Minutes-PC 1956/08/06August 6, 1956
C3ty Hall
e~naiieim, Caiifor?!~.~
~~ Tha R~cgular Meeti_ig of tu~ .;itq Pls:-tning Commi^•::i~a ~~s calTad io ordex
IEET.Ii~ at 'G:10 0'Clock P.M. bp CHAIRMAN SU[~iHRS, A yU0Yl1Dl bei:.g present,
pAF3gr CBpgRMAN SUM[~RS, C01~9~QSSIONBR3: Ganc-r, Morris, Rictcei, ~~chumar.her~
Thompson and Mu~qall.
pCYNMISBTONPk Hapgood entered !•he Meeting at 3:1? 3~~lock P.M.
/~S The Minnices of the Ad~rurned Regul~.r k'eeting of Ju1y 18, 1956 and the
Iafonoal Meeting of July 27, 1956 were approved as printed.
ftdD_ 569 Nosth Rop2mc~ Boulevard~ Tempie City~ California, as Ownsr, requesting
pen~FSiu~~ to const,.r!~a~ a forty (4U) lane 3CIWLIIGG ALLSY, Flilliurd Hall,
Res•ca~~~:ant and Cocdta~l T.onnge and permit the sote of su<~fi mercksan6.ize
a~. :rvices as are <:ut'.+'' Wo=y 1i~ a complete bowlin~+ cente~r. d bowla.ng
a1'~ey is a C-3, HSAVY-~:Gy~1BRCIAL use. The proy^ciy ~~.p ~'escribed sa .
r~,ction oi tne Nortaeas:: ::orner of $raokhurst Stree~C ar_ci iVest La Palma
Avenne and particularly d~escribed as aporo~'.:nately four f4) acres,
begicming at a point 29~~ feet North of the cen*.crii:;k of West La Palma
,~re~se; th~nce North alo:s,y ~..~~~khurst S'sree*. 352 feet; thence Hast
cywroximatelq 500 feet; `:~:nce South 362 r"eet; thence West to the point
o~ treginaing. The property is presentJ.y ciassified as C-1, NEIGHSOR-
Mr. Reichert, of the it~t W Construction Compan;, appeazed before the
Comrnission and explained the propos~.d nse ~f the pr.operty for a bowi-
ir.g aileq. He stated that Mr. Catal~ano Hould. yrobabiy be ~he lesse~ and
+:hat he xas an outstanding operator .~: s~.z~h secreation centers. He aleo
introduced Mr. Walker who representec.', tua company iristaliing the mecl:ani-
ca1 eqnipmeat for tb.+. bowling aJ1ey. Mr. Walker stated that people of~en
L`~ink of bowling alleps as =: "~aint" where ,juveniles are used to set pins~
bni this xas not #he case with bowling si.iE~ys such as now presentl~ con-~
stru^ted. All pi~is are set automatically N~*.h mechanical eqnipment nnd
the oaly operator in the plts is h..*.:gh-pr3.ced mechanic whn takes care of
atry mechanicai dr~fects that might or^ur. With Lhe •u._3.ir!ings cunstructed
from acouetical materiai~, tbey are quiet and no naise is heard o~utside
af the th?.idin~. There are s: ;,,cese^t, eleven (11} sLCh majos eatablish-
meats on the 19est Coast. ltivo osststanding o:~~ arc the C:c~3na aad Impe:iai
Brnrls. The present facility wi:i Ue 1ocGted on the prope:cty an Bre~k-
hurst and La Pa~ma and re~:cesents a~ ~.nvestment of one miliion 6oliars.
It eri.1.L be conduct~_d on a high plane. There ~riii be no druuks, ~:. bums
and t~ere xiil be a banquzt room where reaidents in :•'•e area c:+n].d ccn-
dnc: private p~srties. He present..d photographs ahowing other centeru
that have leagues `or elementary and high schooi students and also
Iesgues for women. Instead of being a detrimeni to the area, tliey Y.iave
became an ssset. Roger King, 2168 Fa'.mouth, appenred befor.e the Commis-
sion snd sta~ted that the bowling alieq wc+uld be <;nly 4C feet from his
Iiv~Iag room. Ae was opposed to tlie granting of the Variance an~ stated -
that a petition contain~ng over 800 signatures of residents in the area
hac: been presettted oppos3ng the Variaace. He req~eated that permission
be gire~. for those in the room to stattd showing their opposition to the
~ranti•ng o£ the Variance and it was found that practically the who].e
aw3ience represented opponents to the granting of the Variance. ':'he
Comm3ss~on°s Secrel~ry.was requeated ta read the peti.tion preseqted by
the opponeats. ThL• t~l~s done. Mr. Mangam, 216a Palmouth, appeaxed be-
£are tae Co*rmisfl~~o1S ittid sT~ted that he was a Real IIstatr Sales~r,~.~i conceraed
Kith the selliag of Prematic Ho~ea and that one of the3r a~ales argn~menta
ras that the area was a 9uiet~ single-familv development. He stated tha~
if i_he Boxlium was erected~ ~t v~~ulc! cause: ~ '
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1_ Propezt~ devainatioa xith mass selling and slidin¢ values.
2. It x~c2a caase d:preciation becanse the pnrchasers of property
ia the arra had beea sold on Anaheim as a coa~unity with r.o
:~, Ioxest taa rate of any C3ty in the area, clean ir.dustry,
~d tt~at imustrial aad r~sidentiai areas had been separated
rad re22 coatroiled.
3_ 'Fbese properties are convenienL to the elementary schooi sites
v~eze tIse Ci.ty proposes to riave a Park and that the properties
are also easily accessible to the Freexay for those pho work in
Lus Aageles and vicinitq and yet they are far~enough away from
the Fzte~ray to be qniCt.
4. 1lr. l~engaa qnoted froa pamphiets furnished by the Anaheim Chamber
~~.'OQ91[CxLe Ft~~ ;"e° ~.ti~-$==ine;ne O; ~^j-- o oiG"^ : s-`uK"a o
-_p_~ u ..Co" •a6 a.~~r 3-
aad tLe ~ntiag o£ ~[st~snces for non-conforming uses. This
rasTi~at~S.~t~ aoning.
For tHc3boR rea~ns, i# was his feeiing that this Variance shouid be ~
~ied- P+allfoadings, 1165 I.o~tss-Street, appesred before the Coimnission
aal atated ttrat he c2x~~-3 ~ih the Liqaar Contzol Board in Los Angeles ;
~md ~ile t~ere is ao fi,xed rnle as to the 2ocation of a Cocktail Bar with ; ~
reftreace fo a schoci site, it has been their practice to allow none in j
su~euban areas closer than 6~D0 feet. Measuremeat taken, showed that this +
locatlon for a Coc~ta.tl Bar xouid be not over 440 feet from the school or ' ~
Puk site- 1!r- H. 3- P~e,dard, 2182 Catalpa, stated that Ue had had some ~
~imce rith nofse~ dna to the Freewap congtruction and that with a '
~~~+^~ dollar ~avestmeat, the Boxlium wiil have to have a great many pat- i ~
ions- ~ese rill 6e oaly tro entrances into th~ Fraewaq at this po.int and ~ a
~fPm ~*= =a =~3 o.:s2 ~.creas~d .r~.`i ic and conges4ion on the Freevvay. ~ ~
~== :s ~~stia~ :.ttat the uoise ttithin 4Le building can be controlled~ j
bat sn aost cs..~es, these establishments staq open 24 hours a day. Mr. ~
7fal~er again appeared before th~e Co~ission and stated th~ the ownera of ~
t~. ~n„ie~rity of tract home~ ~rere young veterans and theq were the most ~
sa~r~aacial patcons of reczeatioa cr.nters. Ae ststed that they would have
~oofl img~esa and egress to this propertp and that.3 to 1 parking had been ' '
pro~rS3ed_ At the Coviaa aad Imperial Bcn~ris, that have beerr-agerstiTCg-for - ~'~
soae t3ae, t~ere ffi~s ntver beea any police reports. Mr. Woodings again ~
apgearM before ttee Co~ission stating that he had no ~bjections to bowl-
:in8 as sach, am[ that he xas a boaler in a league, but felt that the place j
for sach a cr~;;~ter shonSd be azonnd Disneyland, especiallq with the intro- i
c~ti=.m ~~ a coclEtafl ~: ia ccmection ;~ith bowiiag. He believed that ali i ~
'.~oaeErr~ s.cwaL3 not obJect to driving down to Disneyland to participate. ~ j
I~r_ e[ficheisa~a, Y25~ Iatus Areane, broaght up the question of the infiuence ~
oa tLe maber c,f childsm in the area and she stated that it amounted to t j
~+P~~=~1 a.~ ~~_~ and many of these ~rouid have to pass the '
9a+liv~ goiLp Lo aad from schooi or to the piaygrounds and it wonld certain- ~ ~
~3 s`-'•~~ ~s= c~-==d=eu ~.~ :~'-.,at ~s going on insine ine bnilding. After ~ j
ss~~e~zi atLers 'ead spokea to the Co~issjon. ~ffi HEARIN(i WAS CLASED. ~ i
pD6_ ~94,
595, 59fi,
597, 398,
Bll~ 6L7_
iipon a motioss by Co:issioner Thompson, second~ed by Commissxoner Ga~er, j
aad carried, ~t ras voted by RESOLUTION N0. 12 - SBRIHS 1956-57 to deny ;
'~'~+'TM+ Ro_ Sfiq for t~e reasoa t3at the properLy wns rer.oned at the request
of tLc lt ~ if Constrnctioa ~.
Company for C-1, I~ffiI(~IBORHUOD-COhl1~RCL4'L usea ~
=ad 4Lere is no reasoa it can not be used for uses allovred in tHe C-1 zone.
I4lHLIC H~AAII~S_ pEFZTZ03~S sut~iLted by - VARIANCE H0. S94 - SUTLSR-
~~IiOli O03~AMY, 9?41 Lincoln Ayer.ne, Aaaheim, California, as
O~r. ~tIt~*,.~ Sxt~iS, I735 East Anaheim Road, Loag Beach, Californi~.. as
I~ethozi~ed Age»t, requPSting permission to erect a Temporary Disectional i
Siga en tbe Soath s3de of Lincola Avenne approximately 200 feet West of ~
Graad A~eme- ~is s;gn xiil advertise the first sale of homes and lots
in'Y'rs~xs dio. 2T80 and 3044 loca:ed East of Stsaton Avenue on the North ~
~e ef ~a2a A:ease. BAR~ H 1~. 545 - HOTLBR-HARBOiTR CONSTRUCTION
Q01~A1~l~ j3741 L=ncoia Avt~e, Anaheim~ ~aliforaia, as Owner, RICFA4AN SIGNS~
1735 East alug~eia Sead, Leag Beach, California, as Authorized Agent, request-
ia~ ge~issioa to repiaak t~e Sonth side of an existing sign located on the
~,st aide af Stanton Avlnue, apprv~tmste3y 13C0 feet South of Lincoln Ave- j
rse- '~a ~s$s ~Yi advertisa the first ~sio of homes and lcts in Tracts
11f~- Z1&D ~d.~044 locateQ East of Stuntoa As~enut on t~e North side of Lincoln
ATeaee. ~
. ~
-2- ~
~ ~7
r~~~~ ~,,,~~.~,~, ,~ ~; _ ~ C(~AflY, 9741 Lincoln Avenue,
NOS. 594 ATA~}IP~1I1~ c[~na~~y. a~ ~S ~~~, iT35 Auaheim Roafl, Long Beach,
• oa to =epaint sn exist-
595, 596, Ca3i~axa3~,. ~ ~ ~.. ~ g~'~=
59T~ 598, ing ~i~a'~^ ~t~ ~~°~ ~~°~+ 500 feet North of Lin-
~~~7. Lo~,,~~, .~4ti ~~IIIl ~„i~~ tT~ ~st saJ.e of lota and homes
~~~.~ ~,~~ qQ~ ~~ ~~~ S~t u£ gi~tva Avenue, oa the North
g~ ,~ ti~+nrnflm ~. ~ HQL ~A% - b~IAN REALTY CORPORATION ~
303 1Qnr~h ~ m,,,~nq~s_ ~oe~t~ ~ST~, ~.ii.fo=aia, as Oxaer, ORANGS
~pTq ~T ~g ~¢py~,~aag~r Ca2ifornia, as Anthorized
A~~# ~~~,,~ ~~ g,~n~q disectioaal sign to adver-
~e ~~~ ~,~ ~~~~ s'm Tact No. 250i. This tract is
1~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ re-.,R,~ ~~~ oa the Nest side of Nnttirood Street.
~hE Biga 'wP3~]Il $~ IL'D~$ ~t ~. a~ rn^T~ oi aiic:iid S]!d Bi~adQwoy.
~~~~ ~~ ~_~ gL ~~~l3~~ 1.6E East 1T th Street, Costa
M~ R,,,~~{~ ~~ Q~ ~' E3P~IZVRS, 23I5 Cherry Avenue,
~ ~ ~, ~quest~ug pesmission to erect
Osange.. tCazl~ff~'a„
8~D~~ ~~~~n,~~ t~nc first ssle of homes and lots
~.~~ ~_ ~~ ~~ t~ gm~ ~sbe oE (naage Avem~e and oa t~e
B~ ~~A ~g ~~ ~~n w3~SI me locaied at the Northrtest
coraer mi ffinr33~ ~~H ~~rpet_ VARIANCE NO. 607 - FORD
DS9~ ~.. ~~I„ Hir]L_t~rr~-. cali£ozai.s, as Owaes. RICE~N SIGNS.
173b ~.~ ~„ ~y,~ ~, ~~ia, ag Anthorized Agent, request-
~ p~~ ~~~~yy ~£nr th~ sale of iots and homes in
T~~t q~~ ~~3_ ~~ ~ a~ ~ 1legt cf Haater Street and South of
"~,+ n,t~ns_~~.~--=t .nv,.sw..u'a""""-'. m' =~- TFs c:~ ..~tt L+t locAted on the East ~
8~ ~ ~ ?~ £e~t ~arti~ v£ Romaeyai Drive.
qar3'eace ~~9~„ ~,. ~„ ~!„ ~ aad'. (~t xe=e considesed jOini:Iy s3
ym ~;~-t ~~=~Q ~octs ia ~e City ef A~nhe3m.
Zhey ~~.i.~a
y„~~ ~~~ ~~g ~~n~iigat~oa~ shored that these signs
~e ~~ ~,~g ~,~ ~s ~ oa the Qariaaces and theq ruere
o=~~ y~~ ~ gAy ~~tyy ~ IIq~~mt_ 64r. Bntler, of the Bnt-
1~,~ ~@~„ a~ tie£or~ ti:e Commission and stated
~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ €e~t Lhey ~rere ia ao May responsi-
~~~* ~~,~~y ~~t ~~T~ag of the~ homes ia Tract No.
3D2W_ '~ ~ 8~ QII(~
~p~ s ~,~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ed bT Commissioner Sch~acher,
~ r,,,~.;~~ ~~ ~ ap~g ~y ~ 19Q: 2~, I4, E5, I6, 17 ANID 18.
5HR7~5 3a15i6-3A i~o ~ ~ ~~3n ~tS ~sbject to:
1_ ~3gas ~oeTLIl H~ m~ grz,e af 26 hg ZS feet.
~y ~3~ ~ gg ~~ ~~~ period of 6 moaths or less.
3_ 3A ~~ fl'~ ~~ wmtln tHr Hailding ITePa=tment.
.~_ ~ ~ ~{ ~ ~ ~ag- ~t apgea= oa every s,gn ere~ted.
3~ ~~s ~~~ g~ ~ei~ a€ tiac ugL~of-rap iine uf anp street
m~r ~_
~~ ~~~ ag ~~, tlse s~gcs ~st be set back 25 feet.
7_ 3A7.71 ~~DIl B~ a~£an'~ arana~ ~'~3~*~*+cG.
~~ ~E ~@!E ~1lP.d' ~II ~ 'bC ~~QQ'~~
s~~ ~~~IIIl Il~ ~tte~ fur di=ectioaal signs advertising
mm3?y Sk~ ~Pit~i~ t~ ~Y.y+? ~ts o£ A+~+~lwtwr~
~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~py-~ g_ ~50R, 318 %est Center Stseet,
~~ $94 n~~_~,~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ p~ssioa to use the greseat d~re12-
ing ~ ~98 ~ts~ ~ ~ ~ ae ~ ~ ~L ESTRTB OFPICE. The property
~~ ffi~~~rr~ ofr Ifegt Qe~oat Street aad South Pa1m ,
~~~ ~~~ ffi~~¢i3 58_36 feet of Lut 4, of the Or-
~~,~ ~~~, ttie &aaterip 66Q feet. The Northeriy
~I~TP ~ yR~ ~ ~ ~ ffe~ ~m ~Fdt3 ~ the Soatherly iiae of
ZD* ~~~ ~~~~,~ ~ 1se property~ is presently ciassi-
f3~d ~ ~?!.,.
~iar_ 3tnbrs~am mm~ ~~ ~~T~:- "'~'~ =~ted t~ t*_e do~toua
~~ ~~~*-~ ~ fis~E T~s~ ieaaed for a fnrniture store
~a ,~~ ~~ ff,~ ~~ a~sr Ia~ aa3 that he progosed to move
~ $ ~ ~ ~ g~ ~m ~t mt c~aci ~{s bcsiaess £rom that
VARIANCE Mr. Harry Miller, 866 South Palm Street, appeared before the Co~issioa
~i. 3~i~i nTau oid~2u ~aio~ ai2 vvj2C~cu i'v ~:5~^. 6:'o'~iu6 'v: .u~u :~o:=aLu~~~ ~w~ ~w.".
(CONT.) last time the applicant applied for aauIns,urance Company bnsiness. it ras
den3ed. Reai Bstate Signs vaould have a detrimental action on other pro-
perties in fhe area. Mr. Robertson replied that t~e last Variaace zeques-
ted, he intended to increase the frr.nt of the buiidi:ag for additional
offices for the Insurance Compaay but that there wouid be no addition nox
to the present propertq and there would be ao advertising siga bettieen the
house and the sidewalk. Other letters were received fz~ Mr. aad Irlrs.
Jack Clifton, 422 Hampshire Avenue, P. T. Ke:•hler, 400 Mest Yezaont,
Cli£ford Potts, 409 West l~ermont, Mr, and Mrs. John H. Seale, 894 Sonth
•Palm, protesting the granting of the Variance. TI~ F~ARING MAS CLOSED.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Schwnacher, seconded by Co~issioner Rintcel,
and carried, it was moved by RBSOLUTION N0. 19 - SERIES 1956-57 to grant
Variance No. 599 sub,ject to the providing of improved off-street parking
at the rear of the lot and that no advertising sigas be placed betaeen the
house and the sidewalk and that any sign on the house mnst be paral:lei ±vith
South Palm Street.
N0. 601 Palma Avenue, Anaheim, Califomia, as Uwae~, RAYMOND SPEAAR, 1112 Nortt~
Buciid Avenue, as Authorized Agent, requesting permission to nse the pr~e-
sent dwelling at 1815 West La Palv:a Avenue for a 11W°II.ING •.and R&1L ESPAZ'.
OPPICH. The prope~ty is~described as Lot 24, Tract No. 483 and is present-
ly classiiied as R-b, RESIDEiv'TIAL-AGZit,"51'iiuRtlL.
Mr, Speliar appeared befr.re the Commission and stated that the snbject pro-
perty was next door ta the Car~mercial Swi~ing Pool on liest La Palma Ave~e.
The Secre+.a_ry of the Commission stated tna•~ at the iast ~auacil ~ieeting,
the Recl•assi;ication along WesL La Palma, due to the fact that two or three
parties in the area would not deed property tc the City of Anaheim for the
wi3ening of West La Paima Avenue, the Council denied the proposed Reclassi-
fication to C-1. It will aow be aecessasy for anyoae xaating to nse this
prnperty for Commercial uses to file a Variance. ~ HEARING MAS CLOSED.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Schumacher. seconded by Co~issioner ~aner,
and carried, it was moved that Variance No. 601 be graated by RESOLDTION NO.
20 - SBRIB~ 1956-57 sub,ject to:
1. The deeding of 20 feet to the City of Anaheim for the xidening of
West La Paima Avenue.
2. The installation of curbs, gutters a~d sidexaYts along liest La
Palma Aver.ue.
3. 'Ihat anq advertising signs be limited to 4 by 8 feet.
4. That imnroned o!f-street narking be provided nt the rear of
the building.
N0. 602 Anaheim, California, as Oxner, KSNNETfi P. ROYfIAPID, 329 North !~lanchester
Avenue, Aaaheim, Califi~*nia, as Authorized Agent, reqnestiag permission to
erect a F~ROFBSSIONAL H'3~:.7ING ( Medicai IIse ) on property described as that
portion of the NW~ of tb~. NE~ of Section 17, T4S, R1dM. S.B.B.~C M, in the
Rancho San Juan Ca3oa ae Santa Ana, City of Anaheim, begiffiing at a point
on the North 19ne of• said Section 17, East 340 feet thereon from the North-
west corner of the lan4 described in Parcei 1 of the •Qeed to the Greco
Cons#ruction Company; thence Soatli-300 feet parallel xfth the llest line
of said Greco Construction Companq land; thence East 120.80 €eet. mose or
le~s, parailei with the North line of said Section Lo the 'Mest line of the
land in deed to Patrick G. 0'Beefe and wife; thence North 300 feet along
the West line of said 0`Keefe lsad to the North line of said Section; thence
' 120.7:i feet, more ox 1ess, to the point of beg3nning. The present classi-
fication of the property is R-A, RHSIDENTIAL AGRICOL7URAL. ~
' hir. Rowland appeareq for the applicant and stated that tfie idedical ~ild-
I ing proposed for this site would favorab~y compare xith others in the
3mmediate vicinity and that the ironY of the buiiding vronld be 7.aadscaped.
~ ~
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VARIANCB Upon a moLion by Commisaioner Gauer, seconded by Commissioner Morris and
i- N0. 602 ~••arri~ad~ it was moved by RHSOLUTION N0. 21 - SSRIHS 1956-57 to grant
~. (CONT.) Variance No. 602.Sub,ject to:
1. The installation of curbs, gntters and sidewalks.
2. That adequate landscapiag be provided in front of the building.
i; N0. 603 Drive, Newport Beach, California, as Owners, CHARLES L. WOOD~ Box 41, Fnl-
ierton~ Cali:ornia~ as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property des-
cribed as starting at a point on the Sasterly right-of-waq line of North
~ Suclid Avenue, a distance of 106;50 feet from the centerline of West La
pA~f11A AVPTIIP ATII~ P4~'PMI~TO~ Nf1T~'}1PT~V '~7 FPP~'~ ~'}1P~If`P RfG~'PT~V ~SA foP+~
thence Southerly 77 feet; thence Westerly 150 feet to the point of beginning
be used for a Real Sstate Office. This ssse has been on the property for
~ the past six mon#hs b~ Variance and this Variaace has expired. The property
is present?.y ~c}.assified as R-A, RBSIDSNTIAL-AGRICULNRAL.
Mr. Charles ].. Wood, present lessee, appeared before the Cownission and stated
that they were leasing the praperty from the owners, ,Helen and Laura Porter,
on a month to month basir and that the original Variance was for 6 months,
but they would now like to receive permission to operate for at ieast a oae
year period. Mrs. Hassler, 7922 South Huciid Avenue, appeared before the
Commission and stated that tt~e rear lot was be3.ng used for parking and that
a dust nuisance was created about which something shquld be dune. The
wind blows the dust into her house. 14ffi HHARINB WAS CI.OSBD.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Commissioner Riutcel, and
carried, it was voted by RESOLUTION NO. 22 - SBRIBS 1956-57 to grant
Variance No. 603 subject to :
1. Zhe deeding of 20 feet to the City of Anaheim for widening of
Suc23G Avenue.
2. Black topping or oiling of off-street parking in the rear.
3. The Variance to expire one year from date of approval.
N0. 604 9741 Lincoln Avenue~ Anaheim, California, as Owner, LORA MAH ZII~AlBRMAN,
9741 Lincoin Avenue, Anaheim, Californie, as Authorized Agent, requeating
permission to have 20 feet fror.t yar3 setbacks in Tract No. 3044, an Lats
1-5 inclusive; 9-18 inclusive; 22-27 incluside, 29-31 incinsive; and 22
foot front yard setbacka on Lots 28, 30 and 32. This tract is lacated an
Lincoln Avenue 3ust East of Stanton Avenue.'
No one appeared for or.against the granting of this Variance. 1H" tffiARING
rinS CiASSD.
Upon a motion bq Co~nissioner Schvmacher, seconded bq Commissioner Tho~mpson~
and carried, it was moved by RHSOLiTfION N0. 23 - SBRIBS 1956-57 to grant
Variance No. 604 with front yard setbacks as specified in the Vaiiance.
N0. 605 ter Avenue, Anaheim, Califomia, as Owner, requesting permission to
expand the Automabile Wreckiag Yard on North Ma~chester Avenue to inciude
t~e propezty preuiossl~ occupied bq the Walt Ta~lar.Co~pany at 125 ;larth
Manchester Avenne. Thia propertp-extends Sonthkasteriq_ from-.the.Auto
r~~ Wsecking Piant, 240 feet along Manchester Avenug. The propexty is present-
iq ciasaified as M-1, L16HT-MANUPACTURING.
Senneth H. Clark appeare~ before the Commisaion and atated that he needed
more area for parking aad expanding for the conduct of his business. He
stated ~hat he yvas not ia the wrecking buaineas bu~ di+smanteled cara for
parta. Mr, Harold Woodward, representative of the Ansheim Cooperative Orange
Asaociation appeared before the Commiasion a~ stated that their propertv
was leased to the Wa1L Taylur Lumber Compnny fo; retail bveinese only and
that his lease expires on Pebrnary 1~ 1937. He did aot know whether Lhe
Orange Association would be willing to continue a ieaee to Mr. Ciark after
this date.. Mr. Clark s#~ted thet the Dolsn property :sad been 3eased ta
him for a five (5} year period and tnaT he had ~eased the rear pza~ierty
from the Walt Taylor Lua~Tler Company for the balpnce of his lease.
., -3-
- ---___.._..------.-.-_.._._-.,_~
~ VARIANCB It was brought out that considerable trouble had been experienced by the
N0. 605 Cit~y with reference to this dismanteiing business in the past Yew years
~ (CONT.) relative to the erection of an 8 foot solid fence enclosing the property
and that cars were piied 3 to d hign ahoning over the fence and creating
an unsightiy appeasance. There had also been some burning. The app13-
cant stated that he had discontinued all burniag and that there would be
no burning in the future on the property. A letter wns rece~ved from
Theodore Barcher~ directly to the Sonth, ob,jecting to ~he e~ctebsion of this
~! dismanteling yard. ~iH HHARING WAS CiASED.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Schumacher, secoaded by Commissioner Morris,
~ it was voted by R&SOLUTION N0. 24 - SBRIHS 1955-57 to deny
and carried
Vo~ian~o Nn /~.(1S
N0. 606 1003 South Claudina Street, Anaheim, California. as Owners,'~BRA B. OSTBR,
709 South Los Angeles.Street, Anaheim, Californis, as Authorized Agent,
requesting permisaion to operate an OPFICE EQUIP~IBNT SHRVICING BUSINSSS,
from the above address. The propertq is described as Lot 3 of Tract No.
1379 and i~ preaently classified as R-1, SINGLS-FAMILY-RSSIDBNTIAL,
Mr. McLaughlin appeared befnre the Commission and stated tha# he had. been ,
engaged in typewriter repair and office s;sppiy busines3 at his o1d home ,
on Bast North Street which recently was sold for subdivision parposes. He
stated that there would nener be more than two cars coming to the propertq
on business et one time. Most of the repair business is pic.ked up and
delivered by himself. He would iike to place g sign on the back of the
garege on the allPy side ::~3eh at the pr~sen:, bac~s ng to a vsc:n: lat aad
the sign could be seen from South Los Angeles Street. iViYh his petition,
he had the signatures of ail the surrounding property owners 3n favor of
granting him this use, which almost falls in the catiegorp of " home
IIpon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Riutcel,
snd carried, it was moved by~RHS0I~T7.'ION N0. 25 - SHRIHS 1956-57 to grant
Variaace No. 606 subject to the ere~:tion of a sign on the aliey side of
the garage. ,
CATION West Broadway, Anaheim, California, as Owners, GATBWAY COMPANY, 210 West
N0. F~56-57-7 7th Street, Los Angeles, Caiifornia, as Authorized Agent, requesting
that the property at the Northwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and.Stanton
Avenue~ described as 10 acres~ more or iess, being the SB~ of the SH~ of
the SB~ of Section il, T4S, Ri1W, S.B.B. & M, be reciassified from R-A,
Mr. Watts, 3r., son of tbe applicant~ appeared before the Commisaion and
it was questioned by th=s i'ommiasion as to any layout that he might have of
the propoaed use of the propertq. iie atated thnt none have yet•been
Upon a motion ty Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Cowniasionr Thompson, and
•carried~ it was voted to defer the heariag on this petition without pre-
,judice untii September 4, 1956.
RHCIASSIFI- °JBLIC HBAR:iVG. PBTITiON submitted by LEO PREEUMAN, 4T0 South Roxbury'--
CATION Drive, Heveriy Hilis, California, sa Owner, requeating that the propertq
N0. F-56-57-8 on the WesL side of Haster Street, described as atarting at a point in the
centeriine of Haster Street and running aiong a Westeriy direction on the
Northeriy right-of-wmy line of Satella Avenue a dfstnnce of 430 fee~ thence
Northerly parailei to Haster Street•n diatance.of 625 feet; thence Baster-
ly parallel to gatella Avenue a distaze of 430 feet; thence Scatherly along
the centerline of Haster Street, 625 feet to the point of.beginning, except
that portion of Haster Street reserved for atrPet purposes~ be reclassif;ed
. -6-
_--_ ------ -----__--_ _ _-------- -_._--- _.
~. __...-- - - ~ , ~
~I~i- Mr- Fiee~an appesred before 4he Co~nissioa sffi stated that he deaires
o"`~ w a« ~ir-+ s~rea reciassifiea to -[-1 sn acconnt of the fact that some of
~- ~'~'37'$ t1~e Parii,es to e~o~ ~e hsd sold property were fearful of Variances which
ius`.+-i are m~oQafos=iag nses and snbject to revocation. ZAB F~ARING WAS CL6SHD
IIp°'n a aotioa bY Co~issio~r 17ioapsoa, secanded by Commisstoner Hapgood,
aad csaied, it ws voted by RE,SOLDTIOp Ap. 26 - S~RIBS 1956-51 to recom-
ae~ to the Czty Conncil that the area described in the reclassification
be =emoed to l[-1. LI(~?-MAPQFACNlp~G from R A~ RSSIDBNTIAL-AGRICUI.NRAL.
'me *ate an tbe above Resointion ras as foilo~rs:
''~= ~....`'~ ~°: ~e~, napgoai~ Morris, Kinecel, Schumacher~ Summers,
lhampson and M~mgall.
11~5: ~RQSSLffi~RS: Noae.
a~i: Ca~QSSIaI~RS: Anest.
~F~- ffi~IC ~~pT~- PEIITIONi snbmitted by LEIGftPON D. JAHGER~ 444 Cabrillo
CAa[~ Zeznce, Casorra 11e1 ltar. Califoznia, as Ormer, requesting that the property
"~J- F'S6"s7 1 deacribed as tLe Sonth ~ of the SM~ of the SW} of Section 12, T4S~ R10iV,
S_B.B.~ lt_ (conta;a;ag five acres) be reclassified from R A, RBSIDHNTIAL-
~~~L ~ C Z. ~~~~CIAL. The property lies on the
East sidc cf Sonth Placmtia Avenne betreen the Anaheim-0live Road and
Fast Saata Ana Street_
use to t6e fact tvat Nr. Yeager is still absent from the City, a rep-
zesrntative app~ed ~or hia aad stated although they Ls3 no specific
'~=i~ =t ~,~~. buildin8s rould be erected on the property. These
ma2d be 1uc~t~' ca t~ t`.a~..~ sicie of Lhe property with parking on the
Soatli side arst to the residentiai subdivision. 1HE HBARING WAS CIASHD~
IIPa~ a aotioa by CaQissioaer Sch~aacher~ seconded by Commissioner Riutcel,
and cazried, it ras voted by RFSOLUTION N0. 27 - SHRIES 1956-57 to r°com-
'ead m t~e Cit7 Camcil that Reclassificatioa No.•-F-56-57-1 be rezoned
f~ $~• ~SI~IPIIAL~I(QLIURAL to C-1, LIQiT-COh9~ffiRCIAL. Subject to
ti~e folloriaq conditioas: ~
1- ~e deediag of ZO~feet to the City of Anaheim for the widening
of Flacentia.
2- ~e iastallatioa of carbs, gntters and sidewalks on Placentia.
3. 2~ ezection of a 6 foot masonry mall aloag the South side of the
4- ~e pls~ of atry brsildiag erected on the property on the North
'me vmte ~ tLe above Resolatioa xas as foliores:
S~S= ~QSSIO~RS: Ganer, Hapgood, Morris, Rintcel~ Schumfficher, Summera,
ThosPson ~nd lKnngall.
lOFS: f~QSSI~RS: Roae.
~J~' ~e Xeetiag Ad,jaarned at 5:37 O'C2ock P.M.
~ ~