Minutes-PC 1956/07/16~
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Jnly ib~ 1956
City Hail
Anaheim, Cnlifornia
The Ad,jonmed Regular Meeting of the City Pinnning Commission was called
to order at 2;iG O'Clock P.M. by CAAIAMAN STJh~fBRS, a quorum being pr~ent.
CHP.IRMAN SUMMBRS: ~CObA~fISSIONSRS: Anest, Gauer, Morris, Rivtcel,Thompson,
.,w uw.....t~
CObAfISSIONBR Hapgood entered the Meeting at 3:10 0•C1ock P.M.
COI~R~IISSIOI~R Schumach~r
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 2, 1956 were approved as printed.
RBCIAGSIFI- PUBLIC FffiARING. PBTITION sssbmitted by Tf~O. H. RUCFIDL, P. 0. Box 151~
CATION Anaheim; Californim, as Oaner requesting that the propertp described as
N0. F-56-57-4 Lots 49, 50, 51 and 52 of Hlock C; Hotei Dei Csmpo Trect be.reciassif9.ed
froa G2. GHNSRAIrCOMI~RCIAL to M-1, LIQiT-MANOPACT[TRING to permit the
ere.tion and operation of a building for a COHAlBRCIAL PRINTING PiANT.
~The propertp is fnrther deacribed as being 610-616 Bast Center Slreet.
Mr. Theo. B. Bnchel appeared before the Commission e,nd expiained the
opexatian af 4Y-e prfa2fa~ ~la.-~t tha~ he ~rc~csed to bu:1d. The bniid-.
ing wili be erecLed on Center Street. No one appeared in oppoaition ~
to the reciasaification. 1'~ID FffiARING WAS CIASBD.
Upon a motion by Commisaioner Auest, seconc+ed by Cormaiasioner Gnuer,
and carried, it was voted bq RSSOLUTION N0. 2-'SBRISS 195d=ST; to
recommend to the City Conncil that Reclassification No. P-56-57-4 be
approved aub,~ect to the instailation of improved off-atreet parking
at the rear of the property.
The vote on the above Reaoiution was sa followa:
AYBS: COMMISSIONSRS: Auzst, Morris, Gauer, Rintcel, Sammere, Thoinpson,
_:nd Mungall.
ABSHNT: COhAiISSIONB~S: Hapgood and Schumacher.
CAT3CN Brookhurst Street, Annt.eim, California, ae Otmer, CHARLBS B. DRUMNpND~
N0. F-56-S7-2 201 Onyx Street~ Balboa, California, ae Authorized Agent~ requesting
that the property deszribed as Lot 5, B1ock B~ of Tract No. 13, located
~ on the Hast side of BrookhursL Street between Orange Avenue and Bsoad-
r~eq, be reclassified from R-A. RBSIDSNTIALrAGRICiTLT[JRAL to C-3, yBAVY-
Reciassificatioa No. P-56-S7-2 wae consldered at thia Meeting inatead
of as acheduled on August 6, 1956 on acconnt of the sppiicnn~s being
Mr. Chariea S. Drwamond appeared before the Commisaion nnd atated thnt
the pro~;ertq on the otner lhree comers surronnding him hnd Commercinl
'uaes and that a Va!:iance rrae granted for n ahoppiag cent~r on his proper-
ty about a year ago, which did not materiaiize. He atated that he evus
in the coastrnction bnsineae and had o;iginaiiy intended to uae a por-
tion of the property for the storage of conatruction eqaipment, but
had ttox given np the ides of naing it for this pnrpose. Tf~ fIDARING
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RSCIASSIPI- Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissionet Anest,
CATION and carried~ it was moved bq RB50LUTION N0. 3- SERIBS 1956-57, to
N0. P-56-ST-2 recommend to the City Councii that 200 feet along Hrookhurst and 150
~CONr.) feet along Orange Avenue, measured from the property lines of both streets
be reclasaified to C-3, HByVy-~pMhIDRCIAL to permit the erection of a ser-
vice station an3 that the balance of #he property be reclassified to C-1,
~st~~~s efhthe ~ityaof Anaheimewith theeT3.tlenCompanq8andralsoesub-
,ject ~o the deeding to the City of Anaheim of 20 feet aiong Brookhnrst
Street and 20 feet along Orange Avenue for atreet widening.
RBCIASSIPI- PQBLIC I~ffipgING. p$TITION aubmitted by JOSHPH D. H[IARTE, 1464 Bast La
CATION Palme Avenue; Anaheim, Caiifornia, as Owner, reqnesting that the property
N0. P-56-57-6 deacribed as a portion of Lat 16, Anaheim Sx4ension, be¢inning ar, ±ho
~e^-~°= '-~^•~ =: ::::sect~c~n oi riscenLia /-venue, 60 feet in width and
Ver'mont AvenLe 66 feet in width, said point also being the Sontheasterly~
corner of said Lot 16; thence from said point of beginning attd aiong the
center line of Vermont Aeenue and the Southerly line of said Lot 16,
S 740 34' 15" W, 641.43 feet~ more or less, to the Westerly 13ne of fihe
land conveyed to Bernard Schroeder by deed recorded in Book 332, Page'
266, Deed Records of said Orange Connty; thence along the Weaterly line
of the land of Schroeder, N 15° 27~ 20" W, 255.83 feet; thence entesing
the lana of Schroeder, N 74° 34' 15" B, 712.57 feet, more or less, to
the Hasterly iine of said Lot 16~ and the center line of Placentia Ave-
nue; thence along the Basterly line of said Lot 16, and the center line
of Placentia Avenue, S Oo O5~ 15" W, 265,51 feet, more or leas, to the
point of beg3an~g, Exc2pting ifiereirom the Southerly 135 feet of the
Basterly 135 feet measured along the Bast and Sonth iines, respectively,
of Lot 16~ of the Anaheim Bxtension, be changed fro~ :u:e~ nWS:D~yTIi,L-
Mr• Hd~anrd E. Roqce, 1821 1qro1 Place, Anaheim, pa~.ifornia~ appeared be-
fore the Commisaioa in opposition to the granting of this proposed
Reclasaification and presented a petition containing the signaturea of
109 properxq oxnera in the area, Othera who appeared before the Commis-
aion tvere Martin Barrett~ 1,829 Tqrol Place~ Daniel Stanford, 1802 Verde
P1ace~ Raymond G. Hmrinec, 1811 Tyrol Place, Rebert F. Irinu~ 1820 Diana
Az•enne, Henry Parada, 1833 Tyrol Place, Donald Froelich~ 1853 Verde Place,
voiced their oppoaitior.~ due to the fact that Tyrel Place ia a cnl-de-sac
street and that the intrusion of Mnitiple Pamily Dwellings, with the
tenants having 2 to 3 cars per Multipie Pamily Unit, wonld increase traf-
fic greatly and be hazardous to children in trie Single Family Dweiiings
in the area, They siso pointed out that school cond3tions are still
~rowded and that tha additioaal nnits in th~ nres hetving probably 600
aqnare feet of liveable area would further aggravatt 4he achool condi-
tiona. Mr, Huarte appeared before the Commission and stat~:d that his
property was witYin a reasonnbie driving distance of qnaheims In3nstria.~.
Area snd that plartt employees needed a place #o live and not ell conld
afford to bny Siagle FAmiiy Homea. HE also
one does not find manq children resiaing in Mnltiple~Pamily Unitsland that
if the property yras enb3ivided into Single Pamily Unita, the achool chil-
dren woqid be grPater in'nnmber. Reverend Aevorkian, 1831 Verde Place
ttppeared before the Commisaion and stated that the aren ia completely
rsingle family and conid be aubdivided for Singie family residence. It
is his feeling that th~s use would be the best for the property. T!~
Commiesioner Thompcxon 3tated thay With the Park and Schooi acrosa the~
etreet, thia area ahouid bt an automatic R-3 cinssifica43on, bnt that
the prapertq ovmer ahonid c:-ente a buffer sronnd his orm propertq to
protect the Single Pamiiy Reaidentisl propezty now in the nren. The
Commisaion tried to get a commitment _°rom Mr. Hvn~te on the lo# facing
on Piacentia Avenue, North of the aervice station. Mr, Hnarte dd.d
not agree that thia land might be nsed for a bfp2tiple Family Dwe't1l~ng,
It was evident that at eome time or other, he expected that thiu Yut wopid
be permi4ted to have CoAanercial naes. ENith this in vieav, a motioa we~s
made bY Commiasioner Thompaon, seccaded by Commission~: binngall, thnt the
Weat line at the reas of the aervice atation be ex4ea3ed North, Para11e1
to Placentie Avenue arut this iot be left in ~t~A, R~3SIDBNfIAL AGRIG~JL~URpL.
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RBCLASSIPI- The property along Tyro1 Street will be seserved for Single Pamily
CATION Residential use and that the frantage ai~n~ Veraian% Avenue will be
N0. P-56-57-6
) recla~.~sified to R-3, M[TLTIPLS-PAMILY+RHSTDHNTIAL. This motion did
. i:o
carry and therefore constitetted a deniai of the proposed recJassi-
ication, which will be forrrarded to the City CosAncil undbr RBSOL"
N0. 4 - SBRIBS 1956-59,
The vote on Lhe above Resolution was as foliov/s:
NOBS: COMMISSIONHRS: Anest, Gauer, Morris, Rintcelp Sn~ners and
?~ST VOTIN6: Ctiiinni3333uiVBK~; Hapgood.
3141 Palmwood Drive~ Los Angeles, c:elifornia, to erect e tent on the
sub,ject propertq for the purpose of holding meetings to establiah a chnrch
of this denomination, to be located aomewhere in this vicinity. The pro-
perty is located at the Sonthxest corner of Gilbert and ~,,;acent Avenne
opned by Dr. Hrvrin Kersten and consisting of 20 acres, more or iess.
A Public Heuring was held on the Review for a Speciai Use PermiL reqnes-
ted by the Baptist General Conference to erect a tent for reiigious sex-
vices on the 20 acre parcel si the Sonthwest corner of Gilbert and Crea-
ce~t A~an~e. ?~r. ~;~n, 32I Ivorih Broadway, Santa Ana, Csiifornia, nppenred
before the Commission representing the Baptist Conference a~d statefl that
theq proposed to erect a tent thst wiii be limited to ].000 seats, Arthar
j. Chrfstiansen, of Loa Angeles, sLated that the Bsptist Conference iras
searching for a site in West Anaheim to locate a Chnrch. It wi11 be pna-
tored bq the Reverend Welis. He aiso stated that Sonther,. Caiifornia
ia behind the rest of the United States in the establishment of churchea
in as mnch as there is oniy 1 far every 1500 residenta and there should
be one (1) for every 500 aduit residents. THE ABpgING WAS CIASHD,
IIpon a motion by Commissioner Aueat, aeconded by Commissioner Hapgood,
and carried, it rrsa moved that a Speciel Use Permit be granted by
RHSOLUTION NO: 5- SBRIHS 1956-57 for s period of 60 days and sab,ject
to the folio~ving conditiona;
~~ ~
1. The proper locetion of Lhe Tent with reference to the aurround-
ing residentiai properties to the North, Uleat and Soath. '
2. The providing of parking lot nttendants to gnide the cars to
parking areas.
3• The providing of ttdequate off-street pnrking on the anb,~ect
4. The pxoviding of adeqnate amnitarq facilities as reQnired by
5. The providing of a clean np of debris on the propertq at the
conclusion of the Meetinga.
6. The posting of a$500.00 Cash Bond with the Citq and an inspec-
tion of the premisea by the Public Worka Director before the
release of the Bond.
IV~• 588 '. • UNlTBD STATBS OP .4I~RICA, 106 North Fhiindeipnia Street, AnsheimY__ ____
California,- as Applicenta, RAY MALLONHS, 1023 L.ibertq Lane, Anaheim,
Californie~ as Authorized Agent, reqneating 7permission to erect a build-
, ing to be uaed for OPFiCBS and an ASSBMBLY HALL on properiy deacribed as:
That portian of Lot 39 of Anaheim Extenaion, fttrthar. dcscribed as begin-
niag at the Northweateriy corner of snic' Let 39; thence Soatheriy aloag
the Westerly iine thereof 233 feet, more oz lesa; thence Basterlq ae
measnred at right angles from ea3d l4esterlq line 257,02 feet; thence North-
erly aiong a line parailel With said Weateriq lii:A of Lot 39 to-e point
in the Nortt:erly iine o~ Lat 39, shid point being d3staat 237 fect, more
or ieas, from the Northwest carner of said Lot 34; thence Weaterlp 2S7
feet, more or leas, to fihe point. Hxcepting therefrom the Northerlq 50
feet and Che West~r3y 33 "'eet, which 3s used xor street gurpoaea.
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NA_ 588
(~[uPt'_ 1
~e property is fnrther described as the Southwest corner of West La
Palaa Avemie affi North West Street.
Mr_ Ray ]1a12onee appeared before the Commissioa and stated that he had
contacted the property o~raers in the area aid that they were in favor
of pezaitting the Veteraas to erect a building at this site which is
net to the City Reservoir, He stated that there wonld be an entrance
in fzo~ both Mest Street an3 La Palma Avenue and that the Main Hall
roold be 40 by 60 feet. In order to defraq the cost of buiiding,
theze rili be tw reatal unit offices. The building wili be of pleas-
iag architectnre and not be detrimeatai to the surrounding properties.
Lgca a mo:ioa bp Commissiaaer Thcmp~on, seconded by Cou~issioner Mungall;
and carried, it ras ffioved by RESOLUTION NO 6- SERIHS 1956-57, to grant
Pazaaace pio. 588 snbject to:
1_ ~e size of signs oa the reata: azits not to be over 10
sqnaze feet.
2. ~e dezding of land aiong La Paima Avenue a.n~ Atest Street
for fntare street roridening.
3. 1'he installation of cnrbs a~d gutters on both streets.
VA~IA~E FOBLIC ~ARII~iG. PETITZON sn~nitted by W. W. HOLDER~ 1045 Bayside ~rive,
11U. 589 ;~a.i:,.,a iCSiand, Ca29.fornia, as Owaer, requesting permission to erect,
~iatain and operate a Restaurant, Cocktail Bar, four (4) shops of a
~-3 t:o~eercial Nature aad s Sxi~iag Pool. The four shops will include
a Pac(cige Liqnar Store, a 6e~raet Shop, ayd s High-Gr:.de Dress Shop.
'~e pso~+ert~ ?~ ~scr_L~ as the S1d 20.28 =_c:es af *he Pl4J~ of the SY74
o£ w°c•.~r Z?, T~, R1.;.., S.B.B. & id., excepting therefrom the North
5_1A acres. It is fnrther described as being on the Bast side of
Brootbarst Street betxeea Orange Aveaue and Ball Road. The present
classifitation of the property is R A. RESIDENTIAL-AGRICULTURAL.
A represeatative of the Sherwood Forest Development Company appeared be-
fore the Co~issioa and described the Restaurant and two stores which
tiiey proposed to erect on the subject propertq. He stated that the salew-
~ea €or the Sherwod Forer~t Tract had been instructed to inform purchasers
before seiling the d~rellings, that a Reatauraat was proposed at this lo-
cariaa. rirs. Eiizabeth Zi21, 21E7 Niobe, and Aon and Ffary Brower, 2162
Niobe Street appeared before tbe Commission and stated that they wouid
like to hoEd up the Hearing untii they had more time to circufate a
netition agaiast the ozonosed nse, Thep stated~that *he !+omes they pssr~
cLased -epresmted to tlnem, an investment of olier $18,000, and that it
ws thesr fee2iag that the residents in this area do not need a Res-
riIIraat or stozes at this Iacation which wanld be practicaliy in their
back Tazds. ~E HEARING 1~ASS CI.OSED.
IIpoa a aotion by Co~issioner Cyaner, seconded by Commissioner Morris, ar,d
prried, it Kas ~oved by RESOLUTION N0. 7- SBRI~S 1956-57 to Deny
Yariaace No. 589.
~-AR7A1~Ii PUBZIC ~ARING_ P~TITION submitted by FRANCIS ~. HARRIS, 7601 Placentia
PD_ 550 Aveme, Aaaheia, California, as Orvner, reqnesting permission to operate
a tEarsezp School ta be taawa as the ANAn"~7.M T~OWN AND CWNIRY SCHOOL in
tbe pzeseat d~lliag Zacated on o=opestp described as'that portion of
Iat 4, of Socth Piacentaa Tract No. 2,_beginning at a ooint ia the North
~;++~ of a parcei of laied described ia Parcel 1 of the deed to W. L.
1lorris a~ vife, recorded Aprii I2, 1940 in Book 1039, Page 285 distanY
tnezeon 655 feet Easterly from the ia.tersection of said line os the ex-
teasioa t~ereof xith the center line of Cypress Avenue; thence S 890 50'
E alaag saad Piorth iine 3F° 22~; thence S 43~ 37' E, 135.60 feet to the
Soat~easteriy Iiae to a line exteading Southeriq paraliel with the West
43ri¢ o£ said Lot 4 fram the poiat of begianing; thence Northerly siong
~;~+1 paraitei 2ine 18~+.88 feet to the paint of beginning: The propertq
i~ `~`,~.~s ~?~~it+~ ~?yiae ~*_+ the *Iori~ s3de af PSac2a#ia Avenve
bet~oem Cp_pre:~s Street and the Housto~ Street Preet~ray and is presentl,y
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~' VARIANCS Mrs. Harr.is appeared before the ~omm3ss3nn ana ststed ~t she believed
- N0. ~ 9U xii thc iai ~.~ati^, : s~q::~°:! w"= se.ver~s 3is the netitinn_ ~ aod ~5.
(~p~,) Howard Neidiger, 7851 Placentin~~venue ap7yosa~ ~e Sruttia8 °f the ~ar~-
ance, stating that the house xas inade9aate ias fise peopie and tbat .
sew~erage was inarieqate and xater is s5ort_ ]Ars_ R~*T+~ ststed ffiat it
~ is planned to remodel the hame and fear~ tife ~cle PaopertT ia a~ ~t
the uperation of a Nnrsery School is go+uerned b9 tae State. Co~t7 ~
City Ordinances, erhich stipulate the ex3ct ca~ditiaas ~der ~ich sach
a~'chool is allowed to opernte. ~ HElSL+~G 1(AS QASF~-
; Upon a motion by Commissioner Anesi, secaflGe3 ~rT Cc~ssinner ~~
and carried, it rras voted by RBSOI[ATION 1~D_ 8- SFitIFS 1g56-S, ta
~ ~~ erant Variance No. 590 ssbject to rbe eaclosiag of tLe propectT ~~ a
6 fooL high fence.
ppgIpN~E 'PITBLIC HBARING. PETITION sn~itted by I1~IS ~1il~~, 2~0 Soath Los
~ N0. 591 Angeles Street, Anaheim, California. as Oraer. rcqsestin8 Ptr~ission to
erect and operate an AtJ1OMQBILE SE89I~E @~ ~ P~tY ~~z1D~ ~
the North 75 feet of the following. begiffii~g at a poiBt in the lfest
line of the Southeast qnarter of Sectioa 22, T4S, ~3~i, S_B.B. ~ Dl.,
said point being iacated 639.26 fcet S O° 14' 30° E frae the ceater of
said Section 22. said center paint being the 3atersectica af the =mter
line of Cerritos Avenne from the idest with the AortL sad Soath 4~arter
section line of said Section 22, rtuming thmce ~i ~9° 5g~ 30° E. 660-75
feet to a 1 inch iron pipe as sboxa on s mp filed ia Boor I, Page 4,
~ ~ itecord of Ss~~eys, ~a tue ~:fi;,-. af *!~ ~+t9 Recard~Y o€ Oraa¢e Coant9:
thence S 0° i4~ 45^ East 165 feet aloag the Sontherf7 ezteasicm oF aad
~ ~ the East line of the Northtiest Q af the 3~orc~est a of tt+.e Soa~asta
~' ~ of Said Sectioa 22; thenzp S 8~` 3~' 3u° ~±, oau-`a aeei fia a~:.:~ ~:.
~e West line of the SS~ of 3ectinn 22; theace 3~ O° 14' 30° !lest, I65
feet to the point of beginning. ~e proPe=tY as P=~smt17 ~~_~
as R-A~ RHSID~NfIAIrAC~RI~i.Z~RAL. It i.s propo~ad ~.+ ~.: z~
Auilding 75 by 100 feet xith Parking Area sase ssse aa ~roat. sls° a
covered xorking azea in the rear oi the lhia ~;s!~' a. 359 fert in Iea~th
bq 25 .'eet in aidth. Sezvices to be readered vili be (~r PaiaYiaB+ Bod9
and Fender Repairs, 19hee1 Alig~eat, Mheel Ba~'=' n, 61~ss Iastatlati°n+
Auto Seat Covers and IIphoistering, Motor 3hne-Zc~s. ~ashia6~ ~~
aad Seiling and installation of Aato Accessories_
Mr. Heaning a~eared before tLe Cfla3ssi~n ~d s~s~d ~St he Lsd ~ea
~ in bnsiness at his preseat location oa Los lingel.rs Sfseet for 20 yearg
and due to the heavy Lraffic coffiitions a~i Iac~ of apsce, he ~ished to
locate his business in an area ~ere be caa7d gi~e Detur serv1c~ fa ~
cuatomers. He presented an Artists Benderi~ oc tbe pae~osed froat of
the bnild3ng xith the proposed laffils~apia8- Stz- Bsll l~il?1~7 ~ 8ob
Honse representing the Laacers Restan.-ant and t3se Ss6a lAotcl, ststed
that the proposed reqnest far this servic.e rea'ter waa"sd :•~t ~ztRZi~
North of their property aad that no gstter tv~r a~refni t~e opentioa msy
be~ noise, fmnes and the possibility of n'sg:« operstian wald =esatt-
The location being directly acrnss fraa Y~e 11ax~a F~tzaace of Disney-
iaad~ it wonld sppear that s better use mi.ght 'be ~ffi frs thig P~~7-
Mr. Harvey Hires, propex~'~y o~aner at the corber af ltidtisg Drire aad Hasbor,
sLated that they expected to bzeat £r~ ~ t~ ~~h fos s matel
~ at their location aad xhiie he is in t6e ~1ato~o6ile Bssiaess. Le waid
not consider moving i{ from its present ic-zstinn oa sccoaat of tbe mta=e
~ ~9 of the area. Ae atat+ed that in his pYaas £~eT 1vaK pessibiT the fi~st
L ~ body and fender speration, bnt~ -3n apit~ of afI tLey cas ~.+, '~~a~a~~aa
; creates qnite a bit of r~uise. llz. 8i11 S:er.s# ~.+ !~. Bd BttinBer of
~ ~ ', Disneyland siso appeas~d btfore the Ca~ssioa oP~B ~ B~t~B of
I the Yariance and Mr: Ettinger ststed that Di.saetli~ waEd be Kl~ed to
! cooperate with Mr. Heaniag to fi~ aaot~es' asz far t6t Fzopert7 't~t
~ would bett~s fit in xith the sarromdiag aausernt ~rra. Mr. H. P.
~ Dobson o€ Harbor Bcnievard, staied tbat he bad a~ce to lesse bis
; property for a nse that xan3d be caaepsiib+e ~dt~ otbers in the uea.
~ bu4 trhen the iessers hearci aba~t the 1in~Ei~e Service Cmt~r P~oP°~
~ 1~, tu go in t~is locatioa, his chsnces of leasing vrere imedtstel7 ~Iiai•
~..,..~,...-' ; The property in the siea is ioo valma?e for ~~sti.~ a£ t~is aa'~'e_
a _~
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VARIANCS Mr. Henning in his rcbuitel, stetted that he does not ror~ at aight a~ ~_
N0. 591 been acroas from the,Pickwick Hotel for mnay•pears withont iay nni.se
(CONT,) complaints. Some or the surrounding uaea ~uch as Cocktail Bars affi
Restanra,ttlts_mi ht not be too.quie* for people occnpying Motel Q~arters.
He felt"that"~ shonid be allowed to use his properLy a~~he sav fit.
Upon a motion bq Commissioner Auest, seconded by Commissloner Hapgoom,
and carried, it ~eas voted by RBSOLIITION N0. 9- SBRIHS 1956 37, ta drsy
Variance No. 591.
NO. 392 Atrenue, Anaheim. Californie. as O~mez, reqnes4iag permission ta esec!
and operaLe a MOTSL with Swimming Pool for gnests oa pFOperty des-
cribed as the South 350 feet of the 14est 150 feet~of the Esst 25D ftie#
of the SW~ of the S':'~ af Secti~on il, T4S, R11Mi~ S.B.B. &!~. '~e prapert~
is iocated on the North side c;f Lincoln Avenue betxe~ta NesYera aaa ~
Avennes and it is presentiy classified se R A, RHSIDBNTIAIrAGRIRTi3II~t-.
Mr. Abplanalp appeared before the Commissior, aad stated tha! h3s proper~9
faced on Lincoin Avenue. rras nenr Bnotts Berry Parm at~Q t~t ~he ~xo~esty
to the West had been rezoned for Commercial naes by Bneaa Part aad ~r
he proposed to build 32 nnits of fireproof conetrnetion, xith a S~dmm3s~g
Pooi. The bnildinga wiil be attractive and 14 uaits roula be !he f3xst
coastruction with others to be bniit st a later date. 1he first 34 mmi~s
will face on Lincoin Avenue. ~ h'BF+RIIv"G i9i+S Ci.~Sn"D.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Hapgood, aeconded bp Co~issioaer i~er,
and carried, it was voted bp RESOLUTION N~D. 10 - SERIES 3455-57, te
grant Variance No. 592.
N0. 593 Drive~ Beverly Hil$ California~ ea Ow~ner, reqneating permission ta
erect a building for the pnrpose of Hottling anG Distribntion of nooQ-
aichoholic beverages. The propertq is deacribed sa being on the7~es!
side of Haster Street, appzoximaLely 460 feet North of Ysteila ~~mx;
Lhence N 185 feet; thence W 400 feet; the~ce S 185 feet; tbmce ~ 9DD
feet to the point of beginning. The property is presmtly ciassif3sa
Mr. Preedman agpeared brfore the Cnmmission and stated !hs! hc ~
to ae11 the suY~,~ect proptrty for s diatribnting rarebonae xith ~Le ~i-
bil3ty, at a later date of nsing s portioa of the bnilding for tne bot~
ling of a soft drink. The building Nill be of ldasonrY Till~+P eomsl~ac-
tion and xiii b~ attrnctive, ueiag sa area of 20.000 to 3D,iiDD squna+e
feet. Investment at the start wi11 be ~250,000. ~S E~ARiIR~ 1~98 (3ffi~_
Upon a motion by Comm3ssioner Mungaii. seconded by Coaissiomer 1~p~m
and earried, it was moved by RSSOLIITION N0. li - SERIES 19Sb-37', !o graat
Varisnce No. 543.
RBSOLUTION N0. 1- SSRIBS 1956-5T ves preuented to tlre Ca~issicu ~er-
ing the revision of Section 920U.3 R-A~ RBSIDBNTYAI.-At~tI(~L3II8~1L 7~e
vfiereby e11 uaea except res3t~entisl and agricultural pnrunits ~s~e ~i3-
minate6. After cansideration of She Aesointion, a motion ~ta aadt 3~
Commi~eeioaer Hapgeod, aeconaed by Commisaioner Aaest, aad carrizd xo
recomiaend to tihe City Conncii thst the R A Zone be aa~psed aa ze~iCt~s_
Thia ehaage wsa made ns a resntt of s directiivr from t~e ~iiy ~di
to the Pianniag ~ommiasion ef the City of Aaaheim.
The vote on the above Resoiu~ion v~es se falioxa:
f.YRS: COD9NISSIONBRS: Aaeat, Ganer, Hspgood, Rintcel, Snmmer~,
~ Thompaon~ Maxris and Mangall.
F~BSHN:: COMI~SSIONBR~: Schnmac2eer
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MASTBR PTAN Reclassification of the property located between Bast Sycamore ~treet,
i~'vi~u 'e~i8~2i1~i6 nv2uii2~ fii7G th2 E35~ L8 ~diiua ~.22a iil\r1Ya~:7Er IOtS 2
and 4 of the Monroe•B. Wallace SuLYtiv$sion was presented to the Commis-
sion. At the consideration of the Map, a motion was made by Commiasioner
Hapgood, seconded by Comm3ssioner Morris and carried, that the May be
adopted with certain changes as outlined by the Commission and a date
for a Pubiic Hearing be set for the Meeting of Tneaday, September 4, 1956.
The trote on the above Resolntion was us follows:
AYHS: COhAfISSIONSRS: Anest, Gauer, Hapgood, Morris, Rintcel, Summers,
T!-ompson and Mnngall.
"..P,.,"~:~'_ w1°::~S~~unnc: SC~::;.....~::~~
ADJOQRPAffiNT The Meeting adjonrned at 5:50 0`Clock P. M.
AU6 g 1956
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