Minutes-PC 1956/12/14i~.~ ~ m i
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December 14, 1956
City Hall
Anaheim, California
INF~RIdAL ~a Hmff~asmIl ~nm~ coE ttlre ~itg P2anning Commissioa was called to order
~ MEETZNG ~9 ~1~ 3~5, x qiuss~ 6eing present, at the hour of 2:25 0*Clock P.M.
!3ltESE~1~Tt' ~ ~Iliti~it ~asr~~
d+i2g ~n~s~aaft~a' ~
~Sa~ ~~~*'~
~Co~ass~~+~»+~_ ~~es„ Q~aer, ~ipgood and Muagall. .
ABSETLC ~C',~,**c~a~as_ ~sa„ E~=ris avd Thompson.
~R ~-`° --'~'z---= '~ ~~-~ :s '~ ~se: u~.: ;R-R - i~~iRICTED Iiv'BUSTZ3riL
RESTRICT~D ID3~H8tYC8' 7m~e as ~a~sea T~g ~:oasttitant Eisner whereby light industrial
IAIDUSTRIAL ms~s vw~H~ fie e~iflns~ im cEose proximity to residential developments.
DISTRICT 'IIffi~is oa~n~e~e awimIlcIl ~+r~r~r~ct~ ~tb~cks on vazious types of streets and high-
~s amd nnlta~e (~£cskm~ce staadards under noise, electromagnetic
~~++~aa~, caes~ceic i~eerierence, giare, heat, cold, movaent of air
ox ~, m~ams ~itCer, taxic or noxious matter, smoke and particulate
~~s. ~~~~s„ ~*^pr**ce v~ission. It was decided by the group
~e ~~ fi~ CHs~amai~ £smm bC-R and L be substituted, in as R is always
idznttnffn~ a~tt~ a~emftnaIl Qses_
'Ctsltaam mmamns ¢~g~s a~ere saggested ia reference to setbacks. As the
fl~esrFoa,~mae s~a~s are a mear iaovatioa, it was decided_that Mr. Hisner
~~~a~~e ~e ~ex snggested, prepaze new copies of the Proposed
Q3x'~dima~ne a~ ~~ ~ 8e sa~mi.tted to a Committee of Anaheim andustriaiists
ffa~r ~hena~ ~ps sm~ ~estioas_
ADJ~g~~i'~T '3~e S'deeikaa~ ~.~+~ ait ~_~~ O`Cloct P.M stnd it was decided that account
~~~~~9 ~~„ ~~artI~er Meeting weuld be held during December,
'~e ~at6e ff~s ft~ ffi~ JQeeikiu~ ~s set for Friday, Jamiary 4, 1957 at 2;00
QD`Qa~rB~ ?~_
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INFORMAL An Iaformal Meeting of the City plaffiira'~~sm '.~ ~ f~ ~
MESTING by CHAIRMAN SUMhffiRS, a quorum beia~ presen~„ a~ ~~~ 2~ Q1°Ci~dr F.bt.
PRESENf Planning Consultant Eisner
City Administrator Murdoch
Chairman Summers
Comaissioners: Bates, Gauer, iiapgood ~ad ~^r _
ABSENf Commissioners: Auest, Morris and Thompsom~
`!-R '!'!ne to~+i.c o£ discussion was the Prnpased mew S6-iR -~~T~r
RESTRICTED DISTRIGT Zone as proposed by Consultaat ~9.~ a~?y ~ n~
INDUSTRIAL uses would be establ.ished in close pr,o~ity ~e a~ d~a~~~'~-
DISTRICT This or3inance would establish s£tbac~rs ~ ava'r~ ~ eff ~taeet~ a~fi b-T~r
ways and introduce performance staadar3~ ~S ~~„ eIl~~~~
radiation,• electromagneLic inter£erance, a:~~e ~aLL„ ~u„ ~'~ ~=
or dampness, odorus matter, toxic or an~*+*+_ ~a~tthea'„ ~~~'*+''"~'"'T~
matter, vibrations, radioactive e~niss3om_ II: a~ma ~~+g t~ ~raaF
the the R be eliminated from M-R and Z~e ~~„ ~~~~~
identified with residential uses.
Certain minor changes were suggestxd 3n x+r~~ tbm ~~- ~s tI~
performance standards are a new inova#?nm„ 3~ eaas ~-tt~tt ~s- ~°+~
incorporate the changes suggested, ~r~e~ax+e me~a ~~ mff tt~ ~a~3"
Crdinance and that same be submitted fa a~.~f~ mu~' ~~^'=*t~*s
for their comments and suggestions.
ADJOURNAfBNT The Meeting Ad journed at 4:3$ O'~la:~ ~,3d aa3 's~ ~~'~~ ~~a~t
of the holiday season, vo further Meeriag ~~ ~'~~al~g ~r-
The date for the next Meeting tas set f~ ~sa8ag, ~ 41„ Il~71 at ~~fA
O'~'2ock P.M.
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