Minutes-PC 1955/12/19;~ ~ • ~' - - -- ___ ___._.,----._...... . _. ._--- - ~- ` `1 ~~ ~ December 19, 1955 City Hall 1?nnhoim, Cslifornia MINDTS3 OF THE ADJOURNED REGIILAR MEETING OF TIiE CITY PLANNING COt~4dISSION ADJOURNID The ~djourned Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commieaion REQULAR t~as called or order at 2t21 O~Clock P.M. a quort~ being pr6aent. ~ MLEf INQ CHAIRMAN Dua to~the illi:ays o.f C2iairman Summers, a motion was mada by* PRO TFM '~ Co~issioner Schw~achar, :;econded b~ Commiseioner Gauer end oarried that Commisaioner Thompson aet sa Chairmaa Pro T~uo '~ PRFSENT C~iISSIONERSs Gauer, Riutcel, Sehumacher, Tha~paoa and Mungall. C(A4SISSIONER Hapgood entered the meeting at 2s55 O~Clock P.M. ~j ABSEI:~ CFiAIRMAH 3~ars, Ccmmiesioaer Auast., :~ MIIQUTSS The Minutea oi the Regular Meeting of Dacember 5, 1~t5 s.src app:o:rod se printed. 9~~N~~ PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION suUmitted by MAXINE K. WILBDR, 5832 gams- N0. /~63. t~ood, Buena Park, California, as oxaer, SINCLAIR REALTY CO.~ 1100 South 3padra~ Ftillerton, California, ae Authoriaed Agent, requestittg _ _ permission to cut three (3) lots fram a parcel deacribed sa the Southerly 165 feet of the West ~ on the NW~ of the SF} of the SW} of 3ection 2, Tl,S, R10W, 3.B.H.Bdi. f`urther deacribed ea 1051-1061 Roae- mont 8treet. The lota vill be 55 feet by 135 feet. The property ia preaently claeaified ae R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAI,. Mr. Stuh7.ey appeared before ~ha Ca~iaeioa and stated that north oF Ramneys Drive a 9ariance had been granted`for lota £or 55 foot f`ront- age and he did ttot Yeol that lots with this f`rontage Would be detri- , mental to the area. i Mr. L. F. Canterbury, 1128 Liberty Lane,~Anaheim, and Mra. J. 0. Maeon~ 1115 Liberty Lane, who owne the lot ad~oining the aub~ect -' preperty, appeared in uppoaition to the granting of the Varianee ~i etating that there are no lote under 60 foot width on Liberty Lane or in the tract to the weat. A letter was also received opposing the gran+:ng of the Variance • f~om ~ouis J. Merk and Fern L. Mark, 112l. Rosemont, Anaheim, who were auilding a large hame next door. THE HEARINa WAS CLOSED. - IIpon a motioa by Ca~iaeioner Riutcel, aeoonded by Co~iesioner Gauer, and carried, it wae voted that Varianca No. lt63 be DENI$D by Reeolution No. 91 - SERIE9 1955-56 for the reason that tha lota ~ ;:i would be only 55 feet ia vidth. VARIANCS PiTBLIC HEARING. PETITION aubmitted by MRS. N. ROBERT3, ,y10 Weet R0. l~64. Vermont Street, Anaheim, CaZifornis, ae oxner, ID CRONAN AND - AS30CIATES, 203 Weat 17th Straet, Santa Ana, CaliPornia, as Autbor- iaed Agent, requeeting permieaion to ereot a!,0 foot by 60 foot concrete blocs bu31d3ng on tJ:3 rear of the property at l,10 Weet Fermont Street. The propert;~ ie flu~ther deacribed ae the Easterly 75 reet of tha Waetarly 212.34 geet of the Northerly 224 feet ot Lot 27, Anah9im Exteneioa. It ia prupased to use thie building for a cambination Teleniaioa Salee and 9ervice, and Vacu~ Cleaner Sales and Repaire. Tha property ia preeen~tly cleasifiad se R-l, ~ SIN(#LE FAMILY RE3IDENTIAL. - Mr. Aoberte, Tr., appearRG before the Ca~niaeion au@ explain~d that - :; ~ the aub~ect groperty was surrounded on txo eidee by Co~ercisl Entar- s prises and that thie propoaed uae would be loaeted at tha extrems '~ rear portion o~ the lot and rrould be separa~ed fro~m the reeidential x area by a wall. THE HF~RING WR8 CLOSEi). - '~ ~ 1- 5 ~ - ~ , _ _. ____w _... .__.... _ __.~ ~_~' '~ ~ ~i8Id1Ci~ IIpon a motion bY Ca~iaeionar 3eh~achQr; ea¢on~ed bw Cc~e- ~. 4b~ aioner ?fangall, and carried, it wae eoted by Reeolution No. 92 ~ant. SffiuS3 - 1955-56 to grant Varianoe No. 464. Q~BLt~CB PiJBLIC HEARINf3. PSTITION euffiitted by W, C. MC CARTHY, D.D.3., ~. ~. 6I0 California Bank Byildittg, Anaheim, Californie, ae ovner, re- qneating permin~ioa to erect u ProYeaeional Building at 559 3outh Palm 3treat briefly deaoribed aa the Northxeet corner oP Sou~,h Palm Street and Weat Water 3treet. The property ie preeently claeaitied ae R 1~ SINGLE FAMILY RE9IDENTIAL. Dr.lio Carthy appeared beYore the Commieeion and etated that a nias t~n{ia+++g on this lot xould appear to improve all ths prop- ertiss in the aree and that the lot iteelf baoked up t~~ school property xhich ie R~. He aleo atated ~hat thsre would be ons doetor and ons dentiet ofliom in the bui.lding and thst adequat~ ott-strsst pnrking rranld bs prrnrided. 1Sra. (~. R. 3hsrp, 554 sonth Palm 3treet, Anaheim, etated that simi~.sr aee had besn alloxed oa the eontheast aorner and. While the bail3ing waa an aes~t to ths neighborhood ttot enough parking •pao~ ~u availabl~ aad that trauble had been oauesd by ambplanoes driving up to the doctora oftioe. Mrs. W. Cantrell, $Q9 9onth Palm StreMi, Mra. R. N. Joyoe, 601 Saath Helena 3~raeL, snd Afre. Rudy Hoyaen, 560 3outh Paim Atree~~ ~nnheim, Calitornia, a17. vaioed thsir oppoei'tion to the g~anting oY th0 Varinnoe. THS HEARINa YA9 CLOSRD. IIpoa n motioa by Cc~isaioner Riutael, soconded by Commieeioner 8oh~aoher, and aarried, it vas voted by Reeolution No. 93 - 3ffitIS3 1955-56 to grant ynrianoe No. l.65. It wse pointed out to tha ~pponents that ths que~tion of land uee vae the on~y ieeue bsfa~e t,hs Ca~iesioa aad that the operation of the ofPiaee on the southeast oorner xas not a part of thie iaens. Q~L~E PIJBLIC HEARII~TG. PSTITION ent~mmitted by BIRMYN~iAbI DEVELOPMENT fi3. l,66. CO., 1T20 North Palm 9treet, Anaheim, California, sa ownere~ RAIIi~ND SP~x, 1112 North Eualid Avenne, Anaheim, California' an Anthoriaed Lgent, requeeting ±hat n Varianoe be grantod to per~it the arection of Multiple Family IInits on Lote 136-1t~,3 3nclnsive of Traot Ho. 182§. Theee lote are looated on Briarvood 8treet vhich ia parallel to North Eaet Street and north of Eaet La Palsa Avann~. Th~ property ie preseatly claesitied ae R-1, SINQ.S FAMILY RESIDENTIP.L. Isr. 3p~har appeared before the Commiesion and etated that in visv of the locatioa oP the lote baing next to Commeroial end being Zese thaa 300 f~ot Y~om an M 1 Zona property, they oould bsst b~ nsed to advantags for Multiple Femily DWellinge. ~ HBARI1~iQ NA3 CLOSED. IIpou a motion by Coffiieeioner Sah~soher, aeaondsd by Coamiaaioner Caner, and carried, it vae voted by Reaolution No. 9E~ - SERIES 1955-56 to graat Varianoe No. 4b6. s~K~:~' ru`n~.3~ fi3~1~lIG. PLTITION eubmitted by HFNRY ead A09A C. S. W-~,66• 3~RINB, 8761 Sonth Pla4entia Avenu~, Anaheim, California~ ~ wnera, reqneating persiesion to ereot a-Service 9tntion on •,he p~operty deecribed brieFly as the Southweet oorner of Pla- ceatis Ave~ nnd $ast Santa Ane 9treet. The proporty ie pr~- ~ent~,ir olaeeiYied aa R-1~ RFSIDLNTIYL AGRICIILTDRAI,. Iir. Steinbrink a~neared ba~'ore the Commiaeion and stated that he had nothing fh.-ther to add to the informstion giYSn in th~ appli- oation. -'j_ ,~ -- --- - - . 1 ; 0 i ~ , ~ ' :'~y ~ \ ' . i . . . • ~ • f -. . . . _ '., l-. " --..., ' . " _ . _ .. . _ . _ . .._. ~. . .. ~t I , .~ ~ lSr. 1S. D. Zayaes, ~~9 Beat Snata tae Streety preaeated a 4~- Pel3tioa c~~~fns 7?L n~p~ tte n..,...~.+~.d, aw aL_ ~ GOII~r• O~ t$B ORSt~2U'G~ rr---••~••.. ~aao ~aui.lhg 39ra_ 3. D.if~€te, ir., ~°„Z3 Bast Santa 6na Street and Mrao L. ~~~ ~719 L~3t $Ga{~ gpg S~, ~i ~~6~ opposition ~tfrtg of the ~arFaaoe. ~E HEA.~tG Id6S CLOSSD, i~aan a~otia~ bs C~~i~ianer ^„naer, seaonded by Ca~isaioner ~"`~' ~~~, ~t vas vcted by Besolntioa No. 95 - ~ 1955-~5 +~ ?~T ~tsact P'io. 46g. ~~$ ~ C HEiSY~_ PS7IiF03 soFaitted by C~08(B D. BIICCOLA. CO., , 12L2 b3~co2a ~~~ `aaheia, Ca~tforais, as a.merg GFORGE D. ~A, Se~e ~~ ~ Aafi.har~ed ABent~ reqnes;ia~ Per- ~$°3°n 'b° ea~c~ a~ Qner~t.e a HediceZ Ceater inclnding .; Phar- ~ecf and Paofessfatal ~g ~ t~e ProP~Y described as tha 1~ ot ~L*.e ~ af tha Si~ of Sectioa 9, T1,.4, R10W, S.B.B.Bd~S., a~eept tbe Soath l0O feet oY the Se..at 217_8 feet mrtt ~~~r +.wo ~ortan d~ ieat of ~a Bast 180 fee~. TEie PrcPerty is f~sther dea- ~bed as bein¢ laca#e~ ~ s`~'~ ~r,~,~T= ~~ u~~i.~ oi Creacen± ~~_ '~' r-r~ w ja ~rces~ily class3fied as R..A, RESIDENTIAL ~~:~~''~° : ~,.':,~ ~r.~ ~ beta~e the Cc~iaeion and state@ that the p~oaed mse o~ tdse aabfect p~ope-rt~ for a Hedical Center tras ~~~~ ~-' ~a: ~a t~t caald be mede o£ t~~ ~ ct=~= w• l~s.tZ. S. mat~rie, 83~2 EacZid 6vea~e, qneationed xhether Flood Cantral voald be nat in at fibe a~se time as the bnildings were erected. ~• y~~ ~, 1008 Loars Street = gn~s~i~~ }~e ~caass of Lrat'tie gad~g to tLe 1[e3ieaZ Ceater atated that they vonld have ~ta ~s rmidrmtiel s~reata aa Laera 3treet does not go throngh to Ysat 7.e r4tlaa ti~une. r! b~ ~~~~~ I~ ~O ~~t, $~ted that moat oP the ar~rrc~e ft there vas ea entraace to the ~~1 ~tes tr~ &rac2id tveaae. ~~ ~= ~~ ~`'sd t~tat ffhe voa~d be uilling to vork xith ~~Se a~ltw~xr~ rea~raii~e ... '"'-o "' ~ ~11$~t f?~ffi B11C~d ~VeII119. ~• ~~9 ~• ~', ~JI7 Lagima Street, stated that Loara 3treet 3s t3~s miT a~:reefi a.ar~.h~~ Por e~3ldren to +93e1:'!~s P'r~oe Se~ai ax~dt tha~E vith a~l the traffi~thattwonld be Qeated gO~a[- 'ta ~a ~r~~ ~~ic~, it conl.d be dangeroue to these cbil~a+an ~ida no~si~T u~ber ia ths order aY 200 children. ~r• ~~exed thta bT ata~n8 that as tha property ie devel- ~, s#r-eeta amd a~ Lave to be installed saaording to the ~as~3nS SEa~d~+ds of 'Eae City aad ev~taall~ there xill be gi~•"•~~ :ar ~a $c?a~o~ ~I~rea to valk on aIl the ~tay f~a~m C1,~e~~a Da3vs to ~a~et~ SrFreet. Mr. Georgsl4e 3a3rs 934 ~a~rtk Citron Street, stated that xh31~ 9° a~° nOL ~"° ~~a F~`~~slsr area, he ia a City ~ployes ~~ c~.th al~ straeta ia t~se City. He stated that ia his ~`'~~ts~ "' 3~ y'O~~ ~~~lY ~ a Ca~arcial Staeet and ~at ~t.fl aaee aoe ~;~ a Piece oY p~oPertY, nothing v;31 be dame aboat FZcad Cc~trol 3a tbe area. Mr. ~~cta~ Se~lsats ~~3 Heaoea Drive, atated that he vas bcs~ 3n 8~_l~.is armd ~as asee t~e time ~hea the snbject propertY vaa c,~c~ae,~.a~ +ith IO to 35 feet ot vater aud he qnesttonya ._t,.+.s.,~ ~"'~°"6 /~~~p~~ ~~ 821Ai1~ 'EO ~ ~'Qfr ~OG ~1'i8 ZIIIIf1 11IIt~. .°.~4'ooi• ~10 ~ ~'~'a.+~ ~ ~ c~i~L91~i~ ~ ~:. __.__ . "__ ~ t ~ ~ ~ # i~ ; ~ _ _ ~i _ _ __ __ _, _ _ _ _---____ _ _ ~ ~ ~~- _ VARIA.~~CE MT. ChBTleB D. RatdeoII~ 1023 HelmoBa D13~gi sYs$,e$ '~,t ~w ~T N0. 467 ea engineer for the Orange County 3rlooa i~an~ro3 ~~,~+~•~- Cont. rrill be dotte in thie area until aftsr t~e ~and 3asae 3s s^.~~ upon whiah w111 be sa~etime next Jvl~, ~ip ~?~a _#~~ ~ fg logical aaceas to thia property was tr~ s.nr3i~ ~r~ee~ Mr. Mannea stated that the first mmi~ thst ~as ~~ E~e built would contain space for 18 doctora. ~~++'s~~ ~SS 6~,E~~ Upon a motion by Co~iasioner Sch~aahery ~~~ 3y ~~R•a~m~- Riuteel, and cerrke~i, it ves voted by ~ssa7~ti,ma ~_ ~_--.:~^'T^w 1955-56 to DENY Variance No. lib7 at thi.s t.3me_ : VAEtIANCE PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION snttnitted ~y ~TTT-~~ T_ 3~1C ~, s~ ' N0. 469. IxT3ne AVel~us~ 4ost8 Mesa~ C~1.3f.7s'fl.'.~aD a3 aun~y ~s~_ ~,'-~ ~ ;;.~ misaion to use the present large ons-San.ii~ swe3.1:~ ~~ zsao- erty for Profesgional Officea. The ~a~ert; 3s ~'med,es ~~b2 Linaoln Avenue, r~hich ie on the sog~ si~de ~1' Ii~oea3sa ~~st of Euclid Aveaue. The property is pres~nt3; ~~=Q~~~ ss ~, Rra2DE'i~T'i'IAL AGRICULTURAL. Mr. Mc Manue appeared "oefore ine ~.c~isa;oa ~ii sas~a ~b ~sa~x :: ~ tha epplication had been fi3.ad, a irarisacs aad ~m :_••~ ~e~e a Medinal Center directly to the ~eat af 3i3a ~S~g~. ~~ted that he deaired to uee hia proparty S~ ot~er ~~~ !I~*_oes but that they vould not be Medica3 a~ Z''snLai. ~~~S CL03ID. ~ Upon s motion by Ca~miesioaer C~uer, sscaa3sd ~~isa~s ; 3ch~acher, and carried, it vas votsd 3~y ~asasfl3~tis~a $r_ gd - sERIFS 1955-56 to grant Variance Be. .4b9 s~~ee~ 3x~ 3~ ~ae- ment of Linooln Avenue ~oatage as required ~~e ~m C~fi~ Engiaeer. VARIANCE PIIBLIC IiEARING. PETITION sut~mi~tted 3~y ~Y. ~. ~_ !~ s'~~ N0. 470. 11562 Lampson Gvenue, Garden C~ove, ~$33Sorniq as a~a, ze- ~ queating permieuion to erect buildings 2br 3~rsja~, ~ s~3 i General Cauaseling 3ervice and a ame3~ Medi~'~.i~ ~~, v~e~ ~ will aleo be uaed for Weddinga. Tha ~ro~g ~s ~~ the lega:l notioe of the Planaing Co~ission. ~e ~c~o~ig~ ~s j presently cleasified as R.,A~ RffiIDE9TIS7, 8r-~~*Rm~t _ 1 Rev. Mc Pheetera appeared befora t3~e L~aa ~1 t.m~ ~. ; he wsa purchaeing a po;~tion oY t~e ~~r s~d~ a~~~ was granted for a:ier;ia.l Center zri~h a~C~~~.+~+ ~. ~ portion aF the prorerty vonld t~aat an ~ a~d ~~e , improved wi.th iandeoaping and made verp s~.~iae. ~; ~..~~ ;:~ WA3 CLOSED. ' ' Upon R motion by Ca~iseioner Sch~scher, ~ 1~ ~,m~ ~ Mungsil, and carried, it vae vatsd by ~~o. ~-~~ 1955-56 to grant varianoe xo. 470 anbjs~t ~a ~s ~e~i~g a~ ~ feet for the widening of lieet Broedvqy a~d td~e ~s~ ~ thia frontage in accordanoa vith t~he z~s+~Ss a2'~e A~ Oity Enginaer. YARIANCE PUBI,IC HEARING. PETITION snbmitted ~y ~355 ~~.~ N0. /.73. 305 Nor±h R~her~son Soulevar6, &~ver3y ai33a, a,aiaSc~a~„ ~ ~ owners, CA,?i• GL*STAFSON, a/o SOaTE ~~H~ fli~_, 3'}2b ; North Broadway, 3enta Ana~ California, aa ~4~3zed ~~ rs- queeting WAIVIIi9 fro~ Code Beqniremea~e aa mer~l+laa Lgs ia 4i~t 'i No. 2501 and aleo WAIpSRB ot rear yar3 setka.t7~ aea ~m leta in the seme tract. Thie tract ia ~am.#~ ~$~q~ ~ Orange Avenue vest of Nntvood Stree~. ____,~_. ,~ s -:. ; Y _ ~ _ i - ; c ~ '~ E V6RI6NCE ~ Mr. Riohard 4Teiea of Weiae Conetruotion Co. appaered before N0. 472 the Co~ieeion and etsted that the dxellings they propoesd r 4ont. to build on thase lots are larger than thoes requirad by the City of Maheim, hrving a equare footage of approximately 1508 ` aquaie £eet. ~ F~iA Requiremente have ahanged uithi:t the paet Pea veeke ai`ter , they had theae garagee deeigned and thay nw reqnire a 22 by 22 foot garage inatead of a 20 by 2:? foot garage. Thia neoeea- itated reduaing the side yard requiz~e~enta in the rear xhere the garage ia loaated but thst on lots 14 and 17, mentioned in the applioation, thsy had been eble to reniae their plane and eaked that theee trro lote be atricken f~om tha application. ~ THE ABARINQ WAS CL03ED. ':) ~;~ IIpoa a motion by Commiesioner Mungall, aeoonded by Commieeioner ° aauer, and aerried, it xas voted by Resolution No. 99 - g~~ ``„~ 1955-56 to grant Varianoe No. 472 aad that the requeet for a ' `:I waiver on Lote 14 an~ 17 ba atrioken f`rom the appliaetion. VsttIAHG~ ~ PUBLIC HFARINa. PETITION aLt~mitted by C o A. ZIl~lANN, 120 N0. 473. Weet 5outh 9tre9t, Annheim, Oeliforn2a, ~e owner~ requeating - permieeion to cut two lotm from the property briafly deaoribe8 ~ ae the Weet 60 feet of the property at the 8outhxeet aorner oS 9outh Loa Angelea Street and Weet South Strsat, otte lot propoeed 4.n hn~.a g l~nrilAia~ f'gw A~~~n F.lgn~n'Innl it~~irlno~ ThA ~_rn~T'fv. ie preeantly alaesified ae R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. ' Mr. C. 6. Zimmermenn appeared before the Commisaion and atated he had nothing ft~rther to add other than that atated in the applicatioa. Mre. J. H. Littrell, 128 Maa Ar~hur Manar, preeeated s petitioa atsting that 20 reeidente in the ares oppoeed thA granting of the Varianoe. ~ Mrs. Melva C. De Velbiee, 100 Mea Arthur Msnor and Mra. Ines ,a Pauleon~ 8lr8 9outh Lemon 3treet, atated that their homee would be ttext to the propoeed Electrioal Anta~otive 9srvice propoesd ,j to go ia and they falt that there xae ao adequate off-atreet ~ parking and that the bueineea would be dirty and noiey. '~ Mr. Albert Miller, owner of A1'e Auto Repair Serviae looated i at 726 South Los Angelee Stsest, vho proposed to erect a 20 by 30 foot garags on the property appeared before ths Ca~ieaion. He atated thnt the bueineae ie not noisy or dirty. THE HE9EIN(i WA3 CL03$D. ' Up~n a motion by Commiaeioner Geuer, ~~oonded by Co~ieaioner °' Riutael, and carried, it xae moved by Reaolutioa No. 100 - ~~ qERIES 1955-56 that Varianae No. l,73 1~e DENIED. RECLA39IF'I- PITBLIC AEARINQ. PETITION eub~itted by L. P. and II~'II~iA H. NICHOL9~ CATION N0. ,1,20 North Janse 3treet, 9naheim, Californis, se ownere, requee~ing F-55-S6-15. that the property brieP7.y deacribed sa the five (5) sars parasl at the Southxeat oorner ot Loara Street and Woet Brosd~~y, be r~- olasaified f~o~ R.,~, RFSIDENTIAL AtiRICIILTIIRAL to R 3, MUi?_TPLB `;j FAMILY RESIDENTIAI,. `'! Mr. Loyd Niaholo appeared before the Ca~iesion and atated th~t ~ there ie a defini~e need for Multiple Femily reaideate in th~ City of Anaheim. • Thie aree nnder coneideration is acraes the etreet f~om ths i'~ Loeira 3treet 8ahool whioh ie an R-9 Uee aleo. THE HEARINf3 WA3 '.i ~ ~7.~`~u. __.__.,~ -S- '- -- -. . _ _ , --- - -, ~ _ S=; _ ~ - - Ik'----.. _ ~ 3 ! ~~ ~ ' R$CLA83IFI- IIpon a motion bs~ Commiasioner Hapgood, aeoonded by Cammio- CATION N0. eioner Seh~e~hur, end ea**ie~, 3t vee voted by Aseolutioa ~`-55-56-15 No. 101 - SERIE:i 1955-56 to recommend to the City Coun.il Cont. that Reclasaifioatiott No. F-55-56~13 be granted aubfect ios 1. The deeding of 10 feet along WeaL SroadweEy and 10 feet ~ along Loara 3treet to the City of Anaheim for street widening to be improved in accordance with the require- 'l I ments of the City Ehginee:e The vote on the abone Resolution wsa ea followas - AYESs CO1~II+IISSIONERSt Gauer- Hapgood, Riutoely Schamaoher, :~ Thompaon and Mvn~s~ll. ~ NOFSs CO1~II3SIONERS: Nonee ~ ABSENTs C~4II33IONERSt Aueat and 3immerae~ ~~ RRCLA3SIFI- PIIBLIC HEAFtING, PETITION eaY~itted by LIDO CON3TRIICTION _ ~ CgTION N0. CO., 121,2 Linaoln Avenue, Anaheim, California, ae owner9 F-55-56-16. GEORGE D. BIICCOLA, 3e=e Addresa, ae Authoriaed Agent, re- - queating i~ha~ $naL properLy described on Lne iegei noiioe of the Planning Commiaeion be reclqeaified f~~ R~A~ RSSI- DENTIAY. AGRICIILTIIRAL to R-3, MIILTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. Mr. Lloyd Mann~s appeared before the Commiesion and atated that he had nothing ftiirther to add I?ayand that atated in - the application. Mr. Donald Van Arnem, 1012 Ls6,:na 3treet, ~naheim, presented a petition ootttaining 22 ttemee of reaidents in the area oppoaing the Reclaeaifieation and stated tha''t the intruaion of Multiule Family Reaidencea in the arc+a xnuld create ex- aeseive traffio with many automobiles and thst theee dwell- inge would a11 be betxeen their ha~es and the ac.hoole vhich might creata a hazard to thei: childrene ~ Mr~ Hilliem Sherer, 1008 Loara Street, presentod e petition I coataining 83 nemes oP reaidente in the Claredge Park Tract and gave the same reasona ae the previoua apeaker for oppoeing the Reclaeaif3aation. Mr. Williem T. Waleh, 1002 Loara Street, atated that all ths homea in Claredge Park xere moetly sold to veterane and ao e matter o£ intereat, he would like to lmov vhat kind of apartmenta Mr. Bucaola uould propose to build oa thie p3eoe of ground. Mr. Mannea atated that the apartmettt buildings xould in no way detract from the 3ingle Family Reaidenoea eorosa the atreet end with the property backing up to the wash it vae _ the only type of building that vould be finanaed b~ FAA. TfiE HEARING WA3 CLOSED. Upon a motion by Cammmiseianer Gauer, seconded by Commisaioner ' Riutoel, and ca•rried, it uae voted by Reeolution No. 102 - SERIES 1955-56 to reaommend to ihe City Council that the pro- poaed Reclaeeification No. F-55-56-16 be DENIID. The vote on the abane Reaolution was ea follrnrat ~ AYE3s COr4~fI3SI0NERS: Gauer, Hapgood, Riutcel, Sch~eoher, Thampeon, and A4unga1l. NOFSs COhRdISSIONERSt None. ' AB9~Ts CO~ASI3SIONER3s Auest and 3~mera. - ; --~ i. ~~ ! 3 i ,s ] ~ ~r i J' EF -`rt ~ i ~ ~ ~ , R8CLA93IFI- PUBLIC IiEAFtING. PETITION au~itted by DR. E. H. ~Tglq Cs1'ION N0. ~ 200 North Palm Street, Anaheim, California, as rnmer, ra_ F-55-56-17. aueeting that the property al~ag Hor+~+ G±±rcn S~ o~~ ~ tha east ei~e approxi.maLely j00 £eeL in ieag'th and i2i1 feet in 3epth be reclasaified fram R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RFSI_ DENTIAL to C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD CONAfERCIAI,. It ie proposed to uee thie area, in part, for Parking in conneotion with the ; Medical IInite to be ereated on the balanoe oY the property to the Wegt. Dr. Beraten appeared before the Co~isaion and preaented an , 6rchitectural viev of the propoaed buildinga to be erected on the aubfeat property and also s Plot Pien. He elaborated npon the need Por additional of.Y-atreet parking, ahial: wae the reaeon for aeking thia Reclassifiaation of the p~~operty .°~ slong North Citroa 3treet. He plana 24 rental unitb and •;~ atated that there are twro churohee on North Citron Street ' and th8t h38 prOperty 18 eurrOUnded by R-3 on the weet and alao by R-3 saroae the atraet. There is aleo a Trailer = Co~z*~; e~roee the ~traet :.n: .a tha .-.^ ~ b1ac,A there ie a _ ~ neu hoapitel to be built. - i~ir. iv. r~. 'ric Ginnis, qgl North Citrott Street, preaented a petition againat the Reclaseifioation aigned by 15 property ocmera on North Citron Straet oppoeing the reqneat Par re- aoning due to the feat that care would be alloxad to enter and leave the parking lot on North Citron 3treet and greatly : inoreaee trafPic in thia reeidential erea. He also enggeated . that at the corner of La Palma and Palm 3treet be uaed for the parking area in cottnection with the Medical Center and thie perking area oould be uaed for 3unda~y and evening facilitiea to La Palma park. ALTa George Mc ?lair, 934 ~lorth Citron 3tres~, statad ths~ ha proposed to erect a dvelling ~uat north of the Chriatian 3oience Churoh that would ooat approximately ~15,000 to =20, 000 to be used ae hia home,therefore he would ob~ect to a parking lot at the rear oF hie home. THE HEARINa WA3 CLOSED. IIpon a motion by Co~iesioaer Sch~eaher, eeconded by Cami- miseioner Mnngall, it xas ;uoved that the P].anning Co~ieaion recaanmend to the City Council that Reolaeeifioation No. F-55- 56-17 be approved eub~eot tot 1. The erection oP a suitable meaonry fenoe along North Citron 3treet. Thia motion did aot carry for leok o£ e 2/3 mafority of the total Commiaeion. The vote on tha above motion wsa ae folloxes AYESt COM~+IIS3IOIdEftB: Riutoel, ~ch~aehar; Th~mp~on ~nd M~oe21, NOESt C~AiISSIONEFt9s (iauer e.nd Hapgo~~d. ABSENTs COlR4I3SIONERS: Anest and 9imrmers. VARIANCS PIIBLIC AF~ARIN(}. PETITION sulmmitted by RICAMAN SIGN3, INC., ~~. 471. 1730 East Anaheim Street, Long Basah, Ce~lifornia, aa appli- aant, requeeting permiesion to ereat a T~porary Direotional Sign advertiaing the eale of lots and ha~ea in thia area. The property ie deearibed ae Lot 3 ehowu on e ReQOrd of 3urvey 1-55 and itather desaribed as near tha northeaet corner of Luolid Avenue And Weet La Palma Avenue. The property ie prs- aently claseiPied ae R-~A, RESIDENTIAI, AGRICIILTURAL. `s., No one appeered for or againet the granting af tha Varianos. TH8 HEARING XAS CLOSID. 7- ~ . _'__.._._... ... - ~...... . . _.._ _. _. .. _._ . .. _ _. .'_1_"_.'__' __ _'. __..~ _.._._.._...~~_..-._'____~"-_'__'_'~..1'_"'.'.__"_' ~~ .1 ~_ ! ~ ~P ~ VARIANCE xo. 47i r.~n,: Upon a motion by i.amoaLaeiane,- t3~war, aeconded b; Cammissioner Rintaelr an3 carried, it uea voted by Resolntion No. 103 - S6RI~S 1955-56 to ~rant varinnce ivo. 4Ti sub3a~~ to: 1. 3igns shell be a maxim~ eise of 10 by 25 feet. 2, 31~s rri21 be permitted Por a maxim~ period of 6 montha or leae. 3~ A permit must be taken out xith the B~lding Depa:tmant. 4. The name of the Sign Company mnst appear oa every eign 9TOCti6da g~ gigns maet be 10 Pest back of tha right-of uay line of any atreet or highvay. o. Lt the iateraectioa af tha atreeta, the signa must be set back 25 feet. 7, A11 signe ahall have a 6 foot ground clearance. 8. The fes ger sigc- shall be $25•00• g~ Sign Variances ahall be permitted for directional aigna advertiaing orly tracts uithia the City Limits of Anaheim. V6RLNCffi PDBLIC HE6RING3. PETITIONS sutmitted by LOXURx HOMES, INC., 508. 474, 303 No~ varm>>nt, Los Angelea, Califoraia, ae otimere, ORANGE 4'77 ~ 41b. COi"in'Ti nn?3}ZTORS, 22t3~ Scu :~ .`•:a~aZfa °v-.» i:°, ?ente Ana, Celifornie, ae outhoriaed 9gent, reqneeting permiasion to areat thres (3) T~parary Direc~ional 8iB-s advertieing ths firet as2s c? '! ^±e •*±~ ~+~+ng4w in 1~ant No. 2450. The Piret sign vill be located at a point 50 feet i~~sn the ceate*line oY Euclid 6veaue and 500 feet north of Orange Avs- nns oa the veat aide of EuR~id Avenue= the eeoond on the eaa': aide of fi~clid Avenne 50 feet ~a~ the centerline and 3~ feet north of Batells ~senne; and the third on the aouth sida of Ball Road 50 feet f~am the ceaterlin~ and 400 Peet eaat or BrooYh~aat Strset. No one appeared for or against ths granting of theee Variancea. 1Sg HBARING iJA3 CLOSSD. IIpoa e motion by Ca~iaeioner Ganer, aeconded by Ca~iesioner Rinta~l, and carried~ it waa coted by Resolution No. 104 - 3~Iffi 1955-56 to grant theas Yariancea eub~ect to the eame 9 conditions es listed under Varianne Ho. 471. , TAIlITIVE MAP The Tantatlve Map of Trsat No. 22'S8 vaa preesated tc the Cam- OF TALCT ~i.saion. This tract ia loasted on the south aide of Weet I,a H0. 2258• Pelma Avennes 1986 fest veat oP Shea-id Avenue. The subdivider is H. N. BBEt(18R, 4333 Live Oak, ercadia, Califo.raia. Ths tract containe 93 lote. IIpan a moticsn by Ca~issioner Rintcsl, aeaonded by Ca~ni.esion~r Sch~acher, and carried, it vae voted to apprave the Teatdtivo Map of Tract No< 2258. ADJOUS~RT The Hseting ed,loarned ay 5s23. O~Gla '- .H~ R . i- . MUN(}AT,L, tarY APPROVED•_ ~. ~ ~ ~'7 ~/ ; ~ 1 r A ~ 1 ! ;. _.. __.._..~