Minutes-PC 1956/07/02July ~, 1956
City Hall
Anaheim, California
~ R&,RiAR The Regular Meetiag of the City Pianning Commission evas called to order =t:
1~fING at 2:15 O'Cloct P. M, by CHAIRMAN SUMMHRS, a quorum being present. ~~
pgg3gNf (~iAIRMAN SUI~RS, COI~lISSiOPIDRSz Auest, Morris, Riutcel, Thompson and _
' Mnngall.
~ ~SSIOI~R Hapgood entered the Meeting at 3:30 0'Ciock P. M.
ABSBNP COi~lISSLOAIDRS: Gauer aad Sctiumacher.
tdIM1TE,S The blimites of the Ad3ourned Regular Meeting of June 18, 1956 were
appzoved as printed. ~
. ;
NOS. 5T8. CONSTRUCfION Cq~ANY~ 332~ South La Hrea Street, Los Ang¢les, California, i
579, 580. as O~mer, NSLROSE SIGN SHRVICB, 5534 Meirose Avenue~ Hollywood, Califor- ;y
583 ANID nis, as Authorized A6ent~ requesting permiasion to ereet a temporary ''
584 sign at the Southeast coraer of Broadvraq and Magnolia Aveaue to adnertise ~
the sale of lots and homes ia Traet No. 2440. This tract is located on `
~uc Son2h si~e of Ds~s~ray jusC Sasi o€ ~;agnolia A~ezue. VARIANCE IdO, 579 ~
~ TRUDY RICFiARDS &1ILDING CORPORATION, 305 North Robertson Boulevard, Beverlq ;
Hilis, California, as Owner, FRANK PRISSHN, 1315 Cherry Drive, Orange, ,
California, as Authorized Ageat~ requesting an e::'cension of an existing i
sign ased by another tract by repainting same. The sign is ;~resentiy =
located near the Northeast intersection of Magnolia Avenue and Houstoa
Street. The sign Miil advertise the sale of lots and homea in Tract
No. 2501 ~dnich is located on the South side of Sroadway, midway between ~
Eaclid affi Brookhurst Street. VARIANCH N0. 580 - PRBMATIC HOMBS~ INC.~ '
P. 0. Box 366, Anaheim~ California, as Owner, PRANK PRIHSBN, 1315 Cherry ,
Drive, Oraage, Caiifornia, as Authorized Agent, requesting permission
to erect s temporarq sign at the North side of Manchester Avenue approxi-
mately 150 feet North of West La Palma Avenue. This aign will advertiae
the sale of iots and homes in Tract No. 1940, which is located on the
lfest side of Giibert Street between Lincoln Avenue and Broadwaq. VARIANCH
N0. 583 - GEORGB M. HOLSTEIN AND SONS~ 166 Hast 17th Street, Costa Mesa, ~,
Califor~ia. as Owners, MBLROSS SIGN SERVICS~ 5534 Melrose Avenue, Ho11y- '
wod, California~ as Au4horized Agent~ requeating permission to erect a
temporary sign advertising the sale of lots and homes in Tract No. 2425.
T`,.is sign ~riil be located on the East aide of Broalchurat Street, 1400 ;
feet Sonth of Ball Road. TracY No. 2425 is iocated at the Southeast
corner of Orange Avenue a~ Nutwood Street. VAIiFAiv'Cn ::~. 584 - TOBIN ,
OraMPANY, 261 North Robertson Boulevard, Beveriy Hiiis, Caiifornis~ as
Oruer, MSLROSS SIGN SERVICH~ 5534 Melrose Avenue, Aollyvrood~ California. y
as Anthorized Agent, requesting permission to erect a temporary s~gn to
advertise the sate of lots and homes in Tract No. 2655. The aign wiil ~
be iocated on the Hast side of Stanton Avenue, 250 feet Sast of Stanton ~
Averme, on Orange Aveaue.
Variance Nos. 578, 579, 580, 583 and S84 were considered collectively. i
No one appeared for or againat the granting of theae Vnriances. TFIB • ;
-- - HI~ARI1~iPAS CI.OSED. _ ;
Upoa a motion by Co~iss3oser Auest, seconded by Comm3ss3oner Riutcei, '
and carried, it ~ras voted bq RSSOLIJTION N06. 230, 231, 232, 233 and ~
234 - SERIBS 1955-56 to grant the above Variances sub,ject to: !
1. Signs shali be a maximum size of iQ by 25 feet. ~
2. Signs rili be permitted for a maximum p~riod of 6 montha or leas. ~
3, A pe=mit must be taken out with the Bnildi~~g Department. ~
4. The name of the sign company muat appear on every sign erected. j
_,__. 5. Signs must be 10 feet back of the right-of-way line of any ~
s:reet or h3ghxaq. '
6. At the iatersection of the streets, the signs muat be set bec1- ~
2~ fte:. x
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vARIaNCS 7. All signs sball 2~ave a 5$tx~t ~~9~
I~"JS. 578, 8. The fee per si.ka sbe31 'be ~2i_@~_
579, 580~ 9. Sign Variaaces shall be ~i##r~ fos au+"*,.,~-r:...sa ~~
583 AND advertisiag only Tzaris am=~3ffi ~-t cstg gi,a~s m~ g~Lo~~
584 (CONf.)
RBCIASSIF:~- P[TBLIC HBARING. PETITION 3ielfl axs ga~ itfi~e l~mg e~ ,~eee 4, Z456,
CATION xas again brought ~ for ~~=~Mtimm_ !~ ~3~ ~ g~~ gg3i
N0. P-55-56-40 Staaton Avemie, Anaheim, t~a33#osoia, ap~rsa~d ~ms~ 19he C~in~ s~
stated the Mr. Headersom tioa3~ aga~n ~a3k $ac E~ g~mea~ ~~
proposed Reclassifica#i~. Iar_ ~ s~ ~ ~ ~d ~
make an eiaborate econo~ic ~ey, 3mft~ 4~e ~is g~c r~~aa~ }~
~ entire 57 acres xas thst on ~~~~+ e~ t~e ~~~~~~
it rns necessary for draimge r.omd3~3sms ~e, ~se ~ a~s,.cP r~_
He stated that these properti~s a~ 7~e Sm~ se~$im af t~ St~tz
iiiguways procinded iae nse ~f ~e ~ gm~ ~~~
uses. Mr. Jim BaYer stated tn Y~e ~~at att~ ~zs fe~3sag
that if not developed t~~-+"~~a9, 1l~as ~ i~¢ ~t nesaft
from people living in tbat azra ~m3a3 ~~'~~, ~~ ~ g~
Park, on accottat of its beiag sc nn~ ih~ ~ c~ ~S citg,_
There was some discnssiam as ~0 3~e ~ 4p~pe mff ~imess sl,uag
Lincoln Avemie an3 it ~eas ~r3fled t3~ait a~ ~he ~~sse sost c~
these aouid fall in the C-3, ~Wq ~t, ~a~~~~.:.~. ~g
Upon a motion by Commissioaer '~, ~e~sII doy ~
Riutcel, and carried, it a~as va~ed ibo Aeam~ ths ffie ~tir Ca~iL
L+yy ~SOLIIT3Q:`: .'.~. 235 ~ 5....I..a.S 3~55-~ .:~.. mm.~Fie~ti~a aQ_
F-55-56-40 be apprnved snb_~ett ~a_
1. That tIIe pi~pert3es 9n t~e S~~h sa~is ¢ff v---~^^,".., a~e~r €az :
depth of 276 ftct ~r~ ~e ~Iam~ ca Samm,Em ae..,~ ~
classified as C-3, ~£AiV~p~MA1~L~i, tde a~ Q~ ~e ~t
businesses alla~aed 3rg ~~.y ~_
2. That the Nest bo~dary ffor a~ m~ 354A ffeet as! 3c¢tTs ca t~ee
proposed C-3 Zoning me ~a~~a~~ ~~~ ~
3. That •the Sonth bo~darg ~'or a~ mff 33~ f~ 6e s=so clissi
f ied as P-1, pA~. ~~ fl~-g Z~mry wala ~e~t aay
buildings xithia 3S0 ~eett ~f 3~ s~agP.r-~ass~ ~,es
subdivision on l3ie Sn~ci~_
4. The balaace of the ~~e cw~*'Tseffi as c 34 ~p~..
5. That the service road ~e ~++~*~aa••~ ag~g g~ ~9~~~ ~
desiga of ~ich ~r1i1 ~e ~ Ea~ it~ i~g' ~~r o£ ~
City of Anaheim.
The vote on the above Resolu~3sm a~s ~ ffo~~~-
AYES: COI~dISSION~?RS: Anes2, ~, ~+"~+~+. ,a ~,. ~
aad ~
ABSBNT: ~SSIOI~RS: i~ner ind S~ss~
VARfANCB PiTBLIC FIDARZNG. P8T3fiit3N sa~mi~ed B~ ~~_ ~S, ~ 3azt~ F~e
N0. 581 Street, Anaheim, Califom3a, as ilomrs, a+e~ax~im~ ~ tQ cat
ten (10) lots having aa~.+++~c;+++,~ ~~y g~ ~~ ffi~~ I,LS
feet and use these lots for Saro (2~ s~e-s~a3~ ~•a~*"~ or ~e
duplex per io4. The properi~ is 3~ ~ a€ne ~~• s~e a~ g~t~
Street and further descr3.~efl as 11~ ~~ff 1~e ~ af~ ~ee g~ aF Sectiaa
2, T4S, R10W, S.B.B. & Fl_ ~~ 1~e *g ~~~~
NIf}; thence along the North~ .. ;- 33ae ~E ~a.~! ~ S~3° ~` ~ E, 66I_25
feet to the Easteriy 13ne S~~O O9* A2° TD, ~i ffee~ 1~ence g~ OI• 4S'
14; 240.51 feet, thenee S 89° 47• 33° ~, 35p ~33 ffet~ t3e~e 3 S~p 03• 4Z"
li. 70.75 feet to a point in !~e ~es19 lime miE ~s,i i~If E~ae S
0~ il~ 18" W, 1AS.01 feet fsa~ saa~ g~o,~t aff ~~~~g
said Westerly iine N_ 0° 3i' 38" ,E, 343_i~fl fferlt 16m ~ad ~t e€ ~
ning. The property is presmt3g •-A~~*"~nffi s~~ H~4L-
~ - ---;-----
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VARIANCB . Mr. A. P. Thomas appesred before the Commissioa and stated tLat he de- .
N0. 581 sired to cnt the property iato 10 lots and sell same for residenti~i
(CONP.) nse. It aas pointed out that he conid oniq do ao after he fiied a sn~
diviaion map but 4hat he coaid~ under the atate iaM, aeli off thzee
parceis ia any one year and keep the fourth parcel as one iot and repeaL
the.procedure each year of seliiag three iots until the entire property ~
was sold.' 1I~ HBARING WAS CLOSBD. f
Upon a motion by Cc-:~ssioner Thompson, seconded by Commiasioner Anest,
and carried~ it was voted by RBSOLUTION N0. 236 - SHRI&S 1955-56 to
grant Variaace No. 581 sub3ect to:
1. The sale of the three Westerly lots xhich ronld be 66 feet ia
Midth by 145 feet in depth. The balance of the property ranld
be~ kept as one lot.
2. Permission is aiso granted to bniid txo single-famiiy~resi-
d~nces or one duplex en each of these three lots.
3. Curbs, gutters and aiderralks must be installed in front of
these three lots.
4. The payaient oi $25.00 per lot must be made f.or the acqnisition
of Park and Recreation sites.
5. A record of surveq map must be filed shoxing these three lots
and the remaining fourth iot.
N0. 582 Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Ormer, WILLIAM H. RBMlAI~ID, 117 Hast
~hapaan Avz~rne~ Ora~ge, C$ii€ornia, as Ani,~orized ngeni, reqnesting
permission to erect a SBRVICE STATION at the Northes,st corner of
Stanton Avenue and Orange Avenue. The property is preaentip classi-
Mr. William H. Remiand appeared before the Coimnission a~nd stated tLat ~
the sssb,ject propertq was no longer of any vaiue for !he grrnrth of citrns
fruit and that Stanton Avenue had become a very bnsy thoronghfare aad
thia was their reason for ssking for a commercial nse on this corner.
Up~on a motion bq Commissioner Anest, seconded by Co~issioner ld~mgall,
and carried, it was moved by RHSOLUTION N0. 237 - SSRIES 1955-56 to grant
Variance No. 582 sub3ect to: .
1. The deeding of 20 feet elong the North side of Orange Aveane
to the Citq of Anaheim for the widening of this street.
2. The instaiiation of curbs and gutters along Stanton Aveane aad
Orange Avenue.
N0. 585 South Illinois Street, Anehe3s, CEI~F4~'!l3~, as LLYwe:, ~. G, S~.W~.:,
JR., same addresa, as Authorized Agent~ reqneating permission to erect
and operate a SBRVICB STATION at the Southeast comer of Harbor Honlo-
vard and baii Road. The property is presentiy ciassified as R-A,
No one appeared for or against the granting of this Variance. ~ HPARING
Upon a motion by Comm3ssicner .kueat~ seconded by Commissioner Thoagson,
_ ~ _ __
and carried, it was moved by RSSOLUTTON N0. 238 - SHRIHS 1955-56 to ~
grant Variance No. 58S sub,ject to: ~
1. The deeding of 20 feet to the City ef Anaheim for the ridening ~
of Hall Road. ~
2. The deeding of 10 fett along Harbor Houlevard £or the xidenin6
of this street.
3. The installation of cnrbs and gutters on both streets.
4. The erection of a 6 foot masonrq xall on the Hast side of the
propertq. ~
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VARIANCB ' PUHLIC HSAR3NG. PHTITION ~ubmitted bq E. A. FAHRION, 1~3b Redwood
N0. 586 Drive, Anaheim, Caiifomia, as (h~mer, reqnesting permiaeion to cut txo
lots off on propertq deacribed as b~g~:~niag at a poiiit in the center
iine of Bond Street; ther.~c North 15~ 20' 30" feeL to e point; thence
North T4° 36* 40" E~ 120.86 feet to a pofnt; 4hence South 15° 20' 30"
B, 84.01 feet to the beginning of a curve ccncave Weaterly having n
radiua of 15 feet; thence 15~ 20• 30" S, 40 feet to a point in the center
line of Broadway; thence S.74° 3ti' 40" W, 105.87 feet along said center
iine of Broadwaq to the point of beginning, snb,ject to an easement of
an easement over the South 40 feei thereof for street pnrposes. The
property ia preaently clasaified ae R-1, SINGLB-PAMILY-RBSIDBNTIAL.
Mr. MfcDaniei appeared before the Commission and deacribed the txo io4s
. desired to be cut off from this property and the future development of
R A'~tBB} nn fhn Raat a~~.C QF Ft~e ..., a.. ~~ H&i~'i2~v nn.~a a.i.v$nu.
.. y~..l~`..~:.~ .
Upon s motion by Commisaioner Riutcel, seconded bq Commisaioner Hapgood,
and carried, it was voted bq RHSOLUTION N0. 2'39 - SSRIBS 1955-56 to
grant V$riance No. 586 sub,ject to;
1. The iastaltation uf sidewalks siong Broudxaq.
2. Payment of $25.00 per lot ~For the acqaiaifiion of Park aad
Recreation sites.
3. Piling of s record of aurvey map of the two lots.
N0. 387 Bast Street, Anaheim, Caiiforr~ia, regueetar.g pe:miss3on to erect a b
foot concrete block fence at the rear of the sidexalk on Belmont Avenne,
startiag at a point approximately 204 feet Hast of Bast Street and extend-
±ng Easterlq approxi~'s4a1y o4 ieei; ihence Sontheriy at riglxt angles 12~
feet. A Variance to extend the fence Southerly from this point is not
necessary. The fence aiong the Sast side wili lie nlong the Weat line
of Lot 135 of Tract No. 1825.
Mrs. Goodrich appeared before the Commisaion anC stated thst in order
to have anq privacy on their property, the propoaed well was a necessitq.
She also atated that ahe had contacted the owner on the East aide of
the snb,~ect property and they r~rere in agreement that such a txail ahould
be erected, Tf~ F~pRING WAS CIASnD.
Upon a motion by Commiasioner Auest, aeconded by Commiasioner Hapgood,
and carried, it was voted by ~SOLUTION N0. 240 - SBRIES 1955-56 to
grant Variance No. 587. ~
RBVIBVPS IInder our preaent procedure~ e request for a reviex of nnciassified qBCR
does not entaii any fee, bnt, the City of Anahd m requires that the
petitioner ~rrite a ietter xequesting a Re9iew of the propertq for a
Speciai Uae. The case in question ass me where auch a requeat had been
filed aad after the Citq of Aaaheim had advertised same to the property
oxnera, and had mailed noticea to the aQ3oining propertq ownera, snch
request xas cancelied and the City received no reimbnrsement for tlhe
ex;~enses incurred. ,
Upon s motion by Commiesioner Hapgoed, seconded bq Commissioner Thompson, ~
and carried* it tysa voted by RBSOLiTTYON N0, 241 - SHRIHS 1955-56 to
,amend the Ordinance so thaL a charge of $25.00 per Reviex can be msde ~~
similar to that required for the filing of a Variance, and that thia }
______ __amendmen:~be_presen#e~±_-to theGitp-Gonncil as-an-iaterim ordinance~-- ------ ~-
The vo4e on the above Resolution nas as foliows: ~
AYBS: COI~AfIS6I0NBRS: Auest, Hnpgood, bforris, Rintcei, Summers, ~
Thompaon and Mungall. ~
ABSBNT: COMMISSTONBRS: Gauer and Schnmacher. ;
_~ ~
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__ -------------•--------._--__~_
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- CATTON Terrace~ Corona Del Mar, Cplifornia, as Owner, reqr~esting that the pro-
N0. ~-56-57-2 pertq described as the S} of the SW~ of the SW~ of Section i2, T4S, RSOW,
S.B.B. & M. Ccon~aining 5 acres) be reclassified from R•~A~ RBSIDBNTIAL-
AGRICULIVRAL to C-1, NEIGR~ORHOOll-COMMBRCIAL. The property lies on the
Sast side of South Placentia Avenue betweer. the Anaheim-Olive Road and
Hast Saata Ana Street.
No ~ae appeared for or against the granting of this Reclasaification.
Za ciew of these circumstances, the hearing was held over cmtil the
Meeting of August 6, 1956.
^ ~Rmm~v nS.^.~~'.~'::YS: c!'S°~+ e~ehei.w ~a77fnnnie ea f1umP~ (,`H412.T..S3$ $. i1jZTTj~Qjd11,
's ~r -r -
N0. F-56-57-2 201 Onyx Street, Balboa, California, as Authorized Agent, requeating
that the propertq described as Lot 5, Block B, of Trac4 No. 13, iocated
on the BasY. side of Brookriurst Street between Orange Avenue and Broad-
~,raq be reclassified £rom R-A, RESIDIINTIAL-AGAICULTITRAL to C-3, HEAVY-
No one appeared for or against the granting of this Reclassification.
In view of these circcrostaaces, the hearing was held ovex until the
Meeting of Avgust 6, 1956.
Cd~TION Boulevard, Reyerly Hills, California, as O~mez, ALVIN LSS3SR, same
~ N0. F-56~57-3 addrPss, as Authorized Agent, requesting that Tract No. 2401, bounded
~ by Nfest La Palma Avenue on the Southy Romneya Drive on the North, and
~ t rorcn t,iiron Sireei on cne 'n'e3i bc reCifl3B~Y ieG F~6tli R-1, SINGLE-
T ,
~ Mr. Aivin Lesser, of Spadrom H~tates, aggeared 'oefore the Commission
aad statecl that the sub,ject propesty, namely, Tract 2401 waa origiaaliy
R-3, MULTIPIB-PAMILY-RESIDBNTIAL wnen the pro~erty was pnrchased. Upon
filing of a subdivision map, it automaticaliy becamt R-1, SINCLE-
~' PAMILY-RHSIDBNTIAL. It app~ars that there is a need for Multipie Family
Dwellings in the area and th~~y now propase to sell the lota for custom-
built multiple-family vnits. ZHH ?jBARING WAS CIASSD.
Upon a motian by ~:ommissioner Thompson, seconded by Commis~ ~~ler Aueat,
and carried, it :. voted by RSSULUTIC?N N0. 242 - SERIBS 1955-56 to
recommend to the (:ity Councii that Reciassifieation No. P-56-57-3 be
approve~ in as much as the property was originally ciasaif3.ed as R-3,
MULTIFLB-PAMILY-RESIDBNTIAI., This Reclassification is at~~,ject to the
filing of deed-restrietionr'i covering the type of muitiple-family Gweil-
ines to be erer;:ed on thesr lots.
The vote on the above Resolution was as foilowe:
AYES: CODAfISSIONHRS: Aueat, Hapgood, Mo*ris, Riutcel, Summers,
Thompson anQ Mungall.
ABSBNT: CODOdISSIONSRS: Gauer and Schumacher.
TBNTdTIVB MAP The Tentative Map of '~ract No. 3095 was presented tc the Commis!~ion,
OF TRACT N0. This tract is located 666 feeC North of Crescent Avenue and 1322 feet
______.__ . _____3095.__.._ _._West of Huclid Avenue.and South of Tract_~Yo..._2082.. _The_aubdivider_is
~ thz VOGU3 CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, 4634 Weat Sisuson Avenue, Los Angeies,
~ Ca2ifornia. The tract conta3ns 27 iots and is presently in Countq
territorq. This Tract Map was heid up at the request of the City
Bagineer until the Meeting of Juiy 16, 1956.
~ TBNTATIYB MAP The Tentative Map uf Tract No. 3099 was pre3ented to the Commisaion.
OF TRA~T N0. Ttis'tract is located on the West side of Dale Avenue spprosimately
3099 1348 f~et South of Crescent Avenue. The subdivider is C. PRED SMITH,
~ 1940 Anaheim-Olive Road, Anaheim, Cali.°ornia. The tract containa
4Q Sots.
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18N~1TI11E MAF ~pon a ffition bp Co~aissioaer Hapgood, secolded by Commissioner Thompsoa,
OF 17tACT ti0. ami casried, it aas voted to spprove the Tentntive Map of Tract No.
3099 C~.? 3099 snbjectto:
]. Assigning a number, poasibly 39-A to the Wel1 site ahown on
the ~ap, There xill be no charge made to tfie Pe~rk and Recrea-
' tion Fvnd fer this lot.
2. Shoring on the map the type of improvements on the South line
of the property on B street and whether n Lot A will be re-
tained on the South proparty liae.
i: ~~sYa +~R
ldAS~R PYAN OF ?he bnud o~snpervisors of O=tnge County forwazded to the C3ty of Ana-
ARTBRIAL HIG~IAYS he3a FYanning Ca~issioa, their adopted planning of Arterial Highways
. ~+.'~+: ~.+LaE~ .~'C~'si+'vu ~uni aniu ~i1ti3 6Y eay por2iua LAC=COI ID3y DC
adopted as par3 0€ the City Master or General Plan. This map wiil be
givea £arther study to see i€ it coincides with the Anaheim Master Plax~
of streets a~ highrays.
ADJOURN~lrr ?he lfeetivg adjonrned at 5:51 O'Ciock P. IK. nntil July 16, 1956 at
2:00 O'Cloct P. M.
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