Minutes-PC 1956/03/19~ I • i _ .i ~ ..~.,... ~ .,-..~.w.._. ,..._......_~....., ..... . E. . ~.........~:.. .,.,..,..,.. . . ~.:~ ~:~r~-~.. ~ .. ................ .. ~ .. ~ Yi .. ~.. ~~}c ~: J ~ ~. ya:' - ; e r Marah 19, 1956 Ciiy Iiall Anaheim, Cal3fax~nis ~tIB1tT.'ES OF TF~ ADJCUR1l~ED REC~JIAR MEETING OF TFiE CITY PI,ANIJIDIG OCt~iLSSION pDJ~D Th¢ Ad,journed Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission was RDGUTAR called to order at 2s06 O~Clock P.M. by Q~AIliMAN SUNQ+~RS, a quorwu MEETING beiag p~esent. p~~ ~q~yp~1 gU~q~RS, CO~II'lZSSIONERS: Riutcel, Schoumaoher, Thompsoa and liungall. Commissioner Gauer eatered the Meeting at 2e25 O~Clock P.M. pggEpl' CQR~I7SSIOI~RS Auest and Hapgcod• M~ The Miautes of the Regular Me¢ting o~ March 5, 3956 and the Mim~tes of the Special Called lieeting of l~arch 9, 195b, vere app~coved as printed. YARIANCE PUBLIC HF.ARING. PETII'i0N aubanitted by EVERETT Pl. Fnt7Liti~r;~c, Y~i N0. 510. North L¢mon Street, Aneheim~ California, as o~ner, requesting.per- mission to sell Shade Tr¢¢s fran the gatio at the above address. 1he property is deseribed as tlie East 109.16 feet~T~1~~Y Scenic Tract and is px~es¢nt]y ciassified as R-3, RESI~NI'IAL. This Varianee xas advertised as being for the sale of Shade Trees gr~ ~~ p~~~o~ ~;s y~s ~n es~sor a~s the apnlication covered Shade . Plants oaly. Mr. Faulkner appeared befoa'e tlu: Comnission and stated he pa~oposed to sell fancy fuchsias and har~y orahids. Iie also stated thet his patio is v¢ry small and that the business would be very ~ainal as there xns ao soaan for aqy expansian. He stated that he desired.to s¢ii tiiese piaais ioz i~:u~ ~ his heaith does aot permit hLn tc'da strenuous xork. butenoti~ theesub,ject propertY, ~3ectiageto theisale of tr¢esa~ Mr. Faulkner stated that hz had conbaeted all his nearby aeighbors end thRt they vere in favor of p¢rnitting hin~ to seil these pleats f~om his patio. T1~ HEARINC* W1S CLCbED. Upon a motion by Co~mnissiemer Sctnanacher, secos~ded by Commissioner Thompson, and carri¢d, it was voted by RESCQ.UTION N0. 146 - SERIFS 1955-56 to 9rant variance rb. 5io. VARIANCE PUBLIC tffARING. PETII'IAN subm~itted by CONE BROS., 215 &arth Los N0. 511• Angeles St:eet, Aaaheim~Cald s~iibed as the Easte 655f et starting mission tc use the prop y at Lemon Street on the north side and !'urther described on the Legal Notiee for a Used (~r Lot as a part of the C~~ Bros. Nex Car D¢alership. The property is present]y alassifisd as C-2, GE~tERAL f~1tCIAL and the requeated use is classified as C-3, ~Yi C~CIAL. ~ one appeared ~ar ca' against th¢ grantiag of this Variance. '!!~ I~.ARIDXi WIS CI.OSEA, [Jpoa a motion ~y Commieedon¢r ScMnoacher, seca~ded by Co~issioner Riutcel, and eerried, #t was voted by RESO~..U1'IOH ND• 147 - SER~S 1955 56 to 9raat ver~~~e.ao. 51i s~~eet to the ~stai~.atioa of side~alks along the Lo6 ~9¢ies Street fromag¢. -1- ~ . ~ i . - , ~, _ __ _._.____..__ _. _ __ .._ _-. - _ ~~ ~~ ~; ~: V~ra~tc,~s ~t~r.ic ~t~s. vnRiavtce xo. 5i2. ~rrcmx ~ntttea ~- ~t aDS. 512, HJMES, 1085 Naa~th Palm Street, Anaheim, California, as ovner, s~13~ 515 RIC}iNAN SIG:US, 1730 East Anaheim Street, Long B¢ach, Califoraia, arid 516. as Authorized Agent, requesting pex~ission to erect a Temporary Ad;rertisir=g S.gn a~ Lhe IIartheasb corner of Ball Raad and F;arba. Bouievard to advertise tha, sale of 2ots and hous¢s in Tract Ato. 2637. ~f: ~i .;~~ . z F " _r; UAR7ANCE N0. 513. PETIl'ION suhanitted by PONfY~RQACH, INC., 548~ North Hol~yvood Way, Burbank, California, as o~ners, RICEMAN SIGNS, i730 East Anaheim Street, Long Beach~ California, as Authorized Agent, requesting.permission to erect an Advertising Sign at the 1Vortheast corner of Bali Road and 8rookhurst Street to advertise the sale of lots and houses in Tract No. 2691. v~x.u-xcg rro. 515. PETII'ION submitted by APPROVED HCd~S, i~71 Chapman Avenue, Garden Crrove, G`alifornia, as rnmers, RICFII~WN SIGI~, 1730 East Anaheim Street, Long Beach, California, as Authorized Agent, requesting permission to erect a Temporary- Sign to advertise the sale of lots and houses in Tract No. 23l~0. The sign xill be located on the east side af Euclid Avenue approximately 75 £eet south of Crone Atremie . UARIADi(~ N0. 516. PETITION submitted, by HEFIZER C~JSTRUGTION CO., 937~t Brighton ~ay, Bev~1y Hf22~, California, as ormers, ORANGE CWN1Y FXPEDII~DRS, 2202 South 19agno~ia Averrue, Santa Ana, Cali- ~ornia, as Authorized Agent, requesting permission to ereet a Temporary Sign to advertise the sal¢ of lots and hauses in lraot No. 2303. The sign xill be located on the xest side of Euelid Avenue at a point 165 feet north of West La Palma Avernie. Co~nissioner Thompson made a motion, seeonded by Commissioner Riutcel, and carried, thab all Sign Variances be considered at the same time. llb one appeared for or against th¢ granting of these faur (I~) Variances. THE HF~1RIl~iG wAS CLOSED. Upaa1 a motion by Co~mnissioner Thompson, seconded by Co~nissioner Gauer, aad carri¢d, it xas moved that 1leriances Nos. 512, 513, 515 and 516 be gTanted by RESCY.VfI0A5 NOS. 1118, ].l~9, 1$0 and 151 - SFRIES 1955 56 respectively svb,ject to: 1. Signs shall be a max~mum size o!' 10 by 25 feet. 2. Signs vill be }sermitted for a maximum period of 6 months or Iess. 3. A peimit must be taken out xith the Huilding Department. l~. The name of the Sign Compaqy musb appear on every sign ereeted. 5• Signs must be 10 feet baek of the right-of~r~+ line of a~y street or highx~}-. 6. .:tt the i~ntersection of the~streets, th¢ signs must be set ~ck 25 f'eet. 7. All signs shall have a 6 faot ground clearanee. 8. The fee per sign shall be $25.00. 9• Sign Uariance~ shall be permitted for directional signs advertising only tracts xithin the Qi'Cy Limits of Anaheim. The Secretaiy was iastruCted to couta,.^t the Gity. 9ttos~y at~ Yi~l out if there Stas ar~ tiay in ~ahich these 3i~ Variances oould be s.....a1.a ...s~.~' Lr t~w .~...,....:.SSi'.~r c~ ~.t'!~Y'~~'e ve..h ~^~ 1,.~4C~~P. '~...h.°. ~SS~.j.821~ V~Ri~NCE PIISLIC F~RIN(t. PEFITCON aulani.tted ty W. D. HAI~RINQTON~ 1600 North ~. 514. N.c~~ra*:~*~ ~ Avenve~ Ios Ange].ea~ C31.ifornia~ as ownem~ requesting pernd.ssion to operate a busiaee~ fa~ the sale and seTVi.ce o8 guto- mobi].es at el5 Nortt- ms Angeles street. The property is aiescribea se be~.nnino 128,75 feet aorth oY North ~~a~eet and r Nor~h ; for a distaace of 100 feet and l~axn as a portd.on of Lot oi + 9hnhaiin ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ---- ,~- - --..- - _____._._.---------~ ~ ~ l_' .: .. :~ 11~8L1~6 F~. Barriggton appeared before the Conm~ission and stated that ttu~ ~0. $~ ~all hoaae on tt~e propert3r vould s~s ueed for an of.f~ce aad that fCoat.7 tl~e i~+oat por~oa o~ the :lot ~uula be aoatied s~ri.ih ~avel. aad possib~y alac3r~ogpad a~ s I:.ter date. R'~ H$tRING kiBS CTASED. IIpon a s~tion bp Ca~s~.oner (iauers seoonded by Coffissione~ s~chery sma carriea, it atas voted by EESOI,DTio~ n~. ],52 - SE8I~s 1955-5b to gsaat Y~ce No. 53~t snbfect to the improvem~eat of~the 1ot ~o.th gravel or blackf,ap. Y~EII~iCS PUffi.IC ~iRIHG. PSPITLOH sul~mi.tted t~ AgtS. MAY ~6TTY 1~GFIDORSD ~~ SZT~ T~. SOII~l Sy1C.7].d AV@IIUB~ ~L81193L1' C~~OI7~8~ 8S OWII92'g TAQ1183'fi~ pe~¢i~si~n to use the ~e]13ng on the P~P~"s4 imovn as Lot 6 of ~7r3ct Ho. lt83 a~ri fm ther described as 1723 weat I~ Palm~ ~venue Yor a sliop for the C. & S. Pl~unbing Co. 1~e P~P~'~%3'' ~ P~en'~.7.Y ~~n•~;~;•~ as ~~&C~tICULT~BL xith a poasibi.e C-ln 1~IC~OD aD~Ci~ cl.assi.~ication pandiag. Ho o~ appeat~ed Yor or a~ai.nst the gra~ting of this Variance. T~ ~iRIHG iT11S Qi06SD. It vas t.he Yeel3ng of the Commdssicn tl~at someone should have been pre~t to descaibe the type o~ operation that xas contemtpZated on t1~is psvperty. 4herefore, ~oa a mot.i.on by Co~mri.saioner Riutcel9 aeconded by Co~issi.oner Ctaner~ and carried~ it sras v~oted to hold cve~ variance Bo. 51? ~mti7. the Meeting of 6pri1 28 1956. VIRIJACB PIIHL IC E~iBI~~r. PEII~IOH sulmttted by ORCO CONIl+~Ei.CIAL PEAPERTIFS~ a"~ii• ~s r .~a+~t~7 a°'v~i i ~'~ ~Su '68t.8 ~I]B'II8~7"it~ t'i'a~~iGiaia3~ o0 8'~7'1.2r5~ ~• ~~ ~i PH~..~H~ 1L~5 $OTEli P8ZT1 .S{.2H9ty AZ131183a1y C813~OM'1~8g 88 At1thOT~Z6f1 ,~?~~ *~49~+~0 *~?'*~$8].oII ~U eE'QG'~ 8 S@TP,Lr@ Sta#ioA oA Int Q and to nee Iots 1~ 3s lt and 5 for C]. Uaea. Theae lots are ir. 1Yaat ]b. 2G37 l~ocated oa South I,os Jingeles Street and Wins±on Road. ' ~ P~P~9 ~ P~ classif3ed as &-19 SINGIE F~I.Y RSSIDE~iT~L.+ HrP !~c Pherson appeared before the Con~ission and preaented a rendering oi the 3~~ce Station propoaed to be erected on Iot 2 and a large sloetch o~ the develapment proposed for Zot No. l. T~ F~ARINa WAS CLO~D. IIpon a aoticn by Co~dssioner Thompson~ aeconded by Conmdssio~er ffintcel~ aai cari3;ed~ it vas vnted by R&SOIT.ITION N0. 1'$3 -~E 1955-56 to graat 4ariasce No. 518 sub~ect to: L me 3aQrove~eat of the P='oP~Y in accordatLCa vith the plans 2, me contianance oY a va11 sindl,ar to that erected oa the property :g:,., .su,~~a .:.'a.'~,~..~. ~ +~"b~'~°~~'6 ~t8~ Q T~~ p~~Ci a~a~ru~r~ PETITIO~ snbmi.tte@ by PgUL Jw ~g) ~.6752 ~~i 1p.~5]9. Saata C~ars} Saata Ana, California~ as oimer9 requeating pez~adasi.on to e~act a buildiag for a Eetail Paiat 3tora oa the North 216 feet ax t2~e Bast 11la teet of the Weat 3~;7 feet o~ Iats 3 snd !~ of ~.ock ~, ~aat ~do. 23. These lots are located on the south side of sf„~+1,+ lvenne 3vst eastT~ o~ &~opopl~c~i~~st~~S~tTeet/.~M7~e property is Y°o..a..~j'r f:{Saa1LiC~i ~II a1~~ 61~.W~1••~•• A~VYLA~W18iN ; , s; l repaeaentative of the Colnnbia Paiat Co. appeared beYore the Oosission siod statad t,~at tbe proposed bnil,ding xould be 32 bY 32 feet ard m~de vi.th sach coastraction that additions in 8 foot I aectiona mt~S.d bs added on to the rear of the building as the bnsiness ~pands. T~ ~ bI~S CLOS~D. ` ~ion a mot3ca hy Co~si.esione~ Tl~ompson! aecoAded 'by Coamaiesioner { Qeoe~~ aad carried~ iy ~ss w$,ed by Fse~u3,~TPIO$ ~. 151- - S~ i ~ oc~~ +~ ~~ v~ n.~e L~b, 5? 9 ar~~ect tr s , ~ ; ~ 4 --- - --_ . _ _ _. . _... ~ , _ _ _ _ t- ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~) v~RLNC$ 1. Makiug arrange~neats ~i+~ td~ ~+?t~ ~-~"-~ ~ t~ ~ ~. 5~.9 3fi Yeet required by thmn Yor stz~ ~idmi~,~ ~~~e) 2e That the bnsiness be t~~~ ta td~3e ~^~ ~le o~ pa~aEs oa~v, 3. ~.aearing Requiremems. ~AFcIANCE PUB~.IC ~ARING. PSTITIOH s~~it~ed ~ 3~ ~'. B~s 23Q0 Y~t N0. ~20. Romneys Dricea lnaheimy Califorms~ ~s a~s~ r~ml~t~sg P~ssi~a , to cut off a lot $7 Yeet by ?7 ~~i 3~a~ a,~arr~ ~~ la- Cated at '„he Southeast corner oY i7est ~ao~ey-a Ari~e ~d Y~vna 3t,reet. ; S1~e snb~ec'L' proP~Y ~ P~7,Y 3LiL.23 bg* 87.22 ieet. ~se P~P~Y is present~y rlassiPied as Bti~ SiHGLB ~~ ~ N~. 8uge appearecl bafore the Ca~aiasiom aad sta~d tBea~ Iae 2rad aoar tacted a]1 the property oime~s 3n ~e a~ea ~d tha~ the,~ ~~re ia ! WiS CI45ID~~~ him to c~ hi.s 3~ i~o '~ pat~. ~~r IIpon a motion by Co~i.ssioner $ch~a,c3~S s~ ~~~ ~1182'g 81'ld C8TT~9d? 7.ti 7i3S YO*,9f3. ~° +a -~ ~. ~'j ~ ~ 1955 56 to graat variance Noe 52o snbject to taciag a~y~g built on the propert4 on Verona. 5~.,, RBC~AS3Ik'I- PIIHLIC ~SNG. PSIITI~~ sntmmitfi~ed ~g Bi~ Sp~, ~3.2? ~ox~F.h ClTION A10. F 55 56-25. E~c].id Ave~ue~ ~naheim9 Cali~orm.a~ ~.s ~a =~~ ~~ Tract Noe 28209 tlie Yo~s lots ad3o;~~ ~.s tract an t~ ao~th as~€ ~acin g on West Ro~egB Drive: and that one lat locatad at 3001t ifesG Eo~eya Drive be reclas~ed from R~-1~ ~ ~F'YffiLH ~d~L ~d g•d~ ' ~lT ~: L l.GFdICDLTIIi~"I~ ~.a S 3_ ~'i-~"'icia a'an~i.a ~E,. Titese P~Perties are present]y classifieci as ~ig ~~ R85L- DF:N7T~T. ~ t,Yl@ C41lIItiJr Tf28 ~Z"'~....~.~ :~L:: . 4$~..~ S~, 1~S w---~..a4'a this area in as a part of the C~~y a~f ~~~r~ Mr, S~ehar appeared batore tlie Co~.ssian aad stated tr~rat he bad IyD'~I18 ~hE~T 't0 8dd o~lET ~II '.~ L~tiii't~c ~ ~II t~ ~@}~~{pa and that he had co~actedi 'the propert,~ o~ers 3in tbe area ~d formd no opposition to his proposed Asc~=eO;fis.~+;~ ~, ~ YBS CLOSED. IIpon a motion by Co~issi.oner fl~,~er~ se~ed ~~cner EiatceZa a~ carried9 it xas moved t3~at the t~¢isssan reo~ to +..Le E~tg co~mci]. that xecl,assification xo. F~'S-56 25 ue ~ea b~ RSSOL~B NOe ],56 - S~tIffi 1955 5b anb~ect to: 1. Ttie fYling oP De~^d R~estrictinns gamerai~ t3~e t~pe a*_ ~It~g~ Family Units to be bvilt on t3e ~u+atpPSS#~. 2. The deeding oY 10 feet ala~g ~a~ya ~ris~. 3~ TI18 int~}al'la}.j.OII OY CUI$1B 8~ 83+~ 310Y1~ Va ~=y@~ Th~ vote on ~he alxsve H~±e~~t;.,,. ~~ _. ~..i~...R~ A':~Sa COr4+IIS3I01~i.9: l3ansr~ S~' Sm~rs: ~son ard N08Sa COi~ff3SI0I~9SF None. ~NTa C0~3SIOHI~liSa Anes~ and ~Bapgooa. RF~CLASSIFI- ' PUBISC ~ABINGe PSTIZZO~ sa2~itte3 i~ ~~~. ka ~•s C~ 1~~$ NQ~ F°~K~~~~` P~ ~• BOZ rj9y ;~i~ jt38y ~'+81730I9]ay 38 ~'~ ('i. Y~ ~: ~0 ~8~L6 t ~ ^~ - ' . w iy ~ou uo sTJay risiiiv z~ uny aB i~DTl~ Jg@liL~ i~GIDg 'C6gt, ZO'{'i6 i~22 ~IlC1U81Y9 02 ~TBCL HOe ~ 09 ~~l~ $r~tZs ~$ FAtQLY ~TDII1TIt-Z to Rr3s ~~'~78 F1l~i7.Y ~. ~ia tsact is located oa the north sSde of Ball Boad 13~6.~3 teet ec;sE af ~0014- h~at 3treet a~ 886.36 Seet 4a~ Ha~ood 3tre~t. 1$Ce $eeteT SppeBrl~d bBlo2~e t~e ~au~s~,~ ~d lrt3ted tb8'C a3"083 the street Prom the snb~ect propea$y eas s small aaast~~ F~s sas~sl Chlr„]{6II TBIICh@8~ 8~ 8 PPO'~BC~d C~ $~i ~ ~ _. . __.._ - ~ ' 7 S i F ~ ~ j ~~ ~' ~:' t., ~';.~ ~~J ~~ ~;~ i1 F~ ;i i.', '; ;i 7.i :.l , ;.f ;:i `s1 r 1 _~„_ ~^`~~ Lliil liDA[W~V AAV ViM~~ 41~LiQ~ ~~ . F 55-5~6 Upoa a mation by ComarS.ss~.oner Tt~ompaon~ aeeorai~ by Coffiis~ (~~.) Schtunacher~ and carried~ it ~s votod to reco~oead to the City co,m~~, ~r ~sozozzox ~. ~57 - s~tz~s i955 56 tx,st xec3a$~s:tcation xo. F 55-5G-26 be approvea s»b~ect to: l. The fil~ of Deed Reet~ictions goveznisiB the ty~e of Mnltipl+e DWeYliags to be built on the praperty. The vote on this Reclasaification is the same as for Reclassification 25. TBHT~TI98 Tha Tentat3.ma Hap of Tract No. 3022 vas pree~ed to the Co~i.aaion. MAP OF' ~ Thia tract re:ere to ReclassiP3.catioa No. F~5-56-26 snd is lacated ~-~ betxeea Nuts~ood Street aad L+~c]id Avenue on the north side oY Bal3 N0. 3022• Hoed. The avbcitvider is C. W. ~ST~Et~ 620 Vance Street, 3anta 1lna, ~a],ifos~ia. The tract contai,ns 22 lota. IIpoa $. motion b,y Co~nnissioner Gauer~ seconded by Co~issioner Riutcel~ and carried, it was voted to approve the Teatative Map of Tract No. 3022 sub~ect tos l. The peyment'of ~25.00 P~ lot for the acqvisition of Park aad Reoreation Sitea. 2. ~gineerinB 'F.e4uire~teuta. ~DJOIIRt~I'P The Meeting ad~omned et k:05 0~ Clock P R~, . Mi1N(3AId+~ ~9 APPROVID: ~ e~i / ~~... -~c'- 2 __ __._...___'_._.._ .~ . . _ . f . ._ . . _ . .. _. _.. .._ . . - . _ _ ..