Minutes-PC 1957/03/04~ . _._,"~
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March 4, 1957
City Hall
Anaheim, California
1tBGULAR The Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commissior, was called to ordez
hffiHTING at 2:10 0'Clock P.M. by CHAIRMAN SUMhffiRS, a quorum being present.
PRBSBNT CHAIRMAN SUMbffiRS, COhAlISSIONHRS: Bates, DuBois, Gauer, Mauerhan, Morris,
Thompson and Mungall.
C:OA9~lISSIOt~R Hapgood entered the Meeting at 2:44 0•Clock P.M.
C01~9NISSIONSR Thompson retired from the Meeting at 4;30 O'Clock P.M.
MINUTHS The Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of Pebruary 18, 1957 were
approved as printed.
CA.TION coln Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting that the pro-
N0. P~56-57-42 perty described as being situated on the South side of the street bet-
ween Magnolia Avenue and Gilbert Street and further described as being
4102 Jincoln Avenue, be seclassified from R A, RESIDSNPIAL AGRICULNRAL
to C-1, PffiIQiBORH00D COMh~RCIAL.
This is a continued Hearing, held over from the Meeting of Pebruary 4,
1957, due to the fact that the appiicant did aot have sufficient plans
to present to the Commission at that time, Mr. Scaglione appeared be-
fore the Commissien with additional plot plans showing the buildings
and the off-street parking. No one appeared in opposition to the grant-
ing of the Reclassification. THE I~ffipRING WAS CLOSBD.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Morris,
and ca.rried, it was moved by RHSOLUTION N0. 179 - SSRIHS 1956-57 that
Rec]assification No. P-56-57-42 be recommended to the City Council for
app.roval subject to•the installation oF a 20 foot ingress and egress
roadway on each side of the property for access to the off-street parking.
The vote on the above R~esolution was as follows:
AYBS: COMMISSIOI~RS: Bates, DuBois, Gauer, Mauerhan, Morris,^Thompsou
and Mungall.
CATION Street, Lakewood, California, as Owner, DONALD A, GARY, 13352 Verano
N0. A-56-57-53 Streat, Garden Grove, California, as Authorized Agent, requestiag that
the property described as being the Northwest corner of 0*angewood Ave-
nue and the Santa Ana Preeway, be reclassified fram R A, RHSIDSNTIAL
AGRICULT[JRAL to M-1, LIGFLT MANUPAGTURING. There are 2.43 ~czes in this
request. The request is to permit the construction of a distributiott
center at the present time by the 7-Up Company of Los Angeles with a
possible bottling plant at some, future date.
ASr. Gary appeared before the Commission and stated that the building to
be erected wiii be an asset ta the Community. At the present time it
is planned to use the property only for a diatribution center and it
would be impossible at thiS time ;:o say when a bottling plant migh; be
incorporated, it cauid be 6 to 8 years away. Mr. Roy Graf, 11552 Spin-
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- naker.,,appeared before the Commission and requested that-action on this
Reclsssification be delayed as the property had not b~en posted untii
after 12;00 0'Clock P.M, on the afternoon of March 2, 1957 and that at
the present time, he could not say whether the residents South o£ this
property wouid protest the seclassification. He pointed out that La
Vida, located on Spadra Avenue, did not appear to be an asset to the
City of Pullerton, he also stated that thexe could be night work at
the plant. Mr. Gary repiied again that there wi11 not be a bottiing
plant on the property at the present time, which wi21 be ienced with a
block wall 6 feet high. With regard to night work, it is s~mewhat
. impassible to deliver bottled goods to consumers at night, so that the
residenta need have no fear of this type of action. Commisaioner
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RSCIASSIFI- Mungall took exeeption to the st:.tement of Mr. Graf that the property
CA'~ION was aot posteci until the Saturdaq previous to the Meeting. The post~-
N0 ing was done in accordance with the law and Mr. Graf, residing more
(CONTINUliD) than 300 feet fro~ the subject praperty would of course not be noti-
fied by mai].. Tw'o other residents'on Spinnaker Street appeared before
the Commission requesting that the action be~eferred. THH HBARING
It was the opinion of the Commission that a Trailer Park immediately at
the rear of this property, other industrisi uses situated along the
Preeway, this development vr~uld not be detrimental to other properties
in the area and upon a motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by
Commissioner Bai:es, and carried, it was moved by RHSOLUTION N0. 180 -
SERIHS 1956-57 that Reclassification No. F-56-57-53 be recommended to
the City Council for approval.
The vote on the above Resolution was as foilows:
AYES: COMMISSIONSRS: Sates, DuBois, Gauer, Mauerhan, Morris, ~~~
Thompson and Mnngall.
CA'PIOt: Lincoln Aaenue, Aaaheim, ~alifornia, as Owners, MARC ANDREWS, 1222 West
I~FO Lincoin Avenue, Anaheim, California, as A~*horized Agent, requesting ,
, that the property descriUed as being: The North 666.50 feet of the
piest 150 feet of the Bast 1048 feet of the N+~ of the I~~ of' the T~~ of
5ection 1?, T4S, R11W, S.B.B. & M., containing 2.17 acre~, be reclassi-
for 300 feet to th•°_ North and R-3, MULTIPLI3 FAMII.Y RSSIDHNfIAL for 366.50
feet on the South.
Mr. Andrews appeared before the Commission and staled that he weuld be
the Agent for leasing the bu:ldings if the Reciassification were per-
mitted. He aiso stated that LincoYn Avenue, being converted to a four
lane highway, could stand an improvement with the erection of attrac-
tive buiidings along the highway. He presented plans for the development
of the property with adequate off-atreet parking. Mr. Grove J. Kirscher,
8762 Lincoln Avenue, appeared befoxe the Commission and stated that
he had a chicken ranch directly West of the sub,iect property and inquired
as to what effect the poesible Reciassification of the property would
have on his property. It was pointed outto him that the only effect
would be as to whether he kept kis chicken ranch in a sanitary condi-
tion. Mr. George Bennet, owner of the property directly to the Bast
stated that he was in favor o£ commerc3al zoning of this property, as
weli as his own and it was brought out that he has some idea of develop-
ing his property with a Motel. THH HEARING WAS CIASED.
Upon a motion by Commissi~ner Mauerhan, seconded by Commissioner Thomp-
son, and carried, it was moved by RBSOLUTION N0. 181 - SERISS 1956-57
that Reclassification No. P-56-57-54 be recommended to the City `
Council for approvai.
The vote on the above Resolution was as foll~ws:
4Y9S: GOMMISSIObIDRS: Bates, DuB~is, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris,
Summers, Tnompson, and Mungall.
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CATION Street, Anaheim, California, as Owner, STSPHEN P. GALIA(~ISR, California
N0, F-56-57-55 Bank Building, Attaheim, California, as Authorized Agent, requesting that
the property described as being the_Northeast corner of Stanton Avenue
and Bali Road, excepting therefrom the Ammediate corner of 150 by 150
feet net, be reclassified from R-A, RHSIDSNrIAL AGRICULTURAL to C-3,
1~IDAVY CObA~RCIAL with C-1, I~IDIGHBORHOOD CObAffiRCIAL allowable on such
portions as are not used for the C-3 uses. •
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~3~TFZ- Nr. Bob Wetzler appeated befoze the Commission and stated that he had
(STIQt twc possible uses in idind'for the property. one of which was a different
1~_ F-56-5T-55 1QOking automobiit Car Wash or a Motel. He stated that he believed
fC~) these were•logieal uses in as mvch as there was e Seivlce Station on
the corner and a Motel being erected directly North of his property.
He stated that he wouid be wiiling to file deed restrictions limiting
the property to these two C-3 uses, so that others considered as un-
desirable in the C-3 classification would be elimiaated. He also
stated that he would be wi113ng to deed to the City of Anahei~ 20 feet
for the widening of Bail Road. He presented plans of a similar Car
Nash to one that ~ae proposed to instali on fh e property. TE~ HEARING
IIpon a motion bq Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Hapgood,
and casried, it was moved by RBSOLUTION N0. 182 - SSRIDS 1956-57 to re-
commend to the City Councii that Reclassification No. P-56-57-55 be
apgroved for C-3, I~AVY COA4~fERCIAL subject to:
1. The applicant filing deed restrictions that the property can
only be used for a Car Wash or Motel as the C-3 uses.
2. The deeding to the City of Anaheim of 20 feet for the widen-
ing of Baii Road.
3. That the balance of the property not used for C-3 uses be
permitted to have any other lighter commercial uses.
. The vote on the above Resolution was as follows:
A7~S: C069lISSIOAIDRS: Bates, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan,
Morris, Summers, and Munp,all.
NOES: COAAdISSI01~ffiRS: None.
~kBSEl+ir: CO~utISSZON~lRS: Thampson.
CATIOft West La Yalma Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Owrer, RALPH SUTLIFP, Same
1~IQ. F-5ls-5?-56 Address, as Authorized Agent, requesting a Waiver of the 60 foot P=L,
PARgIl~ IANDSCApING Zone on La Palma Avenue. The property is described
as being the Northeast corner of La Palma and Magnolia Avenues, and
fusther ['~scribed as being situated on the North side of West La Paima
Avenne between Magnolia Avenue and a point 900.24 feet Sast of Magnolia
~ir. Ralph Sutliff, President, appeared;bef~:~p the Commisaiun and atated
that in as much as they had established a commerciai uae on the property
rather than manufacturing, it would appear that they are justified in
reqnesting for a waiver a€ the P-L, PARKING Zone on their property.
Ynstead oE a 20 feet San3scaping, they have put in only 10 feet. TFID
Upon a motion by Commissioner Bates, seconded by Commissioaer Mungall,
and carried, it was moved by RBSOLUTION N0. 183 - SBRIES 1956-57 that
the Commission recom:nend to the City Council that a waiver of the P-L
zoae be graated on this groperty. •
The vote on the above Resolution was as follows:
AYES: (.'OA4NISSIOI~ffiRS: Bates, DuBois, Gauer, Mauerhan, Morris, Hap~ood,
Summers and MungalL
BE~i~AS rAl. $ -PtlBL2~ I~ARING. PB'l'ITION submitted by WARRSN AND ELIZABHTH DAY, 420
Stanton A~enue, Anaheim, Californ3a, as Owners, requestin~ permiasion
tA operate a Trai.ier Park on the property described as being 508
feet North of the inter~section of Stanton and Urange Avenuea and being
on the Bast side of Stanton Avenue, The property ia presentiy classi-
fied as R-A, RBSIDBNfIAL AGRICULTURAL. This property is further dea-
cribed as being on the Bast aide of Stanton Avenue, approximately lOQO
feet Suu4h of Lincoln Avenue, and 400 feet North of Orange Avenue.
Mrs. Daq appeared before the Commission and stated that ahe plana to
put in five (5) traiier spaces to be used by retired peopie. At the
pzeseat time she has a permit to raise pheasants, granted by the Couaty,
which is stil: in effect which might possibiy create sore of a msisance
than the five trailer spaces requeated. Theze are other trailer parka
iocated iu the nearby vicinity, and that Stanton Avenue is a commercial
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~ 9~_ i strec~ 6esag iccated oa State Highwaq No. 39. Three residents on Bride-
~~.'~) pomaL Avem~e EiQing ia a new subdivision in the rear of the subject
~p~, xppeaxed before the Commission, protesting the granting of
it~e S~ecial IIse Fermit. Tfffi FffiARING WAS CIASSD. _
~g~mm ~ moCiaa bg Co~issioner Bates, seconded by Commissioner Morris,
~ it ras moved that the request for a Special Use Permit
~e ~ed_ Tfsis motioa lost by a 5 to 4 vote. A motion was made by
fl7~a,ssic~er Thompson, seconded bq Commissioner Mauerhan, that Review
3t~_ ~€or t5e rssvance of a Special Use Permit be granted subject to~
' tt~e eaec.~ioa of a 6 foot masonry wal~ at the rear of the property.
'~ns ~aa carried aad wi.il be recommended to the City Council be
~li 1~-[D. 2TI - SERIES 1956-5T.
mamgm~ B~.E~ ~'Q~~. PETITIONS submitted by HAHN REALTY CUMPANY, 219 South
~S_ ~'J ~ae Soalevard, Hawthorne, California, as Lessee, AUNZ SIGN C(~MPANY,
A7f~,q ~Pkp^ a~.i~ iszECMt ffsg$il~y~ Bald~~ r^aie~ ~02::8: :ia~ as Authorized Agent,
a~ag pexmission to erect two temporary directional Signs to
~stise f:he sale of iots a~ homes in Tract No. 2317. Tract Na. 231?
ee~+!~ 4jE PQtg and is located 660 feet Hast of Placentia Avenue on
itme ~st~ side of SontB Street. Variance No. 707 - This sign will be
bm~ice~ appxosimateiy 130 feet Bast of Harbor Boulevard on the North
ssate a~ B'aPr 8oad. at 501 Y4est Ball Road. Variance No. 708 - This sign
aeiIlE 15e Zacated oa the West side of Manchester Avenue, 350 feet North
mE H~IlIl Road_ .
Sb mwe appeared for or agai.nst the proposed Variance. T7~ I~ffiARING hAS
~ a~~es L+y Comma.~ioner Summers, seconded by Commissioner Hap-
~~. aad carried, it was moved by RESOLUTION NOS. 172 and 173 - SBRISS
S4a~sa ~xaf Qariaa~e Nos. 707 and 708 be granted sub,ject to the nine
mmm~n~.ncros for such signs as set up by the City Conncii.
~ ~YC ~~~t~=_ PETTTION submitted by BILL W. BHRRBS, 10316 South
~. 0^01~ ~am~ BoaSevard, Downey, California, as Owner, requesting permis-
sivw ito dieide t~s propertq into two parcels. The property is described
_ zs t~e SaatI~iiest corner of Dale Avenue and Crescent Avenue. The
~g~ is preseatlp classified as R-A, RHSIDSNfIAL AGRICULIURAL.
~ a~ appeared before the Commission represeating the applicant,
~_ DEos~ns„ 82~1 Daie Aveuue, appeared before the Commission and stated
it~it ~ apF~icaat has aiready cut this lot in two and that he now
g~¢~ to art it ~gain into two sub-standard lots and the Owners in
itP~e aaea rere opposing the granting of this Variance. THB F~ARING WAS
~]~va a mctioa bp Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissianer Mungall,.
~~~*~+!, it aras moved to hold over Variance No. 709 until the Meeting
mft' ~dsacS~ Y8, E95? for further informatioa.
~~+~~~ E~Y~ SF1SB'.FNG. PETITIOPi submitted by RIf~O YOSHITOMI, 9181 Lincoln
IIAD_ aII~ ~ve~e, ~hei~~ California, as Owner, requesting permission to
~am~t a 32 Iane Bowiing Alley. The property is described as being
988fl Lnaco~Fa ~aemie, Affiheim, California. The property is preaentiy
~fied as R-A, RESIDHNfIAL AGRICULTURAL. This property is located
crm tl~c NertIt side of said street between A4agnalia. Avenue and Gilbert
a. ~-
Fi~_ Hos~ito~i appeared before the Commission a~ stated that on this
&~ss~ A.~E acseg, ~ acxes wouxd be occupied by the Bowling Alley, Bar,
~[ aad sa forth. Parking will be provided for 400 cars plus
5 sESes at tIie rear of additioaal parking if required. There is at
paesmt aa the property a golf-driving range and also a private swim-
rmiag cIlab_ Na one appeared against the granting of thia Variance. THS
U~pmm :~ioa by Commissioner Sates, aeconded by Cmmniasioner Hapgood,
a~4 caszied, it ras moved by RBSOLUTION N0. 174 = SSRISS 1956-57 that
i~aa*~*~ No. Pi~ be granted as per the piot plan which is a part of the
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I~. 711 ,
% T. H. Jeffers, Aerbnauti¢al Divisioa. Anahs:im, California. ao Owner, ~
requesting permission to erect a Research Center for Home Controls and
Appliances. The property is described as being 2001 Maachester Avenue,
situated on the Southwest side of said Street between Rateila Avenue
and Qrangewood Aveaue and presentiq classified as R A, RBSIDHNfIAL
AQtICULTURAL. This research laboratorq will be cailed the Robertshaw-
Pulton Control Compaay Western Research Center,•comprising a 15,000
square foot buildiag of tilt-up reinforced concrete construction.
Adjoining this wiil be a 1600 square foot contemporary home for testing
of heating, cooking and laundrq appliances. The entire facility will
be devoted to reseazch in the field of controls and systems for aiz !
conditioniag, space heating, rvater heating. refrigeration, food pre- ~
paration aad preservation, and home lanndering. Mr. T. H. Jeffers, ;
appeared before the Coamission and stated that he had filed the applica-
tion without an adequate piot plan and building plan and that at the ~
~,~ese,-,t t~e ~hcy piBH 2o deveiop 4i~e irax~ntriy Z acres and that the
buildiag will be similar to the present Robertshaw-Fulton building at `
Euclid Avenue aad 4he Preeway. Mr. J. C. Brqan, representative of
Dream Homes, appeared before the Co~issioa and stated that the subiect
property is a portion of the 75 acres whieh is at present under consi-
deration for Reciassification Yo M-1, LI(~f MANUFACTURTNG and that he
is verq much in iavor of grantiag the Variance. Tf~ HBpRING YJAS CIASSD.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Mauer-
han and carried, it ~+as moved that Variance No.~711 be granted by
RSSOLUTION N0. 175 - SERIBS ~956-57 subject to adeauate landscaping,
off-street parking and the building setback to be aot less than SO ~~
feet from the ~roperty line.
N0. 712 549 South Janss Street, Anaheim, Ca13'omia, as Owners, requesting
permission to coastruct two Tripiexes. The property is described as
being: Lots 11 and 12, Block 8, Tract 217 and further described as
being 544 aad 548 South Resh Street. The property is presently classi-
Mr. Ross powers appeared before the Commission and presented plana.of
the tripiex bu3Hing that he proposed to bniid on these two iots, together
with the application presented the names of practicaliy every owner on
the Street who were in favor of granting the Variance. Tf~ HBARING WAS
U~~n a motion by Commissioner Summers, seconded by Commissioner Mungail,
a~ carried, it tvas moved bq RHSOLUTION N0. 176 - SERISS 1956-57 to grant
Variance No. 712.
N0. 713 Sroadwaq, and CARL W. A, ZIL9dERMAN. 714 South Lemon Street, Anaheim,
Ca?ifornia, as Owners, requesfi~g permission to remove a house at 714
South Lemon Street and beild a four-plex, also to remove a house at
708 South Lemoa and build a Triplex, The propestq is presentiy classi-
Mr. Archer appeared befare the Co~ission and stated that at present
there exis:s oa the properties a smali three bedroom residence an~ a
two-bedroom dwelling am that they are beyQad repair, New atru^tures
on the propertq would improve the e,hole ares. Mr. C. A. Zimmerman,
appeared before the Gommission aM stated that the lots were deep and
would accomodate the type of structuxes ~vhich they propoaed to put on
the property. TEffi }iPARING iWS CLOSED.
Upon a motion by Co~issioner Mauerhan, seconded by Commiasioner Gauer,
and carried, it was moved that Variance No, 713 be approved by RHSOLUTION
N0. 177 - SBRIES 1956-57.
N0. 714 ,
Bali Road, Anaheim, California. as Owners~ requesting permission to
erect a Motei and SwimWin~ Pooi. The propertq is described as being:
Tha Vksteriy 124 ieet of the ~asterly 530 feet of the N} of the W+~ of
the NW~ of the NF1~ of Section 24, T4S, R11W, S.B.B, & M., and the
property is presently classified as R A, RESIDSNrIAL AGRIWLNRAL.
i '
,' i ~ ;-~.
VARIAIVCB Mrs. Seward appeared before the Coma-iasion and stated '.h at Mr. Smith,
NC. 714 as her representative, would preaent pians of the Motel. Mr. Smith
(CONPINUED) presented plaas of the Motel ar~ ao one appeared ia protest of the
granting of this Varianct. THB FB ARING WAS CIASBD.
Upon a motioa by Co~dmisaioner Guaer. aeconded ~, Covm~aeioner DnBois,
and casried, it was'inoved that Variance No. 714 be granted by RHSOIxTTION
N0. 178 - SBRIHS 1956-57 subject to the deeding of 20 feet along Ball
Road to the City of Anahei~a for atreet widening purposes.
TBNPATIVB MAP The Tentative Map of Tract No. 3216 was preaeated to the Commiatoa. The
OP TRACT N0, tract is located 660 feet North of Orangewood Avenue and 529 feet West
3216 of Ninth Street, The subdivider is W. L. PARROW AND SON, 9656 Haet
Garden Grove.Boulevard, Garden Grove, Caiifornia. The tract contains
38 lota.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Muagaii, seconded by Commissioner Gauer,
and carried, it was moved that the Tentative Mep of Tract No. 3216 be
approved sub,ject to:
1. The payment of $25.00 per lot for the acquiaition of Park
and Recreation sites,
2. Hngineeriag Requiremeats.
. The deed restrictions limit the size of the house to 1650 square
feet miaimum.
TSNTATIVE MAPS Tentative Maps of Tract Nos. 25'71 and 2872 were presented to the
OP TRACE NOS. Commission. Tract No. 2571 is located at the Northwest corner of
25T1 AND 2892 Acacia Street and Romneya Drive. The tract contains 22 iots. Tract
„ y_~r,-Na. 2872 is located oa the Bas4 side of Scacia Street~ ~ust South of
3~:J^iO the propoaed Houaton Preeway. These tracta are a reaubmiasion of
= maps on which the tim~ limit has expired.
Upon a motion by Commisaioner Gauer, aeconded by Commisaioner Morris~
and carried, it was moved that the Tentative Maps No. 2571 a~ 2872 be
approved subject to;
1. The payment of $25.00 per lot for the acquiaition of Park
and Recreatioa sitea.
2. Sngineeriag Requirementa. •
HLBCTION OP Hlectioa of Officers for the ensuing year. Nominationa for Chairman
OPPICBRS were called by Chairman Summera. Commisaioner DuBois aominated
Gommiasioner Summers foz Chairman and Commisaioner Morris secoaded
the nominatioa. Commisaioner Morris made a motion seconded by Coimnis-
aioner Bates that the nominationa be cioaed for Chairman.
Commiasioner Bates made a motion, secoaded by Commiasioner Hapgood, and
carr3ed, that Commisaiotter Gauer, be nominated.for Vice-Chairman.
Commisaioner DuBoie made a motioa seconded by Commiasioner Morris. aad
carried, that nomiaatians be ciosed.
Commiasioner Hapgoc~d made a motion that Commiasioner Mungal3 be nominated
for Secretary of the Com~,iasioa, this motion was eeconded bq Co~nisaioner
Mauerhan aad carried. Commisaioner Mauerhan made a motioa~ seconded by
Commiss±oner Haggood, an~ cerzied, thet t!~ nomiaetiona be cloaed.
A motion was made by Commiasioner Hapgood, aeconded by Commiasioner
Hatea, and carried, that the Secretary cast one baliot for each of
the nomiaees.
ADJOURPD~IDIVr The Meeting Ad3ourned ut 5;07 0'Clock P,M.
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