Minutes-PC 1957/03/08; J..
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March 8, 1957
City Hall
Anaheim, Cal3fornia
INPORINAL An Infomal lfeetiag of the Gitg Planning Commission was held on the
~~Tr~ R#h rl~v .,f ~~r~~+~ ~o~? at r*s -~ecr eF 2:IQ Q*C2ack P R!.
PRHSENr Si Eisner, Pl~±+a Coasultant
(~IRN~A1 ~S, ~O~QSSIONERS: Bates, DuBois, Hapgood, Mauerhan,
Morris and Mungall.
ABSENT COO~QSSIU~FRS: Ganer a~ 71~ampson.
Con~ltaat Eisaer trriefed the program and the ;~ork done up-to-date for
the ~~v Ca~ssio~rs. He covered the two meetings that have been
Leld ~eith tLe Cwrmittee fra~ the Anaheim Realty Board who have been
revieriag ffie pmposed revision on Co~ercial claasifications. Mr.
Eisaer prese~ed a ner ~zocednre for C-2 Neighborhood Commercial
Shoppiug Zone rhich rill ~li~inate the requiriag of the expenditures
o£ considera'vYe n~p 'vg iae applicanis for economic surveys, by the
graaYi~ af Co~3at3oaat Bse Pezmits for a given time at tiie end of which
time, if develop~eat has taten place, the Commission will take action
to remne tLe property_ If no development has taken place by the end
period of the Conditio~l IIse Peffiit, the land will remain in its ori-
ginal classifica~ion.
ADJ~JRIIME~T!' Tl~e ~eeti~ ~~^es~ at a:ze e*~ock P.M.