Minutes-PC 1955/10/17. .. , ~ .
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o~~ober 17. 1955 ,
~i1~ Hv.ll
aaabe.im, California
HOT$S OF 2HE ADJ~S~D $~+~ ~~G (~ '~.~ CI'PI PLB~FYt~ COl4[ISSIOH
ADJODHNED Ths Ad3onrned 8egules 3~seLiag o: 't~w ~ST ~~ ~ssfoa vas cal2ed to
ordar at 2:11 0'Clodc P. l[. 'b~J C~ ~' s~°~ ~~ preseat.
CHAERM68 SQMM~HS~ C~ISSIOII~S= >aest. 6eoer. ffintcel.. Schnmeh~er+ Thompsoa
F'RFSB~T ~d %mn~17-
CQ4~[ISSIOHB~R He~pBood s3terea tbe ms~ting a~ 2:40 0'Qloc~ P. lt.
~gg~ COI+dIISSI~ Schntte.
16setin~g a~ saPtember 26. 1955. ~ sP@cial
MI~PPBS The Mimites oP Lhe Ad.lo~ea $°~~ ~ t~ gs~ y~et~ag oi tictiober 3. 1955
Called Meetin8 of SeptemLer 30. 953 ~~ ~~~~ ~~ed Keeting vhich
rere approved ss print~d vlth t~e ~ p~Cloc]r A. !t.
ohould he~ve read as ad.1~~ st 3A:32 ~te~ad o~ 9-32
$0• ~1'(•
NOS. 438
and 439-
S0. 4~10.
N0. 441.
~B~C+ ~p Q. ~1~1 YST~~ tl$Y ld~ ~$'~ r.Y+~CBLYPr•
Bo one aPPeared for or ~t tb ~mtin6 ad f~s Qarieacs. THi ~:ABINa W63 CLOSED. ~
. ~
__ __ _ . ~ _ ~.. - _ _
,c. ^`...-_ , - - - ~ ~ - -
POBT~IC ~ABIHG. PS'PITIOYS sn~itted bf ~ C~CTIOH CO.. 9374 Brighton
~~Q, C~o~~ ~ ~, ~,g~ ~C~[i8. 9374 Brightoa May.
•Way. Beverly ~~~g Yaivers oi froat. rear
Beverly Hill~. Ca13fc,rnia. ss ~nt3mri~ s~4ract Ha. 22~t2 lacstad on the north
and slda~ard reqnirm l~.ts on eerYe3a
aid~ oi 8omna9a Drive east ~oi YesiG S~t. a~ riivars af r~aat as.: rea~ ye_+~d re-
qnirsmenta aa certatn loYs in 4rect ~o. 2ao1 ~aeatea oa ct~e sout~a ~9 Yespectively. ~
Drive at tl~s rear ot oictoi' sm~ ~°~~~ S~°~• °~~°s 438
Mr. Zuckermaa sPPasred befase tles Ca~issian aad g~+e Izis reasons for rsqueeting
ths xaivers. TIDC ~~a ~ ~~.
IIpon a motioa by Ca~isa~o~a' ~~' ~°°'~°d ~~~~ioner Thcmpsua. ~d
carriad. it vss movea b7 ~~ ]D. ~-~ 1955-5~ tbat Yasiances Ho. 438
and 439 be ~aatoa,. ?
PUBLIC ~~a• ~I'~~a ~t~ ~ ~' ~` ~~' ~2 Weat Horth Strset. !-nalieim.'.,
Celifornia. as ovner, rsqnestinS Pa~~am to erect s Triplez D~rellin8 xit2s garagea ;
on Lot 90. 2. Bloc3c B: ~~~~ ~• ~~"' ~r ~~~d as 906 west Broadxqy. '
The property ie presenL~y ~~d ~~~ g~T ~~~•
M1. A. i+. HaLoney appasred bstors tbs Comasdaat aad prese=ted an Architectural
,~~_ ~meh bs dedrsa to bnild oa the
8eadoriag ana Plot Plan ot t~e ~~
lot a~~90va1nes a~t~,e ~ ~ ~~ ~ 1~ ~~~h thatlit vas note _
economicallY fs~~ tO ~ sDm,plas.
~. J~ ~~s. P~~~~, ~,~ ~~ ~=e~t3~ to t2ys veat. stated tl~at a
Triplez vop?~ depreciate t~s sa7n~ 02' ~ p~~~7
~ Q~ gansoa, 314 Sonth Ohio SRreet; Mr.
Mr. Paub Badorif. 816 Ues! ~: 24 ifest Broadvey; Krs. M. D, ~
Te: xi~leton. 919 Yast ~rond'~-; ~'• ~. ~~6~• 9
~ ~, ~ ~ ~ifn. 808 west Broadr+e,Y. 1lnaheim~
gilgeafela. 804 Ya~ ~~~~ ~L~a ~~~ ~r ~oa~ tor ob~ectiag
Caliiorais. aPPg ~~ ogportnaity to look oesr ti~.~
~ tye granting oF tbe Yffiiaxo. ~'~'~ ~~~. ~~. bat deciiaed. They '
Aschitectural ~Eendarin8 of' tb ba~ldtn6 P~PoQ._ ,_ v~j a,..+ e and t2iav vanted ao
all etated thsir l~ome~ vere ~~~ ~~ """~ ;
MnltiPle ?amilY intrasioa. ~
Ugon w motica bg Ca~isaioner ~~. ~D~~ ~- ~soioasr ScY~umecller. and
carried, it vas movad bl ~~ ~~ ~-~~ ~955'S~ Lb°t Yariance aa. 440
ba deniod.
,.n m,,r,o,v,r.,run p~r;T7[~i sa~itted ~~. ~ P• ~~Fd CO.. 48a Son4h San
iva..~.. ,qg~ ~~ornda. as avners. BICID~IAH SIf~S~ 3NG. ~ ~
Yicente Bonlevard. 1+os ~ ~i~~ ~ ~~~ ~ny= xequesting =;
1730 East Aashalm 5tsse~t, 3,~ ~• ~
permission to erect a Tmpo:'a~7 ~i~a s~ tO ~8~f° ~~ sale oi lote aad ~
houees ia Tract Ho. 2330. fl~ sf~ ~du ~~°a °n tm Yeat side oY S.onth ~
Placeatia Avemze bsttie~n Swth Sis~s~st s~ iexaont Strest, i
~ ~ ~
MIHt13'ES OF T~ ADJOQB~D 3~tiUI,lB ~~ ~~~:1 ~-~fmam~ - Fras Z
Pl1SIA&C& IIpoa a motion by Commissionsr Jnest. sscomd~al ~~ Sr~r. aa~
90. 441 carriad. it vaa voted by B&S~.UPI~f 314 6D - S~ 39~-56 to gtaat T~fcace ao.
(Coat.) 4111 sub~ect to:
1. Signs ohall bs a me~ size ai 30 ~y ~5 ~i~"i.
2. Signa xill be psrmitL+3 Yor a~m~n ~exiaal e~ ~~mCms ~ le~a
3. A permit mnet bo taken cnt rit~ t~s 3~ni'+~+~ ~
4. The aame of the Siga Ca~paRy mus+~ ~ mm ~ sl~a ~
5. Sigas muat be l0 Seet bac]~ of t~e =ight-mS-~ B~me a~' aog stxe~t ar Fs~~ra~.
6. At the iatersection of t~e strssts. ~~~st ~~d Bs~c 23 ieet.
7. A11 dgna ehsll l~ave a 6 toot ga~d ~~~~~
8, The Yee per sign shall bs ~2$.~D.
9. Sign variancea ahall bs pes~itY,sd 3'ar ~r~S ~~ ~~~•~ oaiT irects
within the City 7dmita ot ~~~m
VASIABC~ P[TBLIC ~AEINa. PFIPITIOB ~nt~milt,e3 by ~>. ~. 3~ 3~ S~eet. &mLfagtoa
B0, 442. Beach, CaliYornia, as or*aer, 8AZ S. Si'II~ai. 3~ 3~n~t~ ~, 3Ec~2srtaa. CeY~=orafa.
ea J-uthnrised ~geat, reqnesLiag ~lasioa ~~~'"`~ a~"~°' Fs~ dLiz IZO
trailer spacaa, 16 apsr:~a:=, s~'.~.~ ~. ~~_='_ ~' ~,*~ ~ s~ ~ 8~I2fa8
~n tha property xhici~ liss along t~ ~a !ma ~. e~d.~r Qf Saat& PsI$ Stre~t
a~d aorLbsriy of ldidxay Dri~a '1~. parael ~oat~dms 4.4~ ~s+~s. z~e ar ~e~- '~
property i~ presently clsssiYiea as ~i, ~. i~i-'~
Mr. Abeadoaato appearea beFora ti~ ~~md stasIDa~ t~t~ t~ae '+~~'~~ Pas~ pra
posed rould 'oe high clss~, not as~d 3~y ~r~.ams+. ~~ a~e ~a~E s~fa a~od~ ratl
vrould bs ereoted aron.~ t~ +n•.~i7-. P'n~• ~ "~'= s .---«.o...._ :~ :s ~~ ;..- ~~
warraat ths nas of ths land for xd~~++~~ or s~ai~~~~
Nra. John Anatine. 12712 Yinaton 8oaa. ~na~d~. ~"°'~ .~ ~ to tiae 'hailer
Park ~tating that financial insti~ 3s~~'aed I~'.~ ~~5~f ~ be ~-
precia8ad 20~ by tLs Trffiler Par7~. Car ad' ~e asa~~ ftm 15~ '5.~,ffigs F~ waEd be
alo~ Bouth Pa1*~ StreeL. ~3re~:l,y l,hraaEh a~~-~ ~~ ~~~ -:•_-~ ~
would prabably bs 200 cars 3saviag in !~s s~ ~1 a~e~sl~ afc a3~st, vdiiei~ wald
creats a hassatd to Lhe childran ia t~s ~~^e~ ~s a1a~ sLsL+~ tbat ~ha
l~ed livod ia a Trailer ParY snd #~at ar3zi3s ~os~Y at ~e m~mp~ts ~ers d~rabL. a
~mall minority vere apt Lo ba ez~rr.ma~ ~.
Nr. Yed~ Y. Schoonovsr. 10192 ~.cloory, a„a,.a~, ~a~~r~~ ~~ at~ tYraC Is Ii~-d rfT•1tEa `
} block of tbs property sad he s-+.s~na3p ~,,'f~s~ ~+~I.im~ s~?~ ~ tr1 ~s
iato thia location.
Alrs. I~Ynis Trippy. I0192 SonLh 3'a3m Sl~set; ~. ~~~ ~. 2~2b2 ~t
Street; (iordon Poncher~ 10162 5ont,h Pal~ S~ssst: ~ra. i7ID~t ~ II~2, IOa~ Soatlz
Palm Street; .~aehei~, r~litor~is. ~~~+e 4r~e ~s3am a~ao a~ectfag to
the graating ~f th~ Varieace. J petition tias ~3ss as~3s~d ~aa rsd~ ia tis~
area eontaining 139 aamee of ob~eeLors. A 3sZ'tas sas a3~ a~ fs~ Eaee~ m~es,
Inc.. stating that t2~ey desired to ~rot~st ~?s~-a~ ~ ai t53s I~aa da~s to
Lhsir Tract Bo. 2637 vhich vonld aontaia fis~es ~~3m+d a~ ~.~ke ta Zi~~ ~ tirat
thees wonld be depreciatsd it ths 3~3as 3'~lc s~s ~~~=
1[r. Abandoaato agatn toat tbs tloaz a~d :~ ~ tt3s ~IIag Fas ~ae~ for
30 de4ya in order to eee ii s~q ot3~sr em~ ~~es~s ~&~St Bw ~~ ~ tFss 'te~oat
of the Trailer Park. T~ HE~8I8G ti~S ~~.
Upo3- a motson by 4e*~issioner 3'~psnn, sas~d ~qy ~amr Sc~ao~r, a~ •
carrisa~ it raa voted to postpo~s s~y Sm~ a~m m~am tt~s ~s ~ ti~
Meating of November 21. 1953.
~ vASI/-NC~ PUBLIC ~AEIH(i. PZTITIOIi anbmittsd by ~. 3~ 1.~ ~. ~9d~ 3es~ 6eaeer Streat,
N0. 4k3. Aaaheim. Califorais~ as ovnsr, 5~e~stinE ~ea~ bo ao !~o g~ desa~fi~ as
d J~ot 3 oi Trect Ha. 2~ :ar a~-n.o.~ ~:,r ~~~w j,-: ~sre~ai~T
ol~e~iti~d aa E-1, 5IB07s FbtEiI.T ~'3~i..
Hr4. guPahi appeared boYore t~s ~saia~n am~ sla3e~a ~~s ~ae~ to ~
' g A~_~r.+a~.e4..r: ..va~e~+.. a~~~~ a~ L~ ~~, ;
j.~~.. .~ av. a.a ~.a gti~s m~t ra~s oi ~i '~""z- lSL~~ Oe
r+alkiag to her plaas and not dririas. ~aserer, ~exe 3s s~B~ x~ im Ts~r dz~va+~
~oi~ 3 a~'o. Sh- e~ected thst ~ tion'1S ~vss ~e ~sa~ tHsm ~s s¢ ti~e at s tims. -
,.~ . .. :. ._ _....1?
;' ~
-- . _
er~i .... _ . _ _ _ ~ .~- . -
~' ~ ~
yINUT~3 OP T~ ADJdURS'~D HEGOI~ ~~~ ~~ ~T08E8 17. 1955 - Contiaued - PaAe 3.
Q/~8I9~0~ ldr. Marehall qictor. 1510 Birch Street. 6naheim~ Oaliforaia. stated ihat th~s alloxing
~~. ,T,y3 ~v ~ a.a„t~ Pg~~Qg ia a garse_a presentad mar~4 Probleme and that the gaeage would have
(Cont.) anasa~used. Heating and veatilatioa vaould
to ba rebuilt ineida, rewired for the appli
bave to be proclded. avd t2~at in hia opinion~ it would be better to rent 3 place
rather the~n allow this to go in et bhie locatioa. It tiaas his fealing that it thie
wsa allowed, other people in the tract vrould requeat variancee for other usea with
the grad'ual bnes~in~'a°rm of this entire B.~l e~rea.
Mre. I~r1e Diggins~ 1~06 East Center Street~ Anaheim, CaliYornia~ etsted that ehe rias
in iamr of grantin~ the Qariance.
Mrs. Henneth Dunlavy, vrho 11v~es aext door~ 1505 F~s~ Center Street, etated that ahe
rias in iasor o~ ~~t~ t~ y~~~ as thase houaea facis-~ on Oenter Street vould
be coaercisl. She aleo stated thst there vras aa a7.ley at the rear of the five homee
facing oa Center Street ~rhioh ieolated them i~33 ~et Qent rtStraetcaad Mre and 1~5~'eY
oraaers to the eaet, Mr. anC. 1~Ire. W. M. I~egg,
applioatioa as being in favoreofSgranting the Qa liance b TS~ eF~BINa w~C~SED.
U~~ a Latioa by Comm3ss+_^^_9* ~~mod, eeconde~ bY Co~ieaioner Sahumacher, an~d
aarried, it rrse mov@d by FieLSOI,UTION N0. 61 - s~xFS 1955-56 to grant Variaace No. 4~3
sub~eat to a sign not over 6 iaahes by 24~ inches adverLiai.ng icfle Bele~LB Pa+'•'u~+".
q~~g~ p'UBT.IC ~ARIDT6. PETITION submittod by I~L~T and I+~U~ M• ~g'~+ ~0 CliiY Drive,
g~~ y~yy.~ g~~ Beach, California, as owner. CHAS. I+. WOOD~ P• 0. Soa 41, ~illertoa, California
as bnthorised BBen~. requeatfag permiesion to mo4e ia a Temparary E~ilding oa the
property described as a ehort distance aortherly of the northesat aoraer cf Weat Ia
Pe~lme- Aveaue and Norbh ~na31d Aveana iar a Rea1 Eetate Of31oe. The property is pre-
eently olaseiYied ae B~A~ RBSIDF~TT~9I+ 6(~'$I~'T~~'°
No oae appE+ared. for or agaiast the granting oY this 9ariance. TH~ ~]A~i~Ta Y1BS CIAS&D.
'Phs Commisaioa we.e informed that tne parties s~Plyin~ for the Temporary $eal ~atate
OfPice had a lease for 6 monthe only.
Upon a motion by Oo~mniasioner Thompson~ ~ o~~~ i955-~56itoeB~tg~gM~ gO•
car^ied., it r+as moved by HESOLIITION H0.
44~F for a period of 6 montha only.
p;~{~CE PU8LI0 ~~NQ• PETITION submitted by H. N. DIOl~, 2185 ~~ZiPoraia Street, San
gp~ !Fl~5~ Marino~ Califoraia; as ovmer~ J. H. M73,LETT, 211 Weat Oommon~realth Avenu@, Bullarton.
~alifornia~ an 9uthorized Agent~ reSuesting a vaicer of the 70 Soot froatege and 7200
sqvare ioot lot area requirement oa Tract No. 2913• ~B tract {e 7ocated at the
Boutheaet corn.er oi Baxter Street ana Bomne9e- Drive.
Mr. Millett~ Jr,, apPeared bafore the Co~ieaioa ancl atated that they deeir~ a
tracte contaiaed the ssime si$e lots720This~Yariance re` ~r~toethe9ldtee ~~~
Ib was brov8ht ant by Ooamd.eeionere Thompeoa sad aeuer the-t there :$s a posaibilitp
land. xi hia thieCPr Pos~ ~bdivieio a~'P~18~~~~ WA~~OIAq~re ~~rtioa of the
IIpon a motion by Oo~niasioaer (iauer~ eeconded bY Commisai.oner Siutcel~ and aarried,
it rae movecl tkiat Variance Dio. 445 sad slea the TentstiYe t~lap of Tract ~10. 29i9 be
~e18 o4er until the Meeting of $ovember 7~ 1955.
7ARIASO~ PI~I,IO ~9SIOali.crnialOae~ovraers~ eq EOB&~ a•~ ~~~ the 70~Yoot Yro$ntage r~reeb~
No. 44~6. ooeta Meea. .
quiremea-1~ 1n Traat No. 2779 loaated. eonth of Ball Hoad between ID~cliQ Avenne ana l~nt~ ;
tiraod Stsast.
Mr, Dale A. Soheiaost, repreeentstive of Qeorge M. Hols~ein & Sons, apPeared before
t~e Ooan~isaion anb atate8 that on ceztaia lota in Traat No. 27?9, they desired to }~ave
C~1 Y00~ 1'TOriL9ge8 DZ1L ~Ti~l78L 611 iOtsit3 iia `uuo aicwv wv"w~...'~ ..~"o".o ~~..~..~. .°.~•~°-~"9 'P09: 03' ~S°.
Ia the ieet tract that tliey bnilt~ it vae their feeliag that they di3 not he-ve eaongh ;'
rear yard ia the lota. T~7 ~IABIa(~ NAS CLDS~D. }
IIpon a motion by Coam~isaioner Muagali~ eaconded b6 ~o~grant oar~eu-ceP~oa ~'ab ilor~in8, .~
it was voteA by AESOLUTION N0. 63 - s~~s i955-5 ~~
aertaia lots in the traat to Have 60 foot Pro,tages. ~
tc . - -- .
~yd' ~ ~ J~~ __.__ ' ~T 'I.'
MINOTES OF T~ ADJOUSNED BFA~UI,AE b9D~TINa HEI~D OCTaBEE Z7. 1955 - Ooatfaned - Paee 4.
T~iTB.TIV~ '!he Teatative Hap of Tract No. 2779 ~a Preseated to tk~a Commiasioa. This tract
I~AP 0? TBAQT ie located oa the sonth aide o~ Ball Hoad "oetveen ivutwood 3treeb and Auclid Aa~enue.
1Qp, 2779. Th~ enbdivider 1e aEOE(~E K. ID9IS'l~YA d6 S0~T3 ~ 166 ~ast 17th Street, Coeta Mesa~ Cali-
4ornia. The traat contaiae ]+46 lota.
IIpon a motioa by ~ommissioner Thompeon~ necoaded by Commiaeioaer Mungsll, and
caxried, it rre~s voted. to approve the Tentative Map oY Trnct No. 2779 ~ub~ect tos
1. The psymeat of $25.00 per lot for the acouiL.ltioa oP Park and Recreatioa Sitee.
2. 7ngineering Bequlrements.
3. Tho aompletion of Anneacetion proaeediage.
g'l~ET HAt~ Heeolution No. 57 - sF]&~s 1955-56 rrae preaented to the Oommiseion vrhich coaeidered
CBA~(~&S changes oY. street namea in certain tractB located throughnnt the City vhere dnpli-
cation of nemee had occured largel~ betaeea the City snd 4ouaty.
IIpon 8 motioa by Commissioner IL'twmpaon, aecoaded by Co~iseioner Hapgood, and
oarried. it rraa voted to adopt 8eaolutioa No. 57.
!~IID1lOOD The axea betweea Brookhrsst Street on the Weet~ Ball Eoad oa the North, ~ualid Avenue
~•-~ ;,Y ;,~o ,~„o-o:~ ^,:wa A°te'!?a Aaem~.e on the South~ with the eaccent:~n oY the aorthsrest
99A&EATIOB corner lying tetveen Erookhurst Street~ Ba11 &oad, ~i.twood Street ancl a portion of
Cerritoe Avenne, vas referred to the Planaing Commissioa by the City Council. Thie
propoaed Anneaation contaiaa 410.4~V acrea.
Upon a motioa by Coa~ieaioner Aueat. seoon~da by Oommisaioner Siutcal~ and carried~
it was vated to recommend to the City Conncil tY~at the above arsa ae outlinecl be eon-
aidered for Annexation ~o the Citq of Anaheim esnd be Irnown as the MIDWOOD MANOE
ApJ0IIB81~NT The t•Seeting adlourned at 4s35 O~Cloak P. M.
APPB~VED: ~~l~li0?r' I i / ~~~
_..._-.. . . _