Minutes-PC 1956/09/28l~
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September 28, 1956
C3ty Hall
Anaheim, California
' FRIDAY. SBPTHMBHR 28, 1956 AT 2:00 0'CLOCg P.M.
The Meeting rvas called to order at 2:00 0•Clock P.M.
PRFSHNT: Cons~ltant Sisner
City Administrator, Keith Murdoch
Chairman Svmmera
Commissioi~ers: Auest, Gauer, Hapgood, Morris. Schvmacher and Mungall
ABSHNT: Commissioner Thompso~.
The afternoon was spent in reviewing the proposed oxdinance for:
C-1 - Neighborhnod Storea 2one
C-2 - Neighborhood Shopping Center Zone
C-3 - General Commercial Zone
C-3 A- Regionai Shopping Center Zone
C-4 - Highwzy Comnerciai Zone
C-4-A - Limited Highrray Co~ercial Zone
A-P - Administrative and Professionai Office Zone
C-A - Commercial Amusemeat 2one
aiso the Parting Reqnirementa for each of these zones.
The ordinaace as now set up, with the few changes to be made, is ready for
Public Hearings, but before these are heid, it ia snggested by Mr. Bisner
that the Commission hold a joint Meeting with the City Council at 2:00
0•Clock P.M. on October 12, 1956 in order that he can explain to the Council
the thinking behind this major change of zones and what 9iould be accom-
plished bF these changes.
It is hoped that Mr. Prestan Turner maq be abie to check over the proposed
ordin~nce b~fore this date and suggest th~ nec2ssarp 2ega1 chaages ~ha~ ~ight
have to be made so that 3.t cannot be challenged in the Courts. Mr. BiPner
stated that the legal phases of the ordinence cea only be dete:m?.ned by
the City Attoiney. ,
The Meetiag Ad3ourned at 4:15 0'Clock P.M.
R. N. MUNGALL~ Se tary
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