Minutes-PC 1956/04/13~„~~ ~3, 35~6
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INI'ORMA.L I3GETING OF TF~ CITY PI~A1~TIaIJG (~3ISS~pg ---a: ,~~ ~„: .~
APRTL 13 1956 AT 2:00 OtGI~Cg ~.~.
This rfeeting was held to have the Comm; ~~ ~a ~ ~,~ ~~~
Consultant, 14r. Simon Eisner engaged by -t.i~e G~~y ~~, ~.-, „~ ;:R,
mar~y problems arisi.ng from the rapici gro~ o~' ~ y~- j~
Present at this Meet_ttg were Keith :IunlQCh, 1~.~y *~m;~ ~--__~
T.ouis Daxter and yee Morris represeuting ;,~e J~~ ~~
Commerce, which body is actively interes~ed ~a ~~y ;~
Chairman Swmners of the Pl`*+; rg C,o~sson and ~'~_„~~ ~~ rL,,_,.~
~P~ ~ Riutcel~ 5chumacher~ Thoamson and 1~
P4r. 24urdoch intmduced:.Simon ~ ar.~ ~...*~... s'~.,a'r,o,: ~~ a~e a~~ a~ced
to do with the help of 1~ir~ E~sne~• t~ ~3-~ ~~„~,. ~~ ~¢
fronting the City at present.
The balance of the Meeting was an infax~na3 di.s,,..~s~~ ~~
mission members and i•ir. E~sner relative to spec6l'~c ~o~~ ~~~~,
sidered and explanations by Pir~ Eis~ a,S i~ }~ ~~~ ,~ ~
same with the help of the Coimrri.ssion~ ~' f S•
Mr. Eisner wi]1 again meet with the Comai.ssion on ~,01~~ ~~ ~,
1956 at 2:00 O~Clock P.r~.
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