Minutes-PC 1957/01/07,~.,,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ J~a~ a, z9s~ Gity Hall pna.heiss. California MINUTES OP THE RBf~lU1R ![E~TING OF ~ Q7Y PlA1~IIl~ (~tISSIOPI gg~~, Thr Regular Meeting o£ the City Planai.ng Co~issioa ras cal2ed to t•~flTI4::, ~ order at 2:10 0`Clotk P.N. by ~AIRi~QA?~ SZIIO~RS= a qaozva beinB present. p~s$~ ~Ig~pp ~~, ~aQg~pd~R.S: Anest, SaYes, Ganer~ Morris. 7~ospson snd Kmngail. oo~.+vca pe.,.......t ....torv_rt thp YEetiae at 3_21 O•Clock P.M. ~:.~,I,a.a......... .~ra--- MINUTSS The Mimites of the AdjwcneC Regnlzr Meetiag of Decesbe~ 1?< I'.i6 were agpzaved as printe3. VARIANCS PUBLIC HPARING. PETITIQi sn~'iitted ~ Cilt~c~?b~ i~SIEY AISiS BOLLiE N0. 687 P. RAINS, 5601 South P,:dford. ~::,~,:.zati:, Ca2iforniap as O~merS. JAt+IDS H. YWIBE.Ry 31C ,ti`r3tgtvu ~iiding, Saata Anz, Califaxnia, as AuY]iorized :,¢est, rr3utsting pesi~:~s ~3 as~ t~e ~-s~.ri.l~ec! ~ro- perty f^.s tl;e :iumpint thezein aod there°n of eazth. trash and other materiais end. r°fnse except garbage and oil vell mtary sud ~rith said use, howe~ver~ aot to restrict ia aay ~ay the preszat nse of the propertv which has a Cona4p IIse 9ariance No. II1R88 for a sa~. silt a~ dirt pit. The Property is desczibed as: Parcel No. 3- 1he 1!} of the 511~ of the S1f; of Section 12, T4S, R11N. $.$.$. $~{. s ~7C1D$ OCSLSi~E~ 35 CO~E. 3:lIIP 2t 2~L'!~ SIl tZ1C .SOtlth line of said Section, N 89~ 41• E. 662_75 fc~.t froa the Sonthrest ' corner thereof; theace w O° 13• lf. 1328_Q9 feet to a poiat; thence p ggo 4i~ ?p" S. 663.44 feet to a poiat;'theace S 0~ 14° 45^ E_ 1328.05 feet to a point; thence S 89° 41' M_ 662_75 feet to the point of beginning. Excepting tberefran the 1[esU 495 feet thereof; aiso exceptiag therefrov tLe Soutb 4~ feet thereor. Parcel ,lo. 4- T6e Pzsi ?~S feet of the Mes! 495 feet of the H~ of ~the SW of the SM~ of the S11} of Sectiaa I2, T4:. AI1M, S.B.B. Rc M.. said B~ of the SM; of the Sl/} of said Secxxon 12. bein8 described as commencing at a poiaY in the Sonth liae of said S~::tion, N 89~ 41' S. 662.75 feet froe tLe Sant6rest cuz~r tber~Qf; tbencP N. 0~ 13~ W. 1328.09 FeeF to a point; ~e~e N. 89~ 41• N. 662.75 feet to the point of beginaing_ Escepting therefroa thr Sonth ~30 feet thereuf. Subject to enuaibrances of retorl_ '~'he proPenY is present- ly classified as R-~l1, RESIDENTIAL AtatI(~TI-7iERAL• Mr. James E. Nalter appeared before the Ca~ission as Attoraey for Mr, and Mrs. Rains and as~ed per~issioa to a~dvance thi~ Hearing on acce~~at of previaus caut cosaitaeats ~ich sre sshednled later in the afternoon. Thia was granted an3 ise stated thai he Tnan apptaYc~ before the Comaission in Septeabe= at ~ ti~e the SQarts p=opertp was gravted a Va.~i~ace for the cvt aad cover dmsP ~'°d when the CitY also approve a Vsriance ~ this sse p=operty rhich is also smder condemaation proceedings by the Conniy. Nith tro Quiances granted. tt~is propert7 oxner is eatit:?ed to a~+~>>1T Vui~nce ~ich ronid apLear to be only rontine acYion and place tbe property on the saee footing as the Spa:ts prope:rsy. D~ ~~~- Upon a~otion by Ca~eissiane= Thoags~a, secar~ted bf Ca@issioner Gauez, and carried, it was aoved tsy RFSQIDTIOIi Ii0- 130 -~~ 1956-5T to grant Variance No. b87 svb,ject te~ the fifteen conditions as set by the Council on Variance Nos. 631 and 639. -1- `, ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ----- --,- __--__ _.,_ .------------ ----------~ ,~_, ~----- ..___,.. --1 ~ ~ i ~_~ ~ ~ RBCLASSIPI- CATION N0. F-56-57-28 PUBLIC HEARING. PHTITION submitted by HARRY H. KS1d, 344 North Camden Drive, Beverly Hilis, California, as Os~aer, iAREN E. t~lAG1~R RSALTY COMPANY, 1050 South Los Angeles, Anaheim, California, as Authorized Agent, requesting that the property described below be reclassified from R-A, RHSIDHNTIAL AGRICULNRAL to M-2, I~;AVY MANUPACT(JRING. The propertq is described as the S+} of the NYPa of Section 24, T4S, R10W, S.B.B. & M., in the Rancho San Juaa Cajon de Santa Ana in the County of Oraage, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 51, Page 10 of Misceiianeous Maps i.n the office of the County Recorder of said County. Except the West 10 acres thereof. Also the ten acres to the North of the subject property_ This is a Reclassification held over from the Meeting of December ~~: i~:.~iv ::: °u~:.~'. a..^.YJ°w T. ne.n~ 1vFn.~n tfia (Ve~e_: ee_~n n:_arl ~ • ..~ J~. ~ $Yy....~.. ..~ stated that accoraing to the findings in the Anaheim Municipal Code, the operation of the Neville Company wou18 have to be considered as an M-2 use, in as much as the base product which th~y start xitL comes from petroieum and the fact that their operatioa is in the nature of a tank farm, therefore, an M-2 reclassification shonld be given to this property. Mr. Richard De Luce, Attorney for the Pacific Scie~atific Co;apany, appeared be£ore the Cammission and intro- duced Mr. Hennings, Engineer; Mr. Leo Ffanicuch, General Manager; and Dr. Robert Anstin, Consultsnt. Mr. Hennings appeared bzfore t~ee Commission and stated that an M-2 reciassificatioa wouid be very detrimental to the products which they manufacture on accrnmt of ¢ossible odora, vapors and dust. He nresented to the Co~ission samples of the elements which they manufacture, one of which ~aas a coii of wire containing 1500 turns of wire 1/8th the size of a humaa hair, These and other parts wtiich they manufacture are sssed y.n missile and fire control equipment, by the government. UTith snch accuracy required, the question of corrosion by any out~ide source would become extremely detra.mental. He also presented to the Ce~i.s- sion, an artist~s conception of the plan and stated that vibration wonld also be a factor in the accuracy of their operations a~ Yhat the pian was designed to eliminate vibration from their own oper- ations. Dr. Robert Austin, as consultant for Pacific Scientific Company, appeared before the Commission and stated that all nlaats such aa Pacific ScientiSc Company are moving to new locatians an account of air ~oliution conditions around the Los Angeles azea. He stated that it has been found that if one of these locates ia a good site, o~hers will follow and that there might te a group of snch industries near the Pacific Scientific Company. ~hese industries have a high type of employee, which would tend to raise the overail standards of employment. As a consuitant, he stated that he has found that much can be done in the field of air-poilution to control same but at present, these controis are set vp with a view to the type ~f industries located in the Los Angeies area and are therefore ~t tight enocgh to serve the requirements of such an in3ustrp as Paci fic Scientific Company. Mr. Schutte, as owaer of land at the North- east corner of Berlin Land, stated that he believe~.•?:hat the City should keep faith nith the Pacific Scientific Co~panq and zone t.his area not heavier than M-1, because, if zoned for M-`l, the snrroimd- ing properties co~ald also ask for this zoning and it shonld be granted to them also. Mr. Ray Kezn, Attorney for the Neville C,a~y stated that they have a~ option to buy the property under consideratiom_ They have been located on property zoned as M-2 for the past 6 os 7 years in Aaaheim aa3 have been forced to find a new location Sae to the fact that the Freeway has acquired the site of the Neville Company and in his ~in~on, the City had a moral obligation iro find a new location for this industry. He also state3 that tt~ere is ambigaity in :he pres2nt Ordinance and that it is possible tl~at a closestudy wculd show that the Neville Company might be considered as being an M-1, use. Mr. De Luce stated that his interprei~atian of thp Neville Company is in his opinion an M-2 on account of t~he fa~t ~Z~ _~ ~---- ---- --- 4 . - R . / ~ • . . . ,. .. i '- ~ ._ ~ . ' ' ~ , ` ~t Z . .. .......~."__....._____~.~-.~--~. ~'°~~ ~ ~, \ ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ ( j ~ ~ ~ RBCIASSIFI- that they do start usiag a petro2eum base and the end products are ~ CATION plastics and resins. Mr. Lowen stated that the Neville Company had N0. F-56-57-28 given assurance that there would be no fumes, ~dors or vibrations ~ eminate from their plant, so it would appear that what thc Pacific Scientific Company was objectiag to was not the Nevi:ie operation, ! but the Neville Company itseif. Mr. Uirich, Hngineer, of the Neville ~ Company, stated that they had spent a month trying to get together witli the Yacific Scientific Company to explain their operation and ; see if some agreement couid be reached and that late last Friday Afternoon, such a meeting had finally been arranged but after spen~ ~ ding considerable time, it would appear that their objection was ~ not to the Manufacturing of resins but to the Neville Company. They ~ sl~e i*_±e3±e~ the Pacific Scisntific ~omh~uy to y~s+_t th~;r n].arst and . apparently they have evinced no interest in so doing. Mr. Uirich ~ also stated that it is of the utmost importance for them to find a ± site, as theq have done no e~g3r.eering on the piant and ~roould do ; none until the site had been procurred. They have been given a rather short notice by the State Department for the closing down of their operations at their present site. Dr. Austin stated that it was not necessary for a Chemist to go through their plant to , determine whether their operation would be objectionabie or not. Mr. Uirich stated that they wouid aot use creysilic acid and would = not cook ~'arnishes. Commissioner Thompson stated that we have held S a Sot of pros and cons which to a layman does not mean too much, and ~ thak the Commission was primarilq interested in land use and possibly that an M-1 classification suppiemented by a Variance in which con- ~ trols could be estabiished might be the possible method of approach. ~ ~ Dr. Austin stated that very eiaborate tests would be necessary to ~ ascertain whether any emissions wouid be detrimental and that this ; could not be determined ssntil the plant was in operation and then ~ it would probably be an extremely hard job to get them to modify, i There is also the phase that this industry, like all chemical in- x dustries, is subject to change and that possibly 5 years from now, ~ their products would be entirely different then those being manu- factured at the present time. TI~ HEARING ~IAS CLOSED, ~ Upon a motion by Commis~ioner Bates, seconded by Commissioner ~ Gauer, and carried, it was voted by RESOLUTION N0. 131 - SERIBS ~ 1956-57 to recommend to the City Council that Reclassification No. .-56-57-28 be Denied for M-2, HBAVy MANUPACTURING but that the sub- ~ 3ect property be rezoned for M-1, LIGHf MANUPACIURING. ~ The vote on the above Resolution was as fuilows: AYBS: COMMISSIONERS: Auest, Bates, Gauer, Morris, Summers, Thompson and Mungali. NOBS: COMI~SSIONERS: None. ; AHSENT: COAGfISSIONBRS: Hapgood. 3 VARIANCB PUBLIC I~ARING. PETITION submitted by JACK ~. AND PHYLLIS J. _ N0, 075 SSABERN, 8872 Bali Road, Anaheim, California, as Owners, requesting permission to erect and operate a RBAL ESTATS OFFIC6 on property des- ~ cribed as the West 132 feet of the NBa of the NE~ of the NE~ of Sec- g tion 24, T4S, R10W, S.B.B. & M., and further described as being oa e the South side of Ball Road, Westerly from Mavnolia Avenue, approxi- ? mateiy 600 feet from the centerline of Magnolia Avenue. The propertq ~ is presently claasified as R-A, RHSIDSNTIAL A.GRICULNRAL. ~ This Variance was heid over from the Meeting of December 17, 195C,. 1 A letter was received from Mr. Jack Seabern requesting that the ~ Variance be withdrawn. ~ 1 i 7 -3- +. i S ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ : -~_ ----- _ -,--- - -----... _.._.. __ . -_- - ----------- --------- -- ~. ~ ~ -- . _ - , ; - -- ~ ~ - i • ~~~._~._._"~ .._._~_ ~ 7 :. __"___ ._.__~~l_"~__._'"_.___.___~.~.~.~.~~..._~.~._____~_.."__ ... . .._"-__ Y ~ ~ ..._..__'__.. i ~ `~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ VARIANCE PUBLIC F~ARING. PETITION submitted by CHARLBS A. AND JBNNIS S. j tIO. 681 CHItISTENSEN, 828 South Placentia Avenue, Anaheim, California, as i Owners, VIC1'OR S. NBLSON, 402 North Highland £.venue, Pullerton, '• California, as Authorized Agent, request3ng permission to construct and operate a RBTAIL NURSBRY BUSINBSS. The property is described as being all that certain land situated in the County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: That portion of Lot 16 of Anaheim Extension, as per map by Wiliiam Hamel on file in the Recorder's office of Los Angeies County, California, a copy of which is recorded on Pages 163 et s^q:, in Book 3, entitled "Los Angeles County Map," in the office of thp County Reaor.der of Orange County, y scribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the centerline of de • ' 1 PSE~p:St.;o AVPn1tP !I_Qt4Tf~ t}IPTPf1T C n0 (~S~ ~5~~ W QQ~~O7 F~P~' FTC~rI the Northeast corner of said Lot 16, said coraer being considezed to be the intersection of the centerlines of South Street and Placentie. Avenue; thence S 74~ 3b~ OS" W 238.23 feet parallel with•said center- line of South Street to the Sast line of 8ie land described in Deed to C. L. Becker, recorded in Book 161, Page 89 of Deeds of said Oran~e County; thence S 15~ 45~ 25" East along said East line of said Becker land to the Southwesterly corner of the lan~l described in deed to Jennie B. Matouk, recorded June 3, 1943 in Book 1196, Page 47 of Official Rece*ds of said Orange County; thence N 74a 30' B 185.4 feet along the ~outherly line of said Matouk land, to said centerline of Piacentia Avenue; thence N 0~ OS' 15" S 208.2~ feet to •.lhe point of beginning, also known as 843 South Placentia Avenue, ~ !-naheim, California. The property is presently classified as R-A, ASSIDSNTIAL AGRICxJLNRAL. Mr. Christensen appeared before the Commission and stated that he had tried to sell the subject property for a period of aix years and that he had contacted his neighborsvho had agreed that the Nursery might be a suitable business for the property. Mr. Robert P. Irina, 1820 Diana Avenue, appeared before the Commission and presented a petition containing 71 names of property owners surrounding the sub- ject property who are opposed to the granting of the Variance. l~r. Charles Welborn, 901 Reseda Avenue, and Mr. Bob Revorkian, 1831 Verde Piace, appeared before the Cams~ission and stated that the owner of the property directly to the i:outh had been trying for some time to get a Commerciai use on the property and that if this was granted, they would also have to grant Commerciai uses to the other property to the South and possibly to the North. THB HEARING WAS CLOSED. Upon a motion by Commissioner Auest, seconded by Comm?.:,sio,:~r Thompson, and carried, it was votie to Deny Variance No. 681 by RBSOFJ;fION N0. 132 - SBRIBS 1956-57 until determination had been made for the best use of this property under the Master Plan. VARIANCE PUBLIC HEARIr°G. PHTITION submitted by HUTLER-Ii9RS0UR CONSTRUCTION NO. 6S2 COMPANY, 974~ Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Owner, reques- tin~ permission to erect a Temporary Directional Sign to advertise the sale of homes i.n Tract No. 2780. The sign will be West of Magno- lia Avenue, ou the South side of Lincoln Ave~rue. The tract is lo- cated 664 feet West of Dale Avenue on the North side of Lincoin Avenue and contains 38 lots. No one appeared for or against the graating of this Variance. TI~ HEARING WAS CLOSHD. Upon a motion bq Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood, and carried, it was moved to grant Variance No. 682 by RBSOLIJTION N0. 133 - SERIES 1956-57 subject to the nine conditiona of the sign ordinance. -4- ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A ~ , ~ . ; z .:.~ ~ l`i `~ ~ ~ pARIANCE PQBLIC HBARING, PETITION submitted by LUXURY HON~S INCORYORATBD, N0. 683 303 :Vorth Vemont Street. Los Angeles 4, California, as Owner, SQT1H BAY ENGIPffiHRING COMPANY. 1326 North Broadway, Santa Ana, Califoraia, as Autharized Agent, reqssesting a WAIVER of front yard setbacts to twenty feet in Tract No. 2450, in the City of Anaheim. Aiso a-faiver of side yard setbacks on Lot 7, Tract No. 2450. The tract is located near the Southwest corner of Orange Avenue and Gilbert Stree:. Mr. R. S. Ho=abey appeared before the Commission as agent for the Luxury Homes Incorporated aad €tated that the granting of this Variance for 20 feet front yard aetbacks would enable the subdivider ..:ae _ e F... ~„+.~~~r ~;v;na and that the ad ioinina tracts i'v y:v.~.... ~.^.Z° Si.~~` ' liad been granted this priviledge for front yard setbacks. TE~ HEARING 1tAS CIASED. Upon a motion by Commissioner Auest, seconded by Commissioner Bates, ' *~~! ~~rried, it was moved by RESOLIITION N0. 134 - SHRIHS 1956-57 to grant Va~ance No. 683 for interior lots only. VARIANCB P[iBI.IC FEe1RIt~FG. PL'TITION snbmitted by PIACIDO VHYNA AND ANTHONY N0. 684 CASAS, 559 South Olive Street, Anaheim, California, as Owners, ze- qiesting permission to use the existing residence as a RSSTAURANrP for the sale of food, wine and beer. The property is described as being the Sa:theast corner of Sall Road and Harbor Boulevard. The property is further described as being 1204 South Rarbor Bouievard. The property is classified as R-A, RHSIDSNTIAL AGRICULTURAL. No one appeared for or againat the granting of this Variance..THS HEARING MAS CIASED. Upon a motion by Commissioner Auest, seconded by Coarmissioner Thoepson. and carried, it was moved bq RBSOLUTION N0. 135 - SHRIHS 1956-57 that Variance No. 6R4 be granted in as much as the subject property was formeriy used as a Restaurant for a number of years. VARIpI~E RTBLIC HF.e+.RING. PETITION sub~nitted by OODBEY DEVBLOPNIBNT COMPANY, N0. 686 3436 North Verdugo Road, Glendale, California, as Owner, WRAz T. DBVI1~ SIGN COMPANY, 5327 Va12ey Boulevard, Los Angeles 32, Califor- nia. as Authorized Agent, requesting permission to erect a Temporarq Directional Sign to adv~.rt.€se the sale of homes in Tract No. 1979. The sign wiil be located at the Southeast corner of Ball Road and Magnolia Avenue. This tract is located at the Southwest corner of Ba].1 Road and the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks and contains 173 lots. No one appeared for or against the granting of this Variance. TEIH HFARIMG iiAS CIASED. Upoa a motion bq Commissioner Thompson, seconded by ~ommissioner H:.:es and carried, it was maved by R~SOLITTION N0..136 - SERISS 1956-57 to graaf Variamce No. 686 subject b the nine conditions of the Sign Ordinance. REi~1~SIFI- RtBLIC HEARING. PETITION submitted by SPADP,OM BSTATES, 8737 Wilshire CdTiO~t Bauievard, Beveriq Hi11s, C1liforni.a, as (h~mer, ALVIN LESSSR, Same N0. ~56-57-34 Address, as Authorized Agent, sequesting that Tract No. 2242 be re- classifiPd from R-1, SINGLE PAMILY RESIDSNTIAL to R-3, MULTIPLS PAMILY RESIDENfIAL. The tract is bounded by Romneya Dr3.ve on the South, the right-of-way for the new HousbOn Street Preeway on the Nc•rth, best Street on the West and RustiG- Lar+e on the Bast. The tract contains 91 lots. -5- ~ :~ \ ----_- ---- ---------- - -------.--_._ _----------...__...._.._-___., _ _ _ _ - ------- ~ . ~:~:~__::. . ... . ___..__ , ~f _ E ~ e ~ ~ 1 i ~ - s, ~t ~ ~ RHCIASSIPI- Mr. Beraa~rd, as Attorney for Spadrom Bstates. a,*~neared before the CATZON Camission aad stated that the applicant has improved the tract directiv NO. F-~6-57-34 to the Hast of 4he snbject tract am has Roid only one-thizd of the (L:OI~INUHD) dwellings a~nd that they fi~l there is a need for rental units to take eaze of persons rorting in Anaheis a~ Fullerton areas He preaented plaas and aa artist•s remering of the dreilings proposed to be bu31t. ~ie aSso staYed tLat recentiy a Aeciassification vras deaied on the tnet to the Mest also oMaed by this co=pany. This wili have to be developed w3th single fa~ily residences. Seveal propertq orners voiced tbeir ob,;ections to the granting of this Reclasaification aad a Petition Mas gresented eontainingippr~xinately 82 names protesting the gruntin~ of the reclassification. Most of the naaes contaiaed in 4he ;xtition xere rnmers liviag 300 to 600 feet axay fro~ the snbject property. A telegram vas received from Mr. and Nrs. IDon /(a~. 11632 1(est Ro~eya Drive, protesting the grsnting of the Variance. R. A. BarnES, 1031 Romneya Drive~ whose propertq is preseatly mned R-3, objected to the tpo story apartmeat buildings. G. B, Boyles, 831 Mes4 Raaneya Drivr., appeared before the C~ission and stated that he desired to ~evelop his property as R-1 but that t-e Spadroa Hstates wuld Dave to provide hia xith a street outlet. This they ngreed to do. This reaoved Mr. Boyles object3oa to the Multiple fally units, ffi F~ARING NAS CLOSBD, IIpon a aotion by Co~aissioner Thompsoa. seconded by Commissioner Morris, aad carried, it xas =oved by RHSOLUTION NO. 137 - SBRIHS 195b-~~ ia ~eco~aead to the Cisy Conncil that approvai of Reciassi- fication Pio. F-56-57-34 be aade~ sub3ect to: 1. ~at an ucLitectnral cossittee be set up for this tract aad that the City of Anabeia have a representative on this co~ittee. 2. That ffie type of dxellings erected conform to the plans which plans ~rill be considered as part of this spplication, 3, lbat Tract No. 2624 be tept as R-1~ SINGIB PAMILY RSSIDSNfIAL. 4. Thst aa agreemeat be seached ~rith Mr. Barnes relative to a street ontlet. The vote on the above Resolntion ps as follors: A~S: CQlJISSI02ffit.S: Hates. Gauer. Hapgoad, Morris, Summers, Thaapson a~ [dungall. NQBS: CaNISSI~RS: Anest. ABSSNf: Od1iISSI~RS: None. RBCIASSIPI- PIJffi.IC ABARII~. PBTITIOI~i snbsitted by MIRA RIARBS INCORPORATBD, 10503 CATION 3outh Los Ange~ St:eet, Anaheim, Caliiornia, as O~mer, HORT C. LOMHN~ N0. F-56-57-35 JR., Saae Address, as Anthorir_d Agent. requesting that the property described as: 19ist porta.oa of Lot 26 of Anahein Ext4asion, in the City of Aaaheis. Lb~mt~ of Orange~ State of California, as per map of snrvey ude by Niiliaa Huel, a copy of ~hich is f:lied in the office of the crnmty recorder of said Orange County in Boot 3, Pqge 163 et seq., entitled °Los Angeles County Maps," described ss follars: Begiffiing at a point on t~e Basterly line of s~-id Lot 26~ Northerlq 8T1.85 feet fra~ tLe Sontt-east corner of said Southeast coraer being, for tbe pnrpose of this descripLion. at the intersecLion of the centerliae of Bail R_oaQ xittn the center.iine of Los Angeles Street; thence Northerip 646.00 fept along said Basterly iine !o a iine paraiiel xith and Soatheri~ 399.:23 feet aeasured siong said Basteriy line froa the cmterline of Broad Street; thence Neaterly along said paraliel line to the Nssterly iine of ~~~.~' lat. bsing on tt~e ceateriine of Leaoa Street; thca=e Sontherly 647.:~~~ ~cPt along aaid Westerly line to a point ~ich is Nort~rly ?00.35 feet thereoa from the Southerl~r liae of said lot; tLeace Basterlp to tht point of btgianing. Bxeepting -6- 5 ' ~ ; ~ : , ~ -, , .__-- - -- --~--~._._. . _,_. -- ~. ---------------- _....r.~-._ _________--~ --- ~ ~._~_ ^- -- - - ----- ~ ~ i • . .; : ~ - ---- - ~~ _. _ _ ._ _- ---_. t ~~ . ~ ~ t ` ~ `V RBCIASSIPI- therefrom the Basterly 355 feet thereof, be reclassifiec7 fr,om P-L, ~ CATION PARgING IpNDSCA,PING and C-1~ I~YQiBORFI00~D (701~ffiRCIAL to R-3, ~ N0. P-56-57-35 MULTIPLB PAMILY RBSIDENTIAL. Actualiq. the onip xesoning aecessary ' (CONTINUSD) oa this appiication would be tha4 portion zoaed as P-L, as by ~ Ordiaance, multiple family dxeilings are aliowed ia the C-1 zone. Mr. Burt Lowen, Jr.~ appeared before the Co~issiom aad stated that it ~vas proposed to buiid multiple family. siagle s•tory dwelliaga on this South Lemon Street praperty, Mrs. Praak ~ietrok, 901 South ' j Lemon Street, appeared before the Commission quesl:ioning hox manp atoriea the buildiags rrould be and rhether off-s2•reet parking would ~ be provided. TFffi FffiARING WAS ~LOSBD. ~~ ~ Upon a motion by Co~issioner Auest~ seconded by Commiaaioner Gauer, ; aad carried, it was msved hy* RSSOLt~TION N0. 138 •- SERIBS S9S6-57 tbat the Planning Commiss:on recommea,d to the ~i~ty Cauacii that keclaesi- fiCatiun Np. 56-37-35 be appsoved subject to: i 1. The deediag of S feet ~-iobg Lemon Stre2t for street widen- [ iag. : 2. The inetallation of cvrbs, gutters aad~ siderealks. " 3, Engineering Requirements. The vote on the above Resolutiaa was as folloxs: AYES: CO~ttAffSSIOh'HRS: Auest, Bates, Gauer, Hapgood. Morris, Summers, ! Thcmpson aad Mungall. NOBS: COAAfISSIONERS: None. ABSHNT: COI~AfISSIOI~RS: Noae. RBCIASSIPI- PUBLIC I~ARING. P9TITION submitted by B~LVBDBRH ~TILDHRS INCORPORAT9D, CATION 8021 Hast Rome Aveaue, Ansheim, Ca23fornia~ as Uwaers, JENI~TINGS- N0. P-56-57-36 HALDBRMAN INCORPORATED~ 200 West Washington, Senta Aaa~ California, as Authorized Ageat, requesting that the property descri5ed as; The North 300 feet of the Sast 225 feet of the Pffi} of the AID~ of the NW~ of Section 23, T4S, R11W, S.B.B. ~. M.~ and further deacribed as being the Southwest corner of Bali Road and Western Avemie, be reciasaified from R A, RBSIDSNfIAL AQtIQJLTVRAL to C-3~ I~IDpVy COIK~ffiR- CIAL for i5Q bq 150 feet at the corner f'or the erection of a Service Station and that the balance af the property be reciassified to C-1~ 1'iBIGHBORH00D Ct~lMBRCIAL. Mr. Halder~nan as representative of Belvedere Builders, appeared before the Commiasion aad steted that they should like Lo have the corner classified as C-•3 for the erection of a ServicG Statiort ~d that tbis parcel be 150 by 150 feet after both streets have bt:en widened and that the balance of the property be Retlassified •to C-1, These is a six foot wali p=esentlq on the property on the 19es•! aad South sides. Tf~ I~IDARING MAS CLOSSD, Upon a motioa by Co~-asioner Gsuer, secoaded by Co~iasioaer Hapgood~ and carried, it was voted to reco~end to the Citq Council bq RSSOLUTION N0. 139 - SBRIBS 1956-57 be approved subject to: 1, The deeding of ZO feet aloag Baii Rand aad 10 feet aloag Western Avenue for aireet ~aidening to the City of Aaeheim. 2. The ias:allatioa of curba, gutters and aidexaiha. 3, Bngineering R~quirements, The vote on the above Resointion iras sa foiloNa: AYBS: CODAtISSIOPIDRS: Auest, Bates, Gauer, Iiapgood, Sumsez8~ Morris, Thompsoa and Muagsil. NQES: COMI~ffSSIp2~1tS; Noae. ABSBNT: COFAlISSIONHRS: Noae. . _~_ ~~ l ~ ~ ~ ~~ t~ RHCIASSIPI- PUBLIC HSARING. P9TITION submitted by LO[TIS P. TARDIR, 9800 State CATION Street, South Gate, California, as Owner, THBLdA R. MUitPHY, 918 WesY N0. F-56-57-37 Center Street, Anaheim, California, as Authorized Agent, regu~esting that the subject property, described as Lot 6 of Tract No. 162; other- wise described as 2040 West Ball Road, situated on the South side of Ball Road between Brookpurst and NutKrood Streets, be recisssified from R•-A, RESIDHNTIAL AGRIC'~LZURAL to C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD CO1~ffiRCIAL. Mrs. Thel•ma Murphy appeared befare the Commission and s±ated that the property lies next to a Chicken Ranch and was recently purchased by the West Anaheim Methodist Church but due to the great growth of Anaheim, the property was not large enough for their requirements and that they are now purchasing a larger parcel of property directlq Q~.LGSJ ~ai2 oi.a2ci., n Z'c~i~? ivab PcC2~Ve4 1301i1 l~'1r3. r/. II. I^J11CCr$OIIr 1916 SYest Ball Road, iiving 1000 feet from the property, protesting the granting of the Reclassification. Mrs. Van Horn, 1926 West Ba1I Road, stated that less than two qears ago, the reclassificatioa was denied for a gas company and that the property shonld be kep3 as residentiai, it was pointed out that the gas companp had asked for a reclassification to M-1, LIGHT MFiNUFACIURING, which did not appear to be a good use in this area. The proposed use will con- sist of sma21 zeighborhood stores in the C-1 Classification. TH5 HEARING WAS CIA~D, Upon a motion by C~samissioner Hapgaod, seconded bq Commissioner Morris, and carried, ±t was moves~ by RBSOLUTIOAr NQ. 144 -~8?ES 1956-57 that the Cqmmission recommend to the City Council the;~ approval on Reclassification No. P-56-5?-37 be ¢iven sqbject to: 1. The deeding of 20•feet aiong Ball Road for street wi~dening. 2. The instailation of curbs, gutters and sidewalks. 3. The deeding of 30 feet along the East property line for a future street. 4. The deeding of 10 feet fox an alley at the South line of the property. '~he vote on the above Resolution was as follows: AYHS: COMh~SSIONHRS: Auest, Bates, Gauer, Hapgood, Morri«. Summers, Thompson ;~nd Mungall. NOHS: CONAtISSIOt'SRS: None. ABSHNT: COt~tI~SIONffiRS: None. RSCLASSIFI- CATION N0. P-SB-57-38 PUBLIC HHARING. PflTITION submitted bp BARL AKHR, 1638 Bast Center. Street, Anaheim, California; MR. AND MRS. H. W. SUhAtERS, 1648 Hast Center Street, Anaheim, California; MRS. UOROTHY PARt~R, 1418 East Centpr Street, Anaheim, California; ELIZASETH DICKERSON, 1608 East Center Street, ~naheim, California; WILLIAM J. 1~SOI:E$, 1514 East Cente= Street, Anateim, California; MR. AND MRS. LYLE A, DIGGINS, 1506 East Center Street, Anaheim, California; R. S. CRWCH, 1520 Hast Ceater Street, Anaheim, California; W. B. CROUCH, 1520 Brst Center Street, Anaheim, Cal~fornia; LO~WEN V. CASEY, 1408 Beveriy Drive, Anaheim, California; hIItS. AUGUSTA C. MOCR, 1440 East Center Str~et, Anaheim, Califorr.iay as Owners, requeating that their pr~ perties described as lying on the Sovth side of Has4 Center Street, East of South Bast Street and West of Cliffrose Street and further described as starting at a point 1351.56 feet,.more or Iess, distant Easterly from the centerlines of South Hast Street and East Center Street; thence Southeriy a distaace of 24.75 feet to the Southerly right-of-way line of Bast Center St=eet; thence Hasterly a distance of 529.01 feet, more or less; then.:~ Southerly a distance of 25.25 feet; thence Hasteriy a distance of 254.00 feet, more or less; thence Northerly a distance of 15.25 feet; thence Easterly a dis- tance of 17p feet, more or less; thence Westerly a distance of 260 feet more or less; thence Southerlq a distance of 360 feet more or less; thence Southerly a distance of 115.00 feet more or less; thence Westerly a distance of 429.01 feet, more or less; thenee Northerlq a distanc~ of 270.OC ~eet, more or less, to the point of beginning, 6e reclassif ied f rom ;2•~ ~, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULNRAL to C-1, AffiI(~ORfIO~ COMMERCIAL. -8- . ~ --•-~- -- -- • ~ ~-' ~ ~ .. -` . - t ~ I • ~~ i -.~ ...,~ .~ ~ ~_, r . 1 ~ ~ ~ RBCIASSIPI- r. Aker, 1638 Bast Center Street, representing e number of owners , CATION of frontage along the West side of Center Street, Easteriy from tt~e NQ. P-56-57-38 Lincoin School to approximately Evergreen Street, appeared before ' (CONTINUBD) the Com*~issiun and stated that practicailq ali of these owners had sold aii their reRr property but had retaiaed th~ :rontage for i commercial but had not been ab~e to get the rezoning. Mr. A. W. ~~ Summe.-s, 1648 Bast t;enter Street said that they w~uld like to get cons:deration as th~a are loa time y g property owaers but without ~ getting the property rezoned, it is practically impossible to seil ~ same. The first question asked by pra~ective purchasers was with re ard t i d th g o zon ng an ey dc, nofi appear to be ~?1±3ag to ~:it ;;2 necessary tima for the granting of a reclassifi.cstion or a variance after the purchase of the property. Mrs. Lyle Diggins, 1506 Center St-eet, stated that the land is presentiy vacant and that they have no water iacilities available for agricultural purposes. Mrs. Cooper, 1631 Sast Center Street, Mr. F. W. Elliott, 542 South West Street, appeared before #he Commission and stated that they were in favor of granting the Reclasaification. Tf~ I~3ARING WAS CLOSBD. Upon a motion bq Commissiom r Gauer, seconded by Commissioner Bstes, and carried, it was moved that the Hearing be coatinued for 30 days or until the Meeting of Pebruary 4, 1957, at which time it will 'be~ determined how this reclassification wiil fit in with the new Master Plan. RECIASSIFI- P(JBLIC•I~ARING. PHTITION submitted by W. C. AAID MATTIB LW MAXWSLL ~ CATION , 8741 Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Owners, requesting that NO~:_F~56-57-15 thei.pr.opes8~yi~~described~as themSS~.dfbthr.SE} o~,>the,Sisi~ oEuSectian , '.:a r10:v ' 12, ~Ts~S~,~<.i'..'.,?W; ~Sti,B:B.. &::M:,r.haa[~AgF6:SDAt8ge onnL•incaln,,Avenue~.of'.:,r Nn. ;•-5,;-5 ;-15 6b4.¢8~•~eet~and::a:fbontageton Da~ec,Avehuesb~ 664i13 fe~toandefurtlxer " d escY3bQdu~sitithe.Nohthsvest,coanesgofi ~id~nco~n and Da~.e?e~venuesti be DBClassif3ed~fxom<tR+Ayc~RB~S3DBNT~AL~AGt:lCULNRALtito!.Q-8,~ HHAVY ~OMMBRCIAL dt~thercornert6or:~2pOhbpa200~~feet a~: thabtthr.•balanee•~.of~.the,pro- pe=tg:bec=eclaeaif.4ad to:~~2~~'ifdF4NERALiCOMbffiRCIAL~ r'-.i. i;:.,,vY ~~+:~a~pu,~:;.. ,. •, r 1:he _.~r~i:~r. i i;i :.i)U uy ~'G~` i e~ ~~.=-1 ! im t _ . , ~ ~~r L':-l:.i~ce ~~t t.:E: ~ ~ MrrtMaicwe2lchas~i~questedC:413at:hysf:.p~oposedRReaiassification be again brought up without Mr. Ailen for consideratian. This Reclassification wzs dena~ed.w3,thourypre~adicensomc.;t~me,~agou k~headateiof.January,21;:, 1959.~~•was~.set'fOIIi.8~~1COIItY1'it1EQ:Pub2~a.Heariag~n. ;u~.;; ; ~ ~„ ,. tvaS ~.1licit ;.3.:~•~c'r.,:. 1Jrc`,jlfillce ..~.~,_ i~is::: ite,~, .~ ..~ . . VARIANCS Req~i~s~<xfoBC~an'extens3,on~oE~•tiiner~was received on Variance No. 588 N0. 588 from RAY y, MpLxANHH, Authorized Agent for TEID VETERANS OF PORHIGN WARS, 106 North Philadelphia Street, Anaheim, California, requesting permission to erect a building ~o be used for Offices and an Assembiy Hall at the Southwest corner of West La Palma Avenue and North West S=reet. Upon s motion by Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Commissior.~c Sucr,mers,. and carried, it was moved that Variance No, 588 be granted for a six month•s extension of time. VARIANCfl i:~que.st for an extension of time was received o:~ Variance No. 548 from N0. 54R H~IMAIAG GARA9EDIAN, 424 North Pine Street, Anaheim, California, to convert a house laeated at 417 North Pa1m Street into two Profes- sional Offices. ~ Upon a motion by Commissioner Mungall, seconded by Coimnissioner Thomp- son and carried, it was moved that Variance No. 548 be granted for a six month•s extension of time. MIDWOOD MANOR Aa area bounded by Ball Road on the North, Ratella Avenue on the South, £ ANDIDXATION Huclid Avenue on the Hast, and Brookhurst Street on the West, was $ referred by the City Councii to the Planning Co~mission for a recom- ~ mendation as to whether this territory should be considered for ~ Annexation to the City. ~ , _9_ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ; ~ ~~ _ _ - ---__.._, --- - --- --.-----_ -----.~-- --:~= -- r `a _~ MffAl00D lIANOR ~L~Tldli CGa~Ir~v) 6g~A~RT ~ ^ _ ~ ____ .., ~ ~ _ - - --~- a e ~ ~•~ ~ ry ~ g ~ ~ ~ IIpoa a aotion by Comissioner Hapgaod, seconded by Commissioner Gauer, ~ a~ cazried, it xas voted :~- recommend to the City Council ti:at the i above area be considered for Annexs~tion to the City and be kn~wn as i the 1[id~uood Manor Anneaation. The area contains 497.89 acres. , The 1[eeting Adjouraed at 5:38 O'Clock Y.M. 1 i it 1 a x ~ 3 3 4 -10-