Minutes-PC 1956/04/16; ; ;1~ ~
$pril. 159 :.95~
City Hn1'1
Anaheim, California
1DJOURI~D The Ad~ourned Regi:lar Meeting of the City Planni.ng Cormnission was ca7led
FtEGUIJIR to order at 2:16 O~Clock P.M. by CHAIRMAN SUNR~[i.S~ a quozvm being present.
PRE'SFNT CHAIRMAIV SUNII~tS, CONII~ILSSIONIItS: Riutcel~ Schumacher~ Thompaon and Mungall.
Comtatasioner Ciauer ent?red the Meeting at 3:25 09Clock P.M.
Ca~oissioner Auest entered the Meeting at 3a50 O~Clock P.M.
ABSENT Co~mnisaioner Hapgood.
MCNDTF.S The Minutea of the Regul.ar ideeti.ng o£ Apri1 2~ 195b were appro~~d as
VARIANCE PUSIZC FIEARING. PE1'ITION submitted by F~l~'IDREE HOUTS9 l~OI West North Stree~~
Np~ 52g~ Anaheim~ California9 as owner~ requsstirig permission to ~se the area over
the present garage as an apartmerit by remodeling it. This room over the
garage has been used for maz~* years as a so31 and chemical laboratory. The
property is deacribed as Lot 16 of •iract No. 601 located at the above ad-
dress and is g~esently classified as R-19 SINGIE F~LY RESIDENTIgL.
Mr. Houts appeared before the Cammission and stated that he had nothing
further to add beyond that covered by the petition.
No one appeared in opposition to the granting of the Variance. TF~ f~ARING
Upon a motion by Coimnisaioner Schumacher~ seconded by Commissioner Riutcel~
and carried~ 3t was moved Uy RESOLU'i'IQN N0. 166 - s~~.s ~.955 56 to ~ant
variance No. 52e.
'-~ ~..._.....
1T~RT.ANCE YUBI.IC F~IIRINQ. PETITION submitted by I,OXimY I~MESt INC.~ 303 North Vermox~t
Np. 529. Avenue, I.os Angeles, Lali£ornia, as owner9 SOUTH BAY ENGINF~EtING CO.~ 1326
North Broadway, Santa Ana, California, as Authori.zed Agent~ request3.n,S a
WAIVER of the front ya:d setback on interior streeta itt Tract No. 2468 fram
• 25 feet to 20 feet. This tract is located at the Northsrest corner of (~i].-
bert Street and Ba]1 Road.
No one appeared for or aga3nst the granting of this Variance. TF~ F~ARING
Upon a motion bg Co~ni.ssioner Schumacher9 secorri~3d by Co~oissioner Mungall
and carried, it was voted by RESOI,UTION N0. 167 - SERIES 1955-56 ~~'~
Vax2ance No. 529.
11Q. 530. 370~ Crestway Drive, Los Angoles9 Califor~.a~ as ownera~ TID FISH~ 1929
Rt~heim-Olive Road~ Anaheim9 California~ as Authorized dgent~ requesting
a WAIVFR of the square Yootage requirement of the Subdiv3.sion Ord3.nance and
also requesting that a Variance be grzzted to allox Multiple Family Resi-
dences to be built on these lots. The property is deacribed as 812 East
North Street (lyino along tne east aida oS the Railroad Tracka~ also des-
cribeu as begiruLi.ng av tine Nor~iiwesti cornar oi vinayr~ii~a io~ n~-i; yl/11t7111it7
Easterly a3.ong the Northerly line o£ said Vineyard I,~t 238.37 feetg
thence Southerly parallel with the Wesuerly line of said Vineyard Lot
792 feet~ more or less9 to the Southerly line of ~si.d Pineyard Lot,
thence Weater7~- alung said Southerly line 238.37 feet to the Weater]y
]3.ne of said Vineyax~d Iotg theaca Wester~r a7,ong said Hlester~y line
792 teet~ mc,re or lessa to the point of begi.nning,. This ie la~own as
Truct No. ~51.
rir. Milton Basaing and David Post appeared before the Connaission and
at~ted ths~ ~hey had nothing further t~+ add other than that contained
in the petition. ,
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! ~1BSINCE 1Jo one appeared in opposition to the granting of the ltariance. TI~
Upon a motion by Co~mnissioner Tkmmpsott,, seconded by Co~nissioner Gauer~
and carried~ it was rooved by RFSOLUTION N0. 168 - SERIFS 1955-56 that
~ Variance No. 53t) be granted for R-3 as a transition from R~A9 and that
on Tract No. ,3051 the impmvements on Zots facing to the weat9 namely
I,ots 12-22~ be held to one-story.
` A second motion was requ3xed on thia Va~~iance made by Co~3ssioner
? Tho~son~ seo~nded by Com~niasioner Schwaacher9 and carried~ that a
WAIVER of lot aizes in Tract No. 3051 be ~anted. This ~otion will
. be included in Resolution No. 168.
'~ TENPATIVE The Teutative Map of Tract No. 3p51 was presented to the Con¢nisaion,
4~ ~1`. M~P AF This trart i~ lac ~a3 an t~ sou~h aide o~ EasL 'rlorin Sireet ~ust east
~ e '!'neC•''' *?i. af the Santa Fe Railroad tracks. The subdivider$ are MII,TON L. AASSIN(3
~ 30`>'].. and DAPID C. POST9 3702 Crestway Drive9 Los Angeles~ Cali.fornia. The
~ tract contains 22 lots.
~~ Upon a motion by Co~xissioner Qauer, seco~ed by Cormnissionez Riutcel9
~ and carried, it was moved that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 3051 be
y:j -, 8PProved sub~ect to:
"- 1. The paymerit of ~25.00 per lot for the acquisition of Park and
Recreation Sites.
2. ~gi.:,aaring Raquis c~ ~s.
' ~. 531. Avenue~ Snaheim, Ca]iforniaa as owner~ requesting permission to have
~ a Retail Nuraery at 10l~22 Euclid Avenus to sell Shade Plarzts9 Potted
St~bs snd Contaiaer Gardening ~ith an Advertiaiag Sign on Euclid Avenue.
The property vas receutly annexed to the City of Anaheim and is presently
classified as R~A, RESIDSNTW,, AGRiCUI,T~AI, but is proposed for R].9
3INGIE FANIILY REST~'rrer.~ I~ is described as the Weat 31~9 feet of the
South 3A acres of the Southweat ~ o£ the Northwest 4 of Section 21~ T1~S~
R10Wa S•B,H.&M.
Mra. 9oigt appeared before the Cormnis~ion and stated that the County
~ Department of Agriculture had. granted her a permit for the gxowing oF
~ horticultural ~roducts and the sale of rmraery stock. She also stated
~~ that she had an acre of ground upott which to raise these but desired
to bu;1d a buil.ding for the sale of same.
,; Andreir IIngrath appeared before the Co~¢niasion and stated th.at he vtas
ogpose3 to the grarrting of the Variance for this type of CoimnerciaZ
Use but Was in favor oP other Co~narcial Uaea on his property and i~u e.
Voigtta, He a3so present~d a petition signed by 12 property ownera
living in the area oppoaing the grarlting of the Vsriance.
=~ Mrs. Voigt preseuted a petitioa cont~~ eloven (11) names of pTOperty
~~~ owners living in the area favoring the grarrting oY the Varianae in ad-
dition to others coatained in the original petition.
~! Mrs. Eilda Hea~ler appeared before the Co~n.i.asion and stated that aY,e
°"' lived on the corner of Ba71 Road and Euclid 6venue and srould also like
- io g~ in busi.ness withia a year.
Comoi.saioner (isuer auggested that tkda pmblem ffight be ttsned over ta
F._anning Consvltarit Eisner by poatpoai.ng action for a moat:i.
_ I~ vas the concensus of the Coimnission that it would telce longer than
a motrth to arri.ve at a~* de.finite comclusion as to the •raning of this
part~.s'alsr r~ea.
I~ was also poiated out that according to th~ preseni; Ordir.ance atith
~i tt1s pivperty clasaified as R A~ FtF.SIDE*7J"'_.ni; AGRICULTURAL mirsery stoak
:a_,._ c:onlc+ ~e raiaed and sold fxvm the FremLsen and even a sign co~sld be
~~ ectcxi ta a,dvertise the sale of sucn pn;ducts bat that accessory pro-
duci:~ swCh as qarden too18, etc. could r»t ba rald nflr cou7.d a buildi.ng
uu~ e~:t;da. ~~~ ~uxs T ...~ cw~n.
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Y~_!i~ ~~ a mm~~ 7,v : Q~~~~ar'.r 6ch~ac~, so~nnec. oy Co~ma.tseioner
~'. ~3L ~_ ~a ~-e..a3l. ~t aas mo4ea by i~SUI,vi'lo•r t~l?, 169 - sERIES 1955-
{ciD~.) 5~ ~a ~-~~ ~. 532 ve grante~~i ,...:b3e~at `a.:
~. ~~~ c~ i:d' Peet along ~,'nclid Avenue~ ta the City oF A:,aheim
_,~ s*rr+~. ~r.~.
2., ~ aa~~ aP a.~bss ~itters azxi side~alks along E~clid Ave-
~ ~~a csae year.
3• ~~"~"s ~etback ~ t•s b.a Is0 feeG ~e~sst of the n;,w propexh:y
~~S~T'P~ %~soae~ a~£-street varb-ing are~a in front of the 'buildinge
P~7lL~ ~'~'a~ ~'i~"~. ~QS sni~itted by F~iF.Y TF~EIE, 10i72 East "Linco].n
~. ~3?- ~~ ~,~, G~lifnrnia, as ou~er,, ~ ALI~rSONa 7,5].7 Nort.h Baker
S~r S~a~ iaa, w.,;i.forniz~ as /~~:'r~rizf,d Ageixt' requesting permie.sion
r"' ~-~°' a~+~~'j(~L .L2CS1~Ly 1'.'7 se3i B.e'Lail. Food aud .A11i~1 Producta
°~=~""~"b a~'-s~Ie ~3~r. Ti~e pro~e~ 3s aescribea as the rtorth 320
.~e~ ai' t8e S~s~ ~ a~ the ~ aY t~e ~ of the NW~ of Section :L7y T1yS~
~s ~~' ~bc Ios Coyates ia t'~e 4;o~ty o£ Orange~ State uf Cali-
~~~I~refxvm the Wes; bo feet thereo£. The property is
~~ ~II~~Pae~ as B-g, ~ENTIAL AGRICUI.TZL°tAT~.
~'• ~e ~F~ ~a~ ~e wmmissioa ar.: :'a;a'c~3d that :us '^ad sold
~e ~' ~am e~ Fgs p~pesty for snbd~visi~:~ purposes but ne'_l3 the
~"-~ T~f ~s~ ~~h3ee C,o~~cial IIse. Ek .,tated there ares ?',u to
~D ~~en'~ n~ t6e Prcpert~~ a.nd at lea.si, 200 homes n~rth oi t::e
~--'~",r = ~ ~ ~~~ o,s Allisen will giv:9
P~P~se~'. iu,r i~.
~s ~e.~ t~e r~r ~ we71 as acc: ~s from I3ncoln Avemie.
~r• ~ 7~€s, xepre,~ig l'.EIItP.'[ COL~~~ Co,9 ob~ected to th~ ac.coss
~~l~ar ~::•r¢t'~~-^'.,,~- s'reet i~ato L~e ::rapsri3~ as creating possible irawfi.c
~tia. L~ :~~ staGe~i tbat ho ;,onld lik~e to sne a fence a17. a?o:,g the
3Yla C~ ~`.~y 6~gu
~ a c~a~~ I~d~.~eeea P~. I,ewi.s, L~r. T2»ele, and PSr, all..tson~ they Nsro
a~3e ~+o snl~e ~r ~~tererxes and ~bme to am agrec~meut. There is on
~ ea~ sii£r c~ ~e pzv~:rt~;, at the prese:rt ~ime, d five (5) foot red-
~~ ?°°'-~ '°°~e~ ~~he C°.~-:ez Const. Co. The property on the we:~t
CO'"~ °~~~: ~a ~~~_`~ ~e ~ ~t is o~I,y 66 feet ~r_~e aud
~ aa~ aL~ ~s:~e on ~t ~ m Peac~ po~id :~e rsqvired ott this c:ide at
~ ~' ~ TiAS G'IiOS~.
$-O~t ~ v¢~ Lg (`~++~+*~c~~n~,+p d:.t;st~ seconded by C~~ni.ssione* ~auer
~rrr7 c~~~. ~t ~s Yotea ~ HE~I~D'IIOh` No. 170 - SERIES 1955-56 to
R'~` ~~"~'° ~. s'~32 sub~ect to:
1. S~.~ss ~cE v~ss ~.n Embassr 6v$aas ot 90 fee., in ~ridth.
~= "~'° ~s~ ::! a f~a~ (~~ :c:.t salid ;r-.:11 starting at the ~rest line
~' ~~ug a~ teFEn'ing daim ta one (1) foot 3II helght 8t the
~ ~"~ace aa Iti~is~ Aveane.
3. ~~iaa at a~?i4e (~~} fao~ soli.~ xa11 closing o£f the loading
so~e a,s f.~e e~st ~f~ of the bn3lding Yrom Ent~assy avenue.
~ ~ ~~'~ ~~~f ~P~'~ay Department for streat ~rid~ain;~ on
g~s,,.~~. ~S„~~
~. ~~F~ c~l' a~Li~-.~ (3) foat valZ along I~.ncoln Avemu;.
~i. 3i~ ~~-9't~z~~ a~ cszrbs.s k-ntters and side~al:~ along I.inco].n Avenue
~ S~sssg js~ra as ~rzqn~red bY the ~neerin8 Departmeat,
?. ~ t~ bs ~!t a:.> per pIsas oYfered srith the Var3.ance.
9d8a~1~ ~s~ ~,Y-~= P~T_T30S saimd.tted byr JB~, TF-.A 00.9 b626 lOth Avenue9
~. 533. H~as ~:~ ~~ ~itora£a, 3.= avner, B. E. &Dtr2~b5, 6626 lOth Avenue, I,os
~~;s= E~Te~nr.s~r., as Atrtlaori~ed l~..~:it~ requesting a WILCVFR af five
~J 8eet. aS sJ,~ne wfif.~oe part`cs: o~P t,neir proposed neW facilities into the
~.$ ~. ~ ra~~r p~,rt.taa of tbe bni irltng wil7. be set at 5o feet Prom
~~~ ~~ ~±ra~ ~e r~~y is descrlbed as tha So~theast corner of
~~a3.1 ~3c~ ~di ?~,s Stre ~. al.~a L~noRC as ]2rX'i Sast Bs1: Road. The pTeseizt
'~a^~~_~ _ ~° +.*~e ~~= i is ~.I' .T.TG$'P ~-~Nr'ACTiJRTNG vlth a P-L'
~ Z~ Linng the z3a1t f,aa.'. froatage,
, : -~~ ~
; _. -- -
VlIFcUNCE No one appearec3 Yor or against the graating of th~s five {5) goot
ND. ,~i33. vaiver request6d br the Je~e.l Tea Co. 1~ ~ WAS CIDSED.
IIpon a mcti.on by Co~.ssianer 'Fbompson, seconded by Co~asioaar Gauer~
ana carrsea, it va.s movea by R89oI.II~LOB xo. 171 -~ 1955-~6 to
' grant Variance Noa 533 Yor a HAI4'~ of a five ($) Yoot eacroachm.~.nt
iuto the P-L Zone iry the ofYice portifln aY the Jerael Tea Co, buildinge
} 7ARIANCE PDBI,IC ~ARING. PET~'FION su~tted by FRANS E. ffi~DG~SANy 1005 North
N0. 531t. yhwi m
l~gpolia 6vem~e, s Ca7iforma, as ovnere requesting a WbIVER
~ of fihe 70 ~oot tYo~age reqiur~ment on Iots 2-]3 in Tract No. 2911 10-
~ cated on North A~~gnoli.a Avea~e approrimate]y 336 Yeet south o£ West
~ Ia Palma ~.veaus.
Mr, Carl Caaplinaki appeared before the Co~ssion as Authorized Ageat
it3t ai'• °nc~7~tZ ?v~a~i'r6 w iaaa.v wp 2~.+ie a°sa ovni'i + biu a uu~"'dr2 f+r 8
possibi.]ity that the K~ ~ght be sev~.sed to elimL+~ie one lot zrhich
t,mvld bring the balance of tbe lots up to the Code Eeq~uremeuts. Has~r-
~ver~ in case that Mr. Bx~gman wu7.d mt conseat to this9 he saould l;kw
to soe t.he Variance ~aated. fiS" ~RIHG 1~LLS CIDS~.
Upon a motion bg Co~issioaer Aues~~ seco~ied by Coa~.ssioner MungalZ~
ana o~.ea, it ~~~a t~ a~LVrroa ~. 172 - s~~ 1.955~6 to
grant variance rto. 53t,.
N0~ 53s~ Veznnaatt .~~anue~ Ivs An~e7.es; Ca13.forttia: as mmer: SO~fH BAY II~''.~INEHtZNG
COe~ 1326 Nc~rth Broadv~-iy Santa Ana, Cali.foraia, as Suthorized Agent, re-
questing perad.asion to construct 21 Sin~7.e Fa~ly hom~es ha~ri.ng 1073 square
£eet ~nd ~ Si.r~le Faird~y ~o~es naving 978 sqvare faet in Tract BTo. 2l~b8,
This tract is located at ~he Nortlmest con'er of Ba11 &nad and Gilbert
street. The balanr,e oP 66 ln~es in this tr~dct trill be over 1225 square
Mr, Iyanbs rePres:snt..ng ~~q Homes, ?.ac.i ay~Peared be~ore the Co~d.s~
ai.on zad stated that l~e, vas tolsi by the City ~~torney that he t+ould be
~~aquired to S1e Por a. Y~~ ~~ce oa the reqrested reduction of house sizes
in 1Yac~ No. 21t68.
There :,r~s som~a questioa in tba ~.nds of ti7e C~o~ssina as to tihether i~ouse
si~es ~xme v~thin t'.ie soogs oP their activitie.s as 7-~eing direct~y ~:elated
to l~xe3 use.,
Aawevei~' Mr~~ Iyong ~tated tiiat this vas a~~arent3y th~ onZy xa}r that t;e
could g~et it b4fox~ tt~ City Cou~-ici7..
iTpon a n-~tion 'b: ~~ois~ioner Crauer, ~econded. by Commissioner Schwnacher~
~a o~.~~a., ;~ ~,.~ ~~,~ ~ ~J~s~ ~ros ~~~ - s-~~ iy55-56 ~ ~~m-
mend t~at a k"`.?9F5'. b: ~>~ted ?o IaauYy Somr:s= Z~c., as requested bg
Q.~.rl.ance ~. 53;-
ItECLASSLI- PU53.IC ~HING. pETiTION sn~tted by ~ BF.AI,TY CO.y IA22 Sauth La
CATION N0. ~ionegaa Ivs Angeles~ OTTO li. and 8A?~L~ 2~. (~SSITR, 1lt222 ~naheim-
F-55 56••2'. olive Roady a•+-;+R~~~, CHAEiSS B. a~ R[~1 2friY R~vB, 71t7.92 Anaheim-0live
Roady Anaheima and S°iE'dY.~AG jT. and 7~CII1~ ~S. ~'rrTTVa9 11t232 nnahei~-
Olive Road.~ Anah~im~ Ca.i.i.£orni.zt ss ~s~ 7dAEVI~ YAGI~t~ 1022 South
I.a Ciens~a~ 7',os.AngEeles~ Cal3Yornia~ as Authcrized Ageat~ requestiag
yhay ~h9ir' prape.x~t:.es be re~,lassi~:.,eci ~ra~ R.,S~ RF.,iIl~AT. A~ICDLTUR.~I.
to C-2~ G~tiF.~Ai 00~.*~RGIAL for Parcel 1 axd P-1, PgEIff~+TG for Parcel 2
described on the Y.ega7. Botice i~.i the fbld~ on RevS..Qed &sclassification
NO• F JrJr' ~i6-27~ The plti~peZ~' 3b b¢~.BYly dESCt''lbecl as t212 SOUtt16aSL COT-
;ie~c of Placeatia ..v~ame r:d ~r.aheim-Olive Road.
This Revi s~ed Rec;I;:s:::.f`i.ca~.oa ~r:iss pnbli.stied as a Pnblic Hearing for this
In an i¢r..;i~ as f~n lanex:itica `rroceeaings bau neen ,aporied up +a date oy
tLa B~v~ar;r Cor.a~. ~:~ ~n. m ar.ti :n ea~Zd, b~s taken at this time by the
~~5.; ~:
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REOISID Mr, Wa~ of Wagner Realty Co,9 Mre and Mrs, Geissler, Mr. and I~irs.
RECI,ASSIFT- Reeve and Mr, and Nh~se Phi31ips9 appeared bef~re the Co~dss3on re-
CATION NOe questing that at such a tims as the Hea*~~ was hel,d tY~st they ~rere
F-55-56-27, in favor of hav3ng their properties reclassified. as requested,
(CONT.) THE F~ARiN(i WItS CIASED ax!d wi71 be reopened. at the Ad3ourned Regular
Meeting to be held on Friday9 Apr31 27a 1956 at 2;pp psCloak p~pi,
CATION OF The Revised Rec:lassification of Ba7.1. Road No, 2 Annexation was set
HAI,L RoAD for Public Hearing on May 79 19560
CODE CHAN(3E FtF50I,UTION N0, 1~5 .- SERIFS 1955 55 t'zs prssentr3 tc t:~ Ca~ssion
reinstating the pazagraphs taken out of Section 9200,15 of Time Li.mit
for the sta.~-i;•L-ig of ar~ pxb3ect or ente.rprise aut~orized by Variance,
IIpon a mot3on by Coumri.ssioner Gauer, seconded by Coimnissioner Tlwmpson~
and carrie3~ it was voted to recomarend to the City Counci.l that RF50-
LtrtZOrr rx~, ~65 - s~s i955-56 be aaopteae
The v~ote on the above Resolution was as fo7loWS:
; 9~YES: COMMLSSIO1~tSa Aues;,, Gauer9 Riutcel' Schiuaacher~ Sw~ersy
Tho~soII and Mungall~
/1~3SENP: CONIl~II55YO1~R.S: Hapgood.
TEUFrdTIPE The Te~rtative Map of Tract No. 3055 Nas presented to the Co~assion.
MAP OF This tract is at present in the County but is included in the West
! TRACT N0. Anaheim Proposed. Annexatinn, It is further described as being 10-
3055. catad on tho soubh side of Weat Broads~ay 660 feet east of G~lbert
Street ard running Easterly 660 feet. Ths subdividsr is EN~Eiy pWEt~,
91i01 ~ookhurat Street~ Anaheim~ California. The tract contaiz~ 37
Upon a motion by Co~ai.ssioner Gauer,, secoixied by Co~mni.ssioner Riutce.l9
and carried~ it was moved that the Cou~ssion recaacnead to the Orange
County PL~xuLing Cormaission thn'. the Terii'.ab7.9e Map of Tract No. 3055
be approved sub3ect tos
l, The p~qn:ea:t of ~25e00 per 1ot for the acquisition of Park and
Recreation Sitos,
2, Streets and improvements be put in accord3ng to thra standards
of the City of 9naheim in as much as this tract will be svpplied
with aeWers and xater by ths City of Anaheim.
gDJO~NT The Meeting ad~ournerl at 1~s52 OBClock PoM. witil April 27~ 1956 at
2s00 O~Clock P.kf.
R, W. MTNGALL, Secretary
_~ ~'.