Minutes-PC 1955/11/21 1 {
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November 21, 1955
City Hall
Anaheim, CaliPornia
ADJOURBED Tha Ad~o~aned Eegnlar Meetiag of the City Plann3ng Commisaion
BSQIILdR r,3e,. called ~a order at 2slb OiCluck P.M. by CHAIltNlAN SONIl~R:i,
~ a qnor~ being preaent.
Pffiffi~ ~AIItMA~i SO1~Il'~RS, C01~4~IISSIONTRS: Anest, (}auer, Rintcel,
Thompson and Mungall,
COffi+~BSIONSR Hapgood enEered the Meeting at 3:16 O~Clock P.*S.
1lBS8HT C024Q3SIOIVP;R Schmaacher. It is presmned that Co~nieaioner
Schntte is no lon~er a meraber e? the re~*~+{ss{o~ n?t~~,,,b a~
Pormal re~ignation has been anbmitted to the Conaniaeion.
14NUT&S The Minntes of the $egalar Mea+.ing ot November 7, 1955 and t~e
Hinntes oi the 3pecial Cr.lled Meeting of November 16, 1955 r'ere
approved as ps~inted.
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I4. Roy Stnhlay, representing the applicant, appe~red bafore
the Ca~isaiaan ansl presented stati~tic~ tY~om the Califoraia
Trailer Park As~ociation, Ltd., to Aher- that trailer park
residcnte vere s~stani~iz7. citiaears, No other entrancea
xere svggested ezcept that the aain gaterray to the Trailer
Park conld be moved to ~e sost easter~y point of the Park.
A1.7. ~ilars raa2~d tsz ranted to the Ps: k s2oag M:.~~ Br3ve
ar.d aat dz :a I'a2~ S'',..~aa~.
~asb ColleetSaa in t~be ;7railer Park van2d be taken care of
.;,.±{~ +~.~.. ovn track ard. aeserage ttonld be p~ped north to
the Ball Road Line.
Mrs. J. Anstine, 12T72 iiinataa Road, atated that there wonZ@
be ao sra~y to preveat trailers aad car trafffc f~a~ nsing South
Palm Street ~ch ia a~nblic ~treet and it vonld certain]y be
need more thaa Hidsrsy Driv~e. She ob3ected to the traffic thst
vanZd b9 created on this street.
Hr. 0. 6. Herrmaz, i2S92 Wiaston Road, alsa pointed ant the
trs.ftic condit3o~na that vonld be created oa Sonth Palm Street.
Iir. Schaefier, 12621 rlinaton 3toad, stated that his home is pre-
sently up for sale, but that p~oapective pm~chasers having heard
of the poasibi3ity of a Trailer Park are not interested in the
purchase of the progerty.
I~. Mc Pherson of D~eam Ha~es appeared before the Coaaai.saion dne
to the Sing?e Fa~~y tract tbat they are b~il'u~. He presented
photo~aphs tiken in ~5rai.ler Parks in Anaheim and in the Covnty
shotting hox the? can becase ~~v ~attractive. He also atatad
that 4hey ~re at the preaent t3me uor;~g ~aith the City of
Anahdm to seWer the area.
I~. Earl Spiras, 1Q262 Sa~th Los ~e2es Street, stated that h~+
~ta the o~ oS 20 acres oi oraagea in t~e area zad th~t he
+ds proad a~ L.~r. ~s bei*~ ~i2t bg ~~ H~s. H~ oppesed
+h~ aor~nti r+oe ~4 ~~ q~ri anw~ t~r t~ !A~ai 1 aw P~wk„
Mr. Aay Ratlert9', ~' for the `Prai~7.er Park, polnted ont
that the preaeat drariaga rere those anb~.tted a long time ago
io the Crnmiy bai ~ei Sir,iie ~teqviremente•aad ii ia poaaiole
that cLaages conld 'oe mne ~o iaprov~e the 3.s~ymxt at thia time.
The Co~ty reqnest for a ~arisnce vas t~saed dovn~on accrnmt
o~ anneaLion procee8dngs oeiag ai,arfi,tsd by the Citq of Anaheim.
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VAI~IANC$ PSTITIOH snbmitted by dOS~PH a. ABAI+IDONATO, 322 3rd Street,
«~. ~'w2 E7r'=~~. nea ~.~ f!sltP.»wie~ e„a ..~.,•~ r~ng c_ c~T.T~w~ llfl(1
South Spadra, Fhllertan, Cali.fornia, as AnthoMzed Agent, re-
qnes~ing pezmisaion to eatab73sh a 1~ailer Park, srith 120
trailer spaces, 16 apartmxnts, and sWi~aing pool, off`ice
bnilding, Worl~oam aad a dvelling. l~fiaim~n trailer apaces
vill be in e~ocess of 1000 aqmae feeti. 12-ere rrill be a
10 by 1~1~ Yoot si~ acrosa the eatrance~ supported by the
apastsnmt bailding on ei4her side of the entrance. Thc
property is presently claasiRied as E-A, RffiIDENTtAL AGRI-
CQLTORAL and lies aloag the Ssnta Ana F~reevay, easterly of
Soath Palm Street aad aorther~y of Midxay Drivee The parcel
cor_tsins ~aLl acres, more oz' less.
This Pariance Yo~ a~ailer Park on the north side of Midiray
Drive east of Sonth Pals Street vaa held over f~a~ the Meeting
of October 17, 1955, at the mqnest aY the applicant to see if
:t~..w .n#.~nntia t.n t}~~ 'M1~ailaw Pnir nnnlri }sa nrnannntl
~ ~
~' ~
VARI6NCE RoKever, a check of t,he proceedi~gs o~ t~ ~c~~ ~'1~3.~ng
' N0. !~l~2 Co~eisaion for det~ing the Varia~ce ~~s~ aet:
' Cont.
~ 7 y~a ~Li~rit~~~ I~ti~ ~.
.~. vvJvv vsvuo vy rao ivosue{il.ii 1II Ti3~ ='~'~ "0~'~ y i~f~
to t~e aorth.
2. That 3onth Paln Street wonld be nsed 3'a~ ~ am ~~..1~
1Kre. J. Anatine again callecl the attent3am o~ i~e ~3~ ~s ~
petition previonely liled by the ma3a~if,y a~ ~~~s ~
the tract to the aa~t,h. ZSS ~ AAS CIaS~.
~poa a.mot3on by Co~isaioner Anest, seca~ded ~y ~s ~D
: aad carried it wae voted by RL+SO~,V.fIOS HD_ $1 -~~5~ ~
~ the Yariance for a Trailer park be DS9~D 3sQ 3~ ~s•~_ ~~ ~~-
~ ~:
~. ~R1 (3}j~gntinr~ ~4 t3~a 4ii ~l~ Lfe`rils 17a~t..7.wi~a i~ ~ir ~rt ~ ~
north ~nd nex tracte beiog deTeloped ~o ~e ~naa3~,
Z. Pali 3treet xonld be need for 3agreae ~ sgrane ~~s ~~
D a~wY 1~~ 4T8~~.Ln'° °~.".'~ v.~..69.
!.. 3. TraYfic on Paln 3treet ~ronld.be =~3.ca1~ i~r~aed ~:~~~+-
f Park'~becauee tfie papalstion dea~eity ~.a ~~ee :s?! ~$:
were'~ kept aa ~ingle Fami~ 8eaid~tia]..
4. Other ~-etter naea can be roand tor the ase ~d'~ anb~ aam~-
YARIA~TCS PIIffi,IC HsABIN(3. P!~ITION aobmitf,ed b7 JOAB i~. ~~~, s"l~'~
p I~J. !u2 Bast Ceatar S~eet, AnaherL-., Ca7~.i'ornia, as ~~~ j~~~ ~~.
BRC',~iP; 5`IO East Broadx~y, Anahe~m, CaiitoQZda, aa !~ ~
~ reqnebting permi.eaion to comsrt ono room s! ~D ~~a ~-
thez de~cribed aa Lats 52 ~.53~ B3arS ~, ~t.~ 1la3 ~ a..~..:y_
~ inito a Cpo-Operat~r Beaaty Shap. The px~apertp 38 ~¢~3g ~~-~sr,~~
The applic~nt, 1Kra. Joaa S. BvkoTaide, appes+ed ~e2~+e 3~ ~dta~aa
and atated`that ahe voald 111ro tq opera~e ~~~~it ~~~s
addreas xhich •-dll lae vaed ae a reaidemce amd ~e a'3~3s ~~~
'~ child with her: She eaplained t~st her c~tmera eae ~.+ ~s ~
BPPointmeat on],p and ~-at the+~e ~onld naver 3e ~ca~ t~ ~ e~s
~ t~here at ,a~ time bnt that there ~raa ampls atY-ats~ae~ ~k3~g a~t ~
;; rear ~f the loC.
'; Mra. Vera Oater, Realtor, atated that s~e ~1 ~~s3~ ~~
Shop at thia lxation sronld be d ta1 aad ~~ a~e ~
ueea nov in the area. ~~~I,DS£D.
IIpott a.motion by Co~iaeioner l~qgall, asexm3ed ~~p T~ ~
and cst!~ried, it waa aoted by Bffi41,UTIOA lID. ~!t -~~ 4r ~
Variaaca l~q. la52 xit,h a limit o~ lt~ by 2~* 3s~r ~ a~n ~~e ~
advertieing the bn~neae.
VAH.:NNCB PIISLIC HEARiAG. PETITIOA ssbai:+,r3 'sy =Ay'~ a3. ~, ~~~ S~'~~
H0. lt53 Fbl7.erton, Califor.ats, ae oyner, reqaeaLiag ~~~ a~_
~ Fami],y Dreliing on the tro~ of a lot dtisscr3~ed aa 3a~ 1, ~ma~Y ~ 2~as~
". No. 351 located at the n~rth~aat ca~aer a~i Yeat ~~~+er~ a~
Sonth Weat 3treet aad fbr~her de~cribad aa 3~2b ~ ilaat .~~~.. ~
property ie preaently claeaily.ed se 8-1, ~,E 3~
H81CII .~+II~.'~v.tiS o`Nl7oaia ^uu a'a e Poytveq'~`wri~ ib''¢ ~'~''~°~' iw ~S~ iid i'iii
that thay deaired to bvild a tvo-bedroaa ame 3~.di3~ ~~~+ ~
~ 81~ aqnare 'feet on bhe tront ot $he p~ope¢~i.y ~i~h a$ Smo~ ~~~d
, aqtback.
A res3dent of Sont,h Weat 3treet preaented a~e33~~ a,i~ed B~ 22 p~os
lising in the imaediate area opposieg #he ~~t+~ ~~~~
~ atatiag maL if sbe varianca vae graated oR3aar ~~a ~a ~e ae~a
_ might reqneat fihia eame deviatio~ t4~a~ Er~, ~$ ~~.
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VAffiAaCE IIpon a motina ~ry Commissiener Aveat, eeCOIId4d by Cotmuie~ioY16P G8t18i ~
75 - s~uss i955-56 tc
N N0
xo. 453 .
ana oarriea, it xas voted by RESOLL
Gont. det~q Varianas No. lt53a ~
~ 0~('i$
Jy5(l ~~_~ ~~ S~: :, s^.d JiF.~Is Ho FIILLIAMS;
PIIaj+Yri H~12~1NQ• !~L''1111Va ~tit`1Witr~au v
JR., 61l~ Bnttonwood Strt~et~ Anaheim, California, ae oWner, reqneating
~ permisaion to erect a one atory and ~ addit~on in t~oat of the preseat
garage, ehich rrill be co~erted ittto a room. The progosed garage with
room overhead, xill eztend fo~ (4) feet ia f2~ont of the prea~t
drrelling and otlier dw~llings in the same area. The property ia pre-
aently clasaifYed as R-1, SIN(3LE FAMILY RFSIDENTIAL. The property
- is described as Lot 12, Tract No. 1356 and further described as 61lt
Bnttonrroad Street.
Mr, Williams appeared be°ore the Commisaion and atated tTnat he believed
i that the raqneated adcjition to hia preaeat reaidence rronld not devalnate
~ the other prop~ties itt the area and it wonld improve the ap,•~earance of
~ I his tiresent dxelling. He stated that he ha~ coutacted all his neighbora
~ aad that they xere all in favor of the grantin6 of i~he Variatsce. THE
; IIpon a motion by Commissionez Auest, second~d oy Coa~asioner Hap~t,ud,
ESOLOTION N0. 73 - sExx~s 1955-56 to
it was ~oted by R
• .
graat Variaace No. 1154 sub~ect to building the addition according to
; the plana preaented>
YARLINCT P[T~,IC HEARINQ. PETITION sabmitted t+y aDDRl~E E. RtLEi, lt03 East Sycamore
252 North Lemon
~ N0. k55. ,
a, as owne
Street, Anaheim, Californ
3treet, Anaheim, CaliPornia, as authorized Agent, requeating permiiseion
to erect a buildi~ag on the rear oS #lie property described as the aorth
106 Peet of Lot ]. of Tract No. 6$S aa~ f~a'thex' described as 1725 Lincoln
Avenne for Lhe mannfacture of 3torage Batteriea. The property is presently
clasaified aa G2, (3ENERAL CONIl~F~tCIAL.
Mr. IVen Grizzle appeared before the Commis~ion and stated that the lot
had been cnt off at the rear oY this property mar~q yeara ago bnt that
there Was a 10 foot easement into the rear property.
i Mra. Thelma Regan MnrpY~Y a7.so appeared befo;e the Coauaiaeion for the
~ applicant atating that the area was only su~.table for manufactvring and
not for reaidential. THE ~AEiIN(} WAS CLOSEq:
IIpon a motion by Cw~.i.eaioner Rintcel, secomded by Commissioner Thompaon,
~ and carried~ it was vated by RESOLUTION N0. ;6 - sER~s 1955-$6 to graaL
1 9artance No. ltSS.
pgRipgCE PQBZIC HEARIN(~. PETITION avbmitted by BILZ aad WILLIE MAE BEi,L, 1027 Lido
N0, 1t56 Street, Anaheim, California, as oWner, reqn~sting permisaion to era,;:s a
1t or 5 foot fence K!.' h ironxork maldng it 6 Pee~ to encloee the i'ront a~ad
side ~da of their p~ ^erty deacribed as Lot 12, ~racL No, 2093 ~d 1
~ ther deacribed as 212Q G~e~ Avenue. The prpperty ia present~y classified
:i:l as R-1, SINC3LE FANffLY RFST~TTar.,
~ i No one appeared for o: aga~st the ~anting of the Variance. TAE F~ARIN(3
IIpon e motion by Comud.esioner Muagall, aeconded by Co~i.esioner Anest,
' and carried, it was voted by RFSOLUTION N0. 7T - s~s i955-56 to deqy
vr.s~~cs xoo ~556.
g~~gg~_ pIJHLIC ~ARIN(}. PE~lTION snbmitta4 by CENTEg CORPORATIQN, 536 Weat
F55-56-11. Co~onwealth Aveane, kl~llerttin, Calitornia, as oWnars, MEDARIS-SNIITH
REAL ESTAT~, It33 West Center Street, Anahei~p, Cal3fornia, as Anthorized
Agent, requesting that I,ots 1 to 12 inclnsiye and Lots 229 to 235 ~-
clnsive of Tract No. 2377 be reclaeaified f~om R-l, SIN(3LE FA1~LY RBSI-
DENTIAL to R-3~ ~~E Fl~ffLY RESIDEN~A~• This trac~ is located at
the norths~rest Goraer oi' ~o7.id Avenne aad Bi~ll Road and tTne anb3ec~
lot,s tace on Euc]id Avenne and Ball Rcad. ~'he ~mite praposed siill be
~ i,hree and four units.
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~~SSIIFI- lSr. Leonard Smith appeared ~or the appliaant and ststed that dne to
C1IIA3 ~. the Sact Lhat theae lots faced on Ehclid Avenue and on Ball Road,
p~r~~ ~+.~ei„q ~e=ell~ thoraughfares, ~hey eon13 be more snitable for
a.ca2. aai~ipie r~iuy uni'r.s.
Ia la~ing ont the tract originally theae lots Were ldit larger ~rith
alleya at the rear in order to provide access to ihe garages. He
atated that the bnildings to be erected would in no wr~y detract trom
t2ie balance of the tract vhic~- was being bnilt rrith Single F'amily
dQE~ling$, T~ HEeRT!Qrt WAS CLOSED.
IIpoa a motion by Ca~issiotter Thompaon, aeconded by Co~isaioner Qauer,
aad carried, it Was voted by $FSOLDTION N0, 78 - SERIES 1955-56 to
reca~easi to the City Caancil that Rsclassification No, F-55-$6-11 be
Eae vots on the aboee P.esolation ~ras as followsx
AY~s CO2ffiS3IONERS~ Auest, Ganer, Hapgood, Ritttcel, Sw~m,ers, Thomps~n
and Muttgall.
~ffi~9T: C~4~ffSSI01~RSs Schmnacher.
_ ClII~ ~. (~AHT3.S, T58 Rose Aveane, Long Beach, CaliPornia, ss oWnera, requosting
R55-5~12 that t~.+.eir property lyis-~ approximately 860 feet xest oP Euclid Avenne
a~ the north side of I,incoln Avenne to the east property line be re-
_ c2asslf3ed trom C-2, (3ENERAL CONIlNERCIAL to M-1, LIGHT MANiTFACTQRING.
The parcel is 261~ feet along Lincoln Avenue having a depth of 660 feet.
It is propoaed to nse the property for Eqnipment Rentals.
lfr. Dova7.is appeared betore the Coaanission and stated that some tim.~ ago
t`.[ey asked to have thia property razoned to C-2, (}E~YEFtAL COP~RCIAL bnt
that all. inqn3.riea received as to pnrchase of sale or lease of same had
beea for 1~I IIses aad that the property ia sm rounded on the north and
vast aides by M-1 Zones. The use propoued at present for the~property
is ta~ Fqnipment Rentals oP amall eqnip~ent and movin~; txailers. It
is poasible that the moving tsailers mig~t be manufactsaed on the prop-
erty. ~ HSARIlVC~ WAS CI,OSED, ,
, ~ IIg~ a mctioa hg Consoissioner Aneat, secoaded b~ CoaQnissioner (}aner= and
carried, it vas wted by RF50LU'PION N0. 79 - SERIES 1955-56 to reco~end
to the City Comicil that Reclasaification No F-55-56-12 be appraved for
- a`-Z, i,i'I~d'~i ~ri~C~Q irith a P=L Zon~ along Lincoln Avenue.
~e vote on the above &eaolution vas as folloirsa
A~ffiz C~ffSSIONERSe Auest, Qaner, Hapgood, I~iutcel, Smmner~, Thompaon
and Pffnngall.
~ ~ffi: COP4QSSIONSHS: Aone,
Affi~'F: C01~4~ffSSZONERSs Schmnacher,
7B~7aS.S~- PQ~IG ~4RIAG. Actioa on thia ReclasaifYcation Frae atarted by the
~ (~~ ~. Gity P2aaning Co~isaion at the reqneat oP the prnperty ounore on thA
R55-S~23 east side of Aorth t~Teat Street north of West La Falma Aveaue. 'fhey
j reqnested that their propertiea be recl~aeified fY~om R-A, RES?~ENTIAL
~ ~o one aooeared for or againat the granting ~~f the Reclasaification~
~Fpoa a moi3on bq Co~iasio&er ~ompeon, saconded by Co~ieaio~er ~aner,
; ~ r~**{e~s it ~!a set~d 3g 3~0?,UT_IO~ ~?0. 84? - SERIES 1955-56 to
~ rea~mnnd to the City Conncil that Recl~saification No. F-55-56-13
.oe approved.
~ ~DI~tYB ~PS ~e ?ent.ative l~aps of ~ac~La No. 29l~0 and 29f11 were preseated to the
0~ i~CS 3~. Cw~ission. Thase tracts are located b@tween Honeton Street~eeWa~
29h0 and 2961 and Yest La Palma Avesme appa~oximately 2300 feet rrest of Enc d Ave-
mbe. ~e sncdivi.der is 6dIFFIt`~ BROS,, 922 West Center Stre,q~, Ana-
heia, CaZifo~nia. ~act No, 29l~0 conteins 119 lot$ and Tract No.
29b1 contains 100 lots.
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TSHTATIiiE-*l4PS Theae ~racts Qere held o~ 8~cn the Begnlar MeAting oY Novc.~mber 7,
OF TRAC3'3'80e 1955 as there vas a poasibilitar that th~ Tlemeatary Schaolo might
29l~0 ~3 2~l~1 : equir~ g~+,~.c» a; +.: asa ~~: Tt~ C~ssion raas iaforw;3
coni. mai Lus.3enoox Board decided they ha~ no interast in these taraCts.
CHIIItCH~S A qneation vas received by the C;ty Plaaning Goamiission £rom the
City Crnmcil vith reg~ard ta chnrc~es as to *Whether they should be
rcmoved ~em the E-A aad B-2 Zones and be placed in a~ nnclaseified
3CHOOL SITE A lette.r vaa received f~a4 Panl H, Deaaree, 3vgerintendent of the
Anaheim IIaion Hi.g~ School Diatrict, requeating the approval oP the
Platming Ca~ission Sar a nr.v site to be nsed for a J~nior Hig1s
S^.wq? . 1"'..:..e d a..° ;~° ~~w '^~..a~.. ~ .°.;~I..^ ~' .
IIpon a motioa by Co~issioner ~o~mpson, seconded by Co~niasioner
ffiutcel, and carr3ed, it rras voted ta appz~ove the Tentative Mapa
of 1~acts Ho. 291t0 aad 29h1 sob3ect to:
1, The p~eat ot ~25.00 per 2ot Yor the acqniaition of Park and
Recreation Sites.
2. 6n ease~ent along the east line oP Lots 97, 98, 103, lOlt, 1099
110, 115, il6 and 119 in ~act Ho. 29~to.
3. Tha ntil3tv easeaent on the sonth side of ~act No, 29l~0 shonld
be increased to 8 Yeet in sr5.dth. ~i9oea~se the utility easement
on the naa~th a3de of the tract.
4. IItilitp easeaent on the north side of Tract No, 29lt1, the eset
side oY tiie tract aad the santh side of the tract mnst be in-
creased to 8 Yeet ia vidth.
5. ~ngineering Heq~reaents. .
23r. Carl ~dgeVa~, 638 Buttomrocd Street, Anaheim, appeared before
the Co~mission yitb re¢ard +,o the above oneatioa and stated with tne
code specii~ing tbat chm cbes are alloired in the R-A zone, which is
the zone speciSied ~oa a~y annexation to the City automatical~y,
iy vas ioia ieeling t3at the property owners do not have a chance to
wice their opi~a~ relative to the nses that ffight be allowed.
He stated he vas not opposad to schools aad churches as snch or
vas discr3ainating agaiast ar~ denominatioa but believed that anch
naes ahonld be glven special consideratioa. His particular ob~ect-
ion to ch~ches in the $ A Zo~ stems t~om the fact that the Catholic
Diocese has paa~cbased praperty on Sast La Pa'ima Avenue for a c:uurch,
school, co~ent, reata~y, parking and so forth and Which property
is directly bebi~ the ha~es am Buttoavood Street. He stated that a
peLition ~~ ~Y 95~ ct the oQners on this street had been pre-
sent~d La *.hs Ci:~ ~c32 aa~2 th~t a PZot Plsa of the proposed
bnildings had been given to the City Bailding Department. He
11u~ther stated tbat ar~ nrapezty that is naed as mnch as a school
or chm~cu snoa3.d 'oa reqmred i;o acreen or bnffer fihe pro~periY
sarrounding it.
AFter diacossion by the Co~aietion, it vonld appear thaL there
ia ~bignity in the code ~hich allovs chm~ches in the R-A and R-2
IIpon a motion by Coiissioner T6ompson, seconded by Commi~aioner
Riutcel; a~ ca~~, t~ sas ~oted that the Co~i.asion atart action
to remoae ch~sches fYos fi.he E-A Zone bnt to leave same in the R-2
A Pnblic He~ing an t~eis code cbange vill be held at t~e neat
&egnlar Heeting ot the City Plaffiing Co~isaion to be held on
Decaibar 5, 19~5.
~ - ~
. ~
'raryiy in Tne C:ii,y of nnaheim, i;osm:T of vrange, Y,oi is of iae
Kellogg Homestead Tract, as ahonn on a aap reca~ded ia Bool~ 8,
Page 51, of Miscellaaeona Ii~s, 8ecords of Orange Caaat~, Ca1i-
Parcel 2.
Lot 5 of gellogg Homestead ~act, as per ~ thereof reea~ded in
Book 8, Page Sl of Miscellaaeone ,~Saps, R,scorda ot ~ Co~tT,
California, excepting therel~a~ the Veab 3h3.lsh ieet c~t the Sonth
92 ieet thereof. Thia site ia tYsther described as i~e soatheast
aorner of Bal.l &oad snd Hntvood Street.
Upon a motion by Coamdaeioner Ganer, seconde3 b~ Co~i~sioner
fiapgood, and carried, i~ xas v~zed ~r~at fi:ae ~Iaaaing r~-mssion
approve the above described site far school p~poses,
Tha Meeting ad3m~raed at $:06 O~C3ock P.24.
. . ~
APPROVED:_~[~fL~ ~~
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