Minutes-PC 1957/02/04February 4, 1937 City Hail Affiheim, California ~~ ~ ~, ~g ~ ~ T~ CI1q pIANNING (:OMQdISSION g~~ ~~tu ~etiag ~ tLe Cit~ planaing Co~ission rias cailed to ~ a~der $t 2~D ~"Qodr F.l[_ ty ~AIR!!AN SQb4~RS~ a quorum being P~t- aon____,,,craa: r.mn~a~ ~~_ ~SSIQ~RSe Anest. Gauer, Morris, Thompson - aad bhmgali . ~~pgooa mLesed the lleeting at 3;00 O'Clock P,M. affi retit'ed at S:~'iL O~Qoc~ P.1L ABSHNT ~ H~- ~ ~e ~ o~ t~ i[i~ntes of the Adjourned Reguiar Meeting of ~$.~ ~, ~~7 ~s ~*~~++«~ t~q aae of the spplicants who appiied c•.rr s He~c~~ac:Fic~tias at this lleeting. ~ t{~ a~,~ ~~ Thnapson, seconded by Commissioner Gaes, ae1 ca~=ed, zt ras soved timt the 6Siantes of the Ad journed ~:~ ~~~ ~~zg 21, Z95? be held over for approval untii tLe lfxti~,,r d~T 18. 295T. ~p 3eqeest ~o esta]w~=~ a EELLI(~YrER IAHIIING SYACE oa their property. ~~~-gr '~e ~r'+"~~•~ ~a1! be a.sed for the transportation of executive ~pp~ ~e1 a~dl~nests bet~een ti~eir varions plants aad xili not be saed zs a cd~I carricr_ This property is Iocated on the South si~e of ~ A~e_ 3b ~e ~eamd far or ags.inst the graating of this proposed Heliport sate_ '~ ~ rAS C[D~D. tgpm i~~ ~~aoer 6atser, secoaded by Commissioner Auest, ~.~,T;,,a~ _~ ~s so~ed bg R~bDTiON 1~i0. 145 - SERIHS 1956-57, 4~t pe~s,is.si,m be gmted for a H~Iipart site on their premises. '~ee l,oca~iam af this sitc to tie as ~4escribed on the Map which is part aE tfims 3esie~r_ BS~111S5EFI- l~IC ~`••~.. ~IIaI sai~i.tted bq K. C. AIIID MATTIH L(7U MAXWBLL, ~~ 87~ F:~„s~' ~~~~e~ a,~i+.n, ~aiifosaia, as ONaers, requesting that Np. ~~~ ~5 f~e pcvpe~t} ~escribed as tLe SE} e€ tte2 SE~ of the SW~ of Section ]2, '~CS„ ?~,1~. g~.S- +t A-, hsrFng a frantage on Dale Aveaue of 664,13 g~ ~~,~~~~ ~~~'----*_- s-~. ~f 664.63 feet and further des- ai~ as tie aoct~est comer of Lincoln and Dale Avennes, be reclassi- fied f~ S 9, ~AL A6BI(~LNRAL to C-3, HEAYY COAIl~RCIAL at tffi cnoer fac 20@ b~r 2~0 feet a~ tHat the balance of the property be YeA~ssified to ~-Z, ~BAL C~L. 'Sis petitiaa fac s~>>~*'fication xas held over from the Meeting af ~ 21, 1457_ Zncstiaa of this property is the Northwr.st -- ~,~ rz~~ a~ci EP~Ie ~~es, coasisting of appsoxi-•~telp 10 acces ~c~ is ze4res4ed for C-3 nse at the coraer to perwit the ~ti~ ~ a Se~sicc Stztic~ a~ tbe rest to be C-2. Mrs. Msttie 7[~oa ~~» ~pea~ed Defo=e tbe Co~nission aad stated that for 47 ~S t~e~ ~ave ii~ed aa ihis proye=ty and paid taxes for aii theae ~~rs ~d t~st t4eT ~ash to live in peace sad ha=monp with the3r a~,~bocs ai ~at sbe did sut believe that it aras ~mreasonabie to -I- i ~I RSCIASSIPI- ask for a Reclassification af this property to a ca~aerciai n~e. A CATION reclassification to commercial wonld aot be ba:afs~l to the property NO. P-56-57-15 owners in the area. She also stated that rhen Lincoln Avenne is (CONTII~UBD) widened, their house will be four (4) feet froa t~e highYay. Mhen Daie Aveaue is widened the street rrill go throngh tLe porch of tLeir home.. Lincoln Avenne is no ionger residential. iad sooner or lster wiil be converted to highway commercial nses. She stated tbat the neighbors to the West and Hast of Liaeoln Aveaue rere fs~ozable to the Reclassification of their property and that Seua and Rxbact would be iocated about one mile North on Dale Avenne. ~. ~. M~o~efl appeared before the Commission and presented tro petitioas, ane f~ -e~~~~;~g ~~ ±ho $m_th airtg ~g TinGn~tt rithin 30p feet. COaL~irins iSVnaznes and a second petit3on contain3.ng 11 na~es fron peopie li.ving over the 300 foot radius on the South side of Lincoln Aveffie. He also stated that he had applied for a Reelassification of the proper- ty while atill in the Countq, but on account of Anaheias* stutiag Annexation pr,oceedings. the Countq had returned theis appliutiaa to them and to]..i them to contaet the City. Mr. Allen. 8531 Lincoln Avenue, appeared before the Commission as the Oraer of S acres to the Sast of the Maxweli property sad stated that be wss iu favor of the Reclassification. Mr. David Coilins, representing lt ri~aoell preseate~.. a map to the Commission showiag the Butler-Harbonr anbdivision to the West, beyond that, the site which is proposed for s dmp. loution of a C-3 use oa tha corner and the C-1 use on the balance to tbe Eaat faeing on a cul-de-sac at Lincoln, of the madtl ho~ea for Hatlez- Harbour Company. The tract to the North, No. 3099 has not ~et beta developed. He stated that he believed ttiat 3•h¢ prapertp wmCra ia the area would not be hurt by the deveiop~eait of the Heighborhood Shopping Center which shouid be of value to thea, r.~ad conld reli appr~ciate the value of their property rather then deczeaan tbe valne of same, if a buffer zone consisting of a raiil next to 4~ resi6en~~~~ property were to be erected. He also stated •tt-at the pzopert~ ~s been submitted to one of the largest chaia msr.ktta in tbe Los Angeles area who are verq much interested in arranging ;or a site in tbe vicinity of Anaheim. At this point, a reNSg xas ulled ia o=des that the opponents to the Reclassification and Nr. ColYina taui8 get together and review the map which he had presented. Aftez this intermission, Mr. J. C. Hodge~ 2846 Polk Aveane, appearea before the Commission and preseated a pt:.ition conta3ning 19 na~ea of people living within the 300 foot radius and 20 names of peopie residing over the 300 foot radius of the subject property, objectiag to this Reclassification. A resideat at 2870 Ty2er Avemu, appeared befort the Co~ission and atated that he rvas a business aan aad tbat he bad purchased a home on a cul~de-sac to protect his childrea aad be d3d not feel that a wali was sufficieat buffer. 8e also stated that FHA does not make loans on homea bacting np to Caaercisl propertY. Mr, xarbosr, of t~e Butier-Hasbour Coznoratioa, aup~ared befo=e the Commission and stated that thep were constzuct~ng 110 ha~ea in this subdivision of which 50% were sold. He siso ststed that along Lia- coln Avenue, it was hia opinion that this property wnld be ca~er- cial for a depth of perhaps 300 feet, but tt~at be coald not aee granting this Reclasaification for the full deptb of appzazi~stelY 660 feet. He also stated that some other t~nffer shonid be naed othez than a wall. Mr. C. Fred Smith~ subdiv3.3er of Trut Ito. 3099, ruaniag along the North side of the property monld ~a.ve si~ie faaily ho~es across the street oa Tyler and that FHA vonld give no :~aaacing on these homes on this stre~t if it was across froa the t7aserciai. Mr. Hodge again appearEd before the Commission requesting tbat ution be deferred upon the Reclassifica43on until a definite pian bad been developed. Mr. Collins replied to this that llr. Itz~ell vunid be • in an unfortunate poaition as no commercial developweat caa be arraaged until zoning assurance has bten establisbed. T8~ ~'ARII~ WAS CLOSED. -2- _.. ..._;~~.,.-;"-,:., ..~._.___'___'- __._.____"._'___-__ - ... . - . . ~'_' ....._--~r ~ ~.~- ~ ' ~ 5 { , --.-- -- . ; - i • , • _ -- ___.. . ---- -----__ . _---- .---.~-..____ ~ ~_g ~~ ~ ~ 4 ~ r , RBCIASSIPI- Upon a motion by Commissioner Auest, seco:~ded by Cammissioner Thompson, CATION aad carried, it ~vas voted to recommend to the City Council that this N0. F-56-57-15 exc pttthat startingfatdatporti nyon$theUWest property lineIstartingST, (CONTINUBD) 301.67 feet on the centerline of Lincoln Aveaue, extending paralle to Lincoln Avenue Basterly a distance of 158 fee~ thence Northerlq ; parailei to Dale Avenue a distance of 252.33 feet, more or Sess; ; thence Basterly paraliel to Lincoln Avenue a distance of 456 feet, more or less; thence Noriherly parallei to Dale Rvenue a distance of ii~ g« ~; ±hPn~e Westerly para11e1 to Lincoln Avenue, a distance of 622 feet, more or less; tl~ence Southerly paraiiei ~o ~=1~ Ave^.'se a distance of 346 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, re- ma£n as R-A, and except the corner of Dale and Lincoln for a distance of 200 feet from the centerllne of each street be reclassified to C-3 for the erection of a Service Station. The vote on the abone Resolution was as foliows: pygg; COMMISSIONBRS: Auest, Gauer, Hapgood, Morris, Sum~aers, Thompson aad Muagail. NOBS: COt~QlISSIOt~kS: None. c,~gNT; COMMISSIOI~RS: Batea. pUBLIC I~ARTNG• PBTITION submitted by I~NAffiTH W• 30NBS, 276T Weat VARIANCS N0. 685 lst Street, Santa Ana, California, as Owner, requesting th~t t property described as: Lot 1, Block B of Traet No. 190 be B=anted propertycistpresentlyhclassified as R-l,SSIgNGLB PAMILY RBSIDHNfIAL~e ~ Th;s property is located at the Norte8=ed fornthe g anting of tb;sreet and ?Iest Alberta Street. No one epp Variance as the Owaer has been ili since the filing of this Variosie. Mrs, A. L. Pinnegan, 614 North Clementine Street sppeared in opp tion to the gren~$ of the Varia~e stating that the applieant inten- ded to use one room in t he building of one of these single faily d~rell- tedsin the petition~forttheSVariance,~uMrthBernarduSchefflers 619 eS North Lemon Street, appeared before the Comr~ission in aPP~gedttontwo the granting of the Variance•, and stated that he ove.s opp homes on one lot in as much es the neighborhood at preseat has only one home on each lot. The petition submitted with his application had the signatures of aii the immediate neighbors in favor of grant- ing the Variance. '1HH HEARING M1AS CIASBD. Upan a~ot3oc .; Commissioner Morris, secoaded bY GommisaiOe~r "auer, .. ~ ~o~.~~~; it was moved by RSSOLUTION NO. 147 - STR~IiS 1...= _•. ~_ _*...^.:r ~~tie±+± that~Variance No. 685 be Denied ~he voie 3u ~~^~ ~ ofgthermotion which meant~thatt MtVa~an~ wa~D ni~d~ting in fa~or pUBLIC I~ARING. PBTITIQN submittcd by JOB A• CAN1~+ 1015 Hast Su~la VARIANC~ ~. gqy Ana Street, AnaYe im, California, as OMmer+ B~ Y Hd1SS MOVBRS, 1208 - Sast Westminister Boulevard, Saata Ana, Californi.a, as Authorized Agent, requesting permiss3on to move in two Office Buildings oa Lot Nos. 36 and 39 of Tract No. 97. Ttie buildings to be motred in aboverRgomneya Driveut The propertieanwhere theqsare to movesoato ~ psesentlyeclassifi ddassR1339MULTIPIB9PAMILY R&SIDHNPIALt and ue -3- . ' . . . . . ~ . . ~ i ~ ~ I ,~ ~; ~~ !.? ! . ~ ~ v~~ No one appeared for or against the ~ranting of this Vaa ance. 7F~ ~ N0. 692 HHARING WAS CIASED. ~ (CONfiia[JEfD) ~ Upon a motion by Commissioner Auest, seconded by Commissioner Gauer, a~ carried, it was moved that Vsriance No. 692 be granted by ' RBSOLUTION N0. 148 - SSRIES 1956-57. VARIANCB PUBLIC FffiARING. PETITION•submitted by JAMSS P. MANDTING, 1153 Hermosa N0. 693 Drive, Anaheim, California, ROSHRT H. DENHAM, 1136 Lombard Drive, Anaheim, California, KENNETH E. ATHY, 1148 Lombard Drive, Anaheim, California, as Owners, requesting permission to erect a Bowling Allep and Restaurant. Refer to folder for LegaZ Descriptien of property. This property is described as lying on the North side of Rhodes Avenue, apprc.:.'_~ately 600 feet West of Brookhurst Street. On account of the leng~thy description of the subject property, Commissioner Thomps5n made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood, and carried, that the readi.ng of the land description be dispensed with. Kenneth H. Athy, 1148 Lombard Drive, presented an artists rendering of the building for the Bowling and Restaurant and slso a plot plan. He stated that there would be a 15 foot planing area aiong the North and Weat side with a concrete block wall 6 feet in height, and that it would be 108 feet on the North side from the nearest residence ami 284 feet to the nearest resident on the West side. He aiso stated that the building would be built by Mr. Gordon who is the Buick' Deal+er in Santa Ana, and that no undesirabie elements would be attracted to the Bowling Hmporium and that there would be no noise 50 feet from the building. Mr. James P. Manning, 1153 Hermosa Drive, appeared before t'he Comraission and stated that the traffic ingress and egress will he from noa-residential streets and. that there will be a completion of Rhodes Avenue which wili give another outlet for the people liviag to t~e West.into Brookhurst Street. He aiso stated that they purchased the property in 1952 and that the improve- ments outlined wili be ~an asset to the area. He also poin4ed out that there could al:go be other uses made of the property which would be more detrimentaT to the property owners as with this facility, na delivzry or service trucks wauld b2 coming into the area, whereby a market or similar use would have cars coming in all day long and also service trucks. Sherman Remais, 2291 Rhodes Avenne, appeared before the Commission and stated that wit;lin 5 miles, six bowling alleys were either under coastructin;l or contemplated. He also , presented a petition containing 298 IIPmPR of propertq owners in the area. The principal of the Brookhurst Junior High School, voiced his objection to the possible loitering by the pupils at this facility. Mr. Athy stated~lhat theq have visited ali alleqs in the area and could assure the Commission tha4 there was no loitering of teenagers in any of them, aad~that while the cocktail lounge is pro- Fos,,,~ ft~r rhga Fn:i13t~ i~.th° futnre, the iacome from the cocktail ivuu~2 tS 'vui~ ~°n Oi ~ilE i.'vi.$i ~LC0~8 ~YOm LISC' ~OW13AQ H11ED. !SC stated that the property owners are ali residents of Anaheim, and if they did not fael that this was a good development, they would aot have proposed it. Mr. Manning stated that theq communicated with all property owners surrounding the propertq before requesting the Variance, otherwise they would not have gone ahead with their request. They found that these Owners were in favor of the aection of the Bowling Aliey. Others in the area voiced their objections to the Bowling Alley, from a traffic aagle and fsom the hours of operation, which would . possibly be 24 hours a 3ay. Ti~ffi HEARING WAS Q.OSED. _4_' f ~ ? E[ ~ E ~ i~ ! -_-.-.....,..x,.- - - ~7BlILE Oosissianer Ganer stated that he would object to a bar in the esteb- lA_ 693 2is~eat and ~ade a sotion to deny this Variance~ this was seconded (~) t~ Coaissioner 1[orris aad after discussion he withdrew his seeond. ~is sotioa died for lack of a second. IIpan a aotion by Ca~missioner Auest~ seconded by Commieaioner Mungall, and carried. it ras soved by RBSOLUTION N0. 149 - SSRIBS 1956-57 to gsaat Variaace No. 693 in accordance with the plaas preseated. Coaditions dth regard to this Variance were different than ~taose af tLe saae fuiiities denied at the Northeast corner of Srookhurst aad IIa Palaa sate tiae ago~ in as much as it was proposed to erect t6e ~>>_~t~ practiea2ly in thc rear yard of the residential uaita. It is believed that this bniiding wil! s~t far enongh back from tLe bo~es so tbat theg xill not be diaturbed by ~y noiss. ~FI- F~iC ~ARII~. PETITION submitted bq PARR VILIAGB HOAIDS, P.O. Hox C~QI 602. Anabei~, Celiforaia, ras Owner~ requeating that the propert~r ~D_ ~56-57-41 described as: Heginaiag.s~t s point ia the N6rtherly Sine of L3ncoin A~; beiag 330 feet isest of the Northeas# cosner of Lincoln snd Dale A~s; tl~ence Hasteriy 1469 feet aioag the Northesly line of Linoo2n A~emu; thence Nor~h 546 feet, more or leea, to the Southwest cornr of Tract No. 3007; thence West 739 feet, ~eore or lese, 4o a poiat in tbe lfesteriy iine of the Southern Caliiorn3a Bdison easement; tt~eace Sonth s2ong said easemeat SO feet, mors or iesa to A point 496 feet, =axe or less, North of the North Iiae of Lincoin Aveaaes thence Saath 496 feet, aore or'less to the point of beginning, be seciasei- fied to~Crl, 1~IG~ORH~ ~RCIAL along Lincoln Avenue and to R-3, 1~1ZPI~ F,A!lQLY RBSIDENfIAL along Yaie Street to serve as a buffer bet+eeea the Cae~erc~eS e:ed LI~ single famiiy reaidentisl lots to the Aorth. Ilr. Paal Pierce appeared before the Commaieaion and expisined the plot giaa as gresent~d and that there wouid be a buiier ~,~oae oi R-'s betreea tbe Ca~ercial sad the singie family hamea which they are boildiag. No other property rnaaers in the are apoke in fAVOr of tLe reclassification. No one appeared before the Commisaion ia oppo.siti~. T!~ ~4RING NAS CLOSSD . IIp~ a aotioa by Coaissioaer Hapgood, seconded by Commisaioaer ~, aad carried. it nas moved by RHSOLUTION N0, 150 - SBRIBS 1956-57, that the Cosmission recoimnend to the City Counci! tha4 Reclsssifica4ia~ No. F-56-57-41 be approved, iLe ~ote on the above Resoiution ~ras as foilowst Ag,Se iAQQSSI0iV8RS: Aaest, Gauer~ Hapgood, Morzis, Sammere, ^ahoapsoa and Mungall. 1~ES: CAlQSSIOt~RS: Noae, ~: t7Qi~SSZQ~RS: Bat~s. ~Q1~SSFI- !i'iBLiC ~ABiI~. PSTITION snbmitted by DR. WILLIAM A. BUMSTBAD, 9t41 i~Ti~ Sonth ~taatoa taveane. Anaheio. Californ3a, aa Owner, requesting that BD. ~56-ST-43 the pzopert~ deseribed as: The North 320 feet of the B+} of the NW} of the 1~} oF the !1M} of Section 17, T4S, R10W, S,B.B. dc M., exr,ept- in6 tbe yfest 66 feet thereof, he reclassified fxom R-A, RBSIDHNTIAL A~I~L'1~RAL to C-1~ I~IQiBORH00D COI~RCIAL. The property is further ~scribed as ueiag 200Q F.iacoln Avenxie, lqiag ott tht South side of tbe stmt Z00 feet ~s4 of /lladdia Drive. -S- ----- ~i ~~' ~ J ~~~ ~ ~ `s~ RECIAS5I~3- -Es_ ~3 ~~~~• S~ ~ t,~t- tfi*r= glannet, apF~azed ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~_ ~ a~d pseseatcd a Teatative I~_ P-35-~?--~3 ~'1sa ~ms 9~e ~•s~~ aaE t~$ ~^~P~*fd- He gtateci that the {~) ~ a~aes sms ~~+ g~ sa ~ S'ict•~•*•,~~'*~'~•s Hospital only ~~a. ~ ~~,T ,~,,,.,,f,~ ~_ ~, zcpreseat~ng the Lincoln He€ase tht Ca~nission and ~p~} s~ ~ Hiics ~. ~ ~~ ~ a-~C ~~ £rad t~sr ~be= of Commerce v+hen ~ ~ ~,y ~~~ ~~.R.~F,E ~rg, stated tl~t this entire ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R~s~*~s €ar Basney Thceie to ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ a dncto=•s Office for ~_ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p~ ~~ ~=r_ dea~ed by the Commis- ~,..., ~'~ state~ tm Mrs_ Clsavos that the a,~~ ~;~.,~ ~ t~is viss aa M-I cse and not a ~~~ ~~ tg~ ~~ ~ aot deag f.9e Dr. Abra~:s ~ .~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ c-.,.,,.r*r _ Othess in the area ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cs€ tIzig Rec2aasificmtioa. ~_ ~~~~ ~•~-~~* aad stated ttat a Variaace ~ a ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~aga~ movcd iato this tract ~~~~~~~ g~g Stseet wi215be closed off S~~s s~ '1~s t3e a~s~ ~~ ~ ~,3 ~ ~_ ~ ~ ~s,t ~xildings as Propoaed will ~~~,~,t ~~ ~~ g~ ~~e pzape=tg, 66 feet f=om the West 3~ ~~~~ y~ ~~~ g~ ti~e Soutkc Iiae of the property. 3~' ~ ~~ ~- ~,~ s a~ ~!9 ~~"~= ~.e, ~~ bF E~issioner ~~~~ v~s ~~e ~ hg SE90LIITIOK NO. 151 - SERIES ~~_~ ~~~,~~ ~ ta tkc C~tg Councii that -~'- - Sm,. ~ be ~ ~1ect te: ~~~~~.~rTM~cros aQttc the City of Anaheim a~ ~~. a ~ s~c'61ET__ ~~~~ fr~ ~sg ~vesse to oaly a walk-waq. 3_ 3~e e~a~ ~ z fcnae ~acst ~=Y ar~.ti along Embassy ~ ~_ ~~~ g~~e ~gT~ag IIepettmeat for the street ~ ~ s~..R.~~r.,, s..~_ 3_ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~g yeali siong Lincoln :~..~~ ~.~ r,.,,~~s~.~.,-,,,„, ~ c~tis„ grstte=s, aad sidewaiks on Lin- ~,Q ~~ ~ ~g ~aemse, as =eqn3red by the Citq. ~_ ~.-m~.,,,~ ~~~t~ ia zccozdaacc vrfth the plana ~ 3'!~ avc~ ~ ~e ~ ~mCscm w~ ~s fol2ows: ~~ ~g= ~$~ ~er, Snepgood. b[orris, Summera, '~ aad 1~- _~..Q_ z~ ]~e:~: °--_ ~~_ = ~_ ~~_ ~~ ~~,~€ (~ g,~iRL A~R, 1638 Bast Center ~„~~ ~~~~ g~y ~g. g. Yf. SUbD~1tS, 1648 Hast I~. R55-S7-~ i3r~ta ~'°"'~ ~. ~0~~: ~' ~~+ 1418 Ssst ~ ~A ~ ~g~~,* &~ZA~Tg gZCaERSON, 1608 Hast ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ x~~Tarr ~, 1~~LEK, 1514 Sast ~ ~„~,,,,~ ~ ~~~~ ~. ~ MRS. LYIB A. DIGGBNS, ~~5 ~ ~ ~,.~ ~sEi€°~aia: R. &. CRUUCH. 1520 ~ ~ ~~¢ ~~ ~,~~~ ~. g_ QZaQQi, 1520 East ~,a ~..~> ~ 6~li~a~a: E(f~14 ~. CASEY. 1408 Heverlq ~ ~ ~~~~ ~gg_ ~ MDC[. I440 Bast Ceater ~ ~~ ~s~~~ yg ~aezg* =eqaesting that their ~,~,_~,,,~ ~~ gT~ ~ the SnutIt s~de of East Ceater. S~ ~ ~SCS~o~mmm aa FAY~er. `~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; S I ~ - - -, .... . .. . _ .__ . _ ..._."" ""_~__ ~ ~- _'_"_'" '_ ~-____.~ ~.__' _' "_ -._ F.._"__ ~ ~ ___ .._.~ . 1 ` - t~ ~ ~ _-i _~ .,_ i RSCIAS~IAI- i ; This Reclassi£ica#iom wa~ 3~z~a! o~ ffa~a it~ ,~ 'S, ~~~ a~etigg ! CATION for further considerati~na sm asaoam~ xff ft~e ~Bitf tII~at t~ ger Nip. F-56-57-38 commercial ordinaace m3~ ~e sr,~g ffm~ Eli~Sa¢ ~_ gitis zev'z- (CONPIN[TBD) sion of the Ordinance 3ias aat ~ 3+enn ~ ibg ffie E:itg B.tto~aey so, rather t~an de3ay ~ese apq~9's~s ~ms~eQ. c~atiaa uas given to their spplizati~ ~{'~rs dt3..~em L*8 f~ ~aa. Commissioner Thompson ~ a~r#aem 1~tt ft~'as ffae~tage aYcag East Center Street be recla.ss3fied ga~ ~~ ~EfII3~[fBgL to C-1 ~ I~IDI~ ~ a~ ~~e Cl~is~cn ~ Teco~end to the City Crnmcil 3ry it~~ 9D_ ~-~ffi 3~-SZ, tI~s motion rvas seconded by ~~EL '~e ~`.~ r~arcei of Di~ten~oc's property runniag thrangb to ~g ~.va8dl 3e *~~ ig H-~_ The vote on the above ~tesa3n~9.~ wwss as ~~aa~se s - : A7~S: C~SSIt3R~R~: ~s, ~. °` -. '~ ~ ~ NOHS: COt~ISSi~: ~laes~. : ABSSNT: COA9~IS~Ol~a ~a~ss ~ ~ As this motion did ao# usrg by a i~-~ mm,2oantE af tL~ Ca~s- sion, the Reclsssifiza~i~nm aa333 g~o 4m~ it~e CfiSp ~t ~rstTmat a recommendation. RHCIASSIPI- ' PUBLIC IIDARING. P8T33TL9F sn'hma7ttbeid ~g ~Y~ .a- S~_4~, 42Q2 Lsv i CATI~N coln Aveuue, ~inaheim, a"' s~~ ~ a~se~3uut~~a fras N0. F-Sb-57-42 R-A, RESIDBNTIAL ~C~?~H, mo C ls ~. The property is ~tescribefl as 93fl2 ~.~~3r ~~, ~taa•rrt cas tI~e Se~th side of the Street be3~aern ~~ 9=; .4~~e am~ G'albert Stsedt. Mr. Scagiione appeastd ~e~'~x+e !~e O~s~ ~ tr~mself and stated tbet he ~.d mor fia~e soffffaa~a~tt ~atta as~ea.s as tQ ~at he wanted to flo aaith tfie ~ 1bo ~tt ft~ ~e tla~issioa. Upon a motion b9 Co~issi.eoes S~. ~ffi ~.p d'~ss'soaer Auest, and carritd, 3t ~ass val~ ~~~am ~ t~ Reclassification until leasr3i ~e g43'7J a~ w~na~- ~ t~e p~e~soa~~u~ agzeed to have compiebe ~3sas aa~a*`w~~+w' ffmQ ~tFea to ~he Commission. RBCIASSIPI- PETITION su6mitted b9 ~[~t3' 3.. ~. 9~ ~asng Street. ~aabeim. CATION CalifOlII38, as Ownes, S3~ E~_ ?91E8~„ QaBiffa~:ia Btiat HaiSdiag. N0. P-56-57-44 Anaheim, Cal3fornia, a.a ~~1t. a~~ tt~e Fo22a~ag ather property owners wish ta me ~*~+-~: STA*DalO~D G. QiASB, 8082 ~a13 ~oatl, ~e~. ~Eifeaai~ JA:A3S. A. A;ZTi~v, 89.3.2 ~all ~aad, ~~„ t~3ffe~ JACK L. gISSBLL, 8052 ~1 ~ad. ~e~m. dlsffa~: JOS SURBB, 10062 Stan~om 3~~e~e. ~+~--„~ DaE3~€~mia JAY DB ARMOAID, 10302 5taa~am ,S~e, ~e~o, ~if~a The property is ~escr3'bed as meflag t~e 9~st aamer aF Bs2I Road and Staaton Avtm~e_ Mr. Robert Y7etzier, 92~ 5px3~ S'ta~~t, ~!'1~z~~a. a~e~ed before the Commissioa aad ~~lams ff~ 1~e a^~~ 5tati~ which he proposed to 3oca~ed am f~e mesmes a~'H~EE.a~d Stantoa Avenue. The oniy ot~ ~~~ ~~*_ to a~s me€aee tE~ d~issioa was - Mrs. DeArmond, 10102 Steabom 31~emm~e, ~*"~. ~la~~:, ~o ca~ firm°.d the fa.ct t~a~ 3~o a~,st+ ~ss3-~sr, ~t~ ~tstia~ ef their property oa Sta~sim :~~eaae_ 'E~ ~ ~S !gE]~D_ 7 r. ~---- - ~ ~ ~ - 3 ^ ~._ ~ ~ ~ ReCtA39IA:- Upoa :. moLion by Commio~ioacr Ganer, ~ecoaded by C~mia~ioner CATION Thomp~on, aad easried~ it wa~ moved by RSSOLUTION N0. 133 - SBRIBS N0. P-S6-S7-44 19Sa-37 to recommend that thi~ Recla~sificatioa be pre~enle@ to !be (CONPINUBD) City Couecil fos ~pprow~ aliowin~ ~ C-3~ }~AVY COMI~SRCIAL oa the Wetsies property and C-1, AIDIGHBORHOOD C(~Ih~RCiAL oa !he balaace of the propertie~ reqne~ted 4n thi• Aec.ia~~ifieation. The vote oa the abova R~oointion wes aa foilowsi AY8S: COM~9I33IOt98R9t Aue~t~ Oaner, Morri~, 3umm~s~, Thdmp~on sad Mun~a11. NOB9e COOd~IS9I0N8A8s Nona. AH98APf: COMMx39Z~A9: Bata• and Haegood: ~ RBCUSNiPi- PIJBLiC S{SARiIVC3. pBTITiON ~ubmittal by BUGBAffi A. PAtIIt20N, iS36 Red-~ GTiON wocd llWnve, Auaheim, Caiifornia, a~ Oirnar, r~quR~tin~ that th~ pro- NU. A-90-37-43 perty de~erib~d a~e TtN W~~t~riy e acr~~ of th~ H} of the N} af L9t 8, Aru-l~aim Bxt~a~ion, exa~ptin~ ther~from th~ North 260 f~~t m~a~nr~d ~rom th~ a~nteriina of Sa~b Ceet~r 8tr~~t and ~xc~ptie~ tha We~t 130 te~t~ be s~ela~~ifi~d fro~ R-3, BZNfiLB PMIiLY A8~2DHNPIAL aa~! R-2, TWO PMlILY RSSIDBNPIAL t0 R~3, blULTIPL9 lAMELY ABS31}BPTSIAL. The prop~rty i~ furth~r d~~criMd s~ Mina on th~ North aid~ of Hraadway botw~e~'9ond 8treat seb 8~~t 8tr~~t. Mr. Pahrinn ~ppear~d b~fore tta CommL~~ion and •tat~d lhst !tk prop~r- ty is bounded on the North by Comro~reiai and on tt~ Sa~t by !h~ 9outharn 8ap!l.at Chnrah pro~rty Rtfd that hs wl~h~d to d~wlop tbi~ property wi4h w~ll-de~i~ae6 malb:ple fs~ailq danliiaat. R~wr~nd A~hby, pR~tor ot th~ So~thern Hsptist Churoh app~ar~d bfor~ t!~ Commi~~ion u~i ~etat~d that tlwy w~r~ conc~ra~d with th~ ~~w1op~ mant an the psopatty to 4he W~~t and tnat thay b~ii~wd 1de. Pehriaa~ p~an• wonid ba in no way d~tris~ntai to th~ Chnroh prop~rty and cou14 be an a~~at. T~ HSARIt~ WA8 CL098D. Upoa a motioa by Coauni~~ioa~r Thomp~on, ~~cond~d by Com~ai~~ionar Daudr, and carried, it vra• mowB t1u-t R~ei~~~ifi~alion No. P-!~•l7-4S bb raea~~aa8a8 gse A~~ravai by R880LUTION N0. 1!4 ~ 88AIS3 29•+6a3T to the City Counail. Tha vota on ttN abaw Rerolution w~~ s• foliow~t AYES~ COI~fI8SI01~8RA~ Aw~t, Gau~r, Morri~, 9wmnars, Thoiop~oa and Mnneai3, HOSB~ CaM61I8AI0N8AS1 Non~. ABBBM'f CQMMISSi01~ASt B~t~• and Hap~ooB. RSVISBD T1~ Ravis~d Taat4tiva Msp o! Tsaeb No. 50~~ wa• pr~soa~ad to tha TBKTAT3VB MAP Commiseion. This traet ir, loa~t~d at the Northvnst eorA~: o! OP TAACT N0. Bmpir~ atr~~t and Baii R~iad. Th~ r~vi~ion ~how ~ix R~9 lot~ aed 302~ oaa isr~~ lot wt~leh ~!:: b~ n~~d a~ • churoh ~it~~ Th~ ~ubdiv3d~r i~ the I~TH~ODtaT CHl1Adi. The paop~rty i• pra6~ntiy aiR~eitied s~ R-3, -a1LTipLB lAMiLY RBSiDBM'tAL and th~ prop~rty lfae pr~~~ntiy d~~d r~~triction~ on ~13 ~ot~ oe the 8a~t and Nortta aid~ of th~ traat liteit~d to oeo ~lory in h~i~ht. Mr~. Th~ima t~uxphy~ app~u~d beEore the Coami~~ion reisbiw to thi~ br~ct and wh~n qu~c2ioa~1 re- -~ardia~ the iot os~ 8mpira 8tseet, markad aot a~Snrt oi tt~ sub~ divi~ion ~tu ~tated thab luii leprowm~at• wouid b put in oa thi~ lot. The othtr Sot on th~ soubh porbioa marti~d not a p4st af tt~ia snbdivi~ioe~ ~h~ ~t~t~d th~t 4t wonid be doub4Eui !f ~hey could •rrsn~e tor a tail ~~eprowm~at on this parooi a~ tluy did aot own ~ame and appar~ntiy no srr~n~~m~nt hb b~~n mad~ with 4h~ origlnai ptas~hse~r o~ th~ prop~rty tor bhe lesprowm~nt of tiais para~i. } $ i ~6~ ` i • ~~ . .: . ~ r -------- ~ ~-~ ~ .,% RSVISBD Upon a motion by I~o~issioner Mungali, =oventhe Revis diTentative as voted to app it' THNfATIVS MAP OP TRACE N0. w Gauer,, and carried,. Map of Tract No. 3022 subject to: 3022 (CONfINUED) 1. The payment af ~25.00 per lot Eor the acquisition of park and Recreatioa sites. 2. Bngineering Requirements. (;0[1Nfy pSS Use Variance No. 3507 was presen~ted to the Casmrtissioa which Variance is to cover a propoaed Bowiang AS1ey~ Rrstaurant and Cocktail Her to ypglpNCg N0. 3507 be located on the Nozth side of Ratr.ila Avenue, approximateiy 1015.9 ~: T?~e pro~~ty is entirely surrounded by A venue feet West of Ratella future development would know that s~ch a t an n th •~wce~+ ia^ y gn a business exists on the psoperty. Upon q motion by Commiaeiones Aueat, aeconded by Cormnieaioner TN~omp- and carried, it waa voted to recommend to the Osange County soa , platu~ing Commisaion that U$e~Variance No. 3307 be approved. The neation before the Commiasion was tha't of parking, aad the i y q on oWmes has aufficient iand aurro~u~ding the Bowling Al1ey to put in ~ additionai parking if this ~.p fouad to be aeceasarq. VARIANCE Thia Variance was Bsaated on September 4, 1956 to OLItIBR W. AND for pe~miasion to erect 2160 Weat liw~1 Road N0. 613 " , MARJORIS R. HANA40ND, setall al~res and an office.building on the property deacsibed as 3NSION E7C. GF TIAffi the South aide of Ball Roac~;;approximatelq 200 feet ~ast of e of 220 feet on Bail Rord end having fronta i g ng a Broothurst, hav a depth of 479 feet more oF:.Yesa. A ietter rv~-s received aekiag for an extenaion of time on Qhis Variance from 4he Ownera aa 3.t h~s taken them•langer then pianned !o•cless the premi$es of the,Chicken Parm which has been there for many yesra. ~ Upon a motioa by Coamiesioner Gsner, aeconded by Commisaioner ae movxd to grant an extenaion of aix it w Thompaon, and carried, month!s time on Vnriaace No..613, qUJOUgTU~ffiNr Tl;~ Meeting Adjourned at 6:40 0`Clock P.M. -9- __.._. .. .. _._ __ _...__ .. --- ~ ______.,_ _. _.._..______...~ __ _ , __.__..~.._~.---~ _ __ ___.. __ _-