Minutes-PC 1956/01/091
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AATOIIRNSD The Ad~ourned Reqular Meetin~ of the ~9.~9 ~]~3m~ Q7cmm~s~m~ ~s
RBf3ULAR oalled to ordar at 2s25 OEClxk P.13. 3rg ~ 3~s, a aamm.~
MEETIN(} being present.
PR~4ENT CHAIRMAN Suamiera, COI~IISSIUNRR3: Anest, ~, ~, a~
Commi.eaioner Hapgood antsred the msetir~ a~ 2~D ~•~Ilms9c ~.L
ABSENT COI+Il~IISSIQNERS 0auer and Thompson.
`' ~ NBNUTES The Mirnites of the Ad~ourned Regular L~eeti~g mi ~~. r~ ~
v~ the Minutoe of the Reg~lar Meeting ~01' Jssxaarg 3, ~~~ ~
::i as printed.
~:;' VARIANCES PUBLIC HEAR..N(3• PETITIONS aubmittsd ~y ~~~ ~.. ~~ F.~st
NO3. 477 ~ Anaheim 8treet, Long Beach ~ Cnliiornia, as ~, E~ 1f~jL~, ~~as,
= 478 & 480e as Authori.zed Agent for Yariatioea Soa. ~~d ~, ~9~ ~~
j PFDIT8R3~ 2282 3ouicn I3agaolia Aee:ms, ~aa~s ,L~a, ~'~~'~ .v ~:~.~:r
zod Agent for Varianoa No. 480.
Tha applicant ra~ieats psrmiseion to arsci~ ~o (~) `81~o~maa~ L~rsc~
i~~nal 51gno, two oP whioh to advert3se ~hr aa~s ~~alts ~ mom~es ~m
?•ract No. 235o anc? the third to adverLiss ~s s~s a~ ~m~t.s ~~
in Traot No. 2575•
~ Varianoe No. 47~ - The aign wi~7. be 3oaa~d 2D~ ~a~C ~~ e!~ ~wst
ooraer oY ~c1id ~vaane as~d ~aflb ~ ~ tt~ ~st
aide of ~olid A~s.
Variance No. 478 - The aign vill be 3flcs't,~d a1t i~ ~am4~. e+~r~r at
Harbor Boulevazd sad ~a7~J. ~.
Varianc~ No. 480 - Tha slgn xill be lflcate~d ant ~e ~ a~ a~L
; ICat~lls Av~nns aad ~ S6aset.
~ No one appeared Por or agaiaat the ~ ad' iF~+e~se ~~~o~e. ~
~~ Upon a motion by Go~iaaioaer Sohn~snbsr, s~ ~6~dasa~r
~ Aneat~ aad carried, it ~ras voted by ~ A~. 3!~ -~ Z$$-SE
^ to grant theae three alga vas~.anaae aub~se'~t ~o:
l. ~igna ahall be a maxS.m~m ai.ze ai 33! ~iy 23 ~'aslt.
2. Signs will be perffi.tted tor a msz'i~u ~rdm~ md[' ~~~~.
3. A permit muat be :;aksn aut ~tb t.~e ~~ep~~ase~t+
4. The naaie of ~the Sign Compat~ snat app~~ar sm ~y a~~s ~~6a~.
; 5. ~B~ ~at ~ 10 teet back o! t3~e r1;h~~2'~q+ S~4ae cd ~~
; or highxq~r.
~:'~ 6. At the intbraection oP the atres~s, ~ a~s amsit be selt ~e& 2~ t~.
~ ,
7. All eigns ahall have a 6 tooL ;escr.`amd al+ ear~.
8. The !ea per eiQa ahall be $2j.0U.
9. Sign Varianoes shall be perffittea 3'~ 'A+~^*;=~ S1;~S - --='
only tracta rrltair, tha City Limita o! ~.
VARTANCFs ~UBY.IC HEARIM3. PETITION anbmitted ~ JO~fI ~. ~~Z, ~¢ ~~~
N0. 479. Drive, Flillerton, Ca~.ifdrnia, as owners s~e~ ~~~a ~~~et
anrl oparate a Servioe Statiou on ~he ~ ait 3~ ~~sft a~s~r
oP Hatella Ave~nue and EUclid Avame. ~ ps+~ ~s yu~so6~ e2as~-
fied aa C-l~ NSI(3FIDORHOOD ~CIAIa.
No one appoared for or agaiaet t~e graafi3~ a~ 33s3s ~. ~
: .
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;~-~8 Upon a motion by Co~i.asionar Mungall, seoonded by Commisaioner
;~ti0. 4~'9 Riutcel, and carried~ it was voted by RLSOLOTION N0. 106 - 3P~tIP~
(Cout.) 1955-56 to grant Variance No. 479 sub~ect to:
1. .'1'ne deeding oi 3u ieeL siong nsLeiia and r'~clia Avnauers ~3 ~-v
City oS Anaheim, if this has not baen donee
2. The impz~cvement of these two stireeta aa required by the City
F~gineer of the City of Anaheim..
N0. k81. Club, 423 North Los Angelea Btreet, Anaheim, CallPornia, ae artmer,
E. B. COLLINB, 1~24 East E7.m Streeta Aaaheim, Cali;ornia, as Author•
ized Agent~ request~.ng permiasion to ereot a Duplex D~relling on the
property deacribed as l13 Weat North Street and flmther desoribed
on the Legal Notice. The property is preaently claeaified as if~•2,
TWO FAMILY R~IDENTIAL and is improved wit.'~ a Small Sing3e :au~y
No ona appeared Por or againet the grantis~ oP thia Variance. T~
IIpon a motion by Commniss~oner 3ohtvnaoher, seconded by Carteaissione=^
l~hu~all. and c~+~ri.ed, it xas voted bf RESOLDTION N0. :,C? - 3ERIF5
i~j5-jo tv grani variano~ na. ~oi.
NC. ~182. CALZP'ORNI{-. 537 Jergins Truat Building, Lon6 Besoh, Calitornia~ aa
' ormer, E. L. SFWII4AI~R~ Same Addreas~ ae Authoriaed Agent, requea~.
ing permiseion to ereat and operatb a Serviae Station at the 3outh-
west corner of South I,os Angelas 3treet and Ball Road. The property
ia pre~ently olasaified as Gl, NIIGHHORHOOD CO1+II+IISRCIAL.
Mr. Shoemaker, repreaenting the 3tandard Qil Compas~y of Cali~ornia,
appeared before the Commisaion and stated that he had nothing tlu~ther
to add other than that aontained in the petition. THE HEARING WAS
Upon a motioa by Coffini.ssioner Riutcel, aecoz~dsd by Commis~ioner
3ahumaoher, and carried, ~.t rras voted by RESOLUTION N0. i'v3 - SffitiS3
1955-56 to grant varianoe No. 482.
H0: k$3. Pine Street~ Anaheim~ CaliPornia, as owner, TA~TiYlA R. M[TRFHY, 918
S~Test Center Stre~:t, At~heim, California, as AuthoriLed Agent~ r~-
queating permiasion to uae one of ths buildinga ou the proparty dss-
cribed as 118 North Palm Street for txo (2) ProPeeeional Ofriosa,
with ofY-atreet parldt~g at the rear. The prop~rty is preae~t~y
claasiYied as R 3s t~IDI+TIPLE FA2~1.3C RESIDENTIAL.
Mra. Thelma Mnrohy av_o~arvd befors the Coma~iaaion aa Author,l.asd Ageut
~or Mr. C~arcbedian and 3tated that he ia an Opto~aetriat and hopsa
to have either•a docta~'or a doa-tiet in the other olPice. He alao
atated that the front~of the building will be improved and alao that
at the rear oP the buil~iiag i.;. will be improved vi.th oft atreet park-
in8. THE )!Ef-RINQ WA3 'GLOS~D.
IIpon e motioz~ by Cpmmisaionar 3ahumacher~ aeconded by Co~asioaer
Hapgood, and oarried*.~it iraa voted b~r RH90LUTION N0. 109 - SSRIBS
1~5y-56 to grant VnM+Lhes i~~. 489 snb~eat to the imnrovmnent oS the
area at the rear oS..tlis ~.iuildit~g !or ot!'-atrset parking as .a~a~m
on the Plot P],aa Piled-tll~:#~ th~ applioatlon.
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' OH POBLIC ~:G. P~.TITION sut~mittod by RESIDENT3 at the North-
b• ~ 55.•56-1$. east corner of Weat La Palma Aveitue attd North Weat Street, re-
, auesting that their propex~ties be reclasaifled from R-Aa RF~I-
. •manr~r •nn~r•mr,n~~• i_ n n TTal~ ~L'~L'~~ 7~I~wwww~-~~
_'~`!SSl~~ ^ __"_'VP _ !zL R ~~ ~"w'J LiLLttYfL•
Theae propart3es aomprise of five (9) lota flir~Eher deaoribed
on the Iz~;al Notice. •
Mr. {t. R. Clark~ living at the corner of Weat Is Palma Avenue
aad North Weat Street~ appeared before the Coma~iaaion aad
state3 that he proposed to do nothing ~rith hia property at
the preaettt ti-~ until aftar the ereotion oP the Hoapital but
t~ri~ ha v~u3.~ Iike ~a have his property reclaaai£ied ~Co t't~.3•
IInon a motion by Coimnisaioner Auest~ seconded by Coamiissioner
~ Schumacher, and oarried~ it was voted by RESOLIITION v0. 110 -
~ 2455~56 to racoaanend to tY:e C3ty Couricil that RealassiPi~
~ cation ~o. F 55-56-z8 be approvsd sub~ect tos
i. The deeding of 10 feet along Wea~ I.a Peima Ayemte Yor at*_w!t t
~ 2. The inatallation of imprmrements as required by the City
~ b~,s~va 3i u`le ^.ii.3 Oi i~Y18YieitD.
The wte oa the above Resolution was as followas ~
AYffi: COi~3SI0NERS: Aueat, Hapgood~ Riutcel~ 3chumaohert
• uRu~ers and Murigall. `
~ HOffi: CO1~II3SIONERSt None. ~
g BSSt;:': CC~ffS3IdN8P~3: Qauer and Thompaon.
Y~HI111GS A letter iras received from Thos. L. MoIsughlin reqassting
~. 276. an extension on Yariance No. 276. An extensiott of aix (5) '
moAths ~ras pre~ianaly oranted on t~-is Varl.ancea
~ Qpon a motion by Coamd.aaioner Aueat, aeconded by Cowniaaioner '
Hapgood~ aad carried~ it was voted to DH~Y a~ f~rth~r sxten-
sion on this Variance due to the proviaion~ oontained in the j
AbiAHgIIi M13HICIPAI. CQDE covering time limitations.
OOD6 C.HA1~8 It ia propoaed to change the ANAHETM MUNICIPAL CODE~ 3eotion
9200„Il by the addition of a new uae No. 48 reading aa iollovas
A - IIae. '~
48. Non-~moke producing foundriea~ xher~ the foundries ±
are incidental to ot,her manufacture and ara not the
ma~or o~eration of the p].ant.
n+°ier diacnasion by ihe ~o~aiasion~ the wording iraa changed to ;
read as folloyrs: E
A - IIse. ,
k$. A marn~facturi~ plant having a non-emoke-produci.ng
Poundry. uhich is inoidental to other msmifacturing
attd not the ma~or operation of the plant.
IIprn a naot3on by Comvaisaioner Riutoel, seconded by Co~niaeionsr
Mnngall, and carried, it waa voted by RESOIdiTIOY N0. 111 ~ 9ffitI~S
1955-56 to reaommend to the City Cownoil that th9 auove addition
be aade to Lhe ANAFIEII+I MQNICIpAL coDS. '
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~~ ~ ~ ~s ~ }~e ~.seion present regardin8 I'
~ - e srit-i childrea of aahool age and under
~ c~Id d~ aare v9 P~P~
~~ ~~ t~ ~bapd a~ eife ~rork, resolved itsalf into a
-- --- -_° ~~~ e ..iw.el4i nati at~:
C~S pl pptl.tliSia ~rae~ .apr•:-.'z•-~~o - •••••••• ,• tIDBAt. 8I1C~
p~e ~o pn qoaliip vith the Cannty Weliare Depar
~~n ~~ g~~ ~ats shon],d be a].lowed to aare for
~ m~~ af faar (4) ebildren.
~~ ~t3,on as to raco~eadation to the City Counail was
beid ~ becanse it is believed that the Cauncil will disCU9a
t1~s aituati.on at their next BegaZar Heetin6•
~y,~ ~ 13e •~•~•,~a~ of Trail~ ~et~ner~th~ rn~i.ld or e~flHno ;
ti~e Ca~asia~ Pa'exn
~ Qi~e~d vithin fike eaivirons oY the City oF Anaheim.
It ras dedded that a Reviet+ of an Ordinance ProPosed sometime i,
~~1d be made a~i again coasidered by the Co~mnission wlth ~
~e ~ that there might be a place rhere Trailer Parks oould !
~_~a , ~y -- ~ s,~ +,~,.. n,~.w++Re had anoua_h teeth in it to provide
i3tat sasa be kePt nP to certain starbdards. 1
~~F 13e Te~tat3.ve !!np of iract So, =~~5 :a~ p,-esentec.' ~o ths Gom- ;
~, ,~ ~~~,~,_ This anbdiviaioa is located east of Tract No. 2299 ;
~~~ ~~~th aids ot I3.n,coln Avenue, 1324 feet weat of F~c1id ;i
g~@. ~e sabdivider is the GRBCQ CONSTRIICTION Cq.~ 121+2
I~ncaln Ave~me, Anaheim, Cal3foraia. Thers are 61+ lota in
t3zis snbdidisloa.
~is tract vas held ~ for 1tu~ther stn~yy bY the F~gltr~eering
~~dth reterence to street layouts for sewer and
y~ p~Qoses~
~- gne ~~ ~ at ~:4~ Q`Clock P.M. until JannarY 23,
195~ at 2:00 O`Clock P.?S.
R. W. MtTNGALL+ Secretary
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