Minutes-PC 1956/03/05~
'• ~
~~ ~3 ~
1i~rch 5, 1956
• G3~~ ~1.1
Mtheiae Califazzi3~ i
~~.4~5 (F ~~DC~1tAR 1lEbTII~('a OF ~ CI!'f PU-NAIIQCi a
, OQ!lSSIO~I . j
~, /lR ll~e ~sgular t~ing oi tt~ City Piaan~ Comaission ves caliad to ?
l~ETDG osd~r at 2t35 03C1oes P.1l. D3- C11S31'aSII St~¢Y'9y a quor~ betap
P~'t~at' - ,.. - `~
p~6Q ~~, C~SI~IERSi dusst, f~auerD Riutce3, Soh~aachera °~
'1'liaapson and lIa~11G ~
Go~aiss~mer ~pgood aater~d the aeeting st 3s30 O~Clock P.lI. ;;
~! ~ae. -
l~~tRES ?Re Eiavtes af Lue Ad~onrned Regnlar Heeting of FeDruary 2c7, lg>"b
vcra app~av~ed as p~inted. .
s.~ ~~r~- ae~ +~• vnn~.r_ ee~r~rnv e...y~=~aw~ t... ~~~ g' v~,F~, ~Q5Q3 ~"•••!' tEih
Apyywyca~ s~.w anra~aw~• • w~..~~ ~ ry • ~
dl~~ 110. Los 1le~elcs Street, Aaaheia, Calilornfa, as wner, 1LL?EC-Ll~6IHG
F-55-5b~ls. 0~!'., 935b Santa 1~onica Bonievard, Bev¢r~Y Hiils, California, as
~~rix~d Agsat, se4aestiag tl~at 1~-.8 acreg (spp~oximate~,Y~ ~J'~-9
~rithia tbe SonCheast pa~tioa a! Seatiot~ 22, T1S, R10Ti, Ci~y of Ana-
be3s, Coimty oF arange, State oS California, b¢ reclassified lrom
R,l, AB.S~t?IlL AiQt~IJLTiktAL tn K-1, LpiI~!' I9AMIFACTIIR~. Thi~
~,v ~~ described aa lying on thx frontace road soub.h
c! tbe Smta Aa4 Freevay aad be~xeen ~ers:toa Aven~ arri i{gielln
This Rec3assification vaa the first bu+inesa ca~sidered ab the
llr. Herbsrti R. Ltttz, as Aut2toriz¢d Ag¢ab for th¢ appiicant, appxared
bxicrs tbe Codiaaioa ~ad stated t~at the Ailsa-Leaain9 ~'P• P~P~ed
to erect an orig;u~l buildiag contaiaing 90,000 square Seeti having a
setb~ek ag 120 fset Slcaa the alreeL xith ott'-street parking tor 250
cars. He aaid they p~opossd to ieave th~ orsage treea br~xeen the
r - a~~ Ya ~~.. •f.~ s~....~ ~~s.~ e~i~ a.. w~~..
iva w~~aYay ~w~ ~++~ v~w w~so V M~O v~i vr ww ~~jwvJ• aaasJ
r~li aLo landscape the lront and it is a~psated that 300 p~apl¢ xi21
~••••••~w•• *e ••••~~•~+ •s twle g~ta ~ d~ae ~eesnl,eC c~ ArchilRab~•
Readet p ot t~e ~propwed bnildiop. ,
To ooa a~peareQ ia opposition to tt~¢ granti~tg of the Rsai~ssificabion.
'!~ ~iR~ iiS 0.~.
iJpoa~ a ao~ian by Cadissios~er Schmoacher, seeonded by Commiaaioner
~oe~sm, .an ~~a, ia ~ ~a~ ~saur~o~ mo. 133 - s~gs
1955-56 t~t ~ac2wificatioan lPo. F 5~6,24 be recoomeadeQ to lt~e
Cit, Coimc~i !a~ r~zoninp to !l-1~ LI~1? MA11tFAC1VRI~ aith t P 1.~
ZaiE alo~p tAe froatage rad ~otiioh T~w beea
gi~ tbs m~s ot 1lsncAsstsr Av~au~e.
-= ?.~s r~t~a m t,~a aba~ ~aaoln~i~- t~ ss toil~s a `
!1!ffi: ~IO~s Avesl, c3wer, Riutcei, Sctx~char, Sum~xrs, . ~
jl ~__iN~ ri 4 iYiWi~~r• ~S.
~*_ ~T~! ~~Se 1
~'~f!'i C~~! H~pQOOd. ~
YJIAL~E l1~.~ ~ARI~. PEYIT~I st~mittsd bp+ ALbFN H0.R15rII.'~ 1l~31 Ca-tvrY ~
~ 500. Dris+es Orar~ge: ~litoraia, as e~nerr, BIa~R k. THIIZ., 747 Narth Los ~
.~peles Strest, 4a~haia, Gaiitaeaia, v Authorizad ABeat, requestinp {
pe~aissioa to rae tbs pceseat rssideatial b~iYdiup a~ 111 Narth ~
g2aeeatia !i~$;it, iaoBsL, for tLe rataii saie af ItaOtao fisaitiure '
~ 4i!'t Itds. Zhs property fs pn~satl,y classifisd as R-A~ RESIs ~
~nl. O~iLT[~tLL. ~
i . ~
_-------~--- ---------------- /
c _~ ~ ~
VARIAB:.°•'~ MT• Elmer Thill~ 83 !-ttLTioT1Z~ ~s i~ppee~u ~d~6 ~ a$~ias~~-at
H0. 500 end pa~eaent¢d a sketch of the pc°e~at bniistinA tagett~er xith a Plot
(Cont. ) Plsa shoxiag ttte offmatreet pa~rki~. 2i~ tEARIr idLS Q~ED.
trmn a mot:on by Commissioaer Sclwaacber, seeooded hy Conaissiw~er i
Thom1osou, and ca.^ried, £t xas ~oted by RFSQ~!`IQH P9D. ]3~t - 5E~
1955 56 to 9rant vari~oe ao. 50o s~t3~c-~ tom ~
1. The deeding of 20 feet to t,he City af g~heis for the vfdcning ~
~ of 1Qorth Piacentia Aveaue. ~
2. The installatioa af imp~av"e~aa as reqa=red by the City E~qineer. ,
VAR~IWCES PUBLIC HFAI2I~. VARIA~IC£ B0. 50i stas suZaitted by FRE1~LiTIC HC4~S,
R0. 501, ~c., 109 south Gilbert stseeta A~eim, Califarnia, ~ amer, aR0.IKiE
503 gaa 505. G(7UN1~C ~XPEDII~OF~S, 2202 Son~h xagnolia gir~eF Seata Ana, c~2iteraia,
3-a P.^ ~F'~.^:z2.a. .^,~2s:~y :~~~sv=~.:g ,~`°..~t~=~ +_.^. ~Rt~± 8'!'~gn"L*°Y Dirs~t-
iongl Sign advertisitig thQ ~;rst sale c~' 2ots aod ~relliags ia 1Y'act
No. 19~1~~0. ?he sign viil be erected m t.be satth side af Liacoln Av¢-
l9:8y -J~Q fS6~ ~!6~} 9~ ~E'4(#~I'S~ $tS~~ ~~ Pos~ fr~ t~ C2l1t.e~r~
line of Liacola Avenuer
VARLINCE N0. 503 vas svbaui#,ed yy (~tG£ X. A~..S.EI~i ~ 50~6, 166 Esst
17th Street, Costa Hesa, CaliSoraia, as ouners, Ab7Ra6E S~i SERVIf~,
553b Helrose Avenue, Hol~oaci, c~liforn~„ as Ant~riaed Agent, re-
questing pesmission to erect a 2~paxaxy Directional Siga at the Nortt~-
uest corner ot' Ball Road a~ Brookharst Str¢st to adr~rtiae the first
sala af lots as~d d~:a:l::.y-s :a :~,.^~ :c. ~_9._•%~.
ur,~c~ rto. 505 -ds s~st„~ ;~ s~:m~**: ~~ ,~3e
compton Eoulevesa.~ Comp~oa: cal3fo:aiar as a~mers, RIQ~D H. FARISS,
1715 Redvood Driva, Aaaheis, Oalita~aia, as Auttrrized Ag^.at, rapestine
permiasion to erect a hmporary Directionil Siga ~t tLs Northeast corner
ot' North ~a]m 5treeb and La Yune Sfis+aoi~ ~o ada~srtise t.~re a~e ot lots
aad dreliinga in Tract Ho. 21~l4. Thi~ tract is focated batv~esa ~iorth
Citrea Strsat aad North tiest S~ree~ no~t$ of Leas Dri~e.
!io one appeared faa~ or agaiast the grmting a? thess tt~res (3) ai~a
::: :0:..;0:. e.'.~'~a +s ~n~ rs v~na n ncan.
jJpOA • 1COt~0A b~- (.O~t~.lS~OAlT SC~1tT~ 3tCmdld ~ C:0~~33~01ltr
Thompaan, and carried, iL vaa maaed ~y RESQ1Tf~Y IID. 2,35 -~
1955-56 to graab ver iance lio. 501, b~r ~IaPFDO~ lD. 136 - Sl~LIFS
1955 56 to graat versaace x~. 503 em ~- ~sa~urzoa~ n• 137 -~~1
1955~56 to graat Variance ao. 505 ~~t to:
1. Signs ahall be a aax3am+ size a? 10 by 25 feet.
2. Signs xili be permitted Sa~ a aa~cia~ pcriod o~! 6 aoaths or leas.
3. A pera-iti ~u.se be tatcca ont vit~ tbe snf2asn~ ~L.
4. The namt oS ttu Siga Comq~y snst ~pear on e~s:y siga erected.
5. Sig~s anst be 10 Sceti baek of the rigltt-aS-r~pr liae os ~- street
6. at the ~ers~ctson or tu~ s~ets, the sssas mst ns s~t ~c 25 rese.
7. Aii si~s st~al.i hsve a b!'oot ~ea~nd eleax~oe.
8. fia fee per siga sha11 be 32~.00.
9. siga vorianc¢s shau be p~xaittea ror Qireettonai si~,s .dvestissnp
oa~1- tr4ets xithia !he City Liaits of A~heia.
YAAIANCE PUBL~ HFARII~i. PETITIDB sn~itt,sd 2y R~1RD & iiF~[~18D, Fi.cl., Yi&
~D. 502• South Los Aagsles Stres~, A~mtseia, Calftbrais, as a~aer, rsqueetiag
permiaaion to ereet a Proieasionai Boail~diae m tbe property brietly
deaaribccS aa 1673 Yest Bro~~r. ?be prapert,y is peesmt7y cLsaitisd
aa R A, R~IDENT7AI. A(~~u~L'~ue"i~i..
F3F. I~is=e?gsx: ~~ed 2~c+r~ :`.~ .~:ss:s,~ ~~~'~ `.~ t2to Ix'csaat
siLe r~a 230 feet vest of tbe Lou~s Sc4~oo1 aad thaL ha bad aothing fur-
tt~u to edd ~o that contained ia tas a~plic~tioa. T~ HI'ARI~'r i~1S
~~ VI r I I~ I ~~v .,
/~ ~/+ ~ /~ ~'' / O /'VI
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YA~ Upoz- a mobion by Com~issio~r Schcmnachera sxconded by Commissioner
IYO. 502 G~uer9 and carried, it xas mowed by RE54U1'ION NOe 138 ~ S~tIES
(Coat.) 1955 Sb ~ 9='~~ v~~~ce Noe 502 seab,ject tas
1. The deeding of' 10 ~e~'t i:~ ?:'s;.e C;~y c. A::e-heun f'or 't.he xidening
of West• Broadx~y,
2e The installatior, OP ~1Il~7C'G{if162ri'C•5 as r.equ;red hy the Gity E~gineere
V/LRIANCE PUBLII: F~.ARINGe PETITION submitted by H1IG0 D. AC1~.RHQ.DTbTy 13?45 Trumm
N0. 501~, bull Stseet, Whtt:.ti¢r, Galftarn?a,4 as owne:y requesting permission to
a^ect a 10 Unit ;Sedic.~t7 Center and Prescri~~t~on Pharmacy on Lot 22
of 'Pract Noa ?96 ioca~ed on the swth side of Orange Avenue, appa~oxiw
matel,y 686 feet xest of the eenterline of Gilbert St.reete The prop-
erty is presently els:ssificd as R A9 RESID~ITIAL AGRICUL'~°URA.Lo
Mr. Le G. Wilson, .9592 Orangs A.~~Fr:ue9 Anahe'my stat~d that he lived
betsreen Gilbert Sireefi, end l~agno~'.ta Av~exn:e. and 'r.haY, ihi~ ww'sd be
the if.a~sG- ~stt-urized .t~;si.a~x~sc ~~•~ t~~e z:rr,~. Zi t:~e ~ari~~:~:~ wa~ grant¢de
T't4e ps~zsent B'sE~ta~T.ca3. t~,x~tacP;rr,g ~;;:n2~ ne:r.~. Gc i:~ti-. s~t¢ of the pro._
posed ~ledic:al Ce,nLer is nenw:an.tc:r~~r.g. He str¢ssea tht pa4.r,~ ~haC
Orange Avenue is only a 60 foat s~reet and that t.here are thre.e (3)
sehools iz the area and t2~t }ie felt that a 74edIoal Cxnter uo~!ld
psesent a hazard to the school ohildr~n,
Mr. Ack¢rmann, the applicant, st•ated t.}iat he intenda: this Medi~az
Center to ser~re the people f.n ~tt~.e ~nmedi.atx area and that he had
the signsituz~s of 20 people £n t•he imm¢diat.e arca stating that• ihey
would like a i~edical C.~ai:er ai, t?~:s :.ocat.ion t~rrd mosi~ oi these people
had children oi° school age.
Com~nissioner Gauer, seeing Mr. Lloyri Mannes in the sudienee9 asked
him if he kne-i vhat the peraentage of doctors to popul~tion should
be. Mr. Ma:,nes said that he had mo answer for that question except
bh~b he had found by investiaation that there xere four (~) doctors
for tach 1000 papulation. in the City of Santa Ana and en~y orie (1~
doator per 1000 in the City of Anahe3m. T1~ HFJIRING WAS CL06ED.,
Upon a motion by Comu~issioner Auest, seconded by Commissioner Sehu-
~w~..5~~ ~ ....4 ~ "":2::~ :~ :. ~..awQ~. I)J P~F..S~:.~v::O~: ~~. 1~0 ... CFATFC
1955 56 to 9raat varianee~xo, 501t limiting the phermncy requested
to prescription use only.
NOe 5~• 756 South Broadw~y, Los Angeles 11~, California, as o~mers, SCHAPIRO
and MAIAMED, 756 South Broadway, Los Mgeles 1~, California, as Authosi-
zed Agents, rcquesting a WAIVER of the 70 foot fron~age requiranent on
Lobg 1, 5~11t inelusive;; Lots 18-2l~ inelusivey nnd Lots 3~-33 inclusive
of Traet No. 1lt5lt. This tract is lccated on the east side of Euclid
Avenue, betxeen CerriLas Avenue and Ba12 Road and eontains 33 lobse
Mr. Schapiro appeared before the Co~aission and stated that he had
nothiag to add to that contained in the application. THE F~ARING
Upon a motion by Commissioner Mungall, secondcd hy Commissioner Avest,
and eorried, sti vas vo~ed by RESOLUT7AN I~O, i4o - s~~s i955 56 to
grant Verianee Noe 506 for lats in Tract No. .llisl~ with frontages of
less than 70 feet but contofning more th~n 7200 sware feet in area.
H0. 507. Broadwqy, Los Mpeles 1lt, California, as omer, SCHApIltO and MALAI~lF.D,
756 South Hroadxe`y, Los Mgeles 1lt, California, as Authorized Agent9
rsquesting a idAIVER of the 70 foot frontage rcquirement in Traat Noe
1979e This craet f~s located aa- the north side o~ C.erritos Aveaue be-
~xean Euelid Ayenue arjd Ninth Street aad aoaLains 173 lots.
~ , .
(._i ,,~~ . ~
VkRZA~CE 3~1:. Seh:pLo a~sea:~3 befa.s vh¢ i'ar~issior. srx3 su~t.ed tt;at tr.is
N0. 507 ta'aat xas sturted xhile in the Cous-ty which nlloxs 60 Soat frontage
(Cont.1 provided the lots contain ?200 squaa•e feet~ All latex^a1s ~o ttie
s~~er•s have bcen ir,stalxed on the t~s;s o!' lots ilnder 4he 7G foot
~ fr~tage undrs~ the supervisian o.f the C:t.y of Axiaheim, '1`tiE i~ARING
Upon a motion by Commtssioner Auest, seconded by Camueissianer Mungally
and ~.*~ried, it vas moved by RESQC.UTION N0, ll~l T SERIES ].955 ~6 that
Variance DJo. 507 be granted for lots ~:n Trs~:t No~ 1979 fur 1e~s than
70 foot frontage nnd containing an zrea of 7200 square foot m:nimum.
~FO. 508. MII.LER, 220 Atlantfc Avenue, Lo~g Beach, California9 as ouners, re-
questing permission to erect a Super Sex~v:ce Station at the'No:th-
esat corner of Brookhurst Street and Ba12 Roade The groperty is
p~esently class:fied as R4A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL,
YAr. Qra Mi21er, Jr. appeared before Lhe Commissi.on and s~ated that
t,ne entin praperty vas up for Re~lassifieat~ion to CNi, I~IGFIDORHOOD
CCi~4ERCIAL but that the Reclassiffcatiun had not yet been corsumated
and that they now desired to use t~e corner for n Sexvice Station
vhich is a C-3 Use due to the ordinance changce THE HEARIIVG WAS
Upon a motion by Commissfoner Auest, seconded by Co~emfssianer ?t~ompson,
r.nd carr:ed, SL ~as eoted hy RrSOlUTZ'JIV PA. 1t;2 - SER:ES 19y~5 5~ to
grant Variance No. 508 sub,ject tos
1. ?he c~npleb~on of ReclassifSeaiion No. FvS~i-55-7 to G-1~ NEIGF~ORHOOD
2. The improvesncnts as required by the City Engineer.
VAR7IWCE PUBLIC F~NiIDf(i. ~ETITION subm~tted by CHAS. ~'. D~iLJMMONDr INCo a 9432
N0. 50~. Breokhurst Strtet, Mahei~, Caiifornfa, as o~rner, Q3AS. ~. ~i'P~:O~,
12? ?opaz Street, Halboa Islnnd, Californ.io, as Authorized Agent,
zequesting permission to niter thc present residential dwelling
to permit a Dental OSSice. The property is briefly described ns
9432 BrookM~rst Strcet. The property is presently classified as
No one appeared for or against the granting of this Vnriance.
The Alot Plnn px~esented Kith tAis application showed that th~ front
of the property vovid bc landscaped xith off-street parkir.~ behiad
the landscaped arca und that the present atbracbive resideaee xould
be used ns the home and office for a practieing den'tist. THE
Upon a motion by Commissioner Auest, second~d by Commissioner Sehu~-
macher, and c~rricd, it xns moved by RESOLUTION N0. llt3 - SERIES
1955 56 to grant Ve,^t~cc rro. 509 -ub,~~ct co: •
1. The deediag to the•City of {:naheim 20 ftdb along Brookhurst Street.
2. The imprwanents as required by the City Engincer.
r~ifkK~cD rhis vas tile Limc set for the Pabiic Hearing on the psoposed Mnster
REQ.ASSIIrI- Psan for the reclassificn~ioa of the Hall Road No. 2 Annexation.
CATION OF Tf~ '~'he Ficaring xas open for discussion.
OF BALL RCAll Mrs. P. C. ffiohn, 1023Y South West Street, Anaheim, requested thnt
~0. 2 A~X- her !t0 acres nt ~.~re Southxest oorner of Hall Road and Wesb Street
ATIOg. be left as R,A ob the presen~ ~ime.
l~lr. Don Vaughr., 83S ~titomrood Girale, Aaaheim, protiesEe~ the R-3,
sa~th of West Yermont Avenue.
~ _~
PRC~06ID 15rs. il. L. 1i313er, 2211r ~l Ft~d, i,n~3itiee, prtsentcd a 5ke~ch
RECIASSIFI- shov3ag fi.2~at ~nc to t.bc fxt that ihe freetiray t+as taking a parcel
C1aTI0: OF TSE a,.o ~w ~„~ ~~"~ ~~Y+ d~ ~o thc fact tha~ ~~a urape:ty is of
lfASTFR p11~g a pewilar sh~e, bei~y =..~at~ed at ihe aorthcast carner of South
OF HALL ROi1D Yest ctruL wd Baii R'oad3 ft vaild be :mpos_c3blc to put a P~I.
H0. 2 A~C- zone on hcr: ¢opa'tY• Shc n4u~st~ ~t it be rezoned to C-3s
l+f:,. Y. Sm~~l, ull~2 g~ p~d, 1~mheims requested that his pa'operty
bt zcased as R-~, RESTi1~TrAt_ AC~tTL7I&~AL.
plr, Gards~er vith greper"ty a~ Enelict Amnue south of the nex Palm
• Iaae School reqsested t2nL his gropertY be 2eft as R-A, RESIDF~TIAL
AGRI~[JL?4gtAL. TA~ ~ARI~G i81S (1~ED.
t'ipon a motiaa by a.a~iss~3ra"c Sc2s~=-"hu, s=cer!ded by Cmmnissioner
Hzpgo~d, aad earria~, 3t v~s ~ot~ed Chat xfth the changes suggested
by }~ P~oPa'tY owaers that a sxv mag be prepared for ps'essntation
at the A~x'il 2„ 397~ ~eeiiag.
g~y~ip~ p~ ~~~ appcared fer az agafnat the propcsed Revisfon of the P-L,,
TI~ P~.~ PARRL~i lA~Sl6G1PI~'i Z~. 'IHE HfARI~'r YAS C1.05ED.
IA~CApZI~', Upon a motion by Co~issionr tIzP9ood, secanded hy Commissioner
ZOE Aiutcel9 aad urtitd, it iras aoved by RESOI.JTIAH N0. llttt - SERIES
1955-56 ~ n~~~ io the Citp Couacil that t2u Revised P~l.,
n R.'CL...-=' ev~a-ea~: ~:~ bs adoo"ted suL+ itct ia:
IInder Scciion 2 ns:?!a the io~tovsng voraing: ^In issuing a Us~
aad Occvpancy Fcra£t, ~ appiicssst sh~31 agrec to develop and
maintaia sucn lnndsC~ed artzs'~.
RE(lASSgI- !!r. Y. Stiacr ef tbe S~ut~a~n ?ac4fic li~ilrVith their ~ene:alc
CJlTIOH ~. ~doPtiaa ef ttiis P-L za~ vas s zgrement 9
F~'j5-56-19• pl$as ier tLe laad vhich ~her wn fa the area.
~~ ~l~C a~pemd befan t.4x Co~ission on this matter. TF~
xF1-RIHG iiAS ~D.
iJpom a auti~;a b~ G~iss.'.4-sba~ Auest, seeondcd by Co~issioncr
19~~6~to reea~ead~to the Ci~ty~Cotu~c~ttsat Reelassifiea 1ERIES
Nu. F~55-56-19~ be adupted.
?he vote am the above Reso2utioa vas as follars:
AYESs QQ4[15SI~: ~nsst, Gancr, Hapgood- Riutcel, Schumacher,
$,a~ers, 'jteompsoa and lltsigall.
~ESs CQ!libSIA~FS: l60~. -
ABSENP: C~I~a 1o~oe.
~1STt.g plA~- ?his vas tt~e ti~e xt for t~e Pnblic Hearing nlat3v~ to tha action
~ S?RF~'Y5 tfl tix t~e rig~-af-v~y iiac of I.eicis S~-~eet betveen Ball Road and
~~~ $~~~sm Sou+„h Les Aagcles Street aad Lerris Street ati60sfeet
~p ~idcr }~e pessib2e ~de~t of Cerritos Avaiue betvecn
I,earis Stseet aod P2aeeatia Avanue.
!!r. A. ![. Steelitaa of ttse S~ta Fe Bailroad appeared befflri the
Co~ission ~ad stated that a~sive protection vould ba snecssary
f~ }~~ erossi,ag m I.erfs Street but that they vere xithdraving
ae4• opposition to t~e opming os 'sals sirec~ to a grwter vidth.
They alse agr~e that Cerritos dve~uc ai91rt be abandoned but that
the P.iT.C. i~ve ,jurisdtetiaa~ ~~r ava: sny cros~~g 4VEt il
stt~st b_v the nilsray ar~ they vanld have ta be consulted.
i -
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_ -
~ .~
iviS^tER PI11N 1~1r. Stiri~g a~ Cnt Southe~ ^rt-~:f'fc rZ~iix°aafl ~eat~ec ~i~s ~
OF S1'REETS Commission ard stnted that they v~e the ormers nf a<~+ a:an-
P18D HI~aH~°.YS siders:ble $rea in thi~ sect:on but that t.h~y :~ a~ ~'~'~
(Cont.) layout at the ~resent time.
Mr. Georgr. Holyoke, City Engisuer, appeared bef~e t~e 'r' -:-...'~3:m
and suggested that representatioes of the tvo rai2rnads, it3~e ~~m3~
Engineer, and himself get Cogether and ca~e up vit~ a~3"sn3+.c m~n
to present to the CommissioK,
Mr. Klepke, owner of a Liquid Fertiliur .Husir,ess ai t~c ~ss
corner of Cerritos Avcaue and Placcntia Avmue, oppessd ~~
of Cerritos Avenue.
Ntr. Loren Wagner, oxnr of some b!~ acres ia t2K area, nisc ~ae3~+ed
his dlsap~o!-al e£ the ctncing 4f ~.h~c ~~.~t.~ ~~s.xR'r~r ~
Upon a motion by Commission~ Gouer, seco^.:_.+-3 ;~.,,02--;~:..~. ~,..;,
and carried, it was moved that the Master Plau af ~~ecta ~~
be taken under advisement for 60 da4Ys or uatil sne3i s~~ ss ~r~
information becanes availab2c.
C(]~II4UNICATION The Secretary of the Planning Commisaio~ xas regusstred ~s ~3ea,~
FRCM TF~ the receipt of the recwamendation,e of t2u: Juaior IInmbcr ~~.z
JUNIOR CHAMBERaad statz thnt their reeommendations would be given:coasi~c-.~3~ ~g
QF G019~RGE Lhe Co~nnisgion~
ELECTION OF This was the time set for bhc e2eetion of new offi~s 3'~ ~S ~.~'s~~
o~ic~xs c~-i9sion.
Upon A motion by Commissioner Gauer, secaa~ded by ~o~~.ss~sr ~,
and carried, Commissioner Suunners was na¢¢i~ted 3'az~ ~
A motion was made by Commissioner ScM~macher, :~e~ded 3r3+~~~mes
Riutcel, and cnrried, that the nomiaations b~ ~l.msssd,
Commissioner Auest made a motion, saeonded by Do~mmiaai~sr ~am~ mm~
earried, that Co~issioner Gnuer be smminsted Sar Yin¢~a3~a ~'tSs
Plannir.g Commisaion.
A motion xas made by Commisaioner ScManacher, seaondsd 3y ~$Ra~mea~
Riutcel, and carried, that the naninations be clnocd.
Upon ~ motion by Commissioner Gauer, seeaaided by 1~3as3~ ~~TM-^,
and carried~ Commissioaer Mvngali xas recaomeadeQ *~s ~ aS ~e
Planning Commission. .
A motion was made by Commissioner Riutcel, secamded ~g+~~sS~mrs~
Schvmaeher, ond aorried, that the nomiaatioas 3~e s.l~ed.
Upon a mobion by Commissioncr Riutcel, secondsd ~y.;t~mm3~s3~oma~~,
and earried, the Seeretsry xas instruetcd te r.ast ~s fi~3,~ ~ ea~
of th¢ xbove nominees. This was done by the ~seratary ~~e ~
ans~ou~ed Lhat the nomin~es were duly elected te ~c s~'t3aes cd' ~~ms
Vice-(~iairman and Secrdtary of the Planniag Cammisaiam 2'~r ~e ~
y~a,e •
ADJWRN~9F.N1' The Meeting ad,~ourned at 5s13 O~Cloek P.M.
R. W. !!UK'aA11,, ~
. ~, _ _ _ o
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15 ,
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~V~l~~ ~171C~A
_____ ~:__._._
A trect oi land bd rig a portias of S~atioria 18 snd 19, Tawn~l~ig 4 South,
1ia~ 10 Yfast, au~d SQCticr~ 10, 11, 12. 13, 14, i5~ Z3 and 2e{ of 'toacrehip 4 Sc
Rar!$e 11 ih~~t, Sen 9ern~rdino IiASa aad I~eridisn~ a~ed mare particulerly dascrf
~s tolla~wec
k~oginniteg at a paint on tlw mciaticg City Limita Lirw, ~aid po3nt bain~
sou~ast eos~r of Ball Raad and Gilbert 5~~~ thence,
2. ~(ost~Yly 680 faei~ nmre or lass, alony a lirre tAirty ~e~t southarly andl
newalfsl ~~ ±iw ~~M~1~ ~lti .w..C :..f~s. .t~"Z ..O ~1.r ~1 ..c c~~a~~.. .ta ~r. w.w... .r...a
r-~~..~ ..~y v a.ut q~ v• wvuaw~ s7~ ~~w~ niVn~ ~OD 4 1R~ ~'
eaid lir~ aiso boit~g tAe aouth 2ine of Hall Road, to tAe eauthorly prolongetion f
t~an saatorly lias o! Traat No. 787 ar shwwf on a mup tAeraef rscosded in Baok 24
QagQ 9, ldi~a~ll~sow tRaps. recerds of CranQe County, Californls` i~hsncgp
2. Nos~El~eily 60 faet, oxrre or less, along t!~ soutt~rly psolongation of
eaat~rlp line og said Tsac~t ~7r~. 78~1 to ~s point, said point alsa being tha sou
east cornar af Y,oc a, ~31ock a. os asie~ :~~t ~~o. 787q thenco,
3. Notther3y 1290 Y~t~ mare os 1ees, ala~g the aa~terly line af said Trac
~to. 7$T ta tbe momt nortte~astarly carna,r of smfd tsact, s~ic~ ~oint alsa beinp in
.u~ sctiii~iy iirwe bi c3Sa~ ivo. i~ro as sa~sosded i~a Booic :ai~ Page z~s oi Fhi.scoll-
aa9ous 1~aP~. r~c~rds af Cranqa Canu~ty; thence,
4. ~asterly 30 faet~ u~ore or less~ alos~ the aortharly li~ af said Tract
No. 7~1 ard th~ aWtherly line of Tract Hv. 796 to tho souttwrly porolongation cf
tt~ ~sstesly lias o! Lots 12 through 20 0~ said Zrsat Dto. 796j tt~es~ca,
9. blor`~Y~ly 10~C :.-t~ masa ar laGa, asoag said es5~e~cly lina ~-d aoutiwF?
p~olon~atian tfl the south4as*.a~rly cos~aer of Lot 22 of said Truc~ tio. 796~ ~t~ence,
6. Ntistorly 280 fest, mare or lo~s~ $long i,lye so~~rly line of Lots 21 anc
32 ot Tract Ato. 796 ~o a pai~-~t af 3tataria¢tion with a lirsa t~q feet sesteriy, ae
maas~d at rigAt a-qle~ f~a ths ~estesly Iina of said Lot 21f the~c+~
7. Na~tbsrly ~60 fe~E, mose ar less~ along tM ~ast~rly line ot ~aid Lot 2
and i!s ncstt~rly psolorgation ta a paint fn t21e nort3iasly lina of tl~e HE~ af
51~ of Sectian 18, T4S, R10Y1, 5~F4, eaid nortl~siy liae tmSe~g tt~ canLerline o!
AtaarM~s~ theaoe.
8. Contiqulnq north~~ly tNaaty f~t, mos+~ ar locso along said noztF~rly
~oiannatl,oet ta ~ pb~t taavn faet riasthosly as ao~4RSy~,1 a~ sight ~rwl~s ~aaa~
s~id naxti~esly lit~e og tha t~ bf !he Si~} df a`vcti~on 18, T~. tilOPl, SH9l~Q and
s~id centuline of Oav~r~ At~r~! said point bete,rg on the exietietg Ma?~sLm City
Lisits Lin~ u as4ab13,st~ed br tt~a l~iwp Mr~x+~tion to tM City of A+',aMi~e~
Atu~exation Ifo. 4!S ss puead by ~re{itwnce No. 93p o~ 5epttrmber 26, l$~i and filed
~ith t!u S~rata:y o! State on l~ava~bsr 1~ 1934i tMntSe,
4. 1?~steslq 34t leets ~~rs or ~e~ss •~iong ~ l~ nasa_~,3+~ ~e +~! h~'R[Rt';- #`e
nortlsasly cf s~id ~rt~ariy li~ ot tdw N~ o£ ti~o S~ of Seatiaf~ 16~ T48r RIONIi
58~fA~ ~d on tl~e soutlariy iia~ o! tNid Ghr3vsy Aim~xatiod to ths aasL eastta~ste
i.urwr -vi Giio u~s'sir~jr n~`cii~Fi~ ~iimim6y
10. liorth~ely ~latg the ~s~t~rly lie~a of said Griv~s'r A~ttwxatior~ ta tM nar
~wst crnrnat t~etaot~ s~ic! pvirtL sSso bdrirg an anqls poit~L in ttse (311t~rt Stsvet
A~an~stia~ to tho Gity o8 Anal~ef;~ ag Das~d hY ~iinaau eto. 868 aad filod with
~o~,~ ~: ~» : 3~..:::; 12, 2~; tl~:..,:,
Yl• Cpptinuiny aiostAesly a distat~r.e Og 74•~0 teof LO en angle ooipt} #,l~Fa,
12. 1V~~tearly along tM- exietie~g A~l~ala City L~edt~ t,ias to the nortl~at
c~r ot tM sa~thsast fiv~ ac:+ea ot ttw S~ ot tl~e id~ t-t Stnti~ 18~ TA~3~ RtOd
SH~Ii; tiMraea,
10 I
zz .
27 ~
!' • "i~
_ 4 ~ S
'.* -
18. Seut2~arly along the Existia9 An~heim City Limits Lin~ and tt~ wastQrlyl
line of said sa~tlseast five acres to the northerly riyhtrof-vray li~ of Orange
Awnue (40 fwt ~ride); tt~ar+ce,
14. {fe~terly along ths existipg At~aheim CiZy LLeits Line, said lirte also ~3r
t!-s aostherly ri9ht-of-~ray line of Oren~ Averx~e, to the most northeastorly righ -
of-~ay eosnes of said Osanqe :.renus a~ t4agnolia AwAUe (60 fest wide)~ thence,
1~. 5aut2wsly 3'S fast, aare or laas~ along a li~w parallel to and 20 f~t
Yiii6Yiy iG HiS~itiYQ i'~ ~iya'ac ~gi6i. ~O s ~aa`~ij aa.Cac Oi v0'v~..a'Jd' 23~ T4,.Ct
i~Illl~ S~ i Il~ to a poit~t of intersaction xith tne ameLerly p~olQngation of a li
~rallsl tc aM 19 feat sou~herly ss measursd aL r~qht utylea fram the aonthe
13tu oi t~r ~} of aafd SectioR 13 said emu#h line Alsa be~ng ~he centerline of
drs~ Avev~tni ~~
25. lfestarly~T9~0 faet~ mcr~ or leas* alaz~q said lins parallel to centerli
of Os~ga Avemse to r~ poiut of interseation aitb a line parallel 4o and 20.00
fe~t e~t~sly~ s3 erasured at'rig3~t angles, from the weat line of NE~ of said
Se~at1~ 14~ Zwwship 4 SouthZ Range 11 Ylgst~ SBB & N~ (said reest line also i~eing
t!~ c~terliue of 91ast~rn Avenue); t!'acnce,
~'7. Mort~azly 1Q~D fa:t. ~ra or laas. alon0 said line parallel to wast
line of 3~} of 8totfan 14 to a point fn tlm south line of N4Y~ of Nf,F} of NE~ of
said Section !4; tA~uce,
1& ~#~1~ 640 feat? mora oa less~ along said south~ 3,inp of t~ff~ of 13f~
o# ~} of Section 14 to the SE core~er of aaid HPF} af'N~} of Nl"~} of said 8ection
~~,;:~,. -~a ::.~, ':: ~ ~s-~^-...~ e~ Tract No. !+~3 a~• ehown ori a tmp th~reof
:ec~d~d ia Book 1G at Page 11 af ~ic«Qllaneous llaps, Reaords o! OrangQ County,
Callfosu3t3 ~s -
19. ttcrtt~sl~ 6d0 feet, mose or lsas~ alcng rreBt lin~ of asid Tract No. 4~
~a a point of ialessactfon with a ifne parallel to and 30.00 fNt soutAeriy~ as
nr.~ed at si,qht arpl~, from t~e nortta 3octian it~ bf said SactioA la,
rqa, RZUI, gOp~ {uid north ~ct~on Line aiso b~inq the r.enter line of Lincoln
A~eaau!); ttreAC~r~
20. ~festerly ?.33~ t~e;, ~ore or less, aloqg ~aid line parallel to the cent
lie~ of Y.S~oIn Awc~ue to the satttherly psolongatian of tHe wegterly 1lne of the
ea~t '50 fert of tbe SNF} of t.'3e Slf~ af Sacfiion 11~ i+~~ R11M~ S~8 8 M, thence~
2L. ~~:tl.or2y ~? i~~} ~a..~ cr 2e6~~ aE~ ea4d ~+s~~prly l~ne a~si ~~s
sautbeilY prolor~ption to a point in said 2i~ea para3kl.to ~nd 30 ftrst northerly
o!, as s~awx~ad 1~t rigM aagles, the centsrliaa of Liacoln Av~ra~e~ said p~~int al
bt~ ~ aeq1.Q ppitlt in the axiatidg Auens Park City Llaits Lins~ tMnce,
?2.liestesly eLa~y tl~e existinp Buena Park City LLoits Li~u and the northasl
Ifs~ Q+ I.~acsrLt AYentte to tke reart,ls~eat &eu~ner of tlas it~rs~ctic-n o€ the r3ght-
of~ line ot t.i~a~oln Awra~e and ~no~t Awnue (ofi~s~rti~e knoain ea Hms~n ~traet,
64 fitt ~ri~s); thPeaa~_
x~. ~iy ~~ ~o wo.r.~~y r~a~+,-cr-~ay ii~. ~~ott ~~. (o~r-
rdse l~aua as Eiaasea 8traet) to a po3rit of intai~s~ctioe rritA the r„as~t2wast~rly ri
o~-~r L~int ot the Paol~iic Hleettie Rails~oid; tltit~~ ' ~
?a. SautA~asLerly alo~ aaid 1~acific E~ectsfa Railrosd right-of~ey li~w to
~~s ~•+~••~~~st +~.t1'~ t~ e~th 1~ o~ the AF?r oi the 1Ns of Seut~on 23! T4S,
~1Lt~~8 b ffif t~~
2S. Ee~ltr~.y along the swth lipa ~t ~~d N} of the tF~ oi Seetion 23 to a
poi~t oa tAa r~sttriy line oi ttk t~} o~ th~ 4~} of ~aid 3ecLion 23~ #.i~~se+g,
~ , , =~ .
.'. _. _ , .
. ..
t ~
_ ~
13 ',
l~. i
'.' - 's
~~~'1 ~~~~FT 33Fee .t€ ~~e ~ Cf I~ of sald SeCt3or. 23
to a pa++iat +a~ t~e ar~t~ li~e s# ~e s~3~esE~ tan scsis of thQ i~} of ths
t~} of safd Sectica ~ ~s,
~~ ~';7 ~~~`~ ~~ tLe scnrtleerlg teie acres of the NE~ af
~~~~ ~~ ~~' ~'~ ¢Q ~ west ffree of tbe E~ of the IdE} o~
~. ~r2y Z3~g ~e ssit I~r cf ~s ~ of tt~ B1E} af the NE~ of aaid
said isctiaa 2~ ~, ~~~ ~ist ef tbie ~ ai tlys 1~ of t.he NE~ of
~• ~7 ~~ ~~Y~' 3~ o~ ~ 1~ of tI~ t~ of ths t~E} of a
a~cii~a 1'3 tfl tia ~L liaie ~ sa~ Sec'.fea 23~ ~,
3fi. ~~~~ ~~~g ~ o€ tt~ t~ of the FF} of
'~e ~' t+~ S~is ~ a~ ~~vLsI7 ,~aro3~ogatian ~eaf to t~e eaaterly risht
af"'wr 23ae °f ~og~s3ii i'e~e3 ~s
~. S~~a3i a....~---T ~ ---^~ z~-e~f-~a. ~#~ra ~tf ~~ m~~~ ~a dw~~
to t3r ~rtt 3i~ ~ Imt A c~ ~3e ~. ~i. ~~etm- Tract as s8oa~ art t map theseof
~Vr~sdad is SL+nU S~. T Y2 !a ~ lris..~s~~~~.~.~r ~~ :~..w.~ .s~. w.ryo v r':.t'
~~ ~
~- ~? ~~s+e9 ~~'~ ~.ia~ ad saf~ Lot I? ta a point af int4rsQCtio
~#h ~ '~'~4. ~.~.`~ ':'.S~ ~ i~.. .ffir ~.~ts .~ j ~. :.. ~.~ct~it '~t. S 4lbante!
.a~. s~ry ~u-+ar sae ~IT ~s af ssid Lat 25 ta the northerly line
tl~+eO#i ~s
~~~7 ~~ '~ ~~'~s3~ lfe~ of ssfd F.ot IS to the nor~heast corn
#3~e~f; t~e~oe;
=~ ~! ~~ ss~d a~e~st ca~ of iat 19 ta the nor
cc.s~r v~f Lo~t 7~ t~a sa~ P. L Ss~a~ TiaCt; tLeaoe~
~'- ~~1! s~3 ~~1sIT lime uf said Lot 7 to the nort
, east c~aa~ tie~€; ~s
~• ~~f ~~3 ~~r3S ~~~~ of carid P. A. Star~tor~ Tract
~ ~~,:,..~ ~. g~~• ~~.. ++. _ ~ ^,=a '------+
~- ~lg a~.ery a 1~ p~atLi ts a~ed ~2g l.i.6B feet as_ measured
~~~ ~9~ b~~~ lis ~ seSd Lat 3 to 43~ w~sterly riqht-of-way
li~e # ~ilbat 5~9t~ t~or,
~• ~T ~~~~y 3~rs a~ said Lat 3 and the aesterly lina
°~ ~ ~ a ~ sf ~ ~= s 't~e ~'-'~-assL ~ cf rafd Lot 3;
~"~ ~~~f a+a~! ~ ~~!' ~ ~ ~ aot3lt Iine o# :;fid Lot
3 to a~da7, ~a ~lle ~~qr ~ae af C3~ S~saet; thence,
'~- ~'~'~- ~~D ~~~ liat of 6flb~rt Stre~t to the
~~ ~ ~