Minutes-PC 1956/05/07~
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~7~ 6
Anahe3m,, California
The Rsgular Iieeting of the City P~nninroa Co~ai::sion was r,a.;??d t.~:
order at 2:13 09C1ock P.M, by CHAZRMAN Si~R3r a quo_rsnn baing
CgAIItMAN gUI~SR,S9 OONIl~ICSSIONIItSa Riutce7.e Schumacher~ Thompaon, and
Njut7p211,~ Qp~mpigg3,pilep GBUgr elitel~ed f,he Meetiug St 2520 O~C1oCk PsMo
Co~i.ssioners Auest and Hapgood entered tha Meeting at 2058 OtClnck P,Nle
The rli.ttutes oi tihe Adj~~n~d Rs~.lar 2Saati.~ a~ ap~'.~'.. ioy i o~r{~ ~. ~
approved as printed.
,7~g PIIBI~IC I~:ARZN(3. PETITION s»bmitted by Ii. E. anci ETSA If. I~2L~a Pe 0•
Np. 536. Box 2029 AY~aheim, Ca]ifoxni.~' as ownera requesting permisaion to erec~
a 30 Unit Mote1 a~`• 121t8 East Center Street9 a C-3 Uge. The Property
ia dsscribed as starting at a point 5b4.16 feeta more or less9 from the
ceater].ine of South East Strest and extending along the Southerly righ't~
of-~ay line of East Center Street a di.stance of 1$0 feet; thence South-
erly gara11e1 to South East Street 320 feetg thence Fasterly para11e7.
to East Center Street ]SO feetg thence tvorther7,4 Para11e1 't~O Sout~A East
Street 320 feet To the pointi of be~ n~• The prapr~y' ie prosentl~
clsssi~ied as C-ly I~IGEIBOR~i00D CONII~'EtQAI,e
~ Mre Krusger appeared before the Com~ri.ssiott and stated tt~at hi.s'preseui
i residence would be used bY the operator of the Nbtel for living quar'tere.
He also stated that a S~r3nani.ng Poo1~ mt shown on the l~yout~ would be
' an additionel feature of the Motbl,
~h.. Lee S~rmands appeared. 'before the Co~rci.ssion anrl s'tated that he be-
lieved that the aresu ahould be kept in a C 7. Zone•
A petit3,on Was also received conte3n~ lil. names of residents in the area
agatnst the ~anting of the 9arianceo
It was ba~ought out by the Commission that possibly a C-3 classificatian
~,ras rather heavy for Motels and possib]y slvovld bo classi~Yed as C~-1 in
as much as it is almost a Multiple F~mi1y ResideYrtial Use although oaly
used by transioxts. TT~ F~ARINQ WAS CIASID,
IIpon a mctioa by Commiasioner Riutcel~ aeoonded by Cor~ri.asioner Schu-
machers and, aarri,eda it xas voted by ItESOLUJ~ON N0. 176 - SERSES 1955-56
t1~at var.tance No. 536 be gra~ted subject tos
1, The deeding of 25.25 feet to the City of Anaheim for street widenin~.
2~ The insta]1,ntion of curbs~ gutters ancl sidewalks alon8 Fast Ceuter
RSPI3~ PUffi~IC ~A~t[NG. PEZZTION aub~ni.tted by WAGI~R FtEALTY C0. ~ 1022 South I.a
R~CI/ASSIFICATTONCieaeg&~ LD8 A~eleB~ OTTO M~ sTld KATF~INE M~ (?~EISS1~IIt~ .`~222 ~hpim~
&0. E'~5-56 27• Olive Road~ Anaheim~ CHARLF,~ B. and 1tOSA MAY REEPE~ 7]~7.92 9nalzeimrOlive
F~oad~ Anaheim and STERLINQ W. and I,UCILLE M. PAIIS~Ss ]1t2~2 Ansheimr
Olive Road~ ~.naheim~ California~ as owners~ M6RVIN Wg(il~t~ 1022 South
I,a Cienega~ I,os Rngeles~ California.~ as Authorized bge~~ requestinB
t2~at their propertiea be recl.a,ss3fied from R•~A~ RFSIDENTW. 1GRICIII,TiJR9,L
},~ C~~ GE~R~ GbMMERCIAL for Parcel 1 anri P-S.~ P9RKCNG for Parcel 2
desr~.bed on the I,egal No~ice in the folder on Rev3.sed Recl.assif'ication
~o. ~~5 56-27. ~e p~perty is brief'ly described as the Southeast ~or-
ner of P1~acertia Avenue and Anatyeim-0]ive Road.
__. .
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Bgqj~ 5~ r_rs ~+~,~i Eor cr ~~ .Z tn:s Reclsssification, ?I~ HEARING
3Q ~ ~-L~I.
HD. I~-~$S-~~7.
(OD~[.~ ~a e~:.~s m~ Ca~eiasiaa~r 5ch=~eher~ secvm.ied by Corami.ss3.oner
3i~~9 ~' :.s..--~e*~? =t v~s c~tad by RESOLtFMON N0. 1'( l~ SERIES
3g~~~ "a r~e•-,~~nc~ t~ the Citp Cozmcil thr~t Ra-cised Reclassif`i~a.tinn
~o. ~5~~~7 oe ~pgzv~a sub~ect to engirsexing rern~irem~eate wi.th
ref~~^~e ~a ~~-e ~i~eIlZL'g~ c~tkss gutters~ ~idew~ anid roadwa~r
~.~ ~~t~ by the City ai An~:m.
2l~e ~s ~n t~ ~T~a~e ~eroiution vas as tullnWS:
A~S~ ~~Ss Gsner~ Rtutcel, Schumache~a Swmners~ Thempso~
axrd l~ituigall.
~: ~~ESv &sne.
~3S'i~4': ~Q~Sa An.~ and Eapg~od.
~~ pug ~ ~3~C ~~~_ ~. Pannier 3ppear.FC1 be.fors the Coimnission and ra-
B~T.y ~D g3, 2 ~es.,e3 4~~ 2~t'* ~eet T.s~ 2Ek1 faet at the Southeast co.rner of Euclid
~ ~e y~a ;,ai~ ~oa~T be ror,e,i ~ ~ 3 to p~'mit the erection oY ~.
S~si;~ Se-~~.
~. ~~ F-.:~ <-° r~,uzsEed tt~i. his px°!+per~ty be Y.ef`t in Rr,Aa
~~L B~f~3~T6~~ It uras pointed aut on the Map that t~h3.s
- Yd„S g3o6 ^~~-=~~ta~aa of his gl.hpertye
~~ ~aier ~-~.f~r~d ~t~ th : No.rthe~ w corn~ ef Eu~::lid A~ue
aad ~rie+m,s ~~r~e ai~.t «+ ~~3 a~ C:~Am.~"C3aZ lr.z+:, di3 I~t ~B~ fo?'
tdsi~ ao~.
3Srs. iar.~e a,s~ gar aa esp2aaa.tion oi' the P-Z~ PActI~ZNG-ItsNikSC~ri13G
~t ~~ Ber uraoertg en Broa,dxap between Inara Stx°eet a~d
5~.3 !.~
gr~ 3Do~ q~ ~rp~a.rad be€are the Co~ssion st311 ob~ecting to tha
~3 ~ trme ~~ ~e ~ v~mogt street wita tr~e rt.~. 3ust soutn of the
~j,. f~ sas a~reea ~ ti~ Commissi,on that R 3 was the oaly logi.caa.
ao~ ~•.-r ~Eha~ ~P~Y d~e to the im~~ros•emerxts presetttly in the are~
aad t~e a~ess tc t~ue Santa ~na FreewaY,. It was $greed~ imwevery
t2~at• a isoris: n co~rsid~eci fo~ iK~ shnuZd be lef`t in R•,A unbil. the
~eas~~ ~,,,a3 beco~e.s appare~nte T~ f~ARING WAS CIASID.
L~o~ a~i~a~ 'tsg~ Co~issioner Thempson~ seconded by Coamnssioner Schu-
~,:,i~r~ aai ~ried? it Aas vated to re:o~end to the City Covncil by
~QPi~. 1?23 -~ I955-55 tha±. the Master Plan for the Bal1
~oad ~o. 2 9~t~a be approaed subject to the incorporation of the
abo4e c3a..~`er~
aa~ sote on t~ a3c~a ~asti~iutiu~ ira.~ ss foZl~wso
1~5'S: 0~01~= A~est~ Craner~ HaPgood~ Rintcel, Sahtnpacher~ '
S*s~ex~~ ThemQson and Mungall.•
~Sr ~~: Hoae.
~x ~ffiiS_ ZSome.
Z'~8. P~TC ~'~ PSF`'iiF[1& an~.tted b9 MELQIIJ,E F. SCHUELLIIt~ 806 North
BD. 537. I,~3 S~r~~ ~,~ay Cal~faraia~ as ownora rsquesting permission to
~~ a De~a3 ~f~ice H~ding at 801 North Pa]m Street. The property
3s ~e^si3ed~ ~~t ~~ Tract No. 3"(7. itte PmPerty iaa preserstly classi-
3~ed as ~?: i'~'J ~ ~PSEI.Y RFSmENt'LAI~.
~~ s.:.,~-„a~~~r ~ared hsfcre the Co~maission and stated tl~at he had
~t~s~ i,a adci etlr~er •Ehau tbai caniaine~ in the applicatiori for the
~ e~ ~ a~?n-~ ihe gr~rring o~ zi~e ~'rariance. THE HEARING
iiL` CIC~.
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~ - --__ ___.--- ---....~:.. ... - --.~.:. ~ _. _.
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537 Upoa a m~tion by Co~_+~~ S~~ seomr8e~ ~'~~
ama carried, it xas wtsa ~~~. 179 -~
~(ooNr.) n
],.Q55x6 ~ ~ variamce ao. 53"t s~i-3ee~ ~w:
1. Tl~e Provid3nB of si= (5) atY-~te~et ~ag spac~ on t~se ~pe
2. The re~oval of the preseat sma~~ ~~a~ ~ P
3. Coastracti,on of the bail3i~g ~a ~oe ~th t~e ~sas as pre-
YAItIANCS PIIBLIC HB68INC. PSi'ITIOH sn~~~er3. 3ay ~~. ffis ~l Sovth italrnit
~ ~ aPerate
~~ ~ Street ~na~ma Ca73form.ay as a~, ae~ P
a Pre•,Sc2mo1 Da~ A~se~9 a't 123D (~s.tea~m ~~ F~'P~F is flu^-
ther described on the Iegal Bo'~ic~e ~a't8~ Snl~., ~e ~p~Y ~ P~
sently c]assiPied as ~.,7.~ S~T~S ?~'11'~
r or agaznst td~e ~ o~ ~t,~cEs ~ar~amc~ TFf6
No o
~a~SS+~F YtlJ 4uJVCaIs
IIpon a motion by C~ssia~r ~~ s~ ~' ~ffi' T~°3OIIs
~85 19s5-5b ~Fo
aad carried, x~ vas ~atsd bg ~~. ~D -
~ant Varisnce Ho. 538.
V9RIANCS PIIffi.IC ~ARING. P~DH so~~ted ~(~ ~. FB~s 325 &orth Pine
ND. 539. stsee~t, ei+~~p;~* and Ao ~. ~I~, ~s t~a,9~ = as o~saers, re-
q~esting Perm3.ssinn to erec~ a~~~ amd L~orte7. ~ Il~;3it East Cenr
tex Stree~t. The ~nopertY 3s fla}.~' ~ a~ tffi Yega~ Sctice in
i ~ as.
the Yolder• Tbe P~Y ~~~ =~`'~'~`"`~ ~~~ E~ cr'
A. E. Armld apPeared bda~e ~e ~n a~c4 staEtect tHat a.fteT
Considering ~a~ vses tor ~e ~~== ,~{`x" ~~ a Res-
tataat~~ Mr. F~ank and himse3~ ie~ ~ a ffigel ~aald be ~e best
possihte use of the pQ+oper~5.
Mrs. Iyle Digg~ns~ ~6 ~ Cea~s stieE.~, ~s a.~ Mrs. &~eiFi~
]~II~p 8a.g't Cen~er S~e~~ ;•,~- =~ ~~ ~.. ~ -~°'~ ~ ~ng tl~e
Mrs. Hovard Y. Staaboa~ ]1t98 ~~.rr~a S9r~3 ~s• Se~I~ D~mla.'~Ya
1$O5 Sast Center Street~
b~ ~io~
Anat~eim~ apP~'~
oY tve Yar3ance dve to fi.he ~ t~ ~~s ~e~r ~
and sta~,ed t~at ob3~••,~"~'~° ~ffi ~€~ ~
detr3~eat oY t1~e3r ct,;ia~_
A petition vas a78o P2~es~sd ~ 22 aa~s o~ gerseas res~~
oa tl~e mrth side a~ ~ast Ceater ~xee~. ~~@AS QOSEQ.
iTpon a ~~aa ; ~^~~,.,.:~s~~„a•. ~_ ~eoo~ed B~r i~ass£ones
%ntce7.~ aad c~rried~ it ~as ~o#~.' i~ ~ ~. ~ - ~
1955-56 to grant va~i~ce Bo. 539 ss~~ ~o-
L'lRae deeding of Z,~•?.~ ~ee~ ~o t~e 4~i~' o~ ~~'ar StTeBt
gx~.,e~ ~adt sadh~~~ oa Bast Ceater
~nn oY sm~s
~'i~ n
3, The bu3lding of fi13e 23o{.s3. 3n ~ mth t~e g~aas preseated.
Thez~ ~s a qwestz,oa 3aza3rad ~'.~ ~~e o~ t~e i7o~as~ns a~d ~Y
~o t3~a+eia (~ to 3) ~a Savor o~ grarYt-
e ~as
a shov of bands, t.~e vo
ing 'tbe VBrisme~ '
QARIANC~ F~7ffi,IC HB~G. P~iTIDH sv~i~t~ed 3~ ~ pA~l'il ~.~ as or~me~rs~ cfo
N0. ~. W~ ~a~ ~., ~ -~ -z g= ~- =°~,~ T~ ~eless California~
Qfl. as ~ox~s~1 Agenta
vlt.h ~R7°SD[i G. S~ ot flI3~ ~
~ p~mm.ssiAn ia erxt a ~~ _
oa Harbor Bovlia~vard P~er slesc~ed as ~lae 9f~ et #~e l~ of~ S~
Emer~ ~$fi
~ ~
of Secti~on 2?s T~s E;t~s ~~'
t~er~g. ~~ez~t° 3s ~a+~3p ela's~ed a~ B"l' ~d'~CAI.
~ -.. ------ _. _ . _ - - - _ _ _ __ ~ -
L L ,~ -
YAR'f~NCB ~~ COIlley TepT8S81xtiSlg t~.he A~'bor 7and ~o. appe~ b~e ~as
, ~• ~po "Wtmu3.83iAn 821d pT~3serited a 1~y011t Ui' ~~ ~ 3b3~ii ~ ~
~CON'P. ) tt~at the Conaty had ~at~d a ~sr~ ~~ ~'~er ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~
cation but dv;e to ti~ fact tha~ ti~e ~';~? ~~ 3a~?~ some ~
m311~Lon ($2~oooao0o.o0j i~G re~,n3.x~ad ~ ia~oes ~ tE~ ~
by the Coimty to arrange ~or the ~~~, '~ ffi~" Ti~.S ~.
IIpon a motion by Coaam.ssioaer Gane~s seao~ed ~q ~~~*••~ ~ady
an~a ca~~ea, it ,~s ootea. vg affioyv~.zoa a~. a~z -~ a~.~ ~
grant variance rro. 54o snb3eat ~o ~~~~-~
Botil.eearci aB recivised by the ~ty of ~~siss~ ~~3 ~*R~,•~'~ ~e
' deed3~g of the ]rarid to the City of ~nai~eim s~ece~ ~ a 6~2 ine~
hal4 width street oa Aarbor Bonlepax~.
VARIANCL~' PZ1BIaIC HEARING~ P~1"ITIO$ 3U1~$t',ed ~~~'1 ~~~S
~~ 5~ N02'til'1 ~.UBTti .5't'il°86'ty ~Il~~iaitn9 ~Z.m',g~ ~ ~ g~
permi.ssion ~.o establ3.sh a Co-~3d~catjD272~j - - B~
aw ~_~_~ o_L_~~ s ~.t... ow.~..r. ~~•i..ss ~..+...+sika Sc ?~aw e~
ratoumuv~srJ uua,var.i OV w,o .....s rs-~
CI"It)BfI. OA '~19 I+6g8Z NQt'ij.C@ ~Il t2]B ~03i'7PSs ~B ~~+ ~
C1.888~.8C1 3S ~~ ~~+ ~ .~
1~, K9~6tY1 HOl.'F 8ppear3d L~BfOI~e ~hB 2~Sb''~ Ssad st~ ~ ti~eg'
plats to teach t`.n~m the l~a¢~gartea vp "l~~o ~.ar3~3'e ~~~ ~ae
proposed Sm~er Pro~ ~or this yaar v3~~ ~e a~3s ~e ~' c~ ~
8z00 to 12s00 cove~ing "makenP° sub3ec~a~. ~~ ~+aa 1~ ~~~Q f3~se
wLU 'be clasees in araPt wor1L 2~ 3s ~a ~~~ c~a be
accomoaa.tea wi.th one (1) t,eact~ to ~h ~~m~3ls. ~~ ar tiee
achool has been received from ti~s 3~la~3~.a ~ Se~aa ~*~*•.~
8Tld 'I'i~19 Armhuiin Li`],~g~ .SC?'IDO~ ~L"L~ ~ ~ ~ pS
p]anned to start on June 1$th and 9a Se~rte~ ~fie i~'sa;t~ter ~ v.~2
start s~ich w311 be tlLl day sessi4~ ~s~ ~~+'~ -'.~S ~ ffi
IIpoa a no~tion by Co~i.ssi,c+ner C~u~, ~camded 3~ ~ S~:
sixl c2rried~ it ~as voted by ~OyUT~O~ ~. 3~'3 - ~ ~~so ~ ~
Variance Noc 57t1. snbjec't t~o the d~diag o3' 3~ 3iee~ ~crg ~ S~raef
for fut~ae s~~:~eet ~ide~.
v~uaxcs p~c ~r~. ~~~a sn~~a ~ ~ ~ 9m9 ~ ~t~
1~D. 51~2. StreetII ht~alae3m, CR],ifornia, ss aan~, Z. ~. ~, ]2A ~fa~ S~s
~she~m~ Ca]3.Yorata~ as AutboTised ~i raq~ ~~c aoas~eeE
a ne~r bai].a3ng on the property aesar~ea ss ~ 9 08' ~ 3oi. ~36 Y~
as 937 DJorth I,e~on Street. The aae ~3~iqg ~3318~e ~ed ~c H~at ~'foes
and tt~e present dwa113ag wi31 be r~oec7. ~~ is ~ e2a~
fied as R-~~ MIILTIPI.B Fai~ ~ a~''i s°v~ ~m ~~ ~.+~~
to nse tYie pTeseat 1~~^0 ~or a Beau~p ~a.
Dr• B:irkelie appeared before the Ca~ ~i ~ae~d a Z~a¢t aai
p]aas of the proposed Daatal ~~~~r ~e .~..s..... ~, #I~' T~~~
be from rrorth I~e~on street vith o~f•sLr~et ~~~ f~sj e~ss ~'•
ing Prom the a71ey at tl~e re~ of ~e ~. ~~~S ~.
IIpon a motion by Co~aLssi.oasr GaverD secomaed d~ ~ 3~ae2a
and cat°ried~ it was vuted bg EF50LU1~ 8~. 3~. -~"a ~9s~"ri"s~ '~ ~
Var~.artce No. 5'Lt~~
VARIANCE PUBI,IC I~ABINa. PETITION sn2a~tt~d bg ~3l3P~ ~~ ~.~ ~2 ~
Np. ~3. Ia %ea Avenus~ I,os &sgelesa Ca3Jfor~3s~ ~~s a~ ~
to erect a Motel or Mctels on t~e mv~y ~$s ~~~~
1~35 reet o~ t~e ~t 500 ~~t (~sm+ea ~o ~•~,~.,~,~ ~r s~t a~
~cin~) of zot 1, ~.ock 15 of asribaiv3s~a oi ~ ser~ ~~ff see~
u, TLs, ~r, s.B.e.aas.p a~a (~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ t,
B~,ock ],5 of "Subdi4isioa of the Soufi.h ~ cd' See3~aa ~s ~s ~s :~~„'"~
ep0cept the East 500 feet af sad,d 3c~ ~~e~ ~~e o~ae d sixeeE
ad,~o3sring on the East. The !~o paroe3s mai~ ~~i a~rs ~
are preseatly cl.asai~3ed as R,A~ ~
. . ...... . ... ........ .-.:.~:..... . :~~~~.r..... ..........:.. .._...,..
...... .. .. .:~ ....... ...... . ..~...
1 ~ A !~
~ p~ .~
VdRI~ATCE Mt•. Iajrrence &vege~~ Oice-A...~esi.deat oY Fl,odre Develope~as ~%•a
~. 51~3, appeaz~ad before the Comadssion and preseated plans and elevati,oas
(CONT.~ for tht proposed 23~te1.
No one aF.oe~red in oppositi~on to the graating of the Yar~n*+~e. T~
IIpon a motion by Co~a3.ssianer Hapgcod~ seconded by Com¢~ssi.oner Anes~~
and carried~ it vas wted by RF50LUTION N0. 185 - SIIi~ES 1955-56 to
~ant var3.ance xo. 543 sub3ect to:
1. The insta]lation of side~ll~ on South West Street.
2~ Ths deedi.ng Of 10 feef. t0 the Cifi.y Of A+m1+Qim ~OT the ~Tidelli~g
of Walsnxt Street.
3. The {TMa+.~i~at3An of curbs~ gutters and sid~al;ss along South
Wa7nut Straet.
M'R~TPP TLCS7! v:.:..." rr .T~.~v :ro~.+.wTa~.o ii'v vi LNL ~vesis jJitli3eBL@O'. Ti0 Ti119 li0IIQR7.8S].OII~ T111.S
VARIANCE N0. concerr,a the establishment of a fiv~e (5) II:ri.t Retail. Store Building
UP 2902. on Soutki Brookhurst Street approxUnat,e]y 200 feet n~rth ef Os•angr ~ve-
m~e on the west aids of tha street.
Upoa a motion by Co~d.ss~ntter Tlmmpson~ seconded by Co~i.ss3Aner Anest~
and carried~ it was voted to reco~ to th9 Orange CouatY Planm~g
t,oamdssioa that Use VariancR No. UP 2902 be p~aated subject to t2~e 3.~
stallati~on of c~abs, guttars attd sidewa7lss along B~rookhvrs~ Street to
be put in accordi.i~ to ths City o~ ~riaheim Sta~a~ds in as m~ch as this
area xill be a portion of t he City of Anahe~m within a short time,,
Il~ROVB+~NT Co~tssionem Schwaacher suggested. that a Civic Co~mnittee be Yo=soed vifi,h
OF T~ QTY ~ambers from a]1 local orgar.d.zations i~sterested in tha .~-rth aY a~=~~+,
C~N'1RAZ BDSI- This a~i.ght iavolve a Bond Issue of possibly ~10'000,000 ~0 3mprov~e tLe
1~S5 DISTRSCT. City Business Diatricty t,d bu31d a Civic Ceater and othaz z~ded iu~zove-
menta. Iie stated. tl~at Anahsi~a is ~ing ~Y raPid].Y aad is des-
tiaed to become a p].aVground of 3outhern Califo~a due to ths i~+~t c-r
Disne~ylaad~ Smtt~s Berry Fatm and other stuh euterprises in the area
and that a„nr~;*+ shouln become the fi~st Ci'tY in ~range CouatY i~ tl~e
matter of in~iovmnex~s is brought to the atteation of atl the pebpl,e
ia the City and acted upon,
IIpon a motion by Co~ni.asianer Tlwmpsons seconded b~ Com~i.ss3nner Mnngall~
and carried~ it was voted that Co~ni.ssioner Schtunacher prepare a Beso-
lution for consideration coverin~ changes aad add~.t3~ons that oonld ~
II18,f~8 '~'i0 b9j5'~EQ' 'fi~ Cr].~'i~' Of firwhaim 'nrtl~ g~ ~p~BC't8 83 8~93A
Ceuter anil suggesting a Coa~¢Lttee to activialy caxzy on t~ds vork.
PRA~'FRTY TO A letter taas receiv~ed ~om Ieonard ~.th~ &oicer~ suggesting that vheQ~e
BE DSEDID TO the Co~i.ssi~on in granting a Yari.ance req~sired t1~ property oas~r t,o
T~ CITY OF deed to the City of ~naheim a strip along a street Por s~3ds:ring~ that
aNA~II~1. such dsed be in the hands of the City be.fore the Variance goea to t1~e
G`i'ty Cout~il4
The Conmd.saion believed that the suggestion vas good but that befo:~
the Plaaning Co~.ssion resolution was signed granting a Yar3anae„ t~e
deed must be in poasession oY the City. The tareaty (20) d~y vai~ing
par~iod before a Variaace 3.~ 3n effeCt ahnuld be suYPicieat timo to
preaeat this d~3 to the City.
The Vari.ance and Rec~.assificaf;3.on Forms wi11 vow casTy a ao~;a~3,on to
the effect that thi.s will be one of tae conditio~ for the gi~anting of
a Variance or a Reclassi~ication. •
gDJ0~I~1T ~'he Meeting ad~ourrLed at 5s20 0~C],ock P.1~5.
• r ~