Minutes-PC 1957/03/18f v .~
llarch ltf. 1957
Cil~ Hall
Anabeia, tlaliforaia
ADJOURPffiD The Ad,jo~araed Regular Meeting of the City Plaaaiag ~ission ras
RHpJIAR called to order at 2:10 0'C1ocY P.M. by CBAIRN~N SQ1~7tS. i~nax~
FIBBTIIaG being pseaent.
pRBSHNf CHAIRMAN SUM~ISRS, (ANDlISSIOPIDRS: Bates, DnBois, Ganer. ltaoerbaa.
Morris, Thospson aad lfu~all-
C~A~iISSI0l18Ft Hapgood entered tbe I~feeting at 2:50 O•Clock P.II.
COI~9dISSIOI~R Thompaoa retired from the Neeting at 5:10 O•Cloct P_![_
MINUTSS tne Minuies or" iae Regnlar taeei.€rg ~.` ,:.a:. i 4, =45: R~ =~.~.-'~' =-~
correeted by the addition of Chairman Su~oers naae as ~oting A'e ea
Reclasaificetioa No. P-56-S7-42 and Reelassification Fo. ~56-57-53
aad atrikiag out on Page 4 the rords "and carried°. ~
VARIANCB PUBLIC FIDAttING. PBTTTION submitted by Dk. ~lARIPS o. Stffi!Z, 226
N0, 723 North Clemeatine Street, Anaheim, Califo~nia, as O~mer, a~stin~
_ permiesion to remove the preseat drielliag affi garage am Lot 1. Bioct
G of the new aubdivisioa of Vinegard I,flt '95° affi reglnce asae ~riEh
an addition of a Deatist's Office and five off-street putia6 spacea.
ar. 3chutz appeared before the Co~inaiaa snd sYated tbat 4Le:e are
two :lentists in the presen± builsling and that tb3s vonld add one aoze
dentiet and that the removal of !he old bouse and t6e Sara~e aad tbe
erection of a aew buildiag ~rould improve propert~ valoes in tbe irea.
No one appeared in oppoeition to Lhe grant3ng af t~z ~:r~.:.ce. ~
Upon a motion by Commisaioner Thoapson, secamQed by (7~iasioner lfaaalna.
and carried~ it was moved by RBS~TfION 1~70. 179 - SERgS 1956-57 tbat
Variance No. 723 be granted, affi that the ezectian of th~: bnildi~s
be in accordance with the plans prexated.
N0, 709 Paramount Soulevard, Dovmey, Caiifon~ia. sa OrneR, mloestia~ ~-
aion to'divide his property iato tro ~rcels. 17r pzoperty is des-
cribed as the Southwest corner of Dale Aveaue aad Cceaceat Avemie.
The pr.operty ia presentlq ciassified as R~-~l-, RBS~:lfTIAL AAtI~L.
The one lot on Daie Avenue wiil have a 75 foot framts~e aad tbe ~ecood
will have a 60 foot frontage. Both lots xill be 102 feet deep_ On
the 75 foot frontage iot, the owner has at preae~ his ha~e ~rith ool~
a 5 foot aideqard oa each side o~ the lot. An obiectian ws saiaed
by oae of his neighbors xho appeared before tbe Ca~a~on aad stated
that all the homes oa the street are an hnlf~cre lots or sore. ?~
In the opin~.on of the Co~aission, it raa feit that tbere ~ns a~ax!-
ship invoived in this case, as ~he City is reqairiag 15 feet fza~
this property on Crescent Aveane am 20 feet fra tLe QsopertT oa
Dale Avenue. If theae dedications Mere aot :eqa~sed, tl~e lot roald
meet ghe stau:las~s af the Gitg of #l~~~. *~~ a r~t3~s t7
Commiasioner Thompaoa, seconded by Comeeissianer 1lorria, aad carrisd,
it was moved by RSSOLVfION N0. 180 - SERIES 1956-57 that ~ariaace No.
709 be granted aubject to:the dedicatioa of 33 feet ala~g Cze.~~4
Aveaue end 20 feet aiong Daie A~eane to the Cil7r of l1mLe3a for tbe
wideaing of the atree:s.
VARIANCS PUBLIC FffiARINGS. PETITIONS snbmitteG b~ t4l~ SLf~( QO~l11fi, 15312
NbS. 715, Arrow Highway, Baldwia FaYk, Califoraia, aa Itasee. :egnestia6 per-
716, 717; misaion to erect f.our;;'teRporary dir=ctioaa7. aisns to ad~ertiae tbe
A~ 718: saic ~of homes a~ lots in Trsct No. 2468. Vuia.noe lio. 715 -'ibis
. siga will be locqted'op;Brookharat Street oa tbe East side af ~aid
aLreet, 80 feet North of fihe Ses~iee Statioa louted at t~e ~o~th-
east coraer of Bail'Road aaG Bsoaktmrrst Stsset. ~arisau ~s. ?25 -
To be located oa the Sset aide of Staaton Aveme , appra~iastelT 75Q
feet North of Liacoln Avenne. Vasiaace No. 717 - Located aa t~e lfest ~-
side of Stanton Nveaue~ approxliatel~ 260 fEet llorth of Ba13 ltoad.
Yari~act No. 718 - Locqted 'on tlie Norxh s3de of Libcoin A~eme. 295 '
feet West of Giibert Street.•
VARIANCB Mr. Smith of the Runz Sign Company, appeared before the Co~ission re-
NOS. 715, questing four signs. ~Ie stated that two of 'these s3gns are in eais-
716, 717, tence having beea``granted by the County on Stauton Aveaue or Highvray
qNp 71g, 39. These wiil be repaint jobs. Taey i~~11 adve~tise Tract No. 24F,8
(CONT,) Iocated on the Northwest corner of Gilbert Street and Bali Road aad
the trec~ wiil coatain 132 lots. THS HBARING WAS CLUSSD.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Bates,
and carried, it was moved by RBSO.Li]TION NOS. 181, 182, 183 aad 184 -
SBRIES 1956-57 to grant Variance Nos. 715, 716, 717 and 718 subiect
to the nine conditions for directional signs established by the Citq
N0. 719 Dickel, Anaheim, Caiifornia, ac Owner, requesting permission to coa-
struct four units and carports. The property is described as Lot 1
in Block C. of Tract No. 143 and further described as beiag the South
east corner of Zeyn Street a~ I.a Vern Street. The propertq is pre-
sently ciassified as R-2, TWO PAMILY RESIDENfIAL.
Mr. Paik apFeared before the Commission and stated that he wished 40
construct two duplex dweliings on tY:is property and either provide i.mpzoved;
off-street parking spaces or carports. The buildings wiii only be s
one-story in height. No one appeared against the granting of this
Upon a motion by Commissioner Bates, seconded by Commissiones Hapgood, ~
and carried, it was moved by RSSOLUTION IaD. 185 - SBRIBS 1956-57 that
Variance No. 719 be granted sub~ect to; .
1. The erection of carports and not improved off-street parking
spaces. '
• 2. The erection of a fence or wall on the South property line
back of the carports.
N0. 720 Avenue, Anaheim, California, as Owner, requesting permission to construct
a 12 unit Motel and Swimming Poo? on the property described as t2x
North 130 feet of the West 150 feet of the Bast 898 feet of the N}
of the NH~ of the 1~~ of Section 13, T4S, R11W, and fnrther described
as being 8A48 Lincoin Avenue, The property is presently classified
Mr. George Bennett appeared before the Coamission and pzeseated ~
letter from the owner of the property adjoining Mr. Bennett on
the Sast requesting that the ~oning Variance be gxaated. The property
directiy to the West was recently granted a Reclassification for the
erection of several small stores, No one appeared in opposition to
the granting of the Variance. THB HHARING WAS CIASED.
Upan a motion by Commissioner Mauerhan, a-~conded by Commissioner Hepgoosl,
and carried, it was moved by RIISOLUTION N0. 186 - SERIHS 1856-57 that
Variance No. 720 be granted subject to:
1. The deeding of 27 feet to the City of Anaheim for the widen-
ing of Stinson Street.
2. Sngineering Requirements.
N0. 721 Street, Buena Park, California, as Owner, requesting pesmission to
display and seil types of Building Stone on the propertq described
as being the N~ of the H~ of the SS~ of the SH~ of Section 11, T4S,
R11W, S.S.B. & M., and fnrther described as being 8811 Stanton Ave-
nue. The property i~ presently classified as R A, RESIDSIVPIAL AQti-
MX. Higdon appeared before the Commission and atated that he mined
this rock in the desert and hauled it on to his property fflr sale to
building ~ontractors and other peopie requiring a better grade of
atone. No one appeared in oppoaitim to the granting of tt~ Variance.
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VARL4NCS Upon a motion by Commissioner Tho~dpson, seconded by Commissioner Gaue~r,
N0. 721 and carried, it was moved by RBSOLUTION N0. 187 - SSRIES 1956-57 that
(CONf.) Variance No. 721 be granted.
NO. 722 630 North Los Angeles Street, Anaheim, California, as Owner, reques-
ting permission to erect and conduct services in the proposed churah.
The property is described as being Lot Nos. 11 through 18 inclusive
and Lot Nos. 20 through 22 inclusive of Tract No. 2571 in the City
of Anaheim, being a subdivision of the S~ of Lot 19 of the Golden
State Tract No. 2, Book 4, Page 68 of Miscellaneous Maps in the County
of Orange, aiso described as being the Northwest corner of Acacia
Street and Romneya Drive. There will be a buffer of ten R-1, SINGLB
PAMILY RBSIDSI~ IAL iots on the West side of the property, developed
b~ th~ cr_srzr_. Th2 prq~rty iS presently ctassaified as R-1, SINGLS
The Reverend Arthur h. Kent, Pastor of the Wesiey Methodist Church,
appeared before the Comm3ssion and stated that they wili provide
their own buffer on the West side of the property and that the homes
on the North sidc of the property do not face into the church ~roperty,
but back up to it and that this area w?.11 be used for off-str~et
parking. No one appeared ia opposition xo the granting of this Variance.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Hapgood, seconded by Commissioner
Mauerhsn, and carried, it was moved by RBSOLUTION N0. 188 - SHRIES
1956~57 that Variance No. 722 be granted subject to the erection of
a masonry wa12 b feet in height on tfie NorEh side of the property,
where such a wall does not exist at the present time.
N0. '.24 166 Bast 17#h Street, Costa Mesa~ California, as Lessee, requesting
permission to erect a Temporary Directional Sign to advertise the
sale of homes a~ lots in Tract Nos, 2425 and 2779, both subdivisiona
contain 375 lots. The sign will be Socated at the Northwest cornez
of Buclid Avenue and Katella Avenue.
No one appeared for or against the granting of the Variance. THS
Upon a motion by Commissioner Summers, se~onded by Commissioner
Mauerhan, and carried, it was moved by RHSOi1T ION N0. 189 - SSRIBS
1956-57 to grant Variance No. 724 subject to the nine conditions
for such directional signs as outlined by the City Council.
N0. 725 Avenue, Long Beach 7, California, as Authorized Agent, requesting
permission to constsuct F.nd opesate a Drive-In Restaurant faciiity on
the property describedas i•~t 94, Tract 165 and npproximately 180
feeS of frontage on Placentia Avenue adioining Lot 94, Tract No. I65
(residual portion of the originai Teasdale Ranch) and further described
as the Southwest corn.er of Placentia Avenue and Anaheim-Olive Road.
The property is presently classified as R-A, RBSIDENfIAL AGRIGtiLTURAL
Mr. LockWOOd appeared before the Commisaion and stated th~ the buiid-
ing would be on the corner w9.th par.k3ng next to the single family
residqnces and that the patrons requiring service from the Drive-In
Restaurant would blink their iighta at night and not blow their horns.
iie also s4ated that there would be no outside type music and that
for the safety of peopie, the ailey et the rear could be com erted
into a one-way alley to the North. The Restaurant wi11 cost upwards
of $50,000.00 and wi11 accomodate 65 people; 18 inside at the counters
and 47 in the booths. There will be no cocktaii lounge. He also
stated that 25 people will be empioqed with a$1500.00 weekly payroli.
Jce I.ane, 212 Ash Street, preaented. a petition with names of residents
in the area protesting the grant3ng of this Variance. He stated that
he was cbjecting on aecount of the devaluation of his property by such
a commercial uae ad,qoining it. Alsa that the lighting wouid b~ a
nuisance aud that t11E ele~stior. Qf ±hs n _t ig •,HL'CY! ~±;p Wp th?II
?= -P° Y
the ad,joining pro;~rtiea and that his patio is twentq fee4 from the
s,ubject prope:ty and that there woulc2 be truck deiiveries uaing the
alley vthich ,~ras presently used for entraae into their garages, A1r.
. J
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VARIANCB George Harris as Attorneq for the residents, appeared before the
NO. 725 Commission and stated th~ the purchasers of property in the are had
(~p~,) been told by the Bondeti Homes sales~an that the Teas3ale pr~perty
wor:~G remain as residential and that ao business would be put on the
cosner and Lhat ttiey~had a restaurant across the street which was
entirely differeat from this in thai it was surrounded on all sides
b;- s4reets and t`.at golice caxls are cummon at drive-in restauran~s
and that there are a number of off-sale liquor establiahments in the
area and there was no reason to think that later on a~.ocktail bar
might be iatroduced into the drive-~n and that the operatior would pro-
bably be 24 hours a day eventually and the Clock people we •i adver-
tising alseady that it would be open until 3:00 O'Cloc~ A.M. There is
a bad a11ey condition in that the alley curves ssnd visibility 3s bad
and that a great deal of iitter wcfuld be made in that i4 is normally
the practice ' put 5 napkins per tray and that while this litter
would be light, it would blow a11 over the area. There wou18 also
be garbage with the resulting fiies. He also stated that while they
are ta&ing about a$50,000.00 drive-in thare is at least a million
dollars in homes in the area, and that a wall 6 foot in height wouid
not be high enough to be of any~value. Most of the parties in the
area, have Cal-Vet ioans and they will not loan next fio Commercial
property.. It is his feeliag that the us~ would be detrimental $nd
couid create a Pnbiic nuisance. A number of other reaiients in the
area voiced their opposition to the granting of the Varia,.~e. THE
It was Lhe feeling ." 'che Commission that unQoubtedly this area would
go for a Commerci¢~ :~::~ but in Niew of the opposition to the reaues-
ted use, a motion ~:::. made by Commissioner Mo=ris, seconded by
Commiasior..er Be4es a:3d c~rried, by RBS~LUTION NO. 190 - SERISS 1956-57
Variance No. ?25 be denied for a drive-In Restaurant.
RSCIASSIFI- % Bverlastick Inc., 185 Speacer Avenue, Cheisee. ~~, Massechusetts,
GITION as Owners, RICHARD HARCIAY, 343 Hawthorne Way, Hawthorne, ~alifornia,
N0. F-56-57-14 aa Authorized Agent, reques'-ing that the 55 acres located at the Nruth-
east corner of Ball Road and Bast Street and further descr.ibed as Lat
19 of Anaheim Sxtension, be reclassified from R-A, RSSIDIINTPIAL
AGRIGULTURAL to M-1, LIGHr MANUFAGT~JRING for o.ie-acre indust=ial sites.
This reclassiEication was withdrawn sotae time ago pricr to final action
hy the City Council by Richard Barclay as Authorized Agent for David
Casty and Hyman Rudofsky. The oi4ginal reclassification called for
the rezoning of SS acses located at tha Northeast corner of Bali Road
and Sas4 Street. It is nnw propoae~~ co aeparate the industria~ site
from the residentiai property by an earth embankment or berm, adding
a 30~ rise on each side plus a ten foot flat atrip on top which wiYT
be planted with trees. There will also be on the induatrial side
of the berm, a 6 foot high fence and 30 feet of additional propecty
wiil be deeded to the Owners of 4he reaidentxal Sots if they so
desire affi thPy can maintain their portioas with any lahdscaging
that they might want to put in. Aithough, if left to the subdividers,
they would plant with iceplant which takes no main~enance. Several
residents of the subdivision appeared before the Commission anQ brought
out questions rel~tive to drainage which tihe subdivider pointed out
wi11 be brought to a cistern in the middle of a cul-de-sac and then
drain South ta their prop~rty using one of the streeta which tt~ey
proposed to develop ia their subdivision. TfID I~ARING WAS CIASBD.
Commissioner Gauer due to the fact that the iocation wae near a
schoot near a fu~ure City Pa:ek and the fact that the acreage had
been originaliy laid ou4 as single family residentiai diatrict by
tb.;: sutdividera, nade a motion that Reclassification No. P-S6-57-14
be deniEd. This motion was seconded by ~ommiasioner DnBo.is.
The vote un the above motion wh.ich will be covered by RSSOLUTION N0.
191 - SBRISS 1956-57 was as followe:
AYSS: COh4iISrtIONBRS: DuBois, Gauer and Summera.
NpES: C6MN!ISSIOI~RS: B~tes, Hap~aod, nfauerhan, Morris, Tl:ompaoa
and Mungall.
neS%.iii: ~.Oh~SI55I0NP1tS: Al~ne,
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The Motioa ~aas lost arid no othtr motion was introduced therefore thia
lassification xili go to the City Council with no recoamendation ,
indirect approvel by the Commission.
CATI~'J ar as an
Iap, P-~6-57-14
(QOt1f . ) i
California, L. B. HARBOUR,
PilO ,
Ct~"'PANY, 9741 Lincoln Avenue,
JR., 9741 Linco2a Avenue, Anaheim. California, F. C. HARRINGfONiin20
, Vance Street~ Santa Ana~ California, h~RRILL BUTLER, J,
Anaheim, California, C. GIIMORH WARD, 620 Vance Street,
coln Avenne
Sants Ana, Califoznia~ CHARLSS W. I~STBR, 620 Vance Street, Santa
Aas, Cal3foraia~ as Owners*
Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, Califoraia, as Authorized Ageat, requesting
ibed as being two parcels on either side of
that the property
Monterey Street be reclassified from R A, RESIDSNfIAL AGRICIJLTl1RAL to
I~ffiIC~ORHOOD C01~4~RCIAL. The property is further described as
being located on the North side of Lincoln Avenue 650 feet from th~
centerline of Brookhurst Street and extending WestPrly a distance of
• 935.44 feet a~ having an average depth of 250 feet.
Mr. L. B. Harbour appeared before the Commission and stated that the
t time in Orange County and application was
propertq ~s at the presen
made to the Countq. The Reclassification was recommended by tY1e
Cw~ntp Piaa~:.~ Commission and wouid tave gone to the supervisors for
~ction on Aprii 10, 1957 but in as much as Anneration proceedinga have
this application was withdrawn in as much as it would
been started
have to Be reclassified upon compietion of tht Anne.ration by the City
of Anaheim. No one appeared in opposition to the granting of this
Recla~sification. THB FIDARING i~AS CIASBD.
Upon a motioa by Commissioner Mosris, aeeonded by Commisaioner Hapgood,
a~ i;arried, ~t was moved by RHSOLUTION PiO. 192 - SBRISS 1956-57 that
the Coomissioa recormnend to the City Council that Reclassification No.
F-Sb-57-S7 Le anproved subiect to the completion of Anneration pro-
' ceedings.
':he vote on the ebove Resolution was as fallows:
pyEg; (,'ObMiSSI01~IDRS: Bates, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan,
Morris, Summera and Mungall.
rpgS; CONMISSIOI~ffiRS: None.
pgSgNf; COI~tISSIOI~ffiRS: Tsompson.
PIAOD C04~ROL The Plood Control Channel on North Bast Street. This Hearing was set
~p~L regarding the iocation of the Plood Control Channel on the Weat side
of North Hast Street ru.•?ning Prom Burton Street South to the County
Settling Basin.
!~lrs. D. B. Smith appeared before the Commisaion as :he Owner of the
groperty at the North end and stated that she would like to aee the
flood controi channei as near Hast Street as possible. Mr. B. Carlson,
ovaner of the propestq adjoiaing the settliag basin atated.that he would
like to see it located 20Q feet West of Has4 Street. Mr. Ball of the
Cwnty Plnod Control District stated that Harrison and Wooley, who
aze the Consulting Bngineers for the project, have located the
P1~ Controi Channei 280 feet West of the centerline of Hast Street.
The channel itseif wili have a 65 foot zight-of-way. In view of the
Qifference of opinion of the property owners, it was suggested that '
they arrange a Meeting with the County Plood Control District to aee
if sone agreemenk can be sesched ns to the exact location of the
Upon a mctkon ~q Commiscioaer Mungail, aeconded by Commisaioner
-lorris, affi carried, it was soved that further consideration of the
;..+tion of the fiood control cLannel and the zaning Basterly from
ilood controi chanael be deferse3 for 30 days.
THNPATIVE FMP ~:'i~ntal3ve Msy of Tract No. ~223 was preseated to the Commiasion.
~F .~~ I,p. ;„r ~xner ;s C;1~RHYCB H, BARGSTEN, Ht. Ai., 10162 Placentia Avenue,
322g anaheis, Cal3fornia, aad the aubdivision is ±~ Ere located at the
Nor2heast c6rner of Winston Aoad and Sonth T"~•~r ntia Avenue. It
contaias 35 2ats.
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~ ~ ~,~ ~vidtr_ The iots
TBNTATIVB MAP Mr. R. R_ lti~al a~ ~~~ 4~~. These lots
OP TRACT N0. will be aP~'~'~° ~~ ~~~ ~t or more lots
3223 CONT. were cut ~ ~e ~3a~e ~off '~~ ~ ~ ~ Yo bni.id.
~~ ~ t~g' o°mo~xsssr,ae=
Upon a~not3mi ~~ *. ~~ivc MaQ of Tract
Mauerhan, r.ad ~ ~.~ ''~ ~ t~ ~-r„ ~ MANUFACTURING
No. 3223 be s~sa~$ ~b~ ~~ ~~at=ois as to
and at t~e t3me ~t 3l~c~'~II n$ ~!'•
&IGh1~CCtriTE ~d ~n ff~v:t~h amm ~ ~-
pbJpUgIA~N~ The Meeting ~~~d ~ ~=~ ~~ ~~
~i-~ it~' ~2tteds
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