Minutes-PC 1956/12/17, ~.. _ _ ~,*~ `:. . - - .. . . .. ~. ~' i ,: ;: . .. , .~ December 17, 1956 City Hall Anaheim, California MINUTBS OF THB ADTOURNSD RHGUTAR MESTING OF Tf~ CITY PIANNlNG QOMMISSION ADJOURBIDD The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Pianning Commission was ggI~TLAR calied to order at 2:15 0•Clock P.M. by CHAIRMAN SUhAfERS, a quorum MHBTING being present. pREgBNT CHAIRMAN SUA9~lBRS, COMMISSIONERS: Bates, Gauer, Morris, Thompson and Mungall. ABSSNf COl'dMISSIONERS: Auest and Hapgood. M3'NUTBS The Mznutes of the Reguiar Meeting of December 3, 1956 vc~re approved as printed. RECIASSIFI- PUBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitfied by HARRY H. KEM, 344 North Camden CATION Drive, Beverly Hilis, California, as Owner, LORSN S. WAGNER.REALTY N0. R-56-57-28 COMPAPIP, SOSO S6liiia Los Angeles, Anaheim, Californis, as Authorize~ Agent, requesting that the property described below be reclassified from R-A, RHSIDENCIAL AGRICULNRAIi. to M-2, HEAVY MANUPACIURING. The property is described as the S+~ o~` the NW~ of Section 24, T4S, R10W, . S.B.B. & M., in the Rancho San Juaa Cajon de Santa Ana in the Couaty of Orange, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 51, Page 10, of Misceilaueous Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Except the West 10 ac~res thereof. Also the ten acres to the North of the subject property, At the request of the applicant, action on this reclassifi.cation was with-held until the Meeting of January 7, 1956, by a motion made by Commissioaer Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Mnngaii, and carried. RBCIASSIPI- PUSLIC HEARING. PETITION sub.ni.tted by HEMSEE INVSSIMENT COMPANY, CATION 5931 Grand Avenue, Buena Park, California, as Owner, requesting that N0. F•-56-57-32 the property described as part of iot 26 of Anaheim Extension, begin- ning at the Northeast cornpr of said lo* at the intersection of the centerline of Vermont Avenue and Los Angeles Street; thence South 173 feet; thence Westerly 170 feet; thence Northeriy 173 feet to the cen- terline of Vermont Avenne; thence Hasterly 170 feet to the point of beginning, be reclassified to C-3, HPAVY COMhffiRCIAL to permit the erec~~on o: a se:vice station. The pro~es*_, is r~PGP~1±~0 ~7agoifiPL1 as R-A, RHSIDSNTIAL AGRICULNRAL. A representative of the Hembee Investment Company appeared before the Commission and stated that this property had been vacant for over a year and that a Service Statioa would be a good use for the corner of this property. No one appeared against the granting of this Variance. THE tffiARING WAS CIASED. Upon a motion by Commirsioner Thompson, secono.°d by Commissioner Morris, and carried, it was voted by RF?50LUTION N0. 119 - SERIES 1956-57 to recommend to the City Counci]. that Reclassification No. F-56-57-32 be approved for the use of a service station oniq. The vote on the above Resolution was :~s follows: _1_ : :, . „ _ - ',. ..,c`"w,--.~-~,Su ~~:° - . . . . ~ .~ ~-~~ ~' 7 s ~ ~ ~ t ~ i ~tASSIFI- C/-TIO~i • lf~. F-56-ST-32 Caorrr. ) ~i . ..+T^~CT_„ .:~ .:... ... . `` . '_ ~ .. . . . ~ ._._..... .. . . AYp..S; CQD9!Ze93pNIDRS: Bates, Gauer, Morris, Summess~ Thompaon and Mungall. NOBS: C01~lISSIOI~RS: None. ABSENT: COMMYSSIONERS: Auest and Hapgood. VARI.INCH tVBI.IC FffiARING. PETITION submitted by JACR E, AND PHYLLIS J. SBABSRN, 1~. 675 8~372 Bali Road, Anaheim, California. as Owners, requesting permission to erect and operate a Real Bstate Office on property deacribed as t1~e West 132 feet of the NB~ of the N8~ of the NB~ of Section 24, T4S, R10W, S.B.L. & M., and further described as being on the South side of Hall Road~ Westerly from Magnolia Avenue, s.pproximately 600 feet from the centerline of Magrlolia Avenue. The property ia presently ciassified as R-A, RSSIDBNTIAL AGRICUL'IVRAL. Mr. Seabera appeared before the Commiasion and preaented photogsaphs shawiag the subdivisian iocated ac~ose the street ~rith the backs af the homes fronting on Sail Roed. He also stated that he waa a Res1 Batate Saiesman aad that very shortiy he wouid have hia Broker's Licease. He aiso showed photographs of hia propertq ead ad,joiniag properties to the Sast and West. Mr. Sowen, who is bnilding a home directly West of the subject property, objected to a buainess intru- sion into residential proper~y. He sta•ted that thia wouid give opportunities for other Vari~ :ces in the are. ThP homes on the South side had had their esthetic value reduced by the development on the North side of Baii Road and that with the high type of homes, it wss still a good residentia7. de`eiopment and shouid be kept as resicient3u2. He stated that his property wae similar to those on the South aide beiag 132 feet frontage on Saii Road by 660 feet in depth, Mr. K~eber, 8806 Bail Road, also appeared before the Commisaion and atated thaL the area is pureiy residentiai and that there are three other real estate officea within a mile of the subject property. Both Mr, Neber and Mr. Bowen stated that they did not receive notices until December 13, 1956. It is evident that the poet office ia tardy in the delivery of second class maii and it may be that another week will have to be allowed in the filing of appiicationson account of this condition. Upoa a motion by Commisaioner Gauer, aeeonded by Cownissioner Thomp- son, and carried, it was moved that the Hearing be continued untii the Meeting of January 7, 1956. VARIANGB PUBLIC FffiARINiG. PBTITION aubmitted by GODHSY`S DSVBIAPMENT COMPANY, PiO. 676 3436 North Verdugo Road, Giendaie 8, Califoraie, es Ownera, WRAY T. DBVINS SIGN COMYANY, 5327 Ysiley Bouievard, Loa Ange~es 32, Caiifor- aia, as Authorized Agenta, requeating permieaion to erect n Tempo- rary Directional Sign 4o advertiae the asle of housea in Tract No. 197". The sign wili be located 1100 feet Weat of West Street~on the Souzn side oi ~iateila Aveaae. No oa~ appea=ed for o= against the granting of this Vaxisnce. THS 1~1RING WAS CLOSSD. On account of the location of thia aign beiag ia the Dianeyiand area, the mtion was made by Commisaioner Morris, aeconded by Commieaionet Gauer, and carried that Variance No. 676 be Denied by RBSOLUTION N0. 120 - SBRIES 1956-57. _y_ E F . ~ . S ~ _ ~ ~`. ~ --------._~._.__..- -• ----.~~„~~-~_._. _ - -y~.: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ i !^~ •,r ~+} ~~_._,. - ~ ~ pq~C ~~, pETITIpNS submitted bq WARD-HARRINGTON, 620 Vance Apg. bT7 Stzeet, Santa Ana, California, as Oxmer, HUTTBRFIELD tATTD00R ADVER- ~ 6~$ ~y~1~ p~ANy, 220 iast Pacific Coast Highway, Long Beach, Cali- fo=aia, as Anthorized r~gent, requesting permission to erect a Te~porary Directio~l Doubie Faced Siga at the Southeast corner of ~rangerood Aveaue and Harbor Boulevard and a2so a Single Paced Sign appQOSi=ately 550 feet South of Batella Avenue on the West side of gubor Bonlevard. Mr_ Cari Arthofer, as agent for the subdivider appeared before the ~ssiaa -~ stated that on account of this tract being on the Hast si3e of Hazbor Boulevard, he felt that there were exceptional cir- crostaaces in 1~at it oeould be hard ta get prospective castomers over to tr~.is tract ~less they were auie io pick t.=W ~P ~=c~ N='~""' goalevard. He stated that due to the price range of not over $10,000 icr t3sese houses, ttsa: `.~es ^~'-a be eble to set this tract out yvittiia a eezy short period of time and that naturally the sign would be re~oved. ~pon a aotion by Co~issioner Bates, seconded by Commissioner Gauer, and carried, it ras voted to grant Variance No. 677 by RBSOIIJTION 1Vp. 121 - SIItIES 1955-57 subject to the nine conditions of the aign ordinaace. ~pon a~otian b~ Co~nissioner Gauer, seconded by Commis- siomer I~rris, a~ cazried, oa account of the sign beiag located North of Orangewod'Aveaue. it was voted by RESOI2ITION NO. 122 - SERirS i95o-Sf ta B~'~y ~~s us~ Q~ ~~'-''-ance No, 678. Por the Matter of record. Co~igsioner TfiomPgou voted no on this motion. y~A~ ~guC F~ARING. pETITION submitted by JOh'N V. ALLEN, 726 North Palm lip. 679 Stzeet, 14naheim. California, as Owner, requ°.~ting permission to con- stinct a beiiding for three Business Offices attached to the exist- ing buiiding. The property is described as Lot 5 and the 8ast 13 feet of Lot 4, B16ck L. of the Center Tract and further described as 316 past groadxuy. 17xe property is presently classified as R-3, MULTIPLE FAdQLY &ESIDENfIAL. Nr. Joha V'. A31en appeared before the Commission and stated that in rier of changiag conditions on Eaet Broadway and the lack of office reatai space aear the heart of the City, he would like to develop three bnsiness offir.es attac*.ed to the present dweliing on the pro- PenY- ~ REARING WAS i~ASED. IIpon a aotion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner yEoagall, a~ carried, it was moved that Vaxiance No. 679 be granted by RESpIDTiON N0. 123 - SERIES 1956-57 for business offices only with no retaii selling of sny tind and with signs only on the windows. Co~issioner Gauer 9oted ao on tisis motion for tre resaon that he feii me apir3ic~t ~a~ aot deoeloped aay reason for the granting of the Qariance. o~7A~ pQgLiC ~ARII~. pETITi~N submitted by ARTi~TR D. PEDIAR, 103 South ~. bgp Cleaentiae Street, Anaheim. California, as Owaer. requesting per- aission to nsP apartment A of the propertq described as Lot 1, Bloct B, Brceger's Subdivision for an Accounting Office. The pro- perty is fnrther described as the Atorthwest corner of Ceater aad Rose Streets. T'he propertq is presnetly classified ae R-3, MUL- -- TIPIB fA![ILY RESIDENfIAL. ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ i i -3- ~ ~ - .- --~- ------- ~- - - - -. - - - -- _ i ~ ---------_ - - ---- - - f~ i l '~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ VARIANICE 2+ls. ~Pediar aaneire~ begose t~e (7o~issis~ and stated that the pro- N0. 680 perty had been used fac a~Aedica~ Office for 4 yeazs and irhat o£f- ; (COI~1T.) street partis~g as a~•i;~:u~~ aa~ tbat ~;~• ~ nses have beea estab- ~ ushea ia L~ S~ ~~t ~~~ ~cal sign un the froat of the t~ni~*~- '-*o teill be :+e~o~ ~aesi ~e taT~es occnP~~9• TAE HBARING IiAS CIASID. tlpon a motiam b9 Oa~=sao~er Ha~s. s~ ~Y CO~ission~e~= ~ er, SIId tSrSlCds lt ~PiS ~ ~it ~il1~C'e ~6. ~~ bC ~ accouating offace by ~Yi~l~- 2~4 -~ 1956-57 with the Sign preseatiy an ~e ~+-~~ to be zemove3 aad that a aex lawn S~~ ~~~,^^~ ~~~~ ~ss, be restricted to a size of 30 by 35 ind~es- • VARIANCH PQBI3C ~- 8EiI1I~0 sn~itted E9 3UH1'r S. QtIFFITfi COi~lPANY, N0. 672 S00 Soath iial.~t 5iseet, +*ffi+~*'F ~=fo~-ia. as O~+aers, ADAMS APID EII.S, P_O. ~ oi~. F~. Koat~, ~€a~zs. as Aa~°rized Agents, reqnestiag a 1(AIVf1 0~' lot fronts~es t° th°se shrnrn on the ?'entative lAap of Tract 1Qo_ 2797 alao t~e sQeaze f~~6~ =~9°1~~ts. A fur- ther xaiver m tffi lot ~dtLs an t~e ~"d~-~ lots from 60 feet at the 15 fac# ~+Y~~ ~~ m~ f~ ~ EO~ ~, ~6, 63, 66, T3, affi 76. lhis tract is d~il~ed as ttee 1~} of ffie 1~} of +t.he SMI~ of Sec- tion 33, T4S, ltl~. oi t~e Saac~O L~ ~°f°~S~' ucegt the 4(est 270.36 feet oE i3fe East 547-'70 fcet °f fSe N°rtE~ S•76 feet of the ~ NE~ af the Sli~ of s~id S~on ~• ~ fs~er described as the ~ont3a4est cotaer oi us~~ ~ ~.•-'- _'.=~-'-••~- ~S ~~~5 ,~ ~~ ~= gzc~ ttre ~eting of December 3. 1956 to determiae ti~e 1ot sixes oE a~~e ~~~ ft °~ fonnd that the tract ~bo the Saath cmtaiaed ?~ -"~ •'-C~ ~~ ~~t the tract to the North ~~ bl 12D feet_ '!~^~e are Couaty Standa=ds and this tract ~as ~~1~ f~~ ~th th,: Cooaty and carried practicaliq to ca~piefiian taefore saaesatim to ttee City of Anaheim. Tf~ I~ARING l1AS C7A~'D. D~ a~~~ ~,•,,,,,,,e,;«;~~ ~. seoonded tyy Comnassioner Morris, aad carri~, is w,3 ~at,~.i ~~ ~"-"~'° *&s_ 672 be grnnted by .~ ~p~~ ~p. ~5 _~S ZqSEr-S? aad tbat lots 53, 56. 63, 66. 73 and 75 be A»ma~ ~vith ~e pze.x..ut frcataBes as shwa on the map ~~~i~~ ~r ~~ m~ostrate by means of dravings that a satisfacto=Y t~e bed='°°° m°~ CO°~ be located on these lots with a'verf 1u6~ xear T+~- ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~yp ~ ~ ~ ~_ Z/q! rss pzesmted to the Commission. OP TRACT N0. T7~e snbdiv3der ~~ S- ~~~~ ~$O°th xal'aut Street, Anaheim, 2797 ~~o~~ 1~~ ~~~~rest comer of Orange aad Dale Avemies Z~e tract cantaias ~0 lots- '~is is 1~ t~t =efersed ta uader qariAfN'p ~o. 672_ ~~ a~~ ~,~m~ ~a. secoaded bp Co~nisaioaer Morris~ and carr3ed. it ~os wbed to ~fisoK tbe Teatative bts.P of Trut Nc. 2797 sabjec+P #o- i_ ~~y~y~ ~~e~mts an3 deed for street ridening em t~e P~rtsa ~~t s part of tlns 7ract°. 2. ~ p~~~t ~f g25-pp per Iot for the ac9+~isition of Part aa~ i~creitiaa Sites_ ~ ~~- T F' ~ f F ~-^_wa 3_ --- ----~.~ ~~...~Y~..~,.~A';..~w3i4%iX+:~;,u,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ RECIASSIPI- PUBLIC HEARING. PBTITION submitted by RHPA M. T~ODD, P.*J. Bo~ i31, CATION Pulierton, California, as Anthorized Agent for Berman Snartlz, 506 N0. P-56-57-29 Alta Drive, Beverly Hiils. California; Philip Brestoff. 1400 Braeridge Drive, Beverly Hills, California; Norman Louis. 4351 Valley Boaleva:d, Los Angeles 32, California; Hmest Heydeman. 14601 Anabeis Road. Anaheim, G'alifornia; Catharine H. Heqdeman, 14601 Anaheia Road, Ana- heim, California, requesting that all property contained in the North- east Annexation be changed to M-1, LIGHT MAN[TPAGIQRING. See Folder foz Legal Descriptioa of this Annexation. This property, npon the completion of annexation, would automaticaily be classified as A-fl. RBSIDSNTIAL AGAIQJLNRAL. Rhea Todd appeared before the Coarmission and stated tLat she had handled the Northeast Annexation with a view of the hnd beca~ing M-1, LiGHT MANUFACNRING ia accordance with tthe thinting of the City of Anaheim. No one appeared in opposition to the Reclassifi- cation. TFID t~ARING WAS CIASED. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson. seconded by Ca~issioner Muagali, and carried, it was voted bq RESOLiTTION N0. 126 - SERIES 1956-57 to reco~end to the City Council that the Northeast Ames- ation be reclassified from R-A to M-1 at the compietion of anaaration. The vot~ ar. the above Resolutioa was as follows: AYBS: COMMISSI~~NAn.S: Bates, Gauer, Morris, Sumners, lho~psoa affi Mungall. NOBS: COMMYSSIONERS: None. . ABSHNT: COB4~fISSIOAIDRS: Auest and Hapgood. RSCIASSIPI- PUBLIC F~ARING. PHTITION submitted by ORCO aOt~A~RCIAL FROPffiTFS, CATION 1085 North Pa1a Street, Anaheim, Califoaeis, as O~mer, J. C. IDtYAN, N0. P-56-57-30 Same Address, as Authorized Agent, requesting that 7.ot 1 of Tract No. 2637 be reciassified to C-3, HEAVY QOt+MERCIAL for a Service Station to be located at the Northwest corner of Ninston Road a~ South Los Angeles Street (160 bq 160 feet) and tlmt tLe balance of these lots be reclassified to C-1, NEI(~ORHOOD OONMERCtAL_ Aiso that Lots 3, 4 and 5 be reclassified to C-1, I~IC~03tA0C~ ~IA~. These properties are presently classified as R-1, SZNQE T~lIQLY RESIDSNTIAL. ' Mr. J. C: Bryan Jr., appeared before the Commission a~ stated tbat they desired to have these Lots 1, 3, 4 and 5 reciassified to C-1 except the Northeast corner of Wiaston Road and Sonth Los I1ngeles Street where a part of Lot 1~ 160 bq 160 feet wnid be reclassified to C-3, for the erection of a Service Stali on. 17ie balance of the iot would be C-1. This is in accordance with the findings of tLe City Council some time ago when Variances were reqnested for all of 4hese lots. We were told to fiie for a Reclassification: No aoe appeared against the granting of this Reclassification. ~~A- ING WAS CIASSD. Upon a motion by Co~issioner Thompsoa, seconded by Ooasissiamer Bates, and carried, it was voted by RHSOIIITION NO. 127 - SERIES 1956-57 to reclassify Lots 1~ 3. 4 and 5 to C-1, except tLat the South Westerly...corner_of Lot 1 with a parcel of_160 by 160 bo be reclassified to C-3 for the iastailatioa of a Service Station only. The vote on the above Resolution was as follavs: -5- ~' i i i I ~ I!, ~ RBCIASSIPI- AYBS: COMMISSIONSRS: Bates, Gauer, Morris, Summers, Thompson and CATION Mungall. P10. P-56-57-30 NOHS: CObAlISSIONBRS: None. (CONT.) ABSENT: COMMISSIONBRS: Auest and Hapgood. RSCIASSIPI- CATION N0. P-56-57-31 TBNTATIVH MAP OP TRACT N0. - 3084 RECIASSIPI- CATION N0. p-56-57-33 PUBLIC tffiARING. PETITION submitted by LEO PRBBDMAN, 470 South Roxbury Drive, Beverly Hilis, California, ss Owner, reques~?.ng ;hat Lots 1, 2, 9, 10 and 11 of Tract No. 3084, De reclassified to (;-1, NEIGHBOR- HOOD COt~9~lSRCIAL and that Lds 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, i~~ and 15, be reclassified to M-1, LIGHT MANUPACIURING. This property is pre- sently classified as R-A, RHSIDHNTIAL AGRICUL^,URAL and is aescribed as being located 440 feet, more or less, Westeriy of Haster 8t*eet ni~u 2X~2iauiA~ ii'vii.ilcily n iii34~nCC OI O%$ ICCS~ IIIOrC O! 12S$, liS@ parcei contains 12.88 acres, more or~less. Leo Freedman apFeared before the Comnission and stated that he pro- posed to keep the lots along Katelia Avenue with the exception of Lots 12 in Tract No. 3084, C-1, Lot 12 being directly across the street from M-1, he would like to have it so reclassified. The other lots, 246 feet back of Katelia Avenue, he was requesting for M-1 in smail parce].s 123 feet in fro~ge so that one or more cou]d be sold to ~rospective customers. No one appeared against th== ~eclassification. TF~ HEARING WAS CLOSED. Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris, secon3ed bf CaWUi~sicaer Af~a~ gall and carried, it was voted by RHSOLUTIUN N0. 128 - SERIES 1956-57, to graz-t Reclassification No. F-56-57-31 to C-1 for lots 1, 2, 9, 10 and 11 and M-1 on Lot 3 to 8 inclusive and 12 to 15 inclusive subject to the filing of Standard Deed Restrictions for M-1 and C-1. The Tentative Map of Tract No. 3084 was presented to the Coffinission. This tract is Socated on the North side of Bateiia Avenue, 440 feet West of Haster Street. The subdivider is LHO PREHDMAN, 470 South Roxbury Drive, Bevesly Hilis, Caiifornia. This tract contains 15 lots. This Map is in connection with Reclassification No. P-56-57-3i. Upon a motion by Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Co~nissioner Summers, and carried, it wa.s voted to approve the Tentative Map of Tract No. 3084 subject to: 1. The payment of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of Park and Recreation Sites. 2. Bngineering Requirements. PUBLIC HBARING. PHTITION submitted by VANDRUPP DEVBIAPMENT INC., 8021 East Rome Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Owner, VOORHSIS- ~rt{;rp~_xur~qQH, 12692 Garden Grove Boule:ra.-d, Ga.-d2.-. ~.-a-.e, Cali:or- nia, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described as being located on the Hast side of Stanton Avenue between Ball Road aad Rome Avenue and further described as: PARCSL 1- The South 176.91 feet of the NW~ of the SW~ of the SW~ of Section 12, T4S~ Ri1W, S.B.B. & M. PARCHL 2- The North 235.52 feet of the West 464.20 feet measured along the South line of Section 13, T4S, R11W, S.B.B. & M., except~ ing therefrom the West 92 feetcf parcels 1 and 2 as conveyed to the State of California foz highway purposeR, be recxassified from R A, RESIDSNTIAL AGRICULNRAL to C-1, NB:i~HBORH00D COMAffiRCIP.L. -6- .,.~ ; ~ ~~ :,,~ ~~ _ _ -_ _.- - _ _ / ~ ~ ~ RECIA3SIPI- CATION N0. F-56-57-33 (COhT. ) Mr. K. Carison, representing the Vandruff DeCelopment Company appeared before the Caramission.and stated that his property w~uld be next 't~~ a proposed R4ote1 and that they planned to develop it as a Medical Center some time in the future but that they would use a portion of the property for model homes next year. Theq have built some 250 homes in the area and this is also a portion of their original pro- perty. No one appeared against the granting o£ this Reclassification. TFID HBARING WAS CIASED. Upon a motion by Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Co~issioner Aa.tes, and carried, it was moved that by RSSOLUTION N0. 129 - SERIES 1956- i 57 the Commission recommend to the City Council that Reclassification ' Pio. 'r-56-Si-33 oe approved subject to; ' 1. The filing of Standard Deed Restrictions of C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD- COMbtERCIAL. 2. The extension of the service road through to Stanton Avenue at the South side of the aubiect property. TBN1~+`t1VB MAP The Tentative Map of Tract No. 2712 was presented to the Coartnission OF 1~2ACT N0, and an Engineer appeared for the subdivider and stated that this 2712 tract was originaliy a George Buccoia Development, Tract No. 2737, ~ ~ which had been allowed to elapse. This tract is located on the West side of Nutwood Street at the Southwest corner of Nutwood Street and Or.ange /:ver.u~. Z".:c ~u~divide~ is A;CORH BUILT HO~S, 9711 Brookhurst ~ Street, Anaheim, California. The tract contains 119 lots. Upon a motion by Commissioner Bates, seconded by Commissioner Mungall, and carried, it was moved fio approve the Tentative Map of Tract No. 2712 subject to: 1. The payment of $25.00 per iot for the acquisition of Park and Recreation Sites. 2. Hngineering Requirements. TENTATIVE 61AY These tracts are located on the North side of Hast La Palma Avenue OP :i~ACE NOS. at the Northwest corner of Sast La Ralma Avenue and Sunkist Street. 3167 AND 3168 The suSdivider is GIBRALTSR HOI~S INCOR~ORATHD, 720 Whittier Street, Anaheim, California. Tract No. 3167 contains 122 lots. Tract No. 3168 contains 89 lots. No one appeared for tue developers with regard to these tracts which have been received to show only pro- perty owned by the Gibralter Company. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson. seconded by Commi~oner Mungall, and carried, it was moved to approve the Tentative Map of Tract Nos. 3167 and 3168 subject to: 1. The payment of $25.00 per lot for the acauisition of Park and Recreation ~ites. 2. Sngineering Requirements. 3. The erection of six foat maso~ry walis along lots 66 and 68 next to parking, also along lots 88 and 89 where they back up to Sunkist. TENfATIV9 MAP This tract is located at the Northeast corner of West Vermont Avensse flF TRACT N0. and South Citron Street. The subdivider is VOLR-MC IAIN CdMPANY, 3183 2208 Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles, California. The tract contains five lots. Lot e.iaes of a minimum of 60 by 100 feet, granted under Reclassification No. P-56-57-20. -7- ~ ~ 1 ~ I ---_ __...__..-------....~__~~________..._._.____..; ~---- ~ _. ~ ~ ~ I ~ TSHTATIdE MAP The Tentative Map of Tract No. 3183 was presented to the Commission. OF TRACT N0. A Representative of the Volk-McLgin Compa.~y appeared before the 3183 (CONf.) Commission and stated that due to the contonr of the land to the Sast it would be necessarq to put a five foot drainage esaement acrosa one of the lots in Tract No. 3183. Mr. Ho3yoke appeared before the Commission and stated that such a drainage easement would be necessary but that it wouid have to be a private easement and that the City would not have to maintain same. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson~ seconded by Commissioner Gauer, and carried, it was moved to approve the Tentative Map of Tract No. 3183 subject to: 1. The estabiishment of a five foot drainage easement on the North side of Lot 4 to be maintained by the subdivider. 2. The payment of $25.00 per lot for the aequisition of Park and Reczeation Sites. 3. Engineering Requirements. PIAOD CONTROL Hr. Holyoke, City Engineer, appeared before the Commiasion and ex- RIGfiT-0P-UTAY plained that on North East Street, above La Palma Avenue, it xras proposed to bring *he channel under Burton Street to a point 150 to 2(10 feet from the centerline of North Sast Street on the West side of the Street. This would bring this Channel southerly through private QroQerty, which will be acquired by the County Plood Control District to the proposed 5ettling Basin already acquired by the Countq. It wi11 go ±hrough property presentiy ciassified as M-1, LI(~iT MANUFACTITRING. It was feit that a study shouid be made of the eventnal vse of the property in front of the drainage ditch and that a Public Hearing be held so that the Owners of the proper- ties could get the thinking of the Commission. Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Mungall, and carried, it was voted to hold a Public Hearing on this matter on January 21, 1957. gpTRLLp Recommendation to the County Planning Commission on Proposed Cho.nge ANNBXATION of 2one, Kateila Annexation Area. CHANGR OP ZOI~IB ' Consideration was given to maps presented which were designated Bxhibit A and Exhibit B. Upon a motion made bq Commissioner Bates, seconded by Co~nissioner Summers, and carried, it was moved that the Anaheim City Planning Commissio:i reco~nend to the Orange County Pianning Commission that the zoning as shown on map designated as Exhibit B, be adopted. yARIANCg Request received from WILTON ALPIANALP, 3345 West Lincoln Aveaue, N0. 592 Anaheim, Califomia, for a six month's extension on Variaace No. EXTENSION 592 to erect a Motei at this location. OP TIl~ffi Upon a motion by Commissioaer Gauer, seconded by Commissioner Mungail, and carried, it aras moved to grant an extension of time on Variance No. 592 for a period of six mont;xs. COUNTY MASTSR Pormai acceptance of County Master Plan of Arterial Highways.- I7ie YIAN OP County Master Pian of Arterial Highways was receive~ by the Co~isr ARTERIflL sion some time ago, but no formal action was taken upon this Master HI(~iWl4YS Plan. The streets and widths shown on the Master Pian agree with those of the City of Anaheim, so that after diacussion, a motion was mad.e by Commissioner Gauer, aeconded by Commissioner Summers. affi carried, that the Co~ission inform the Orange County Pianning Commission that the Anaheim City Piam~ing Coffinission nas adopted the Master Pian as presented. pDJO[-RHI~lBPiT The Meeting Adjourned at 5:22 O*Clock P.M. -8- ~~ ~