Minutes-PC 1956/12/03..
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December 3, ?956
City Hall
Anaheim, California
RSGULAR The Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission was called to
MESTING order at 2:05 0'Clock P.M. by CHAIRMAN SUDiN~RS, a quorum being pre-
^u i:uu6:ii.
COMMISSIONER Auest entered the Meeting at 2:48 0'Clock P.M.
COMMISSIONSR Gauer entered the Meeting at 4;OQ 0'Clock P.M.
COI~fISSIONER Hapgood retired from the Meeting at 5:32 0'Clock P.M_
MINUTBS The Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of November 19, 1956
• were approved as printed.
CATION Stone Lane, Santa Ana, California, as Owner, reqnesting that the
N0. P-56-57-25 property as described below be reclassified from R-3, MULTIPLE F~MILY
RESIDENTIAL to M-1, LIGHT MANUPACTURING. The protierty is c:escribed
z~ the Easterly one haif of Vineyard Lot G-1, in the City of Anaheim
as per map thereof recorded in Book 4, Pages 629 and 530 of Deeds,
Records of Los Angeles County, California; excepting therefrom the
following described property: Commencing at a point 33 feet from
South Bast Street on the Easterly side of said property and x93 feet
from East Santa Ana Street, on the Northerly side of said propertq;
thence Southerly 1- feet parallel to South East Street; thence Wes-
terly 44 feet parallel to East Santa Ana Street; thence Northerly
10 feet parallel to South East Street; thence Easterly 44 feet para-
llel to East Santa Ana Street to the point of beginning. The parcel
for rezoning is oniy the East 150 feet of the described property on
South East Street.
Mr. McElroy appeared before the Commission and stated that the deve-
lopment of this property would be similar to that on South East
Street near the corner of Vermont, with a landscaped-parking area
across from the single family residences on South East Street. He
stated that the residents on the East side of Sonth East Street were
very pieased with the present development of their othe= piece of
property. He stated that he had no lay-out at present to show the
Commission relative to the subject property. Mr. Harris, 557 Haven
Drive, presented a petition containing ninety (90) signatures of pro-
perty owners in the area, protesting the graniing of this reclassi-
fication and stated that the homes in the ar~a represented an invest-
ment of fifteen (15) to sixteen (16) thousand doilars each, and that
this snbdivision was next to Grove Street which is one of the best
subdivisions in the City of Anaheim, carrying the highest classifxca-
tion of R-O, RESIDENTIAL SUSURBAN. The intrusion of manufacturi.ng
with only a P-L, PARKING IAt7~iSCAPING zane he felt would depreciate
property values in the area. Mr. Brown, 549 Haven Drive, complained
about the add~d traffic of trucks on South Sast Street as there would
probably be an entrance from South Sast Street into the industrial
area. He stated that he purchased this property on accouat of thes~
being an R-3 lnxf£er between the industrial zone and South East Street.
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RECTASSIPI- Mrs. Bostick, Realtor, stated that there is only 800 feet involved or.
CATION South East Street requested for reclassification from R-3 to P-L and
PiG that tfie balance.of the property to the South now carries this classi-
(CONT.) fication. Gerald L. Templeton, 562 Haven Drive, objected to the re-
classification due to the property devaluation that might occur and
he felt that the present R-3 should be left as is. Mrs. Templeton
also appeared before the Commission abjecting to the truffic condi-
tions that would be a hazard to the children in the area. Nrs. Mar-
jorie Johnson, 510 Haven Drive, appeared before the Commission and ,
stated that ~he would not object to apartment houses on the West side
of South East Street and tl;ought that this would be a good buffer.
Mr. Paysen, 1002 East Santa Ana Street, stated that he desired to file
a netition signed by twenty-five C25) residents in the area in favor
oi iiic i.ecla~~i:~-"~:.cr.. u..~~ ~c ±wo pA~p~A pn ±hP netition are aer-
employment and that new industrial plants would be
sons with seasonal
able to furnish many of these people with year-round employment. Mrs.
D. R. Whitmill, 526 Dawn Street, Mrs. V. H. Pontzious, 545 Haven Drive,
and others, voiced their objections to the reclassification. THE ?sPAR-
Upo:! a motion by Comnissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Morris,
and carried, it was moved by RESOLUTION N0. 109 - SBRIES 1956-57, to
recommend to the City Council that Reclassification No. F-56-57-25 be
The vote on the above Resolution was as follows:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Bates, Hapgood, Morris, Summers, Thompson and
biungall .
N0. F-56-57-27
Center Street, Anaheim, California, as Owner, EDWARD W. BONROSRY, Same
Address, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described
below be reclassified from R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULNRAL to C-3, HEAVY
COMI~RCIAL and C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD CUMMERCIAL. The property is iocated
at the Southeast corner of Lincoln Avenue and S~uth Euclid Avenue and
further described as that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, iying
and being in Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, County of Orange,
State of California, bounded and particularly described as follows,
to wit: The W~ of the NW~ of the NW~ of the NW~ of Section 16, T4S,
R10W, S.B.B. & M., estimated to contain five acres, reserving there-
from for roads, railroads, and ditches, a strip oi land thirty feet
wide, along, adjoining on each side of the Township, Range and Section
lines. The above conveyed property being further described as the W~
of Lot 4 of Helen and Lynch's addition to Anaheim as shewn on a map -
recorded in Book 442, Page 158 of Deeds, Records af Los Angeles County,
Calif~rnia, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at
the Northwest corner of said Section 16, and running thence East along
the North line of said Section 16, 330.08 feet to a point; thence Sou-
therly 663.55 feet to a point on the South iine of said NW~ of the NW~
of the NW~, wlsich said point is 330.50 feet East of the West line of
said Section 16; thence Westerly along said South line of the NlY~ of
the NW~ of the NW~, 330.50 feet to the Southwest corner of said NW~
of the NW~ of the NW~; thence Northerlp a2ong 4he West 2ine of said
Section 16, 6b5.05 feet to tne point of beginning and containing S.Q37
acres of la~d, and exceptin~; the Northerly and Westerly 30 feet for
road purposes. It is proposed that 140 by 140 feet at the corner be
rezoned to C-3, HEAVY COMI~RCIAL and the balance of the nroperty be
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Mrs. Annie Bonkosky appeared before the Commission and stated that she
CA~ION had nothing to add to the information included in the application
~ N0. F-Sb-57-27 except that she would like to see the property rezoned. Mrs. Hemmer-
~ (CpNT,) ling ~uestioned the exact location o: the service station which
j would be on the Southeast corner of Lincoln and Euclid where one had
~ been located for some 20 years or more. It was explained that there
~ would be a parcel 140 by 140 feet devoted to this use, and that the
balance would be C-1. TF~ HEARING WAS CL05ED.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Bates,
- and carried, it was voted by RESOLUTION N0. 110 - SERIES 1956-57, to
recommend to the City Council that Reclassification No. P-56-57-27 be
~ approved for C-3 at the Southeast corner of Euclid and Lincoln Avenues
and the balance to C-1, subject to:
1. The deeding of twenty feet to the City of Anaheim on Enclid
2. The providing of suitable drainage on the South side of the
property for the properties to the East as required by the
Engineering Department.
The vote on the above Resolution was as follows:
AYES: COA~l1SSIONERS: Auest, Sates, Hapgood, Morris, Summers,
Thompson and Mungall.
iw"'tS: Cvinini$SIvhcRS: Noue.
RE.~ASSIFI- PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by HARRY H. SEM, 344 A'orth Camden
CATI~~N Drive, Beverly Hilis, California, as Owner, IAREN E. WAGNER REAL'TY
NO. F-56-57-28 QO~ANY, 1050 South Los Angeles, Anaheim, Califo rnia, as Authorized
Agent, requesting thh~ the property described be~low be reclassified
property is described as the S~ of the NW~ of Section 24, T4S, R101V,
S.B.B. & M., in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana in the County
of Orange, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 51, Page
10, of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of,the County ftecorded of said
~csv ~. Ex~ep: tke ~lest 10 acres thereof. A2so the ter. acres to the
North of the subject property.
Mr. Earl Hennings or' the Pacific Scientific Company, appeared before
the Commission and stated that they are about ready to start their new
plan4 for small, precise parts for which they -=°d a very clean atmos-
phere. They were only informed thia A.M. about the development to
the West of them ard that they have had no chance to look into it
and would like to see the reclassification put aside for two weeks
uatil they can talh with the Neville Company regarding their operation.
Mr. Bob Ulrich of the Neville Compaay stated that they comply in all
respects with the smog control authorities ax~d they believe th~: chey
will be of no nuisance to the Pacific Scientific Company. Mr. Weber
of the Scientific Coapany aiso appeared and stated that they were
concerned greatiq with contamination in the air a~ they wonld like
to discuss this phase with the Neville Company. THE HHARING WAS
Upon a motion by Com~nissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner
Hapgond, it was moved that Reclassification No. F-56-57-28 be set off
for two weeks or until December 17, 1956.
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~10. 668
RfiEFER, 428 South Ohio Street, Anaheim, California, as Owners,
requesting permission to erect a three bedroom DiVELLING AND GARAGE
on the front of the properfy described as Lot 15, Biock A of Tract
No. 238 and further described as the above address. The property
is presently classified as R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. There is
a small house at the rear of the lot at present.
No one appeared for or against the granting of th:s 1'ariance. THE
Upon a motioa by Commissianer Su~oers, seconded by Commissioner Morris,
and carried, it wa~ moved by RESOLUTION N0. 111 - SERIES 1956-57 to
Graat Variance No. oob.
N0. 669 Verano Street, Garden Grave, Califomia, as Owner, requesting per-
mission to erect a SERVICE STATIO:v o~ the corner and a PROFESSIOBAL
bUILDING at the rear of the service station with off-street parkirg
for fifty-nine cars. The property is described as:
Parcel 1- The East 102.4 feet ef that portion of Section 9. T4S.
R10W, S.B.B. & M., described as foliows: Co~aencing at a point in
the North line of said Section 9, 303,29 feet West of the intersection
of ::est Street with said North line as said street is shown on a map
of a portion of said Section made for F. W. Fleischmann, filed in
Book 1, Paoe 56 of Records of Surveps ia the office of the County
RFCOrder of Orange County, Caiifomia; Northerly 330 feet thereof as
measured from the center oP West La Palma Avenue, along the Westerly
boundary thereof.
Parcel 2- Beginaing at the intersection of the North line of Section
9, T4S, R10W, S.B.B. & M., with the centerline of West Street as said
West Street is shown on a map of portion of said 5ection 9, made for
F. W. Fleischman filed in Book 1, Page 56, of Records of California;
. thence West along said North line of Section 9, 303.29 feet to a point;
thence South 330 feet parallel with the East line of the Northwest
quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 9. It is further
described as the Southwest corner of West La Palma Avenue and North
West Street, and is presently classified as :;~-0, SU~TRBAN-RESIDENTIAL.
Dr. Ralls appeared before the Commission and stated that he had sur-
veyed the whale ~arth:c~st area of Anah~ m 3oo~:ag for a snitable
spot to locate professional offices and found this site availabie
opposite the new hospital. On account of the high value of the land,
he feit that a service station on the coraer would be a necessity
and give better visability than :.ny other type of development. Ms.
Watkins of 1139 Lomita Place, appeared before the Commission arni ques-
tioned whether Claredgc Drive would be ~xtended Hortherly to La Palma
Avemie and Easterly to West Street. It was explained that no study
had been made as to possible extension of this stre~' or whether
it might be cul-de-saced. Mr. Clark, 1035 West Lr. Palma, ap peared
before the Commission protesting the intiusion of a C-~ ~~se in the
form of a Service Station across from his R-1 property located at the
Noxtheast corner of La ~'aima and West Street. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED.
Upon a motion by Commissioaer Auest, seconded by Co~issioner Hapgood,
and carried, it was voted bp xESGIiTiIdIv h'ii~ i12 - SEFiHS 195b-57 to
grant Variance Na. 669 for thtit portion requested €or professional
offices, L++±t *_e den9 the service s,tation at this site.
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PlJBLIC HBAR:NG. PETITIDN su3~m322~d '.far ~ ~.. ~ ~s~t~-+ ~,..~
Spadra Road, Pullerton, Cali~am3a, a~ ~:l~rs„ ~~
to erect a SBR'JICH STATI~1 aa t~ ~g ~~ ~m ~
lot, piece and parcel of laad 3a ~~a1~ a+~ ?~ ~~~„
State of California, descr33ae~ as ~a39srsv~ ~~~~
ef Ceater Street and Anaheim-~Dli~ Bna3 and ~g ~--•r ~~
Northerly line of said A*+~+~+P+~~~s~ ~3, ~3D $~ ~-~ ~t~as_
ly 123 feet to the Sonther3y ]iae ~¢~s S'rzs~„ 3~2 ~~
from the juncture of said ~arzr ~tr adi~-~ ~~-,.
Westerly along sai.d Souther3~ liae ~ ~i$ ~ ~t.-~~ ~ ~ ~_
cture of the Anaheig-Olive ~toad; ~~m a s~ed ~~s ~a ~~~
of beginning; being a part af I;or 1~, ~~'~r ~c
property is presently classi~'ied as ~ 3, ~a~a:
Mr. Dale Sellon appeaz~d ~£ar~ ~ ~ $s ~ ~,-.,,~.t ~
stated that he was aog aware i~# ~ a~ ~y ~~~
granting of his Variaace ~ed mm ~e $sr~ ~art ~a ~ r~
service stations in fhe arsa_ S~r_ ~3 ~~~a~ ~~,.~, -
appeared bef ore the Co~nissicm ~d ~ x~--~=••~•s ~
f if ty signatures of properi~ ~.s i~n ~e azsa ~~
grantiag of this Varianc~, dnc te ~he ff~ i~ ~~+~_
would be dangerous to chiidr~ iv ~e ~~+ 33sss ~s ~_ ~~ r~
measure, to the fact that there ax~ as- ~ a~. ~ p~
the children have to yvslk 'sn t~e slrrtls_ ID~.3~II ~~.••.- r.~.arw,.,_
tan Attoraey, appeared for Mr_ .'Sz37~m ~d s~ait~d ~~~~~-
that there were eight ather sffit3x~ in 4~ axea st y~ x~ a~~-
m~iit for the allowing of ame morP_ Rh~ ~a ~ a,•~•,+~.a~ ~~~
lot, this use would be the i~est 2~a1 s~ ~m~+s1y ~~ '~e ~S t~a,
Mr. D. Smith, rep.resenta+-i~ra a~' ~~ 2~ 2~ _ -._ ~
this station xrould operate ?~1 i~car.~ a~_ Dlf~s_ ~~.~~
the f loor aad stated t3~at 24 lirna s~ aa.i1~ 3zg~ ~~
the corner and a certain amonar ar~' +m:~• ~g a~d ~,-g~ ,~--r,.~
ly disturb the resideats ia th~ $~ ~~~~~
cnuld be used for other coamer~, m~s ~ a~n3~ 3~ ~
only during the usual period aad mrt ~A ~s a~ng ~~
for the service station_ 5everal a~ss a3sr ~~~
to the granting OF t1115 VAT+nnr~_ 'q~ ~~ u~r~
Ugon a motioa by Commiss3oaer ~uues2,,.s~~ ~ 3~ ~~
and carried, it was moved that ~ny ~ 38~L 3~i -~~~„
Variance No. 670 be d~nied.
VARIANCB PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION ~n3mmit~be3 ~~ 3i. ~_ ~„ ~ag
N0. 671 West Liacoln A..emie, Anaheim, ~s~*~+.+ar ~s ~, ~~
sion to use the eusting rp~+~~+~ f~er a~ s~ ~nrsr t~
The property is described as 3,ot 32 ~~ 3~ ~g ~i ~~g
at the Southeast comer af ~~~~ ~~~ a~~..~c,. ~,,,.o
Dr. Abrams appeared before #be (~3,~~ ~3 s~~Il ~~ g~E ~
thing to sell bvt services ~a saae ~mr s3,si~ ~3;~ ~~
facing on Lincoln Avea~e ~as aot ~~~~ ~~~
and that the grantiag of 23~ Was3aace e~m3d ~~~~~
Medical Center next 3oor to t~e g~r~ty ~ a3so ~~~~
area. He stated that he ~onld ~¢me s~ ~~a ~.s,•~ ~ t~ g~-r_
ance of the home for hi.s sP~+~~+~ ~d ~m~ ~~ ~+~ t~e ~c ~
th° 1,^.t SIId t.~..^.t .'`.F i..s..~ a i~.~.+~a~i gaae~C iv~ ~mn~t s~a~ ~
for himseif and his arsse aad 2~at ^_~°~ ~_
~ -•a aza~ ~ p~
vided on the property maki;eg ~sy,e ;a~a,~rs ~n $3.z ~m ~ mst ~°-_-
tha4 there would be more t3~aa thm ~rat~s~ts ~~~ a~g ~
tnme. Mrs. Chanos, 1903 ~mb~assy, a~x~ed ~~s ~~~
stated that she lived in the ~,z-~.~ 1s~~ a~o3 3ad4 ~ers z~ r,~s ~eeiC
~ t~
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N0. 671
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for fifty-six residents in t he tract. The houses in the tract ~ost
them $16,000.00 and on up and cost them $2,100.00 on the average
for expeaditures on additional improvements. She also stated that no
or.e was informed that the deed restrictions had been removed on the
two lots facing Lincoln Aveaue and aiso the real estate commissioner
had been informed that the deed restrictions had been removed on 4ie
two luts and would investigate the removal of same. She stated that
this showed bad faith on the part of the subdivider, Centex Homes.
Letters in favor of granting the Variance were received from Mr, and
Mrs. Tevlin, Jr., 106 Echo Place, Lou A. Huewing, 18ti0 West Broadwap,
and Michael S. Boyer, ~176 Hiawatha Avenue. Mrs. J. R. McEntee, 218
Broad~riert, stated that they had bought this house in the tract because
they believed ti would be purely residential in accordance with the
deed restrictions. Mr. Boyer as a representative of Cente:~ Hames,
stated that he beiieved that the medical office would have no detri-
ment to the ar,ea at ali and wouid avail the residents in the area of
24 hour medic:~l service, which ~ight be a decided advantage to the
residents. 5everal others voiced their objections to the granting
of the Variance for traffic and other reasons. THE HEARING WAS CLGSED.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Bates, seconded by Cemmissioner F3apgaod,
- and carried, it was muved by RESpLUTION N0. 114 - SERIES 1S56-57, that
Variance No. 671 be granted subject to:
].. That deed zestrictions were iegally removed.
~. The providing of three off-street parking spaces.
N0. 672 South Walnut Street, Analaeim, California, as Owners, AbAMS AND ELLS,
P.O. Box 670, H1 Monte, ~alifornia, as Authorized Agents, requesting
a WAIVHR of Lot frontages to those shown on the Tentative Map of
Tract No. 2797 also the square footage requirements. A further waiver
on the lot widths on the Cul-de-Sac lots froai 60 feet at the 15 foot
setback line to 40 feet on Lots 53,56,63, 66, 73 and 76. This tract
is described as the N} of the NE~ of the SW~ of Section 13, T4S, Ri1W,
of the Rancho Los Coyotes, except the West 270.56 feet of the East
547.7Q feet of the North 176 feet of the N84 of the SW~ of said
Section 13, and further described as the Southwest corner of Orange
and Dale Avenues,
This firact was apparently passed by the County and afterwards became
a part of the City of Anaheim by annexation. A representative of
Adams and Ells Engineers, for the tract, appeared before the Co~nnission
and stated that the lots weze in conformity for frontage in area with
others in the vicinity. The Commission wished to check the lot sizes
in other Tracts in the area. TFIB tL~ARING WAS CIASED. -
Upon a mozion by Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Commi~ssioner Thompson.
a~nd carried, it was moved that action be de€erred unt:Ll the Meetin~
of December 17, 1956 until the size of lots in surrou~ndiag tracts
can be determined.
N0. 673 Drive, Anaheim, California, as Owner, LEO J. PRIIS, California Bank
Building~ Anaheim, California, as Authorized Agent, requesting ge*=
mission to use Lots 3, 2 and 3 of Tract No. ri78 for the erection of
~FFIa."'&S. The prop~~*iy is furLher described as being 1717-1731 East
~enter Street. The propeY;q ~s ~resently classified as R-2, TWO
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NO. 673
Coorrr. )
nuisance to the neigbaorhood , also that no commercial signs of aay
character shall be erected or displayed upon any iot of said tract,
pruvided, however that signs may be erected and maintained on said
Lot 1 t~ 5 advertising any business, trade or profession conducted
upon said Lots and commodities and services sold and furnished thereon
aad therefrom, btr. Degennaro, Jr „ appeared before the Commission
and presented a proposed layout of the buiidings to be erected on the
lots, 1, 2 and 3 sk:awing retail stores. Francis Phillipi, 112 Hvelyn
Drive, appeared befoie the Commission and stated that the owner,
Mrs. Bonnat, had had these Lot 1 to 5 rezoned some two to three years
ago for R-2 and that recently she had built two duplexes on Lots
4 and 5. There are no sidewalks on Evelyn Drive and if shopping is
permit'ted cn Lots 1, 2 and 3, this street will be used for additiona
parkin~;,'and that there is not enough parking shown on the property
fo* *eteil b!ts?ness. This tvoald resuxt in the devalnetion of one of
the finest single family tracts in the City of Anaheim. Letters
were received from Mr. and Mrs. William L. Taylor, ill Evelyn Drive
and Mr. Duncan J. Powers, 7,40 Hvelyn Drive, and a petition signed
by 46 proper*y owners on Hvelyn Drive protesting the granting of
inis variance. Nir. ~i'ayior, i~irs. Niiiiard, 239 ~veiyn ~rive, i~irs, u.
Powers, 240 Evelyn Arivt, Mr. Aingsmill, 121 Evelyn Dr?.;•e, all appeared
before tne Commissi~n protesting the granting of tlie Variance and
stated that they were old-time residents in this tract and that Mrs.
Bounat had continually stated that these iots facing on Center Street
would only be used for residential pnrposes. There is only one entrance
into the tract from Center Street, the tract being a circie, and tha
residential uses could still be put on these lots, except for the fact
that Mrs. Bonnat would probably receive a higher price for the lot~
for Commercial usea. Mr. Degennaro, Sr., appeared before the Commis-
sion and stated that they proposed to put u~ a good-looking buiiding
but that if the wishes of the property owners in the area were
against the use of this property for commercial purposes, he woulil go
along with the property oumers, THS }IEARING WAS CIASED,
Mr. Gray, Attorney, appeared as a representative of the firm of ~
Friis and Gray and quoted from the deed restrictions placed on the ~
property in 1946 excepting Lots 1 to 5, may be used for other than .
residential purposzs rhen permissabie under •the zoning laws of the
City of Anaheim, provided that no noxious or offensive trade or ~
business shali be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or {
Upon a motion by Commissioner Auest, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood,
and carried, it was voted by RESOLL'~'TION N0. 115 - zERIES 1956-57, to
deny Variance No. 673.
VARIANCE PUBLIC tffiARING. PETITION submitted by H. J. BELSHE, 3556 Fashion
NO. 674 Avenue, Long Beach, California, as Owner, requesting permission to
on proper~y described as that poriion o£ tne 5~ of the SW~ oi the
SW~ of Section 13, T4S, R11W, S.B.B. ~ M. The property is presently
classified as R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULNRAL and lies on the East
side of Staaton Avenue, 185 feet North of Ball Road.
Mr. llelshe appeared before the Commission and presented pians for ~:he
Motel. which he proposed ta erect on the property. The Variance was
sne•resplt of the actin~n by the Cit~ Council. A+ the±r I?earing en the
proposed Reclassification of this property, they requested Mr. Beishe
to withdraw and file for a Variance. He stated that he would own
and aperate the hlotei and naintain his rasidence on the pzope:ty.
He also requested that no service road be required aiong the foa#age
of his property, but rather that the subdivider who put in the ser~ice
soad be reqss3red to extend it ta St~ntan Aven~e. TtiE HEARING I~AS
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IIp~ a aot•ion by Co~eissiuner G2uer, seconded by Commissioner Auest,
az~ ca.rzied, it xas moved by RESOL[STION N0. 116 - SERIES 1956-57,
that ~~**~++re No. 674 be granted.
RTSEIC HFARING. PETITION for Reeiew and Special Use Permit submitted
bF the S APID H RIIBBISH HAIILING, 3U6 Hast Santa Ana Street, Anaheim,
F'37ifornia, reqnestiag permissioi; co store and/or bale corrugated car-
toas, store wodea crates and boxes, store empty bottles and large
c~s, =iscellaneons metals and rags salvaged from the operation of
tras~ collecting in the City of Anaheim. The property is described
as~ a portioa of Vineyasd Lot G-3, located at 306 East Santa Ana Street
aad is nresently c2assified as M-1, LIGFTT M4NUFACTURING.
?'fQ aae appeazed for or against this groposed Special Use Permit, THL'
E~3Z.'~ 1lAS C[QSEB.
ITpag a aation by Commissioaer Gauer, seconded by Commissioner Summers,
aIId carried, it xas voted by RESOLUTION N~J. 117 - SERIES 1956-57, to
graat a Special IIse Permit subject to;
=• :r..° cMc:i•rs a: ~ 3 fcot aasonry wall surrounding the entire
property, on account of possible fire hazard and other reasons.
2_ The providin~ on the property of off-street parking for em-
plopees or cus<amers.
ivesuf: nr~uur~%. ~~1TIUN submitted for Review and Special Use Permit
~.sior, 2Q2 ~iest Ncrth Street, Anaheim, California, requesting per-~
~ission to erect a Teat for Temporary Chnrch Services until the ac-
t:aF ca-..st=actic~ of a permanent b~ailding which work is expected to
start abont Jamiary x, I957. The property is described as the North
FS_~ acres of the E~ of the SE~ of the SEa of Section 12 and further
descri.Bed as 302 North Magnolia Avenue. It is presently classified
R~~ Robert J. Mfe11s, ~astor af tLe Central Baptist Church, appeared
~are the Co~mission aad stated that due to the fast growth of their
4~t¢cci~, 2hey eroald 2ike to erect a temporary tent in order to hold
services ~til their buildi;ig caa be erected. It is expected that
coastrnction riil start arouad the first part of 1957. They have a
pa.-ceY of IS acrts. Tf~ HEARING WAS CIASED.
IIpoa a=otion by Co~ssioner Gauer, seconded by Commissioner Thompson,
and car_ied, it ~s moved bq I~SOLUTION N0. 118 - SERIES 1956-57, to
graat Bevie9r No. 7 far a period of 120 days.
T1ne Teatative Map of Tract No. 3160 was presented to the Commission.
it i~ iocaied on rast F3zoadway, just West of the Southern Baptist
~¢rci~ The subdivi3er is E. A, FAHItION, 1536 Redwood, Anaheim,
~ ttforaia. The sabdivision consists of 8 lots.
IIgoa a sotion by Co~nissiaaer Gauer, seconded by Cammissioner Thompson,
afld carried, it ras noved that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 3160 be
apgro~ed snb,ject to:
?_ T_~. ~yacat af $23.Q0 per lat for the.acquisition of Park
affi Recreation Sites.
2. Eagiaeering Reqnirements.
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. _. .
, - . . _ _ -- - _.
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~ TBNTATIVS MAP The Tentative Map of Tract No. 2723 ~as presented to the Commission.
OF TRACP N0. This tract is located on the {tlest side of Valley Street just South
~ 2713 of Niobe Avenue. The subdivider is GEORGE HUCCOIA: 1242 West Lincoln
Avenue, Anaheim, California. The ssbdivision contains 10 lo4s.
Upon a motion by Commi.ssioner Thompsoa, se:onded by Commissioner
G~uer, and carried, it w-as moved to approve the Tentative Map of
Tract No. 27:13 subject to;
1. The paqment of $25.0p per lot for the acquisition of Paz:•
and Recreation $ites.
2. Engineeriag ReqviremenYs.
ADJWRNMENi' The Meetiag Adjourned at 6:14 O'Clock P.M_