Minutes-PC 1956/02/20Februa~y 20, 195b
Ci~y H~11
Aaahcim, California
~S ff ~ llII~A00iflED RE~TiJIR IiEEfI~G o~ 11~ ~1Y ~IAlIHt~l"t'r Ct3~~SiCi~
ADJU~D ?he Ad~joarned Fbegnlar Heeting af the Cit,y Planning Com~ission xas called
R&~IAR to oxder at 2z09 O~Clock P.TI. lsy CHAIIi~41N SUNAtERS, a quorum beiag present.
P~ WIIRl~AN SlII4~liS, CQliLSSIA~tSs Gauer, Riutcel, Schumacher, Thompso~
and Hungall.
t'.amissioner Hapgood entered the ~aeting at 3:05 O~Clock P.I~.
Co~issioaer Ga~uer left t.tte Ileeting at l~:20 O~Clock P.Ii.
~i Ca~aissfoner Auest.
E~llES The xisa:tes nf the Regnler Iieetiag of February 6, 1956 were appx~wed as j
pciated. ,
lAlRlA~ff p~l,IC AFARI~'i, PEfTfION :~itted by MANLEf-Ki1HN5 CORPORATION, 512 ;
~. l~0. llorth La Brea Avunie, Los Angcles, California, as ovners, requesting
pcrafssim to a eet a Serviee Station at the Aiorthxest corner of
Sa~l2a A~ and South liest Street. The property is prestntly classi- 1
fied as R-A, R6IDEIPPIAL AGRIQTLTIAiAL vith Ve~~ience No. 362 granted June ~
28, i955 for c-i, ~~ott~oon c~o~tcw, usES. ;
Pbr. B~d, atiosney for ~he appli~ant, appearcd bEfort bhe Cammissiaa ~F
ared stated that the Shell Oil Compa~r pc~aposed to build and operate this ~
Servioe Station. Tf~ HEAR~iG WA5 CLQ5ED. l
IIpo~ a aotion by Ca~issioner Thoanpson, seconded by Coimui~sioner Schu-
aaebx, sffi ~srried, it xas voted by RESOLUTION N0. 123 - SFRIES 1955~6
to grant ~3risuce No. ~t90 sLb,ject to:
1. Zhe deeding of neeessary land for the uridening of Katella Avenue.
2. Engiaeering R~quirments necessary faz~ this type cu busine3s.
~. l~91. liorth La Brea Avenue, Los Angeles, California, as oimers, rcquesting
neraission to erect a Service Station at the Southxest corner af Cerritos
jveim~ aod Sauth Yelnut Strcet. The prop~rty is vresently clessified ss
1[r. Ba~nerd sgain appeared brfore the Com~ission and stated that this
Statioa vouid be bnilt aud operated by the GetReral Petroleum Corporation.
llr. Silv~ra~, represeatative af the~oxqers of p~operty across the street,
statcd that it is their feeling that at the preseat there is no need for
a Service,Station oa this coracr.in as much as no construction is,.~ct
![r. Bernard replied that the "!lotel `of the Stars" is vell uMcrxe~y and
t.baL by Ju~y, xhich is the cxpected datc of the ca~pletion of the Service
Statfan, there vfll be a need for these facilities. 1HE HEARIl~ iIAS
Upon a~otim by Cflmmissioner Sctn~acher, seconded by c:omuissioncr Thomp-
sm, a~a carri~a, it tras moved by RESQAT70N N0. iz4 - s~i~es i955-5b to
graat,.Variance lfa. 1t91 sub,~ect to the:necessary requirancnts.Sor this
t~pc af~~biisiaess.
ieFuei.i,z P~..IC H€~RIffiG. PETITSAAI svtsaittad lb3r 3L~6E~tl A. ABAtiDO?~ATO~ 200 Orangt
D. f~2. A~eave; F~mtiagton Beach, Cali!'ornia, as ~wner, iIILLIAM GALLIENNE, Civie
CFZSter, Ii~Lissgtoa P.~.ach, Ca23fosais, ss Antt~: f~ed Ageat, .requestissg
ne~issim to cut a pe*cal of la~id Driefly deaeribed as ~jriag on the
east side of South Pal~a Street and.Midway Drive into 32.R-3, MULT~
_ FJ1~.Y RFSIDEFI'LlL lots as per Tlcact No. 3011. The propecty is pa~esent]y
class~fied as R~1, RESIDENTTAL At~tIWLTURAL.
j~~(~'. j~'. R'a7l~wsr~ ~~~fllt ~~E f:CiC~4SfOSi ~ StBtta '~18~ ~A 3S 18ttCt!
~. Zc92. a+ a 3~ ~E ~ soG sF+a~e~ fac this proper:~ t'he best u~e of
£~Sya~ ~1~ ~a~,3r1 !~0 1~ ~~SS~ ~~~y ~3~'=`~s:~~ L'~rS^23i~ 8S ;i.~i.~-2 i'a 6A
~C gtOiC t0 ~C t~ ~ 8~Ilt Fyd=$ t0 WC SWt21•
~rs~ J. g- i~times 7~12 iBi~e~ l~Oads P~~~ a petition reqnesLing i
t~ n~ ~i~sboe7 ~n3ldi~ be ~ee~d an ttx lots directly bordering t
aa F~s~amt ~, t~ tbe a~ers erect a 6 foot fence betveen
Enstamt Estates a~i bis ~ aod alse that ao ditell iag ad,jacent ~~
bc eLo~rr t~'SO fe~et ito ~ boa~e ~ Tif~tan Road. This pet3tion
~ ? ~~
1lr. e-+»;•,~•• stated t~at tL~y ~ld uect, no tvo-story dire?.lings next >~
t.o ttba &~staoot ~Stats le~ss ~ tffit arra~gamts for a fence eau23 ;
be sade. '~ m.~iHt~'r ~a fZ~D. i
t~pm a aoL~m b~ Caeissio~es Seb~er, secanded bq Caa~issioner ~
~~sm, ~a ~er~, :c ~s ~a by ~sa.vriaB ~a. i25 - s~t~s i955 56
~ fRan't Biriaoee 7b. 492 sab,~e~.t toz
l. ~Oo~e-sR,Q~ baild~ a~ tbt mrttt timr ad lots. ~
2. Yint ~ia~ a~ s saitat~e t~ itbat vaald bt sa~fsfe~tery Ce t.he
~di~! +~4s 'amd tbe gEage=tg a~ners to tt~c aorth.
?Egl'AT3YE lbe 'y++9*~ ~ap d'llraet ao. 3~2 rras preseatM to thc Commission. ~
Il9P tF This tsaet i. l~obed east c~' l~id~q~ Drive and South Palm Street. ~
1RAC!' ~1Da 13~e ~di~r~w 3~,.~ .~•"+~a e a~a~g~ 2~ pr-~y~ ~yv~fau, HtmOing$on S
3011. ~Ch, (~E3L'~~ 'me ~act oa~taias 32 lots.
2his traet oarQS ttme 7ars far ~eh TFerfaace Ho. 492 vas requcsted. r
1~e J~ meeb ay7. tme Code l~eqair~earts af tt~e City of Aaaheim.
~on a~rtaon b~ C~issia~s Tbo~son, secanded by Co~issioncr Geucr, :
amd wesie~d, i~ ~s ~~dt tia~ ~ Tmtative Map af Tract Ho. 3011 be ~
aP~ed s~.~t to: r
1• '~ P~ d' ~5.61D grr Iat far td~c acquisitioa of Park and ~
HeaYatim Sil~es. ~
2. &~99iaen'io9 Hirqnfs~eats. s
L'AR3A~ ~~~. ~~ s~itted ~ I~ V. CIISEY and FRED R. BEt1t- ;
~. ~t93. ~ 336 Sa~h Loa ~ag~tles Street, Aaat~eim, Califa~cnia, as o~mers, re- $
qoest3n~ p~is.iutn to es~ect a Pta~assianal Office Bailding on the ~
~ert~ ~3e~~ ~eseri~ed as 2$06 YesG Lincola Avaine. The property r
is ~+~jj classiiicd as R-~is ~i7AI. AC~iItxTLTIRAL. ~
1!s'. Lo~m ~(~s~ ap~eaeed be~ore ttee Ca~issioa and stattd that they ~
}~+a~wed to mu3l~ ls,o~'essim~r Qitfoes at tnss loeation sa aecordanee
irl~ t~e ~ete~es yasrsmte~. ~
~Ir. i.~ ~ioes, aRmer ei pra~erEy t.o t~e vest, aad 3Ir. Rsrmaa Fnese,
es~ oa~ a~oia~g reio~ary, statea tl~at t~ey mia no ob.iection to thc j
ereetian oi' Pt~'essfmal Q[t3xs at tu3s locatfon. Tf~ ~lRl'!~r YAS i
~ s~;~ „j ~- =•~~a'~s Sca~~ se~ Dy i.o~i3sioner
rRiutael, amd earriral, ft .as sobe~ b~r RE9Q.ViDD~t ~. 126 - SERIBS i
iYn~ m gs"+Ai ~i~oe 3~. ~,93 saD,~eet Lo z j
1. ~e ~~ ~ 36 !'eet to tbe Citlr of Ar~atx,ia for the videafAg j
a~ ~tme s~L s3~e a[ Lia~2a Avea~. i
ZD &bgiaeerim Himisir~R~~
i/AiS~s~ a=s"'"'~ ~~E ~,r .,-_-..-. ~ iii~ ~ocpit wclid Fit*~ues financ i, i
B0. h9lt. ~"ali3'ecmia, as ~oes, z+e~esEfars t1~ •.~..- :...:-~ :3) lo:s iacin9 Romne3-a ~
Drrivae to ~e mrt~ a~' 'ha~et ~. 282EI ~d oae othx lot located approxi- ~
matt2y 11'i~ 3'eet ~tst~4~ ffi~ a isaatage on t~e sarth side of Romt~ya
Dorite ~d' ~ t~et ~ a ctepth at 238 feet be recisasi~ied to R-3,
. -~- ~
..~- ,---- ---- _.---------- ---- ----- --- -- ~
1~ ~ ~
VARIAPCE~ MJLT~IE FAlrttII.Y RESIDFNP7&t.. ?luse 3ofis as+e ~jr riaasif"aedi as
N0. ~9~. R-4 by the CovttEqe The lots ace fuTt~x' desCS'ibed as 8E~ii 9Q7D~ 906
(Coat.) e~d 30Ns Ii~s+ays ~±re.
This Varience vas WI1i~RAi1B by tbe ap~lissat m~em~~ ]~s, 795b. "me
Varianca vill be resn~nitted at a later ~aLe.
VARIA~CE Ptl71.IC HFAIt~G. PETITIOB ~aitted b3r ~ 5~ asd 3~i' ~IdF~ 75322
ao. 495. Arranr Hi9t~+a~Y, aa~riA ~, c~a.;r~, as ~, ~~. ~, i53~2
Arrov Hf9h~Ya Bald~ria Park, ~ifornia, as laY~oriaed ~adt, s~aestim3
permissioa to erect a si~ 10 by 20 Seet m tms ~t sa~e a~'tffi prapest~
at 1511t East Oa-ter Street to advertise ~e sale a~ b~s aod ~asses in
Tract No. 2570.
'.'''.r` .~.r....s~ S"" .» ~.:»~ r.t- b.~ :~ of' ?~:~ ~:~s. ~
UpCfi 8 mOtiOn by Camm3SS3oner 1~saey sec~d bJ ~iysi,a~ ~oo~,
aad carried, it vas aovsd by R6OUfIDY ~f. 327 -~~5 ]tg95,S6 to c,prant
YOa ir,w ~• fj ] AYaIJ6~i{. Wf
2. Sigsss slsel! be ~ saxi~ si~ r~f 3S! ~ 2$ :s~.
2. Signs sriii be pet~itted So~ a~~~od a~"6 ao~4~s ar less.
3. n permtt ~ust be takm oat vit,h t~ H~33diaH ~qaaiaesG.
4• The name of tht Siga Oo~pa4Y ~~ ~PP~' ~~! S~ ~~-
$. Signs must be 10 fee~ buk of t~e ri~-t-ed-~ liae a~' aa~ sts-,~et
or highxa4Y.
6. At the intcrseetion of the s~reets, ~e sigos s~ be stt 4ae1~ ?'„5 feet.
7. Aii signs shaii t~ac-s a 6!"s~rt ¢s~ ~~~_
8. The fee per si~ shall b¢ ~25.~D.
9. Siga variaaces shali be peraitted Sac dirati~ai si,g~ss ~tisiar~
on~y traets xithia tt~e City Liaits of ~o~ei~.
VARIAIICE PUBL~ F~AR~'r. PETITIO~f snt~aitt.zd by ~ SP5! ~l ~3' ~B~ 75312
~o. 496. Arrrnr Highwayy, ~~~ rark, cai~o~~ as ~, ~~~, ~y~2
Arrox xighvay, Bal~in Park, Califax~aia, is Ld~oe3sed ~eat, ze~esking
permission to crect a siga 10 by 20 3'eet #'l3~e Scst' ' oarner a~'
Placentis Avesnie aad Rcame,ya Drivs #o ad~er~is t~e sale at' lats ~!
harses ia Tract lio. 2570.
Eb one appearad for or agaiaf t.3~ b.~..:.~ ~`. :~ ~~- '~ ,~::.~~..
iiI1S CL06ED.
Upoa s motion by Commissioaer Scbn~~ seeao3ed by ~issimer ~its
and carried, i* vas voted by ~A'13~3 ~. 3~8 -~5 19~-5~ to e~t
var~ance ao. 496 snb,~eat to tt~e sase aine (9) omait~as as ~&'.s~ ~der
Variance Ao. 495.
YARL~ICE PUBLIC I~!lR~G. PETTT7AH subaitted by A. £. ~, ~~ct ~
~o• 497. ~a street, anahcim, Cal3taa~aia, as e~ma~, z+eqoestiw9 ~i~ to
operate an Insurance 02ficc ia th acistiag atsi~e~ee a~ !~e foietbeast
corner of South Pala Stre~t aocl Yeat Yeraoa~t ~.~ee ad baf~ aa a~iitim
on to the Srmt of the pz~esmt residmoe. 35e pia~erlT is peesmt~y
ci~ssifisd. as R-1, S~GLE FAtiIIS 3~SI~71'n3..
Mr. A. E. Robertson appeared befaca t~c ik~i~s3~a a~d s~t~d #bst be
•desired ~o use the property tor mm Tr~*~y Od~ioc amd tm~ me ~is~ed
to pu~ an addition oa the Yr ~~ af P~e 3~aud"mg.
Ilr. John Seale, 894 Soufih PaL Street, ~tei:„ S~li!'amfa, s~ed tt~t
he ab,jaeted to tbe graatiag o~f tb~ 1/ar~aa~e ia as ao~ a tbe bnildi~q,
xith the addition, voald pat his p~.emt ~'Yliog 1~dc in a pocict as
the proposed addition vould ae#~e~ in-,l.1 3~e~ood f~e ~+~t d his irlliag.
Fir. C. A. Potts, hll iTesL Ya~oat ~m~, ~~."~`~r~mia, a~i~
b¢csuse i~ 35 ptese;s~1~ zo-~i s3 ~% ~•.~•~•w ~~~. ae~
there appesrs to be ao good ressm ~ it ~oald la ~ge,~. '~? ~
IiAS Q.a6ED.
~ ~ ~
~ ~
ypRIAB1CE Upon a motion ~„~ Commissioner Hapgood, secand~ed by Ca~missioner Gaaer,
~. 497. and r,azried, it xas voted,by RFSOLUTIO~t ~A. 1z3 - SFRIfS 1955~5 ~tmt
(Coat.) Variance No. !t9? be DEMED•for the reason that there is stiil availabie
i~egbions ~or ~his ~t+~ ef busfa-.ss t~E do r~~ nscessariiv bave to be ;
in a residentiai area. j
VARIA~iCE PUBLIC FIEARIDGe PETIT7AN sutxnittcd by N. E. TINGLEY, ~t09 ~lorth Palm -~
DD. 498. Street, Anaheim~ California, as oxnar, requesting psrmission to erect '~
a Atplex D-+eliiag on North West Street vith three Four (ls) Unit
ApartmenZ Bnildiags at the rear. The property is furt2ier described ~i
as 856 Horth West Street. The p~operty is preseatly classified as s
R-0, SUBIAiBAN RESIDENTIAL but backs up to property ~ivcn a Yarianae
Mr. TiagYey appeared befax~~i the Com~ission aad stated that pcoper~y
on Lhe east side of tne siraeL xas nd~L ~ac attrac~ive a~`.~.~ `~
are saane vesy nice drreilings on ~Lhe~vest side of ilest Stne~. It
~aas his fecling that tha best use of tha property vould be to erect
Rultipie Femily Direllings. '
A petition xas received from 2u wners of pa~oper'ty aai nor~n aesi
Street and Lenz Drive protes~ing the grantiag of the Variance. 2~
[I~on a motion by Commissionar Thompson, seconded by Cmomissioner
Hapgood~ and carried, it xas moved that Yariaace No. lt98 ~~~
for 30 dqys and that the Pianning Engineer have a study maide ef ~c
area to see if it is passfb2e to ret~in Singis Fsmily Residential
eharacteristics on the 32~ foot deep parceis in the area.
pp. 1~gg. Street, Anaheirn, California, as os+sier, requesting permissioai tfl ~spez•ate ,
a Used Car Salas Lot o~ Lot 1, Sophia Rees Subdivision, thrtiher deseribefl
as 1312 Lincoln ~venue. The propcrty is presently classified as C~2,
No oae appeared for the applieant.
r3r. Botts, af Bott~s Nursery aM Mr. Lloyd Mannes appesred befan fi,~e '
Commission and stated that Used Car Lots should be kept on Los Angeles ~
Street and not nliewed to encrqaeh on Lineoln Avmue. ~
• r
T:it subJeet proper~y is a very sma11 lot ani xi11 2x at the po3a~ Yher~ °
the entranee ~~o Aaaheim leaves the Freexe~}* end it voald app~ar ~at ait
this poiat samething more attractive than this type of use sboald be =
established. 1i~ HEARING iiAS C~.OSID. ;
Upon a motion byr Commissioncr Riutcel, seconded by Ca~nissioncr I~pgood, ~
and carried, it vas movcd by RESOLUTIAN N0. i3o - s~xn~s ~;5-56 t~t ~
Varianee No. 499 be DENIED.
RECLASSgI- PUBLIC F~ARING. PETTTION submitted by CHAr~~DH PA~4K, 122U Boz~th Pa1a
CATIOH ~. Strtet, Anaheim, California, as otimer, RAYlSOB1D SP£I~1R, 1112 Hos+'.h D~elid
F-55 56-23.Avenue, Aaaheim, California, as Authoriud Agent, requestiag tbat Lots
136-151 iaciusive ot Tract No. 1825 bc recla~sificd to R 3, ~-'~~
FA1iILY'RESIpENTIAL. Aiso, that Lots i, 32, 33 and 62 be rec3assified
to R-3, ~P-TTPI,$ FQ1A~V AESs~'?AI, and #.t~a~ Lab,s 2-15 also ia #~is
tract be reclassified to R-2, Ti10 FAHII.Y RESIDEHT7AL. This tract is
located at the Southeast eorner of ~ast Raaoneya lirive ~d na~i~h ~
1~lrs. Spehar appeared before the Co~nission as~d p~esmted a le!~}..+eer vitb-
draxing the application for R-2 along Romnrya Drive 2~ut.requ~st.3ag t2~d
Lots i, 32, 33 ~ 62 be reeiassified to R-3•
~ t~lr. Leroy Canierbury, 1128 Libtrty tsne; Fir. Jahn Jaeabs~, 3319 ~
Dria•eg Hr. aobert coiiias, a3ia sana~.,+ooa; Fi~s. 7r..ga ~t3sea, 2~9 ~
Dzive; Mrs. Seva Johnsen, 1203 Mapletirood; !lrs. 1~ler,jorie Glick, 1239 ~ .
Dcfve; and Mrs. Betty Caruso, 1235 Esst~RaanaYa Drive all appeand befa~+e
w*.e ~ie~t,,.~ t~ ~~aition to #ha gr~-tinn of the Beclassificatim ~d :
a petition was presented co~taining apps~oximately 161a names also opposiag ~
this Reclassification. ~
-1t° ,
_- --~---~------------~_...,_.-----. ---- - ~-----
RECl.1~SSIFICAI`ION It vns explnined that Variances had been granted fo~ i.o`.s ?.;~.: 'R.,.
270. F-55-56-23. on North East an~ Ariat~rood streets next to the Comma~: ~..~ ~- c::~
(Caat.) and.that thcse Variancts s~ill stand.
Mr. Spehar statcd that Lots 1, 32s 33 ~d 62 shauld be reclassified
to R-3, M[TLTIl'LE FAMII.Y RESIDE~iT7AL to aet as a buffer betxeen the
Single Family Residential Units and the Commercial area. TEIE
t)pon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner
F~iutcel, and csrried, it xas voted by RESOLUTION I~U. 131 - SFRIES
1955-56 thab Reclassification No. F-55-56-23 be DENIED.
The vote on the above Resolution vas as follovss
AYESs CQ~I7SSIOI~RS: Hapgood, Riuteel, Schumacher, Summers,
Thompson and Mungall.
ABSQ1Ts CC~IISISSIOI~~Ss Auest and Gauer.
CODE CHANGE PUBLIC HEARIl~iCr xas held on the proposed change in the ANAHEIM
I'~J~IIG]PAL CODE as outiined beloxe
Seetion 9200.1 Definitions.
S~tmm3ng Pools:
Residential Property: a. No pools allowabie in the
required front yard.
b. All yards xith pools must
be eneiosed xith a 6 foot
fence, except xhere a resi-
dence or garage wall ma~y
take the place oS a fence.
Motels and Trailer Park~s a. Pools mqy be alloxed in the
front yard.
b. All yards with pools musb be
enclosed xith a 6 foot fence.
No one• appeared for or agaiasb this proj~osed Code Charige. Tf~
Upoa s motion by Commissioner 5~•tiwnacher, seconded by Commissioner
HepgOOd~ and CsM'3td~ ~t 1i8S D!~NECl t0 adopt th~ propostd :henge
by RESOLIITIAN N0. 132 - SF.F? cS i955-56.
The vote on the above ~iesolu{:ion xas as ialiows:
AYES: CCY~'II~lI5SIOIQFRSs ;iapgood, Riutcel~ Schumact-cr, Swnmers,
Thompaen and Mungall.
NJESs CQ~lLSSIOD~3'6s None.
ABSENf: CC[~ISSION'z~2'Ss Auest and Gauer.
p~ I
CflDE CfiAN~E The p~oposed Revision of the P-L, PARKIDIG IAND6CAPI1~, ZO~, Seetion
REVISIdN OF 9200•21 ~-as considertd by the City Planning Commission.
t~~.~ c"nni-uu~
LAND6CAPI8'r Upon a motion by Commissioncr Thompson, seconded by Comaissioncr
ZOl~. Hapgcod, and carried, it xas set for Public Hearing on Merch 5, 19$6.
REG1ASSgICATION ?his Reelassifieatioa xas referred back to the City Planniag Commission
~. F-55-56-19• from the City Council.
~~on a mation by Commissianer ScM~achcr, seaonded by Co~muissioaer
PIungall, aad carrixd, a Pub23c Hearir.g oa this R¢elassificatian xas
set for March 5, 1956.
. 5-
~ ~ ~
RECIJIS.SIFI~'ATIO~ lhis Reclassificstion xas referred back to the City Platming
~• ~-55 56-20. Coam~isaion from the City Co~nafi.
tipoa a moLion by Coa~ission~r ScManacher, secondzd by Commissioner
Xungall, and carried, a Public Hearing en this Reclassification
vas set for March 19s 1956.
AD,1Wf2H'~b1' The Meetiag ad~journed at 5:00 O~Clock 1~.M.
R. iI. M1NGd1LL, Seeretary
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22 Fsbruarp 195b :~
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To: ~ ~
Fram: Anaheim~Junior ChamberG6f Goaunerce ;
i'uvjZC~: aa mio:uov8i 'vi °c~ao vj vi~T- vi,i~ .siu~ w~3aaiiuoaavrs2 ~uidu~
Co~ittee Concerning Coumittee's Recor~ndations for City
Haster Plan
It is with gs~at, giza-u.e and a daep senge cP satistactian ~tat th3s oFp,an3-
zatioa presmts thi.s rsport to yau for yc~ur en3oyment and study. We9 being
ynung men of acLion in Lhis q~unity, bslieve that thcsre is need for clear,
straight t*~intdng iu r~a.*d to tt~e 2lrture a£ oeu~ fine city. It !s rrith thia
P~sgass !n xinr3 tha,.- ~:e ~.?o~ied oiar Civic ~td Governmentrsl Af_*sirs Cotanittee
to co~z3uct a survey ot t~e citiacnry regs~rciinR future civic improvenents.
Realizing that a surPey ~s only the start of such a far-reaching jnvesbiga-
tion, ~+e llirther instructed this comaittee to Pather factual ani research
data conceminq a Kaster l~lan Por.onr rapidly gror~inq citp arii to interpret
this d3ta asd, Yimlly, to recommend a course of action.
This rep~t is the co~itt~is fulPiZlment of the above inetructions. You
may not agree xi+,.h all, part, or a~ oY the coTr~ittee~s rew~endationsa but
we belieme yon xill agrae xith us in principle that "Now is tho time to plan
!or our flat~e.°
CL~'~ ~ E~
Edxard Rea1
PPE9~d613t ~ An~heim
Juaior Chffiber of Commerce
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af fi~e
ANAHGIH JUNI08 {~iA~SB~ ~' ~~
^tiYLls: Anaheim Ci*p P].ainin~a ~~3~~~ '~~35-19~b
CHAIEtMANs Louis W. Dextar, il3a, ~orLhiop ~liraraS't ~o., ~T~e~a }~ir.
COMMITTFsC: Dr. Charles AchP.son
lst i,t. Ken Botrnes ~ -
Steve Holden, . Boys Ylork ~ireztnr, ~ah~ B!i',a
Lee I3orra.s, Credit MaAager, $r~o~3~y ~~, E~~s
A 3urvey coisducted bg this comm2ttee in iall o~ 19y~ d#selos~d ~t:
le There is great interest amoag dtisa~ ;n e3v?e da~?u~
~f our ciiye
2, The citp should have a lonP-r~ge 3lasies P3,-~.
3, The city stsonld secnra the ~+~....+~-• srstZoa o!' a~+oF•~s'•+•:
planninig consultant to develon ~~s ~r~ ~.a~- -
It is the intent of this co~~ee t~:
Ae Define a Maeter Pl.an an3 reco~md t~ tjpe o!' ~fa~tar Flaa ~sat
is best tor the city.
n. !~{eocsmt°~2d ttto i .~.~c3ia''..e ~ ~ 't~ :a~s o.~~ j -v~, ~ a`cc ~a~3
oT a p~ofessioc~l plannin~ ao~sn~taa~ 3o ym2~ dee~do~„ ia eo~s-
~unction with the Anaheim pla~fng r••~a=~~, a~ gs~
alonq the lines recamnended ia ParL ~1 oQ' i:3a3s rep~c~t,
C. Outline deYinite procedvre ~a ~e tak~~ ~ 3,~~~a ~~=for ~
of Co~nerce to succesafu3ly i*~*~~zst ~hpe ~,~-•~=~a,_,,
P?.8T A
DEFINII~ON OF TFiB MASTER PLAN: A 1SasLer F3~an is a~side *or ~he !t#~-e ~
develop~nt of all existin~ and potmtia~. ~1 aai ~oooaie r~acre~
ot the city ard ita suf~rotmding ~•~a. i~ ar~~~s '~e ~,~ ~~•.,~
facCors as well a~ the physica?. and acoacaic 3n i~s ~:y~ ~.~--„~ ~ i~ ~
munieipal nroblems--social, eceaemic, and s,rvtmed.rt~.i_ P's.~.~~~_ it i= ~.. ~
crgstallization of a~l the farni 3re~, ~haaes a~ is~ ~ i~ ~~i•-•- ;~ y
the Suture of their citp~
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~ ~
The Mas~er Plan fa113 within td~-e pnrview of the State Conservation arii Plart-
ninp, Acbo Adoption oS the l~aster Plan by the Citg ~ouncil signi.f3.es bhe
acceptance of resoonsibil3~ty for usir~ the Mxster Plan as a~ui.de in provid-
ing the improvemertts suRgested
REqt~4~1dDED MASTiER PLAN: The basis for a Master Plat~ should be an ecanomio
st~sly oi' tl~e feators aT.lecting the pobe~~tial develop+~sen't oi iRe oo+~++n~i~ oi
Anahoim and the susrounlina territorv in northwest Orame Countg. This
s~udy should eonsider the eharaeteriatics ard natural assets of thc area as
they pertain to residential~ com~-ercial and industrial developr,wnt; Rroxth
trends of thc basic factors of population, water sunply, transportation
faCilitioa, and 'labor force; aad categorias oP indus~ry mceL suitab?e _*or
the area.
From t:~a economic baeey deter~.nati.on of avproxtmste aroounts ~f land requirad
for vuious kindn oP developmant»industrial, residm~tial, coffinrrcial an3
public--should be made.
~ . . ,. ~ ~ ~~st3.^^ f~.~~a+~ ~
Usirw, ~his basic da~~ a~ri qns~rler~n~ s;.is..~^,r ~ usg o, .F, : ;
a Master Plar- shoul~i be developed to include the Yotlowfn~: -
lo An over-all la„nd use plan desiE;nating sreas to be used for resideatLl~ '
cortmercial~ industrial anci nublic p~posesa Tt~ p]an should be }~
desip,ned to link futilro developna~ with existinQ land use~ r
2e .`. tran3portstiun plan showing:
ae F~dstinr, and ~larciad freeways~ state hiQhways ar~l the streete
necessary to pr~ovide for expected develog~ent.
b, A parkinp, proe,ran to servo expected developmor~t.
c, n pian f'or bus, railway, irucki.nQ, neiipori s~ airporL Pa~iiiLies. -
3, A public buildin~ plan ini icAti.nQ the need, timin~ land requir~euts
and locntion of schools~ fire station~, ch~chesD hospitals, libaaries,
3 civic center, cult.ural buildin~s~ etc,
k, A recreaLion plan desiRnatinP parks ar~l pl~Qr~ucxis, p,olf co~ses9
sxiaminQ pools, bridle paths~ etce ~
5. Additioaal data Lo imp].e~e~ the Mas~er P1an ss the co~mmuiity deveiops,
Such data should includes
ae Ideas tor impleraenting thc: plans in term9 of time. ;
b. Alter~tivo methods of financing the giansa _
c. A proqram of land aaouisition. '
de A cltedclist of special denelopnant pro~ects.
. f" ~ ~`~~
SF~EiVICE9 Oi~ PLANNING CONSULTANT: This co:~rnitt~a r~~~mc~onds that tiiE a~rv-ic~e
af a proSe3sionss7. planninp, con~ultaZt of tiio cal.ibre of Harold F. ~viise arn3
33.mon Bisnc_rs Associatesy or :it:uiford Resesrc~h, Inc, be im:nediaCely securad
by the city on a fQe basis to davelop a 2laster Plan in a~oora~.n~e ~:s.tr, t~yz
rooo~mncrxlecl Mrister Plan of Part A of thi~ raport.
ANAHEIM JUI~IO:i CHAl~ER OF COMMERCE ACTION: This con~r3ttee r~commends i;nat t;he
Ar~aheim Junior Chamber of Con.merce publish a-xi di.stribute this raporfi. to the
City Council - 5 copies
City Admini;~tratar - 3 oopi.es
Anaheim Bulleti.n
Chamber of Commerce - 10 aupies
Board of Educltion - Elementary 5chool District
Boaz•d of Lducation - Union HiRh 3chool District
Coun~y Board of 5uper~isors
Radio KWIZ
Santa !1na Register
Governor Goodwin Knieht
Uo Se 5enator Thomas Kuchel
Anaheim Gazette
Anahoim Junior Ghamber of Commerce
State Junior Chambor of Coramerce ~
Uo S< Junior Chambv~r of Commarce
Ci~y Plaaair~, ~;,.v~s~i~n - ; ,.~Yi~~