Minutes-PC 1956/01/23~ ; i I i ~ 1 ! ~i danuary 23, 195b cit.y x~. ~nam, c~.t.ror~~ ?QIQUTE:4 OF` TE~ ADJOIIRNID RE)OL~LAR A~E'fII~ OF THE CITY PLAN!QIN(3 ~~I~SION AAJOIIRNED The Ad~ourned Regular Meoting of the Ci°~~ :'_~~.hni.ng Co~niaeion RF~ULAR was called to order at 2:06 O~Cloclc f.'_:.y`~-- ~HAIRMAN SUt~fERS~ 1~TINt} a quorum being present. PRE3ENT CHAIRMAN 3tJl~4~tS. CONIlrlIS3IQNEIiSs ~auer, Riutoel~ Sohumaoher~ L itiompson and M~uigall. Caw~i.aeia~a~ Hapgood enttlred yW~B ~4~g at 2s~ig 0•Cloak P.M. ABRSNT COI+II~IISSIONII2 Aueat. 1+BNOT88 Ths Mittutea of the Ad~ourned Regular Meeting oi'January 9, 19g6 Frere approved as printed. YARIANCE PtiBLIC HEARINt}. PETITTON aubmitted by JSANNS'3 B$AOTY BALON~ •"."=: ~ °37 North L-.w ;: 3: W ~ •--~ _, _ ,._„ ~_..... _ .... ., • ~ • ~ ...~~vauy .e~svaua~~ ~o vwuii ~ Luo fiTaa ELLIL"il~ FELI,OW3, 1846 Catalpa Avenue, Anaheim, Calitornia~ as Authorised Ageata, requeeting permiaeiott to expand and r~mode~ the preaant Beauty Shop from a Ono-Operator fio a Four-Op~ratot^ 8hop. Ths property ia deaoribed aa Lot 9, Ssaia 1Y~aot aad llu~ther deeoribed as the Southveet oornor ot North L~on Strs~t and Weet Za PaZma Avenue. Ths propsrty ia preaently olaasiti~d aa R-3, MiJLTIPLE FA1~LY RESTn~er.~ Hr. Lss Fellowe appearad belore the Conmdaaion and atatsd tdiat. there ie s naed for additional B~auty Parlor Opa~ators in 1,h~ City dus to the growth and that no chang•e xers a~L~latod in the sxtsrior ot ths building xith ~he ezoeptton o! maldnQ tl~s entranae from Wset La Palma Ave~e iaatead o! li~om Horth Lemoa $tI'88t~ ~'GiI2' =ti' au~~i'8'i6d Orr 8tF6&t pia"''~u'~ ap'a've~ wu'.Z `u~i provi~ed on the Wsst ii Palma Avs:me irontags. T~ ~ARIAf3 4~GAS CIA4ED. IIpon a motion by Co~iasioner 3ohumaohsr~ asaonded b9 Carmoi~siarur Riutosl~ and oarrird~ it xaa voted by Rg40LOTI0N NO„ 112 - S~RIR4 1955-56 to grant narianoe No. 484 anb~sot to a ai.gn limitatiott aits of 24 by 36 inohea. VARIAbiCE PUBLIC HEARINt}. PIyTITION aubmitted by LINTOA .1. COLLISR~ 2077 NO• 485. Orari3e Avetrue~ Coata Meea, Calitornia, aa oxner~ PACIFIC OOTDOOR ADVERTI3IM3 CO.~ 995.North Miasion Road~ Los Aagalss, Calilornia~ ae Authox~izecl Agenta. rbqueating permieeion~to sroot a Oa~roial Outdoor Advertising 3ign (double-Paosd) ott the prop~rty dssorib~d as a portion ot the t~i~ of ths 3S{ of Sectioa 22~ Tk3, RlOW~ 3.E.g.& M. and l5irther deaaribed aa ~hhe eaat aide o! Harbor Baulevard, 1458 Sset~ more or leaa, irom 8atella Avemie. The propsrty is prytsu},~y claaeified ae R-A, RF~ID~ITIAL Ac}RICIILTUftAL~ Mr. C;off, repreaentative o! the Paoitio Ontdo~r AdvsrtiainQ Co.~ app~ar~d beforR the Cormaiselon and atatsd that ths srN xhu~ th~ sign wae propoaed to ba erected xaa no longar reaidential but trae puraly aomraeroial and that thia particalar aian kould be lensad to Carnation Milk Co., Richtield Oil Co. and Sxift Co. Por va=yir~g periodan The sign Will be double-gaced a:sd fi.tis praperty oim~r vonld r~alis~ $100.00 per month tor the uae o! hia propsrttiy !or th~ s3~n~ ~ efgn would alao be tor aa nn73m4ted period ot t.ime xith a 90 d~y oanoellation alauae ia ths oontraat. THS ~ARIiR} WAS CI,08~, '.1 s ~ _~ ~ '~ :a 'I Qpon a motion by Crn~lasioner Riutael, aeoonded by Co~iaeion~r ' 3ohnmaoher, atad. cs.~iod~ 3t ~ss satad ~ R~piATIB~ ~y. I13 ~~ i ~ 1955-56 to de~- Varianos No. 485 ior the reason t,~at ansh dQns do ~ ,' safi tppeasr co have ar~ a~~bsTia vuns in tes ~a xbiah in aty ~ trying to preeerve !or a pu~l~,v ia~s~e~t and ~dnoati,onal ares. i -1"' : ! . ~,~,~ _,~ . _.~.... .~ , ------__ -------- --._..~ ~---- -_ _-- ~ ~ ~ PUBLIC HEARIAI(}. PETITIOIQ submitted by J. R. FOSTER~ 907 North Helena Street9 Anaheim, California, as owner, requeating ~er- misai.on to ereat a~Dupler. Dwelling on Lot 15, Block A, 7raRt ro. 3?4 and flirther deaorit~ed as 903 North Helsna Bt1'E?+.e rae praper;,y is pr«sently classified as R-lp SINGLE FAFfiL'f Rr~T- L'.T~'..":TL:L. Mr. J. R< Foster appearad befare the Cosc~~i~~ion and stated that the lot has been vacant for several years ~.~:3 that at one time he proposed to build a larger home .°or hi~iself on the lot but that his family had gro-~n up a.~~? hs tvould now like to ersct a Duplex for inaome propertyy He etated that he ].ived next door and proposes to continue to do so and ~rill have ttil.l control cf the tenants in the Duplex. He aleo stated he had contacted evaxyone Kithin 300 feet and that atl had been in Yavor with the exaeption of two (2) fami.liea. One entrance to the Duplax wtll face on North Halena Streat and the other entranoe wiL' be from I,a Verne Street. Mrs. Betzold~ 843 North Helena Street~ spoke in opposition to the arr~nt.ina of the Varianee statin¢ that she beliaved this use would devaluate her property and presented a petition coniaining 10 property owners in zhe area also against this Varlanee. Sne was unable to say v.~hetner ihey were within 36G feet of the aub~ect property or not. THE HEARIN(} WAS CIASED. Upon a motion by Commissloner Mungail, seconded by Cou~issioner Schuaiacher, and carried, it was vo~>ed by RESOLUTION N0. 114 _ sERTES 1955--56 to grant varianoP *,o. 486. PRTBLIC HEARINa. PETITION submitted by D. J. MC DEffi+IOTT~ 1123 Liberty Lane? Anaheim, California, as owner, requeating per- mission to cut two (2) lots 82.5 feet by 120 feet froating on Rosemont Strest from a parcel described as the Westerlyr 1$0 feet of the Northsrly ha7.~ of the Yo1lot+ring describsd groperty: The Yortherly 165 feet of the Southerly 330 feet of the xest half of the NorthFreat quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 2, T4S' R10hT, S.B.B.&M. e~oaeot therefrom 30 feet along Rosemont Street to be deeded to the City of Anaheim. The property is presently clasaified as FirA, RESIDENTIAL ACfRICULTURAL. No one apneared far or a~ai,nat th9 $"S'?Llti t~v nf thi g V'gri ancsn_ THE HFARING Ir:AS CLOSID. Upon a m~tiun by Cov~iasioner Thompson~ aeconded by Co~i.asioner Riutcel, and carried~ it was move3 by RF50LiJTION N0. 115 - 3F.RIFS ~955--56 to grant Variance No. 487 sub~ect to: , 1. The deeding of 30 feet along Rosemont 3treet to the City of Anahe~Lm if this has not already been done. 2. The payment af $25.00 per lot for the acquiaition of Park and Agcreation Sites. 3. The installation of improvements as rer~uired by the City E~gisieer. 4. The fili.ng of a F»aord of Survey ~iap with the City of Anahaim and the Gounty of Orange. PUBLIC HEARING. ACTI~N INSTITII'!ED by the CI`P7C PI.~YN.LNG CONIl~SISSION to reclassi..~• a strip 60 feet in width along the 3outher~p right- of-way line of Ball Road between South Loa Angelea Street and P2a- centia Avanue; along the Weaterly right-of-way line of Placentia Avenue between Bal1 Road and Katella Anemte; along the Northerly righi,-of-way line o£ Ratella Avenue batween Plaaentia Avernte aud a point ~84~feet, more or less~ Easterly from Manchester Avenue; along the Easterly right-of-way line of South Los Angeles 3treet bettresn Ba12 Road and a point 1320 feetf ~aora or less~ South aF Cerritoa Averiue from I~1~ LIGFiT MANUFACTURIN(3 ~o P-L, PARKLtR3~- I~ANDSCAPIN(}. ~~ ~ i i • : ,~ . ~ ~ ~ RECLASSIFI- No one appeare~ for or against the proposed Reclassification. CATION N0. Tf~ HEARING WAS CLOSED. F 55-56-19. (Cont.) Upon a motion by Cotrunissioner Gauer, seconded by Commissione~r ~ Schu.Tacher, 2r.d c~~r3.sd, it c:a~ votcd by P.~OLUTI0:1 I:~. 115 - SE~ES 1955-5G to recotrmiend to the City Counc•ll that Reclassi- ~ i fication No. F-55-56-19 be approved. ~~ ~ i ;~ ~he vote on the above Resolution was as £ollows: ; ; ~ AYFS: CONQLZSSIONERS: Gauer, Riutcel, Schumacher, Slxmmers, ;j Thompson and Mungall. - ~ NOFS: COMNIISSIONERS: None. ~ .ABSENT: CONIMISSIONERS: Auest and Hapgood. ~ ~tECLASSIFI- PUBLIC HEARING. ACTION INSTITUTED by the CITY PLANN.CNG CODfl~'!IS- CATION N0. SION to reclassif~ a strip 60 feet in width along the Nortnerly F-55-56-20. right-of-way line of Ball Road between a point 250 feet~ more or less, Easterly from South Los Angelas Street and the S.P.R.R. I tracks from M-1, LI(3HT MANUFACTURING to P-L. PARKIN(3-LAND3CAPING. No one appeared for or against the proposed Reclassification. ' THE HEARIN~3 WA9 CIASID. Upon a motion by Conmii.ssioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner ` (lauer, and carried, it was voted by RESOLUTION N0. 117 - SERIFS 1955-56 to rocommend to the City Counoil that Reclassification No. F-55-56-20 be approved. : The vote on the above Resoluti.on ~was as follows: I AYFS: CON:~:SSIONERS: Gauer, Hapgood~ Riutcel, Schumaeher, Summers, Thompson and Mungall. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ~ ABSENT: CONII4'ISSIONERSt Auest. RDCLASSIFI- PUBLIC HEARIN(}. ACTION INSTITUTED by the CITY PLANNING COI+AffSSION CATION N0. to reclassify the area ineluded in the FY~eew~y Mnexation £rom R-A~ , ;• F-55-56-21. RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL to M-l, LIiiHT MANUFACTURINCi, except that porticn on the South right-of-way line of Katella Avenue which it , is proposed to reclassify to P-L, PARKING-LANASCAPING. ; , t No one anpea;ed for ox- against the proposed Reelassi£ica+ion, 1 THE nEARING WAS CLOSr.~'D. j ~ Upon a motion by Commiasioner Gauer, seconded ~ by Commissioner ~ Hapgood, and ~arried, it was voted by RFSOLUTION N0. 118 - s~ES 1955-56 to recommend to the City Council that Reclassi- fication No. F-55-56-21 be approved. '• The vote on the above Resolution was as followss f AYES: COMM'2SSIONERS: Gauer, HaP6ood~ Riutcel, Schumacher, ~ Stimmers, Thompson and Mungall. NOFS: COMNLCSSIONERS: None. ABSENT: C0~'A'fIS9I0NERS: Iluest. p ! j ' MASTER PLAN PUBLIC HEARINQ. ACTIOtI INSTITUTED by the CITY PLANNING CONd+IIS- i OF STREETS 3ION to fix tl,e right-of-way lines of Lewia Street between i AND HIGHWAYS Ball Road and Ka:ella Avenue at 60 feet and Cerritos A~oenue ~ batween South Los Angeles Street and Placez~tia Averiue at 60 i feet. It is also proposed to establish the setback line for i ar~y buildings on the above streets at 2~ feet from the prop- : erty line. s ~ Mr. J. H. Cummina of the Sani:s Fe Bsilroad appeared before the i Commi.ssion and introduced Mr. .Te:7y 9tarkey, Division Superin- I ~ . tendent; Mr. A. M. Schulte, of the F~gineering Office; and an ~ engineer of the 91gna1 Department. ~ 1 i _;_ ' ~ ~ r t : ~ __.._ - °-------------------.._..---._------...__ __..,_ ------.... -- ~~ ..~~ 1 ~ . . :-~b ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~. k t s 4 E '~ MASTER PLAN Mr. Cummins qt~Pstioned ±.ls~ Santa Fe crossing on Lewis Sireet OF STREETS on aecount o!' ±he sh~~ nn~le at which tdxe raiZroad t.•racks run Ah'D HI(3AWAYS across th~.e ~t.r•aat. F3~ stated that. tr.:in.s are r~xnr:ing at. hi.gh (Cont.) apesds ar,ros3 ~:iis strac~t x1Ch no ~ignaliaat,ors, a; .~'c~ ohat raasett thev nnnn~aRd tha onar~i ng nf` th1 ts strw~at for rninlic aro~s- ing of the tracks. There is a7.so no ~'i ~':'~::.:'I7~ t'~lor: wnara the railroad cras~es C~rritos Aver_uo. ,.._. ..r.~3ir~ is compara- tive~p at right angles to the strF:~~ ~•. On account o~ the ob,jections r~iis~s i::~- ~.iie Santa Fe Railroad which must be considered be?n.r5 t!:e Nlaster Plan of Lewia Street and Cerritos Aven~ie are adopCs,ifl a riotion was made by Coz~nnia- sioner Qauer, seconded by Comwissioner Thompaon~ and carried, that further considerati.on be withheld until the Meeting of Mnreh 5, 1956. CODE ~HANGE It is propo~e~i io cl-.~s~.gc= t.h~ t+:cf,:}iETN :~1?TNT~I'f;i. CO'c.~t:, 3nr,tion 92b0.1 under ~efinl+ivns9 to elirrL.rzi;~ S:~j_m.r.dng Fools trom the froat 5ar,ds of resLdential proporties acid a~ake provS.~ions for the protectlon oP the pools by the erection of fances~ The second paragraph will cover po~ls t.hat are allowed in ii3~vi8 euiu Ti-diioi- icu`n5• Public Aearing was set for February 6, 1956 on this proposed Code Change. Cotmnissioner Ganer left the Meeti::~ at 3t30 O~Clook P.M. TF.~ITATIVE The Tentative Ma~ of Tract No. z995 was presented to the MAP OF Commisaion. This traet is located east af Tract No. 2299 TB.?CT ?~IO. or_ the soeth sic~a of Lncel~! 9~Terue, 7.324 f~~t ~a~st of 2995. FAiclid Avenue. The subdivider is the GRECO ~ONSTRUCPION CO.~ 1242 I3.ncoln A~enue, Anaheim, Calitornia. There are 64 lots in thi.s tract. Upon u raotion by ConmLi.s~ioner Thompson, seconded by Commiasioner Riutcel, and caz~~ied' it was ceoved to approve the Tentative Map of Tract No. 2995 snb~ect t~s 1. The movlr~ to the north of the streat batween Lots 17 and 18 so that it will bo located at appro~d.ciately Lot t2 or on tha centerline of the land lines to the east. 2. The payment of $25.00 per lot for the aaquiaition of Park tu']Ci nnGi'ed~~.GA Sii.bB. 3. E~glneerir~ Iiequii•emeui.s. TENTATIVE The Tentati.ve Map of Tract No. 1494 was presented to the Coumiis- MAP OF aion. This traat is located east of Ehclid Avenue and south of TRACT N~J. Bal.l Road and the main street in the tract leads into Tract No. 145~i• 1979. The .~ttb3ividar i.s FAIRTON D~V~LO~ J'P C0. ~ 756 south broadway, Los Angeles, California. The tract contains 32 lota. On account of a possible acquisiti~n of certain lots in this traei; for Municipal Use, a motion was made by Commissioner 1+~au~gaL, seconded by Co~nisaioner Thomp~on, and oarried, to hold up action on tl:e approval of thls Map until the Meeting oS February 6~ 7.95bs RDCLASSIFI- Due to errorg in the description of the property involved in CATZOn i~0. this Raclasrfi.firat3on at tha tZoz•thwast corner o~ ~clid Avenue F 55-56-17. and Ball Road, the fol.lowing motion was mades Upon a motion by Conuni.ssioner Thompson, seaonded by Cotmnisyioner Mungall, and carriedn it was vated that by RF50LUTIUN N0. 119 - sr'~tlES 1955-56 that an~* forb~r action be reainded and aorreated to rezone the Northweat aorner of Ball Road and Elialid Averrue _4.. r ~ ."~.~....._. ~__.._. ._. aec • ~ ~ ~ p. ! ~ ~, ~ ~ C 4 t t ~ I RECLASSIFI- to C-1~ NEI(3HBORHOOD CONII~EROIAL 20NE and that the Co~ni.yaion CATIBN N0. requaet the City Counui2 th.:.,:gh the Cits Attorncy to prep~^e F-55-56-17. the proper lega7. inatx~ument to legal e%feet a C-l9 bre.Ti;HnOR- ~~t?:i~.3 H~'D CO'-~w^LAL Ci.33~~C°.f~.^. O:l 7a:RK anrn~e at th.. N~+r~h~ xeat oorner of Ball Road and Ehclid Ave:rue. The legal dea- cription oi the property ia aa folloxax T,ota 236 and 237 of Tract No. 2377, ~ the Citq oP Anaheimp C~unty oY Orange~ 3tate of California~ as per Map reco.rc9~:i :n Hook 7K, Pages 29v 3~a 3~y 32n 33v 34 ~n3 '~5 cf Mis••:.".'!.a::aous Mapa~ in the oFl.`iee of tha Coun~ty Recorde.r ef seid Coun~ty. The wte on the above Reaolution waa as followas AY~SS ~ONIMISSIONERSs Aupgood9 Fci.utcel~ Sahumaoher, SSumners, Thompscn and tfiangalle NOffit C014ffSSIUKrRSs None, ABSB~Tf t CON@QSSIONERS: Auest and (3suere PROPOSID With reference to •the Proposed Satella Annexation which xas RATTsLi.A sent to the Planning Ca~niasion for a reoommendation~ the ANNE%/lTION follotring aotion was takent Qgon a motien b~ Cownissioner Hap~oodr aeconde3 by Commisaioner 3ohumaaher' and carrledn it xas voted to recommend to the City Oounoil that the area inelu~ed in the propoaed Katella Annex- atinn be oonaidered for Annex~tion to tha Gity of Anaheim. IISE VARIAHCS The City Plannizig Co~ission considered Usa Variance ~o. W N0. W 26$~F. 2654 forwarded to them by the Orange County Planning Commie- sian ~or a rsao~sndetion and foti+?~ thst tha eit~ of tha proposed Trailer Park ie in rtn area proposed to be annexed to the City of Anaheim and which will probably be cleeaiSied for M-lo LIGHT MANUFACTiTR2N(3 IIse. The Co~iosion is not in favor of the itttrueion oP Trailer Parka ittto a potential marn~facturing SLhB~ thereFore upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, aeconded by Commiasioner Hapgood~ nnd aarried, it xae moved that the Ar.ahe3m City Planning Co~ni.aeion reaomwund to the Orange County Planning Co~deaion that W 2694 be DENIED. CLA33IFICATION Pub]ia Hearing zras aet Por March '°~, 1956 to ooneider the OF B11I.L ROAD NO.reelaaaitioati4n ot thia Annexatic,:. as ahown on a Iriap 2 ANNSSATION attached to the agenda. ADJOURI~:NT The Maeting ad~ourned at 4s15 0•C1 ck R W. MUN(3ALL, e retary APPROVED: `, ~ ~. ~!~ -5-~ ~y ----- , ---- ---- -- ~.-.__._.~_ ~ :..._... .. . ~ ~ ~