] ADJOL'RI~ED REGU7~,4Fi 1~ETIi7f~ HELL` ON SEPTET,~E& 12, 1955 - Contiaued - Pa.~e 3. The ientative Map of Tr~,ct .To. 2898 was presented to the Com~aisaion. This tract is located at the soutY!rre~t cor*ier of Carleton Avenue au3. Z7estmont Dr3ve. The aub- divider ia J. J. D{~YER, 501 2Toxth ~4est Street, bnaheir.i, Cali°orni~. The tract con- taina 31 lots. TJpon a motion by Comssissioner tdun~all~ seconded 'oy Commissioner Riutcel, and carried, it wa.s moved that Tract 2To. 2£i38 be apuroved subject to: 1. Tlie payment oY $25.00 per lot for ~he acquisition oY park and recreatioa sites. 2. ~4111 standar3 street ir.mravements. 3. En~ineering Requirecier.ts. PUBLIC ~~ING. A request ~:m.s received Pro~ FR~IiiK KRAGI,AtT requesting an extension of timo on Variance T!o. 328 for a small Groc~ry Storo to be Zoceted near ~9est La Pa1.~3 Avenue and Yrontiug ou 1,4agaolia Avemxe. Unon a~otion by Conni~sioner Riutcel, seconded b;~ Cor,miusioner Thoz~pson, and carried, it ~•ras voted to es_tend Variaxice ?To. 928 for a period of 6 w~onthe. ADJOUfTil?•~Tt '!'he ?ipeting ad,jours:ed st 3:55 O~Clock P.M. B.•~ . :a~,~~"liI,, cretary APPROPED • • ~' a~f