Minutes-PC 1955/11/07
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~ovember ?, 1955
Oity Eall
Anahaim~ Csliforais
gZgIIi,Ag The Fegaler Meeting oY the Oity Plansing Qommiasioa vss aallad to oraer
~gtAQ at 2s14 O~Clock P.M. by CHAIHNlAa SUtdN1~R9. a qnorum being pre~eeat.
pggg~ ~gAipw-g gIIt~gg~ COl4IISSIOgSPBs Anestt, Hinl~eel, 9chumaaher, 'Phompaoa~
aad Mun~all.
COI+IFF[ISSIOHEB Haggood. entered the meeting at 2s55 O~Clock P.M.
COPII~[ISSIOREH Qsner entered ths meetiag at 3t01 O~Clock P.M.
.'~~~ HI80i'!S The Minates oY tha Ad~ourned Hegnlar Meetiag of October 17, i955 rere
n~pproved. as printed.
Qj-g~g~ Thia Yariance vras held over irom the Meeting of October 17~ 1955 oa
~ ~p~ q1F5. saconnt of the poasibl~ acquieitioa of a portion af thia property for
echool gnrposea. It vrar tonad tY~at there le a ii3 aore psrasl 3efreau
a,,~+: ~,~~t ar_~! thw •chooi ai.te; therefore, the eohool has no interest
I ia +saqniriag e-~y portion oi thie tract.
~ ') 5lr. J. H. l4111ett appeared ~~eiore the Oommieeioa repreeanting the ormer,
i E. H. D3okesmc~n. 2185 CaliYorais 9treet, San Marino~ Cali4oraia~ anb
~ stmLed tl~at the pr~poead Tract No. 2913 conforme ezactly to Tract No.
i53~ ~o t~ ~_~• ~~nees propoeed. rill be aa good, ii not better~
' ~ tbaa thoae in the ares. Th~ Hearin8 Mss Olosea..
LTe~a a~tion by Oommieeionar Sahnmaoher, eeaondeb by Commisaioner
, ~ Hintael. and carrieb. ii vss vete3 to grant Qarianoe No. ~i$ t-ith mini-
mam iroatages of 60 teet snd 6000 sQvare iooi~ lot arsse.by B~40LIITIO~T
80. 64 - sESI~s 1955-56•
Commiesioner Anest reme-rkea. before the vote wsa tak•n, thst 70 foot
iroata~ee and 7200 aqvsre toot lob arese, rras now the oity etsadarde sad
Lba4 fn'En~es enbdividsr~ ronld all claim has~3ehip. bssod oa the othor
traote ia the eree, a~d tY~st it would be impossible to coatorm to the
afty etandarde, i! thie Yariaace vae graated anb tYrat somevhers a breakin8
point el~onld be e~tsbliahed.
~p~,/ ppg PUBI+IC ~AHINd. PBT~TI0~1 eubmltted by (~OHL~S H. 8A8E. 461 Dslehnrst Ave-
SPSCIAL US~ ane, I~oe 1~ngelee, OaliYornia. The s.pplioant raqneats permissioa to eet~b-
T~IY,Eg $ poiata666 Seet pplns~or~minns.lfromgthe ~Torthe ly right-olsraytliaeaoia
p~ Eaet Verm~nt 3treeb oa tha Weaterly rightrof-v~ay line ot Sonth ~sst 8tseet
and eztending Yfeaterly ab right snBlee to 8onth East Street s distanos o!
607.27 feet= Lhence Nortberly parallel to Sonth Enat Stroet a diste-nas o3
330 ieet; thenca EaeEarly paraliel to ~ast Verm~nt Straet a diste~noe o!
t~5g.77 Peet; thenae Southerly parsllel to Sonth ]eset Btreet s aista+aoe of
261.46 feat; theacs ~saterly parallel to ~'an~ Permont Street a dietanoe o~
181.5 feet; themoe 8ontherly parallel to Sonth ~set Street a dietanoe ot
~~M„1~eLY(}H2tb~gOp'AOTURINQ azaept~the~atrip oYr68.5~feeteYorls depth ot d
120 tee~ along Bonth Esst 8treet whioh is alasei4lea as &-3, MUI+7.'IPL'~
}[r~ 11ade~ appearea. Yor the applloant, Mr. (~eorga H. Hose. Kr. Ne~~ ib s
deai~er of Trailer Parke and he esPla~ned that the de93~ 04 thie pe~rl~ia-
nlar Park ~anld inoorporats all of the bee~ Peatgr~eis~s ~~oll modsrai~ile
a 6 ioot block ra7.1 Yeaoe eurrouading the park, •
rsst rooms~ a~a. The valne oi th~ per~ant !q'siPIDent ia ths 3rsilsr Ps~rk
~riil oi+ sypityYi~~~A~ ~100~000 ~ a12 t~!]-e*s ~ill ba al~sei4io~ ae per-
~asat. Ee also sbaLed tliab ~eith the land. nor adaed as light iaduatry ana
vhich 1Y developed. ae snah might poesibly oanas more traitia thsa tha,t re-
gnlting from the Trailer Fark.
4; ~ d~
~Y~If B~DH Mrs. '~,~ C. ~hattle, 83T 9onth Hsat Stree4. atated that the Trailer
SP~07>L US~ park wn1Q be immediatelp at the rea: of har home and thereYore ehe
P~SttIT POS proteated very atroa(~ly a~ainat the traYfia tl~at vonld be orested
TB!-IL~B by the proposad Trailor Park laetallation.
Pe88 (Ooat.)
Mr. 9lnaent PietroY~ 1008 East Sonth Street. stated tY~at hie prop-
erty backe3 ~ to the Trailer Park aad thezetore he xas opposea to
Hrs. Hanry Fa~el, 895 Sonth ~ast Street~ also proteeted and tw
petitioas vere praeented contsining a total oi 99 reai3eats ia the
aree~ protesting the propoeed Trailar Peric.
Mr. John %ira~h, omer ot the property, atated tbat he ras inberested
•.n aelling it aad that s Trailer Park located ia the heart ot light
indue~ty eitnatea 150 Seet baclr trnm the atreet ahonld not be ob~ect-
ionabie. 1~1aRy ci the resideats o! thie Trailer Park, rhich rrill
probe-bly be oi a mors or leea permsnea: natnre, rill ba employed by
induetry located ia the near vicinity.
Severea. other ree3.deate ia ~he area wioed i~l~sir oppoeition to the
Trailer Park. T~ ~/18IBa NAS C74S~.
IIpon e motion by Comaisaionsr dnest, aeco~e3 by Comaiee+_o_er ?+nteel,
aaa carrsed, st rsa troted by ~SOLUTIOH 90. 65 - ss$~s i955-56 tbst
a SPECIAb U9E P88blIT for a Trailer Parg at thia loeation be DmBffiD.
P~RIABOi Pt18LIC ~ABING. P~TITIODi enbmitted by CHAAS~Y HIIBTZ~ 302 Sonth Eas~
Np. 1i~7. Stsee,. Anahaim, California. reqneating permieaioa to erect s Servios
Statioa at the sontheaat aarner of South East Street and Bast Broedray.
Tfne praperty is preseatly ota-Baified a~ B.-2, TIPO !'AMII,Y BmSIDBMTIAL.
Hr. 41~1es Hnata, the apPlicant~ appeared before the Commieeion aad
atated tl~at his praperty looked into the rear yarQ~ oi ths honse~ oa
Cheetanb 8treet and thst nnmerons Commarcial IIees Lad beea elloxecl in
the immediate srea an~d t2~at he Yae almoat sarnse tha atseet from s
Pipe Jank YaM thsreiore he aonld eee no resaon rhy a Servics Statioa
shonld aot be pexmitted on tha ooraer.
Petitions vere reaeived xith the namos ot 18 residents in trhe immedist~
area proteating the praposed Service 3tation. J letter ~rss also rs-
aeived Yrom the -aaheim Unica Ifater Oo. ca111ng atteatioa to the lsot
the-t thers is s Mater liae on Lhe sonth~reat aorner oi this inberssoLioa
eerving the property ct Sam J. 8chaner, 3z4~ SonLh ~-st Stree~ and >msndo
~. (ieassle~. 408 Sonth ~t 4treet, Ansheim~ Calitorain.
&r. fi. '~a~rasend~ 307 Sonth Da~ra Streat, atsted that hia property bscked
up to the property in qneat3oa~ and thst he had s braad nev honse in ths
~12~000 to $14.000 alass for xhich he Monla be psyin8 oa Yor 90 yesre.
Hs a3.so et~te~ tbe~t with the iatrndnatioa oi a Service Ststioa on thi~
corner, i~ ro~.:~ ~e*su'.nate his property and ba ab3aationable fram a
aoisa at~3p~t sad that vith 4(lonr) Servfce 3tatioaB on eaah of tha
coraera ons b1ooY north, it rras his feeling tY~at no more rere needed in
the 8rlE~.
I. Nir, Chet Hnebler~ 1108 $sst Broad~way, etated that he ras opyaeed t~ the
, erectioa o? a Ssrrice Statioa. J11eo 1Ir. Boecoe Ingram, 1111 Beat Hroad-
' va~, Kr. & Y. 13a Donsld~ 1206 Bast Cheetr.nt Strbet~ Hrs. Yd~osrb Eeal.
~ ~I 1200 S~as~ Chestunt Street~ and DIr. r. H. Banm. 303 Sonth Dsva Street.
slso appeared betore fihe Commisrion protesting the graating oi the
~ Qariaace. rn~'m FtiAHIIHQ Ne3 CLOS~.
I Upoa a motioa by Commiasioner Aneet~ seconded by Co~iseionar Gansr,
and carrie~, ±t rsa muved by R$SOI+IITIOH H0. 66 - S~HZEB 1A55 56 that
~ Variance Ho. 4~7 Sor s Servics Statioa at the eontheset eoxaer oi
SroaQvay anrl Sonth 3eet Street be DEBI&D.
,~ __.._
~-_ .. _.
Ao one appeared ior or e~sine~ tha graating o! the ~srisnc~. '~
H&ARI~ Vf68 CLOS~.
IIpon a motion by Commiesioner Sohvmaal~sr, s~ao~ea bY Coaissionsr
Thompeoa, aad carried. 14 vas vote~ by H~80LIIY'IOZ m. 6? -~~
1955-56 to graat Varianae Ho. 448 snb~eot tot
1. Bigae s}~all. be a meaimnm aiae ot 30 by 25 Yeet.
2. Bigns will be permlEto3 tor a masimam period oi 6 aontbs or l~ss.
3~ A permit ~cuat be ta?sea on+ x!t~s the ~u.ilding Departesat.
4. The name oY the Siga Company mnst aPP~ oa e~er~ ai~- ereated.
5, Si~s mnet be 10 Peet back oF the ri~troi-ray line ai suy strest
or highway.
6. At ~he intereecti.on oi the atreeta, the s4gas anst be sst baeY
25 Yeei~.
7. A7.1 ai~a ehs11 he-ve a 6 4oot grou~. alesrancs.
8. The Yee pes si~a sha11 be $2~.00.
9 83gs Qe~'id,Fi~ive -s'.-~': bo go==•~~:'~ *43' 1~_3eC#iOnsl si~s ~~~
~ isisi.»g only traate wiLhin the t3ity 7~fmite~ o:~ Lna~heim.
g~g~~ - PU8LI0 ~IIR~. ?bTITIOF enbmittea. byB38l~liQH~[ mYIIAPl~H= CO••
gp~ l~~j~ 1220 Norbh Pala 8traet, Ane~.~im. OeZitornia, as o+raer. $-Tl~~ $~~~
17b3 ~est I~a Pslms Aveana, Aaahaim, Cellforais. as ~atborised ~gent.
requesCinB Persia~oion to ersat Mnltiple 7amilY R~ssid~oas oa I+otv
1Qos. 1411-151 inaluaive ei Traat Ho. 1825. ?hs lots are presemtlT
alseeified ae Rr1, SIMi~ 57WILT ~SID~SIdL•
No oae agpeared tor or e.gsiaet tha graatiri8 0= fi~ `~~e• ~
s~sasaa ras oLOS~n.
U~ea a mo~ie~ bg Comm4aaioner Sc~, ~~~~ b7 ~O~~i°n°'
Thompeon~ and aarried~ it rae votea bp Si80LII'i'DDY f0• ~-~
1955-56 to graut aarieuice Ho. 449 ~~B ~`~~ 1~"191 staiLbl~ tor
Mul~ipla Family DKeliings in Tract So. 1825.
~ ~
mwvi~iiT"P'IQ~ °U9LI0 mnsar~mrs, '~ie Heeolutioa bnd to d~o v~th ths obaa83nB o!
~~ 57~ etreet names o! oertsia straets in the Ci~ oi >nahsii• ~11 0!
the 21 iteme on the liet xsre conaidarea aad oa on]a ttio (2)
namely~ Sersy Aveane anb Cstbariae Avmta,e, v~e~e p~tests reasivea.
Potitioae rare reaei~ed from ~he ornere ot property on Bsrry A~ena~
atatiag that this name had baea ostabliahed !or s nnnbar o! ~ears
aad Lhey conld sea no ressoa tor abaagiio6 it. It ras pointe8 ont
~o the ~rotestante t1~at tl~er~ vss aaother Beri9 ST~ i~ ~~aty
also aerwed by the dnaheim poat OPfica Dept.
People oa Catherine Aveans protestea aay aban8s in t2ielr street mme.
It vrae eslso pointed ont Ekiat there ~as a Bathr7a Dri~s in ths ConatY
oerved,by the Anaheim Poat Ofiice Dept.
8teps etill be taken to coata-at tha Oouaty Snrva9or to aee 3S the~
Oonn~y ei~ree~ aames osa be chanBed. T~ ~Q M11S CIOSiD.
Upoa s motion by Oommiesioner Thompson, asoo~ed by Coasiuiommmr
Sohnmaoher~ an~d asrried~ it was movsd by I~SOIA'!'I03 ~0. 71 - SE~
~o~~t5 t.~ a,~epe He~ointioa Ho. s7 rith ths emaePtipa of Bess~
Avenu,e, Ca~herine Av'san~. ancl ~'orsat Iens a~ recossen~ to the Citt
ri3~'w~~ vw't3r' til~~ =~n~warl qb9~4E6 b9 S~ODt~•
p~~Q,~ PU8LI0 ~ARI1Q0. P~TITSOB enbmittea by a. b P. COH34B11CTIOH CO., 480
~p~ q1yg~ Sonth Se~- Yiaen4e 8oulevard. Loa AnBeles, Oaluornis. s~ oaner, HICB-
M6N SIfi~S. INO.. 7.730 B~et >aaheim 8treat, 7,on6 Besch. Calitorai~. as
Anthdrise~ ~Beai~, requssting permisaioz to erect a Mrsctie~l Si~ to
abveztiee the sale of honses and 3oya ia Ts~a-c4 ~. 23" ~. °:s cib.t v32I
be looated at fche northKest aorner of (~ilbert Street and lfanchester
±~ .
~; ~
~-~4nt~~ ~~z?G ~a~~NC+: ~~~~•?ii~~ eabmic~aa t~g :II,LL'u•i J. Daoos~. ~i"v
N0. 4$0. North 9feat Btreet. Anaheim, OaliYoraia, reqneating pesmieeion
to ant a lot 52 lee+b by 225 feat irom the property deaoribed
ast Heginaing at a poiat ia Cha Neeterly 1~!ne os zot 39. Anaheim
Sxteneioa~ ~67.8 ieet Aortherly from the Southreat aoraer oi said
Lot 39; tsenca ~e-eterl~ parallel with the Southdrly line oi eaid
Loti ~~~ 590 Yeeist thenca 8outherlyr passllel xith the Mesterly liae
oS saia Lot 39~ 144 feet= ~heaoe Weetesl.,q parallel vith the Sonth-
erly line of eaid. Lob 39 ~6 the Nesterly l±ae thereot= theace
Aortherly along eaid Weeterly line to ~he point oi begianiag;
~ ezcepting thereirom the Faeterly 365 Yaet thereot;:aleo etaepbiag
bherefrom bhoee portions inolade8 in streets. The property is
presently olaseiiied ss a+-0. 8U8UBEAN H~6ID~'PIAIr•
Ho one appeared for o: against bhe grantiag of the Variance. TEE
Upoa u motioa by aommisaioaer Sahamacher~ aeaoaded by Commiestoaer
Thompaon, and oarried, it vrge votea to grant Yariance ao. 4$0 by
E~SObUTI08 N0. 69 -~~~ 1955-56 allov~iag a 52 iroatage lot ios
s devth of 22,~ Peet at this locatioa.
a.oreur;_ 9TfsT.TA utneanQn ?iCmTTTfJN an}~m4ki:aA ~,Q Aa~qLn r.QNAm~~r~mTOw ao_~
~i0. 451. 1200 North Patm 8treat~ Aaaheim~ Oali~orais~ as oxner~ 1~LBA£'~
SIabT CO., 553~1~ Malroee Aveane~ Bollyrrood, Oali4ornia, ao Anthorixed
Agenb, reqneetiag permisaioa to ereot s Direetioaal Sig~a to aaver-
tise the ea7.e ot honee4 and loba ia Tract No. 1825. The eign ~rill
be loasbed $0 Peet Yrom Ball Boed oa Brookhuret Street oa the xest
eide ot the straet.
~No one appeared for or against the Branting oY thia oarianae. TIDO
~'J18I2i3 f~l.S C~AS~D.
Upoa a motion by Oommieaioner Hintoel~ eecoade3 by Commieeioner
Espgood~ aad oarried~ it ras voted by R~90LUTIOM H0. 70 - 5F3I~8
1955-56 to graat Varianae aa. 491 snb~eot to the sams 9 oonditiona
lie~ed, nader Yarianoo DTo. ~1li8.
A~pLABgIFI- P~LIO ~RIlff~. P$TITION sabmitted by 8. PODiT~PRIHO~ 7301 8on~h
Q~.TIOA DiO. Placeat3a Avenne~ Anaheim~ Caliioraia~ reQuesting that the propertiy
~ yy~-56-10. deecribeb ast Starting st tha Horthreei~ aoraer of the propoen~
Houebon Stree~ Sraerrey ana plaaen~~i,a ~".'r~a+~e o~: 0~ .~.'•SQ.SL'[ ~.?w~hdw],~
glong the Mee~ side of Plac-eatia Aveane to Orangethorpe Aeeanei
thenco along t~he 8ouxh side ot Oremgathorpe Aveans to Cyprsss Str~st=
thenae Bontherly aloag the ~e-et aide of Cypreee 3tree~ spprosimabely
568 feet= thenae eztendin6 9Peeterly to Aoacia Street aloag the Sonth
limite oY bhe dity oi ~ller~~a; thenae 8ontherly slong ths ea~b aids
of Aoaoia 8tree4 to the propoeed Houeisoa Sbree4 9'reex~e~{ thsnae along
the Rorth e3de oY bhe propoaed Bouston Btreet Freaxay to bhe point of
a.a .~ ~ ~L.. a 6 a.. a
~ea;,~~. ~~u ON110afiYit~S4 ~.. ~~o o~~, o~ ..~.~o~W, .~o s o~ o~
~o~o ~ nnarn~vmT~T. ~narnrw,m~ster, ~, thC eppllCente =Cq4CS~s b2L~
~ ._...'..~.~'..... ...~...
the area be reolaasitied ta M-1, I,IOHT MA11RJb'ACTUAIN(i. The arsa is
approsime~telg 116 aares.
Mre. Miaaie ~. ~hrle~ 7731 South Oypreae Aveane~ Anahdim, Hr. Moors„
1208 VPeei~ Bern Drive, ~hllerton~ appeared beiore the Oommiseloa etia~ia6
that they 8eeirea to 2~ave their propertiee raalasa:fleQ tor N4-1~ LFaBT
~raa~ioally all the property oxnere ia bhe proBosOd ares xere preeeab
to asoer9aia 3! there aonld be any posaible ob~eatioas to the K-1 Soning
bub they di8 nob exprese themeelves before the OammiBeioa.
IIpea a moi~ioa ay Oommiseioaer Aueet~ 9eooad.ed ty Oommieeioaes Bsp~ood,
e~na e~r~,ea~ s.~ ~s votad. by SESOLUTION ~TO. 7z - 88SI~s 1955-56 ~
reaommend to thm CiOy Oonncil thsi~ Reo].a6alYiostion 8a. P 95-§6-10
~e it}ya~vou..
~vS~noSu I~
! 55-51~~0.
~'.~ ,'
\ ~'~.~° ~. _ z .
,,,~~ ~>~~. - . . - _ . . .
i`al'v :~~a ~a tha e~'vio .D.'vo02~+~== C°.9 88 ~9~.OY8:
AYESt OOI~ASI88IOH~RA: 1-ueeti. aaner~ Bapgood, Hiutoel~ Schamaoher~
9nmmere ~ 3'2wmpson and ~iun8a11.
BO88 s f30I+AlI38IONEAB t None.
•88EHTt C01~4AISSIONEBB: Schu~be.
TaNT1TI'P~ The Teatativ~e Map of Tract No. 2913 Ksa Preeented to the Cemmieeion.
~p pp Th1s tract ie located at the eoutheast corner of Ba=ter Streeb and
~pT Bomneya Drive. It ooataiae 50 lota. The subdivider ia H. N. DICI~
H'0. 2gi3. ML~i~ 2185 aellPornis Street, San Ma=1nn. OaliYoraia.
Mr. Jo2~a Millstt appeared before the Oo~ieaion sud diecuaeed thie
tract vhich is a duplicate ot Trac~ No. 1§~~D to the north.
I~ rrae the feeling of the Oommisaion th~st tha e~treme eseterly tier
of lote shoald be brought np to have troatagee oi at leae~ 67 Peeb
aid thnt aSditional traats going eaeterly could thea be bronght up
to the miaimnm o~ 70 ioot iroatoge.
Uvon a motioa b~ Commieeioaer Sahumacher, aeconded by Commiesioaer
Thompeoa, and carried~ it ~ras moved bhat the Tentative Msp oi Traot
xo. z913 be a~ro~a ~b~ect to:
1. I+ota 10, 11, 30, 31 as~d 5o be changed ico have frontageo oi 67
2. The payment of $25.~a Per lot 4or ~he saquieition of Pa~ er~+
Heczeation ~ites.
3. IItiility etssemeate betvean Bomneya Drive and A 8treet aad betveea
A Street ~d 8 9breet need oaly be 10 teet in ridth. The utSl-
ity eaeemea~ eouth oY B 9treat muat be a miaimam oY 8 Seat in
'ridth and the nort2i-eouth eaeement mnet be 8 ieet !a aid.th.
4. 8aaber 8traet mnst be improvad xith n miaimum pxvement of 3~
Yee1~ to proviae sace0s iato e~na out oi Street , ana Stree~ 8.
5~ ~agl,aee=3ng Heqnirements.
T~H'1'~TI1I! The Teabativs l~Isape of Tractis ao. 2g4o aaa 2941 rare preeeated $o the
lydp8 0} Oommieaion. Theee tracta are located betxeen the Honatoa 88reeb E'ree-
TH1laT8 ~ip~ ~esy and Weet I~ Palms Aveaue~ approaim~tely 2300 2'eet veet oi ~n.clid
29[FO ~ 294~1. Avenue. The anbdivider i• f`RIFB'ITH HHA9.~ 922 ~Bt Center Street,
Anaheim, Oalitora.ls. Traat No. 2940 aontair.s 119 lote and Tract 1Qo.
2941 contaiae 100 lots. Tract Ao. 29~ ie naxt to the nev eohool
on Ylest Is Palma Aveaue ana it is posaible t2~st sa the eohool is u~
sble to aoqu:!re more land oa the ~eet it might be neceesary to take
soma of *he lots in thie anbdi~ision ~or echocl purpoaes.
IIpon a motion bg Oommieeionar Oauer. seaondea by Commiseloaer Esp- •
o::a ~ e~a emrr~ w~ i i ti r_aa movea t~o deier aaEion oa these t~ro msps
uatil the Meetiag oi DTovember 21~ 1955 beiore rhiah it is espectaQ
that a sbstement elwvld be Yorthoomiag Yrom the Anaheim Element~.ry
3ohool Soard se to rhether they wonld require sny of this lana.
q~-8IAg0~ Mies Jo An Bu..*31ok sppesrad baYore the Qommiaeion and etsteQ the~t
A0. 436. dne to aY~angecl aonditione ehe aon7.b like to coatinue the 8ohool oi
Dancing at 419 gorth &sat Staeet indetinitely. It wae pointed ont ~
that a de~iaite da~e for the dieaoatiauanca oi thia achool 2~ad besn
etated tn thie Variaaae and that until the ezpiratioa of the Yari- ,
anae no further scEloa oould be taken. Ho~rever. it ~e euBBesise8
tbat shs ~oataat Prestoa R'urner, the Oity Atboraey, to asoer~sain
the 1ega1 procee3ure ia this matter. iY the abovs rnling was aorreat.
~'~8IA~9~ d leiser ~aas roaeive8 ~+'8m Kze. CaQil Baii, 128 9he=*9 L+Erea~~ An'--
~~ g57~ heim~ OaliYornia~ reqvsating an eatension or Qariance No. 2~7.
_ , ~. _ .
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^~ ~
_ ~ ~ ~""~ a~ ¢`_=-_'- :e :=••~•jaeisa ~rse iasiruote~ to xr3te
_ ~' ~ s~~ ~~• ~11 atatin6 tbat the ezpiratioa date of t~his
«~-~ ~~ October 4~~ 1955 and fi.ast na eztenaioa aaa be granbed
aa s Yari~ce t~.:~ ~ emire~.
Z~ ~f ~e naxsaary io mate s nev 9ariance ~spplicatioa.
_-_ ~ _
~~ L P~f~~ ~s reasi~ed iron all the property ovaere oa tha esab
F~ s~s o~ sorth rest Strs~t north of West I$ Paims Ave~e reqneetiing
~~~ P~P~~os be realaaeit;ed trom B~-3, SIBif37~ SA~4ILY
*.t~g~mn~raL ~ gr3~ ~TIPI.D PAitIL= ~6IDElATIAL,
$p~ i sotioa b~ Ca~isB£oner a^~•*-~~+er. aeaoaded by Commieeioaer
Bf~teel, aa~ earrEsd, it ~ 4oted to start proaeedizig~ to reolaes-
~' #~ ~~z aa :sq~:~d.
- --- ~- -
~~ ~~~ore ~p of traat Ha. 2855 rsa presea~ed to the Commissi~a.
~i-° ~ '~eis ~at is located dirsctly east oi Ywnae Str~et rhich is a
~~• ~~ ~~'= I~di~6 ~n $edoaao Drive Ssst. Th~ enbdividers
'-~$' ~~~'~ ~~` ~ad LB~3 OBAHZI-~. The tract contaiae 9 Br0
~aes s mot'`.aa by Co~issionsr Mnn~l, seeonded "oy C'v~;esioner
Se~o~, aat earr'~ed. it ras voted to approve the T~ntativa Map
af Isa~c~t so. a855 sabjec: to:
Z- ~ F~t of ~25.00 per lot Yor the acqnisitioa of Park
aad $eezstioa Sites.
E. ~Iter~or aas+a~ats maat be s minimtffi oS 8 faeb ia width.
~t st36,aseat along the egst aide oY the tract msy
T~s ae~
3- ~nser~ng Beanir~ments.
~~ '!h~ Hesfsed S~t4:i~a Ii~g of 9~act Ho. 2567 vae presented to the
~ ~s~aa. mis tz~ct is located st the aortheast coraer oi
~~ ~°~ s~ a~3 Cre~een! ,vaaIIe. Tl~e anbdivider is SAMSON
~~ HD. ~FE~ ~S~ 62I Y~laat Street, Anaheim, CaliYorais. The trao~
~3~'• ~ 128 2ots.
~fs ~et I~ b°sa Prese~ed prsv3oasly and s Yariance heQ beea
~5~d tor ~ess thaa 70 ~oot txontages and 72m0 sqnare ioot~
2ot a~s_
~pa~n ; s#fa~ t~T Catm3asxoner T~oapaoa, seconded by Commieeioner
~I, aa3 aarrfeid. St w~s eoted to spprove the flevieed Tsatr-
s~ia lbp «S 'Fsset ~o. 256? snb~eet ~os
I- iIi IoEs smt a portica of the enbdl,viaiQa~ maet be fnlig
=~ ~ r~`v~w s~ SZ~.Cv per Io% ior fi,he aaqnis3tion o! Park
aae~ $eeseatinn sf t..:
3~ 7~aesring B/qnfs+~sats.
''~il~ 4i~s Hiss'f~ ~y~tatiTe Xap a! 'Prsct So. 28~8 ras preeented to ths
~ E~~..r~. ~3s :~ct 1a 2ocated norEh af Linoola Aveane and.
ffi~ ~= = I*3nda~F Strset. Eae sraat ca~ttaine 79 lote. Ths snb-
~' ~ ~z`~ ss ~ Z.. 8~85, 2Eftsj Sorfih Falm Street ~ Aanheim~ Qsli-
~. ioiais.
Sis~s ~ Is~s betra filed er3th bo#h the Coun}y aad the a~a~ os
imeE~ei: ~SUe to ~ 4aat Lhat ~aah.in xiil faraish ~aLs,r an8 0exea~
ta~ t~fs tsaat. ~u lots neet tlie Connt~ ~taadsrQo a! 60 faob
~ ~ad s~ni~nm of T200 somre ioot lot ar~-,
~' G IDDt.ff~ ~ C0~5CS'.iIIOS 4n •:.wiul' secea8.ed. by OommiOeioaer
~I,~mr3 caari~d. it ras Toted to appro~e the Hevised Tent~t~..
.~Z. ~ acc i-i,, 'Lp'!S 1ttD,eCt to:
_.~' 'v ~, .~ ' °
r +- ~~_
;~F ~ ; . ' f'-= . ' , .
.; A
rI `~ ~ ~/
A~PIS~D 1. 'ms ps~e~ oZ ~25-~DO pe lot Toz ~e aesqa3sitioa o! Pas~
'F~BTATIY~ affi Bearaatioa Sit~s.
N-F O7' 2. ~~3.s:3on ai i~tia~ ~.
'~BAO1~ bio. 3• ~~6 ~~~•
2878 (Ooat.)
anaovama~ m. x«ts~ ~~ sas o~~ p.a.
~ • s
'- i
` 6PPROVED • _ ~ ~ ~ r~~r~
:, /